Ahmad Zhafri Abdul Gani MFKE2011
Ahmad Zhafri Abdul Gani MFKE2011
Ahmad Zhafri Abdul Gani MFKE2011
MAY 2011
I am most grateful to the most kind heartedness supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Azhar Bin Khairuddin for his guidance in this project. Under his supervision, many
aspects of this project have been explored, and with the knowledge, idea and support
received from him, this thesis can be presented in the time frame given.
My appreciation also goes to my family who has been so tolerant and supports
me all these years. Thanks for their encouragement, love and emotional supports that
had given to me.
Available Transfer Capability (ATC) has recently gained the interest of power
industry and deregulated environment. To achieve efficiency and precision in utility
operation, the determination and calculation of ATC are important. There are many
technical challenges that are involved in computing ATC values. This includes the
total transfer capability calculation, transmission capability margins and probabilistic
ATC calculation. In power system deregulation, the Independent System Operator
(ISO) is responsible to control the power transactions and also to avoid overloading
of the transmission lines beyond their thermal limits. The ISO has to determine the
ATC index periodically in real time to enable market participants to reserve the
transmission service. To test the performance of the methodologies and programs for
IEEE-30 bus system, the proposed computation procedure of ATC with margins
using conventional technique has been developed . The results have been compared
with a developed fuzzy model using the data sets that are not used for training
purpose. The data set, line number and the relative error have been recorded for
analysis. The results suggest that ATC can be accurately estimated by using fuzzy
logic for various load levels.
Jumlah keupayaan pemindahan tenaga (ATC) adalah satu konsep yang baru
dan makin mendapat tempat di dalam industri pembekalan kuasa. Dalam sistem
penghantaran kuasa pada hari ini, keupayaan pemindahan tenaga tersedia (ATC)
adalah penting untuk memastikan kecekapan system dan operasi yang kompetitif..
Pengiraannya melibatkan banyak faktor teknikal termasuk pengiraan jumlah
keupayaan penghantaran, margin penghantaran dan keberangkalian keupayaaan
penghantaran. Dalam industri kuasa, pengendali sistem bebas (ISO) adalah
bertanggungjawab untuk mengawal transaksi kuasa dan juga perlu mengelak
penghantaran kuasa melebihi had. ISO perlu mempunyai indek dalam waktu semasa
untuk membolehkan transaksi kuasa berlaku. Dalam projek ini, pengiraan keupayaan
pemindahan tenaga pada IEE-30 bus telah dijalankan. Pengiraan telah ditentukan agar
selari dengan situasi pada persekitaran keaadaan. Keputusan dan data yang diperolehi
dibandingkan dengan model fuzzy yang dibangunkan.
1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 6
1.3 Objectives 8
1.4 Scope of Study 8
1.5 Thesis Organization 9
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Definition of Available Transfer Capability and 10
Its Relevant Parameters
2.3 Criteria for Available Transfer Capability 11
2.3.1 Accuracy 12
2.3.2 Dependability 12
2.3.3 High Efficiency 13
2.4 Definition of Total Transfer Capability 13
2.4.1 Definition of Transmission Reliability 15
Margin (TRM)
2.4.2 Definition of Capacity Benefit Margin 15
2.5 Available Transfer Capability (ATC) 16
Computation Methodologies
2.5.1 Continuation Power Flow (CPF) 16
2.5.2 Linear Power Flow (LPF) 17
2.5.3 Optimal Power Flow (OPF) 19
2.5.4 Sensitivity Analysis 20
2.6 Power Flow Study 20
2.6.1 Gauses-Seidal Power Flow Solution 22
2.6.2 Newton-Raphson Power Flow Solution 22
2.6.3 Fast-Decoupled Power Flow Solution 23
2.7 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 23
2.7.1 Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) 25
2.7.2 Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural 27
2.7.3 Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System 29
2.8 Summary 32
3.1 Project Methodology 33
3.2 IEEE 30 Bus-System 35
3.3 Fast Decoupled Power Flow Solution 39
3.4 Loadflow Using MATLAB Software 43
3.4.1 MatPower Toolbox (MPT) 44
3.4.2 Data File Program 44
3.5 Power World Simulator 45
3.6 Fuzzy Logic Controller in Matlab 48
3.7 Summary 52
Electricity industry around the world is currently facing major changes and is
moving towards deregulation to create a more competitive market in trade electricity
which can pose new challenges for market participants and power system researchers.
It requires non-discriminatory open access to transmission resources for transmission
Besides that, the structure, management and operation of this industry are also
changing making it very difficult to continue using the old regulated structures. To
rise up to the challenge of the new market, a shift has to be made to the management
styles as well as decomposing the power companies in two main component namely
the Generation Company and the Transmission Company. To ensure precision and
effectiveness, the methods used in the operation must be adopted to flexible
optimization and negotiation techniques that can handle changes in the system
Under the new regulations from the North America Electric Reliability
Council (NERC), every new transaction made and most updated ATC values must be
posted on the Open Access Same-time Information System (OASIS) by all
interconnected power companies. Therefore, the ATC calculation is a necessary
operational tool for daily routine operation. It is also very effective for interpreting
the power system’s performance besides being economical and efficient. If a system
can facilitate a large amount of multi-area transfer, the system would normally be
flexible, in good condition and more secured than a system which has limited
transfer. Transfer capability can also be used to predict improvement for future
The total TTC is considered as the real power transfer at the first security
violation without including the existing transmission commitments. TRM is defined
as the essential amount of the transmission transfer capability to make sure that the
interconnected network is secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in system
conditions. CBM is the amount of transmission transfer capability reserved by load
serving entities to ensure access to generation from interconnected system to meet
generation reliability requirement. Limited transfer case is determined by gradually
adding the amount of transfer starting at the base case transfer until the first security
violation is encountered from a secure base case transfer (which includes existing
The definition of TTC [1] between any two areas or across particular paths or
interfaces is direction specific. TTC is the amount of electric power that can be
transferred over the interconnected transmission network in a reliable sequence.
i) For the existing or planned system configuration and with normal (pre-
contingency) operating procedures in effect, all facility loading are
within normal ratings and all voltages are within normal limits.
ii) The electric systems are capable of absorbing the dynamic power
swings, and remaining stable, following a disturbance that results in
the loss of any single electric system element, such as a transmission
line, transformer, or generating unit.
iii) After the dynamic power swings subside following a disturbance those
results in the loss, the any single electric system element as described
in 2, and after the operation of any automatic operating systems, but
before any post-contingency operator-initiated system adjustment is
implemented, all transmission facility loading are within emergency
ratings and all voltages are within emergency limits.
These terms, particularly the ATC, form the basis of a transmission service
reservation system that will be used for reserving transmission services, scheduling
recallable and non-recallable energy transactions and arranging emergency transfers
between areas of an interconnected power network in the competitive electricity
market. Concerning both operating horizon and planning horizon, the mathematical
definition and relationships of TTC, ATC and related terms in the transmission
service reservation system are depicted in Figure 1.1 as below
Besides that, the construction of generation facilities and transmission lines needed might be
prevented or delayed for a long time due to the cost and regulatory difficulties that are
necessary in running new projects.
1.3 Objectives
• For the purpose of this project, the IEEE test system chosen to analyse the
ATC is the 30 bus. For medium scale, the 11 bus IEEE test system is chosen
for analysis. While for the large scale system, the IEEE test system chosen to
be analysed are the 26 bus and 30 bus test system. All the analysis includes
calculations of the ATC value without any contingency at the system.
• For the load flow of the IEEE test system for this project, the fast decoupled
method is used as it is fast in solution, and could decouple between
mismatches of real power and reactive power.
Chapter 3 describes in detail about the methods are used to calculate ATC
and design fuzzy model in this project. This chapter also describes the step-by-step
methods to obtain ATC and other related parameters.
In Chapter 4, the results of this project were discussed. It also describes the
details of the IEEE test system besides including all the important data. The analyses
of the test system include all the scale of power system.
5. Mark H. Gravener and Chika Nwankpa. (May 1999), “ATC and First Order
Sensitivity”, IEEE Trans. on PS, vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 512-518
11. Srinivasan, D. Chang, C.S. Liew, A.C. Leong, K.C, “Power System Security
Assessment and Enhancement using Artificial Neural Network”, Energy
Management and Power Delivery International Conference, Mar 1998.
16. Yan Ou and Chanan Singh, “Assessment of Available Transfer Capability and
Margins”, IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, Vol. 17, No. 2, May 2002.