Chemistry Experiment 7 Report
Chemistry Experiment 7 Report
Chemistry Experiment 7 Report
Contents Page
Contents Page.................................................................................................................................0
Research Question..........................................................................................................................1
Apparatus and Materials.................................................................................................................1
Controlled Variables.......................................................................................................................1
Protocol Diagram............................................................................................................................3
Safety, Ethical and Environmental Issues.......................................................................................3
Qualitative data.....................................................................................................................4
Quantitative Data..................................................................................................................4
Experimental Value of molar mass of lighter gas.................................................................6
Research Question
What is the identity of the gas in a cigarette lighter?
In this experiment, we were tasked to find the identity of the gas that is found in a cigarette lighter by
collecting the gas and analysing it by determining its mass, volume and pressure. We will be making a
major assumption in this experiment – assuming that the gas is an ideal gas. Hence, we will use the
ideal gas equation, stated below, to find the molar mass of the gas in a cigarette lighter.
In the above equation, P is pressure, m is mass, Mr is relative molecular mass and T is the
temperature. R is representative of the gas constant, which is equal to 8.31 J K -1 mol-1(IBO, 2014). By
manipulating the above equation, we can find the molar mass of the gas in a cigarette lighter, which
can be later used to identify the gas.
Upon doing some secondary research, I came to know that the gas that is most commonly used in
cigarette lighters is butane (Mastguru, 2019). It makes sense why manufacturers tend to use butane
instead of other gaseous alkanes such as methane, ethane and propane. Butane has a higher boiling
point of -1℃, as compared to propane, which has a boiling point of -42℃ (J. Clark, 2020). Hence,
butane is a lot easier to be pressurized and liquefied, making it much more easily storable in lighters.
Butane has a molar mass of 58.14 g mol -1 (IBO, 2014). Hence, my hypothesis is that the gas in the
lighter is butane and that it will have a molar mass of 58.14 g mol -1.
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Controlled Variables
This experiment does not have an independent or dependent variable due to the fact that we are not
trying to determine the relation between two variables. The relation between the physical quantities
measured in this experiment has already been defined by the equation for ideal gases. Instead, we are
determining the experiment value of a variable, the molar mass of the gas in a lighter in this case.
However, we still have to ensure that certain variables in this experiment are controlled. Hence, stated
in the table below are the list of controlled variables, the rationale behind controlling those variables
and the method of control.
1. Measure the initial mass of the cigarette lighter by placing it on the electronic balance after
ensuring that it is properly calibrated. Record this down in a table.
2. Fill the burette with water from the tap until the bottom graduation. Open the tap and drain
the water into a measuring cylinder. This volume of water is the dead volume of the burette.
3. Fill the tub with water.
4. Fill the burette to the brim. Cover the opening of the burette with a thumb and quickly
overturn it into the tub of water, ensuring that no air bubbles displace the water inside the
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5. Release the gas from the lighter under the water in the tub, such that it displaces the water
inside the burette. Wait for the water level inside the burette to be the same as the water level
outside. Also, make sure that water level inside the burette does not drop below the 0 cm 3
graduation as we did not measure the zero error between the brim of the test tube and the top
most graduation i.e. the 50 cm3 graduation.
6. In the meantime, record the temperature of the water in the tub and the room temperature
using the thermometer.
7. Once the water level inside and outside the burette are the same, stop the release of the lighter
8. Dip the lighter in the beaker filled with ethanol and dry it with a paper towel. Allow any
remaining moisture on the lighter to evaporate for a minute.
9. Once the lighter is completely dry, measure the final mass using the electronic balance and
record it down.
10. Go to the weather forecast and record down the atmospheric pressure at the location during
the time of the experiment.
11. Repeat steps 1-10 twice more.
Protocol Diagram
Burette Holder
Retort Stand
Water inside
Gas bubbles
liberated by lighter
Cigarette Lighter
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Qualitative data
When the gas from the cigarette lighter is released into the water in the tub, large bubbles are
observed. These can be inferred to be the bubbles of the gas released from the lighter. When they are
liberated into the burette, the gas bubbles rise up the burette and the water level in the burette
decreases as well, suggesting that the gas is displacing the water. Once the water levels inside and
outside the burette are level, a distinct column of gas can be observed above the water level.
Fig. 2 Gas bubbles entering the burette from the Fig. 3 Space above water level in burette occupied
cigarette lighter by column of lighter gas
Quantitative Data
Raw Data
It is to be noted that the temperature of the gas, T gas is taken to be the same as the temperature of
water, Twater in this experiment. This is due to the fact that the medium that the gas had been liberated
in was water. Hence, it is assumed that it would have the same temperature as the temperature of
water. The values for atmospheric pressure were obtained from a weather forecast website known as
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WindfinderR (Windfinder, 2020). Since, all three trials were conducted within the same hour, the
atmospheric pressure was stated to be the same by the forecast as it only gives hourly updates.
Volume of gas released=Initial burette reading−Final burette reading+ Dead volume=50.00−0.00+ 3.8=53.8
∆ Volume of gas released=0.05+0.05+ 0.1=0.20 ≅ 0.2
Volume of gas released=(53.8 ± 0.2)cm3
% uncertainty of volume of gas= ×100=0.3717472% ≈ 0.37175 %
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Table 5 The table for calculations of temperature of gas when released
% uncertainty of temperature of water = ×100=1.612903 % ≈ 1.6129 %
T gas =T water=31.0℃ =304.0 K
% uncertainty of temperature of gas=% uncertianty of temperature of water=1.6129 %
The reason why the percentage uncertainty of the temperature of gas and the percentage uncertainty of
the temperature of water are the same is because they are derived from the same measurement, using
the same mercury laboratory thermometer. Since the graduations on the thermometer were
represented in degree Celsius, the percentage uncertainty was calculated using the quantitative value
in degree Celsius as well. This is why the percentage uncertainty of temperature of gas still remains as
1.6129% even though the units were converted from degree Celsius to Kelvin.
The pressure for water vapour is determined by the temperature of the water, which can be obtained
from Table 5. The table for the pressure of water vapour at a certain temperature can be found in the
Sample calculations using Trial 1:
1 mmHg=133.322 Pa
Pwater vapour ∈Pascals=4492.418 Pa ≈ 4492.4 Pa
Patm −Pwater vapour =Pgas =100600−4492.4=96107.6 Pa
% uncertainty of P water vapour =% uncertainty∈T water=1.6129 %
Pgas =0 %+1.6129 %=1.6129 %
The percentage uncertainty for atmospheric pressure is taken to be zero percent as it was taken from
the weather forecast, Windfinder.
From Tables 2 to 6, we can obtain the values for mgas, the mass of gas released, Vgas, the volume of
gas released, Tgas, the temperature of gas released and Pgas. All their percentage uncertainties can also
be obtained from them. These are the quantities which we would be using in our manipulated ideal
gas equation to find the molar mass of the gas.
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m gas × R ×T gas
Mr of gas=
P gas ×V gas
The percentage error of the experimental value of the molar mass of the lighter gas is larger than its
percentage uncertainty. This means that the result is not within the margin for error. This is because
the systematic errors and other random errors are greater than the random errors occurred due to the
precision of the instruments used. Hence, improvements can be made to this experiment to reduce the
systematic errors and other random errors and increase the accuracy.
This could be better visualized in the form of a graph to show that the range of the values,
representative of percentage uncertainty, is less than the difference between the theoretical value and
the experimental value of molar mass, representative of the percentage error.
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Graph of molar mass of gas against trial number
From Fig. 4, we can clearly see that the deviation of the trial values from the mean value is not as
significant as the difference between the theoretical value and the experimental value or the mean
value of all the trials. In the following section, we will be identifying the sources of errors in this
experiment which had resulted in the larger amount of systematic errors and other random errors as
compared to random errors due to the uncertainty of the instruments used.
Source of Error Type of Impact of error and rationale Suggestions to
error it minimize error
results in
Even after dipping Systematic This error increases the final mass One possible suggestion
the lighter in of the lighter after the trial. Hence, to minimize this error is
ethanol, shaking it the mass of the gas released would to store the lighter used
dry and leaving it decrease. This would result in a in the experiment at a
to dry for a while lower value for the molar mass of dry place overnight.
after conducting a the gas. This is because, as per the The following day, the
trial, the lighter still manipulated equation to find the final mass of the lighter
had some moisture molar mass of the gas, the mass of can be measured. This
surrounding its the gas is found on the numerator. should allow the lighter
outer surface. By decreasing the mass of the gas, to have no moisture
the numerator would be lower and surrounding its outer
hence, the overall calculated molar surface and be
mass of the gas would be lower. completely dry, hence
eliminating this error.
We assumed that Systematic A typical gas behaves most like an One possible solution
the gas is an ideal ideal gas at low pressure and high would be to use
gas and used the temperature. The pressure of the insulated neoprene
ideal gas equation gas in this experiment, 96107.6 Pa, gloves specially
to carry out our is considered to be relatively low as designed to resist heat
calculations for this gas particles usually occupy only (Thomas Scientific,
experiment about 0.05% of the volume of the 2020) and conduct the
although the container at 100000 Pa (Chemistry: experiment in a tub of
conditions for a gas course companion, 2014). boiling water. This
to behave closely to However, the other condition, high should reduce the
an ideal gas were temperature is not fulfilled. 304 K, systematic error slightly
not completely the temperature of the gas in this and increase the
fulfilled. experiment is still not very high. accuracy of the results
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Hence, the value of PV/RT will be obtained. However,
slightly less than 1 for one mole of such protective gear
gas (Chemistry: course companion, may be slightly
2014). This means that RT/PV expensive.
would be slightly more than 1 for
one mole of gas. If we put this into
the context of our manipulated
equation, we can infer that this
results in a slight increase in the
molar mass of the gas.
When inverting the Systematic When a small volume of air has One can exercise more
burette filled with displaced the water in the burette caution and be more
water, it was prior to beginning of the gas careful when inverting
observed that at collection, the volume of gas the burette into the tub
least one air bubble released by the lighter would be of water so as to ensure
had displaced a slightly less. This would mean that that the volume of air
small volume of the the mass of gas released would also displacing the water in
water that was not be slightly less. Hence, when the burette is negligible.
very obvious to the substituting the value into the
naked eye in each equation, the molar mass of the gas
of the trials. would be reflected to be slightly
As it took a while Systematic The mass of the one or two gas This error could be
to be accustomed to bubbles that escaped would also eliminated by being
the uncomfortable contribute to the lower final mass more patient and
hand position when of the cigarette lighter. Hence, the getting used to a
pressing the lighter mass of the gas released would be position before pressing
underwater to slightly greater. This would result the lighter so that all the
release the gas, in a very slight increase in the gas released displaces
some of the gas calculated molar mass of the gas. the water in the burette.
bubbles did not
make it into the
burette initially.
The temperature Random The temperature of the gas could A temperature sensor
inside the burette either be higher or lower than the could be utilized to
after the gas has recorded value. The same would measure the
displaced the water apply to the temperature of the temperature inside the
may not be the water vapour. Assuming that the burette after the gas has
same as that of the temperature of the water vapour is displaced the water in
water. the same as that of the water would it.
also lead to a random error in the
pressure of the water vapour and
the pressure of the gas
Table 7 The table of sources of errors and suggestions for improvement
The molar mass of the gas obtained from this experiment is (50±3) g mol -1. The percentage error
associated with this experimental value is 14% as we had researched previously and derived that the
molar mass of the gas in a lighter, butane, is 58.14 g mol -1. The percentage uncertainty associated with
the experimental value is 5.6%. This value is significantly smaller than the percentage error. Hence,
we evaluated that the systematic errors and other random errors in this experiment were greater than
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the random errors attributed to the uncertainty of the instruments used in this experiment. Upon
identifying the sources of errors, it became obvious that the main reason behind the inaccuracy of the
results was because of the fact that moisture gained by the lighter had resulted in a rather significant
decrease in the mass of gas released. Hence, the molar mass of the gas would also be calculated to be
lower. Another systematic error also contributed to a slight decrease in the experimental molar mass
of the gas. Hence, the experimental molar mass of the gas is lower than the theoretical value. After
taking these sources of error and their impact on the experimental value in consideration, we can
confirm that the identity of the gas used in the cigarette lighter was butane and validate our
Which of the following gas is used in cigarette lighters ? (2014). Retrieved from (n.d.). Wind and weather forecast Thomson/Singapore. Retrieved from
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