Acceptability of Electric Vehicles Findings From A
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles Findings From A
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles Findings From A
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Plug-in Electric Vehicles (EV) offer a clean and cost effective means in the long run of driving
short to medium distances within the city, even with the current high purchase cost. In Australia
EV may be attractive as a second car in the multicar household. The acceptance of EV requires
a change in behaviour – instead of re-fuelling, this vehicle requires battery charging each 140-
160km, either at home or at specialised charging stations.
A limited number of EVs are being driven in Perth as part of the Western Australia Electric
Vehicle trial (WA EV trial). The trial monitors the performance, benefits, infrastructure and
practical implications of EV fleet. This paper explores the opinions and experiences of 43 of the
participants. Factor analysis and multiple regression are applied to identify the main motivators
and barriers in purchasing and using an EV.
Ninety per cent of respondents are confident about driving the EV; more than 45% take trips of
more than 30km. While zero tailpipe emissions is the most desirable feature of EV, followed
closely by home charging, the limited range of the vehicle is regarded as the most serious
barrier to EV uptake. The overall satisfaction with the EV performance is high (an average score
of 3.96 out of 5), although 13 participants experienced at least one technical difficulty, when
driving the EVs in the trial.
Two latent constructs reflecting environmental concerns, and technology learning, along with
EV benefits and technical difficulties experienced while driving an EV explain 59.2% of the
variability of the willingness to purchase an EV as the next vehicle.
1. Introduction
The increased demand for fossil fuels requires investigation of other energy sources in transport
planning. The plug-in Electric Vehicle (EV) is driven by electricity, using an electric motor
instead of a petrol or diesel engine. EV has distinct characteristics, for example limited driving
range, battery re-charging and zero tailpipe emissions. In addition, EV brings benefits in terms
of low running costs. People’s acceptance of new fuels and vehicles are determinants of the
EV’s place in the ensemble of vehicle technologies. The number of kilometres travelled on one
charge and the need for frequent charging are factors influencing the purchase and use of an
EV, along with the efficiency of the vehicle (weekly $ amount spent on travelling) and comfort.
Individuals are likely to trade-off these features and their decision is also affected by attitudes,
preferences, and habits.
Many Australian households use more than one car (ABS, 2008) so that the range limitation of
EV may not be considered an issue when there is a second car available for long distance trips.
With the low travel cost, EVs have the greatest potential for short trips within the city, but the
charging requires good trip planning.
A limited number of EVs are in use as part of an EV trial in Perth, Western Australia. The trial
monitors the performance, benefits, infrastructure, and practical implications of EV fleets. This
study aims to find the perceived barriers to the purchase and use of both converted and
commercially manufactured EV. A questionnaire was presented to the drivers in the WA EV
trial. Because the vehicles in the trial are all converted EVs, only four respondents use
manufactured EVs, with one having experience with both converted and commercially available
EV. In terms of sample size, number of manufactured EV drivers is small due to the limited
availability of EV in the Western Australian market.
In general, most of the drivers are confident in operating the EV, although 13 participants
experienced at least one technical difficulty when driving the converted EVs in the trial. The
overall satisfaction with the EV performance is still high with average score being 3.96 out of 5.
The two techniques used in this study include factor analysis and multiple linear regression. The
results of the survey are analysed by testing a set of hypotheses through the regression model.
The next section discusses the literature about EV uptake, followed by a conceptual model for
the adoption of EV (Section 3), and the data and methodology (Section 4). The findings of this
research are discussed next (Section 5) and the last section conveys the conclusions of the
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles: Findings from a Driver Survey
The studies to explore the potential demand for EV have started in different regions of the
world. Most of the research work for EV uptake is in the USA. Kurani and Turrentine (1996)
compared petrol and CNG with the hybrid and “neighbourhood” EVs (for 454 households) and
found home-recharging will be successful. Half of the households mentioned that they would
buy EV as their next new vehicle in multi-vehicle households. Kurani and Turrentine (1996)
were also amongst the first researchers to incorporate attitudinal data in their modelling.
Golob and Gloud (1998), with 69 individuals, applied regression analysis comparing petrol and
EV, and found EV likely to be used if average vehicle mileage is less than 28 miles/day.
Another study in California (Hess et al., 2006) comparing internal combustion engine vehicles,
EV and hybrid vehicles, suggested that EV can only compete in the market if they have a range
greater than 353 miles – thus recommending increased driving range for EV acceptance.
Bolduc et al. (2008) conducted an experiment in Canada with 866 individuals, comparing petrol,
alternative fuel, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and hybrid EV. They used hybrid choice models
including perceptions and attitudes and the structural and measurement equations for latent
variables were simulated together. The hybrid choice model demonstrated its capabilities to
capture: i) the environmental concerns; and ii) the appreciation of new car features. The
behaviour towards charging of electric vehicles was not discussed; however, the latent
constructs enriched the model’s explanatory power.
Recent study by Lieven et al. (2011) in Germany applied correspondence analysis to rank eight
types of cars (city, small, van, sports, luxury, etc.) for six types of uses (first vehicle for all uses,
second for leisure, etc.). Their findings tell that price is the top priority for both conventional and
EVs, with range ranked second. Performance, durability, environment, and convenience are
given less priority. Only 4.2% of first car buyers chose EV and they rated price and range as a
lower priority than non-EV potential buyers. Another recent research in vehicle type choice
modelling is by Kuwano et al. (2012) in Japan, they designed a two stage model. In the first
stage of decision making respondent was given a brief overview of EV features, and then asked
whether to keep EV as one of the available choices. If the respondent decided to keep EV in the
choice sets, a set of scenarios containing gasoline, hybrid-electric, and EV in the choice sets
was displayed to the respondent; otherwise scenarios with only gasoline and hybrid-electric
vehicle were given to the respondent. In this way social conformity was reflected in their model,
and heterogeneity in the preferences was explained by the use of latent class models. In
addition to the attributes that were considered by similar studies (such as purchase price,
range, charging time, and operation costs), Kuwano et al. (2012) had market share as an
attribute in their stated preference choice sets. With 384 respondents in Japan, Kuwano et al.
(2012) found that 10% of respondents prefer to own an EV, while 20.2% considered EV as an
alternative in the choice experiments. They obtained three latent classes: EV share rise, EV
purchase price reduction, and EV performance improvement (Kuwano et al., (2012); page 7).
In summary, studies of EV acceptance have been increasing since their start more than ten
years ago (Kurani and Turrentine, 1996; Brownstone et al., 2000; Ahn et al., 2008), with the
most recent research in this area being in the USA (Hidrue, 2010), Switzerland (Ziegler, 2010),
Germany (Lieven et al., 2011), and Japan (Kuwano et al., 2012). The technology at the core of
this study embodies significant advances and the study has the task of assessing how much
these advances will improve acceptability of EV.
2012 ATRF Proceedings
EV Barriers
Willingness to
Environmental Satisfaction in
recommend and
Concerns driving an EV
purchase an EV
H1: Drivers confident in the environmental performance and efficient use of energy of EV are
more likely to recommend and purchase an EV.
H2: Drivers showing concerns for environmental changes are more likely to recommend and
purchase an EV.
H3: Drivers ready to adopt and learn new technologies are more likely to recommend and
purchase an EV.
H4: Perceived EV benefits influence positively the willingness to recommend and purchase an
H5: Experienced technical difficulties while driving an EV influence negatively the willingness to
recommend and purchase an EV.
H6: Overall, drivers’ satisfaction with EV reflects the willingness to adopt EV as a future car. For
this paper the satisfaction with driving an EV is tested as one of the independent variables, as
this is not mediating model rather a direct model is tested with all predictors affecting the
willingness to adopt EV as a future car.
2012 ATRF Proceedings
In December 2011, an online survey was deployed and sent to all EV drivers in Perth, WA. The
experiences of the drivers in the focus group helped the design of the questionnaire. The
instrument included four sections: 1) EV characteristics; 2) drivers’ experiences; 3) attitudinal
questions; and 4) background questions. The socio-demographics in the survey included the
age, sex, education of the respondents, and number of cars at home. Since the drivers in the
trial did not purchase the EVs themselves, the income variable was deemed irrelevant. The
questionnaire also asked drivers about the technical problems encountered when driving the
EV, as well as what do they perceive the most and the least desirable features of EV. The
vehicles in the trial are all converted EVs, thus only a limited number of drivers outside the trial
had experiences with manufactured EVs. The overall satisfaction of driving EV was also
included in the questionnaire.
The socio-demographics in survey (Table 1) show that the majority of respondents are male
drivers (67.4%), and a number of respondents (73%) own 2 or more cars. Twenty-two
respondents are over 40 years and 28 have tertiary education.
More than 80% of drivers showed satisfaction in driving EV, with 34.1% being extremely
satisfied. This is a positive indication towards EV acceptance in the WA EV trial, where 24% of
respondents drive more than 50km, 39% drive 21-50km, 27% drive 10 to 20km, and only 11%
drive less than 10km in a single trip.
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles: Findings from a Driver Survey
Variable % Count
Male 67.4% 29
Female 32.6% 14
17-22 9.3% 4
23-29 20.9% 9
30-39 18.6% 8
40-49 18.6% 8
50-59 20.9% 9
60+ 11.6% 5
What is your highest level of education?
Year 12 9.3% 4
College/Professional qualification 25.6% 11
University Bachelor Degree 48.8% 21
Masters or PhD 16.3% 7
How many vehicles do you have at home?
1 27.9% 12
2 48.8% 21
3 or more 23.3% 10
“Zero-tail-pipe emissions” was considered the most desirable feature suggesting that the
drivers are concerned about the environment, followed by “low running cost”, then “reliability”,
“low-maintenance”, and “home-charging”. “Low level of noise” is also suggested as a desirable
feature of EV by the drivers in the trial. In terms of perceived barriers for EV uptake, the
respondents indicated the “limited range” and “purchase cost” as the most serious limitations,
followed by “recharging infrastructure” and “recharging time”, with “reliability” the least serious
As informed by the focus group, the questionnaire presented a list of technical problems with
EV, from which the participants had to select the ones they encountered while driving EV. Forty-
two respondents answered this question, 52% respondent indicated “Power-steering failure”,
“no regenerative braking” and “range indicator errors”, while 10 respondents reported other
faults that are related to charging, braking faults, motor overloading, and gearbox problems.
Recognising the role of attitudes and preferences in explaining behaviours, the survey included
a set of latent constructs regarding EV benefits, environmental concerns, adoption of new
technologies, and willingness to recommend and purchase an EV. Since the objective of this
survey is to investigate and test the role of these latent constructs against the willingness to
purchase an EV, the analysis included two stages: i) exploratory factor analysis to test the
validity of the latent constructs (latent factor scores were derived for use in the subsequent
analysis); ii) multiple linear regression, for simultaneous assessment of the linear
interrelationships between predictors for willingness to purchase EV.
2012 ATRF Proceedings
The latent constructs’ items were designed as a set of five level Likert-Scale questions ranging
from strongly agree to strongly disagree. After an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) stage, uni-
dimensional constructs were tested.
During the analysis of the constructs, it has been found that few construct items were weak and
they will be redefined for the household survey. Each construct is discussed in detail below.
The analysis of results showed that 90% respondents agreed that it is now the real time to
worry about our environment and this requires our immediate efforts. A large number (69.8%) of
respondents believed that climate change is not a myth; this shows that respondents are
concerned about climate change and air pollution effects. Approximately 63% of respondents
showed willingness to spend extra time or pay more for products and services, only to save the
For this construct, the reliability coefficient, Cronbach's Alpha has a value 0.832, suggesting
consistency of the entire scale (Hair et al., 2010).
Overall, the survey responses are convincing about the relevance of technology adoption in
further uptake of EV. For example, 90% respondents believed that using new technologies
makes our life easier, and 70% respondents felt that new technologies give more control over
our daily life. Nearly 77% of respondents showed an excitement for learning new technologies,
while 80% of the drivers agreed that keeping up with the new knowledge or technologies is
When exploring the trendy or being fashionable tendency of the respondents, we found that
almost 30% of respondents are savvy-trendy adopters, based on their response that “taking up
new technologies makes one trendy”, and that “being fashionable means having up-to-date
knowledge of the techno-world”. Approximately 44% of respondents did not agree that new
technologies cause more problems than they solve.
As indicated, the EFA suggested more than one dimension, but only three items, with higher
commonalities and factor loadings were further retained. They are shown in Table 3.
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles: Findings from a Driver Survey
The measure of sampling adequacy (KMO) value 0.669 and a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.703
indicated that this structure for the one-dimensional Technology Learning construct is
In regard to EV technical difficulties, only 20% of the respondents believed that EVs have
problems with the acceleration; while 29% disagreed that EVs incur significant maintenance
None of these two constructs, EV benefits or Technical problems associated with EV had
adequate reliability in this sample, and consequently they were not used in this analysis.
The regression model initially tested all the independent variables, but the high correlations
among the explanatory variables resulted in multicollinearity issues (Hair et al., 2010). The
2012 ATRF Proceedings
correlations between independent variables and the willingness to purchase and recommend an
EV are given in Table 5.
Table 5 shows that all independent variables (Conf, LessM, EV_B1, EV_B2, OvSat) have
moderate correlations with each other. Overall satisfaction in driving an EV (OvSat) is related to
EV Benefits (EV_B1, EV_B2), and to being confident in environmental performance and
efficient use of EV energy (Conf). Similarly, a lower amount of money spent to fix EV in last 3
months (LessM) has a positive impact on the overall satisfaction (OvSat), and perceived EV
benefits (EV_B1, EV_B2).
One of the remedies for multicollinearity is to omit one or more highly correlated variables, and
identify other independent variables to help the prediction (Hair et al., 2010). To address
multicollinearity and given the reduced sample size, a backwards elimination procedure was
applied. Two different models were tested, with overall satisfaction and EV benefits being the
response variables (Tables 6 and 7).
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles: Findings from a Driver Survey
Independent Variables
(Constant) -0.716 0.815 0.385
AGE What is your age (years)? 0.127 0.072 0.185 0.086
How confident are you in the 0.370 0.177 0.262 0.044
environmental performance
Conf (H1) and efficient use of energy of
Tech_B New technologies give more -0.371 0.146 -0.287 0.016
(H3-A) control over our daily life
TechL 0.281 0.174 0.198 0.114
Technology learning construct
I spent a significant amount of -0.387 0.125 -0.367 0.004
money to fix my EV in the last
(H5) 3 months
OvSat Overall, how satisfied are you 0.338 0.131 0.336 0.014
(H6) driving an EV?
Note: Parameters significant at 0.05 level in bold.
As discussed in more detail in the next section, satisfaction is a mediator between the EV
benefit, EV barriers, and technology learning constructs, and the willingness to recommend and
purchase an EV.
The regression model in Table 7 also tests hypotheses of this study, but this time after
excluding the overall satisfaction from the list of predictors; independent variables that were not
significant were removed from the model, one at a time, while exploring the impact of the rest of
the variables. The final model, containing only significant variables, is given below. It has the R2
2012 ATRF Proceedings
value of 0.592, this indicates that variables in this model explain 59.2% of the variability in the
willingness to recommend and purchase an EV.
The second hypothesis in this study (drivers showing concerns for environmental changes are
more likely to recommend and purchase an EV) is not confirmed by the model, but this may be
due to the sample size and limited variability in the construct (the average factor score is 3.71,
with a standard deviation of 1.02). Ewing and Sarigollu (2000) found that the consumers
accepted the environmental impact of clean fuel vehicles, but the vehicle’s standards cannot be
Again, hypothesis 3 does not have full support with the question on technology’s control over
lives displaying a negative relationship. This negative coefficient was unexpected, however it
might be due to the fact that most of the respondents in this study have an experience of driving
converted EVs, and not commercially manufactured EVs. Another possible reason might be the
word “control”. This item needs to be reconsidered for the household survey and perhaps
instead of “control over our daily life”, the question needs to be reformulated to include “enable
us” or another positive phrase (for example “Using new technologies in our daily lives makes life
The fourth hypothesis (H4) of the study (perceived EV benefits influence positively the
willingness to recommend and purchase an EV) is confirmed, with EV_B1 and EV_B2
presenting beta coefficients of 0.308 and 0.268, among the highest in the model. Thus, this
demonstrates that perceived EV benefits (low driving cost and home-charging) influence
positively the willingness to recommend and purchase an EV. This is consistent with the
previous literature: e.g., Kurani and Turrentine (1996) identified the “home-charging” as a key
benefit of EV.
Acceptability of Electric Vehicles: Findings from a Driver Survey
The fifth hypothesis (H5), regarding the relationship between experienced technical difficulties
while driving an EV and the willingness to recommend and purchase an EV, is confirmed as
well, with a negative coefficient and a beta value of -0.289. Technical difficulties experienced
while driving an EV act as a deterrent for EV uptake. This is well supported by the literature.
Dagsvik et al. (2002) indicated that alternative fuel vehicles can compete with petrol cars if
maintenance and refuelling infrastructures for alternative fuel vehicles are well established.
Again these coefficient values could be different if there were more number of respondents
driving commercially manufactured EVs (with less technical difficulties) instead of converted
6 Conclusion
This research explores the EV drivers’ behaviour and their perceptions and attitudes towards
new technologies. Experiences of drivers in the trial are useful for exploring the impact of EV
benefits and of their technical difficulties on the acceptance of EV. The drivers showed
confidence in the EV’s environmental performance and efficient use of energy. The range is a
serious barrier to EV uptake, with almost half of drivers indicating that they require significant
trip planning especially for trips longer than 30km.
The analysis of the drivers’ survey also aimed to refine the latent constructs such as technology
adoption and environmental concern. With the data from the drivers’ survey the reliability of the
constructs was assessed and items with low value of loadings are being revised. Although the
environmental concern appeared non-significant in the regression models, the literature
identified it as a key construct, and we will consider it in the household survey. Another
supporting argument for environmental concern construct is that the “Zero-tail pipe emissions”
is ranked as the most desirable feature of EV by the drivers in the trial.
The results of this analysis will inform the household survey, and these constructs will be
presented with further improvements, in the pilot household survey.
2012 ATRF Proceedings
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