Study On Thin Airfoil Theory Performance Test of E

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Study on Thin Airfoil Theory & Performance Test of Elliptical Wing as

Compared to Model Mosquito Wing and NACA 64A012 Mod Airfoil

Article  in  European Journal of Engineering Research and Science · April 2018

DOI: 10.24018/ejers.2018.3.4.665


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3 authors:

Nesar Ali Md. Mostafizur Rahman Komol

Meghna Pulp & Paper Milla Limited Queensland University of Technology


Mohammad Takiuddin Saki

Bangladesh Institute of marine Technology, bandar , Narayanganj


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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018

Study on Thin Airfoil Theory and Performance Test of

Elliptical Wing as Compared to Model Mosquito Wing
and NACA 64A012 Mod Airfoil
Nesar Ali, Mostafizur R. Komol, and Mohammad T. Saki

 their elevated flying characteristics, flying insects give

Abstract—Thin airfoil theory is a simple conception of researchers inspiration for biomimetic fabrications of
airfoils that describes angle of attack to lift for incompressible, insect’s wing and many model aircraft wing. We also
inviscid flows. It was first devised by famous German- analyze the four basic principle forces acting on an aircraft
American mathematician Max Munk and therewithal refined
in flight and insect’s flying [1], [15].
by British aerodynamicist Hermann Glauertand others in the
1920s. The thin airfoil theory idealizes that the flow around an Flight is the astonishment that has long been a part of the
airfoil as two-dimensional flow around a thin airfoil. It can be natural world. Birds fly and insect’s flying not only by
conceived as addressing an airfoil of zero thickness and infinite flapping their wings, but by gliding with their wings
wingspan. Thin airfoil theory was particularly citable in its day convoluted for long distances. Likewise, man-made aircraft
because it provided a well-established theoretical basis for the bank on this philosophy to overcome the force of gravity
following important prominence of airfoils in two-dimensional
and achieve enough flight. Lighter-than-air craft, such as the
flow like i) on a symmetric shape of airfoil which center of
pressure and aerodynamic center remain exactly one quarter hot air balloon, dispense on the Buoyancy principle. [2].
of the chord behind the leading edge, ii) on a cambered airfoil, Cambered and crooked airfoil exhibits little or no benefit
the aerodynamic center lies exactly one quarter of the chord over symmetric or well-proportioned airfoils in terms of the
behind the leading edge and iii)the slope of the lift coefficient time averaged thrust coefficient and propulsive efficiency.
versus angle of attack line is two pi (𝝅) units per radian. The This is because more thrust is produced in the down stroke
fundamental equation of Prandtl’s lifting-line theory; simply
but approximately the same amount less is produced in the
states that the geometric angle of attack is equal to the sum of
the effective angle plus the induced angle of attack. And also upstroke on account of the effective increase in thickness of
omitted the theory of elliptical wing theory which indicates that upper surface and gradually decreased in thickness on lower
the Elliptical wing has better flight performance than any surface of the airfoil caused by the camber or cambered foil.
other airfoil. In this experiment we made a model of elliptical [14]. The goal of this thesis paper is to hunt out that, among
wing and test in wind tunnel to get experimental value. We also those which airfoil is the most suitable, subtle accuracy of
analyze the model in simulation software for further
geometrical shape and efficient to be used in a low-speed
knowledge. Comparing this practical and experimental value
to other airfoil like Mosquito wing and NACA 64A012 airfoil aircraft and having maximum lift with respect to minimum
for further research. drag on the basis of their Lift-to-Drag ratio which is known
as Aerodynamic efficiency (L/D), Lift coefficient, Drag
Index Terms—Inviscid Flows; Thin Airfoil; Symmetric coefficient and Moment coefficient under the discerned
Airfoil; Infinite Wingspan; Effective Angle; Lift Coefficient. boundary conditions and the value of Mach number varies
from 0.10 to 0.30 [10].

Aero-dynamics is the perusal of the dynamics associated II. THEORETICAL REDACTION
with the motions of air over a moving or stationary object.
A. Thin Airfoil Theory
When an aircraft or airfoil accelerates down the runway to
take off, it produces a relative motion between the air and Thin airfoil theory is based on the assumption that under
the aircrafts wings or adjacent body of contact. It is this rip certain conditions an airfoil section may be replaced by its
of airflow over and below the wings, originated by the mean camber line (mcl).
aircrafts forward or backward motion, which produces lift Theoretical Assumption
and consequently makes all forms of powered flight 1. Airfoil is thin η << c;
possible. Insect wings annex magnificent stability and high 2. Angles/slopes are small e.g. sinα≈α, cosα≈1,
load-bearing capacity during flapping flight, glide, taxing slope≈angle;
and hover. Scientists have been caballed by them and have 3. Airfoil only slightly disturbs free stream u', v' << V∞.
performed research for biomimetic applications. Because of
B. Experimental Observation
Published on April 28, 2018.
Md. Nesar Ali was with Chittagong University of Engineering & If airfoil section of the same mcl but different thickness
Technology (e-mail: functions are tested experimentally at the same angle, it is
Md. Mostafizur Rahman Komol was with Khulna University of
Engineering & Technology (e-mail:
found that the lift L and the point application of the lift for
Mohammad Takiuddin Saki was with Bangladesh Institute of Marine
Technology (email:

DOI: 48
EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018

the different airfoil sections are practically the same

provided that
a) Maximum airfoil thickness (t/c) is small;
b) Camber distribution (z/c) max = m is small;
c) Angle of attack (α) is small;
This observation permitted the formulation of thin airfoil
theory because it allowed the airfoil to be replaced by the
mcl [3].

Fig. 4. Wing Geometry [4]

Fig. 1. Thin Airfoil Theory [3] III. METHODS AND MATERIALS

Therefore, in the thin airfoil theory the mcl (mean camber A. Analytical Test of Elliptical Wing and Model Mosquito
line) is replaced by a vortex sheet of varying strength γ(s) Wing
such that the above conditions are satisfied and our aim is to The most important part of analytical studies is to select
determine this ‘γ’ distribution. an airfoil. We select elliptical wing because further more
studies of aerodynamics equation about finite wing theory
Г = ∫ 𝛾𝑑𝑠 (1) we realize that elliptical wing has greater aerodynamics
efficiency than any other wing. On the other hand, as
proceeding our experiment we fabricate model wing of
mosquito wing to analyze the practical result of insect wing
flight in nature. We also fabricate model of NACA 64A012
mod airfoil for comparing those three values. The fabricated
model wing may have a certain or a non-constant cross-
section across the wing.
Fig. 2. Thin airfoil Approximation There are couple of ways to recite wing airfoil section:
1. Airfoil sketch
The fundamental equation for thin airfoil theory is given 2. Airfoil sorting
below: The sketch and fabrication of the model airfoil is an
intricate and lengthy as well as time consuming process
𝑑𝑍 𝐶 𝛾(𝜉)𝑑𝜉 which needs sagacity in fundamentals of aerodynamics
V∞ (α- ) − ∫0 =0 (for 0<x<c)
𝑑𝑥 2𝜋 (𝑥−𝜉) knowledge. Since the fabricated airfoil further need to be
ascertained by testing it in a wind tunnel [4], [12].
After solving equation γ(ξ) to satisfy; Elliptical wing, Mosquito wing & NACA 64A012 airfoil
a) The camber line is a streamline; Fabrication
b) Kutta condition γ(c) = 0 boundary conditions.
We draw the pattern of Elliptical wing, Mosquito wing &
NACA 64A012 mod airfoil in ‘SOLIDWORS’ as we
considered the top view of that wing as the cross-section of
our wing. At the time of wing modelling & fabrication we
don’t follow any conventional parameters subsequent to the
airfoil geometrical shape. We just sketched and fabricated
the Elliptical wing, Mosquito wing & NACA 64A012 mod
airfoil but all these three wing has demonstrated parameter
like length is ‘171 mm’ and width is ’94 mm’ and the
average height of these two in ‘3.2 cm’. Since those wing
has a lot geometrical shape error but we tried to minimize
that problem as our main target is to replicate those wing
approximately look like an Elliptical wing, Mosquito wing
Fig. 3. Position of Maximum Camber
and NACA 64A012 mod airfoil

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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018


Fig. 7 (a,b). NACA 64A012 mod airfoil (model)

B. Simulation Setup
The model was made using the ‘Curves using XYZ point’
function. The SOLIDWORKS pattern with proper
dimension of chord length and span of the wing as shown
below figures.
Fig. 5 (a,b). Elliptical Wing (model)



Fig. 8 (a,b). Schematic drawing Elliptical wing (model)

Fig. 6 (a,b). Mosquito wing (model)


Fig. 9 (a,b). Schematic drawing Mosquito Wing (model)

DOI: 50
EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018

object moves through air at many speeds. Wind tunnels can

be whole buildings which use powerful fans driven by
electric motor to test life size objects, or small models, like
the one you will build and test today [7]. The air moving in
the region of the still object shows what would befall if the
object were moving through the air. How the air steering can
be studied in different ways? Smoke or dye can be added in
(a) the air which can be seen as it moves. Filaments can be
attached to the object to display how the air is moving.
Special instruments measuring device like manometer,
aerodynamic weight balance are often attached which is
using to measure the force of the air on the object.

Fig. 10 (a, b). Schematic drawing NACA 64A012 mod Airfoil (model)

The pattern of NACA 64A012 mod airfoil (model) in

SolidWorks was created from the data taken from UIUC
airfoil database [5]. The simulation was ran using these
parameters: Fluid was assumed incompressible and the flow
was taken laminar.
Fluid: Air Fig. 11. Wind Tunnel of CUET lab used for completion of experiment
Temperature: 298.2 K
Pressure: 101325 Pa F. Experimental Setup
Air Velocity: 4.7 m/s
In this project work, we used a wind tunnel to explore the
Air Density: 1.15 Kg/m3
effect & consequences of lift and drag force acting on an
Surface Area: 16074 mm2 or 0.016074 m2
airfoil. A fluid (air) flowing around a body like airfoil, in
Prototype Material: Beech wood (Gamahr)
this work an airfoil has a force exerted on it. Lift is a force
The SOLIDWORKS software Flow Simulation is based
which is defined to be the force component exerted by the
upon the use of Cartesian-based meshes and automatic
airfoil that is perpendicular to the oncoming fluid flow
meshing system will create mesh in accordance with the
direction [9]. The drag force is the opposite force of lift,
specified minimum gap size, minimum wall thickness, and
which also defined as the force component of the fluid-
result resolution level [8].
dynamic force parallel to the flow direction. We will trace
C. Experimental Procedure how the angle of attack changes the amount of lift over an
The important elements for experimental setup is to airfoil competence. The angle of attack (α) which is angle
fabricate model prototype, an open-loop subsonic wind between air flows with respect to the chord line. The chord
tunnel, a mass balance for measuring shearing forces and line is a straight line between the most onwards point and
allows the orientation to be changed during the experiment, most after point of the body. We also studied the outcomes
pressure taps and multi-tube manometer. of velocity and pressure on lift, if the angle of attack is kept
constant and velocity increased gradually as a result we
D. Prototype would expect an increase and sufficient in lift force. We
A prototype model airfoil of NACA 64A012 mod, calculated the airfoil lift as a function of velocity [11]. The
Elliptical wing & Mosquito wing was built for wind tunnel lift and drag coefficients are mostly dependent on the shape
experiment with the predefined chord length (171 mm) and of the airfoil. NACA 64A012 mod, Elliptical wing (model)
span (94 mm) of each airfoil. The prototype was made in the & Mosquito wing (wing) are non-symmetrical airfoil. The
workshop of Mechanical dept. of CUET. Beech wood shapes and size of airfoil play a huge role on the amount of
(Gamahr) was used as material to make those airfoil model. lift and drag generation and experienced during experiment.
The prototype was equipped with 10 surface pressure taps.
E. Wind Tunnel Testing
These pressure pipes were connected with the multi-tube
Wind tunnels are large cylindrical tubes where forced manometer via 2mm inner diameter of plastic tubes.
almost laminar air moving inside. The tunnels are used to Pressure was measured from recorded manometer height
imitate the functions of an object during flight. Researchers measurements using kerosene as working fluid.
use wind tunnels to study more about how an aircraft wing
will fly. In wind tunnel air moves around an object, making G. Pressure Distribution across the Airfoil
it exhibit like the object is really flying. Most of the time, Aerodynamic forces consequence of the pressure
powerful fans driven by electric motor move air through the distribution over the surface of airfoil or wing. One fruitful
tube [6]. Planes, cars, bikes, and many other moving objects way to calculate the aerodynamic forces which is use
are tested in wind tunnels to test aerodynamics or how an pressure taps to record the pressure distribution and to

DOI: 51
EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018

integrate the pressure distribution to find out the net TABLE III: THEORETICAL LIFT OF NACA 64A012 MOD AIRFOIL
theoretical lift force. For theoretical lift this integration is sib Lift
Lap no 1 2 3 4 5 force
with the pressure distribution in the vertical direction while No
for drag the horizontal pressure distribution is important. Curved Pressure
You can see how the surface “pushes back” with a force Surface Head, mm
8 9 8 6 8
against the pressure as interlude with incoming air, which Pressure
always acts normal to the surface of airfoil. Surface bent is Surface
Head, 9 9 8 8 7
important two mechanisms are used to generate Lift. This is mm
oft used for subsonic flying inflictions. The another step is Curved Pressure
0.09 0.056 0.09 0.068 0.09 0.061
Surface (N/m2)
to incline the airfoil at an angle allied to horizon, which is
Lower Pressure
usually known as the “relative wind angle”. For low values surface (N/m2)
0.056 0.056 0.09 0.09 0.079
of this angle of attack, the fluid flow remains attached on Pressure
0.034 0 0 -.022 0.011
both upper and lower foil surfaces. For higher angles of Difference
attack flow separation occurred that increased drag force
with corresponding reduces lift force. Eventually, the airfoil
B. Comparison with the Analytical Values of those Airfoil
reaches a stall & halt condition occurred where the pressure
distribution over the airfoil on the top and bottom are equal. Our main goal is to compare the analytical or numerical
value of those prototype Elliptical wing, Mosquito wing &
NACA 64A012 mod airfoil. As we proceeding our project
IV. EXPERIMENTAL DATA work firstly we evaluate the experimental value that we get
from wind tunnel manometric height reading at different
A. Theoretical Lift Force angle of attack 00, 50, 100, 120, 140, 150 respectively. For
The theoretical lift force of NACA 64A012 mod is 0.061 furthermore numerical & statistical analysis we tested those
N/m2 whereas the other two prototype airfoil of Elliptical prototype sketched airfoil pattern in simulation software like
wing & Mosquito wing is 0.0165 N/m2 and 0.005 N/m2. ‘SOLIDWORKS’ for actual value which gives also the
This value indicates that the NACA 64A012 mod airfoil has information of velocity contour around those airfoils. These
the greater flying ability than other two prototype airfoil and velocity contour indicates that how air flow interact with
also indicates that the prototype Elliptical wing is more these airfoils and shearing force acting in this airfoil.
flying efficient than prototype model Mosquito wing.
Lift Attack L D
Lap no 1 2 3 4 5 force 0 0.028 0.06 0.46630 0.137 0.2938 0.46630
Curved Pressure 5 0.045 0.064 0.70288 0.22 0.313 0.70288
12 10 11 10 10
Surface Head, mm 10 0.095 0.075 1.26667 0.46 0.3673 1.26667
Pressure 12 0.11 0.08 1.35550 0.53 0.391 1.35550
Head, 10 10 10 9 11
Surface 14 0.12 0.085 1.41004 0.587 0.4163 1.41004
Curved Pressure 15 0.145 0.105 1.38152 0.7101 0.514 1.38152
.135 .113 .124 .113 .113 .0165
Surface (N/m2)
0.113 .113 .113 0.102 0.124
surface (N/m2)
Pressure Angle of Lift, Drag,
0.022 0 0.011 0.011 -.011 L/D CL CD CL/CD
Difference Attack L D
0 0.028 0.06 0.46630 0.137 0.2938 0.46630
TABLE II: THEORETICAL LIFT FORCE OF MOSQUITO WING 5 0.045 0.064 0.70288 0.22 0.313 0.70288
Obs. Lap no 1 2 3 4 5 Lift 10 0.095 0.075 1.26667 0.46 0.3673 1.26667
no force 12 0.11 0.08 1.35550 0.53 0.391 1.35550
14 0.12 0.085 1.41004 0.587 0.4163 1.41004
Curved Pressure 8 9 8 7 12
Surface Head, mm 15 0.145 0.105 1.38152 0.7101 0.514 1.38152
Lower Pressure 8 8 9 9 8
Curved Pressure 0.091 0.102 0.091 0.079 0.135 0.005 Drag,
of Lift, L L/D CL CD CL/CD
Surface (N/m2) D
Lower Pressure 0.091 0.091 0.102 0.102 0.102
surface (N/m2) 0 0.001 0.004 0.251 0.00489 0.0195 0.251
Pressure 0 0.011 -.011 -.023 0.033 5 0.0038 0.0042 0.9048 0.00186 0.0205 0.905
Difference 10 0.07 0.0043 16.2791 0.342 0.02106 16.28
12 0.088 0.0052 16.9231 0.4312 0.0254 16.92
14 0.0104 0.007 1.4857 0.0509 0.034 1.486
15 0.0138 0.073 0.18904 0.0675 0.357 0.189

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Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018


AOA Lift, L Drag, D L/D CL CD CL/CD
0 0.00021 0.00057 0.3684 0.00102 0.0027 0.37
5 0 0.00045 0 0 0.0022 0
10 0.0011 0.00075 1.467 0.00538 0.0036 1.47
12 0.00134 0.00057 2.3509 0.0065 0.0027 2.35
14 0.0017 0.0083 0.20482 0.0008 0.00391 0.21
15 0.0021 0.001 2.10 0.0102 0.0048 2.10


Angle of
Lift, L Drag, D L/D CL CD CL/CD
0 0.03 0.09 0.333 0.1469 0.4408 0.333
5 0.00053 0.001 0.531 0.04702 0.0048 0.531
10 0.002 0.0015 1.333 0.0097 0.056 1.333
12 0.00231 0.0012 1.925 0.00113 0.0058 1.925
14 0.0024 0.0013 1.8462 0.011 0.00636 1.8462
15 0.0025 0.00135 1.852 0.0122 0.00661 1.852 (b)


of Lift, L Drag, D L/D CL CD CL/CD
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.00012 0.0002 0.6 0.00058 0.00094 0.6
10 0.00039 0.00012 3.250 0.00191 0.00058 3.250
12 0.0005 0.00014 3.3571 0.0023 0.0007 3.3571
14 0.0006 0.00023 2.6522 0.0030 0.0012 2.6522 (c)
15 0.0007 0.0003 3.0660 0.00318 0.00103 3.06604


The target was set as per objective and the simulation was
done for a number of angle of attack starts from 0° to 15°.
Turbulent and laminar flow were started to separate by a
point of transition or separation point; as the angle of attack (d)
is increased with corresponding relative velocity and
temperature, the portion of the upper airflow that is
turbulent also increases. Flow separation across airfoil
occurs when the boundary layer tracing far enough contra
and converse pressure gradient on the swiftness of the
boundary layer correlated to the object falls almost to zero.
The fluid flow becomes separated from the adjacent surface
of the object and instead of taking the conjugation of eddies
and vortices. This flow separation can oft result in increased
drag and corresponding lift, particularly pressure drag which
is generated by the pressure differential distribution between
the leading and trailing surfaces of the airfoil as it treks
through the fluid over airfoil. There are many parameters
like Reynolds number, thickness ratio, Mach number, angle
of attack, drag polar equation, Prandtl’s number etc. But
here performance of the airfoil was calculated by only
considering lift and drag force for different angle of attack Fig. 12. Velocity distribution of Elliptical wing (model) for angle of attack
with corresponding air velocity with same temperature. (a) 00 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 120 (e) 140 (f) 150 respectively
From lift and drag coefficient lift and drag force was
measured also lift-drag ratio calculated as well.

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Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018









Fig. 14. Velocity distribution of NACA 64A012 mod airfoil for angle of
attack (a) 00 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 120 (e) 140 (f) 150 respectively
Fig. 13. Velocity distribution of Mosquito wing for angle of attack (a) 0 0 (b)
50 (c) 100 (d) 120 (e) 140 (f) 150 respectively Normally for negative pressure for upper surface
manometer reading is positive and lower surface manometer
reading is negative. But in this experiment for all tapping
points manometric readings were positive. This occurred for
the whole size and shape that gives rise to manometric
pressure. Therefore, the whole curve shifts upwards while
plotting the values. The lift-to-drag ratio L/D is a measure of
the aerodynamic efficiency of an airplane or the aircraft
particle. It only makes sense that maximum aerodynamics
efficiency should be lead to minimum thrust required. So, it
(a) is important to show the lift-to-drag ratio L/D of those three

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Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018


Fig. 17. Angle of attack vs lift-to-drag ratio L/D for NACA 64A012 mod
(ii) airfoil (i) experimental result (ii) simulation result
Fig. 15. Angle of attack vs lift-to-drag ratio L/D for Elliptical wing (i)
experimental result (ii) simulation result
From graph we can see that the lift-to-drag ratio L/D
which known as aerodynamic efficiency is greater in NACA
64A012 mod airfoil then the other two model like Elliptical
wing & Mosquito wing. So we can assume that NACA
64A012 airfoil has approximately higher fly ability than
prototype Elliptical wing & Mosquito wing. The results
showed the factual influence of the aforecited unsteady
condition parameters corresponding to the maximum lift and
drag co-efficient. The parameters increase or decrease the
aerodynamic forces with respect to the optimum peak values
depending on the surrounding fluid flow composition [13].
During our experiment we use analog or manual wind tunnel
to test pressure distribution across the airfoil, lift and drag
(i) force of it. Using this analog wind tunnel we have some
experimental and analytical procedure error. On the Other
hand, the prototype model wing that we made is not proper
in dimension and corresponding airfoil geometry. This is
also a reason why we have some experimental error over
numerical value or actual value. Besides, the wind tunnel we
used was worn out (Mach no. 0.3) and the data collection
technique has become very ineffective. Today’s wind tunnel
device uses automatic weight balance, digital force
measurement system and pressure sensors for pressure
measurement and that wind tunnel system get value that
auto plot in the graph. In most of the case they are integrated
(ii) with a computer via software with a printer.
Fig. 16. Angle of attack vs lift-to-drag ratio L/D for Mosquito wing (i)
experimental result (ii) simulation result

Wing is the part and parcel of aircraft flying. More
accurate shape and size of airfoil more stable in flying and
clearly showing aerodynamic characteristics. For choosing
NACA 64A012 mod airfoil is that L-39 Albatross lite
combat trainer aircraft of Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) using

DOI: 55
EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2018

this type of airfoil. On the other hand, choosing of elliptical [12] Rashed Ahammad. Performance Test of NACA 2412 Airfoil. 2015.
ICMERE Conference Proceeding, 2015.
wing because during era of WW II ‘The Supermarine [13] M.R. Amiralai. An investigation into the effects on unsteady
Spitfire’ which has greater aerodynamic performance at that parameters on the aerodynamics of a low Reynolds number pitching
time using this elliptical wing. Lastly, choosing of mosquito airfoil. 2010. Journal of Fluids and Structure 26 (2010), 979-993.
[14] M.A. Ashraf. Reynolds number, thickness and camber effect on
wing because this type insect flying in nature with the help
flapping airfoil propulsion. 2011. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27
of flapping its wing which create thrust to stable during fly. (2011) 145-160.
Since Lift to Drag is known as the aerodynamic efficiency [15] Jiyu Sun. The structure and mechanical properties of dragonfly wings
factor that’s why we are only showing L/D ratio with and their role on fly ability. 2012. Journal of Fluids and Structure 340,
(2012), 3-17
respect to different angle of attack of those three model
wing like Elliptical wing, Mosquito wing and NACA Md. Nesar Ali was born in Bangladesh. He obtained
64A012 mod airfoil. The test corroborated to the high BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Chittagong
University of Engineering & Technology (CUET) in
lift/drag ratio (Aerodynamic Efficiency) and the high 2017. He has published a number of publication on
maximum lift coefficient (CL) but the airfoil was found to be different Peer reviewed article international research
a little sensitive to leading edge surface roughness. journal (AIP) and also published many conference
proceedings in many international conference which
held in Bangladesh. His field of interest includes
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Renewable energy, sustainable energy,
The authors would like to be obliged to Chittagong Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Mechatronics.
University of Engineering and Technology for providing
laboratory facilities and financial assistance. Md. Mostafizur Rahman Komol was born in
Bangladesh. He obtained BSc in Mechanical
Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering
REFERENCES & Technology (KUET) in 2017. He has published a
[1] number of conference proceedings in many
aerodynamics-theory.php international conference held in Bangladesh. His field
[2] of interest includes Control engineering,
[3] Fundamental of Aerodynamics/John D Anderson/Chapter3 Aerodynamics, Mechatronics, Computational Fluid
[4],’Daniel Webster College’; Wing dynamics, engineering Mechanics, Thermodynamics
Design Robotics and Renewable Energy.
[6] Mohammad Takiuddin Saki was born in
tunnel-k4.html Bangladesh. He obtained BSc in Mechanical
[7] Engineering from Chittagong University of
wind-tunnel/ Engineering & Technology (CUET) in 2010. He is
[8] Md. Nesar Ali. Study on Bird’s & Insect’s Wing Aerodynamics and working now as “Senior Instructor” at Bangladesh
Comparison Its Analytical Value with Standard Airfoil.2017. AIP Institute of Marine Technology (BIMT) since 2016
Conference Proceeding: Volume 1851,020056. and Head of the Department, Shipbuilding
[9] Md. Nesar Ali. Study on flow over finite wing with respect to F-22 Technology, BIMT. He has more than five years of
raptor, Supermarine Spitfire, F-7 BG aircraft wing and analyze its working experience in Ship building industry of
stability performance and experimental values.2017. AIP Conference Bangladesh. His field of interest includes Fluid
Proceeding: Volume 1851,020079. Dynamics, Engineering Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer,
[10] Dr. Md. Mahbubul Alam. A Comparative Studies on various model Automation & Automobile Engineering, Engineering Operation
Bird’s wing & standard airfoil & also track down the most effective Management, Ship Building & Ship Propulsion System, Mechanical and
airfoil using CFD solver software. 2017. ICMERE conference Electrical System of water vehicles and Renewable & Sustainable Energy.
proceeding, 2017
[11] Dr. A.B.M Toufique Hasan. Study on Bird’s flapping wing
aerodynamics and compared its analytical values with NACA 64A012
mod Airfoil. 2016. ICMIEE Conference proceeding 2016.

DOI: 56

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