Cagayan State University College of Industrial Technology
Cagayan State University College of Industrial Technology
Cagayan State University College of Industrial Technology
Name of Proponents:
June 2021
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 2
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………......3
Research Design…………………………………….……………………………...21
Appendices ...…………………………………………………………………………26
Chapter 1
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E-bikes are electrical bikes. They look the same as a normal bicycle and can be ridden
the same way, but they have a battery and a small electric motor which make it easier
to use the pedal. With the increasing consumption of natural resources of petrol/diesel,
it is necessary to shift our way toward alternate resource like the electric bike and
E- bikes also provide a source of exercise for individuals who have trouble
exercising for an extended time (due to injury or excessive weight) as the bike allow
the rider to take short breaks from pedaling and also provide to the rider that they’ll be
able to complete the selected path without becoming to fatigue or without having
(EE) and oxygen consumption (VO2) for e-bikes are 24% lower than that for
conventional bicycles, and 64% lower than for walking. Further, the study notes that
the difference between e-bikes are most pronounced on the uphill segment.
anyone. It can be used to a shorter distances by people of any age. It can be contrived
throughout the years. The most vital feature of the electric bike is not that consume
fossil fuels, thereby saving cores of foreign currencies. The second most important
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 4
environment pollution using of on-board electric bike is the most viable solution. It
can be charge with the help of AC adapter if there is an emergency. The cost per/km is
very less and with the help of solar panel it can lessen up more. Since it has fewer
Hence, the present study with the aim of providing pollution free and
eco-friendly keyless e-bike will eventually address this problem. If one charges the
battery using solar power, e-bike becomes 100% environmentally friendly and good
for environment . The purpose of the present study is to develop Controlled Keyless
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 5
Ha: There is positive effect of developed Controlled Keyless E-bike product in our
Ho: There is negative effect of developed Controlled Keyless E-bike product in our
product. The study will be conducted to the students, teachers, front liners , business
woman/man and to those who can afford to use the Controlled Keyless E-bike.
This study will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Controlled Keyless
Conceptual Framework
Hardware Testing and
screening Developed
Materials and
equipment keyless- Ebike Controlled
Keyless E-
The study will make use of IPO (Input-Process-Output). The input pertains to the
hardware materials like motor engines and equipment resources refer to tools used in
constructing vehicles. Process pertains to the testing and screening keyless e-bike .
The output of the study after being processed is the Developed controlled keyless e-
This research paper presents the list of the beneficiaries and the benefits of the
Community- there’s a large relief on the road traffic condition especially in urban
areas. This will benefit the community because it can decrease the overall traffic
transportation. This will essential to workers to get to their destination easier and
faster, E-bike can be owned not shared and can implement social distancing too.
transportation, and it can avoid long waits of transport vehicles and save money as
Teachers- this study will benefit the teacher in terms of mode of transportation, most
especially during rush hours so that they won’t be come to school late.
Business woman/man- this study will benefit them so that they can easily delver their
products to their buyers to avoid argument most especially to the buyers who are
Future researchers- this will serve as guide and supporting details for the next
Definition of terms
The following terms are defined according to the context on how they were used in
this study:
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 8
Chapter 2
inform Policy discussions and decisions for the quickly growing e-bike market in four
of Colorado’s Northern Front Range open space programs: Boulder County Parks &
Open Space, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, Larimer County
A 2018 nationwide study of nearly 1,800 new e-bike owners found that older adults
and Those with physical limitations use e-bikes mostly for fitness and recreation,
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 9
whereas younger Adults tend to use e-bikes more heavily for utilitarian purposes, such
as replacing car trips for Commuting, errands and hauling cargo. The electric-assist
makes it possible for more people to Ride a bicycle and generates more and longer
trips. Many users feel safer riding an e-bike Because of their increased confidence in
E-bikes offer positive outcomes for accessibility and inclusion, and many agencies
allow Them as “other power-driven mobility devices” (OPDMDs) under the Federal
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. Several studies have established
positive health benefits of ebike use, given that e-bikers ride more frequently and
longer. E-bikes are particularly attractive To aging baby boomers. Safety, speed,
crowding, and user conflict are common concerns related to bicycles Generally, and
these concerns are heightened for e-bikes. Recreation conflict literature suggests That
most conflict follows an asymmetrical pattern, and research on e-bikes shows that
Experience informs perceptions. Several studies show that trail users unfamiliar with
e-bikes Express a preference to not share the trail with them, but the majority did not
notice that they Were sharing the trail with e-bikes. Similarly, once trail users were
exposed to e-bikes, concerns About them decrease for many.Another negative in the
recreation arena is a concern about technical abilities and riders On e-bikes exceeding
bikers believe that e-bike riders should “earn” their ride. There is not much research on
the impacts of e-bikes to physical trail conditions. The only study to date found that
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soil displacement resulting from eMTBs was not significantly different from mountain
bikes, and both kinds of bikes cause significantly less damage than dirt bikes.
Ecologically, some evidence suggests that the impacts of e-bikes (erosion, noise
pollution, effects on wildlife) are no different from conventional bikes, but e-bike
batteries may exacerbate problems associated with battery production and disposal. On
the positive side, although they emit more CO2 than conventional bikes, the potential
emissions reduction from ebikes could be significant if widely adopted and used for
utilitarian purposes.
Many Colorado jurisdictions have acted to allow some or all classes of e-bikes,
including the City of Boulder (certain multi-modal trails), Durango, Jefferson County,
Eagle County, Summit County Rec Path, and Rio Grande Trail. Many other local
jurisdictions allow e-bikes by default under the August 2017 change in state law.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife allow e-bikes wherever conventional bikes are allowed.
In August 2019 the Department of the Interior (DOI) Issued a Secretarial Order
directing all DOI lands (National Park Service, National Wildlife Refuge, Bureau of
Land Management, and Bureau of Reclamation) to exempt e-bikes from the definition
of motorized vehicles and allow e-bikes on all paths where conventional bikes are
Electric bicycles (e-bikes) represent one of the fastest growing segments of the
transport market. Over 31 million e-bikes were sold in 2012. Research has followed
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this growth and this paper provides a synthesis of the most pertinent themes emerging
over the past on the burgeoning topic of e-bikes. The focus is transport rather than
recreational e-bike research, as well as the most critical research gaps requiring
attention. China leads the world in e-bike sales, followed by the Netherlands and
Germany. E-bikes can maintain speed with less effort. E-bikes are found to increase
bicycle usage. E-bikes have the potential to displace conventional motorised (internal
combustion) modes, but there are open questions about their role in displacing
traditional bicycles. E-bikes have been shown to provide health benefits and an order
of magnitude less carbon dioxide than a car travelling the same distance. Safety issues
have emerged as a policy issue in several jurisdictions and e-bike numbers are now
approaching levels in which adequate safety data are able to be collected. Research on
e-bikes is still in its infancy. As e-bike usage continues to grow, so too will the need
for further research, in order to provide the necessary data to inform policy-makers
and industry.
With a growing popularity for e-bikes, riding a bike could mean less pain and more
A BYU group of three public health professors – Cougar Hall, Ben Crookston and
Josh West – conducted a study showing that mountain pedal-assist bikes provide
“There is a way to make cycling way more fun and way easier, and that’s the pedal
E-bikes could change the game. Going to work could look like more people biking and
less people driving. The doors could also open for a broader community to hop on a
Hall says the United States has a polarized perspective on working out. “For many of
us, we have this perception that to engage in physical activity, it’s painful and it’s
unpleasant,” he said.
In the study, the team recruited a little over 30 active mountain bikers and kept track of
their heart rates with monitors and apple watches while biking through a 6-mile trail.
Each participant rode through twice – once with a conventional bike and the other with
an electric bicycle. The team found that riding either bicycle raises the heart rate into a
vigorous intensity zone, with the difference being a 10 beat per minute lower rate for
electric bikes. Best of all? Most participants felt it was less rigorous.
The idea for the research study came as an inspiration from the streets of Europe.
Crookston recalls, “I saw especially older people that were biking into their really
advanced years, and I was wondering how are they doing that…they’re now using
Combining the trend they saw in Denmark with the colleagues’ personal interest in
biking helped them identify this as a potential tool in the United States to reduce
obesity, improve environmental health and get more people moving. The research
team says an e-bike has the potential to overcome some of those barriers.
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 13
Hall says the United States has a polarized perspective on working out. “For many of
us, we have this perception that to engage in physical activity, it’s painful and it’s
unpleasant,” he said.
In the study, the team recruited a little over 30 active mountain bikers and kept track of
their heart rates with monitors and apple watches while biking through a 6-mile trail.
Each participant rode through twice – once with a conventional bike and the other with
an electric bicycle. The team found that riding either bicycle raises the heart rate into a
vigorous intensity zone, with the difference being a 10 beat per minute lower rate for
electric bikes. Best of all? Most participants felt it was less rigorous.
The idea for the research study came as an inspiration from the streets of Europe.
Crookston recalls, “I saw especially older people that were biking into their really
advanced years, and I was wondering how are they doing that…they’re now using
Combining the trend they saw in Denmark with the colleagues’ personal interest in
biking helped them identify this as a potential tool in the United States to reduce
obesity, improve environmental health and get more people moving. The research
team says an e-bike has the potential to overcome some of those barriers.
Electric vehicles have been in existence for over a hundred years. They predate the
gasoline-driven versions by several decades. In fact, if someone in the year 1900 had
to bet on the future of cars, they’d have put their money on electricity.
Although the first patents for something resembling today’s bicycle date to the 1890s,
the modern electric bike is only about 20 years old with the most popularity gained in
the past few years. The early modern e-bike suffered from the same issue it’s vintage
counterpart did – both used heavy, short-lived and expensive batteries – like lead-acid
One of the side effects of the technological revolution of the recent past is finally
shaking things up. Thanks to the rapid scaling of laptops, cell phones and other mobile
electronic device production, a much lighter and durable battery became affordable –
lithium-ion. Battery packs that used to weigh 20 lbs and provide only a few miles of
range now weigh less than 10 lbs and provide up to 60+ miles of range. Today, most
Finally, after a century of being little more than a fringe idea, e-bikes are starting to
boom and come into the mainstream. The technology is maturing, and we are starting
to consider e-bikes as reliable daily transportation and recreation for the masses.
It’s true that riding e-bikes is easier than riding a normal bike. It’s more convenient
and less effort. But this is the best thing about it — it makes cycling more accessible.
So yes, electric bikes make cycling that bit easier, but this only makes people more
likely to do it. We applaud anything that stops people being put off by cycling,
especially if it helps achieve what we all want — more people cycling and fewer
Some people simply don’t find the thought of slogging to get up hills appealing. They
want the fun of being out on a bike without it feeling like an endurance challenge.
The truth is that even fit, experienced cyclists can reach for the car keys when faced
with a long, tough journey that involves plenty of steep hills. So if e-bikes help people
get up hills or bike around to run errands, that can only be a good thing.
They’re also great for keeping cyclists active while they have injuries, or helping
And electric bikes are great for commuters, because you can get there in good time
without breaking a sweat. You can cycle in your work clothes without the fear of
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
The figure below shows the procedure on how to build a Controlled Keyless Eibike
Fabrication of main body frame, ensuring all holes for bolts are precise.
Painting the frame to avoid corrosion by powder paint then put inside the
oven to bake the paint.
Installing the parts, rear and front shock, t-post, and handle bar.
Installing the electrical wires, tail light, head light, flasher and
speedometer, sensor for the remote control and other accessories in
need to ley Ebike
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 17
Research Design
research method through Likert scale and the use of Random Sampling in order to
avoid research biases. The data will be gathered through the use of survey-gathering
The data will include survey questionnaire and other things that can record
Research Instrument
As an instrument, the researcher will use the survey questionnaire to determine if the
respondents /consumers are satisfied in using the Controlled Keyless E-bike as their
mode of transportation.
Statistical Analysis
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Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 19
Appendix A
JULY 22,2021
Dear Sir:
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Subject instructor, Methods of Research
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 21
Appendix B
This institution
Dear Sir:
May I humbly request in your good office to please allow us your third year
students from Bachelor of Industrial technology major in Automotive
technologies to conduct our working research paper entitled” Development of
Controlled Keyless E-bike” in fulfillment of our subject in Methods of Research
for school year 2020-2021. Rest assured that the data of our respondents will
be kept confidentially for the purpose only for our research. Should you have
any concerns later on with regards to our request. We will appreciate it much
if you would want to contact anyone among us with these cellphone numbers:
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Subject instructor, Methods of Research
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 23
Appendix C
Evaluation Instrument
Hi! We are the third year students of Bachelor in Industrial Technology majoring in
Automotive technology from Cagayan State University Carig campus and we are
of our subject in Research Paper. Any answers and personal details that is being
written in this survey questionnaire will be kept its confidentiality with respect with
Age: Occupation:
Direction: Please put a check ( ) mark for the box which relates to your personal
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 24
1. Taking private car is more convenient rather than taking an public transportation.
Strongly Agree
A Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 25
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
8. I believe that Keyless E-bike is eco-friendly transportation.
Cagayan State University College Of Industrial Technology 26
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
9. Are you satisfied in using the Keyless E-bike
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
10. I would prefer to use the Controlled Keyless E-bike for transportation.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree