Positive Comparative Superlative

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Lesson Plan in English 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. identify the three degrees of comparison of adjectives
b. observe the proper use of the degrees of comparison; and
c. provide the correct degree of comparison of regular adjectives

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
References: Developing Reading and Language Skills – Normita
Carmona Potenciano

III. Procedure
A. Review
Ask the pupils about the previous lesson which is adjectives.
Ask the pupils to give examples of adjectives.

B. Motivation
Show a picture of a family.
Let the pupils describe the family on screen.
Ask them about their family.

C. Abstraction
Reveal the next lesson.
Ask the learners about their ideas in Degrees of Comparison.
Introduce the three Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.
Discuss and give examples.

D. Application
The teacher will let the students answer each number together.

Instruction: Provide the correct degree of comparison of adjectives.


1. short
2. clean
3. pretty
4. wide
5. dim

IV. Assessment
Students will answer exercise 1 in their book.

Exercise 1:
Provide the correct degree of comparison of adjectives..


1. cheap
2. long
3. bright
4. funny
5. brave

V. Assignment :
Please proceed to page 353 on your book and answer the following:

In some common adjectives, and mostly in adjectives with three or

more syllables, add the word more (or less) before the word for
comparative degree; for superlative degree, add the word most (or least).


2. Careful
3. Beautiful
4. Difficult
5. Brilliant

Prepared by:

Ellaine Tess Cimafranca-Tampon


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