Case Study On ICICI Bank
Case Study On ICICI Bank
Case Study On ICICI Bank
Case study on ICICI Bank
ICICI bank’s innovation is to convert the poor people into customers and at the
same time empowering them.
“This was because of the small average size transaction and distance of the
branches from the villages”
“Most of the problems with MFIs are due to the fact that their primary focus has
been on access to credit. With such small loan (and thus meager interest
payments) the key to sustainability becomes scale”
From the start, Bank of Madura is having trouble increasing profitability because
there were many issues in the poor society that prevented it to become
profitable. Then the executive of Bank of Madura started using Grameen Bank
because it was a success in Bangladesh.
“Learn to save
Learn to lend what you have saved
In order to make the money circulate you must first have to own your own
money, and then from that point onwards, it is a matter of give and take.
9. Discuss the NABARD checklist for SHG's. Comment on why each item
on the checklist is necessary.
o It needs to be 15-20in numbers so that they can easily pay any debt
they made.
“The NABARD research concluded that SHG participation had significant impact
on various aspects of confidence, communication, and decision making. One of
the most important objectives for the SHG program is to improve the
assertiveness of the SHG members, which NABARD measured in a survey
published in their series on microfinance.”
12. Discuss the quote: "Banking with the poor has undergone a paradigm
shift. It is no longer viewed as a mere social obligation. It is financially
viable as well". Do you think this quote can be applied in the Philippines?
No. if we’re talking about the poor people here in the Philippines, this won’t be
applicable. Poor people here don’t invest their money at a bank. They live in an
environment wherein what they earn today will be lost today as well.