Title: Anthrax: Subtitles Are Following
Title: Anthrax: Subtitles Are Following
Title: Anthrax: Subtitles Are Following
Title: Anthrax
3: Infection.
4: Symptoms.
6: Causes.
8: Treatment.
9: Prevention.
10: References
By: Syed ShahZaib Shah 2
Spores (central spores no wider than bacterium) are seen in 2-3 day old
cultures, but not in clinical specimens. They resist heat and certain
antiseptics for moderate periods of time.
Capsule is a polypeptide of poly D-glutamic acid, and is a hapten (forms
active antigen when combined with other molecules).
Colonies are round, and appear like "cut glass" or "ground glass" in
transmitted light. They are gray and non-hemolytic on Blood Agar.
Toxin: three heat-labile components, none are active alone. The virulence
factor potentiates other two factors
By: Syed ShahZaib Shah 4
Lethal factor PA + LF = death (found in plasma of dying animals)
edema factor PA + EF = edema
virulence dependant on (single) capsule (anti phagocytic) and toxins
Humans are moderately resistant to the disease, with 20,000 to 100,000
cases per year worldwide. Infection acquired via one of three routes, through
the skin, by inhalation, or by ingestion. Cutaneous infection constitute 95%
of infections, and are acquired through minor abrasion, injured skin or at
pressure point of contaminated hide against skin. Rarely, it is contracted by
inhalation of spores, causing "Woolsorter's disease," (often through the
processing contaminated goat hair). According to the Merck Manual,
"Inhaling spores under adverse conditions (e.g. the presence of an acute
respiratory infection) may result in pulmonary anthrax which is often fatal."
Infections due to ingestion are rare in humans. It is not communicable from
person to person. The incubation period is generally 3-5 days. Spores
germinate in tissue at site of entry, lead to gelatinous edema. The pathogens
spread by the lymphatics to blood stream shortly before (and after) death. It
can be spread among animals via biting flies, insects and vultures, but this
mode of transmission is thought to be rare.
You can contract anthrax when spores enter an open wound in your skin.
The infection begins as a raised, sometimes itchy, bump resembling an
insect bite. But within a day or two, the bump develops into an open, usually
painless sore with a black center.
By: Syed ShahZaib Shah 5
There are three types of anthrax, each with different signs and symptoms. In
most cases, symptoms develop within seven days of exposure to the
Cutaneous anthrax
This form of anthrax enters your body through a cut or other sore on your
skin. It's by far the most common form of the disease. It's also the mildest —
with appropriate treatment, cutaneous anthrax is seldom fatal. Most (about
95%) anthrax infections occur when the bacterial spore enters a cut or
abrasion on the skin, such as when handling contaminated wool, hides,
leather or hair products (especially goat hair) of infected animals.
Symptoms of cutaneous anthrax include:
This form of anthrax occurs after eating meat contaminated with the
bacteria that cause anthrax. Gastrointestinal anthrax can be more
serious than cutaneous anthrax but can be treated effectively with
prompt use of antibiotics. But if untreated, gastrointestinal anthrax
• Nausea
• Vomiting, which is often bloody in the later stages of the
• Loss of appetite
• Fever
• Severe, bloody diarrhea in the later stages of the disease
• Sore throat and difficulty swallowing
• Abdominal pain.
• Vomiting of blood.
• Bloody diarrhea
• Swollen neck
• High fever
• Trouble breathing
• Shock
• Meningitis — a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the
brain and spinal cord
Oropharyngeal anthrax
This is the least common form of anthrax. The incubation period is
from 1 to 7 days. Initial symptoms include:
• Fever.
• Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
• Severe throat pain.
• Difficulty swallowing.
• Ulcers at the base of the tongue.
Many common illnesses start with symptoms that resemble the flu.
Anthrax is rare in the developed world, and the chances that your
sore throat and aching muscles are due to anthrax are extremely
If you think you may have been exposed — for example, if you work
in an environment where anthrax is likely to occur — see a doctor
immediately for evaluation and care. If you develop signs and
symptoms of the disorder after exposure to animals or animal
products in parts of the world where anthrax is common, seek prompt
medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.
Anthrax spores are formed by bacteria that occur naturally in soil in
most parts of the world. The spores can remain dormant for years
until they find their way into a host — usually wild or domestic
livestock, such as sheep, cattle, horses, goats and camels. Although
rare in the United States, anthrax is still common throughout the
developing world, especially sub-Saharan Africa.
Most human cases of anthrax occur as a result of exposure to
infected animals or their meat or hides. In the United States, a few
By: Syed ShahZaib Shah 9
people have developed anthrax while making traditional African
drums from the skins of infected animals.
One of the few known instances of non-animal transmission occurred
in the United States in 2001 when 22 people developed anthrax after
being exposed to spores sent through the mail. Five of those who
were infected died.
Risk factors
To contract anthrax, you must come in direct contact with anthrax
spores. This is more likely if you
The most serious complication of anthrax is a fatal inflammation of
the membranes and fluid covering the brain and spinal cord, leading
to massive bleeding (hemorrhagic meningitis).
Antibiotics are recommended to prevent infection in anyone exposed
to the spores. Ciprofloxacin and doxycycline are approved by the
Food and Drug Administration for post-exposure prevention of
anthrax in adults and children. Levofloxacin is also approved for use
in adults.
Anthrax vaccine
By: Syed ShahZaib Shah 12
An anthrax vaccine for humans is available, but it's not 100 percent
effective. The vaccine doesn't contain live bacteria and can't lead to
infection, but it can cause side effects, ranging from soreness at the
injection site to more-serious allergic reactions. The vaccine isn't
recommended for children, pregnant women or older adults.
Traditionally, vaccination has consisted of three shots given two
weeks apart, followed by three additional shots given at six, 12, and
18 months. But some research has shown that a less stringent
schedule may be equally effective with fewer side effects.
The vaccine isn't intended for the general public. Instead, it's
reserved for military personnel, scientists working with anthrax and
people in other high-risk professions.
The anthrax vaccine is manufactured and distributed by BioPort,
Corporation, Lansing, Michigan. The vaccine is a cell-free filtrate
vaccine, which means it contains no dead or live bacteria in the
preparation. The final product contains no more than 2.4 mg of
aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant. Anthrax vaccines intended for
animals should not be used in humans.
The End