Getting Familiar With VRLA Batteries
Getting Familiar With VRLA Batteries
Getting Familiar With VRLA Batteries
1. Introduction: These days most of the batteries used are VRLA batteries. These
batteries have replaced flooded type lead acid batteries due to low maintenance
requirement. The main uses of VRLA batteries in POWERGRID are:
a. 220V battery banks for control and protection.
b. 48V battery banks for communication / PLCC system.
c. Different voltage rated battery banks for inverters of water-cooling system of
SVC / Statcom and inverters for computers / servers etc.
2. Working principle: Like flooded lead acid batteries, VRLA batteries have positive
plates made of lead dioxide (PbO2) and negative plates made of sponge lead (Pb).
Electrolyte is diluted H2SO4. During discharge process, chemical reactions take place
and lead sulphate (PbSO4) is formed at both plates, specific gravity of electrolyte is
reduced due to reduction of concentration of H2SO4 and generation of water (H2O).
During charging this process is reversed.
3. Construction: VRLA batteries are sealed in nature, therefore gases formed during
operation (Hydrogen and oxygen) cannot escape from battery cells, and they
recombine to make H2O. However, if gases are generated at higher rates than
recombination rate (like due to overcharging etc.), it may cause high pressure inside
batteries and battery may explode. To avoid this, pressure relief valves are provided
on batteries, which will let gases escape to reduce pressure inside battery. After
releasing pressure, valve seals again. That’s why they are called valve regulated lead
acid batteries.
Cell Voltage
Discharge duration
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At constant temperature of 27⁰C, it can be seen from above that if the battery
has 100Ah capacity at 0.05C discharge rate, capacity is 60Ah at 1C discharge
c. Temperature: The capacity of battery is specified at 27⁰C. Capacity decreases
with decrease in temperature, and increase with increase in temperature. It can
be seen from Fig-2 above, if capacity is 100Ah at 27⁰C, it will be 80Ah at -5⁰C
keeping discharge rate same.
Based on above, battery capacity is mentioned like 100Ah @C10 to 1.75ECV at
5. Battery Life: Expected life of VRLA batteries is 20 years. However, in actual practice
battery life is found 8-10 years for 220V and 48V battery banks with discharge rate
below 0.1C. For high discharge rate applications such as inverter batteries, life is 4-5
years. Batteries fail due to expansion / corrosion of plates, drying up of electrolyte etc.
Important factors in battery life are as below:
a. Overcharging: during charging hydrogen is released from negative and
oxygen is released from positive plate. These gases recombine to make H2O.
If charging is done at higher rate, the gases formed will not fully recombine and
escape to atmosphere through valve. Hydrogen and oxygen once escaped
cannot be restored. Excessive overcharging will dry out battery and battery will
fail. Most of the batteries have maximum charge rate of 0.2C, we have to
restrict charging current as per manufacturer guideline. During boost charging
maximum charging voltage is also to be set as per manufacturer guidelines
(Normally 2.3 to 2.4V per cell).
Overcharging also occur when float voltage is set higher than recommended
by manufacturer. (Normally 2.23 to 2.25 per cell at 27⁰C).
b. Undercharging: Under charged battery has small capacity than fully charged
battery. This will cause extra load on battery during discharge. Further, under
charging causes sulfation which damages plates. Sulphation will also occur in
spare sells when kept in uncharged state. Spare cells needs to be charged
periodically as per manufacturer guidelines (Normally 3 to 6 months).
c. Temperature: The battery life reduces sharply with increase in temperature.
Typical curve for temperature vs battery life is as below:
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From the above, it can be seen if we are expecting battery life of 10 year at
25⁰C, life will be only 5 years at 35⁰C.
d. Discharge cycles and depth of discharge: Battery life depends on
charge/discharge cycle and depth of discharge. Depth of discharge is ratio of
the quantity of electricity (in Ampere-hour) removed from battery on discharge
to its rated capacity. Typical curve for depth of discharge vs battery life is as
In fig-5A, In healthy condition, 6 nos. 2V cells are in series giving 12V output to
12Ω load. Load current is 1A.
In fig-5B, Cell no. 1 has become weak and its voltage is falling down. Let us
assume it is giving Zero volt output. Now battery bank will give 10V output and
0.83A current.
In fig-5C, Cell no. 1 has failed and instead of giving voltage output, it is behaving
like resistance. In this example resistance is taken as 8Ω. Now battery bank
will give 6V output and 0.5A current.
In the above example failure of one cell led to 50% reduction of voltage of bank,
considering constant resistance load. But in actual practice some loads are
constant power load like inverters. They will tend to draw more current when
voltage is low, which will worsen the situation
f. Ripples in DC voltage: Ripples in DC voltage will cause heating of battery
plates. Due to ripples, DC voltage will not be constant, in some parts of AC
cycle it will be more than set float voltage and in some parts it will be below set
float voltage. Faulty charger will give more ripples. Typical ripple voltage is
shown below:
6. Conclusion: For achieving higher battery life we may consider the following:
a. Keep float voltage per cell as per manufacturer guidelines.
b. Keep the cells in charged state, ensure regular charging of spare cells.
c. Maintain battery temperature below 27⁰C.
d. Avoid regular deep discharges.
e. Remove the weak cells from battery banks
f. Monitor ripples in DC voltage and keep them within limits.