sharing. ExlStenee
According to the Kabbalists, the V/Olld ol Emanation
In looking for three-dimensional models Hod Ge-ur.oh Bon.h ..... HoUvnah - 'lezah
So, to where does this lead us? Let us follow an altogether different
direction, although it may be related to this presentation. Signe Dean, in
a June 13, 2017 Science Alert article, wrote that neuroscientists, using
algebraic topology, which is a classic branch of mathematics, along with
a supercomputer, used these tools to peer into the structu re of our
brains in a new way, at least on a theoretical level. According to the
article, they discovered t hat the brain could be full of multi-dimensional
geometrical structures that were operating at a quantum level,
constantly constructing needed connections, and destroying them once
their purposes had been completed. These structures were operating in
as many as 11 different dimensions. This is an interesting number,
because there are 10 Sephiroth, plus Da'ath, which makes 11. Perhaps
the brain is still capable of acting on other dimensions, despite our
inability to perceive at our level? Perhaps science is catching up to
metaphysics? Maybe Bernard Perona was on to something?
Burkle, W.S.: The Sephiroth and the Four Worlds in the Three Dimensional
Burkle, W.S.: Two Esoteric Concepts Which are Linked by the Tetragrammaton
Dean, S.: The Human Brain Can Create Structures in Up to 11 Dimensions, 2017
de Hoyos, A.: Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide, 2008, Supreme Council
33° Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction
Hogan, T.: The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon A new Examination of the Qabbalah
in Freemasonry, 2009
Nhan Tli Nguy~n Van Tho: Chapter 5, The Kabbalah and the Monistic Theory
Perona, B. : The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes 1 and 2, 1990
(1998 Update)
Thavma: Chakras, the Middle Pillar, and the Lord's Prayer, 2016
Wescott, W.W.: Sepher Yet zirah, The Book of Formation and the Thirty Two
Paths of Wisdom, 2015 printing