LESSON PLAN-Mythical Creatures

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DATE: 16th of May
SCHOOL: Liceul Teoretic Creștin “Pro Deo”
GRADE: 8th
NO. OF CLASSES: 2/week
UNIT 5: Weird and Wonderful
LESSON: Mythical Creatures
TEXTBOOK: Upstream B1+
SUBJECT: describing mythical creatures
VOCABULARY: mythical creatures, body parts, physical
TYPE OF LESSON: mixed lesson
SKILLS: speaking, listening, reading for detailed comprehension
MATERIALS: blackboard, whiteboard, images, laptop
TECHNIQUES: guess the creature, match the words with the
pictures/definitions/sentences, question/answer, conversation,
interactive activities, reading for detailed comprehension, listening.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: frontal, individual, pair work.
TIME: 1 h (50’)

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will have:

1. Learnt the names of 8 mythical creatures

2. Practiced reading for detailed comprehension
3. Practiced using the expression “was/were known
4. Produced short texts describing the mythical
5. Practiced the skills of listening and speaking

No. Time Lesson Teacher’s Students’ Procedure Aims Materials

stages activity activity
1. 3’ 1. Greeting Teacher and Ss greet the - saying To create a
Warm-up Ss. greet T. pleasant
each other. atmosphere; to
release tension
in the class
2. 1’ 2.Presentation The T Ss answer - frontal - to introduce Board
introduces the activity the lesson
the lesson questions.
He also - speaking
plays some Ss describe
sounds and how they
asks the Ss feel. Laptop
to say how
the sounds
make them
feel. He also
asks for
synonyms Ss say the
for the synonyms.
beautiful, - to catch and
amazing”. hold Ss’s
He Asks the Ss try to interest
Ss if they guess. -writing
can guess - speaking
what the
lesson is They write
about and the title and
then says the date in
the title. the
Then, he notebooks.
writes the
date and the
title on the
3. 6’ 3. Speaking The T shows Ss name the - frontal - to practice
activity the Ss the creatures activity speaking: Images
images of that they - speaking asking and
the mythical know. They answering
creatures receive hints questions
one by one, when it is
asking the necessary.
same three - to keep the Ss
questions - speaking interested
over for
picture: Ss answer
What is the
this? questions.
Can you
describe it?
What else
can you tell
me about
the …?
4. 12’ 4. Writing The T tells Ss open their - pair-work - to practice Flashcards
activity the Ss to books. activity writing
open their -writing descriptions
books at
page 54. He The Ss sit in
organizes pairs.
them in
Together, - to practice
they have to using Board
write “was/were
sentences known for”
about the Notebooks
mythical Ss write the - writing
creatures, sentences.
using the
in exercise
3, and also
“was known
for” The T
writes a
model on
the board The Ss read - reading - to check and
about the the correct Laptop
Hydra. sentences.
Then, the T
asks the Ss
to read their
Listening to sentences. - listening - to check and
check, After that, Ss listen in correct
complete they listen to order to
and/or correct. the check,
recording correct
and look at and/or
the text to complete
see if they their
were right sentences.
or wrong,
and then
complete the
in their
5. 3’ 5. Reading for The T asks The Ss look - to lively Books
detailed the Ss to at the text - speaking interact with
comprehension take a closer and answer the material
look at the the T’s
a). Lead-in text and say question.
where the
text is taken
from. They - to arouse and
have a short - speaking hold the Ss’
conversation interest
about why
they answer
like that.
8’ b). Reading Then, the T - to practice
announces The Ss read - reading for reading for
that they the text and detailed detailed
have to solve solve the comprehension comprehension
ex. 4. He task.
through the
with them to - speaking
ask for
Then, he
tells them to
solve ex. 4
individually. - reading - to correct
After the Ss possible
finish, the T The Ss mistakes
checks the check/correct
answers at their
the board. answers.
6. 6’ 6. Vocabulary The T asks - reading
the Ss to -to teach
look at the vocabulary
following The Ss do the
exercise. He task. Books
gives them - to check if
4’ to find their answers
synonyms in The Ss check - reading
the text. their
Then, they answers.
check - to check if
together. they really
6’ The T ask understand the Notebooks
the Ss to The Ss say - speaking words
think about sentences.
sentences, They write
and invites a them in their - writing - to help
few of them notebooks memorize the
to write the and on the new words
sentences on board.
the board.
7. 5’ 6.Assessment Teacher -to motivate
Dismissing marks pupils
pupils pupils with
makes notes
about their

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