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Installation Instructions: Perfect Manufacturing Processes by Practice-Oriented Simulation

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Version 13
Windows / Linux

Perfect Manufacturing Processes

by Practice-Oriented Simulation

Installation Instructions
Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

Copyright © 2015 simufact engineering gmbh

All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced, translated or transmitted in

any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, without prior written
permission of Simufact Engineering GmbH.

Simufact Engineering GmbH reserves the right to make changes in specifi-

cations and other information contained in this document without prior notice.
Although due care has been taken to present accurate information, Simufact
corporation disclaims all warranties with respect to the contents of this
documentation (including, without limitation, warranties or merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose) either expressed or implied. Simufact
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herein, including, but not limited to, for any special, incidental or consequential
damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this document.


Simufact, Simufact.forming, Simufact.welding and other Simufact products

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MSC, MSC.Marc and MSC.Dytran are registered trademarks of

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Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

Simufact.forming 13

On our own behalf

Dear customers,

With Simufact.foming 13 you have purchased a high-quality and future-

oriented simulation tool. We want to thank you for your confidence in our

Based on your needs and requirements several enhancements and

improvements have been incorporated into the 13 release. Your feedback
and suggestions are welcome to continue this way and allow us to meet
your expectations in the future.

Contact information can be found at:


Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

Table of contents

On our own behalf..................................................................................... 3

1 Installation instructions ............................................................. 6

1.1 Language selection for installation ............................................... 7

1.2 Choose components to install ..................................................... 8

1.3 Select target directory .................................................................10

1.4 Confirming the installation............................................................10

1.5 Show the What’s New document................................................12

1.6 Installation using LINUX...............................................................12

2 Licensing for Simufact.forming................................................14

2.1 General .......................................................................................14

2.2 Configuration...............................................................................15

2.3 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................28

3 Setup of DDM parallel processing..............................................31

4 Support..................................................................................... 33

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

1 Installation instructions

Before installing please read carefully the "Pink Sheet for

Simufact.forming 13 " . It contains additional information which is
not documented in this booklet.

Warning: This release does only support 64-bit OS!

Please keep in mind that no administrative rights are required for

a successful installation! However, the installation and configuration
of the license server requires administrative rights. Also, if a previous
version of Simufact.forming has been installed, administrative rights
are necessary to uninstall it.

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

1.1 Language selection for installation

Please insert the Simufact installation DVD into your drive. In case that
the installation is not starting automatically, execute the executable:
“simufact.forming_13.0_setup.exe”. First you need to select the language
for the installation (by scrolling with the mouse wheel or pull-down menu),
then select "Next".

Figure 1. Language selection

After confirming the license agreement you will be asked which Simufact
products you want to install.

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

1.2 Choose components to install

Figure 2. Choose components

By default the following products are selected to be installed: Simufact.for-

ming, Simufact.material, Simufact.utilities and external Microsoft utilities.

Simufact.remote can be deselected if you do not have licenses

for remote.

Simufact.license can be deselected if a recent license server is

already installed on your computer.

The remaining items are necessary and should not be deselected.

The programs can be installed independently in any order. To start the pro-
grams you need to be connected to a Simufact license server. Either you
use a license server from your network or you use a local license server.

If you have installed older versions of Simufact programs, you need to

uninstall them before installing the new versions.

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

Removal of specific components is possible either via the uninstall option

in the Simufact program group of the Microsoft Windows ™ start menu,
using the Control Panel under Programs, or you can check the installation
status of the setup of the computer. This will inform you about any other
necessary removals.

Figure 3. Start the uninstall from the start menu

Please do not uninstall a possibly existing version of Matilda!

Matilda is replaced by the new module Simufact.material. But you
can still use the already installed version of Matilda.

Simufact.forming 12.0.x and older can be used in parallel with version 13.
Please notice that you cannot run in parallel different versions of the licen-
se server, license manager and remote server. Here we recommend
using the latest version.

Additional programs or examples will not be installed if you deselect the

corresponding option.

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

1.3 Select target directory

After you have selected the components you want to install, you are asked
to specify the location where you want to install the programs.

Figure 4. Installation location

You can select any folder on your computer.

If you want to change anything, you can go back to your previous selec-
tions by clicking “back”. Otherwise start the installation by clicking „Install“.
By clicking „Cancel“ you cancel the installation.

1.4 Confirming the installation

The installation is fully automatic – the completion bar will inform you about
the installation progress. The installation cannot be canceled anymore at
this point.

Simufact.forming 13 Installation Instructions

Figure 5. Installation progress

By default, the file extensions sfp, mud, mfd, t16 and t19 are associated with
Simufact.forming. At the end of the installation you will be informed accor-
dingly by the setup program.

Figure 6. Installation finished

Simufact.forming 13

Close the installation program by clicking „Finish“.

You can now use the installed Simufact products.

1.5 Show the What’s new document

In case you haven’t actively deselected the option „Show readme“, the do-
cument „What’s New“ is shown after clicking „Finish“. It shows the funda-
mental program improvements. Enjoy reading!

1.6 Installation using LINUX

Quickstart – Installation

If you are a normal user, skip to step 5. Administrators start the installation
with step 1.

1. Read the readme.pdf on the DVD carefully.

2. Start the installation. For this, open a command shell (terminal), change
into the DVD's main directory and execute: ./simufact-13.0.bin or sim-
ply double-click that file in your file browser.

3. Follow the steps in the installation procedure and take note of any hints
or messages that are shown.

4. If you do not want to run a license or remote server on the local machine
but simply use the software, skip to step 5. Else, login as root ("su" or
"sudo -i") and start the configuration script install.exe in the path indi-
cated at the end of the setup. Select option "4" or "5" and setup/start
the license server and Simufact.service, respectively, then quit the script
with "q". Managing the servers after the installation, e.g. how to start and
stop them, is described at length in the readme.pdf.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

5. Each user who wants to start the software will have to set up his own
licensing once:

• Start the Simufact module platform "simufact/tools/13.0/bin/Simufact"

and select the entry "simufact.license" in the Modules menu. As an
alternative, you can also start the executable "sflicensemanager" in

 nable “Network licensing” and select the hostname of the license
server. This can either be localhost, or a remote Windows or Linux
machine where a license server is running.

Note: This step may already have been performed during the
installation procedure. You don't have to touch the current settings
if they seem to make sense.

 heck the available license features by clicking on the Licenses tab in
the left tree view.

 xit the license manager by confirming the settings with "OK".

6. That's it! You should now be ready to use the software.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2 Licensing of Simufact.forming

2.1 General

Please keep in mind that you need administrative rights to set up

the licensing!

The Simufact programs require a valid license key to start, therefore, the
individual application programs are started only if a valid license is found
on a license server.

When you start an application program, a license is requested from

a license server. The license server is a program for the management
of licenses that runs as a background process. It can be run on your
workstation or on another computer within your network. It manages the
licenses in one or more license files (for example "license.dat").

The license file will be sent to you by Simufact or one of our resellers.
License files are generally for installation on a specific computer and can
only be read successfully by the license server installed on the computer
that the license file has been issued for. The license manager will be
used to configure the license server, to manage the license files and to
give an overview of the available licenses.

To use a central license server to manage your licenses, you must

have a continuous connection to the license server. If the connec-
tion is interrupted, the license will be locked and the application
that requires the license will be terminated.

There are two types of licenses:

1. A node-locked license is a license that can only be used on a particular

workplace (computer).

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2. A network license is not connected to a particular workplace. Network

licenses can be used on any computer in the local network. This allows
a more flexible style of working: various users can work on different
computers using the same license.

If you change settings, you have to close and restart all running
Simufact products.

2.2 Configuration

2.2.1 Start of the program

The license manager can be started from any Simufact product. You
can find the corresponding entry in a pull-down menu (e.g. in Tools).

You should always start the license manager using administrative

rights. By doing so, you ensure that settings will be changed in the
whole network and for the specific user. Starting the license mana-
ger without administrative rights will only change the settings for the
current user.

This leads to the following restrictions:

1. If simulations are being started via remote from a distant machine,

licenses will only be available if the simulation was started with the
login data of the current user.

2. There is no downward compatibility to other Simufact products like

Simufact.Welding 4.0.x nor Simufact.Forming 12.0.x and older.

If you start Simufact.forming that hasn’t been licensed yet – due to an initial
installation - a dialog will appear that indicates the missing license.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

Figure 7. Starting of Simufact.forming

By clicking „License“ you can now start the license manager Simufact.license.

When using an already licensed installation you can start the license
manager via Simufact.forming. Therefore click on “Tools” and open the
license manager.

Figure 8. Executing the license manager via Simufact.forming

You can also start the license manager via the „start“ menu. Therefore open
the program directory and open “Simufact.utilities”.

Now click on “simufact.license 2015” to open the license manager.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

Figure 9. Starting via „start“ menu

In the whole program you can update the current view by clicking
the „F5“ key.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.2.2 General settings

In this dialog you can activate/deactivate the local licensing and/or the
network licensing.

Figure 10. General settings

If you switch on the local licensing, you need to specify the license file. This
license file will be provided by Simufact. It is copied automatically into the
license file directory. The license server uses this file to manage your available

If you activate the network licensing, you need to specify a license server and
a port for communication with the license server.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.2.3 Local licensing (details)

(This option applies only when you use multiple license files.)

Figure 11. Local licensing (details)

In this dialog you can specify the path to one or more license files with the
"Add" button. Multiple files can be opened and added to the list.

By clicking on the "Install" button you can install a local license server.
Here you also find buttons to uninstall the license server (if necessary) and
a button to start or stop the license server.

In the dialog fields you can see "status" and "version" information and -
provided the license server is not running - change the server port.

Right-clicking on one of the paths for the license file opens a context menu.
Here you can edit the license file or import new licenses from a selected
file. You will be prompted to specify a license file. The contents of this file
are then inserted into the file you selected; however, there will be no auto-
matic check whether the data are useful and valid.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

If you have expired licenses (e.g. 12.0), you should remove them to
avoid conflicts.

If you import licenses from another file, make sure that expired licen-
ses are removed from the file! It may cause problems to have both
past and current features in a license file. It is best to remove all
licenses from the file (by editing the file as explained above) and then
import the new data from the new license file.

Please stop the license server and start it again so that the
changes can take effect.

2.2.4 Network licensing (details)

(This option applies only when using multiple license servers.)

Figure 12. Network licensing (details)

If you want to use a network license, you must enable network licensing by
activating the appropriate check box under "General settings". By clicking
either the icons or you can add or remove a license server. If you

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

wish to remove a certain license server, make sure you have selected it

If you want to add a license server, the following dialog will be shown:

Figure 13. Adding a network server

You can enter the name of the license server and its port number. Normally
this will be the port 9986. Press the "Check" button to check whether the
license server can be reached.

If you do not get a license after you specify a license server, check
whether the port is enabled in your firewall. If this does not lead to
success, remove the license server and add it again. But this time
do not use the name of the license server, but its IP address. The IP
address takes the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. If you experience problems
with this, please ask your system administrator.

2.2.5 The license overview

This dialog (Figure 14) shows a list of all available and checked-out licenses:

If you have entered at least one network license server or license file for a
running local server, you will find a list of all available licenses on the right
hand side. In addition you are given general information, such as expiration
date, the validity or the type of the licenses.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

Figure 14. Licenses

This list also displays which licenses have been granted to which user and
which workstation. These are child entries of the license entries:

Figure 15. Granted licenses

By right-clicking on a user you can release the granted license. This is

useful for situations where an application has crashed and did not release
the license.

Use this feature with caution and make sure before you release
a license that the process using this particular license is not of
interest anymore. Data might get lost. When a license is approved
by a running program, this program will be terminated if it cannot
get a new license.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.2.6 The log files

Figure 16. Log files

In this dialog all messages and events are recorded chronologically. In

the event of errors or questions, you should first consult the log file. In the
selection menu, you can specify whether you want to view the messages
from the application or the license server.
With "Set" you specify the file where the log information is to be stored.
You can select an existing file in the dialog or create a new file by typing
a file name and clicking "Save". Similarly, you can save log files (for
later use) by clicking the "Save As" button. With "level" you can set
the priority of messages. Only messages that have a priority equal to
or higher than the entered level will be shown. "File size" determines
the maximum size of the log file. If this size is reached, older log entries
will be overwritten. Since it can take some time to display larger files on
older systems, you will be asked if you want to display the entire file or
just the last lines if the file size exceeds 2 MB. It may take some time to
display the entire file. "Refresh" (or "F5") loads the latest information and
"Delete" deletes the current log file.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.2.7 Information
Under "SF_LICENSE" all license servers and license files are displayed
separated by semicolons. License server entries in license files are not
listed here.

Figure 17. Information

In this tab you get general information such as the HostID, IP address or
computer names. The "Send" button opens your e-mail program to send an
e-mail with the above information to the Simufact support.

By clicking you can manually select the HostID in case your workstation
uses multiple network interface cards:

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

Figure 18. Selection of the HostID

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.2.8 System check

Figure 19. System check

The button performs a system test and shows you a complete analysis
of the system, which you can then save and / or e-mail to the Simufact sup-
port. Please note that in some e-mail programs, the info file may still have
to be added manually. If you have not saved the output, a temporary file is
created and the output is written to that file. If this file was not automatically
appended as an attachment to the e-mail, the name and the location of the
temporary file will be given to you. In this case please add the file manually
to the e-mail.

The button opens a dialog where you can type several commands in
DOS syntax. The results of these commands are added to the output. The
button clears the display.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

Figure 20. Execute a command

2.2.9 License usage

The usage of a license can be logged by the license server.

The log can be activated by a mouse click on the Log mode which can be
either SQL and/or Text.

Figure 21. Usage of a license

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.3 Troubleshooting

2.3.1 Message: The service failed to start

Problem: The service failed to start.

Solution: M
 ake sure that the folder in which the license server is located
has correct permissions for the system (on Windows systems,
this is the user "SYSTEM").

2.3.2 No licenses are shown even though a valid

server is available
Problem: You have no license although a network server has been selected.

Solution: • C heck if the port of the license server is blocked by your

firewall. If you have problems doing so, please contact your
system administrator.

• If you have the network server with a name specified, remove it
from the list and add it again. When you do so, use the actual
IP address of the license server instead of the server name.
This address has the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. In case you don’t
know the IP address, contact your system administrator.

•  efresh the license server. If you do not have the necessary

rights, ask your system administrator.

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

2.3.3 No licenses are shown even though a local

server is running
Problem: Y
 ou have no license although the local license server has been

Cause: The licenses in the license file have expired.

Solution: R
 emove the licenses from the file and then import current licenses.
If you do not have current licenses, please contact our support at
Simufact or your reseller (support@simufact.de).

Cause: Your HostID is not specified correctly.

Solution: • Make sure that you have specified the correct HostID (see Section
2.2.7 Information).

• On Windows Vista and Windows 7 several (virtual) network cards

are available. Please select the correct network card with the cor-
rect MAC address. Your MAC address has been sent to Simufact
to receive your license file.

• You have purchased licenses to the address of your wireless card.

Check if your wireless card is enabled. If the network card is not
activated, activate it.

2.3.4 The attachment was not automatically

appended to the e-mail
Problem: The attachment was not automatically appended to the e-mail.

Solution: S
 ome programs do, for security reasons, not support the auto-
matic attachment of files to e-mails. Should your program be af-
fected, you need to add the file manually. The path to the file will

Simufact.forming 13 Licensing

be shown for simplicity.

2.3.5 Special characters are not shown correctly

Problem: In some cases, the umlauts (ä,ü.ö) and other special characters
are not displayed correctly.

Solution: Since the output of special characters is depending on the Win-

dows version and language settings, the system check of the
license manager, unfortunately, does not affect a correct display.

Simufact.forming 13 DDM parallel processing for Simufact.forming

3 Setup of DDM parallel processing for

Simufact.forming (only FE)
DDM (Domain Decomposition Method) is a method to speed up a
simulation by parallelization and usage of multiple CPUs that can be
spread across a network. It is only available for the FE solver and requires
the purchase of a multi-core license. To activate the DDM option, please
proceed as follows:

- Open the program Simufact.forming 13

- Open the „Global settings“ in the menu Tools Options

- In the „Global settings“ choose the entry Intel® MPI library

Figure 22. Registration and installation of MPI service

Simufact.forming 13 DDM parallel processing for Simufact.forming

- Click the button „Install MPI service“. The service will be installed and the
button changes to “Remove MPI service”.

- Click the button „Register MPI account”  a registration dialog of the MPI
service appears.

Figure 23. Registration dialog of the MPIEXEC service

- Enter your account name and password

- Click on „Register“ and then „OK“

- Then click the button „Install MPI service“ in the global settings.

Upon a successful installation, you will be given the following information:

Figure 24. Status of the MPI service

Simufact.forming 13 Support

4 Support
You have now successfully installed your new product Simufact.forming and
can start building your simulation models.

For the procedure of the modelling, the start and the analysis of the simula-
tion please use the additional material (if you have not deselected it during
installation) from “Demos and Examples” and the help menus and tutorials.

For further questions please contact your local sales partner.

Have fun and enjoy optimizing your processes!

Your Simufact Team

Simufact.forming 13 Notes

Simufact.forming 13 Notes

Version 13
Windows / Linux

The receipt or possession of this software does not Install

pictures by courtesy of ZF Sachs AG and MAHLE Motorkomponenten GmbH

convey any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents,
or to manufacture, use, or sell anything herein, in whole simufact.forming 13
or in part, without the specific written consent of simufact.materials 2015
Simufact Engineering GmbH.

MSC.Marc and MSC.Dytran are trademarks of the

MSC.Software Corporation in the
United States or other countries.
Copyright © MSC.Software Corporation

CADfix © Copyright TranscenData Europe Limited, 2015.

SimLab © Copyright SimLab Corporation, 2015. Available Functionality

Cold Forming Hot Forging General

Sheet Metal Rolling Ring Rolling

Open Die Forging Heat Treatment Mechanical Joining

simufact engineering gmbh

Tempowerkring 19
21079 Hamburg, Germany
phone: +49 (0)40 790128-000
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