Bab 1 Reliability Engineering

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express as number of failures over a period

DURABILITY (particular aspect of

reliability) : ability of an item to
withstand the effects of time (distance
travelled, operating cycle etc) dependent
express as a minimum time before the
mechanisms (fatigue, wear, corrosion,
electric change....) occurrence of wear out failure

To apply Eng. know ledge and specialist

The probability that an item will techniques to prevent / reduce the
perform a required function likelihood or freq of failure
1. DEFINITION without failure under stated
to identify and correct the causes of
conditions for a stated period of
failure that do occur, despite the efforts
to prevent them
To determine ways of coping To
OBJECTIVES determine ways of coping with failures
that do occur, if their causes have not
been corrected.
Recent research on reliability
To apply methods for estimating the
cost modeling (Kleyner, 2010)
likely reliability of new designs, and for
analysing reliability data.

too weak
consume to much power
The design might be inherently incapable resonance / wrong frequency

6. Reliability Economics and electronic comp : over voltage / current

mechanical : compression stress,
The item might be overstressed in some way
bucking strength

W.E. Deming presented a different

model in his teaching on strength and load fix
manufacturing quality (Deming, 1986).

which are those that have high margins

between their strength and the stresses
that could cause failure, and which do not
wear out within their practicable life times some that are relatively
1 Intrinsically reliable components strong others that are
relatively weak
which are those with low design margins
or which wear out, such as badly applied There are three kinds of engineering
components, light bulbs, turbine blades, product, from the perspective of
parts that move in contact with others,
failure prevention
like gears, bearings and power drive
belts, and so on. 2 Intrinsically unreliable components,
BAB 1 RELIABILITY Failures might be caused by variation

3 Systems which include many
like cars, dishwashers, aircraft, and so on components and interfaces

1 Failures are caused primarily by people overlap between the distributions of load
(designers, suppliers, assemblers, users, and strength and there is overlap or
maintainers). interferencebetween the distributions
2 Reliability (and quality) specialists 2. why Eng product fail/failure occur
cannot by themselves effectively ensure
the prevention of failures. The essential points
3 There is no fundamental limit to the
extent to which failures can be prevented.

Availability is affected by the rate of examples of such processes are material

occurrence of failures (failure rate) and by 5. Reliability as an Effectiveness Parameter fatigue, wear between surfaces in moving
maintenance time. availability improvements can be contact, corrosion, insulation
achieved by improving either MTBF or deterioration, and the wearout
MTTR mechanisms of light bulbs and
fluorescent tubes.

rate of occurrence of failures(ROCOF) = items which are repaired when they

failure rate(usually denoted as ). fail, reliability is the probability that
failure will not occur in the period of
Failures can be caused by wearout
interest, when more than one failure
can occur Battery run-down
Repairable system reliability can also Failures can be caused by other creep caused by simultaneous high
= (MTBF) 1. be characterized by themean time time-dependent mechanisms temperature and tensile stress
between failures(MTBF), only under
the particular condition of a constant the circuit design ensured that an
an electronic system might be designed in
failure rate electrical short circuit would occur when a
such a way that under certain conditions
incorrect operation occurs particular sequence was performed by the
The fatal fire in the Apollo spacecraft crew capsule crew
Failures can be caused by sneaks
Sneaks can also occur in software designs

incorrect specifications, designs or

software coding, by faulty
assembly or test, by inadequate or
Failures can be caused by errors incorrect maintenance, or by incorrect

During the item’s life the instantaneous Gears might be noisy, oil seals might leak,
probability of the first and only failure is 4. Repairable and Non-Repairable Items display screens might flicker, operating
called the hazard rate instructions might be wrong or
The Pattern of Failures with ambiguous, electronic systems might
Time (Non-Repairable Items) suffer from electromagnetic interference,
and so on
Repairable systems can show a many other potential causes of failure
decreasing failure rate (DFR) when
reliability is improved by progressive items which are repaired and returned to use
repair, as defective parts which fail MTBF
relatively early are replaced by good parts
A constant failure rate (CFR) is indicative 3. probabilistic reliability items which are not repaired, or as the
of externally induced failures, as in the proportion of the total population of items
constant hazard rate situation for failing during the mission life
non-repairable items. A CFR is also
typical of complex systems subject
An increasing failure rate (IFR) occurs in The Pattern of Failures with
repairable systems when wearout failure Time (Repairable Items)
modes of parts begin to predominate
The pattern of failures with time of
repairable systems can also be illustrated
by use of the bathtub curve (Figure 1.6),
but with the failure rate (ROCOF) plotted
against age instead of the hazard rate

BAB 1 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING.mmap - 4/19/2021 - Mindjet

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