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Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
IS 9842 : 1994
( Reaffirmed 2001 )
( VW !Fifaq )
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Thermal Insulation Materials Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Chemical Division Council.
Preformed fibrous pipe insulation can be used with a suitable finish and vapour barrier to avoid
ingress of moisture, for a temperature range of -40 to 700°C. Use at lower temperatures has not
been covered in this standard as the methods for testing preformed fibrous pipe insulation
at lower temperatures have not been fully established yet. Possibility of use at lower tempera-
tures is being examined along with the application techniques which are equally important.
This standard was first published in 1981. Based on experience gained during the last decade the
requirements of dimensions and heat resistance test have been modified and sampling proce-
dure has also been modified in this revision.
The composition of technical committee responsible for preparation of this standard is given in
Annex D.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
IS 9842 : 1994
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.1.1 The sections shall normally be supplied
unfaced. Certain applications may require an
1.1 This standard prescribes requirements and applied finish of aluminium foil, paper, roofing
methods of sampling and test for preformed felt or other material. These may be obtained
fibrous pipe sections for thermal insulation. as agreed to between the purchaser and the
4.2 Bulk Density
The Indian Standards listed below are the
The bulk density of the material, excluding
necessary adjuncts to this standard:
facing, will normally be within the following
IS No. Title ranges and may be suitable for use up to a
particular hot face temperature given below:
1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water ( third
revision ) Group Bulk Density, Maximum
kg/m3 Recommended
3069 : 1965 Glossary of terms, symbols Hot Fuce Tempe-
and units relating to thermal rature, OC
insulation materials 1 50-80 up to 400
3144 : 1990 Methods of test for mineral 2 81-120 up to 550
wool thermal insulation 121-160 Up to 650
materials (first revision ) : 16 l-250 up to 750
3346 : 1980 Methods for the determination 4.2.1 For any particular product, the variation
of thermal conductivity of from the manufacturer’s declared value for bulk
thermal insu!ation materials density, calculated at the nominal thickness,
( two slab, guarded hot-plate shall not exceed -&15 percent, when tested in
method ) (first revision ) accordance with the method prescribed in 4 of
IS 5688 : 1970. The actual bulk density shall,
4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling however, be within the bulk density range
Methods of test for preformed given in 4.2.
5688 : 1970
block-type and pipe-covering NOTE- Materials in each group are made in a
type thermal insulation (first range of bulk densities and thermal conductivity.
The required mechanical properties and other aspects
revision ) should also be considered when selecting the most
suitable density.
5724 : 1970 Methods of test for thermal
insulating cements 4.3 Shot Content
The shot content, when sieved through the
prescribed sieve, shall be not more than the
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions values given below. The method for the deter-
of terms, symbols and units given in mination of shot content shall be as prescribed
TS 3069 : 1955 shall apply. in IS 3144 : 1990. Any shot present in the
bonded mineral wool shall not be greater than
4 REQUIREMENTS 5 mm in any dimension.
4.1 Description IS Sieve Shot Content,
Percent by
The material shall be mineral wool made from Mass, MUX
rock, slag or glass, processed from a molten
state into fibrous form and bonded with 8 500 - micron 5
suitable binder. 250 ~- micron 1.5
IS 9842 : 1994
The material as received, shall not contain For length, the tolerance shall be -0.5 percent;
more than 2 percent moisture when determiued excess is permitted. For nominal thickness up
by the method prescribed in IS 3144 : 1990. It to 75 mm the tolerance shall be +5 mm,
shall not gain in mass by more than 2 percent -2 mm. For greater nominal thicknesses, the
when tested by the method prescribed in tolerance on thickness shall be as agreed to
1s 3144 : 1990. between the purchaser and the supplier. When
installed on the pipe of the specified sizer,
4.5 Incombustibility sections shall ,fit snugly and shall have tight
longitudinal and circumfercn:i,21 joints.
When tested in accordance with the method
prescribed in IS 3144 : 1990, the material shall 4.8 Linear Shrinkage
be found to be incombustible.
When tested in accordance with the method
4.5.1 The loss in total mass, when tested fat prescribed in TS 5724 : 1970. linczr shrinkage
incombusribility, shall not exceed 5 percent. of the m;:lerial shall be C-O? g!-cater th:l!l 2 per-
cut :~hcn subjected tc\ cot:ditions nf s,yalcilrg
beaT at the slated maximum telllper3tUi-f! of use
Sor 24 hours.
4.9 I-hat Resistance
4.6 Thermal Conductivity
‘llle matcrinl shall not suffer any visible
The thermal conductivity of the material shall cleteri~~ration of the fibrous st:‘uct!.l:c and shall
not exceed the values civcn below. when deter- not show any evidence of internal self-heating
mined in accordan,_=c wyth the methbd prescribed when heated to the maximum rccommendccl
in IS 3346 : 1980. tempern’ture of USC, as specified by ihe manu-
facturer-, whcll tcsled according to the method
ML~U/l Thvrnml Cwdrrc/ivi?p prescribed in IS 3144 : lY90.
~~nlQCraturP mW/cm”C
“C r--------- L-----_-_7 NOTE - Any colour chanyc shall not Ix consi4crcd
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Gro,Ip 4 as visible deterioration in fibrous structrirc.
50 0.43 0,43 0.43 0.43
4.9.1 III tileabsence of special aPpa:‘atus for
100 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
determinatio;l of thermal conductivity of pipe
150 0.64 0.62 0.62 0.62 section, a flat slab of the same bulk densit>’ and
200 0.78 0.73 u.70 0.68 fibrous structure ~5 the material may be used
250 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.80 i:or the test.
300 I.10 1.00 1.00 0.90
4.10 Recovery After Compression
NOTE - To meet the requircmcnts of this tahlc,
products of different hulk de,-lsity may hc supplied When tested in accorc!al;ce with the method
for use at different service tcmpcraturcs. The service described ia, Annex A, the recovery, after COIJI-
temperature shoul,i hc statctl by the purc!lascr. For pressinn to 7.5 percent of the original thickliess,
thermal c,>nductivity dctclminatitrns, in the absence
of special apparatus for tletzrmination of thermal shall be not lest than 90 percent of the 01 iginal
conductivity of pipe scctiljn, a fl,it slab of the same thick:lcss.
bulk density and fihrorls structure as the material
may lx used for test. 4.11 Sulphur Content
4.7 Dimensions The inaterizl, ;\fter removai of t-he facing, if
any, shall I-rvt coi2tai.l m:)re thaiI 0.6 p~~‘~c!:t (If
The mineral fibre pipe insulation shall bc
sulphur when dctcrmillsd by the tneiiloL!
supplied as hollow cylinders split lengthwise on
p~.csciib~~i 1’1 IS 3144 : 1990.
one or both sides of the cylimiricul axis, with
lengths of 50 cm, 60 cm, 75 cm, 90 cm and
4.12 Optional Rcquircments
100 cm to fit standard sizes of pipe and tubing.
The nominal thicknesses regularly fui-nished If requir?:-I by the purchaser, th:: ni:ltcrial :shaii
shall be 25 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 75 mm, also comply with the crplional reyuii~emenls
90 mm and 100 mm, Nominal thicknesses givcri il 4.12.1 lo 4.12.4.
greater than 60 mm may be furnished in mult.iple
layers. Individual dimensio!ls shall conform to
those agreed to between the purchaser and the
supplier, as these would tlcpend on the diameter The /IH of the solutio:l of the matcri:rl shail he
of pipe or tubing to tile insulate,i and the bet\\ eel: 7-O a:ld I0~0, when tested by the
nominal thickness required. rncth!:d prcav; ibcci i!i ,2iij_lcx 13.
IS 9842 : 1994
( Clause 4.10 )
A-l SAMPLE A-2.2 Remove the load and allow the sample
to recover for 5 minutes. Measure the final
A-l.1 USe a test specimen with a length of at thickness, T,, as prescribed in A-2.1.
least 100 mm or not less than twice the thick-
ness of the sample, whichever is greater. The A-2.3 In the absence of special apparatus for
sample is tested at the thickness as supplied or determination of thermal conductivity of pipe
at a multiple thereof ( by piling two or more section, a flat slab of the same bulk density and
pieces ),. fibrous structure as the material may be used
for the test.
A-2.1 Measure the thickness of the test sample. A-3.1 Percentage of original thickness:
T,, as prescribed in IS 3144 : 1990 cxccpt that T, x 100
a mandrel or pipe of the appropriate size shall T_
be used instead of the glass/mild steel sheet. where
Apply a load evenly distributed over the surface,
sufficient to reduce the thickness to 75 percent Tl = original thickness, mm, and
of the original. Leave under load for 5 minutes. T, = thickness after compression; mm.
ls 9842 : 1994
( Clause 4.12.1 )
( CIause 6.1 )
C-l SAMPLING Starting from any slab in the lot, count them
As 1, 2, 3... up to r and so on, where r is the
C-1.1 Lot integral part of N/n ( N being the lot size
All the material of the same density produced and n being the number of slabs to be
under essentially the same conditions of manu- selected ). Every rth slab thus counted shall
facture shall be grouped and each such group be withdrawn from the lot to give sample
shall constitute a separate lot. for tests.
purchaser and the supplier may
mutually agree to term the material manufactured C-3.1 From each of the slabs selected accor-
during a certain period as a lot. It is recommended ding to C-2.2, test specimens necessary for
that an 8 hour production under essentially same carrying out the various tests specified in this
conditions may be termed as a lot.
standard shall be taken, care being exercised
to exclude some amount of wool from the top
of the slab.
C-2.1 Tests for the conformity to the require- C-3.2 Tests for the determination of all charac-
ments of the specification shall be done on each teristics specified in this standard shall be
lot separately. The material to be selected conducted on each of the test specimens drawn
from a lot be in accordance with Table 1. from the slab as obtained under C-3.1.
C-2.2 fhese sections shall be selected at random C-3.3 Criteria for Conformity
from the lot and to ensure randomness of The lot shall be declared as conforming to the
selection, random number tables ( see IS 4905 : requirements of this specification if the different
1968 ) shall be used. In case such a table is test results obtained under C-3.2 meet the
not available, the following procedure may be corresponding requirements given in the
adopted: standard individually.
4.12.1 do
4.12.2 do
4.12.3 do
4.12.4 do
IS 9842 : 1994
( Foreword )
Thermal Insulation Materials Sectional Committee, CHD 027
Chairman Representing
SHRI K. N. AOAKWAL Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee
SHRI M. P. CITITRE Indian Oil Corporation ( R & P Division ), New Delhi
SHRI SOVNATH ( Alternate )
SHRI M. K. CHOLJRASIA Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants ( India ) Ltd. Kanchl
SHRI A. K. DASGUPTA Steel Authority of India Ltd, Ranchi
SHRI R. N. GANJOO BASF India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI B. JOSIII ( Alternate )
SHRI A. K. GUPTA Hyderabad Industries Ltd, Hyderabad
SIIRI AJAY GUPTA U. P. Twica Fibreglass Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI S. BANSAL ( Alterrmte )
SHRI G. C. PANL-WT Minwool Insulation Ltd, Bombay
SHRI L. N. BADKUKA ( Akvnate )
SHRI R. I’. PUNJ Punj Sons Prt Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI .I. K. CHOPRA ( Alfevnate )
SHR~ G. R. RAJAGOPALAN Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI R. V. RAMACHANDRAN Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
SHRI D. PADMANARHA ( Alternate )
REPRFSENTATIVE Desein Consultants Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
REPRESENTATIVE Ministry of Energy ( Department of Coal ), New Delhi
DR H. C. ROY Projects & Dcvclopment India Ltd, Sindri
DR S. P. S. KHALSA ( Alternate )
SHRI P. ROY Bakelite Hylam Ltd, Bombay
SHRI B. DUARI ( Alternate )
SHRI R. SACHDEVA Directorate General of Technical Development, New Delhi
SHRJ K. V. SINGH ( A~Wrnare )
SHR~ S. K. KUNDU ( Alrernnte )
SIIRI S. S. PHOOAT ( Alternate )
SHRI N. SRINIVAS Lloyd Insulations ( India ) Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI C. P. KHANNA ( Alternate )
SHRI NIMISH V. SURA Newkem Prodccts Corporation, Bombay
SHRI V. A. SIJRA ( Altcrrlate J
SHRI A. K. SFN ( Alternate )
SHR~ C. V. VENKATAKRISHNAN Beardsell Ltd, Madras
SHR~ V. P. WASON National Physical Laboratory. New Delhi
SHRI K. N. BEfATNACiAR ( Akcrttate )
DR K. K. SINC;H, Director General, BIS ( Ex-c%ficia ivfember )
Director ( Chum )
Member Srrwtury
Assistant Director ( Chem ), IsIS
1s 9842 : 1994
i3lS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use,
in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications 1, BIS.
(Second cover page, Foreword, para 2, line 2 ) — Substitute ‘750°C for ‘700°C’
( Page 2, clause 4.8) — Insert the following at the end:
‘NOTE- To avoid crushing the ends of the specimen, traveling microscope should he used
( Page 5, Table 1, col headingl ) — Substitute ‘IS 9842:1994’ for ‘IS 9842:
( CHD 27 )
(Fir@ Reviswn )
(Page 2, clause 4.11) — Insert the following new clause after 4.11 and
renumber the subsequent clauses:
‘4.12 Flbre Diameter — The fibre diameter when tested in aeeordaneq with the
method prescribed in clause 24 of IS 3144 shall be 7 p, A4hx.’
(cm 27)
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