EDUC 5 Principles and Method of Teaching

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EDUC 5 -

EDUC 2 The

o Who is the professional
Learning Outcome teacher?
o To facilitate learning, what
 DESCRIBETHE PROFESSIONAL attributes are expected of a
TEACHER, HIS/ HER PERSONAL professional teacher?
 is the “licensed professional who
possesses dignity and reputation with
high moral values as well as technical
and professional competence …he/ she
PROFESSIONAL TEACHER adheres to, observes and practices a
set of ethical and moral principles,
PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES standards and values.

 he/ she perceives himself/ herself  (Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers,

as someone who can effect 1997) – The professional teacher is one
change or learning. who went through a four-to-five-year
period of rigorous academic preparation
 “Sense of Efficacy- he/ she is an in teaching and one who is given a license
expert in what he/ she teachers to teach by the Board for Professional
(subject matter knowledge), and in Teachers of the Professional Regulation
how he/ she teaches (pedagogical Commission after fulfilling requirements
knowledge) prescribed by law such as passing the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).
 He/ she is registered in the roster of
professional teachers at the Professional
Regulation Commission and undergoes
continuing professional education.
 he/ she perceives himself/ herself
as someone who can effect
change or learning.
 “Sense of Efficacy- he/ she is an
PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES expert in what he/ she teachers
(subject matter knowledge), and in
 he/ she perceives himself/ herself
how he/ she teaches (pedagogical
as someone who can effect
change or learning.
 “Sense of Efficacy- he/ she is an
expert in what he/ she teachers
(subject matter knowledge), and in
how he/ she teaches (pedagogical
A professional teacher possesses the
following attributes:

 Control of the knowledge base of teaching

PROFESSIONAL TEACHER and learning and use of this knowledge to
 Repertoire of best teaching practices and
 he/ she perceives himself/ herself can use these to instruct children in
as someone who can effect classrooms and to work with adults in the
change or learning. school setting.
 “Sense of Efficacy- he/ she is an  Dispositions and skills to approach all
expert in what he/ she teachers aspects of his/ her work in reflective,
(subject matter knowledge), and in collegial and problem- solving manner.
how he/ she teaches (pedagogical
knowledge).  View of learning to teach as a lifelong
process and dispositions and skills for
working towards improving his/ her own
teaching as well as improving schools
(Arends, 1994)
A professional teacher possesses the
following attributes:

The last attribute cited by Arends

PROFESSIONAL TEACHER highlights continuing professional
development (cpd) or continuing professional
PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES education (cpe). As the quotation goes,
 he/ she perceives himself/ herself “once a teacher, forever a student.”
as someone who can effect
change or learning.
 “Sense of Efficacy- he/ she is an
expert in what he/ she teachers
(subject matter knowledge), and in
how he/ she teaches (pedagogical
Personality is the sum of one’s personal
PROFESSIONAL TEACHER characteristics. It is one’s identity. Teachers,
more than any other professional, are
momentarily subjected to scrutiny to the
minutest details and observation by those
they associate with. The personality they
PERSONAL project determines the impressions they
make upon students and colleagues. Their
ATTRIBUTES poise, bearing, manner of dressing and facial
expressions have an impact on their
interaction with students.
Personalities may be described as
authoritarian, weak, dynamic or “magnetic”.
Teachers’ personality must be natural and
genuine, that is, devoid of pretenses and
artificiality, They must be consistent, true and
For teaching, it is a compelling force
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES that emerges from teachers’ love for
children. Passionate teachers exude
spontaneity in ministering to the needs of
Some outstanding the students especially those experiencing
learning difficulties. It is passion for teaching
personal qualities that that drives them to care for their students
never fail to win their corrected with appropriate reformative
flock are worth action.

mentioning: Passion does not die nor diminish. This

passion for teaching makes them feel they
“will live and die a teacher.”
Teachers’ humor connects them with
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES their students like a magnet. They help in
merging two worlds – youth and maturity.
When they laugh together, young and old,
Some outstanding teachers and students, they cease to be
conscious of their age difference. They enjoy
personal qualities that as a group, thus promote a spirit of
never fail to win their togetherness. A clean joke will always elicit
flock are worth rapport in a learning environment.

Teachers are models of values. Whether
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES conscious of them or not, values are
exhibited implicitly and explicitly. Values
connote standards, code of ethics and
Some outstanding strong beliefs.
personal qualities that Open- mindedness is basic in promoting
respect and trust between teachers and
never fail to win their students. It opens avenues for unrestricted
flock are worth search for information and evidence.
mentioning: Problems and issues are resolved in a
democratic way. Students are encouraged to
consider one another’s findings and
explanations. Free exchanges of suggestions
develop a respectful attitude among them.
Fairness and impartiality in treating
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES students eliminate discrimination. Teachers
must be unbiased and objective in judging
their work and performance. Avoid
Some outstanding preferential considerations that result to
negative response and indifference.
personal qualities that Objective evaluations are easily accepted
never fail to win their and gratefully acknowledged. Fairness
flock are worth inculcates self- confidence and trust among
mentioning: Sincerity and honesty are values
exhibited in words and actions. Teachers
interact with students every minute. Their
mannerisms, habits and speech are watched
and at times imitated. Therefore, teachers
must show their real self, devoid of
pretenses and half- truths.
Sincerity dictates that they stick to the truth, to
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES the extent of accepting what they do not know
about the lesson. Mistakes and faults are accepted
and not “covered up”. In the end, students realize
that it is better to tell the truth than feign a
Some outstanding falsehood, Sincerity and honesty are taken as
personal qualities that openness in dealing with others.

never fail to win their Professionalism is highly treasured in the

teaching profession. Teachers are adjudged
flock are worth professional if they are knowledgeable, skilled and
mentioning: value- laden. In addition to competence in teaching,
they must have internalized the edicts of the
profession, thus exhibit ethical and moral conduct,
Upright and exemplary in behavior, they earn
respect and high esteem from students and
colleagues. They catch students’ attention and keep
them focused on the topic, to soothe their feelings
from tension and to develop a sense of humor
among themselves.
In teaching, patience refers to a teacher’s
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES uncomplaining nature, self- control and persistence.
Patient teachers can forego momentous frustrations
and disappointment. Instead, they calmly endure
Some outstanding their students’ limitations and difficulties. Teachers
cannot help but feel impatient with students’
personal qualities that irresponsibility and carelessness in performing
never fail to win their classroom routine. Remembering how their teachers
felt when they, as young students committed similar
flock are worth mistakes, they are able to tolerate such misbehavior
mentioning: with coolness and equanimity. The inability of
students to progress, as they should in learning a
concept, can likewise test the teachers’ composure.
The teachers’ capacity to adjust their methodologies
could allay the tension, at the same time save time
and effort for appropriate remediation. While it is
natural to feel irritated and upset at times, meeting
disquieting situations with cool-headedness is
indicative of one’s moral strength and fortitude.
Enthusiasm is synonymous to eagerness and

PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES excitement. Enthusiastic teachers are full of

energy and dynamism. Their passion and love for
children are easily felt. Everyone anticipates an
interesting and enjoyable learning activity.
Some outstanding Unfortunately, not all teachers are born with an
alert and zestful disposition. With enthusiastic
personal qualities that teachers, students look forward to any activity
they can participate in with them.
never fail to win their Nothing will be difficult to undertake since a
flock are worth common feeling of eagerness exists among the
students. It is not a surprise that students identify
mentioning: and describe their teachers by the enthusiasm
and warmth they enjoy with them every minute.

Enthusiasm is a gift. It is contagious and can

instantly affect children's’ moods and attitudes.
Undoubtedly, it is an irresistible feeling that
intensifies the student’s momentum to reach a
desired goal. It connects teachers to parents.
Commitment is a “solemn promise” to

PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES perform the duties and responsibilities mandated

by the laws and code of the ethics of the
profession. It is an unwavering pledge to perform
all teaching and learning activities with
Some outstanding consistency and selflessness to the best interest of
the students under their care. Committed teachers
personal qualities that are caring and dedicated. They are ready to carry
on no matter the price.
never fail to win their Dedication to the teaching job is the true
flock are worth essence of professionalism. Today we lament over
the fast disappearing breed of teachers with a
mentioning: missionary spirit.
Commitment is a “solemn promise” to

PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES perform the duties and responsibilities mandated

by the laws and code of the ethics of the
profession. It is an unwavering pledge to perform
all teaching and learning activities with
Some outstanding consistency and selflessness to the best interest of
the students under their care. Committed teachers
personal qualities that are caring and dedicated. They are ready to carry
on no matter the price.
never fail to win their Dedication to the teaching job is the true
flock are worth essence of professionalism. Today we lament over
the fast disappearing breed of teachers with a
mentioning: missionary spirit.
1. Teachers with a major or minor in
content area are associated with
higher student achievement
especially in the area of science and
2. Caring teachers who know their
Here are some research students create relationships that
findings on effective teachers enhance the learning process.
compiled by Stronge (2012). 3. Effective teachers practice gender,
Discuss their implications to racial and ethnic fairness.
teacher pre- service 4. Effective teachers consistently
education: behave in a friendly and personal
manner while maintaining
appropriate teacher- students role
5. High levels of motivation in teachers
relate to high levels of achievement
in students.
PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES 6. Effective teachers exude positive
attitudes about life and teaching.
Here are some research 7. Teachers whose students have high
findings on effective teachers achievement rates continually
compiled by Stronge (2012). mention reflection on their work as
Discuss their implications to an important part of improving their
teacher pre- service

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