Science Class Five Chapter 1. Classification of Living Things
Science Class Five Chapter 1. Classification of Living Things
Science Class Five Chapter 1. Classification of Living Things
14. A process that does not take place in fungi is? Photosynthesis
16. Cutlery, Ulva and Volvox are diseases caused by? Algae
17. The word Animal comes from a Latin word meaning? Soul or Breath
18. Animals are further divided into two groups called? Vertebrates and invertebrates
20. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are an example of? Vertebrate animals
22. Worms, spiders and insects are an example of? Invertebrate animals
23. Vertebrates animals that take on the temperature of their surrounding are called? Cold-blooded
24. Vertebrates animals that maintain a constant body temperature are called? War-blooded
33. Frogs, toads, newts and salamanders are example of? Amphibians
34 Animals that spend most of their life on land but do often live in water are? Reptiles
36. Lizards, snakes, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoise are example of? Reptiles
39. Animals that give birth to their babies and feed them with milk are? Mammals
40. Which is the only mammal that can fly in air? Bat
46. A process in which plants make their own food is called? Photosynthesis
47. Plants are divided into two main groups called? Flowering plants and Non-flowering plants
48. Plants that do not produce flowers are called? Non-flowering plants
51. Flowering plants are further divided into two main types called? Monocot plants and dicot plants
52. Seeds of monocot plants contain of how many cotyledons (seed leaf)? One cotyledon
53. Seeds of dicot plants contain of how many cotyledons (seed leaf)? Two cotyledon
56. Flowers of which plants have three or multiple of three floral leaves? Monocot plants
57. Flowers of which plants have four or multiple of four floral leaves? Dicot plants
Chapter 2. Microorganisms
67. Which are the largest microbes among bacteria, virus and fungi? Fungi
71. Any disease caused by the presence of microbial organisms in the body is called an? Infection
79. Seed germination in which the cotyledons emerge above the ground is called? Epigeal
80. In which type of seed the process Epigeal germination takes place? Dicot seed
81. Seed germination in which the cotyledons remain inside the soil is called? Hypogeal germination
82. In which type of seed the process Hypogeal germination takes place? Monocot seed
83. A part of the seed that contains stored food is called? Endosperm
85. Which three conditions are necessary for seed germination? Water, oxygen and proper
86. Which are the main causes of ozone depletion? Air pollution
87. Air pollution is caused by? Solid, liquid and gases pollutants
89. Cholera, diarrhoea and typhoid diseases are caused by? Microbial pollutants
90. Asthma is due to the exposure to a type of environment pollution called? Air Pollution
92. A process in which liquid changes into a gas without boiling is called? Evaporation
93. A process in which water vapour changes into liquid on cooling is called? Condensation
94. In the water cycle, water is available in how many states of matter? Three (all)
95. Drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night due to condensation is called? Dew
96. A thick cloud of water droplets on the earth’s surface is called? Fog
98. A force that stops things from moving easily is called? Friction
102. Fraction forces between the air and moving object cause? Resistance
103. A force that opposes any object moving through the air is called? Air resistance
109. A lever is a long bar which moves around a fixed point called? Fulcrum
111. How many kinds of the lever are there? Three (first, second and third kind of lever)
112. In the first kind of lever, the fulcrum is between? Effort and load
113. In the second kind of lever, the load is between? Effort and fulcrum
114. In the third kind of lever, the effort is between? Load and fulcrum
115. A type of simple machine with two slanting sides ending in a sharp edge is called? Wedge
118. An object which produces and emits its own light is called? Luminous
119. An object that does not produce light but it reflects light that comes from a luminous an object
is called?
120. How many seconds does sun take to convert over 657 million tons of hydrogen into 653 million
tons of
121. The missing 4 billion tons of mass are discharged into? Space
122. How much heat and light does earth receive from four billion tons of mass? Two billionths
125. Objects that allow some light to travel through them are called? Translucent objects
126. Objects that do not allow light to travel through them are called? Opaque objects
127. Speed of light in a vacuum is? 300 million meters per second
128. When light is blocked by opaque objects, what is formed on the opposite side of the object?
129. A solar eclipse occurs when a moon is between? Earth and sun
130. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between? Moon and sun
132. The phase of the New Moon is called? Waxing Crescent Moon
133. The last phase of the moon when it disappears is called? Waning Crescent Moon
134. The flow of negative electric charges through an electronic path is called? Electric current
136. A safety device used in a circuit to protect the appliances and its wiring from damage is called?
146. What happens when oppositely charged clouds interact with each other? Lightening
152. What happens when two same poles of magnets are brought close to each other? They repel
153. What happens when two opposite poles of magnets are brought close to each other? They
154. What happens when balloons are rubbed with the wool cloth? They will repel each other
Chapter 9. Soils
158. Sandy, silty, clay and loam are the types of? Soil
159. A soil which is a mixture of sand, silt and clay is referred as? Loam
160. A process in which soil is displaced from the earth surface by agents is called? Erosion
161. A process in which a dead organism is broken down into simple nutrients is called?
163. SUPARCO was established in? 16 September 1961 (Founder: Abdul Salam)
164. SUPARCO stands for? Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission
166. How many earths can fit inside the sun? 1,300,000
167. How many earths can be equal to the sun in terms of size? 109 piles of earth
168. What is the distance between the sun and earth? 150 million km
182. Which is the least dense planet of the solar system? Saturn
195. Comets are bodies made up of? Ice, dust and rock
198. Which bodies produce a long tail due to the heat from the sun? Comets
199. The longest volcano of the solar system “Olympus Mons” lies in? Mars
200. How many minutes does the light of the sun take to reach the earth? 8 minutes
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