5 IX September 2017
5 IX September 2017
5 IX September 2017
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at www.ijraset.com
Abstract: The main goal of an aircraft aerodynamics is to improve the aerodynamic behaviour of the aircraft. The airfoil model
contains dimple on the surface have less drag than the model contains no dimple. Providing the dimples on the surface of the
airfoil i.e. cross section of the aircraft wing will generate turbulence by creating vortices which reduces the boundary layer
separation from laminar to turbulence resulting in decrease of pressure drag. The main objective is to reduce the take off
distance of the aircraft by minimizing the drag force. The project includes CFD analysis of vortex effect on the 3D model of
airfoil NACA 0015. Dimple shape may be semi-sphere of 15 mm in different configuration i.e. inward and outward and 1 m
chord selected for the analysis under the 17 m/s of flow velocity at zero degree angle of attack. Dimple may be provided at
different positions of the airfoil from the leading edge and analysis were performed coefficient of lift, coefficient of drag, velocity
contours and pressure contours are calculated and compared with the plane model.
Keywords – Airfoil, Lift coefficient, drag coefficient Pressure contours, Velocity contours.
An aircraft is a basically machine which is capable of fly in aerospace by gaining support from the air. The relation between aircraft
and fluid (air) is termed as aerodynamics which deals with the effects of0forces, moments and motion of the airplane through the
space. The aero dynamical forces associated with the aircraft are lift and drag, they exists due to the movement of the airplane in
aerospace. The lift0created by the air flowing over the blade creates the upward force called as thrust against the weight of the plane
which pulls down. The drag generated by the air resistance to the front of the airplane will overcome by the thrust created by the
propeller. In level flight and at constant speed drag force is exactly equal to the thrust force and lift force exactly equal to the weight
or gravity force. NACA Airfoil series is developed0by national advisory committee for aeronautics. In this project the airfoil chosen
for analysis is NACA 0015 which is a symmetric airfoil. The geometry of the airfoil is explained by series of digits following by the
NACA. The first digit indicates the maximum0camber as percent of chord, second digit indicates the position of the
maximum1camber measured from the leading edge in percentage of chord and third and fourth digits including denotes
maximum2thickness of the airfoil in percentage of chord length. The NACA0015 is a symmetrical0airfoil with a 15% thickness
to0chord ratio. Symmetric airfoils0are used in some applications including aircraft vertical0stabilizers, fixed wings, rotary and some
submarine fins. A 3D wane cross section is analyzed at low velocity for lift, drag and vector characteristics and also pressure and
velocity contours. Presently various types of surface modifications are studied to increase the0maneuverability of the aircraft.
Dimples on surface or the vortex generators are most commonly used type of surface modifications. These dimple effect creates the
turbulence effect by9creating the vortices,8which delay the boundary layer7separation which result in lower in the pressure drag.
For example golf ball with dimple effect travels more distance than the smooth surfaced6ball when subjected5to same force which
is mainly because of the reduction in drag force due to the dimple effect. The dimples generates the turbulence4at lower value of
Reynolds number, which provides extra3energy to the boundary layer2and resulting late in flow separation from laminar to
turbulence, thus reducing the drag force therefore meanwhile decrease in the takeoff distance of the aircraft.
In our project surface modifications considered are inward dimple on both top and bottom surfaces of NACA0015 airfoil. Further
iterations are carried out for zero angles of attack with two numbers of dimples in different dimensions. A 3 dimensional
computational fluid dynamics analysis is carried out using Spalart Almaras model, after this among various results the better of
there is chosen.
A. Geometry generation
Airfoil model can be generated using CAD software solid works using the coordinate points taken from the UIUC airfoil database
coordinates. Chord length of the airfoil has taken as 1m and spam length of 100mm. Dimples are given0on the surface of the0airfoil
at different length from0the leading edge with a depth of 15 mm.
Fig 2: Airfoil model with inward dimple at 206mm from leading edge Fig 3: Airfoil model with inward dimple at 206mm from
leading edge
C. Turbulence model
It is somewhat difficult to choose which model is best for the analysis, nevertheless, with the help of previous works on the airfoil,
in this analysis we have chosen Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for the simulation. It is a two equation model. Flow is simulated
by using equations of conservation of mass and momentum. Finite volume method is used to convert governing equations to
algebraic equations.
D. Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions are incorporated in ANSYS FLUENT. This study has three boundary conditions they are inlet, outlet and wall
boundary.At the inlet, velocity specification method is taken as magnitude and normal to boundary. Velocity magnitude is taken as
17 m/s. At the wall boundary, the walls are assumed to be adiabatic with no slip condition. The wall is taken as stationary wall and
shear condition as no slip. Wall roughness is taken as 0.5. At the outlet pressure is taken as zero
Fig 10: Coefficient of Lift With Iteration With Outward Dimple At 206 mm
A. Analyses were carried out for zero AOA for 8 different positioned configuration of NACA 0015 airfoil and analysis report were
compared with the plain airfoil.
B. Lift coefficient is found to be zero at zero angle of attack
C. It is found from the analysis that in all cases drag coefficient is more in the dimple model than the model having no dimple.
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