Affordable Housing Report
Affordable Housing Report
Affordable Housing Report
in India
Overview of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
April 2021
Foreword 03
Preface 05
Need of affordable housing in india 06
Post COVID-19, Prime Minister gave a call for “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” to promote economic
activities. Aligned with this vision, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs initiated Affordable
Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) as a pro-poor and significant step for urban migrants/
poor. It will be run under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Urban. This initiative is being taken
up for the first time in the country to improve living conditions and obviate the consumers
from staying in slums, informal settlements or semi-urban areas. These ARHCs will provide
dignified living with all civic amenities in proximity to their workplace post COVID-19.
The PMAY has been at the forefront of affordable housing and pioneered the housing
landscape in the country.
Having been associated with the organisation in several capacities over the years, it gives me immense pleasure
to see it growing from strength to strength. The organisation is well poised to implement this. Grant Thornton
Bharat has had a fruitful and enriching partnership with the Housing Department in Maharashtra. We have been
part of its growth story and new initiatives. We shall endeavour to set up a strong and sustainable implementation
mechanism towards fulfilling the goals of the vision enshrined here and continue to contribute to the larger goal of
socio-economic progress through affordable housing project implementation.
T Ravinder Reddy
Public Sector, Grant Thornton Bharat LLP
To bring back the migrants to urban centers post COVID -19, Government of India
launched the ARHCs for urban migrants/ poor as a sub-scheme under Housing for All –
PMAY (U). This is a significant step towards providing affordable and safe social rental
housing to the migrants, students, and other vulnerable sections of the society. This
scheme seeks to fulfill the vision of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat. These ARHCs will create new
ecosystem in urban areas making housing available at affordable rent close to the place
of work. The scheme provides an opportunity for all States/UTs to convert their existing
vacant houses constructed under various central/state government schemes into ARHCs
through public private partnerships for a period of 25 years. Investment under ARHCs is
expected to create new job opportunities. ARHCs will cut down unnecessary travel, congestion, and pollution.
As a representative of Grant Thornton Bharat, I believe that our on-going collaboration with the Housing
Department, Government of Maharashtra will help to implement good quality ARHCs as envisioned and will set
the stage for redefining the standards. I look forward to witnessing the fruitful implementation of ARHCs Scheme in
Maharashtra. I am thankful to the housing department team, my colleagues at Grant Thornton Bharat and other
stakeholders for partnering to create this useful report.
Padma Priya J
Public Sector, Urban & Infrastructure
Grant Thornton Bharat LLP
Cities are growing at an unprecedented rate across the country, providing incredible
opportunities for economic and social growth to Indian citizens. As economy grows,
market opportunities grow for every strata of the society and with this, migration becomes
inevitable. Millions of people migrate to cities fueling further growth. However, such
expansion where only few can afford housing is not sustainable. This was clear during the
start of COVID-19 when the country witnessed large scale reverse migration of urban poor
to their villages due to lack of decent housing. To address the lack of housing for migrant
population, the ARHC scheme paved the way for development of rental housing in India.
Grant Thornton Bharat has been associated with the PMAY as the project management
consulting agency. Over the years, the association has led to innovations, identification of best practices, etc. I am
thankful to the Housing Department Maharashtra for giving us the opportunity to work and render our service.
Pranav Kacholia
Associate Director,
Public Sector, Grant Thornton Bharat LLP
In the backdrop of impending large-scale urbanisation While we create housing, they need to be green too.
in India, it is imperative to identify, evaluate and Green affordable housing needs to handle waste in a
address the challenges faced by the affordable hygienic manner to avoid the outbreak of epidemics,
housing consumer. Lack of available housing options focus on low-cost construction techniques and, above
combined with limited income and minimal access all, enhance the occupants’ quality of life.
to home finance for low-income borrowers implies
millions of Indian households live in dismal conditions. Grant Thornton Bharat, through this report, is trying to
Affordable housing is a idea that deserves attention. present the national overview of the affordable housing
scheme. This scheme is driven by Ministry of Housing &
Government of India took the responsibility for the Urban Affairs (MoHUA). We have a fruitful and enriching
provision of housing as an instrument of poverty engagement with the Housing Department, Government
alleviation. As a result, they initiated various schemes of Maharashtra and have been fortunate to spearhead
for different sections of the society in its early years of their growth story and new initiatives under PMAY(U).
Independence. These policies focused on the transition
of public sector role as ‘facilitator’, increased the role of
the private sector and development of fiscal incentives.
It further accelerated flow of housing finance, and
promotion of environment-friendly, cost-effective
technology. Now, the government has aimed to make
‘housing for all’ a reality by 2022.
Affordability in housing
About 72% of the According to estimates, depends on
population used to we can expect around
live in rural areas, and 600 million people
28% in urban areas, to make urban India Monthly household income (MHI) of
as per the census of their home by 2031, a prospective buyers
India in 2001. By 2011, whopping growth of
these figures changed 59% over 2011. For the
to 69% and 31% in smooth functioning
rural and urban, of the economy Size of the dwelling unit
respectively. In fact, and for the health
as per census 2011, the and well-being of
absolute increase in people a decent and
Affordability of the home buyer
population was more affordable housing is
in urban areas than fundamental.[1]
in rural areas, for the
first time since India’s The housing scheme needs to cater to job seekers. When
independence.[1] migrants flow into a newly-urbanising area, there arises
immediate need for housing that cannot be catered to by
owning a house and thus, requires provision of affordable
rental accommodation. The housing scheme needs to
ensure that the rent control laws enacted by the centre and
• Against the backdrop of largescale urbanisation over the
the states find no place in the housing strategy adopted
next few decades, it is important to identify, evaluate and
for new towns and cities as the inability to cater to this
address the needs and challenges faced by the largest
need will spur slum creation. It is this rental regime that has
chunk of urban housing consumers – the affordable housing
disincentivised investment in the rental space in India.
customer. The existing infrastructure needs to keep pace with
the growing demand.
History of the housing
of housing
Lack of trans-
Weak mechanism parency in
for monitoring selection of benefi-
Lack of technical
PMAY aims at providing a The minimum size of the The beneficiary family The assistance for
pucca house, with basic house is to be 25 sq. m. should not own a pucca construction of toilet; piped
amenities, to all houseless (raised from 20 sq. m) with house either in his/her drinking water, electricity
households and those a hygienic cooking space. name or in the name of any connection, LPG gas
households living in kutcha A beneficiary family will member of his/her family connection etc. are also
and dilapidated house. The comprise husband, wife, in any part of India to be provided in convergence
immediate objective is to unmarried sons and/or eligible to receive central with other schemes.
cover one crore households unmarried daughters. assistance under the
living in kutcha/dilapidated mission.
houses in three years from
2016-17 to 2018-19.
The houses constructed/ The houses under the All houses built or expanded
acquired with central mission should be designed under the mission should
assistance under the and constructed to meet essentially have toilet
mission should be in the the requirements of facility.
name of the female head of structural safety against
the household or in the joint earthquake, flood, cyclone,
name of the male head of landslides etc. conforming
the household and his wife. to the National Building
Code and other relevant
Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) codes.
Components of PMAY
Caters to the housing needs of the poor urban residents. Helps the financially deprived families residing in rural
Depending upon the annual household income, the urban India own a property. The houses in the rural areas will
beneficiaries are classified into three components, namely, have all the necessary basic facilities, such as electricity,
EWS, LIG and middle-income group (MIG). In addition, slum water supply, proper sewage system, sanitation facility.
dwellers in the urban areas can also apply for the PMAY.
Central and state governments will share The annual allocation to the states is to be
the cost of unit assistance in this scheme based on the annual action plan approved
in the ratio 60:40 in plain areas and 90:10 by the empowered committee and the
for north-eastern and the Himalayan funds to States/UTs is to be released in two
states. 90% of the funds is to be released equal instalments.
to states/UTs for the construction of
new house from the annual budgetary
grant for PMAY. This would also include
4% allocation towards administrative
expenses. 5% of the budgetary grant is to
be retained at the central level as server
found for special projects.
Selection of beneficiaries
To ensure assistance is targeted The SECC data captures specific The permanent wait list so
at the genuinely deprived and deprivation related to housing generated also ensures that
the selection is objective and among households. Using the the states have ready list of
verifiable, PMAY instead of data households that are households to be covered under
selecting a beneficiary from houseless and living in 0, 1 and the scheme in the coming years
among the BPL households, 2 kutcha wall and kutcha roof (through annual select lists)
selects beneficiaries using houses can be segregated and leading to better planning of
housing deprivation parameters targeted. implementation. To address
in the socio economic and caste grievances in beneficiary
census (SECC). selection, an appellate process
has also been put in place.
Key objectives
Access to Reducing
finance cost
• To minimise the gap between the existing demand and supply of homes
• To rehabilitate the slum dwellers into pucca houses with the help of private developers
• To promote affordable housing among the weaker sections of the society with Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS)
• To provide assistance in the form of subsidies to the eligible families for the construction of houses
Categorisation of beneficiaries
An inter-ministerial committee viz. central sanctioning • State level appraisal committee (SLAC) constituted by
and monitoring committee (CSMC) constituted under the the State/UT for techno-economic appraisal of DPRs
chairpersonship of secretary for implementation of the mission, submitted by ULBs/Implementing Agencies. SLAC will
approvals there under and monitoring. A mission directorate submit their appraisal reports with their comments and
(MD) is also formed under the ministry to implement the recommendations to the SLNA for taking approval of SLSMC.
mission. It is headed by joint secretary. • A city level mission for selected cities set up under the
• Inter-departmental state level sanctioning and monitoring chairpersonship of the mayor or chairman of the ULB, as
committee (SLSMC) constituted by states/UTs for approval the case may be. Suitable grievance redressal system set
of action plans and projects under various components of up at both state and city level to address the grievances in
the mission. A state level nodal agency (SLNA) is identified implementing the mission from various stakeholders.
under each State/UT under the mission wherein a state level
mission directorate will be set up for coordination of the
scheme and reform related activities.
• Security of tenure • Adequate physical and social infrastructure
• Women empowerment • Securing relevant sustainable development goals
• Better quality of life for urban poor
• All-weather housing units with water, kitchen,
electricity and toilet
Road to success
announces 80.33 lakh
‘Housing for 16.76 lakh houses
All by 2022’ 2015 houses 2017 2019
In January 2018, only 8.5% of the planned houses had completion increased to over 31% by June 2019. In 2020,
been completed. However, as the government increased its the validated demand for affordable housing stood
focus on the completion of sanctioned houses, the rate of at 1.12 crore.
No. of houses (in Lakh)
60 52.67
40 36
16.76 17.52 19.43
9.86 11.02
7.26 7.27
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Growth drivers
Employment (6.07 Cement 17.7 mil-
crore employment lion MT consumed
through forward and under PMAY(U)
backward linkages
within 21 sectors
Stakeholder impact
250 auxiliary industries UltraTech Cement, Shree SAIL, Jindal Steel, Tata Steel,
including steel, brick kilns, Cement, Ambuja Cements, JSW Steel, Essar Steel
cement, paint, hardware, ACC, Ramco Cements, Dalmia
sanitary etc. Bharat
5.8 lakh senior citizens, 2 lakh Adani Green Energy, SJVN, HDFC, PNB, LIC, Omaxe,
construction workers, 1.5 lakh JSW Energy, Torrent Power, Sunteck, Brigade Enterprises,
domestic workers, 1.5 lakh Tata Power Godrej Properties
Electricals/Paints Transport
In PMAY programme, implementation and monitoring is to be evidence-based progress of house construction through date
carried out through an end-to-end e-governance model – using and time stamped and geo-referenced photographs of the
AwaasSoft and AwaasApp. While AwaasSoft is a work-flow en- house. The two IT application help identify the slip ups in the
abled, web-based electronic service delivery platform through achievement of targets during the course of implementation
which all critical function of PMAY, right from identification of the programme. All the payments to beneficiary are to be
of beneficiary to providing construction-linked assistance through DBT to beneficiary’s Bank/post office accounts regis-
(through PFMS), will be carried out. AwaasApp - a mobile appli- tered in AwaasSoft MIS.
cation is to be used to monitor real time,
New system
validation by
MIS server Server
Web-demand Aadhaar
capture seeding
PMAY(U) Server
Digitalisation Geo- UIDAI CNA
with bank tagging Server Server
• The percentage of people living in rental house in India has where, according to the 2011 Census, the share of rental
witnessed a sharp increase, from 10.5% in 2001 to 11.1% households was 5%, but 31%. [5]
in 2011. Of the rise of 7.1 million living in rented houses • In spite of growth and demand of rental housing in India,
in India, between 2001 and 2011, almost 90% of the it has been observed that 82% and 71% of the rental
increase was contributed by the urban sector. households had no written contract in rural and urban
• Further, the share of rental housing also increased with sectors, respectively, implying the widely prevalent informal
city size – 28% in small towns, 36% in medium-sized nature of the residential rental housing (NSSO 2012).
towns, to 40% in large cities. In India, as a proportion of all Currently, the rental housing is largely unorganised
housing, around 11.1% of the total houses are rental. These industry. Therefore, the sector needs policies that support it
are more prevalent in the urban areas (31%) than rural, in a proper manner. [5].
Objectives of ARHC
Address the vision of Provide dignified living with Create conducive ecosystem
Aatmanirbhar Bharat by necessary civic amenities near for public/private entities to
creating affordable rental their workplace on leverage investment in
housing for urban affordable rent rental housing
Process flow
Construction, operation and maintenance of ARHCs by private/public entities on their own available vacant land
Process flow
Exemption on GST on profits, Project finance at lower interest Single-window approval system
income tax on profits derived from rate under Affordable within 30 days. Municipal services
ARHC Housing Fund to be levied at par with residential
Around 46% people in India are willing to pay a premium to offering additional floor area ratio (FAR) ranging from five to
lease space in a certified green building as compared to 51% 15% for the Indian Green Building Council’s (IGBC’s) silver,
globally. This is a positive outlook and can be leveraged with gold and platinum-rated projects to boost green housing. [7]
the right policies and push. [7]
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the (MoHUPA) has estimated a housing shortage of 18.78 million
World Bank, pointed out that by 2030, in emerging markets like during the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) period. There is also need
India, green buildings will offer a USD24.7 trillion investment to handle waste in a hygienic manner to avoid epidemics, focus
opportunity, which will spur economic growth and accelerate on low-cost construction techniques and, above all, enhance
sustainable development. Some state governments, including the occupants’ quality of lives. Focus should also be on
West Bengal, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, reducing monthly electric and water bills.
Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Maharashtra (Pune) are
Improved health and hygiene
The overarching objective of the rating tool is to ensure a high degree of sustainability with no/meagre additional cost to the
developer or the occupant. Therefore, the approach is to selectively adopt those green measures that are simple and yet have
profound impacts in conserving the environment.
Over the past year, 16 EWS and LIG residential projects have adopted IndiaGBC’s Green Affordable Housing Rating, which was
launched in 2017. The system addresses green features under the following categories:
Site Water
measures conservation
Energy Materials
conservation conservation
Maharashtra has been given a target of construction of 19.40 lakh houses by 2022. In order to achieve this target and
increase the pace of effective implementation of the mission, the Government of Maharashtra has formed Maharashtra Housing
Development Corporation Ltd. (Maha Housing) with a primary objective of construction of minimum 5 lakh affordable houses
across Maharashtra by 2022.[9]
Its aim is to take Its vision, mission, and MHADA aspires to be It strives to provide It aspires to build
Maharashtra towards values are the guiding a world-class housing affordable, qualitative dreams home that will
better future in housing light for achieving our authority with the and sustainable be cherished by its
sector goal of social housing largest number of housing to the last citizens
housing units section of the society
Mumbai Housing & Area Dev. Board Mumbai Slum Improvement Board
Nagpur Board
PMAY - Maharashtra
The Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority include Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Panvel, Ambarnath,
(MHADA) is in charge of bringing the PMAY initiative to fruition Ulhasnagar, Badlapur, Dombivali, Mira Bhayandar, Kalyan
in the state. It has identified locations across the state where and Karjat.
affordable houses are being built under the scheme. Some of
the important locations set to benefit from PMAY Maharashtra
Grant Thornton Bharat’s team is assisting the Housing Beneficiary data was not A comprehensive
Department and MHADA to be compliant with data as reflected in approved capacity building
per the norms laid out by Ministry of Housing & Urban projects. exercise:
Affairs. It involves capacity building exercise involving Leveraging the
periodic entry of direct benefit transfer (DBT), monthly rudimentary modes of
progress report (MPR) – physical and financial, GIS mapping and communication such as
geotagging of houses of all the sanctioned houses. accuracy issues • Google meet
Geotagging is done to effectively track the physical • Phone calls
progress of projects from foundation, lintel, roof and • WhatsApp
completed level. GT Bharat’s team at
MHADA was able to
Approval of surveyor and resolve complaints/
supervisor IDs for 390 queries of all staff/CLTC
ULBs of different ULBs in less
than 2 hours of response
Indore Municipality has set a process of submission of 28 Nos. of 20W solar LED Lighting in Jakkampudi Township by
approval request in electronic format for confirming the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation under JnNURM Programme.
building plan to the bye-laws. The turnaround time for Nirmithi Kendras established by Andhra Pradesh State Housing
comments is within 72 hours and approvals can be provided Corporation for manufacture of pre-cast door and window
within a week of submission. frames, roofing units, etc. in-situ by promoting small scale
industries (Low-cost technologies).[10]
Rajasthan UIT has a single-window clearance for all approvals
that are required from the state Government and the approval Rajiv Gandhi Housing Online Monitoring System (RGHOMS):
cycle time in Rajasthan is shorter than other states. Single platform created for all housing activities from making
an application by beneficiary to completion and occupation of
Madhya Pradesh house by the eligible beneficiaries.
Projects under land pooling Model has been initiated at Aero- Uttar Pradesh
city, Misrod and Vidyanagar in Bhopal. Facility for state-wide
online booking and allotment of housing units (via tie-up with Land pooling and management by framing new land
MPONLINE). Easing financing of housing units by entering acquisition policy, Alternative land pooling schemes,
MoUs with banks. Transferable Development Rights (TDR), simplification of land
acquisition/pooling by legal reforms, earmarking of 20% of
houses in all new housing schemes for EWS & LIG households.
Way forward
The objective of creating affordable housing is to provide • Providers – such as ULBs, financial institutions, government
adequate shelter to all. Creation of affordable housing should departments and research institutes would be needed to
encompass both – enabling people to buy and to rent, for provide the target groups with approvals, incentives and
which there is a need to put an institutional structure in place technical and financial support
• Executors – enterprises such as private developers, public
The three main groups that require to work in sync with each sector undertakings (PSUs) and public private partnership
other to make affordable rental housing are following: (PPP) firms would be required to hold and maintain rental
accommodation with adequate support from the first
• Enablers – Self-help groups, NGOs and registered societies two groups
are the first institutions to identify the genuine user groups,
which help to establish common interests and channels of
• Formulate guidelines for identifying right beneficiaries: • Incentivise developers to develop affordable housing:
There is a need to formulate guidelines that would help ULBs and UDAs can develop guidelines by giving free
identify right beneficiaries for affordable housing projects. sale areas, extra Floor Space Index (FSI) and other policy
This would help in ensuring the reach to right beneficiaries measures so that real estate developers are incentivised to
and avoid involvement of speculative investors into the develop affordable housing. Schemes for redevelopment
projects. Creation of the National Population Register and and slum rehabilitation should be developed with incentives
issuance of unique identity through Unique Identification that generate sufficient returns for the developers whilst
Authority of India will become crucial steps in identification controlling the development density. The cost-benefit
of right beneficiaries, if they are linked with income levels. analysis of regulations should be carried out from a
• Innovate on micro mortgage financing mechanisms to development perspective to ensure that schemes to facilitate
ensure a larger reach: effective financing through micro the development of affordable housing are feasible.
mortgages by utilising the reach of SHGs and other • Streamline land records to improve planning and
innovative financing mechanisms would ensure that housing utilisation of land: Adequate availability of land should be
finance is available to large sections of LIG and EWS ensured for housing and infrastructure by computerisation
populations. Flexible payment mechanisms should be put of land records, use of Geographical Information Systems,
into place, as households in low-income groups typically efficient dispute redressal mechanisms and implementation
have variable income flows. of master plans.
• Formulate policies for greater participation from private
sector in the way of technological solutions, project
financing and delivery: Disruptive innovation in terms of
technological solutions, project financing and delivery is
required, which reduces costs of construction significantly
despite rising costs of inputs.
• As construction costs form a significant portion of the selling
price of affordable housing units, the savings in construction
can immensely benefit the occupier
Through the Affordable Housing Mission, various housing activities are undertaken to encourage the citizens of the state
schemes of the government are delivered to the citizens. IEC to take advantage of this scheme.
4.23 lakh requirement 244 RWH recharge 2.88 lakh solar devices 3.89 lakh PMAY(U)
for LPG connections structures in PMAY(U) used for household Houses/projects using
Houses purpose LED lights
• In order to sustain the impact of the campaign and to • The ASHA-India initiative aims to promote domestic research
ensure continuous outreach of all beneficiaries, campaigns and entrepreneurship by providing incubation and
under ‘ANGIKAAR 2020, Healthy, Wealthy & Wise’, acceleration support to potential future technologies. Under
have begun with Fit India Freedom Run, wherein around the initiative, five ASHA-India Centres have been set up for
12,000 stakeholders registered themselves, PMAY (U) providing incubation and acceleration support. In order to
Quiz on MyGov platform (2 to 16 October 2020), Eat recognise the outstanding contribution by States, UTs, Urban
Right India movement, and Last mile connectivity through Local Bodies and beneficiaries, winners of PMAY(Urban)
Financial Awareness Messages (FAME). Further, States/ Awards-2019 will be felicitated during the event with annual
UTs will include all ANGIKAAR activities in the annual IEC awards for excellence in implementation of PMAY-Urban.
plan under capacity building. They would also continue
to conduct need assessment and door to door awareness
for beneficiaries whose houses are grounded, occupied,
completed and allotted under AHP and ISSR verticals.
• The Prime Minister of India also announced winners under
Affordable Sustainable Housing Accelerators - India (ASHA-
India) on January 1,2021 and gave out annual awards
for excellence in implementation of Pradhan Mantri Awas
Yojana - Urban (PMAY-U) Mission.
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