A MPPT With Sliding Mode Control For PV System: Author
A MPPT With Sliding Mode Control For PV System: Author
A MPPT With Sliding Mode Control For PV System: Author
Author: Amuthini.P1; Vijayashree.C2; Preetha.M3
Affiliation: Assistant Professor1, 2, 3; Dept of EEE1, 2, 3, Prathyusha Institute of Technology
& Management, India1, 2, 3
Figure 1 shows the proposed scheme for the MPPT.
Fig 1: Proposed System Scheme
A photovoltaic PV Generator is the whole assembly of
solar cells, connections, protective parts, supports etc. A real solar cell can be characterized by the following
Solar cells are made of semiconductor fundamental parameters,
materials(usually silicon),which are specially treated Short circuit current: Isc= Iph. It is the greatest
to form an electric field, positive on one side value of the current generated by cell. It is
(backside) and negative on the other (towards the proposed under short circuit condition: V=0.
sun).When solar energy (photons) hits the solar cell,
electrons are knocked loose from the atoms in the Open circuit voltage: corresponds to the
semiconductor material, creating electron-hole pairs. voltage drop across the diode, when it is
If electrical conductors are then attached to the traversed by the Photocurrent Iph, namely
positive and negative sides, forming an electrical when the generated current is I=0.It reflects
circuit, the electrons are captured in the form of the voltage of the cell in the night and it can be
electric current Iph (photocurrent). During darkness, mathematically expressed as
the solar cell is not an active device, it works as a
Voc= Vt ln (Iph /Io) (6)
diode. That is a p-n junction. It produces neither a
current nor a voltage. However, if it is connected to an Where Vt= mkTe/e is known as thermal voltage and
external supply (large voltage) it generates a current Te is the absolute cell temperature.
Id, called diode current or dark current [2]. A PV
module, which converts light into electricity, can be Maximum Power Point is the operating point,
modeled as a single diode model, as shown in figure 2 at which the power dissipated in the resistive
load is maximum
Pmax= Imax . Vmax (7)
Maximum efficiency is the ratio between the
maximum power and the incident light power
η=Pmax/Pin= Imax Vmax /AGa (8)
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Where Ga is the ambient irradiation and A is the cell
Table 1. Operating Modes Based On Switch
Solar cell I-V and P-V characteristics are shown in
Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively
The system was simulated using Matlab’s Simulink
software with the power system toolbox. With this
software we simulate and test the sliding mode
controller and the proposed model. The simulink
model is shown at figure 8. The solar Cell model was
represented by a single block composed by a Sub
circuit. The system was simulated under constant
ambient temperature and solar irradiance. The
simulation results of the PV system with constant
ambient conditions Connected to the battery through
buck converter are shown in Figure 12.
These values are calculated under standard test Figure 12 validate the sliding mode controller and
conditions (1kW/m2, 1.5 AM, 25 oC). A bypass diode ensure that the PV operates at its maximum power
(a single diode across the entire module) can be even under standard test conditions (STC) and under
included. Temperature effects are not modeled. varying solar irradiation condition while supplying a
higher power to the battery. It can be seen that the
7.1.2 Sub Circuit Model of PV Module proposed method increase significantly the available
power delivered to the battery.
Battery Battery
Insolation Connected Connected to
Directly to PV Through
(W/m2) PV Converter
Ppv(W) Pmax(W)
100 5.61 5.86
200 14.51 14.56
300 22.5 23.49
400 30.39 32.53
500 38.2 41.58
600 45.93 50.6
700 53.57 59.53
800 61.11 68.31 Fig 11: P-V Characteristics of PV Module
900 68.55 76.87
1000 75.87 85.14
8.2 Simulation results of Voltage,
current and Power
This paper presents a simple photovoltaic solar cell
Fig 10: I-V Characteristics of PV Module dynamic sliding mode controlled maximum power
point tracker for battery charging applications
capable of compute the maximum power point under
constant ambient temperature and varying solar
irradiation. The proposed Sliding Mode controller
only requires the array output voltage and the