Academic Year 2020 - 2021 - ODD Semester PH8151 - Engineering Physics Unit-V Crystal Physics
Academic Year 2020 - 2021 - ODD Semester PH8151 - Engineering Physics Unit-V Crystal Physics
Academic Year 2020 - 2021 - ODD Semester PH8151 - Engineering Physics Unit-V Crystal Physics
a) AD
b) CH
c) FB
d) GE
19 Which of the following is a property of Miller indices?
a) They uniquely identify a plane
b) They are always positive
c) They are not fractions
d) None of the mentioned
20 Miller indices for perpendicular planes are always the same.
a) True
b) False
21 Which of the following is not an amorphous material?
a) Glass
b) Plastics
c) Lead
d) Rubbers
22 The crystal lattice has a arrangement.
a) One-dimensional
b) Two-dimensional
c) Three-dimensional
d) Four-dimensional
23 The axial relationship of a rhombohedral crystal system is given as
a) a = b = c
b) a = b ≠ c
c) a ≠ b = c
d) a ≠ b ≠ c
24 The interraxial angles of a hexagonal crystal system are given by
a) α = β = ϒ = 900
b) α = β = 900 ϒ = 1200
c) α = β = ϒ ≠ 900
d) α ≠ β ≠ ϒ ≠ 900
25 Crystallographic axes are obtained by the intersection of non-coplanar facesof the unit
a) Three
b) Four
C) Five
Engineering Physics | PH8151
d) Six
26 The number of crystal systems is---------
a) 5
b) 7
c) 14
d) 21
27 Edge dislocation imperfection is a sub type of
a) Point imperfections
b) Line imperfections
c) Volume imperfections
d) Surface imperfections
28 Displacement of an ion from regular location to interstitial location is known as
a) Vacancy defect
b) Line imperfection
c) Schottky’s defect
d) Frenkel defect
29 Which of the following axis system is being satisfied by orthorhombic crystal system?
a) a = b = c, α = β = γ = 900
b) a ≠ b ≠ c, α = β = γ = 900
c) a = b ≠ c, α = β = γ = 900
d) a = b = c, α ≠ β = γ = 900
30 Which of the following has a HCP crystal structure?
a) W
b) Mo
c) Cr
d) Zr
31 Amorphous solids have structure.
a) Regular
b) Linear
c) Irregular
d) Dendritic
32 A unit cell that contains lattice points only at the corners is known as
a) Primitive unit cell
b) Secondary unit cell
c) Layered unit cell
d) Derived unit cell
33 The axial relationship of a monoclinic crystal system is given as _
a) a = b = c
b) a = b ≠ c
c) a ≠ b = c
d) a ≠ b ≠ c
34 Crystals in which the number of the combinations of the symmetric molecule is limited to 32 is
known as
a) Crystallographic unit cell
b) Crystallographic point groups
Engineering Physics | PH8151
c) Crystallographic crystals
d) Crystallographic atoms
35 Which of the following is a characteristic of crystalline structure?
a) High density
b) Low density
c) Range of melting point
d) Short range of order
36 Which one of the following is most symmetrical?
a) Simple cubic cell
b) Hexagonal
c) Triclinic
d) Tetragonal
37 Effective number of atoms in a simple cubic (SC) unit cell is equal to
a) 4
b) 1
c) 8
d) 2
38 What is the atomic radius of a BCC crystal structure?
a) a/2
b) a/4
c) a√2/4
d) a√3/4
39 What is the coordination number of a simple cubic structure?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 10
d) 12
40 If the atoms or molecules in a solid are periodical at regular intervals of distances in three
dimensions, then that solid is known as:
a)crystalline solid
b)amorphous solid
c)liquid crystals
41 Unit cells for most of the crystals are:
42 What is the definition of melt crystallization?
a) Crystallization of melts from eutectic-forming or solid solution forming mixtures
b) Crystallization of melts from eutectic-forming or liquid solution forming mixtures
c) Crystallization of melts from eutectic-forming or constant boiling mixtures
d) Crystallization at very high temperatures
43 The atomic packing fraction in a body centered cubic unit is cell is
Engineering Physics | PH8151
a) 0.74
b) 0.52
c) 0.68
d) 0.66
44 For the crystal structures how many numbers of Bravais lattice are there?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 14
d) 24
45 Lattice planes which are introduced with Bragg’s Law are defined from which of the
following factors?
a) Shape and concentration of the crystal
b) Solubility and concentration of the crystal
c) Number of unit cell present in the crystal
d) Shape and dimensions of the unit cell of the crystal
46 Substitution of a foreign atom in the site of parent atom in the crystal is
a) Vacancy defect
b) Substitution impurity
c) Volume imperfection
d) Vacancy defect
47 When a pair of cation and anion are missing in a crystal, it is called
a) Vacancy defect
b) Line imperfection
c) Schottky’s defect
d) Frenkel defect
48 As the grain size of a metal increases, its ductility
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains constant
d) No effect of grain size on ductility
49 Phenomenon of cross slip occurs in
a) Point imperfections
b) Line imperfections
c) Volume imperfections
d) Surface imperfections
50 Which of the following has less crystallinity?
a) Iron
b) Nickel
c) High density polythene
d) Low density polythene
51 What is the coordination number of a face centered cubic (FCC) unit cell?
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
Engineering Physics | PH8151
d) 12
52 The atomic packing fraction in a simple cubic unit cell is
a) 0.74
b) 0.52
c) 0.68
d) 0.66
53 Miller indices of the hatched plane in the following figure are:
a) (2 3 1)
b) (3 2 1)
c) (3 2 0)
d) (1 1 1)
54 Vacancy defects in solids is a sub type of
a) Point imperfections
b) Line imperfections
c) Volume imperfections
d) Surface imperfections
55 Which of the following is a characteristic of crystalline structure?
a) High density
b) Low density
c) Range of melting point
d) Short range of order
56 Which of the following is a point defect in crystals?
a) Edge dislocation
b) Interstitialcies
c) Grain boundaries
d) Cracks
57 Which defect does the following figure depict?
Engineering Physics | PH8151
a) Vacancy defect
b) Schottky defect
c) Frankel defect
d) Interstitial defect
58 In screw dislocation, the Burger’s vector lies to the dislocation line.
a) Perpendicular
b) Parallel
c) At an angle
d) Sideways
59 Which of the following axis system is being satisfied by tetragonal crystal system?
a) a = b = c, α = β = ϒ = 900
b) a ≠ b ≠ c, α = β = ϒ = 900
c) a = b ≠ c, α = β = ϒ = 900
d) a = b = c, α ≠ β = ϒ = 900
60 In the following diagram, what is the direction cosine of the line EB?
a) [1 01]
b) [111]
c) [1 1 0]
d) [1 0 0]
61 Which of the following properties is generally exhibited by amorphous solids?
a) anisotropy
b) glass transition
c) equal strength of all bonds
d) All of the above
62 HCP and BCC are called close-packed structures. Close packed structures have:
a) Highest packing efficiency
b) Highest void fraction
c) Highest density
d) All of the above
63 Frenkel defect belongs to which of the following classes?
a)point defect
b) linear dislocation
c)interfacial defect
d) bulk defect
64 Foreign species is present in which of the following defects?
Engineering Physics | PH8151
d) all of the above
65 Burger vectors are relevant to which of the following crystalline defects?
a)point defect
b) linear dislocation
c)interfacial defect
d) bulk defect
66 Volume defect or bulk defects are which dimension defect? a) 1 dimension
b) 2 d dimension c) 3 dimension d) 4 dimension
67 Interfacial defect does not include which of the following defect?
a) Grain boundary
b) twin boundary
C ) Phase boundary
d) volume defect
68 Most Bravais lattices are of the type:
a) Primiyive unit cell
b) body centered unit cell
C ) Face centered unit cell
d) none of the above
69 In which of the following Bravais lattices, not all axial angles are right angles?
a) Tetragonal
b) rhombohedral
C ) Orthorhombic
d) cubic
70 In which of the following Bravais lattices none of the sides are equal?
a) Triclinic
b) monoclinic
C ) Orthorhombic
d) all of the above
71 Graphite is a common allotrope of Carbon. Its crystal structure is:
a) Cubic
b) monoclinic
C ) orthorhombic
d) hexagonal
72 Which of the following lattices has the highest void fraction?
a) HCC
b) BCC
d) Primitive unit cell
73 Which of the following unit cells do not exist for tetragonal lattices?
a) Primitive centered unit cell
b) BCC
Engineering Physics | PH8151
d) All of the above
1-d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5a, 6a,7a,8c,9a,10a,11d, 12a,13b, 14a, 15a, 16b,17d,18c, 19 c, 20b, 21-c,22-c, 23-a,
24-b, 25-a, 26-b, 27-b, 28-d, 29-b, 30-d, 31-c, 32-a, 33-d,34-b, 35-a, 36-b, 37-b, 38-d, 39-a, 40-a, 41-
c, 42-a, 43-c, 44-c,45-d, 46-b, 47-c,48-b, 49-b, 50-c,51-d, 52-b, 53-d, 54-a, 55-a, 56-b, 57-b, 58-b, 59-
c, 60-b. 61-b, 62-a, 63-a, 64-c, 65-b, 66-c, 67-d,68-a, 69-b. 70- d, 71-d, 72- d, 73- c, 74-b, 75- b