Curriculum For Certificate in Surface Mining (Certificate Level - 6 Months) Code:VE42S002

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Certificate in Surface Mining
(Certificate Level - 6 months)

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives of the Course .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Competencies Gained After Completion of the Course ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Knowledge Proficiency Details ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Current and Future Job Opportunities .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Trainee Entry Level Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Minimum Qualification of Teacher/Trainer .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Medium of Instructions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Sequence of Modules ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Overview about the Program –Curriculum for Surface Mining ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Surface Mining-Curriculum Contents (Teaching and Learning Guide) ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Assessment..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
List of Tools, Machinery & Equipment ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
List of Consumable Supplies ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Reference Books ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
Contributions for Development of This Curriculum ...................................................................................................................................................................... 43

Page 2

Surface mining is a broad category of mining operations, which includes openpit, opencast, and quarrying techniques used for the extraction of
near-surface valuable minerals and rocks from the earth. Surface mining is a largely practiced mining method throughout the world. In Pakistan,
numerous economically important minerals and rocks such as copper, gold, iron, limestone, dolomite, silica sand, aluminum etc, are being
extracted through surface mining methods.

This course titled “Surface mining” has been designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of surface mining systems, drilling & blasting
operations, loading and transportations systems at surface mines, crushing operations, safety measures and preventive maintenance of different
surface mining equipments. The prime objective of this course will be to train the work-force for existing surface mining projects as well as for
the upcoming mega surface mining projects, i.e. Thar coal opencast mining project, Reko-diq copper-gold project, Dilband Iron ore project etc.

Objectives of the Course

The objectives of this course are to:

 Produce skilled manpower for the deployment at any surface mining project

 Develop the knowledge and operating skills of the trainees about various mining equipments

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 Acquaint the trainees about safe blasting practices

 Provide comprehensive knowledge of maintenance of various mining equipments

 Enlighten workplace safety awareness for safe and productive mining operations

Competencies Gained After Completion of the Course

At the end of the course, the trainee must be able to attain the following competencies about surface mining operations:

 Identify the different types of surface mining methods

 Identify the different industrial minerals and rocks

 Identify the name and functions of various drilling equipments and their uses.

 Operate and maintain Top-hammer drills including start-up/Shut-down, positioning, vertical drilling, angle-drilling, drill rod changing,
and drill rod retrieval

 Operate and maintain Down-the-Hole drills including start-up/shut-down, positioning, drilling, drill rod changing, and drill rod retrieval

 Operate and maintain Jack-hammer/Hand-held drills including start-up/shut-down, rock drilling, rod retrieval

 Operations and handling of Air Compressors, including start-up/shut-down, oiling/greasing, filter changing, pressure maintenance

 Exploratory core drilling operations for mineral explorations and resource evaluations

 Usage and preparation of High explosives and blasting agent

Page 4
 Conduct safe blasting operations

 Proper storage of explosives and detonators

 Operate and maintain front-end loader including muck loading, bucket raising and lowering, bucket dumping procedure

 Operate and maintain loading and back-hoe shovels

 Operations and handling of dozer, including rock movement, rock cutting, haul road preparations, grade cutting etc

 Operate and maintain rear dump trucks/dumpers, including safe driving practice, positioning for loading, dumping practice etc

 Operations and maintenance of belt conveyor system, including installations, maintenance of roller drums, pulleys, trough rollers etc

 Operations and maintenance of primary crushers, including start-up/shut-down, controlling the feed rate, safety measures against hopper
or screen chocking etc

 Awareness about safety procedure at mine site, including personal and co-worker’s safety, fire fighting, first-aid procedure, etc

Knowledge Proficiency Details

On successful completion of course, the trainees must have acquired the following knowledge:

 Different surface mining methods

 Industrial rocks and minerals

 Basic unit operations of surface mining

 Use of tools, equipment and machinery

Page 5
 Different drilling equipments and their uses

 Explosive and blasting operations

 Transportation and logistics in mining operations

 Different crushing equipments

 Safety precautions in surface mining

 Preventive maintenance of different mining equipments

Current and Future Job Opportunities

The successful trainees may have numerous existing and future job opportunities in following areas/fields:

 Cement factories (limestone or shale quarries)

 Marble and Granite quarries

 Construction companies

 Mineral exploration companies

 Geotechnical services companies

 Pakistan Steel mills

 Thar coal project

 Reko-Diq copper/gold project

Page 6
Trainee Entry Level Requirements
Preferably Matriculation or atleast Middle pass

Minimum Qualification of Teacher/Trainer

3 years Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) in Mining Technology with 5 years experience at surface mine or quarries
Bachelors of Engineering (B.E) in Mining Engineering with 2 years experience at surface mine or quarries

Medium of Instructions

Sequence of Modules
Trainees must complete Module 1 (Introduction of Surface Mining) first

Page 7
Overview about the Program –Curriculum for Surface Mining

Module Title Learning Units Theory1 Workplace2 Time frame

and Aim Days/hours Days/hours of modules
LU1. Introduction to surface mining operations
LU2. Basic terminology used in surface mining
Module 1
Introduction to LU3. Surface mining methods 23 10 Complete first
surface mining LU4. Basic unit operations in surface mining
LU5. Identifications of different industrial rocks and minerals

LU1. Introduction to rock drilling process

LU2. Basic functional components of drilling equipments
LU3. Identification of different drilling equipments used in surface
Module 2 LU4. Operating procedure of Top-hammer/Drifter drills
Drilling 26 170
LU5. Operating procedure of Down-the-hole hammer (DTH) drills Module 1 first
LU6. Operating procedure of Jack-hammer/Handheld drills
LU7. Operation and maintenance of air compressors
LU8. Exploratory core drilling procedure
LU9. Preventive maintenance of various drilling equipments

Learning hours in training provider premises
Training workshop, laboratory and on-the-job workplace
Page 8
Module Title Learning Units Theory Workplace Time frame
and Aim Days/hours Days/hours of modules
LU1. Introduction to explosives and blasting
LU2. Types of explosive used in surface mining operations
LU3. Safety precautions in usage/handling of explosives
LU4. Blasting terminologies
Module 3 LU5. Blasting accessories
Blasting 44 160
LU6. Preparation of ANFO blasting agent Module 1 first
LU7. Explosives charging procedure
LU8. Stemming procedure
LU9. Initiation/Firing procedure of explosives
LU10. Storage of explosives and detonators
LU1. Introduction to loading and transportation equipments
LU2. Operating procedure of front-end loader
LU3. Operating procedure of loading shovel
LU4. Operating procedure of dozer /ripper equipment
Module 4
LU5. Operating procedure of Rear-dump trucks/dumpers Complete
Loading and 26 160
Module 1 first
Transportations LU6. Operation and maintenance of Belt conveyors system
LU7. Preventive maintenance of front-end loader and shovels
LU8. Preventive maintenance of dozer
LU9. Preventive maintenance of dump trucks

Page 9
Module Title Learning Units Theory Workplace Time frame
and Aim Days/hours Days/hours of modules
LU1. Introduction to crushing and screening of rocks
LU2. Types of crushers and screens used in mining industry
Module 5
LU3. Operations of Primary Jaw crushers Complete
Crushing 25 90
Module 1 first
Operations LU4. Operations of Rotary Impact crushers
LU5. Preventive maintenance of crushers and screens
LU1. General workplace safety rules and procedures

Module 6 LU2. Appropriate use of personal protective equipments (PPEs)

Health, Safety LU3. Fire fighting Techniques Complete
16 50
and Environment Module 1 first
(HSE) LU4. Communication skills (hand signals, radio communications etc)
LU5. First-Aid training

Surface Mining-Curriculum Contents (Teaching and Learning Guide)

Module 1: Introduction to Surface Mining
Page 10
Objective of the Module 1: This module provides a general introduction to surface mining, different methods of surface mining, identification
of different industrial minerals and rocks and breif understading of basic unit operations of surface mining.
Duration: 33 hours (Theory: 23 hours and Practice: 10 hours)

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
1. Introduction to Able to explain Knowledge of:
surface mining surface mining of - Introduction 03  Lecture notes Classroom
operations rocks and minerals - Basic concept
Knowledge of:
- Definitions and explanation of
Able to explain and
technical terms, i.e. Burden,
identify geometrical  Lecture notes
2. Basic Spacing, stemming, toe, crest,
attributes of any  Audio/visual Classroom &
terminologies used bench, slope, ramp, haul road 10
surface mine and related to each Workplace
in surface mining etc…
related technical technical term
Ability to:
- Understand various technical
terms related to surface mining
Knowledge of:
Identification of
- Methods of surface mining  Lecture notes
different methods of
3. Surface mining - Explanations of openpit, opencast  Mining method
surface mining 05 Classroom
methods and quarrying methods charts
applicable to
- Metalliferous and non-  Audio/visuals
different minerals
metalliferous mines
Knowledge of:
Understand the
4. Basic unit - Sequence of unit operations
important unit  Lecture notes
operations in - Introduction to drilling, blasting, 05 Classroom
operations of surface  Audio/visuals
surface mining loading, transportation and
5. Identifications of Knowledge of:  Lecture notes
Able to recognize
different industrial - Rocks and minerals definitions  Specimens of Classroom &
different rocks and 10
rocks and - Important industrial minerals and various rocks and Workplace
minerals rock and their uses minerals

Page 11
- Physical properties of rocks and
minerals for identification
Ability to:
- Identify different rocks and

Module 2: Drilling Operations

Objective of the Module 2: To develop the competency to understand rock drilling process, identification of basic drill components including
operations and maintenenace of various types of drilling equipments used in surface mining for mineral
Duration: 196 hours (Theory: 26 hours and Practice: 170 hours)

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Knowledge of:
1. Introduction to
Able to explain the - Introduction
rock drilling 03  Lecture notes Classroom
rock drilling process - Basic concept
- Rock-bit interaction
Able to recognize
Knowledge of:
2. Basic functional various components
- Components of drill
components of of a drilling  Lecture notes
- Prime mover, drill pipes, drill bits, 02 Classroom
drilling equipment and  Audio/visuals
and circulations system
equipments explain their
- Torque and thrust components
Knowledge of:
- Types of drills
3. Identification of - Hydraulic and Pneumatic  Lecture notes
Able to identify and
different drilling - Truck-mounted and crawler  Audio/visuals of Classroom &
classify different 13
equipments used in mounted different drilling Workplace
drilling equipments
surface mining - Handheld drills equipments
Ability to:
- Classify different drilling

Page 12
equipments used in surface mining
Knowledge of:
- Basic working mechanism
- Important components and their  Equipment Manual
functions  Top-hammer
Understand the
- Start-up and Shut-down drilling unit with
working principle of
4. Operating - Drill boom raising and lowering all drilling
Top-hammer drill,
procedure of Top- - Vertical drilling accessories (e.g. Classroom &
Identify different 33
hammer/ Drifter - Angle drilling LM300 Ingersoll Workplace
drills - Drill rod changing rand)
Able to fully operate
- Drilling in hard and soft rocks  Air compressor
the drill
- Drill bit replacement (800 cfm)
Ability to:  Audio/visuals
- Operate the top-hammer/ drifter
Knowledge of:
- Basic working mechanism
 Equipment Manual
- Important components and their
 Down-the-Hole
Understand the basic Hammer (DTH)
- Start-up and Shut-down
5. Operating working mechanics drilling unit with
- Down-hole hammer installation
procedure of of DTH drills, all essential
- Drill boom raising and lowering Classroom &
Down-the-hole Identify different 33 accessories, (e.g.
- Vertical drilling Workplace
hammer (DTH) components and able Ingersoll rand or
- Drill rod changing
drills to operate the DTH Atlas copco)
- Drilling in hard and soft rocks
drill  Air compressor
- Drill bit replacement (800 cfm)
Ability to:  Audio/visuals
- Operate the down-the-hole
hammer (DTH) drills
6. Operating Able to operate the Knowledge of:  Equipment manual
Classroom &
procedure of Jack- Jack-hammer - Basic working mechanism 28  Jack-hammer
hammer / handheld drill for - Important components and their handheld drill

Page 13
Handheld drills boulder drilling and functions  Drill rod sets
shallow drillholes - Start-up and Shut-down  Air compressor
- Safety precautions during drilling (800 cfm)
- Boulder drilling  Audio/visuals
- Drilling for dimension stones
Ability to:
- Operate the jack-hammer drills
Knowledge of:
- Basic air compression mechanism
- Safety precautions with air
Able to operate and compressors
maintain air - Start-up and Shut-down
 Air compressor
compressors to be - Air hose connections
7. Operations and (800 cfm) (e.g.
used with all - Control of air quantity and Classroom &
maintenance of air 28 Comp Air)
pneumatic drilling pressure Workplace
compressors  Tool box
units (i.e. Top - Filter replacement
 Oil and grease
hammer, DTH, Jack- - Oiling and greasing
hammer etc) - Towing procedure
Ability to:
- Operate and maintain air
Knowledge of:
- Basic working principle
- Important components and their
Understand the
drilling process  Exploratory core
- Start-up and Shut-down
8. Exploratory core conducted for drilling rig Classroom &
- Core barrels 33
drilling procedure mineral exploration  Core barrels Workplace
- Drilling Mud and Fluids
and geotechnical site  Core boxes
- Mud re-circulation
- Drill boom raising and lowering
- Drill rod changing
- Drilling in hard and soft rocks

Page 14
- Drill bit replacement
- Sample acquisition from core
- Waxing and preservation of
obtained samples
Ability to:
- Perform exploratory core drilling
Knowledge of:
- Principles and objectives of
preventive maintenance  Lecture notes
Understand the
- Scheduled maintenance  Tool box
9. Preventive importance of
- Use of maintenance logs  Oil and grease
maintenance of maintenance Classroom &
- Oiling and greasing procedures 23  Oiling and
various drilling procedures of Workplace
- Lubrication points in different greasing gun
equipments different drilling
drilling equipment  Industrial cotton
Ability to: wipes
- Conduct preventive maintenance
of different drilling equipment

Module 3: Blasting Operations

Page 15
Objective of the Module 3: This module develops competency to understand rock blasting procedure, safety precuations while blasting,
identification of different explosives and blasting accessories, their proper use, stemming procedure and firing and
initiation of a explosives.
Duration: 204 hours (Theory: 44 hours and Practice: 160 hours)

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Able to explain the Knowledge of:
1. Introduction to
explosives, their - Introduction
explosives and 03  Lecture notes Classroom
composition and - Explosives composition
blasting process - Theory of blasting
Knowledge of:
Identification of - Types of explosives
2. Types of different types of - High and low explosives
explosives used in explosives and - Classification of high explosives  Lecture notes Classroom &
surface mining blasting agents used Ability to:  Audio/visuals Workplace
operations in surface mining - Identify different explosives and
operations blasting agents used in surface
Understand the
safety precautions
Knowledge of:
3. Safety precautions during usage,
- Do’s and Dont’s
in usage/handling transportations, 10  Lecture notes Classroom
- Potential hazards associated with
of explosives charging and storage
of explosive
Knowledge of:
Able to explain and
- Blasting patterns  Lecture notes
identify different
4. Blasting - Sub-drill, column charge, toe  Audio/visuals
technical terms 05 Classroom
terminologies charge, boosters, blasting agents, related to each
related to explosives
trunk lines, downlines, back-break, technical term
and blasting
over-break etc…

Page 16
Knowledge of:
- Introduction to blasting accessories
- Detonating cords
- Nonel detonators / Leher
- Safety fuse
Able to recognize  Lecture notes
5. Blasting - Delay relays Classroom &
different blasting 25  Images of each
accessories - Plain detonators Workplace
accessories blasting accessory
- Electric detonators
- Electric blasting machine
Ability to:
- Recognize different blasting
accessories and their uses.
Knowledge of:
- Brief introduction
 Lecture notes
Able to prepare - Ammonium Nitrate and fuel oil
6. Preparation of  Ammonium
Ammonium nitrate optimum ratio Classroom &
ANFO blasting 33 Nitrate (Blasting
with fuel oil ANFO - Preparation procedure Workplace
agent grade)
blasting agent - Heavy ANFO
 Diesel oil
Ability to:
- Prepare ANFO and Heavy ANFO
Knowledge of:
- Basic concept
 Detonating cord
- Connection of detonating cord or
 Nonel / Leher
Nonel detonator with toe charge
Able to place/charge detonators
- Pouring of blasting agent as
7. Explosive charging high explosives and  High explosive Classroom &
column charge 43
procedure blasting agent in (Wabox, Workplace
- Placement of booster explosives
drillholes Wabonite, Tovex
within column charge
Ability to:
- Perform explosives charging in
8. Stemming Understand the Knowledge of: 17  Stemming rod Classroom &

Page 17
procedure importance of - Basic concept (Aluminum) Workplace
stemming / - Stemming materials  Tamping rod
confinement - Stemming procedure (Wooden)
procedure Ability to:  Moisturized clay
- Perform stemming procedure
Knowledge of:
- Initiation theory
- Proper trunk lines and down lines
connections  Detonating cords
- Clove-hitch knot  Delay relays
Able to initiate the
9. Initiation/Firing - Placement of delay relays  Safety fuse
blast, safely at any Classroom &
procedure of - Safety fuse and plain detonator 35  Plain detonators
surface mining Workplace
explosives connection  Electric detonators
- Ignition of safety fuse  Electric blasting
- Electric initiations machine
Ability to:
- Conduct safe explosive
Knowledge of:
- Storage magazine design
- Ventilation requirements
Understand the - Floor preparations  Lecture notes
10. Storage of importance of proper - Installation of lightening rod  Drawings
Classroom &
explosives and storage of explosive - Detonator storage 25  Lightning rods
detonators as per Rules and - Security of magazine  Wooden sheets
Regulations - Sign-in and sign-out procedures  Face masks
Ability to:
- Store the explosives and detonator
as per rules and regulations

Module 4: Loading and Transporations

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Objective of the Module 4: This module provides brief introduction of loading and transportation of rocks at any surface mine including
operations and maintenance of different loading and transportation equipments
Duration: 186 hours (Theory: 26 hours and Practice: 160 hours)

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Able to identify Knowledge of:
1. Introduction to
various loading and - Introduction to logistics in surface
loading and  Lecture notes
transportation mining 05 Classroom
transportation  Audio/visuals
equipments used in - Loading equipments
mining operations - Transportation equipments
Knowledge of:
- Introduction
- Machinery specifications
- Safety precautions
- Start-up / shut-down
- Hydraulic controller
Able to operate the - Filling the bucket  Equipment manual
2. Operating
front-end loader for - Lifting the load  Front-end loader Classroom &
procedure of front- 28
loading the raw - Rollback carrying load (Caterpillar 950F Workplace
end loader
material at mine site - Dumping the bucket etc)
- Back grading
- Digging with bucket
- Back filling
Ability to:
- Operate the front-end loader for
loading the raw material
Able to operate the Knowledge of:
 Equipment manual
3. Operating loading shovel for - Introduction
 Loading shovel Classroom &
procedure of loading the raw - Machinery specifications 28
(Caterpillar 966H Workplace
loading shovel materials and - Safety precautions
or Volvo L150 etc)
excavations - Start-up / shut-down

Page 19
- Hydraulic controller
- Filling the bucket
- Lifting the load
- Rollback carrying load
- Dumping the bucket
- Face cutting
Ability to:
- Operate the loading shovel
- Perform face cutting
Knowledge of:
- Introduction
- Machinery specifications
- Safety precautions
Understand the
- Start-up / shut-down
workings of
4. Operating - Blade raising and lower
dozer/ripper, rock  Equipment manual
procedure of - Digging with blade Classroom &
cuttings, haul road 28  Dozer/Ripper
Dozer/Ripper - Use of ripper Workplace
preparations and (Caterpillar D9)
equipment - Material movement
- Grade cutting
- Haul road preparations
Ability to:
- Operate the dozer/ripper
- Prepare haul roads
Knowledge of:
Able to operate rear- - Introduction
dump trucks / - Machinery specifications
5. Operating  Equipment manual
dumper for - Safety precautions
procedure of Rear-  Rear-Dump trucks Classroom &
transportations of - Start-up / shut-down 28
dump trucks / / Dumper (Nissan Workplace
raw material from - Safe driving practices
Dumpers or Caterpillar)
mine site to crusher - Preparing for loading
or stock yard - Driving upgrade
- Driving downgrade

Page 20
- Driving at curves/ blind turns
- Dumping
- Controlled spreading
- Operations in extreme weather
Ability to:
- Operate the rear-dump
trucks/dumper for raw material
Knowledge of:
- Basic mechanism
- Functional components
- Running empty belts
Able to operate the
6. Operation and - Running loaded belts  Belt conveyor
belt conveying
maintenance of - Cleanup and lubrications system Classroom &
system including 18
Belt conveyors - Parts replacement (e.g. Main  Tool box Workplace
parts replacement
system pulley, tail pulley, side idlers, take-  Oil and lubricants
and maintenance
up pulley, side roller etc
Ability to:
- Operate and maintain the belt
Knowledge of:
- Bucket frame attachment and
detachment  Tool box
Able to conduct - Cutter teeth replacement  Oil and grease
7. Preventive
preventive - Lubrication at all moving and  Oiling and
maintenance of Classroom &
maintenance of hinge points 17 greasing gun
front-end loader Workplace
front-end loader and - Hydraulic oil checking and  Industrial cotton
and shovels
shovels replacement wipes
- Boom cylinders lubrication  Hydraulic oils
Ability to:
- Carry out preventive maintenance

Page 21
of front-end loaders and shovels
Knowledge of:
- Front blade attachment and
- Rear shank (ripper) attachment and  Tool box
detachment  Oil and grease
Able to conduct
8. Preventive - Lubrication at all moving and  Oiling and
preventive Classroom &
maintenance of hinge points 17 greasing gun
maintenance of Workplace
dozer/rippers - Hydraulic oil checking and  Industrial cotton
replacement wipes
- Boom cylinders lubrication  Hydraulic oils
Ability to:
- Perform preventive maintenance of
Knowledge of:
- General auto maintenance
 Tool box
 Oil and grease
Able to conduct - Boom cylinder lubrications
9. Preventive  Oiling and
preventive - Hydraulic pump maintenance Classroom &
maintenance of 17 greasing gun
maintenance of - Hydraulic oil checking and Workplace
dump trucks  Industrial cotton
dumpers replacement
Ability to:
 Hydraulic oils
- Carry out preventive maintenance
of dumpers

Module 5: Crushing operations

Page 22
Objective of the Module 5: This module develops competency to understand the basics of crushing operations, to recognize the functional
components of different crushers, and to operate different crushers
Duration: 115 hours (Theory: 25 hours and Practice: 90 hours)

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Knowledge of:
- Introduction
1. Introduction to Able to explain the
- Basic comminution concept  Lecture notes
crushing and crushing and 05 Classroom
- Open circuit and close circuit  Audio/visuals
screening of rocks screening of rocks
- Screens
Knowledge of:
Recognition and
- Classification of crushers
identification of
2. Types of crushers - Primary crushers
different crushers  Lecture notes
and screens used in - Secondary crushers 05 Classroom
and screens and their  Audio/visuals
mining industry - Tertiary crushers
- Grizzlies, vibrating and shaking
Knowledge of:
- Basic components
Able to perform - Start-up / Shut-down
3. Operations of
crushing of run-of- - Feed/hopper control  Equipment manual Classroom &
Primary Jaw 35
mine rocks using - Gap-set ratio adjustment  Jaw crusher Workplace
Jaw crusher - Product size control
Ability to:
- Operate primary jaw crushers
Knowledge of:
Able to perform
- Basic components
4. Operations of crushing of run-of-  Equipment manual
- Start-up / Shut-down Classroom &
Rotary Impact mine rocks using 35  Rotary impact
- Feed/hopper control Workplace
crushers rotary impact crusher
- Hammer speed control
- Gap-set ratio adjustment

Page 23
- Product size control
Ability to:
- Operate the rotary impact crushers
Knowledge of:
- Safety precautions
- Jaw die replacement
- Jaw guard replacement
- Cheek plate replacement
- Flywheel removal / installations
- Tension rod removal / installations
- Toggle and toggle seat  Tool box
Able to conduct replacement and installations  Oil and grease
5. Preventive
preventive - Thrust shaft removal and  Oiling and
maintenance of Classroom &
maintenance of installations 35 greasing gun
crushers and Workplace
different types of - Hammer removal and installation  Industrial cotton
crushers and screens - Hammer shaft removal and wipes
installation  Hydraulic oils
- Screen mesh
- Oiling and lubrications
Ability to:
- Conduct the preventive
maintenance of different crushers
and screens

Module 6: Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

Page 24
Objective of the Module 6: This module develops competency to understand the importance of health and safety precautions and basic first aid
Duration: 66 hours (Theory: 16 hours and Practice: 50 hours)

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Understand the Knowledge of:
possible dangerous - Hazardous situations
situations which - Recognition of dangerous
1. General workplace  Lecture notes
might leads to occurrences
safety rules and 05  Audio/Visuals Classroom
accidents/disaster in - Emergency plans
procedures  Warning signs
and around the - General workplace safety
surface mining precautions
operations - Warning signs
Knowledge of:
- Helmets and safety shoes
 Helmets
- Half and full face dust masks
 Safety footwares
2. Appropriate use of Able to use properly - Hard and soft gloves
 Dust masks
personal protective various personal - Safety goggles/glasses Classroom &
15  Hearing protection
equipments protective - Hearing protections Workplace
 Safety goggles
(PPE’s) equipments PPE’s - Oxygen breathing apparatus
 BG-164 breathing
Ability to:
- Use different personal protective
equipments (PPE’s)
Knowledge of:
- Causes of fire
- Fire triangle  Different materials
Able to conduct fire- - Extinguishing different materials (i.e. oil, wood,
3. Fire fighting fighting and proper fire (oil, wood, plastic etc) plastics etc) Classroom &
techniques use of fire - Use of CO2, water and foaming  Fire extinguishers Workplace
extinguishers fire extinguishers (CO2, water and
- Fire escaping procedures foam)
Ability to:
- Perform fire fighting in event of

Page 25
any emergency
Knowledge of:
- Hand signs for different work
4. Communication  Hand signal
Able to activities
skills (hand images
communicate non- - Walkie-talkie radio 2 way Classroom &
signals, radio 12  Hand-held
verbally and communications Workplace
communications Transceivers
verbally in the field Ability to:
etc) (Walkie-talkie)
- Use different communication tools
at workplace
Knowledge of:
- Managing a casualty
- Priorities in first aid
- First aid to an unconscious
Able to respond
- First aid to bleeding injuries
against any accident  Lecture notes
- First aid to electrical shocks Classroom &
5. First-Aid training and provide basic 22  Audio/visuals
- First aid to burn injuries Workplace
first aid to the  First-Aid kits
- Dealing with fractures
injured workers
- Resuscitation procedure
Ability to:
- Respond to any accident and
provide basic first aid to an injured

Page 26

place Recommended Scheduled
Learning Units Days Recommended formative assessment
Days methodology dates
1. Introduction to Trainee will:  Oral
At the end of
surface mining 03 --  Explain basic concepts of surface mining  MCQs
operations operations  Short questions
Trainee will:
 Oral
2. Basic terminology  Explain and identify different geometrical
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
used in surface 05 05 attributes of any surface mine and related
 MCQs module
mining technical terms (i.e. Burden, spacing, toe,
 Short questions
crest, slope etc)
Trainee will:
 Oral
3. Surface mining  Recognize and differentiate between various At the end of
05 --  MCQs
methods surface mining methods applicable to module
 Short questions
different types of minerals/rocks
4. Basic unit Trainee will:  Oral
At the end of
operations in 05 --  Demonstrate clear understanding of all the  MCQs
surface mining important unit operations at any surface mine  Short questions
5. Identifications of
Trainee will:  Oral At the end of
different industrial 05 05
 Recognize different rocks and minerals  Practical/Demonstration module
rocks and minerals

Supportive notes
 Assessment context:
This module provides an overall introduction to surface mining. All lectures will be conducted in classroom although for terminology and
identification of minerals/rocks, trainee should be taken to workplace for clear understanding and first hand knowledge.
 Critical aspects:
The trainer must focus on developing a clear idea of surface mining operations as most of the trainees may be very much novice to mining industry.
Page 27
 Assessment condition:
Lecture notes and mining methods posters should be provided to the trainees
 Resources required for assessment
The module is mostly theory based; hence no tool or equipment required but for Learning unit 05, rock and mineral specimens are required


place Recommended Scheduled
Learning Units Days Recommended formative assessment
Days/ methodology dates
1. Introduction to  Oral
Trainee will: At the end of
rock drilling 03 --  MCQs
 Explain the rock drilling process module
process  Short questions
2. Basic functional Trainee will:
 Oral
components of  Recognize various components of a drilling At the end of
02 --  MCQs
drilling equipment module
 Short questions
equipments  Explain functions of each component
3. Identification of  Oral
Trainee will:
different drilling  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 10  Identify and classify different drilling
equipments used in  MCQs module
surface mining  Short questions
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of Top-
4. Operating  Oral
hammer drill
procedure of Top-  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 30  Identify different functional components
hammer/ Drifter  MCQs module
 Demonstrate complete operations of the drill,
drills  Short questions
including startup and shut down, drill rod
changing, raising and lowering, crawling etc
5. Operating Trainee will:  Oral At the end of
03 30
procedure of  Explain basic working principle of Down-hole  Practical/Demonstration module

Page 28
Down-the-hole hammer drill (DTH)  MCQs
hammer (DTH)  Identify different functional components  Short questions
drills  Demonstrate full operations of the drill,
including startup and shut down, drill rod
changing, raising and lowering, crawling etc
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of Jack
6. Operating  Oral
hammer drill
procedure of Jack-  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 25  Identify different functional components
hammer /  MCQs module
 Demonstrate complete operation of the drill,
Handheld drills  Short questions
including startup and shut down, drill rod
changing, raising and lowering, crawling etc
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of Air
 Identify different functional components  Oral
7. Operations and
 Demonstrate full operations of the air  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
maintenance of air 03 25
compressors, including startup and shut down,  MCQs module
air hose connections, quantity and pressure  Short questions
 Explain the maintenance procedures for air
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of
Exploratory core drilling equipments
 Oral
 Identify different functional components
8. Exploratory core  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 30  Demonstrate full operations of the exploratory
drilling procedure  MCQs module
drilling including startup and shutdown,
 Short questions
handling of core barrels, drill boom raising
and lowering, drill rod changing, etc.

9. Preventive 03 20 Trainee will:  Oral At the end of

Page 29
maintenance of  Explain preventive and scheduled  Practical/Demonstration module
various drilling maintenance procedure of different drilling  MCQs
equipments equipment  Short questions
 Demonstrate oiling and greasing procedure
 Explain the use of maintenance log

Supportive notes
 Assessment context:
This module provide understanding rock drilling process, identification of basic drill components including operations and maintenance of various
types of drilling equipments used in surface mining for mineral exploitation. Both classroom and workplace will be used for this module.
 Critical aspects:
Drilling is the most important and critical unit operation of surface mining. Special care should be given to safety procedure for equipment and
 Assessment condition:
Each trainee should have appropriate access to all equipments
 Resources required for assessment
Drilling equipments, air compressors, tool boxes, oil and lubricants etc should be provided to the trainees


Page 30
place Recommended Scheduled
Learning Units Days Recommended formative assessment
Days/ methodology dates
1. Introduction to Trainee will:  Oral
At the end of
explosives and 03 --  Explain the explosives and their composition  MCQs
blasting  Explain the rock blasting procedures  Short questions
2. Types of  Oral
Trainee will:
explosives used in  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 05  Identify different types of explosives and
surface mining  MCQs module
blasting agents
operations  Short questions
Trainee will:
3. Safety precautions  Oral
 Explain the safety precautions during usage, At the end of
in usage/handling 10 --  MCQs
transportations, charging and storage of module
of explosives  Short questions
Trainee will:  Oral
4. Blasting At the end of
05 --  Identify and explain different blasting and  MCQs
terminologies module
explosive terms  Short questions
Trainee will:
 Oral
 Identify and explain different blasting
5. Blasting  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
05 20 accessories used in rock blasting
accessories  MCQs module
 Demonstrate safe use of each blasting
 Short questions
Trainee will:
 Oral
6. Preparation of  Explain the composition of ANFO
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
ANFO blasting 03 30  Demonstrate the preparation procedure of
 MCQs module
agent ANFO
 Short questions
 Demonstrate the preparation of heavy ANFO
Trainee will:  Oral
7. Explosive charging At the end of
03 40  Explain the blast hole charging procedure  Practical/Demonstration
procedure module
 Demonstrate the placement of toe charge  MCQs

Page 31
 Demonstrate the pouring of blasting agent in  Short questions
blast holes
Trainee will:
 Explain the basic concept of stemming
 Oral
8. Stemming  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
02 15  Demonstrate the proper selection of stemming
procedure  MCQs module
 Short questions
 Demonstrate the stemming and tamping
Trainee will:
 Explain the initiation theory
 Demonstrate the layout of trunk and downline
detonating cord  Oral
9. Initiation/Firing
 Demonstrate the knotting procedure of  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
procedure of 05 30
detonating cord  MCQs module
 Demonstrate the placement of delay relays  Short questions
 Demonstrate the connection of safety fuse and
plain detonator
 Demonstrate ignition of safety fuse
Trainee will:
 Explain the safety procedure for storage and
 Oral
10. Storage of handling of explosive and detonators
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
explosives and 05 20  Explain the magazine design and ventilation
 MCQs module
detonators requirements
 Short questions
 Demonstrate the installations of wooden
floors and lightning rods

Supportive notes
 Assessment context:
This module provides understanding rock blasting procedure; safety precautions while blasting, identification of different explosives and blasting
accessories, their proper use, stemming procedure and firing/initiation of explosives. Both classroom and workplace will be used for this module.

Page 32
 Critical aspects:
Blasting operations are critical due to current law and order situations. All the trainees and trainer should be properly scanned/checked by security
officers at entry and exit to the blasting area and explosives magazine.
 Assessment condition:
Trainee should be taken to existing limestone quarries for blasting module assessment
 Resources required for assessment
All the explosives, blasting accessories, stemming rods etc should be provided to trainees under the strict supervision of trainers


place Recommended Scheduled
Learning Units Days Recommended formative assessment
Days/ methodology dates
1. Introduction to
Trainee will:  Oral
loading and At the end of
05 --  Identify various loading and transportation  MCQs
transportation module
equipments used in mining operations  Short questions
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of front-end
 Oral
2. Operating  Identify and explain different functional
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
procedure of front- 03 25 components and machine specifications
 MCQs module
end loader  Demonstrate complete operations of front-end
 Short questions
loader including startup and shutdown,
hydraulic controls, bucket filling, lifting,
rollback, dumping, digging, back filling etc.
Trainee will:  Oral
3. Operating
 Explain basic working principle of loading  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
procedure of 03 25
shovel  MCQs module
loading shovel
 Identify and explain different functional  Short questions
Page 33
components and machine specifications
 Demonstrate complete operations of loading
shovel including startup and shutdown,
hydraulic controls, bucket filling, lifting,
rollback, dumping, digging, back filling, face
cutting etc.
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of
4. Operating  Identify and explain different functional  Oral
procedure of components and machine specifications  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 25
Dozer/Ripper  Demonstrate complete operations of dozers  MCQs module
equipment including startup and shutdown, hydraulic  Short questions
controls, blade raising and lowering, digging,
material movement, grade cutting, haul road
preparations, etc
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of dumpers
 Identify and explain different functional
5. Operating  Oral
components and machine specifications
procedure of Rear-  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 25  Demonstrate complete operations of rear-
dump trucks /  MCQs module
dump trucks including startup and shutdown,
Dumpers  Short questions
hydraulic controls, upgrade driving,
downgrade driving, dumping, controlled
spreading, etc
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of belt
6. Operation and  Oral
maintenance of  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
03 15  Identify different functional components
Belt conveyors  MCQs module
 Demonstrate complete operations of belt
system  Short questions
conveyor system including startup and
shutdown, empty running, loaded running,

Page 34
cleanup, lubrication, parts replacement etc.
Trainee will:
 Explain preventive and scheduled
7. Preventive maintenance procedure of front-end loader  Oral
maintenance of and loading shovels  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
02 15
front-end loader  Demonstrate parts replacement procedures  MCQs module
and shovels  Demonstrate oiling and greasing procedure  Short questions
 Explain the use of maintenance log

Trainee will:
 Explain preventive and scheduled
 Oral
8. Preventive maintenance procedure of dozer/ripper
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
maintenance of 02 15  Demonstrate parts replacement procedures
 MCQs module
dozer/rippers  Demonstrate oiling and greasing procedure
 Short questions
 Explain the use of maintenance log

Trainee will:
 Explain preventive and scheduled  Oral
9. Preventive
maintenance procedure of dumpers  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
maintenance of 02 15
 Demonstrate parts replacement procedures  MCQs module
dump trucks
 Demonstrate oiling and greasing procedure  Short questions
 Explain the use of maintenance log

Supportive notes
 Assessment context:
This module provides brief introduction of loading and transportation of rocks at any surface mine including operations and maintenance of different
loading and transportation equipments. Both classroom and workplace will be used for this module.
 Critical aspects:
In this module, trainees are required to work around hydraulic powered equipment carrying heavier loads, hence safety precautions should be taken to
avoid any mishap
 Assessment condition:

Page 35
Trainee should be taken to existing limestone quarries or surface mining operations where they demonstrate their abilities to operate various
 Resources required for assessment
Front-end loader, shovels, dumper, dozers, tool boxes, lubricants etc should be provided to the trainees.


place Recommended Scheduled
Learning Units Days Recommended formative assessment
Days/ methodology dates
Trainee will:
1. Introduction to  Explain the basic rock crushing and screening  Oral
At the end of
crushing and 05 -- process  MCQs
screening of rocks  Differentiate between open and close circuit  Short questions
2. Types of crushers Trainee will:  Oral
At the end of
and screens used in 05 --  Identification of different types of crushers  MCQs
mining industry and screens and their functional components  Short questions
Trainee will:
 Explain basic working principle of primary
jaw crushers  Oral
3. Operations of
 Identify different functional components  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
Primary Jaw 05 30
 Demonstrate complete operations of primary  MCQs module
jaw crushers, including startup and shutdown,  Short questions
feed control, gap-set adjustment, product size
control, etc
Trainee will:  Oral
4. Operations of
 Explain basic working principle of rotary  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
Rotary Impact 05 30
impact crushers  MCQs module
 Identify different functional components  Short questions

Page 36
 Demonstrate complete operations of rotary
impact crushers, including startup and
shutdown, feed control, gap-set adjustment,
product size control, hammer speed control
Trainee will:
 Explain preventive and scheduled
5. Preventive  Oral
maintenance procedure of different types of
maintenance of  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
05 30 crushers and screens
crushers and  MCQs module
 Demonstrate parts replacement procedures
screens  Short questions
 Demonstrate oiling and greasing procedure
 Explain the use of maintenance log

Supportive notes
 Assessment context:
This module provides comprehensive understanding of the basics of crushing operations, to recognize the functional components of different
crushers, and to operate different crushers. Both classroom and workplace will be used for this module.
 Critical aspects:
In this module, trainees are required to work with heavy duty crushers operated at high voltage, hence proper safety procedures should be followed.
 Assessment condition:
Trainees should be taken to existing limestone quarries or stone crushing plants for hands-on assessment
 Resources required for assessment
Access to primary jaw crushers, rotary impact crushers, tool boxes, lubricants etc should be provided to the trainees.


Page 37
place Recommended Scheduled
Learning Units Days Recommended formative assessment
Days/ methodology dates
Trainee will:
 Explain possible dangerous situations which
1. General workplace  Oral
might lead to accidents/disasters in and At the end of
safety rules and 05 --  MCQs
around the surface mining operations module
procedures  Short questions
 Identify different warning signs

Trainee will:
 Identify various personal protective
equipments (PPEs)
 Oral
2. Appropriate use of  Explain basic functions of different personal
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
personal protective 05 10 protective equipments (PPEs)
 MCQs module
equipments (PPEs)  Demonstrate the appropriate use of helmets,
 Short questions
dust masks, safety goggles, hearing protection
and oxygen breathing apparatus

Trainee will:
 Identify potential sources of fire around any
surface mining operations.
 Oral
 Explain the fire triangle and its breakage
3. Fire fighting  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
02 10  Demonstrate fire extinguishing procedure for
Techniques  MCQs module
different types of material fires (oil, wood,
 Short questions
plastic etc)
 Demonstrate appropriate use and inspection of
fire extinguishers
4. Communication Trainee will:  Oral
skills (hand signals,  Explain different hand signals often used at  Practical/Demonstration At the end of
02 10
radio surface mining  MCQs module
communications  Demonstrate proper use of walkie-talkie radio  Short questions

Page 38
etc) transceivers
Trainee will:
 Distinguish priorities in first aid procedure
 Oral
 Demonstrate appropriate use and handling of
 Practical/Demonstration At the end of
5. First-Aid training 02 20 first aid kits
 MCQs module
 Demonstrate first aid to unconscious person,
 Short questions
bleeding injuries, electrical shocks, burn
injuries, fractures and resuscitation procedure

Supportive notes
 Assessment context:
This module provides comprehensive understanding of health and safety precautions and basic first aid. Both classroom and workplace will be used
for this module.
 Critical aspects:
The learning unit#03 deals with actual fire fighting procedure, hence a backup emergency fire fighting plan should be devised.
 Assessment condition:
Trainees should be taken to fire fighting department for appropriate assessment
 Resources required for assessment
Access to water hoses, water tankers, CO2 extinguishers, foam extinguishers, etc should be provided to the trainees.

List of Tools, Machinery & Equipment


Duration 06 Months

Page 39
Name of Item/ Equipment / Tools

1. Rocks and Minerals Display Specimens (Box) 05

2. Top-hammer drilling unit with all drilling accessories ( LM300 Ingersoll rand) (can be hired) 02
Down-the-Hole Hammer (DTH) drilling unit with all essential accessories, (e.g. Ingersoll
3. 02
rand or Atlas copco) (can be hired)
4. Jack-hammer handheld drill 02
5. Air compressor (800 cfm) (e.g. Comp Air) 02
6. Standard Toolbox 10
7. Exploratory Core drilling rig (can be hired) 02
8. Greasing gun 08
9. Oiling gun 08
10. Stemming rod & Tamping rods 10
11. Front-end loader (Caterpillar 950F etc) (can be hired) 02
12. Loading shovel (Caterpillar 966H or Volvo L150 etc) (can be hired) 02
13. Dozer/Ripper (Caterpillar D9) (can be hired) 02
14. Rear-Dump trucks / Dumper (Nissan or Caterpillar) (can be hired) 06
15. Jaw crusher (can be hired) 01
16. Rotary Impact crusher (can be hired) 01
17. BG-164 Breathing Apparatus 02
18. CO2 and Foam Fire Extinguisher 10
19. Belt Conveyor System (site visit) 01

Page 40
List of Consumable Supplies

Duration 06 Months

Name of Consumable Supplies
1. Drill bits for Top-hammer and Downhole hammer drills
2. Core boxes for rock and soil samples
3. Lubricant oil
4. Hydraulic oil
5. Industrial Grease
6. Industrial cotton wipes
7. Ammonium Nitrate (AN)
8. Diesel oil
Blasting accessories (Detonating cord, safety fuse, detonators, high
10. Wooden sheets (5’x5’)
11. Dust mask
12. Safety Helmets
13. Safety footwares
14. Dust masks
15. Hearing protection
16. Safety goggles

Page 41
Reference Books

1. “Introductory Mining Engineering” By H.L. Hartman

2. “Surface Mining” B.A. Kennedy
3. “SME- Mining Engineering Handbook” By Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc.
4. Equipment Manuals

Page 42
Contributions for Development of This Curriculum
DACUM Working Group
Mr. Ali Muhammad Solangi Mr. Munawar Ali
Lakhra Coal Development Company Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
Mr. Shahnawaz Khan Engr. Abdul Haseeb
Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation Dada Bhoi Coal Project
Mr. Ali Muhammad Mr. Murad Ali
Faiz Coal Mining Lakhra Coal Development Company
Mr. Shahid Mughal Mr. Nawab,
Unique Engineering Pvt Ltd M Jamil & Co
Mr. Abdul Shakoor
Fateh Coal Mines Pvt. Ltd

Curriculum Developer
Mr. Fahad Irfan Siddiqui
Department of Mining Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro.

National Curriculum Review Committee (NCRC) Members

Engr. Fahad Awan Siddiqi Engr. Amjad Hussain Solangi
Assistant Professor, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Hussain Coal Company, Lakhra
Mr. Furqa Jan Engr. Abdul Rasheed Qureshi
Assistant Director, AJK TEVTA, Muzafarabad Lecturer, BUITEMS, Quetta
Engr. Muhammad Asif
Assistant Director, Mineral Wing M/o Petroleum, Huma Plaza Islamabad
DACUM Facilitator DACUM Coordinator
Mr. Atif Mahmood Mr. Muhammad Nasir Khan
Assistant Director, NAVTTC, Islamabad Deputy Director, NAVTTC, Islamabad

Page 43

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