Unit 1. Lesson 2. The Teacher
Unit 1. Lesson 2. The Teacher
Unit 1. Lesson 2. The Teacher
Presentation of Content
The Professional teacher is the “licensed professional who possesses dignity and
reputation with a high moral values as well as technical and professional competence… s/he
adheres to, observes and practices a set of ethical and moral principles standards and values.”
(Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, 1997). The professional teacher is one who went
through a four-to-five-year period of rigorous academic preparation in teaching and one who is
given license to teach by the Board of Professional Teachers of the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) after fulfilling requirements prescribed by the law such as passing the Board
Licensure Examination of Professional Teacher (BLEPT). S/he is registered in the roster of
professional teachers at the PRC and undergoes continuing professional education.
Professional Attributes
A professional teacher perceives him/herself as someone who can effect change or
learning (sense of efficacy) because s/he is an expert in what s/he teaches (subject matter) and
how s/he teaches (pedagogical knowledge).
Personal Attributes
Personal Attributes is the sum of one’s personal characteristics. It is one’s identity.
Teachers, more than any professional, are momentarily subjected to scrutiny to the minutest
detail and observation by those they associate with. Teachers are judged more strictly than any
other professionals. The personality they project determines impression they make upon students
and colleagues. Their poise, bearing, manner of dressing and facial expressions have an impact
on their interaction with students.
Personalities may be described as authoritarian, weak, dynamic, or “magnetic”. Teacher’s
personality must be natural genuine, that is, devoid pretenses and artificiality. They must be tru
and consistent and authentic.
Some outstanding personal characteristics that never fail to win their flock are 1. Passion,
2. Humor, 3. Values and Attitude, 4. Patience, 5. Enthusiasm 6. Commitment