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1. Hasanefendic, S., Birkholz, J., Horta, H., & Sijde, P. (2017). Individuals in action: bringing
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11. Noor, 2022 -
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17. Vidicki et al., 2023 -
18. Donate et al., 2016 -
19. Donate & Guadamillas, 2015 -
20. Afsar & Umrani, 2019 -
21. Matej et al., 2020 -
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uploaded document are included, and unmatched references are marked with a -.
1. Al-Husseini et al., 2019 -
2. Udin, 2022 -
3. Farheen et al., 2023 -
4. Park & Kim, 2018 -
5. Jiang & Chen, 2016 -
6. Udin, 2022 -
7. Castaneda, 2023 -
8. Arifin, 2020 -
9. Afsar et al., 2019 -
10. Afsar et al., 2021 -
11. Fiernaningsih et al., 2023 -
12. Wu, 2021 -
13. Shahzad et al., 2022 -
14. Kim et al., 2021 -
15. Putri, 2023 -
16. Kambey et al., 2018 -
17. Supriyanto et al., 2020 -
18. Stăneiu, 2022 -
19. Prabhu et al., 2021 -
20. Shafique, 2023 -
21. Mittal and Dhar, 2015 -
22. Mohassel et al., 2023 -
Let me know if you need further clarification or refinement of the references!
Here are the formatted references found in the text provided. Unmatched references are
marked with -.
1. -
2. Hemphill, J. K. (1957). Development of the leader behavior description questionnaire.
Leader Behavior; Its Description and Measurements【39:0†referesences.docx】.
3. Massarik, F., & Weschler, I. R. (1961). Leadership and Organization. A behavioral science
approach. McGraw-Hill Book Company【39:1†referesences.docx】.
4. Katz, D. (1978). Social psychology of organizations. -
5. Yukl, G. (1989). Managerial leadership: A review of theory and research. Journal of
Management, 15(2), 251–289【39:17†referesences.docx】.
6. Jacobs & Jaques, 1990 -
7. Clark & Clark, 1996 -
8. Northouse, P. G. (1998). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Leadership
9. Bush & Glover, 2003 -
10. B. M. Bass & Stogdill, 1990 -
11. Volckmann, 2012 -
12. Silva, 2016 -
13. Arnold & Connelly, 2013 -
14. Denti & Hemlin, 2012 -
15. Alves et al., 2018 -
16. Hao, M. J., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). How effective leadership can facilitate change in
organizations through improvement and innovation. Global Journal of Management and
Business Research【39:0†referesences.docx】.
17. Hurduzeu, R. E. (2015). "The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance." SEA
– Practical Application of Science, 3(7), 289–294.
18. Moussa, M., McMurray, A., & Muenjohn, N. (2018). "Innovation and Leadership in Public
Sector Organizations." Journal of Management Research, 10(3), 1–21.
Let me know if you'd like more detailed exploration or further references extracted!
Here are the complete references for the previously unmatched citations:
2. **Denti, L., & Hemlin, S. (2012).** "Leadership and Innovation in Organizations: A Systematic
Review of Factors That Mediate or Moderate the Relationship." *International Journal of
Innovation Management*, 16(3), 1–20.
These references provide insights into the roles of leadership in organizational performance and
innovation within various contexts.
Here are the formatted references based on your provided text. Those found in the uploaded
document are cited accordingly, and unmatched ones are marked with -.
Trait Theory References
1. Ré, L., & Rule, N. O. (2017). "Personality inferences from facial appearance: Toward a
social ecology of person perception." Social and Personality Psychology Compass - 【Not
2. Spinks, N., & Wells, B. (1995). "Quality communication: a key to quality leadership."
Training for Quality .
3. B. M. Bass & Stogdill (1981). "Handbook of leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial
Applications." .
4. Yukl, G. (1989). Managerial leadership: A review of theory and research. Journal of
Management, 15(2), 251–289.
1. Yukl, G. (2003). Leadership in Organizations.
2. B. M. Bass & Avolio, B. J. (1990a). "Developing transformational leadership: 1992 and
beyond." Journal of European Industrial Training .
3. Stogdill, R. M. (1948). "Personal factors associated with leadership: A survey of the
literature." Journal of Psychology .
4. Mann, R. D. (1959). "A review of the relationship between personality and performance
in small groups." - 【Not Found】.
5. Kirkpatrick, S. A., & Locke, E. A. (1991). "Leadership: Do traits matter?" - 【Not Found】.
6. Shen, W. (2018). "Personal and situational antecedents of workers’ implicit leadership
theories." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies .
7. Schulte-Holthaus, S., & Kuckertz, A. (2020). "Passion, performance, and concordance in
rock 'n' roll entrepreneurship." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour &
Research .
8. Yan, B., et al. (2012). "Trait assembly of woody plants in communities across sub ‐alpine
gradients." Journal of Vegetation Science .
Behavioral Theory References
1. Greenleaf, R. K. (2002). "Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate
Power and Greatness." Paulist Press .
2. Muksoud, M., et al. (2022). "Transformational leadership behaviors and job satisfaction."
- 【Not Found】.
3. Klasmeier, K., & Rowold, J. (2020). "Shared leadership and organizational commitment." -
【Not Found】.
4. P. G. Northouse (2004). "Leadership: Theory and Practice." - 【Not Found】.
5. Blake, R., & Mouton, J. S. (1964). "The Managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership
Excellence." .
6. Hellriegel, D., et al. (2004). "Management: Second South African Edition." .
7. McGregor, D. (1960). "The Human Side of Enterprise." - 【Not Found】.
Contingency Theory References
1. Fiedler, F. E. (1967). "The Theory of Leadership Effectiveness."【16:6†referesences.docx】.
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4. Yang, X., et al. (2022). "Platform leadership and sustainable competitive advantage." .
5. Satomi, D., et al. (2021). "Limits to exaggeration in traits." Entomological Science .
Full-Range Leadership Theory (FRLT)
1. B. M. Bass & Riggio, R. E. (2006). "Transformational Leadership." .
2. Maheshwari, S., & Yadav, J. (2018). "Leadership Development Strategy." .
3. Wanjala, E. (2022). - 【Not Found】.
4. Margiadi, B., & Wibowo, A. (2020). - 【Not Found】.
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references are marked with -.
1. Albert, P., Kris, H. S., & Benedicta, Q. (2020). "The interaction effect of transactional-
transformational leadership on employee commitment in a developing country."
Management Research Review【65:1†source】.
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3. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. Harper & Row【65:6†source】.
4. B. M. Bass (1985). "Leadership: Good, better, best." Organizational Dynamics, 13(3), 26–
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Innovation. Thesis, Durham University【65:1†source】.
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9. Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Sage Publications - 【Not
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reference could not be found in the document or confirmed externally, it is marked with a -.
1. Latif, M. (2016). "The Impact of Charismatic Leadership on The Organization." Journal of
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(2018). "Correlation of leadership and care coordinator performance among primary
care physicians." Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 11, 691–
6. Ripki, A., Murni, S., Wahyudi, M., Suryadi, S., Burmansah, B., Wulandari, A., … & Cletus,
S. (2020). "How does transformational leadership on school leaders impact on teacher
creativity in vocational high schools?" Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(10),
7. Carvalho, A., Alves, H., & Leitão, J. (2022). "What research tells us about leadership
styles, digital transformation, and performance in state higher education?" International
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of the mediating effects of trust and value congruence on transformational and
transactional leadership." Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(8), 949–
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