BIAD 3 School Building Project

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1. Project Title : Construction of 3 Classroom School


2. Project Type : Capital Formation

3. Project Component: The proposed project will include the following:

• Construction of 3 classroom school building
• Electrical installation
• Provision of furniture (chairs and tables)

4. Project Location: The proposed construction of a three (3) classroom school

building will be implemented in the following schools of BIAD 3 municipalities:

1. Baybayon Elementary School

Barangay Baybayon, Mabini, Bohol

2. CPG Central Elementary School

Barangay Pitogo, Carlos P. Garcia, Bohol

3. Sebastian Jala Memorial High School

Barangay Tomoc, San Miguel, Bohol

4. Hinlayagan Ilaud Elementary School

Barangay Hinlayagan Ilaud, Trinidad, Bohol

5. Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School

Barangay Suba, Talibon, Bohol

6. San Pascual High School

Barangay San Pascual, Ubay, Bohol

7. La Hacienda High School

La Hacienda, Alicia, Bohol

8. Nueva Esperanza Elementary School

Nueva Esperanza, Bien Unido, Bohol


The project is proposed for funding from donor agencies.


1. Project Background

Basic education services in the province of Bohol are provided mainly by the
public sector while a few private schools operate in the towns. Based on
reports, a total of 256,500 children were enrolled in both the public and
private pre-school, elementary and secondary schools.

In School Year 2006-2007, the public school system absorbs 90.43% of the
children while only 9.56% go to the private schools. More public schools
deliver basic education services than the private sector. During the school
year 2006-2007, the private schools had 38 pre-schools, 25 elementary and 49
high schools or a total of 112 schools. On the other hand, public schools had
107 pre-school classes ( of which 67 are funded by the PTCA’s/LGU’s while 40
are DepEd organized), 923 elementary and 115 secondary schools or a total
of 1145 schools.

The education sector in the province has done a lot of strategies to promote
and improve the quality of basic education. The principle of School-Base
Management (SBM) is adopted to enable and empower schools to manage
their own affairs. Also, it will inspire teachers’ dedication and commitment
towards helping the pupils and students for a higher level of achievement.
Moreover, elementary schools with sufficient number of enrollees have been
created with additional sections and teachers handling the new sections are
paid through counterpart from the barangay, municipal, and provincial funds.
In addition, opening of high schools in remote barangays has been granted by
the Department of Education to widen the provision of basic education

However, failure to construct additional classrooms hampered the effective

delivery of basic education in the municipalities of Mabini, Carlos P. Garcia,
Bien Unido, Alicia, San Miguel Trinidad, Talibon and Ubay. Some classes in
elementary and high school levels are held temporarily in stage, makeshift
building constructed by PTCA and some are even held under the mango trees.

With this situation, BIAD 3 municipalities wish to seek financial assistance

from funding institutions to implement the proposed construction of a three
(3) classroom school building in priority areas identified.

2. Project Linkages

The said project is in conformity with the Provincial Development and

Physical Framework Plan of the Province of Bohol and supports the HEAT
Bohol Development Agenda of the provincial leadership, particularly for the
social sector, in the promotion of quality and equitable basic education. It
supports the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for the
provision of access to primary education.

The Project is consistent with the National Government’s development
agenda, as covered under the various programs and projects prioritized and
implemented by the Department of Education.

The construction of school buildings and classrooms are also supported by

local governments in Bohol, as shown in the continuing support of barangay
and municipal governments.

3. Project Objectives

 To provide better/conducive education facilities/ classrooms to

 To improve the quality of education in far barangays;
 To increase achievement level of the students/pupils and teachers.

4. Sectoral Objectives

 To improve educational system and facilities of public schools;

 To enhance quality and access to education;
 To increase literacy rate of school-age population;
 To reduce the number of out-of-school youths;

5. Regional and National Objectives

The project is consistent with the national goals of providing quality

basic education that is equitably accessible to all, as emphasized in the
Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan and the Millennium
Development Goals. It also supports the Philippine EFA 2015 Action Plan
that respond to the learning needs of out of school youths and drop outs.
It can contribute to the overall improvement of literacy, which
eventually will help uplift the lives of Filipinos.


1. Funds Needed
One Million Six Hundred Thousand Pesos
(Php 1, 600.000.00) per 3 classroom building for every LGU in BIAD III

2. Funding Source
Local and Foreign Funding/Donor Agencies

3. Counterpart Funding/ Cost Sharing

Total Project Cost from
Funding Agency (70%) = Php 1, 120,000.00
Local Counterparts Contribution 30% = Php 480.000.00
(PLGU, MLGU, BLGU AND Communities)

Total Project Cost = Php 1,600,000.00


1. Beneficiaries

The Project will directly benefit the pupils/ students who are presently
enrolled in the schools to be covered by the project. It will also benefit
the school teachers with the improvement of their working classrooms.

2. Social Benefits

The construction, completion and eventual use of the school buildings

covered in the project will eventually increase the learning performance
levels of students and pupils. This will ultimately, along with other
factors such as effective educational system, presence of competent
teachers, and availability of appropriate learning materials, will increase
literacy rate of students who can contribute to the socio-economic
development of society.

The project will help in curving down school drop-outs and provide
opportunities for out-of-school youths to attend school again.

New school buildings will also provide better working environment for
teachers, making them more effective in teaching their students.

3. Economic Benefits

This being an education sector proposal, there are no foreseen economic

costs associated with the project. The construction of school buildings,
on the contrary will provide economic benefits to the project sites.
Foremost, it will provide employment to local people during the
construction stage. The increase in school classrooms will presumably
increase the number of students who would attend school, and therefore
will have an effect on economic opportunities in the project sites such as
for food stalls and transport services.


1. Responsible Agencies

The Local Government Unit of BIAD III through the Municipal

Engineer’s Office, Parent- Teachers Association and the Funding
Agency with other concern agencies will implement the project.

2. Workplan Schedule

The detailed schedule for the implementation of the project will be

provided after the commitment of funding support will be obtained.
Generally, the workplan will cover the following:

a. Finalization of Project Proposal with Detailed Cost Estimates

b. Review of Proposal by Funding Agencies
c. Approval of Project
d. Fund Processing and Release
e. Bidding
f. Project Implementation (Including design, land preparation,
construction of school buildings)
g. Project Turn-over
h. Project monitoring and evaluation

3. Administrative Feasibility

The Local Government Units and the Funding Agency are eligible and
responsible enough to implement the project. Thus it is very
feasible. Monitoring and Evaluation System will also be established.

4. Social Acceptability

The project is socially acceptable with the foreseen socio-economic

benefits it will bring the affected project sites.

Prepared by the Bohol Integrated Area Development (BIAD) Cluster 3



BIAD 3 Chairperson
Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Municipality of Talibon,
Bohol Province
Tel. No.: (038) 515-0051 (local 20)
Mobile No.: 0917-629-0811/ 0928-521-3424

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