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‘ENGINEERING MECHANICS’ by P. C. Dumir, S. Sengupta and S. V. Veeravalli, Universities Press, 2020

1. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics & Dynamics” by F. P. Beer et al. McGraw Hill, 10th Ed. (SI units) 2013
2. “Engineering Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics” by I. H. Shames, Prentice Hall, (III or IV edition).
Use these references for problems only ─the notations used and development of the theory is very different from those
used in the text book.

C. COURSE CONTENTS : (The numbers in square brackets indicate the number of lecturing hours required; The corresponding
number of 1.5 hour lectures is indicated in braces)

1. Introduction & Kinematics: Moving point in different coordinate systems; Rigid bodies; Translation and Rotation;
Relative motion for translating systems; Angular velocity; General motion of a rigid body; General relative motion;
Examples. [7.5] {5}

2. Axioms and Force Systems: Mass and centre of mass; Resultant force systems; centre of parallel forces; Work, power and
kinetic energy; Euler’s Axioms; Equations of Equilibrium; Impulse and Angular Impulse; Impulse-momentum relations;
Dry friction; Free body diagrams; Belt friction, thrust bearing & clutch; Conservative forces; workless forces; Central force
motion, Gravitational force; [9] {6}

3. Dynamics of a Rigid body: Inertia tensor; Principal axes; Angular Impulse-momentum relations; general equations of
motion of a rigid body; motion of a rigid body with a fixed axis; Euler’s equations; work-energy relation; Balancing of
rotors; Plane motion with examples; Centre of percussion; Impact of rigid bodies; Gyroscopic torque.
[12] {8}

4. Statics: Equations of equilibrium; static determinacy; frames, mechanisms and constraints; Friction and impending motion
(rolling and tipping); Journal bearing; Bars, beams and trusses. [6] {4}

5. Variational Mechanics: Hamilton's principle; Lagrange's equations; Principle of virtual work; potential energy & Stability.

D. Tutorals :
Tutorial sheets will usually be uploaded at least a week in advance. Try the problems given in them BEFORE THE
TUTORIAL CLASSES. It is mandatory to have text book, tutorial sheets and calculator for all tutorial sessions.

1. Minor : 30 %
2. Major : 40%
3. Quizzes (3-4 common) : 30%

The attendance policy in the courses of study document for IITD will be implemented.

Lectures Badri Prasad Patel, Murali R. Cholemari
Practice Sessions Badri Prasad Patel, Murali R. Cholemari, M. K. Singha, Ajeet Kumar, S. Santapuri, Vikrant Tiwari and
Arjun Sharma

(Course Co-ordinator)

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