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The Potential of Additive Manufacturing in the Smart Factory Industrial 4.0: A


Article  in  Applied Sciences · September 2019

DOI: 10.3390/app9183865


82 1,860

6 authors, including:

Mehrshad Mehrpouya Amir Dehghanghadikolaei

University of Twente University of Toledo


Behzad Fotovvati Alireza Vosooghnia

University of Louisville Sapienza University of Rome


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The Potential of Additive Manufacturing in the Smart
Factory Industrial 4.0: A Review
Mehrshad Mehrpouya 1, * , Amir Dehghanghadikolaei 2 , Behzad Fotovvati 3 ,
Alireza Vosooghnia 4 , Sattar S. Emamian 5 and Annamaria Gisario 6
1 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University of Roma Tre, Via Vito Volterra 62,
00146 Rome, Italy
2 School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
OR 97330, USA;
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA;
4 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana 18,
00184 Rome, Italy;
5 Center of Advanced Manufacturing and Material Processing (AMMP), Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
6 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana, 18,
00184 Rome, Italy;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-644-585272

Received: 21 August 2019; Accepted: 11 September 2019; Published: 14 September 2019 

Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) or three-dimensional (3D) printing has introduced a novel
production method in design, manufacturing, and distribution to end-users. This technology has
provided great freedom in design for creating complex components, highly customizable products,
and efficient waste minimization. The last industrial revolution, namely industry 4.0, employs the
integration of smart manufacturing systems and developed information technologies. Accordingly,
AM plays a principal role in industry 4.0 thanks to numerous benefits, such as time and material
saving, rapid prototyping, high efficiency, and decentralized production methods. This review paper
is to organize a comprehensive study on AM technology and present the latest achievements and
industrial applications. Besides that, this paper investigates the sustainability dimensions of the
AM process and the added values in economic, social, and environment sections. Finally, the paper
concludes by pointing out the future trend of AM in technology, applications, and materials aspects
that have the potential to come up with new ideas for the future of AM explorations.

Keywords: smart manufacturing; industry 4.0; additive manufacturing; 3D printing;

industrial sustainability

1. Introduction
Nowadays, the business markets look for up-to-date manufacturing technologies to find a quick
response for high demands of variability, efficient supply chain, and optimized energy consumption.
As a solution, Industry 4.0 uses the benefits of the integration of modern manufacturing technologies
and information systems to promote production capabilities [1]. In this context, smart manufacturing
improves long-term competitiveness by optimizing labor, energy, and material to produce a high-quality
product, and find a rapid response for variation in market demands and delivery time [2]. As shown
in Figure 1, smart factories represent a new generation of the production system in the concepts of
industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing and support advanced technologies such as computerization

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manufacturing, cyber-physical systems (CPS), big data, internet of things (IoT), cloud computing,
and automated
Appl. Sci. 2019,and robotic
9, x FOR PEER systems
REVIEW [3,4]. 2 of 35

Figure 1. A1.schematic
Figure of of
A schematic smart manufacturing
smart manufacturing components
components ininIndustry

In a general view,
In a general IoT IoT
view, provides
provides information,
information,including machines,products,
including machines, products, or or production
production lines,lines,
from all physical objects through a wireless or network connection. Also,
from all physical objects through a wireless or network connection. Also, the other data sources the other data sources gather
all information about the suppliers,
gather all information customers,
about the suppliers, and logistics,
customers, then this
and logistics, thenlarge quantity
this large of data,
quantity which
of data,
is called bigisdata,
is big data, isand
analyzed analyzed and investigated
investigated by cloudbycomputing
cloud computing[4,5]. In[4,5].
fact,In afact, a cyber-
system physical system (CPS)
(CPS) shares shares information
information regarding all regarding
machines, all machines,
utilities,utilities, and storage
and storage systems systems and
and controls
controls them autonomously [1]. CPS technology can help to effectively
them autonomously [1]. CPS technology can help to effectively improve the manufacturing process in improve the manufacturing
process in the concept of smart manufacturing [6].
the concept of smart manufacturing [6].
The additive manufacturing (AM) technique is applied for the fabrication of various structures
The additive manufacturing (AM) technique is applied for the fabrication of various structures and
and complex components. This technology was first employed by Charles Hull for the
complex components. (SLA)
stereolithography This technology
process in 1986 was[7].
firstThe employed by Charles
other printing methods Hull
the stereolithography
over the
(SLA) years
process in 1986 [7]. The other printing methods were discovered
and the application of AM technology was extended extraordinarily in only three over the years anddecades
the application
of AMconsequently
technology was extended
transformed extraordinarily
the manufacturingin andonly three processes.
logistics decades and consequently
There is a significant transformed
growth in the
manufacturing and logistics
the investment processes.from
in AM technology There$4 is a significant
billion in 2014 to growth
over $21 in billion
the investment
by 2020 [8]. in This
AM growth
from $4is billion
probably due to
in 2014 many$21
to over improvements
billion by 2020 in AM technologies
[8]. This growth isand materials
probably duewhich
to many encourage the
market for more investments in various industries, such as biomedical,
in AM technologies and materials which encourage the market for more investments in various industries, aerospace, and automotive
such as[4].biomedical,
However, AM benefitsand
aerospace, attract many attentions
automotive in the field
[4]. However, AM of manufacturing
benefits attract many such attentions
as mass- in
customized production, prototyping, sustainable production, and minimized lead time and cost [9].
the field of manufacturing such as mass-customized production, prototyping, sustainable production,
Recently, new developments in the AM process has made them more attractive, such as bioprinting,
and minimized lead time and cost [9]. Recently, new developments in the AM process has made them more
four-dimensional (4D) printing, nano-scale, and metamaterials printing [10]. Also, the other
attractive, such asofbioprinting,
advantage the AM processesfour-dimensional (4D) printing,
is to help effectively smallernano-scale,
companies and andmetamaterials
end-users to printing
develop [10].
Also, the
theirother advantage
innovative designs of the
andAM processes
products is to help
themselves as a effectively
self-designer smaller companies and
and manufacturer [11]. end-users to
develop their innovative
Obviously, AM designs
can be a and
vital products
component themselves
of industryas4.0 a or
self-designer and manufacturer
smart manufacturing [11].
due to its high
capability as AM can be a vital component
a non-traditional manufacturing of industry
approach4.0 forormass
smart manufacturing
customization due to its
in industry 4.0.high
Among many advantages, the environmental impact of AM is very
capability as a non-traditional manufacturing approach for mass customization in industry 4.0. Among impressive in the improvement
of sustainability
many advantages, in production impact
the environmental systems compared
of AM is veryto traditional
impressive manufacturing
in the improvement methods. The
of sustainability
in production systemsbenefits of AMtocan
compared be summarized
traditional into highmethods.
manufacturing resource efficiency, production
The sustainability life, and
benefits of AM
reconfigured value chain [12–14]. However, the evolution of AM has not been explored sufficiently
can be summarized into high resource efficiency, production life, and reconfigured value chain [12–14].
and is limited to many types of research on individual production technologies, not comprehensively
However, the evolution of AM has not been explored sufficiently and is limited to many types of research on
on the components of the manufacturing system. Although AM offers numerous unique capabilities
in theproduction
manufacturing technologies,
process, itnot comprehensively
should be consideredon inthe components
simplifying of the production
industrial manufacturing suchsystem.
“design and manufacture” [15]. Table 1 summarizes the recently published works on the applications in
AM offers numerous unique capabilities in the manufacturing process, it should be considered
simplifying industrial
and advances production
of AM in smartsuch as “designand
manufacturing andindustry
manufacture”4.0. [15]. Table 1 summarizes the recently
published works on the applications and advances of AM in smart manufacturing and industry 4.0.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 3 of 34

Table 1. Summary of published works on this topic.

No Author Year Topic Description

The principles of 3D printing technology and its roles in industry 4.0.
Diogo José Horst Additive Manufacturing (AM) The influence of additive manufacturing as a key role in saving time and cost.
1 2018
et al. [16] at Industry 4.0: A Review The benefits of the additive manufacturing process e.g., higher flexibility and individualization of
the 3D printing process.
The main advantage of additive manufacturing in fast prototyping.
The capabilities of additive manufacturing for producing complex structures, mass
Additive manufacturing
customization, freedom of design, and waste minimization.
Tuan D. Ngo et al. (3D printing): A review of
2 2018 The industrial revolution of the additive manufacturing process in various industries e.g.,
[7] materials, methods,
aerospace, biomedical, building and protective structures.
applications, and challenges
A fast transition from conventional machining and traditional methods to the development of
manufacturing using 3D processes.
Methods and Materials for Application of additive manufacturing for the factories in the future.
Smart Manufacturing: Additive Development in industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing systems using a 3D printing process for
Arkadeep Kumar
3 2018 Manufacturing, Internet of the existing manufacturing processes and systems.
Things, Flexible Sensors and Developing and innovation in manufacturing methods and material using an additive
Soft Robotics manufacturing process.
The application of the additive manufacturing process in various fields and industrial
Advanced Material Strategies
Jinke Chang et al. productions e.g., microelectronic and biomedical devices.
4 2018 for Next-Generation Additive
[10] An introduction of the novel additive manufacturing process for the various type of materials
including smart materials, biomaterials, and conductive materials.
Application of Cloud Manufacturing (CM) in the concept of a service-oriented approach over the
Additive Manufacturing,
Felix W. Baumann internet.
5 2017 Cloud-Based 3D Printing, and
et al. [17] Historical development in the field of CM and AM in the smart manufacturing process between
Associated Services—Overview
2002 to 2006.
The role of additive Recent development if material and process of the additive manufacturing process.
Ugur M Dilberoglu
6 2017 manufacturing in the era of The benefits of additive manufacturing in design improvement and industry 4.0.
et al. [4]
Industry 4.0 The current technological methods and highlights in the additive manufacturing process.
A review of all published works on various applied technologies and process which are related to
Smart manufacturing:
Sameer Mittal et al. the smart manufacturing topic.
7 2017 Characteristics, technologies
[6] A comprehensive list of the effective factors that are associated with smart manufacturing and
and enabling factors
industry 4.0.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 4 of 34

Table 1. Cont.

No Author Year Topic Description

The rise of 3-D printing: The future of additive manufacturing and identifying the challenges, technologies, and trends.
Mohsen Attaran The advantages of additive The benefits of additive manufacturing compared with the conventional machining and discuss
8 2017
et al. [18] manufacturing over traditional its influence on the supply chain process.
manufacturing The potential of additive manufacturing and impact on the various industry.
Industrial Additive The current applications of the additive manufacturing process in the industry.
Daniel R. Eyers Manufacturing: Investigation in additive manufacturing processes including mechanisms, controls, and activities.
9 2017
et al. [15] A manufacturing systems The development in industrial applications of the additive manufacturing process and the
perspective potentials and opportunities to improve the future of manufacturing.
Industrie 4.0” and Smart An overview of smart manufacturing in industry 4.0 and identifying the current and the future
Klaus-Dieter Manufacturing A Review of states of technology.
10 2017
Thoben et al. [1] Research Issues and Analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and investigation on the potential and applications of
Application Examples this system in production, design, and maintenance processes.
A review of the biomedical applications of the additive manufacturing process.
Sunpreet Singh Material issues in additive
11 2017 An introduction to Additive Bio-Manufacturing (ABM) technique for having a safer production
et al. [19] manufacturing: A review
and review the helpful papers on this topic.
A review on the manufacturing systems and all published works on this topic.
Behzad Esmaeilian The evolution and future of
12 2016 The future of manufacturing processes with a focus on design development and sustainability
et al. [20] manufacturing: A review
issues such as people, profit, planet.
Analysis of smart manufacturing in the past, current applications, and its future by investigating
Smart Manufacturing: Past various research papers.
Hyoung Seok
13 2016 Research, Present Findings, and Investigation on a new paradigm of Information and communications technology (ICT) and
Kang et al. [5]
Future Directions manufacturing technologies in industrial revolution 4.0 or smart manufacturing,
Effective and optimized decision-making processes in advanced manufacturing systems.
Multidimensional, systematic, and quantitative analysis to discover the structure of the additive
Additive manufacturing manufacturing process in various scopes including management, economic, and business.
Mojtaba khorram
14 2016 management: a review and An investigation on eight principle scopes of the research including: additive manufacturing
niaki et al. [21]
future research agenda process, supply chain management, production design and cost model, strategies challenges,
manufacturing systems, sustainability, innovation, and business model.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 5 of 34

Table 1. Cont.

No Author Year Topic Description

This report provides a review of the body of pertinent standards – a standards landscape – upon
which future smart manufacturing systems will rely.
Current Standards Landscape This report will allow manufacturing practitioners to better understand those standards useful to
15 Yan Lu et al. [2] 2016 for Smart the integration of smart manufacturing technologies.
Manufacturing Systems The report concludes that existing manufacturing standards are insufficient to fully enable smart
manufacturing, especially in the areas of cybersecurity, cloud-based manufacturing services,
supply chain integration, and data analytics.
Various opportunities in sustainability issues in smart manufacturing industry 4.0.
Tim Stock et al. Opportunities for Sustainable
16 2016 Development in sustainable manufacturing and provide solutions in the manufacturing
[14] Manufacturing in Industry 4.0
Additive manufacturing and An overview of advanced manufacturing processes and technologies such as additive
Simon Ford et al. sustainability: an exploratory manufacturing process.
17 2016
[13] study of the advantages Benefits and challenges of the additive manufacturing process on sustainability issues in terms of
and challenges business model, value chains, and innovation.
Organization of comprehensive knowledge of the additive manufacturing process, current
The status, challenges, and
challenges, achievements and the trend of the future.
18 Wei Gao et al. [11] 2015 future of additive
The potential of the additive manufacturing process to achieve “print-it-all” image as the main
manufacturing in engineering
goal of the AM process in the near future.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 6 of 34

This paper attempts to give attention to the better understanding of the AM in real-world
production and focus on the industrial AM systems which can be applied in the production of tools,
prototypes, parts, and the entire product in the future of the manufacturing field. The goal of this
paper is to classify the fundamental knowledge for investigating the current findings in materials and
technologies, applications, and challenges surrounding AM, and provide a comprehensive study on
AM’s role in smart manufacturing and industry 4.0. The paper begins with an overview of the AM
process, then the sustainable dimensions of the AM process, and concludes by outlining the potential
of AM in the future of manufacturing.

2. The application of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in industry 4.0

2.1. An Introduction to AM
AM processes are basically the processes that add some materials to the previous surface
via different deposition techniques that lead to different part quality, density, and geometrical
accuracy [22,23]. The conventional processes are usually subtractive or a combination of several
processes in case of complicated parts [24]. The major drawback of conventional processes is the high
amount of material waste and lack of control systems to continuously modify the processes based on
the current conditions. With the rise of computer-controlled machines, the latter problem is solved to
some extent, but the material waste is still a challenge [25]. In the current era, which is also known
as the fourth revolution of industry, Industry 4.0, it was decided to utilize the physical facilities with
modern information technology [26,27]. The goal of this integration is that the control over different
manufacturing processes will reduce while it is possible to make the fabrication in fewer steps with
less time and material waste leading to a higher benefit–cost ratio [28].
All the AM processes are computer-controlled and it is possible to control an unlimited number
of machines from a computer at once. The general procedure of all AM processes is that a layer of
material is deposited, and this cycle continues to the point that the final 3D object is completed [29].
Some of these processes need post-processing and some of them make parts in net shape with the
minimal processes needed to be done. Based on the materials used in a specific process, the source
of deposition varies. The most common materials used in AM processes are polymers, engineering
plastics, ceramics, metals, metallic oxides, and metallic alloys [30]. The feedstock is also available in
different forms of solids and liquids, such as liquid polymers/resins, rods, wires, sheets, powders, etc.
Depending on the used feedstock and its state of the material, different sources of energy are used, such
as resistance heating coils, hot tubes, laser/ion/electron beams, ultrasonic vibration, and Ultraviolet
(UV) light [31–36].
As mentioned, Industry 4.0 is a combination of information technology and highly controllable
computer-driven machines [4]. AM machines of different types are such devices controlled by
computers and the processes can be modified online with a single control unit [37]. As a result,
this technology gives the opportunity to integrate many machines in a factory and control them
online. The outcome of this combination is that a user-specific product can be produced within each
machine [5]. This flexibility in the manufacturing of different products at the same time with the almost
unlimited level of complexity provides the opportunity to utilize AM machines as an inevitable part of
the modern manufacturing era. There are some terms used in this category of which rapid prototyping,
rapid manufacturing, three-dimensional (3D) printing, smart manufacturing, and cloud manufacturing
are the most used [38]. Cloud manufacturing refers to the processes that are highly service-oriented
and can be modified online [6]. In order to clarify this process, a customer orders the desired geometry
to be purchased. After accessing the design tools provided by a factory, they can change the materials,
colors, and other aesthetic features of their desired product and at the same time, they can check the
availability of the materials, machines, and the transportation systems. By checking all the items, the
customers can easily upload their designs and receive their specific and unique product [39]. Figure 2
represents the collaborating segments in a cloud manufacturing scheme.
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Figure 2. A
Figure 2. A flowchart of cloud
flowchart of cloud manufacturing
manufacturing and

2.2. Different Types of AM

2.2. Different Types of AM
The AM processes, which are commonly utilized in manufacturing parts from engineering
The AM processes, which are commonly utilized in manufacturing parts from engineering
materials for different purposes, are extrusion, sheet lamination, vat photo-polymerization,
materials for different purposes, are extrusion, sheet lamination, vat photo-polymerization,
binder/material jetting, powder bed fusion, and direct energy deposition [40,41]. Each of these
binder/material jetting, powder bed fusion, and direct energy deposition [40,41]. Each of these
processes is used to deposit different types of materials based on the energy source. The materials
processes is used to deposit different types of materials based on the energy source. The materials
can change from polymers to ceramics and metallic compounds [42]. The extrusion method is mostly
can change from polymers to ceramics and metallic compounds [42]. The extrusion method is mostly
used for thermoplasticsand
for thermoplastics andrequires
requires high
high operating
operating temperatures.
temperatures. The parts
The final final parts
usually usually suffer
suffer from
high porosity but the low processing cost and flexibility in geometry increase its applications inin
high porosity but the low processing cost and flexibility in geometry increase its applications
mechanical parts. In addition,
parts. somesome
In addition, researchers have tried
researchers havetotriedmaketo ceramic-reinforced
make ceramic-
polymers with this method [43]. Vat photopolymerization is another process
reinforced polymers with this method [43]. Vat photopolymerization is another process employing employing UV light to
UV light to cure polymers layer-by-layer and the processing speed is high while it keeps thesimplicity.
polymers layer-by-layer and the processing speed is high while it keeps the process’ process’
In addition In
simplicity. to addition
polymers,toresearchers have tried to
polymers, researchers mixtried
have the polymers
to mix thewith ceramic
polymers withparticles
to producemechanical
strongerobjects with bio-applications
mechanical [44]. Sheet lamination
objects with bio-applications [44]. Sheet is lamination
another AMisprocess,anotherwhich
process, which assembles sheets of metal on top of each other in order to form a 3D object.different
sheets of metal on top of each other in order to form a 3D object. In this process, In this
glues, welding,
process, differentand brazing
glues, can beand
welding, used to hold
brazing canthebesheets
used to ofhold
material in place
the sheets of for a longer
material time,for
in place but
ultrasonic welding
a longer time, is the mostwelding
but ultrasonic efficientisandthethe most
most common
efficient and[45]. The sheets
the most common are fed
Thethe building
sheets are
area in the
fed into theneeded
building geometry
area in theandneeded
an ultrasonic
geometry headandpunches
an ultrasonicthemheadagainst the previous
punches them againstlayer the
and together.
lightly weldsThisthem
process is known
together. This to be a cheap
process is knownandto fast
be process
a cheap while
and fast theprocess
while theremoval is neededremoval
second material after the is parts
needed areafter
done the[46].
are done and binder
[46]. jetting
Material andare two distinct
binder jetting
processes, but they
are two distinct work on but
processes, the same
they workprinciples
on thethat
sameare principles
binding materials
that are to the main
binding body oftoa the
materials part.
In material
main body jetting, polymers
of a part. are jetting,
In material usuallypolymers
melted and aredeposited
usually melted in theandshape of droplets
deposited in the toshape
form theof
to form the The molten
needed polymers
geometry. Thethen undergo
molten polymersa curing
then process
undergoby heat, light,
a curing process or by
reactions to increase
light, or chemical the bonding
reactions strength
to increase [47]. In strength
the bonding binder jetting,
[47]. Inthere
binder is jetting,
a preparedtherebedis aof metallic
bed of metallic
powder powder
laying under layingnozzle
a jetting underthata jetting nozzle
disperses that disperses
bonding polymers bonding polymers
selectively on theselectively
surface ofon the
the surface
metallic of theAfter
powder. metallic powder.
applying theAfter
glue on thethe
surface, glue on the
a new layersurface, a newpowder
of metallic layer ofis
metallic powder is deposited, and the glue dispersion takes place. This cycle continues until the final
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deposited, and the glue dispersion takes place. This cycle continues until the final shape is achieved.
shape is achieved. After that, the parts are sintered in furnaces with controlled atmosphere and
After that, the parts are sintered in furnaces with controlled atmosphere and different temperatures
different temperatures based on the metallic powders and the glue utilized to bond them together
based on the metallic powders and the glue utilized to bond them together [48]. Usually, these two
[48]. Usually, these two processes are considered fast, but the final product has some porosities. The
processes are considered fast, but the final product has some porosities. The best application of these
best application of these processes is making selectively porous mechanical objects.
processes is making selectively porous mechanical objects.
Powder bed fusion appears in different shapes and selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the
Powder bed fusion appears in different shapes and selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the most
most popular ones. In SLM, metallic particles are fed in different layer thicknesses and a laser beam
popular ones. In SLM, metallic particles are fed in different layer thicknesses and a laser beam melts
melts the desired regions of the surface. In the next step, a new layer of powder is distributed on the
the desired regions of the surface. In the next step, a new layer of powder is distributed on the build
build plate and the laser source melts the powder until the deposition finishes and the final shape is
plate and the laser source melts the powder until the deposition finishes and the final shape is achieved.
achieved. The sources of melting beams can vary based on conditions and price of the utilized
The sources of melting beams can vary based on conditions and price of the utilized machines [49].
machines [49]. The most common sources are the laser, electron, and ion beams. On the other hand,
The most common sources are the laser, electron, and ion beams. On the other hand, the atmosphere
the atmosphere of the chamber is controlled by purging some inert gases to minimize the oxidation
of the chamber is controlled by purging some inert gases to minimize the oxidation process during
process during melting and solidification of the powder [50]. The most common gases used in SLM
melting and solidification of the powder [50]. The most common gases used in SLM are nitrogen and
are nitrogen and argon. In some rare cases, it has been observed that the chamber is slightly
argon. In some rare cases, it has been observed that the chamber is slightly vacuumed. In addition,
vacuumed. In addition, the interesting feature of SLM is its capability in fabricating functionally
the interesting feature of SLM is its capability in fabricating functionally graded materials from premixed
graded materials from premixed or separate powders [51]. The other widely used AM process is
or separate powders [51]. The other widely used AM process is known as direct energy deposition
known as direct energy deposition (DED). In this process, a laser head is utilized as the source of
(DED). In this process, a laser head is utilized as the source of energy and the metallic particles are
energy and the metallic particles are injected into the building region via a couple of powder nozzles
injected into the building region via a couple of powder nozzles just next to the laser head [7]. DED is
just next to the laser head [7]. DED is significantly faster than SLM, but it suffers from lower
significantly faster than SLM, but it suffers from lower geometrical accuracy of the final product. Thanks
geometrical accuracy of the final product. Thanks to its high deposition rate, it is possible to produce
to its high deposition rate, it is possible to produce parts with a high aspect ratio (height to thickness) [52].
parts with a high aspect ratio (height to thickness) [52]. DED processes can be conducted in a
DED processes can be conducted in a controlled atmosphere or in the air. Since the feedstock is jetted
controlled atmosphere or in the air. Since the feedstock is jetted via nozzles, DED consumes more
via nozzles, DED consumes more powder to fabricate a specific part compared to SLM [53]. Figure 3
powder to fabricate a specific part compared to SLM [53]. Figure 3 represents a schematic layout of
represents a schematic layout of an SLM mechanism and apparatus. In this figure, the powder reservoir
an SLM mechanism and apparatus. In this figure, the powder reservoir provides the feedstock to the
provides the feedstock to the build chamber that is under the direct effect of the laser beam. The electronic
build chamber that is under the direct effect of the laser beam. The electronic source provides and
source provides and controls the high energy beam of the laser in order to melt the selected regions of
controls the high energy beam of the laser in order to melt the selected regions of the powder bed.
the powder bed. The powder spreading and laser melting are repeated a specific number of times and in
The powder spreading and laser melting are repeated a specific number of times and in a layer-by-
a layer-by-layer manner, the final 3D component will be built by depositing metallic materials based on
layer manner, the final 3D component will be built by depositing metallic materials based on the
the surface geometry of each slice. In some modern machines, excessive powder can be recycled, which
surface geometry of each slice. In some modern machines, excessive powder can be recycled, which
is a noticeable sustainability move in the additive manufacturing industry.
is a noticeable sustainability move in the additive manufacturing industry.

Figure 3.
Figure 3. A schematic view of the selective laser melting (SLM) process.
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2.3. The Advantages of Additive Manufacturing over Traditional Manufacturing Approaches

Different AM techniques have been developed not to replace all the traditional manufacturing
methods, but to widen the selection range of processes for manufacturers and customers. Each process
has its own advantages/disadvantages and the choice of which to employ is application-dependent.
To review the advantages of AM processes, characterizing their key features is required. There are
three important key features, i.e., time, cost, and flexibility, based on which the advantages of AM
can be evaluated. One of the main purposes of using AM is to save manufacturing time and increase
production speed. This will accelerate prototyping and reduces the time of production of spare parts
and replacement parts [54]. Spare parts’ supply chain performance can be improved by altering the
location of manufacturing facilities and decentralizing manufacturing in different regional sites close
to principle markets [55]. The benefits of distributed production related to spare parts include lower
downtime, lower overall costs, lower capacity utilization, a reduced need for inventory management,
higher robustness, and higher flexibility to supply chain variations [56]. Having manufacturing
systems on-site enables rapid production of customized parts by eliminating the transportation time
and cost of the parts. Unlike traditional manufacturing, where huge amounts of materials should be
removed, AM applies materials proficiently by reusing the leftover materials for building the next part.
Case studies have shown that the material waste in AM is reduced by 40% compared to traditional
methods and 95% to 98% of the leftover materials can be recycled [57]. The cost-effectiveness of AM
products could be related to the reduction of labor cost and avoiding costly warehousing as well.
Moreover, AM does not require additional resources such as fixtures, cutting tools, jigs, and coolants.
Plus, manufacturing to order reduces inventory risk, with no unsold finished goods.
Flexibility can be referred to as part of the process. Meaning that designers are more flexible
to design complex parts and have the freedom to easily alter the process parameters based on their
needs. Since there is no-to-little tooling constraints in AM, parts with complex geometries can be
manufactured and part functionality would not be restrained by manufacturing constraints. Moreover,
it is possible to build a single part with varying properties, having more strength in one part and more
ductility in another part [58,59]. Furthermore, since the part quality is dependent on the process rather
than operator skills, production can be exactly in line with customer demand. Figure 4 illustrates the
interrelation of the three above-mentioned key features with the advantages of AM processes. All the
benefits are related to one or two of the key features, such that any of the advantages are either to
reduce the time and/or cost of the process or are a result of the flexibility of the AM processes. Despite
all these advantages related to the AM technology, the process–properties–geometry correlation in AM
components is Sci.
Appl. very 2019,complicated and requires more investigations [60].
9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 35

Figure 4. The interrelation between the three key features and additive manufacturing (AM) advantages.
Figure 4. The interrelation between the three key features and additive manufacturing (AM)

2.4. Challenges, Obstacles, and Limitations

While AM is cutting-edge technology and finding its way in various industries due to its
numerous advantages, there are several barriers against its rapid growth. The major challenges are
as follows:
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2.4. Challenges, Obstacles, and Limitations

While AM is cutting-edge technology and finding its way in various industries due to its numerous
advantages, there are several barriers against its rapid growth. The major challenges are as follows:

• Imperfections: Void formation between subsequent layers of materials negatively affect the
mechanical performance of AM parts [61]. Parts produced using AM processes often reflect
the stair-stepping effect, which is created by adding one layer on top of another and affects the
surface quality and roughness. This nature of layer-wise production of components also results in
parts with anisotropic mechanical properties microstructures [62]. In most of the AM processes,
the surface finish of overhanging surfaces also, due to support removal, need to be post-processed.
• Cost: Not only are AM systems and materials expensive, but also a high cost in mass production is
a major challenge for AM technology [63]. However, AM cost is reducing significantly compared
to in the past. For example, the cost decreased by 51% from 2001 to 2011 for both machines and
materials [28].
• Production time: AM technologies are more likely to be used in product customization rather
than mass production, for which conventional methods are preferred [18].
• Limitations of materials: It is possible to use a wide variety of metals and polymers in AM
technology [64,65]. However, some interesting materials, such as magnesium and biodegradable
polymers, need further research.
• Size limitations: AM systems are limited regarding the production of parts bigger than their
build chamber. Even regardless of build chamber size restriction, an extended amount of time
is required for the manufacturing of large-sized objects [30]. Nevertheless, a technology called
Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM), which was developed in recent years, has overcome
this limitation by being able to create large-scale parts [66]. Most of the design and application
constraints of small-scale AM still apply to BAAM as well [67].

Research is being conducted to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. However, it is unlikely

that AM technology will knock out traditional methods. Instead, they may be combined, and an
integrated process could be developed to achieve the efficient production of complex products.

2.5. The Applicable Materials in the AM Process

In the current advanced technology, many applications need a combination of different materials to
work with each other in order to satisfy a need [68]. The application of materials in smart manufacturing
is critical, especially in the fields of sensing, Internet of Things, and human-robot interaction. On the
other hand, it is needed to reduce the size of these components while improving their functionality,
which results in complicated parts that require specific materials [3]. The need of advanced materials
is divided into two different categories that are the high-tech materials for data transfer within the
smart manufacturing components (i.e., machines, data transfer units, processors, semiconductors, etc.)
and common materials for everyday applications (i.e., plastics/polymers, glasses, ceramics, metals, and
their combination) [69]. In the former category, sensors consist of the largest portion of the applications
that require a combination of insulators, conductors, and actuators, which change phase depending
on the incoming signals [70]. In the latter group, a wide range of materials and their combinations
are used in order to achieve the final object with the desired functions that might be simple or very
complicated. These applications can be fabricating bioactive, hydrogels, biopolymers, piezoelectric,
and phase-shifting parts of simple mechanical parts such as gears [10].
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 11 of 34

Based on Dilberoglu et al. [4], the used materials can be divided into four groups, including metals
(stainless steel, aluminum, nickel and its alloys, cobalt, and titanium and its alloys), smart materials
(shape memory alloys, shape memory polymers, and piezoelectric), hydraulics/electronics (conductive,
solid-liquid, and multi-materials), and special materials (concrete, textile, etc.). The majority of the
metallic materials is made by lasers or by binder jetting, which are consequently sintered in furnaces.
These applied thermal conditions change the microstructure of the final parts and make it a crucial
task to heat-treat the parts prior to use [71]. For the smart materials, it is important to keep the correct
ratio of the components of the parts in order to keep their designed functions in the final part. In many
cases, a slight change in the weight percent of the composition results in a drastic change in behavior
or a reverse function [72]. For the hydraulic/electronic parts, the procedure is to fabricate solid bodies
filled with specific liquids that are merely possible via conventional manufacturing processes, while it
is impossible to fabricate such parts in one round. The problem for this group is that the process needs
high levels of accuracy and precise material feeding, resulting in the need for precision machinery that
is controlled in high accuracy to meet the resolution of these parts [73]. Table 2 represents a summary
of the described methods, materials, and their applications along with information on their accuracy,
advantages, and disadvantages.
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Table 2. Summary of different techniques of AM, materials used, and other properties of these methods.

Technique Materials Application Advantages Challenges Accuracy Post-Processing Reference

High fabrication speed, In some cases, the
Industrial purposes, high aspect ratios of parts, materials are burnt due to Heat treatment, in
Direct Energy
Metals, ceramics part repairing, functionally graded high laser power, the final 100–250 µm some cases a [73,74]
Deposition (DED)
implants, joining materials can be obtained part accuracy is relatively slight deburring
by several material nozzles lower than SLM
Unlimited level of Fine powder is needed,
Industrial purposes, geometrical complexity, a fabrication chamber needs Heat treatment, in
Selective Laser
Metals, ceramics bio-applications, wide range of metallic and inert gas, slight metal 50–150 µm some cases a [29,75]
Melting (SLM)
implants, actuators ceramic powders, clean evaporation in high slight deburring
parts, high density laser powers
High quality of the final
Industrial purposes, Residual thermal stresses,
Polymers, ceramics, part, high geometrical Sintering,
Binder jetting research, unwanted porosity due to 50–200 µm [76,77]
metals accuracy, flexibility in heat treatment
bio-applications using bonding materials
feedstock material
Limitations in feedstock
Desktop Usually some
High speed of fabrication, material selection, low
applications, slight deburring
Metal jetting Polymers, plastics high flexibility in process, geometrical accuracy in 5–200 µm [7,31]
research purposes, and residue
low cost complex parts and it is not
bio-applications removal with hand
Low accuracy of the final Internal material
product, chance of Depends on the residue removal,
Polymers, metals, and Electronics, tissue High speed of fabrication,
Sheet lamination delamination under harsh thickness of the clamping in some [78]
ceramics fabrication low residual stresses
thermal/mechanical sheets cases that glue
conditions is used
Biomedical, Limitation in feedstock
butadiene styrene High geometrical accuracy,
Photo-polymerization electronics, alpha material selection, low <10 µm Slight deburring [79,80]
(ABS), epoxy, high surface quality
prototyping fabrication speed
polystyrene, acrylate
Thermoplastics such
Visual aids, Low geometrical accuracy,
as ABS, Polylactic acid
educational models, Simplicity, low cost, low surface finish, only
Extrusion (PLA), polyethylene, ~100 µm – [81,82]
alpha prototypes, high speed for polymers and
polyether ketone,
tooling models thermoplastic materials
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2.6. Hybrid
2.6. Hybrid Additive
Additive Manufacturing in Micro/Nano-Scale
Manufacturing in Micro/Nano-Scale
The process
The process of of micro/nano-scale
micro/nano-scaleadditive additivemanufacturing
manufacturingisisconsidered consideredasas thethenext
generation of
of AM AMprocesses
processes andandis highly
is highlyunder underinvestigation
investigation for new
for newopportunities
opportunities and andsolutions
solutionsto thetonew
problems. Having parts in the micro/nano-scale requires precision
new problems. Having parts in the micro/nano-scale requires precision machines that are accurately machines that are accurately
controlled by
controlled bycomputers
computers[10]. [10].However,
However,based basedonon thethe literature,
literature, as as
bestbest results
results are are achieved
achieved out
of of hybrid manufacturing
manufacturing processes
processes that that
are aare a combination
combination of additive
of additive and subtractive
and subtractive processes
processes [83].
[83]. These
These processes
processes can takecan place
take place
eithereither concurrently
concurrently or in sequence
or in sequence to complete
to complete the required
the required task
task from
from the machines and there is no limitation on the number of processes
the machines and there is no limitation on the number of processes utilized in order to produce the 3D utilized in order to produce
the 3D object.
object. The goal The ofgoal of hybrid
hybrid manufacturing
manufacturing is to getis to
theget the input
input materials materials and change
and change them themto thetofinal
final product in one machine or workstation [84]. On the same
product in one machine or workstation [84]. On the same page, the goal of the hybrid manufacturing page, the goal of the hybrid
processes processes
is to utilize AM is to utilizeas
processes AMtheprocesses
primary step as the ofprimary step of the manufacturing
the manufacturing and use the benefits and use of
the benefits of the other assistive processes to get the highest accuracy
the other assistive processes to get the highest accuracy [85]. The idea of hybridization of AM machines [85]. The idea of hybridization
of AM
with themachines
other processeswith the otherinprocesses
is that most of the is AM-fabricated
that in most of parts, the AM-fabricated parts,for
there is still a need there is still a
need for mechanical
polishing. On the other polishing.
hand, all On these
the other hand, are
processes all these processes are computer-controlled
computer-controlled and they can be easily and
they can be easily integrated as a unit which satisfies the goal of Industry
integrated as a unit which satisfies the goal of Industry 4.0 [10]. As an example, an AM machine makes 4.0 [10]. As an example, an
AM machine makes the core of a sphere and after that, a machining
the core of a sphere and after that, a machining process reduces the burrs and increases the geometricalprocess reduces the burrs and
increases of
accuracy the thegeometrical
sphere. Figure accuracy of the asphere.
5 represents schematic Figure 5 represents
flowchart of a hybrida schematic
AM-machining flowchart of a
hybrid AM-machining process, which can be used in micro/nano-scale
which can be used in micro/nano-scale applications. In this process, the input material is fed into the applications. In this process,
the input
system andmaterial is fed into the systemsystem
a fully computer-controlled and a andfullybased
on the feedback,system it will go andtobased on the
the finished
feedback, it will go to the finished parts or it will go back to different
parts or it will go back to different stages of the manufacturing process. After the point that the part stages of the manufacturing
has After
met all the the point criteria,
required that theitpart willhaspassmet
theall the required criteria,
manufacturing stage and it gets
will prepared
pass the manufacturing
for other steps
stage to
prior and getsdelivered
being preparedtofor theother steps prior
customers [85–88].to being
6 represents to the customers
a future example [85–88].
of howFigure hybrid5
represents a future example of how hybrid manufacturing can be
manufacturing can be conducted in micro/nano-scale in order to have a final product in one machine conducted in micro/nano-scale in
order to have a final product in one machine or one workstation regardless
or one workstation regardless of the steps which take place in order to complete the parts [82]. As it is of the steps which take
place indifferent
shown, order to complete the parts [82].
computer-controlled As it is shown,
processes different
are integrated intocomputer-controlled
one station. In the first processes are
integrated into one station. In the first position, the support structures
the support structures are deposited, and some machining processes will make the desired mold shape are deposited, and some
for polymerprocesses
injection. will
At themakesecondthe desired moldmachining
station, laser shape for polymer
makes theinjection.
ideal shape At thefor second station,
part placement
laser machining makes the ideal shape for part placement while
while a circuit maker provides the electronic connections embedded into the internal features of the a circuit maker provides the
electronic connections embedded into the internal features of the component
component [89]. In the last station, the finalization processes take place to make the product that is, [89]. In the last station,
in finalization
a complete processes
producttake ready place to make the product that is, in fact, a complete product ready to
to work.

Figure 5. A closed loop of hybrid manufacturing for micro/nano-scale additive manufacturing [85].

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Figure 6.
Figure Schematicillustration
6. Schematic illustrationof
hybrid manufacturing
manufacturing process
process in
in micro/nano-scale
micro/nano-scale [82].

2.7. Advanced Additive Manufacturing Processes

2.7. Advanced Additive Manufacturing Processes
Additive manufacturing processes are proven to be reliable methods of fabrication for
Additive manufacturing processes are proven to be reliable methods of fabrication for complex
complex geometries, tough materials, and user-specific designs [90]. Although AM processes are
geometries, tough materials, and user-specific designs [90]. Although AM processes are being used
being used in industries, their full capacity is not well exploited yet. Since AM machines are
in industries, their full capacity is not well exploited yet. Since AM machines are computer-
computer-numerical-controlled (CNC), they provide significant features to integrate the machines via
numerical-controlled (CNC), they provide significant features to integrate the machines via
computers and transfer data between the processing units. The benefit of this integration is that the
computers and transfer data between the processing units. The benefit of this integration is that the
processes can be controlled online, and the products can be highly customized [91]. In addition to that,
processes can be controlled online, and the products can be highly customized [91]. In addition to
digitization helps in continuous monitoring of feedstock monitoring, supply evaluation, and availability
that, digitization helps in continuous monitoring of feedstock monitoring, supply evaluation, and
of machines for a fabrication process. Many different research groups have studied the proper modeling
availability of machines for a fabrication process. Many different research groups have studied the
of digitized AM processes to increase the advantages of AM processes in industry 4.0. One of the
proper modeling of digitized AM processes to increase the advantages of AM processes in industry
proposed approaches is the hierarchical object-oriented model (HOOM), which considers different steps
4.0. One of the proposed approaches is the hierarchical object-oriented model (HOOM), which
of fabrication from design to post-processing and includes evaluation of object features [91]. Industrial
considers different steps of fabrication from design to post-processing and includes evaluation of
companies which fabricate mechanical objects via AM processes are continuously seeking to digitize
object features [91]. Industrial companies which fabricate mechanical objects via AM processes are
their production processes by looking into different aspects of part design, tooling considerations,
continuously seeking to digitize their production processes by looking into different aspects of part
supply chains, and quality tests on the fabricated specimen throughout the life cycle of the parts
design, tooling considerations, supply chains, and quality tests on the fabricated specimen
they produce. The data generated in the whole stages of idea generation for a new product to waste
throughout the life cycle of the parts they produce. The data generated in the whole stages of idea
management or reuse of the products can be digitally sorted and investigated to further optimize the
generation for a new product to waste management or reuse of the products can be digitally sorted
parameters that are involved through the fabrication process. These data management and evaluation
and investigated to further optimize the parameters that are involved through the fabrication process.
processes are known as a digital thread (DT) [92]. Considering the volume of fabricated parts via AM
These data management and evaluation processes are known as a digital thread (DT) [92].
processes all over the world on different materials with different process parameters, a valuable source
Considering the volume of fabricated parts via AM processes all over the world on different materials
of data can be integrated to optimize the AM processes in use and take further advantage of them.
with different process parameters, a valuable source of data can be integrated to optimize the AM
Many US patents are published on different aspects of utilizing these huge data sets which emphasizes
processes in use and take further advantage of them. Many US patents are published on different
the importance of DT [93].
aspects of utilizing these huge data sets which emphasizes the importance of DT [93].
The other ability of AM processes is known to be cloud manufacturing including the internet of
The other ability of AM processes is known to be cloud manufacturing including the internet of
things, the utilization of cloud computing, virtualization, and advanced service-oriented manufacturing
things, the utilization of cloud computing, virtualization, and advanced service-oriented
processes, for developing the most efficient models of manufacturing regarding material and equipment
manufacturing processes, for developing the most efficient models of manufacturing regarding
usage [94]. Based on a proposal by Jin et al. [95], to make the personalization of the products easy, smart
material and equipment usage [94]. Based on a proposal by Jin et al. [95], to make the personalization
of the products easy, smart product manufacturing and its service features are conceptualized to form
a Smart Service Product (SSP) which attributes to the change in consumer attitudes and the
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 15 of 34

product manufacturing and its service features are conceptualized to form a Smart Service Product (SSP)
which attributes to the change in consumer attitudes and the development of advanced information
communication technology (ICT). This concept can be utilized in managing and understanding the
personalized demands of the market and the customers. The implication of SSP results in easy
demonstration of customizable smart product design. Since the digitization of the manufacturing
processes is closely related to the implication of computer-controlled machines, AM processes are the
best targets of cloud manufacturing [96]. Lehmhus et al. [97], showed that data-related manufacturing
processes, and especially AM processes, are based on automated machines which are precisely
controlled by computers and as a result, there is always the flexibility of controlling and customizing
processes based on customer needs and supply availability. In this case, product optimization can
be conducted more efficiently, and the processes and software used for them are more user-friendly.
Other studies showed that the AM processes can be investigated on process deployment, resource
management, material flow, and task management in industry 4.0 which are not easily accessible in
other manufacturing processes [98]. This shows the potential of AM processes as the future tools
for making customer-specific products with the lowest price. Wang et al. [99] have proposed a new
IoT-based cloud manufacturing process utilizing AM machines to share the hardware and software
contributing to a single product and process. In this proposal, the feedstock material, 3D printer
machine, and other physical equipment are shared while the knowledge of how to test the data to have a
complete control over the printing process from beginning to the end was not investigated. This unique
property is provided by IoT that was not available in conventional AM machines. In addition to all the
discussed schemes of implementing AM processes in cloud manufacturing, Wang et al. [100] proposed
that computer vision algorithms can be used to apply production planning in AM processes. In this
process, the tasks are first sorted based on their importance, their order, the difficulty of fabrication,
geometry of the product, etc., and the sorted tasks go through levels of fabrication and the computerized
control over the process continues to the point that the product is finalized. The proposed algorithm is
shown to be useful after verification with experimental investigations.
The physical phenomena that happen during the AM process have a significant influence on
product quality. These physical phenomena are caused by the manufacturing paths employed to
produce parts. Therefore, it is necessary to considerate them from the design step in the process [101].
Lately, CAD (computer-aided design)/CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), and Design for Additive
Manufacturing (DFAM) have been developed to improve product performance by process, design,
and materials [102,103]. Xiong et al. [104] proposed a method, which uses a data-driven approach in
design and optimizes the successive steps of a design procedure. Another framework that benefits
various businesses and technologies is big data and it is forming an interdependent relationship with
AM. The use of big data-based analytics in the context of industry 4.0 helps to improve the process
performance and energy efficiency and increases the quality of manufactured products. AM’s reliance
on big data grows with increasing AM applications in the industry since by its growth it needs more
data to perform its capabilities [104]. Big data plays a role in CAD and quality control aspects of AM
processes. In the case of the complex AM parts and structures, an alignment error or a fraction of a
millimeter geometrical inaccuracy can be dangerous depending on the part application. This is where
big data can analyze each AM process and inspect every element to find when these imperfections occur.
These advantages encourage tool sharing to decrease the time and cost in product realization. Chan
et al. [105] developed a novel cost assessment framework according to big data analytics tools being
able to estimate the production cost based on a new job, similar to ones in the past. This framework
can be implemented in AM processes, where the similarities of processes and parts are established by
recognizing related features.
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2.8. Applications and Industries

The three key features of AM processes discussed in Section 2.4, i.e., time, cost, and flexibility,
result in benefits which interest many industries in using AM, especially industries which are
in need of rapid prototyping and/or component manufacturing, which require low quantities of
parts to be produced with certain specifications because industries dealing with rapid prototyping
and component manufacturing are challenged by complex and customized parts production and
on-demand manufacturing of components and prototypes. According to King’s report [106], AM parts
manufactured in automotive and aerospace industries have taken over 20% of the whole AM market.
Following is a summary of the industries, which are interested the most in AM processes:

• Aerospace: AM techniques are ideal for producing aerospace components as they need small
batches of components, which have complex geometries, which is necessary for airflow and heat
dissipation functions [107]. Furthermore, on-demand and on-site manufacturing are needed to be
established for astronauts to produce parts for repair or maintenance of space stations. Moreover,
AM is capable of producing parts with a low weight-to-strength ratio, which is necessary for
airplanes and space shuttles. Since the materials used in the aerospace industry are expensive
and AM processes are known for having less waste material, AM has become popular among
manufacturers in the aerospace industry.
• Medical: One of the first signs of AM appearing in the medical industry was producing medical
implants [9]. In addition to high complexity in design, medical implants have the patient-specific
necessity. As it is mentioned in Section 2.3, AM, compared to traditional techniques, is more
cost-effective for manufacturing small batches of parts, which is typical in the medical industry.
Manufacturing patient-specific implants reduce the cost and time of surgeries as well [108].
Hip stems with functional gradation in porosity characteristics have been made from Ti6Al4V by
laser engineered net shaping (LENS) [109].
• Automotive: Complexity and low weight-to-strength ratio is a necessity for a part in the automotive
industry as well. AM is not only used for prototyping for automobile parts, but its advantages
have also made it able to be used for AM of actual components and vehicles [110]. For Example,
Optomec used LENS to reduce the material, time, and cost of manufacturing of Red Bull Racing
car components including drive shaft spiders and suspension mounting brackets [111].
• Architectural: From AM of historical buildings [112] to the construction of a village on the
moon [113] the architectural industry has benefited from AM in two ways: models and construction.
AM of models is an ideal tool for architects as it allows them to improve their designs on a smaller
scale and refine their architecture plans. AM also benefits the construction industry by altering
the three key features, that is decreasing production time and cost, and increasing flexibility.

There are other applications of AM which do not fall into the above-mentioned categories.
Due to the flexibility and multifunctionality, e.g., load-bearing, while being lightweight, of AM lattice
structures [113], they have been thoroughly analyzed for energy absorption applications [86]. AM has
also been introduced to other industries such as food [114] and clothing [18], because of its flexibility
and capability of manufacturing custom products on demand. Figure 7 illustrates how AM advantages
are employed for different industries.
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Figure 7. 7.Application
Figure Applicationof
of AM featuresin
AM features indifferent

3. Sustainability of Additive Manufacturing

3. Sustainability of Additive Manufacturing
Brundtland Report
definedsustainable developmentasas“development
sustainable development “development thatthat
the the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet
needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs.” their needs.”
As aAs
matter of fact,
a matter of sustainable development
fact, sustainable development can becandefined based
be defined on three
based principal
on three dimensions,
principal namely,
namely,environmental, and socialand
economic, environmental, [116] that[116]
social theythat
addressed by 6 R by
are addressed concepts: reduce,
6 R concepts: recover,
recycle, reuse,
recover, redesign,
recycle, andredesign,
reuse, remanufacture [117]. Therefore,
and remanufacture [117].the aims of sustainable
Therefore, the aims of manufacturing
are, manufacturing
according to the are, accordingoftoenvironmental
reduction the reduction of environmental
impact, improving impact, improving
the social the social impacts
and economic and
of the impacts
entire life cycleof ofthe
theentire life cycle
product [20]. of the product [20].
Additive manufacturing(AM)
manufacturing (AM)has hasbeen
been known
known as as an
productionin in
advanced manufacturing processes, which has the potential to provide a number of sustainability
advanced manufacturing processes, which has the potential to provide a number of sustainability
advantages [13]. AM provides various opportunities to substitute the conventional manufacturing
advantages [13]. AM provides various opportunities to substitute the conventional manufacturing
method as a higher sustainable production approach and minimize the carbon footprint in novel
method as a higher sustainable production approach and minimize the carbon footprint in novel
product and production development, and life cycle processes. As a matter of fact, the capability to
product and
repair, production
update, development,
and remanufacture andshows
tooling life cycle processes.for
an opportunity Asconsiderable
a matter ofdecreases
fact, the capability
in energy to
repair, update, and
consumption, remanufacture
costs, and emissions tooling
[118]. shows an opportunity for considerable decreases in energy
consumption, costs, and emissions [118].
3.1. Sustainable Benefits of AM
3.1. Sustainable Benefits of AM
AM introduces numerous significant changes in product design, materials processing,
AM introduces
manufacturing numerous
processes, significant
and supply changes inCompared
chain management. product todesign, materials
traditional processing,
production (such
as machining,processes, and supply
forging, finishing, chain
casting, management.
etc.), AM provides Compared to traditional
a great opportunity production
in sustainable
(such [119]. forging,
as machining, The advantages of casting,
finishing, sustainable manufacturing
etc.), AM providesprovided by AM processes
a great opportunity are as
in sustainable
following [120–122]:
production [119]. The advantages of sustainable manufacturing provided by AM processes are as
The less raw material which is required in the supply chain process;
(2) Higher resource efficiency in manufacturing processes;
(1) The less raw material which is required in the supply chain process;
(3) Reduced consumption, waste material, and pollution in the manufacturing process;
(2) Higher resource
(4) Higher efficiency
efficiency in manufacturing
and flexibility in productprocesses;
(3) Reduced
(5) Theconsumption,
lower number waste material, and
of transportation pollution
processes in the manufacturing
and reduced process;
carbon footprint;
(6) Decentralized
(4) Higher efficiency andand close-to-consumer
flexibility in product manufacturing;
(5) The(7) Shorter
lower supplyofchains,
number more localized
transportation production
processes using innovative
and reduced distribution methods, and
carbon footprint;
(6) Decentralized and close-to-consumer manufacturing;
(7) Shorter supply chains, more localized production using innovative distribution methods,
and collaborations;
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(8) (8)
Extended product
Extended life by
product novel
life by technical methodsmethods
novel technical such as remanufacturing, reusing, repairing,
such as remanufacturing, reusing,
refurbishing, and sustainable socio-economic production.
repairing, refurbishing, and sustainable socio-economic production.
chainsof AM
of AMare shorter, smaller,smaller,
are shorter, more localized, and they offer
more localized, andconsiderable
they offer sustainability
sustainability Therefore, thereTherefore,
advantages. needs to bethere
a better understanding
needs of value
to be a better chain reconfigurations
understanding of value in the
sort of interactionsinbetween
reconfigurations the sort stakeholders
of interactions and relationships
between while the
stakeholders andproduct life cycles
relationships arethe
while considered.
cycles in
areFigure 8, fourAs
considered. main fieldsinexist
shown in the
Figure life cycle
8, four main of materials,
fields exist ininthe
which the adoption
life cycle of AM
of materials, in
is conducted
which to improved
the adoption of AM resource efficiency.
is conducted These main
to improved stages are
resource (1) design
efficiency. of product
These and process,
main stages are 1)
(2) the material
design of productprocessing, (3) product
and process, 2) the order and processing,
material manufacturing processes,
3) product andand
order (4) close loop with
end-of-life production
processes, and 4) close[13,123].
loop with end-of-life production [13,123].

Figure 8. Product and material life cycle stages [123].

Figure 8. Product and material life cycle stages [123].
3.2. Sustainable Design through AM
3.2. Sustainable Design through AM
The principal application of AM compared to conventional design is in the process of design.
The principal
The prototyping application
process of AM compared
is traditionally too expensive to conventional designtools,
due to the essential is in molds,
the process of design.
and specialized
The prototyping
workers, whereas the process is traditionally
application of AM has atoo expensive
significant due to
influence onthe essential tools,ofmolds,
the manufacturing and
in workers,
terms of time whereas
and cost. AMthe application
is also of AM has
able to produce a significant
products that are influence on the manufacturing
geometrically more complex.
of prototypes
The in terms
optimal design of time
of AM leadsand to acost. AM isin
reduction also
theable to produce
consumption ofproducts
around 40% that[21].
are geometrically
moreThe complex. The of
definition optimal
eco-designdesigninofAM AMisleads to a reductionofinthe
the consideration theenvironment
consumptioninofevery around 40%
[21]. and fabrication process so that every step has the minimum environmental effect through the
The definition
product’s of eco-design
life [124]. Accordingly, in AM iscan
eco-design thebeconsideration
applied as a tool of the environment in
for environmental every design
assessment and
process and fabrication
environmental design. In process so that
this case, lifeevery
cycle step has the
analysis (LCA)minimum environmental
is the most appropriate effect
tool through
to evaluatethe
the life [124].effect
environmental Accordingly,
of a product, eco-design
which iscan be applied
described as a tool
in Section 3.3.2forwith
more details. assessment
and environmental
analyzing design. In by
method is employed this case, lifeusers
numerous cyclewith
on the is technicalities
the most appropriate toolfor
of the design, to
evaluate the
example, theenvironmental
optimization ofeffect design of aand
process. which is described
Moreover, in Section
the other 3.3.2 with
assessment toolsmore
as the
The LCA analyzing
Eco-Indicator 99 allowmethod is employed
an earlier assessment,by numerous
nonetheless, users withcost
at the focuses
of anon the technicalities
accurate evaluation of the
In for the
general, example,
applied thetools
optimization of design design
for environmental and process. Moreover,
principally involve themanuals,
other assessment
guidelines, tools
such as the
checklists Eco-Indicator
(such 99 allow
as [126]), or using an earlier
the green assessment,
products nonetheless,
for inspiration, e.g., theatEco-Design
the cost Handbook
of an accurate
It [125]. Inthe
leads to evaluate general, the applied
environment tools
in the for environmental
design design principally
and product development processinvolve
[125]. manuals,
guidelines, or checklists
Sustainable product (such
designasis[126]), or using
categorized as antheextension
green products for inspiration,
of eco-design. Sustainable e.g.,design
the Eco- is
Design Handbook
defined as “design[127].
which It leads
fabricatethe environment
products in the design
that diminish and product
their impact development
on the environment”
while [125]. acceptable economic profits and a positive effect on society at the same time [118,128].
it achieves
research in product
sustainabledesign is categorized
product as anon
design focuses extension
features ofsucheco-design.
as reducing Sustainable design is
the environmental
effects “design which
resource, strivesand
energy, to fabricate
usage while that it
regularly their impact onunderstanding
disregards the environment” the
while itofachieves
quality the design acceptable
as a techniqueeconomicwhichprofits
maximizesand product
a positive effect on[129,130].
advantages society at the same
Diegel time
et al. [128]
showed MuchAMresearch
has a great in sustainable
capability toproduct
addressdesign focuses
both cost on features
efficiency such as
and design reducing
quality whilethe it
remains effects oftool
as an operative thetoresource,
empowerenergy,sustainableand product
usage Hao whileet it
al.regularly disregards
[119] presented that
understanding the quality of the design as a technique which maximizes product advantages
[129,130]. Diegel et al. [128] showed that AM has a great capability to address both cost efficiency and
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 19 of 34

sustainable product design can be performed through the optimizing of internal lightweight structures.
Table 3 demonstrates a summary of the benefits and challenges of sustainable AM process.

Table 3. Summary of benefits and challenges of sustainable AM process [13].

Advantages Challenges
Product redesign
Design freedom Integrating sustainability using the design for
Optimized geometries and performance environment or eco-design
Reduced cost and time Training of designers and engineers concerning
Improved product functionality and durability the potential utilization and benefits of AM
Simplified assemblies and products Certifying new components
Upgradable and democratized design
Material input processing
Improved resource efficiency of raw Resource efficiency improvements and recycling
material processing potential restricted to specific materials
Decreased toxicity of material processing Increasing the percentage of recycled content in
By-products from the waste flow material inputs
Upcycling and recycling of waste materials Lack of knowledge of the environmental performance of
Localized material recycling material processing techniques
Component and product manufacturing Restricted speed and reliability of AM
Decreased energy consumption Restricted quality of products
Decreased waste production High machine costs
Improved access to digital designs and Improving cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency at
manufacturing systems higher production volumes
Decreased material inputs Lack of knowledge of the environmental
Simplified assemblies and supply chains Performance of AM technologies and supply chains
Improved productivity, cost and resource efficiency Requirements for standards and regulations
Product use
Lightweight products
Improved operational efficiency
Uncertain performance of products and components due
Improved functionality and durability
to low maturity of AM technologies
Repair, remanufacturing and recycling
Decreased waste produced during the repair process
Certifying repair and remanufacturing processes
Decreased process time for repair
Performing maintenance systems
Improved product utilization through repair
Restricted recyclability of plastics due to quality losses
and remanufacturing
Non-recyclability of AM-produced multi-material goods
Improved material efficiency through recycling
Increased acceptance of recycled material content

3.3. Sustainability Assessment

In recent years, environmental issues of manufacturing processes have been at the center
of attention due to the importance of resource-saving and environment protection. Therefore,
sustainability studies are essential for AM before being commercially utilized [131]. Reducing
fuel consumption in goods transportation and material wastes in manufacturing are the two large
challenges in AM sustainability. Comprehensively overcoming these challenges and assessment of
their real impacts result in a reduction in overall product cost and sustainability improvement [132].
Sustainability dimensions are progressively identified as an applicable tool for public communication
and policy in order to carry information about country and corporation performance [121]. Reduction
in energy/material consumption and transportation/packaging systems through different life cycle
analysis (LCA) methods have been performed on AM processes in order to make them more sustainable
consumption in goods transportation and material wastes in manufacturing are the two large
challenges in AM sustainability. Comprehensively overcoming these challenges and assessment of
their real impacts result in a reduction in overall product cost and sustainability improvement [132].
Sustainability dimensions are progressively identified as an applicable tool for public communication
Appl.policy in9,order
Sci. 2019, 3865 to carry information about country and corporation performance [121]. Reduction
20 of 34
in energy/material consumption and transportation/packaging systems through different life cycle
analysis (LCA) methods have been performed on AM processes in order to make them more
regarding their
sustainable economic,
regarding theirenvironmental, and social impacts.
economic, environmental, Figure
and social 9 summarizes
impacts. Figure 9all aspects of the
summarizes all
sustainability of AM processes based on three main dimensions.
aspects of the sustainability of AM processes based on three main dimensions.

Figure 9. Sustainability dimensions of additive manufacturing [117].

Figure 9. Sustainability dimensions of additive manufacturing [117].
3.3.1. Economic Impacts of AM
Economic Impacts
economic of AM
features are in different forms and numerous sustainability-related evaluations
can beTheintegrated
economic and featuresutilized
are in indifferent
order toforms reduce and production
numerouscost [11]. The economic
sustainability-related benefits
mostly reflect efficiency improvement of design and manufacturing
can be integrated and utilized in order to reduce production cost [11]. The economic benefits mostlyrather than avoiding the tooling
costs. efficiency
reflect In addition, reduction inofidle
improvement timeand
design between design and
manufacturing manufacturing
rather than avoiding stages and thecosts.
the tooling time
between different manufacturing steps will result in a cost reduction.
In addition, reduction in idle time between design and manufacturing stages and the time between Based on the literature, energy
different in transportation
manufacturing can lead
steps will resultto in
a significant saving ofBased
a cost reduction. $56–$219 on thebillion by 2025,energy
literature, while
lightweight components
consumption in transportationare fabricated
can lead[13].to aAM technology
significant makes
saving of $minimum
56–$ 219 waste
by 2025, only the
needed materials are consumed [18]. Considering all these modifications,
lightweight components are fabricated [13]. AM technology makes minimum waste because only the AM processes themselves,
enjoy lower
needed inputare
materials materials,
consumed less[18].
waste, and a shorter
Considering supply
all these chain that allAM
modifications, together,
processeswould provide a
enjoy of $113–$370 billion by
input materials, less2025 [123].
waste, andCaffrey
a shorter et al. [133] chain
supply reportedthatthat the AM market
all together, grew to
would provide
$3.07 billion in 2013 and it is predicted that it will grow to around $10.8
a saving of $ 113–$370 billion by 2025 [123]. Caffrey et al. [133] reported that the AM market grew to billion in 2021. In another
$report by Kellens
3.07 billion [134],
in 2013 and it is
it estimated
is predicted that cost
that it reductions
will grow to will range $from
around 10.8$170
billionto $593 billion
in 2021. by 2025,
In another
for the markets with a great potential of AM processes, such as medical,
report by Kellens [134], it is estimated that cost reductions will range from $ 170 to $ 593 billion by aerospace, and tool making.
2025, foretthe
al. markets
[135] investigated
with a great the potential
markets related
of AMto AM as follows:
processes, such as medical, aerospace, and tool
making.(1) By 2025, et
Gelbler theal.potential of the mid-term
[135] investigated global market
the markets relatedof toAMAMisaspredicted
follows: to be $230–$550 billion;
(2) The main markets for AM are consumer products
(1) By 2025, the potential of the mid-term global market of AM is predicted ($100–$300 billion), the products related
to be $ 230–$ to
billion; components ($100–$200 billion), and finally tool and mold industries ($30–$50 billion).
(2) hasmain
become the subject
markets for AM of numerous
are consumer research due to
products ($ the promising
100–$ industrial
300 billion), potentialrelated
the products which
is started from product prototyping to industrial end-user applications
to medical components ($ 100–$ 200 billion), and finally tool and mold industries ($ 30–$ 50 billion). [134,136,137]. The market
AM has supply
becomechain themanagement, production,
subject of numerous and machinery
research due to the costs are some industrial
promising aspects of economic
which is started from product prototyping to industrial end-user applications [134,136,137].are
dimensions, as shown in Figure 9. There are three main aspects of the economics of AM, which as
follows [138]:
market evolution, supply chain management, production, and machinery costs are some aspects of
1. Measuring
economic dimensions, theasvalue
shown of intheFigure
9. ThereThearedefinition
three main of added
aspectsvalueof theinvolves
economics all of
related to materials,
which are as follows [138]: machining process, and other purchased items for production. In fact, added
value can raise the value of the production output with considering all taxes, employees’ salary,
and gross operating as well. Wohlers et al. [139] estimated that spare parts sales for AM products were
$1.307 billion in 2014 around the world while the USA has the largest portion of this amount with
$498 million. As a result, the global value-added to the AM process totaled $667 million in 2014, which
is 0.01% of the global manufacturing value-added [138].
2. Estimating the adoption and distribution of AM technology: A firm needs various resources
(such as labor, natural resources, and other items required for production process), established
processes, and adequate capabilities (such as controllability, flexibility, and integration) in order
to make products and services [140]. AM technology has great influences on a firm’s capabilities.
Accordingly, controllability and flexibility are the principal challenges of any firm that AM can
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 21 of 34

positively improve. AM technology has high controllability, which makes it greatly attractive for more
firms as well. Regarding the literature [138], it is estimated that AM business will surpass $4.4 billion
in 2020, $16.0 billion in 2025, and $196.8 billion in 2035, therefore, it is required to deviate from its
present trends of adoption.
3. Measuring the benefits and costs of applying the technology: The key point of decision
making of any production is usually based on costs, and obviously, having a cost model for choosing
the best manufacturing process is vital. It is essential to understand the performance of the AM
processes cost-effectiveness for an efficient extension of AM. Both knowledge of process capabilities
and operative cost modeling can show a helpful vision into the potential cost increase or “real cost”
of a special AM process [141]. There are two main ways for evaluating AM costs. The first one
is a comparison between AM and conventional processes in order to determine AM cost efficiency.
The other category is identifying the applied resources for the AM processes to obtain the optimum
consumption as well as a reduction in resource use.

3.3.2. Environmental Impacts of AM

Various research on the environmental influence of these processes was performed 10 years
after the first generation of AM machines. Although AM has many benefits, such as freedom of
design, flexibility, and sustainable advantages, it also has a minor environmental impact on industrial
development [142]. Therefore, the environmental investigation is an essential issue in the AM industry
based on regulations leading manufacturing productions and end-of-life disposal of products and
growing demand for environmental certification requirements (ISO 14000) worldwide. Numerous
studies indicate that AM has a great potential to considerably decrease environmental impact and
energy per unit of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) [143–145]. In fact, AM carries the potential to
diminish the carbon footprint by optimizing designs and the decrease in the waste flow [30]. By 2025,
carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions are estimated to be 130.5–525.5 million tons (Mt). In this respect,
lightweight components, which is produced by AM, play an important role to reduce the energy
consumption of the AM process [135]. As reported by Hague et al. [146], an optimal design would save
the material usage up to 40%. This fact is more important when we know that a 100 Kg reduction in the
weight of a long-range airplane leads to 2.5 million dollars in saving in fuel consumption and 1.3 Mt
CO2 savings during the aircraft’s lifetime [30]. The environmental impact of AM can be investigated
mainly in three features [117] (see Figure 9) as follows:

• Resource consumption: In AM, material and energy consumption represents the principle
resource consumption. Conventional manufacturing compared to AM consumes more
materials but the energy consumption would be relatively higher due to the lower production
size of products [147–149], especially for AM processes that include its processing at
high-temperature [117].
• Waste management: subtractive manufacturing processes produce a large quantity of waste in
order to produce a product, which may be reduced by 90% while using AM [150]. This means
that AM generates less waste.
• Pollution control: compared to subtractive manufacturing processes, AM eliminates the use of
harmful chemicals, e.g., casting release compounds, cutting fluids, and forging lubricants.

Luo et al. [151] studied different environmental impacts in AM, e.g., energy consumption,
material preparation, recycling, material toxicity, and landfilling. Numerous studies also show that a
comprehensive study on AM helps not only in identifying and preventing negative environmental
effects but also in enhancing the satisfactoriness of AM technology. Nevertheless, studying an
interdisciplinary technological area, understanding the environmental impact and energy of AM
according to the life cycle outlook is really challenging.
A variety of approaches were considered to evaluate environmental impacts, such as environmental
impact scoring systems (EISS), life cycle analysis (LCA), and design for environment (DFE) [30]. LCA,
Luo et al. [151] studied different environmental impacts in AM, e.g., energy consumption,
material preparation, recycling, material toxicity, and landfilling. Numerous studies also show that a
comprehensive study on AM helps not only in identifying and preventing negative environmental
effects but also in enhancing the satisfactoriness of AM technology. Nevertheless, studying an
interdisciplinary technological area, understanding the environmental impact and energy of AM
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 22 of 34
according to the life cycle outlook is really challenging.
A variety of approaches were considered to evaluate environmental impacts, such as
established in the impact
1990sscoring systems (EISS),
and developed by the life cycleofanalysis
Society (LCA), and
Environmental design for
Toxicology andenvironment
(DFE) [30].isLCA,
(SETAC), established in recognized
an internationally the 1990s and developed
technique by the Society of
to systematically Environmental
evaluate Toxicology
the environmental
and Chemistry
impacts of different(SETAC),
industrialis an internationally
products, processes,recognized
and activities technique
[152,153]. to The
LCA method, evaluate
compared the
environmental impacts of different industrial products, processes, and
to other approaches of environmental impact assessment such as Design for Environment or Carbon activities [152,153]. The LCA
method, compared
Assessment [154], has toaother approaches
capability of environmental
to quantify precisely and with impact assessment
diverse criteria,such as Design for
the environmental
Environment or Carbon Assessment [154], has a capability to
effect of a global system. This method has been normalized by SETAC and UNEP (United quantify precisely and withNations
criteria, the environmental effect of a global
Environment Program) under the standard ISO 14,044 [155]. system. This method has been normalized by SETAC
and UNEP
According (United Nations
to ISO 14,040 Environment Program)
[156], LCA consists ofunder the standard
four steps. ISO 14,044
These steps will be[155].
performed in a
framework, as shown in Figure 10. In the primary step, the goal and scopewill
According to ISO 14,040 [156], LCA consists of four steps. These steps be performed
of the study and in thea
restrictions as shown in Figure Accordingly,
to be specified. 10. In the primary step, the
the definition of goal and scope
a product of theand
or process, study
the and the
restrictions have to be specified. Accordingly, the definition of a product
boundary should be determined as well. Then, the next step is input or output inventory analysis or process, and the system
(Life Cycle should
Inventory: be determined
LCI). All input as well. Then,energy)
(material, the nextand steptheisresulting
input or outputs
output inventory analysis
(waste, emissions)
(Life Cycle
should Inventory:and
be identified LCI). All input (material,
Afterand thethe
that, resulting
other stepoutputs (waste,
(third) emissions)
consists of the
Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA methods such as Impacts 2002+, Eco-Indicator 99, or CML)Life
should be identified and accordingly quantified. After that, the other step (third) consists of the for
Cycle Impact
achieving Assessment
the outcome of the(LCIA methods
quantified inputssuch as Impacts
and outputs 2002+,
on the Eco-Indicator
ecosystem and human 99, health.
or CML) for
In the
last step, thetheconsequences
outcome of the quantified
could inputsby
be controlled andtheoutputs on the ecosystem
interpretation of the system and[157].
human health. In
the last step, the consequences could be controlled by the interpretation of the system [157].

Figure 10. Conceptual framework of life cycle analysis (LCA) [153].

Figure 10. Conceptual framework of life cycle analysis (LCA) [153].

LCA is the most commonly used approach for measuring the environmental impact for the
LCA is the most commonly used approach for measuring the environmental impact for the
entire life cycle of the product [158], from the purchase of raw materials to fabrication, use, and
entire life cycle of the product [158], from the purchase of raw materials to fabrication, use, and
Sci. 2019,
(see Figure
REVIEW11 ). 11 of 35
disposal [157,159] (see Figure

Figure 11.
11. Life cycle phases
Life cycle phases[157].

In order to have a more accurate understanding of the material, process and energy consumption
and production wastes and disposal can be taken into account to estimate the environmental
performance of the production process [160]. In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted
about the LCA method and its applications. Based on LCA investigations, some AM processes, e.g.,
Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS), Construction Laser Additive Direct (CLAD), and Direct Metal
Deposition (DMD), are very environmentally friendly compared to traditional manufacturing
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 23 of 34

In order to have a more accurate understanding of the material, process and energy consumption
and production wastes and disposal can be taken into account to estimate the environmental
performance of the production process [160]. In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted
about the LCA method and its applications. Based on LCA investigations, some AM processes,
e.g., Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS), Construction Laser Additive Direct (CLAD), and Direct
Metal Deposition (DMD), are very environmentally friendly compared to traditional manufacturing
processes [11]. Huang et al. [161] quantified the life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
savings potential of AM production for metal-based aircraft parts in the US. Based on the results,
energy savings for AM processes is estimated to reach 70–173 million GJ/year in 2050 with a reduction
in cumulative GHG emission which is predicted to be around 92.1–215.0 million metric tons.
Many studies have investigated the energy consumption and they only depend on the electrical
consumption of AM machines during the production process. Contrary to these studies, Yosofi et al.
quantified AM processes with its accuracy of inventory data through the production phase of the life
cycle of products. They proposed a generic approach for purchases and characterization of inventory of
AM processes. Their methodology relied not just on electrical energy, it is also depending on material
consumption. They also investigated the environmental impact of AM according to life cycle inventory
data, which are related to energy, material, and fluid. Ultimately, they proposed a predictive model
and provided a novel methodology for the combination of technical, environmental, and economic
assessments [162].
Kerbrat et al. presented an innovative methodology to measure the environmental impact of its
CAD model for having more accuracy. Their methodology focused not just on electrical consumption
but on material and fluid consumption as well, and it consequently contributes to the environmental
impact. Furthermore, this methodology applies a set part process, which leads to considering
various production strategies and the resulting influence on the universal environmental impact.
The methodology was according to both analytical and experimental models [163]. Le Bourhis et al.
also proposed another methodology that all consumptions including fluids, electricity, and material,
were considered in the evaluation of the environmental impact. This method evaluates the consumption
amount in the machine using a sustainable approach. The method was defined based on a predictive
model of the consumption from the CAD model of the part and the manufacturing path [155].

3.3.3. Social Impacts of AM

The social development of the AM process is promising due to numerous potentials and benefits
in the optimization of products, growth in product functionality, and a significant reduction in energy
consumption, particularly natural resources [110,160]. Social sustainability is involved with the safety
and the health of labors and the working conditions. This aspect is not easy to measure because the
product benefit of society is relative and can be interpreted differently [11]. AM processes may have
health benefits (or less health risk) compared to traditional manufacturing processes since they allow
labors to prevent working in hazardous environments. Employment and the distribution of labor,
quality of life, creativity, ethics, and self-expression are a part of topics not highlighted in the studies.
Obviously, more investigations are needed in order to complement the social sustainability of AM
as well [13]. Huang et al. [164] presented the social impacts of AM from a technical point of view in
customized healthcare goods to provide a better quality of life and population health. Further research
is needed to investigate the potential of hazard assessment for AM processes.

4. The Future of AM in Industry 4.0

Production of complicated shapes at high volume and speed with lower cost is a dream of every
industrial unit. In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish
which eats the slower (Klaus Schwab, Founder, and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum).
AM has become a key enabling technology that effectively reduces product design and development
timelines [165].
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 24 of 34

In the close future, the 3D printing process will be cheaper and faster. Mass production will be
the most discussed by researchers and practitioners. However, many manufacturers still believe that
in order to shift their products to the AM processes, the most disruptive effects will be restructuring
the future of additive manufacturing to look bright. 3D printing will grow through increasing the
applications in existing markets, finding new opportunities in non-industrial markets such as food,
fashion products, eyewear, and textiles. Wohlers’ report [139] predicted that the AM industrial revenue
will rise from $6.1 billion in 2016 to $21 billion by the year 2020.
Future work will concentrate on the development of multifunctional structures, ceramics,
Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) e.g., a combination of metals and ceramics which can
produce materials with lower brittleness, reducing inventory by on-demand production, reducing
time-to-market, automated repair processes, and designing new complicated parts [166,167].
Although 3D printing is growing and benefiting the use of AM technology in many industrial
sectors, it still has some limitations [168]:

• The high cost (such as operation, purchase, depreciation, and maintenance) of AM materials
and machines;
• The requirement for high-speed 3D-printing technology (such as novel AM technology with
higher speed, accuracy and resolution, and bigger build volumes);
• The lack of reliability in quality assurance practices across the sector;
• Design tools (such as software) need to be more investigated to present the full potential of the
AM process;
• An overall shortage of appropriately trained workers in AM, and limited opportunities for
collaboration and exploit of ideas.

Therefore, these issues will increase the challenging studies throughout the AM processes. In order
to overcome the existing obstacles in the AM processes and generate more profitable and effective
industry materials, printing technology, design software, and methods require improvement [168].
The future of AM in some important aspects of the industry, e.g., applications, technology,
and materials, are considered briefly in the next section.

4.1. Future of AM in Applications

In order to use additive manufacturing and operation of industry 4.0 for equipping the existing
manufacturing processes and in the future production, artificial intelligence and innovations in
approaches and materials will be inevitable [169]. The most applications of AM processes occur in
aerospace and automotive, art industry, medical and even architectural industry.
The aerospace industry has shown interest in these technologies because it enables them to directly
manufacture metallic parts such as from titanium (for aircraft) and the ability to easily manufacture
complex and high-performance products with significantly less tooling considerations [170]. Selective
Laser Sintering (SLS) and Electron Beam Melting (EBM) are now used in the aircraft and aerospace
industry. The principle goal of the automotive and aerospace industries is to manufacture lightweight
vehicles or aircrafts. These AM-based technologies are capable of manufacturing lightweight
components [171]. The AM has many applications in medical fields. It plays a key role in the
production and design of bio-models, surgical support tools, and implants. AM processes are able
to fabricate the various scaffolds for the restoration of tissues and they are useful in printing organs,
cell-laden biomaterials, biomaterials, and producing cells individually. AM technology has excessive
potential for the production of complex geometries of the implant. It should not be forgotten that AM
technology helps in reducing costs and producing a medical model in a shorter time [167]. The most
complex and complicated designs in the jewelry and art industries could be fabricated using AM
technology [172]. AM technology can provide effective tools for the work of jewelers and artists,
enabling them to create unique shapes in hours instead of days or weeks.
AM processes are able to fabricate the various scaffolds for the restoration of tissues and they are
useful in printing organs, cell-laden biomaterials, biomaterials, and producing cells individually. AM
technology has excessive potential for the production of complex geometries of the implant. It should
not be forgotten that AM technology helps in reducing costs and producing a medical model in a
shorter time [167]. The most complex and complicated designs in the jewelry and art industries could
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 25 of 34
be fabricated using AM technology [172]. AM technology can provide effective tools for the work of
jewelers and artists, enabling them to create unique shapes in hours instead of days or weeks.
InIn general,
general, there
there are many
are many advantages
advantages for AM forprocesses
AM processes over traditional
over traditional manufacturing
manufacturing processes
inprocesses in rapidspare
rapid prototyping, prototyping, spare
parts, complex parts, complex
workpieces, machine workpieces, machine tools,
tools, rapid manufacturing, andrapid
so on.
manufacturing, and so on. The most important advantages are dropping time and
The most important advantages are dropping time and cost in different categories of production [18]. cost in different
The methodsofof production
production [18]. The
will notmethods
changeofbyproduction will not change by
additive manufacturing. additive improving
However, manufacturing.most
areas improving
of the industry most areas
is inevitable. Asofmentioned
the industry is inevitable.
earlier, Asspeed
the cost and mentioned earlier, the
of productions cost and
are predicted.
Figure productions are predicted.
the production Figure
savings based12 on
indicates the production
AM technology for metalsavings based
products for on
the AM
five years. for metal products for the next five years.

Figure 12. The saving of production in cost and speed, reproduced from Reference [18].
Figure 12. The saving of production in cost and speed, reproduced from Reference [18].
4.2. Future of AM in Technology Developments
4.2. Future of AM in Technology Developments
Rapid prototypes, the capability to print bulky structures, reduction of printing errors,
Rapid prototypes,
and improvement the capability
of mechanical to printare
properties bulky structures,
a part reduction
of the major of printing
factors errors, and
in the development
improvement of mechanical properties are a part of the major factors in the development
of AM technologies [7]. 3D printing has had a significant growth along with great steps in the ofnovel
technologies [7]. 3D printing has had a significant growth along with great steps in the novel and
and advanced technologies to make it more competent and cost-effective. AM technology is still in the
advanced technologies to make it more competent and cost-effective. AM technology is still in the
early stages and will need further development of technology, including decreasing the cost of printers
early stages and will need further development of technology, including decreasing the cost of
and feedstock, as well as expanding the capabilities of the printers so that they are faster, more precise,
printers and feedstock, as well as expanding the capabilities of the printers so that they are faster,
and autonomous. AM technology offers new opportunities in production paradigms and production
more precise, and autonomous. AM technology offers new opportunities in production paradigms
capabilities. Ranging from industry to retail, AM technology has numerous opportunities to have a
and production capabilities. Ranging from industry to retail, AM technology has numerous
major impact on how products are manufactured and how the companies implement business.
opportunities to have a major impact on how products are manufactured and how the companies
The marked and industrial companies have a tendency to enter the decentralized industrial
implement business.
revolution. Nevertheless, experts believe that AM would not be able to replace traditional
manufacturing processes easily [18]. There is no doubt that 3D printing technology is leading
the subsequent main industrial revolution. Because of its versatility, AM plays a major role in Industry
4.0, saving cost and time, determining process efficiency, allowing rapid prototyping, reducing
complexity, and very distributed production processes [16].
It can be predicted that the AM systems will be cheaper and could be easily available to the
public. Therefore, there will be more opportunities for users. Otherwise, speed will be a major issue
which will be improved significantly in the future with the progress of design and materials processes.
AM machines and systems will be available in shopping malls and any other locations where the
consumers can order and receive the final product in a short time. AM machines can be combined
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 26 of 34

with other technologies, e.g., hybrid AM technology. Moreover, AM systems can be used for multiple
materials and as a result, fabrication of different products will be easier [170].

4.3. Future of AM in Materials

The additive metal production facilitates the opportunity to fabricate complex components
from costly materials such as titanium alloys, which is significant to the biomedical and aerospace
industries [173,174]. AM of metals develops rapidly, and new methods, alloys, and applications are
achieved with significant quality improvements and reduced production times. In particular, research
and investments by governments, universities, and private sectors are designed to increase the speed
and accuracy of AM and raise the number of applicable alloys when monitoring prices [7].
There are many examples of materials development in the AM industry. Future developments
in the field of bioprinting will focus on various features, such as biocompatibility, mechanical
properties, printing properties, biomimetics, and degradation [175]. The development of new
composite biomaterials with various compositions to achieve reprogrammed mechanical properties
and functions can be a reliable method for making various organs and tissues with diverse mechanical
requirements. One of the major challenges in the field of cellular or organ printing is the development
of new biological inks that not only are able to print to maintain a certain tissue structure but also to
promote the proliferation and growth of embedded cells.
Developing intelligent materials should be concurrent with some advances in 4D printing
technology. By this technique, smart materials can be manufactured into complex and multifunctional
structures with precise and particular responsiveness. In addition, intelligent materials might require
chemical or physical modifications of particular additives for high-resolution 4D printing such as
photo-initiator agents, rheology and viscosity modifiers, sacrificial agents, or cross-linking agents.
In this respect, the main path is the developing of composite materials for 4D printing processes using
a combination of intelligent materials with printing materials [10].

5. Conclusions
In recent decades, various industrial revolutions have changed the domains of manufacturing in
many aspects. Nevertheless, the last industrial revolution, namely industrial 4.0, has exposed a novel
integrated manufacturing system using complex information technologies. In fact, this intelligent
manufacturing provides a highly flexible production, which is able to rapidly alter individualized mass
production and fabricate high-quality customized products. There is no doubt that AM capabilities are
a vital part of the fourth industrial revolution since AM has provided a new opportunity to fabricate
customized and personal products on the location. In this way, the roles of customers, factories,
and designers will be significantly redefined in the future of manufacturing.
As a matter of fact, AM has brought many innovations and opportunities in various industries,
mainly medical, aerospace, and automotive. AM helps effectively with cost and time-saving, reducing
complexity, rapid prototyping, and highly decentralized production. However, besides the several
advantages of AM technology, there are also some barriers against its quick growth, such as size
limitation, production time, limitations of materials, and machine and production costs.
AM is also in the group of sustainable and efficient production processes in the field of
manufacturing which helps with resource-saving and environmental protection. The sustainability
studies show a considerable reduction in material waste and fuel consumption as two principle benefits
in AM. In fact, eco-design in AM provides this opportunity that the environmental issues fundamentally
be considered in each design and fabrication stage, accordingly, various eco-design tools, e.g., life cycle
analysis (LCA), can be applied for evaluating the environmental impact of products.
The future perspective of AM will be a cheaper and faster technology which can be applied
for mass production too. The application of the 3D printing process will grow significantly for
production of various products in the market and therefore it will provide many opportunities in
even non-industrial market such as food, fashion products, eyewear, and textiles. Also, the future of
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3865 27 of 34

AM technology will depend on material development for the 3D printing process. For example, the
current development in bio-printing or 4D printing using intelligent materials give a hint in future
development for printing more complex and multifunctional components.
Overall, 3D printing technology is still not mature and needs more development to reduce
the material and machine costs, generate faster and more accurate printing methods, and work
autonomously. The smart factories need to be interconnected through IoT with greater individualization
and flexibility in manufacturing processes. The future of manufacturing considerably depends on
innovation in manufacturing technologies and methods, advances in materials, and even equipping
the existing manufacturing systems.

Author Contributions: The contributions of the respective authors are as follows: M.M. designed and performed
research, wrote some parts, and revised the article; A.D. and B.F. wrote Section 2 related to additive manufacturing
processes and helped in revising the manuscript; A.V. wrote Section 3 about the sustainability issues of additive
manufacturing process; S.S.E. wrote Section 4 related to the future of additive manufacturing process in various
aspects; A.G. edited and revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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