Please Check The Assignment Formatting Requirements For Your Individual Unit As They May Differ From The Advice Provided in The APA Manual

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Last updated February 2020

Please check the assignment formatting requirements for your individual unit as they may differ from
the advice provided in the APA manual.

• Begin the reference list on a new page after the text

• Place the label References in bold, centred at the top of the page
• Arrange the list alphabetically by the first author’s surname or organisation name. Where there is
no author, use the first word of the title (other than A, An, or The)
• Double-space the entire reference list (both within and between references)
• Apply a hanging indent of 1.27cm to each reference list entry
• All DOIs and URLs should be presented in their resolved form (e.g. beginning with https://...). It is
acceptable to present these links as live hyperlinks or as plain text, so long as you are consistent
throughout your reference list


Arkoudis, S., Dollinger, M., Baik, C., & Patience, A. (2019). International students’ experience in Australian

higher education: Can we do better? Higher Education, 77(5), 799-813.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2014). Education variables, June 2014 (No. 1246.0).

Forsyth, H. (2014a). Dreaming of higher education. Southerly, 74(2), 119-142. https://search-informit-;dn=792227855125093;res=IELLCC

Forsyth, H. (2014b). A history of the modern Australian university. NewSouth Publishing.

Forsyth, H. (2017). Post-war political economics and the growth of Australian university research, c.1945-

1965. History of Education Review, 46(1), 15-32.

A higher education return. (2016, August 18). The Australian. https://search-proquest-

Lam, K. (2014, July 16). Wearable technology in education. edtechtimes.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). (2019, February 27). The future of higher education in the

age of disruption [Video]. YouTube.

Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2018). “Yes, and … ”: Continuing the scholarly conversation about

immigration and higher education. Communication Education, 67(1), 120-123.

10 ways wearables will revolutionise education. (2015, April 28). Progressive Digital Media Technology

News. https://search-proquest-

Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2016). Conceptualizing innovation in higher education. In M. B. Paulsen

(Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (pp. 1-40). Springer. https://doi-


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (n.d.). Education transforms lives.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2017). Six ways to ensure higher

education leaves no one behind.

The World Bank. (2017). Higher education.

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