By John W. Jtlilnor
Princeton University
Based on notes by
David W. Weaver
Copyright © 1965
by the Rector and Visitors
of the l�niversity of Virginia
Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number : 65-26874
Printed in the
United States of America
To Heinz Hop!
, .
Preface VB
real numbers.
Let U C Rk and VeRI be open sets. A mapping f from U to V
(written t : U -7 V) is called smooth if all of the partial derivatives
anf/axi, ... ax,,, exist and are continuous.
More generally let X C Rk and Y C Rl be arbitrary subsets of
euclidean spaces. A map f : X -7 Y is called smooth jf for each x r X
there exist an open set U C Rk containing x and a smooth mapping
F : U -7 Rl that coincides with f throughout un X.
If t : X -7 Y and g : Y -7 Z are smooth, note that the composition
got : X -7 Z is also smooth . The identity map of any set X is auto
matically smooth.
D EFI�ITIOX. A map f : X -7 Y is called a diffeomorphism if f carries X
homeomorphically onto Y and if both t and rl are smooth.
We can now indicate roughly what d�fferential topology is about by
saying that it studies those properties of a set XC Rk which are invariant
under diffeomorphism.
vVe do not, however, want to look at completely arbitrary sets X.
The following definition singles out a particularly attractive and useful
DEFINITIOX. A subset Me Rk is called a smooth manifold of dimension
m if each x r ilJ has a neighborhood W n ilJ that is diffeomorphic to
an open subset U of the euclidean space R"'.
Any particular diffeomorphism g : U -7 W n il1 is called a para
metrization of the region W n M. (The inverse diffeomorphism
W n M -7 U is called a system of coordinates on W n M.)
2 §1. Smooth manifolds
for x E U, h E Rk. Clearly dfx (h) is a linear function of h. (In fact dfx
is just that linear mapping which corresponds to the l X k matrix
(afj ax;). of first partial derivatives, evaluated at x.)
Here are two fundamental properties of the derivative operation:
1 (Chain rule) . If f : U ---7 V and g : V ---7 W are smooth maps, with
f (x) = y, then
d(g 0 f) x = dgy 0 dfx .
In other words, to every commutative triangle
Note that I may not be one-one i n the large, even if every d/r is
nonsingular. (An instructive example is provided by the exponential
mapping of the complex plane into itself. )
Now let u s define the tangent space TMx for a n arbitrary smooth
manifold M C Rk . Choose a parametrization
g:U--7M C Rk
of a neighborhood g (U) of x in M, with g (u ) = x. Here U is an open
subset of Rm. Think of g as a mapping from U to Rk , so that the derivative
dgu : R'"--7Rk
is defined . Set TJl!fx equa l to the image dgu (R'") ot dgu• (Compare Figure 1.)
We must prove that this construction does not depend on the par
ticular choice of parametrization g. Let h : V --7 M C Rk be another
parametrization of a neighborhood h (V) of x in M, and let v = h- I (x).
Then h- I 0 g maps some neighborhood UI of u diffeomorphically onto
a neighborhood V of v. The commutative diagram of smooth maps
ngent spaces 5
- .
Rm )R'"',
d(h-1 0 g)"
l it follows immediately that
g /W� F
U inclusion )Rm
s diagram clearly implies that dg" has rank 117, and hence that its
ge TMx has dimension 117.
row consider two smooth manifolds, M C Rk and N C Rl, and a
6 § 1 . Smooth manifolds
smooth map
9 r
h-' 0 log r
depend on the particular choice of P, for we can obtain the same linear
R egular values 7
in R".
The proof will be given in §3. It is essential for the proof that f should
have many derivatives. (Compare Whitney [38] . )
W e will b e mainly interested i n the case m � n. I f m < n, then
clearly C = U; hence the theorem says simply that f ( U) has measure
zero .
has rank less than n (i.e. is not onto) . Then C will be called the set
of critica l points, f CC) the set of critica l va lues, and the complement
N - fCC) the set of regula r va lu es of f. CThis agrees with our previous
definitions in the casem = n. ) Since M can be covered by a countable
collection of neighborhoods each diffeomorphic to an open subset of
Rm, we have :
�N l
we see that dfx maps the subspace TlVI; C TlVI x to zero . Counting
dimensions we see that dfx maps the spa ce of norma l vectors t o lVI ' isomor
phica lly onto TNv•
Hm { (X l ' . . . , X ) r Rm I X � 0) .
m m
The bounda ry aH is defined to be the hyperplane Rm-1 X 0 C Rm.
DEFINITION. A subset X C Rk is called a smooth m- manifold wit h
bounda ry i f each X r X has a neighborhood U n X diffeomorphic to
an open subset V n Hm of Hm . The bounda ry ax is the set of all points
in X which correspond to points of aHm under such a diffeomorphism.
It is no t hard to show that ax is a well-defined smooth manifold
of dimension m - 1 . The interior X ax is a smooth manifold of
dimension m.
The tangent space TXx is defined j ust as in §1, so that TXx is a full
m-dimensional vector space, even if X is a boundary point.
Here is one method for generating examples. Let lVI be a manifold
without boundary and let g : lVI � R have 0 as regular value.
We now apply this result to prove the key lemma leading to the
classical Brouwer fixed point theorem. Let X be a compact manifold
with boundary.
14 §2. Sard-Brown theorem
But rl(y) is also compact, and the only compact I-manifolds are finite
disj oint unions of circles and segments, * so that arl(y) must consist of
an even number of points. This contradiction establishes the lemma .
In particular the unit disk
Dn = I x r W I x� + ... + x� � 11
is a compact manifold bounded by the unit sphere sn-I. Hence as a
special case we have proved that the identity ma p of sn-I canno t be ex
t ended to a smoo th ma p Dn � S,,- I .
Figure 4
* Our proof is based on that given by Pontryagin [28]. The details are somewhat
easier since we assume that f is infinitely differentiable.
Step 1 17
* For an easy proof (as well as an alternative proof of Sard's theorem) see Stern
berg [35, pp. 51-52]. Sternberg assumes that A is compact, but the general case
follows easily from this special case.
18 §3. Proof of Sard's theorem
For each (t, X2, . . . , xn ) {: V' note that g et , X2, • • • , Xn) belongs to
the hyperplane t X R P-1 C R P: thus g carries hyperplanes into hyper
planes. Let
g' : (t X R n- 1 ) n V' � t X W-
denote the restriction of g. Note that a point of t X Rn-I is critical for
g' if and only if it is critical for g; for the matrix of first derivatives of g
has the form
f,g :X-+ Y
are called smoothly homotopi c (abbreviated f rv g) if there exists a
It will turn out that the mod 2 degree of a map depends only on its
smooth homotopy class :
#rl(y) + #g-I(y).
But we recall from §2 that a compact I-manifold always has an even
number of boundary points . Thus #r\y) + #g-I(y) is even, and
MxO Mxl
Figure 6. The number of boundary points on the left is congruent to the number on the
right modulo 2
for all y {: V2• Choose a regular value z of F within VI n V2• Then
/ ""
'" ...-V
Figure 7. Deforming the unit ball
so that
as required .
Call this common residue class deg2(f) . Now suppose that f is smoothly
homotopic to g. By Sard's theorem, there exists an element y I: N
H omotopy a nd isotopy 25
As an example the unit sphere s -I C Rm can be oriented as the
boundary of the disk Dm .
Figure 9. How to orient F-I(y)
Figure 10 (above). A nonzero vector field on the I-sphere
defines a nonzero tangent vector field on S" . This completes the proof.
It follows, incidentally, that the antipodal map of sn is homotopic
to the identity for n odd. A famous theorem due to Heinz Hopf asserts
that two mappings from a connected n-manifold to the n-sphere are
smoothly homotopic if and only if they have the same degree . In §7
we will prove a more general result which implies Hopf's theorem.
ve x) = v (x)/ \ \v(x) \ \
maps a small sphere centered at z into the unit sphere. * The degree
of this mapping is called the index L of v at the zero z.
Some examples, with indices - 1, 0, 1, 2, are illustrated in Figure 12 .
(Intimately associated with v are the curves "tangent" to v which are
obtained by solving the differential equations dx . j dt = V i (Xl, . . . , xn) .
It is these curves which are actually sketched in Figure 12.)
A zero with arbitrary index can be obtained as follows : In the plane
of complex numbers the polynomial l defines a smooth vector field
with a zero of index k at the origin, and the function l defines a
vector field with a zero of index - k.
We must prove that this concept of index is invariant under diffeomor
phism of U. To explain what this means, let us consider the more
general situation of a map f : M ----> N, with a vector field on each
{, = - I {' = Q
{, = + I (, = + 2
by the formula
F(x , t) = f(tx)/ t for ° < t :::; 1 ,
F(x, 0) = dfo (x) .
To prove that F is smooth, even as t ----> 0, we write f in the form*
Evidently the degree of v' equals the degree of v, which completes the
proof of Lemma 1 .
We will study the following classical result : Let M be a compact
manifold and w a smooth vector field on M with isolated zeros. If M
has a boundary, then w is req1lired to point outward at all boundary points.
Poincare -Hopf Theorem. The sum L� of the indices at the zeros at
such a vector field is equal to the Euler number*
x(M) = L ( _ I) rank H i (M) .
In particular this index S1lm is a topological invariant at M : i t does not
depend on the particular choice of vector field.
(A 2-dimensional version of this theorem was proved by Poincare
in 188.5 . The full theorem was proved by Hopf [ 14] in 1926 after earlier
partial results by Brouwer and Hadamard . )
W e will prove part o f this theorem, and sketch a proof o f the rest .
First consider the special case of a compact domain in Rm.
Let X C R'" be a compact In-manifold with boundary. The Gauss
g : ax ----> 8m- I
assigns to each x 1: aX the outward unit normal vector at x.
* Here HiCM) denotes the i-th homology group o f M . This will b e our first and
last reference to homology theory.
36 §6. Vector fields
so that the vectors t', . . . , en form a basis for the tangent space TIYIh (u) .
We must compute the image of ti = ti (u) under the linear transforma
tion dW h(n) . First note that
Let v I: V i e ; be the vector field on U which corresponds to the vector
field w on M. By definition v = dh- I o W 0 h, so that
w(h(u» = dh,,(v) = I: Vi ti .
38 §6. Vector fields
Thus dwz maps TMz into itself, and the determinant D of this linear
transformation TM. -+ TM. is equal to the determinant of the matrix
(av ; / aUi) ' Together with Lemma 4 this completes the proof.
g : aN, -+ Sk-l .
In particular this sum does not depend on the choice of vector field.
PROOF. For x £ N, let r ex) (: M denote the closest point of M. (Compare
§8, Problem 12.) Note that the vector x - r ex) is perpendicular to the
tangent space of M at r ex) , for otherwise r ex) would not be the closest
point of M. If t is sufficiently small, then the function r ex) is smooth and
well defined.
* For example, v can be defined by the formula v(x) = p - (p ' x)x, where p is
the north pole. ( See Figure 1 1 . )
40 §6. Vector fields
at z. If
A : U --7 [0 , 1 ]
takes the value 1 o n a small neighborhood N l of z and the value °
outside a slightly larger neighborhood N, and if y is a sufficiently
small regular value of v, then the vector field
v' (x) = v ex) - A (X) Y
is nondegenerate* within N. The sum of the indices at the zeros within N
can be evaluated as the degree of the map
ii : aN --7 sm - l ,
* Clearly v' is nondegenerate within N1• But if Y is sufficiently small, then v'
will have no zeros at all within N - N1 •
The index sum 41
MXO M X I M x2
maps the subspace Tr l (y)x to zero and maps its orthogonal complement
Tr l (y) � isomorphically onto T(SP)y. Hence there is a unique vector
w (x) (: Tr \ y); C TMx
that maps into V under dtx ' It will be convenient to use the notation
tl:J = f*)J for the resulting framing w l (x ) , . . . , wP (x) of r l (y) .
D EFINITION. This framed manifold (f - l (y) , f*b) wi ll be called the
Pontryagin manifold associated with f.
Of course f has many Pontryagin manifolds, corresponding to dif
ferent choices of y and b, but they all belong to a single framed cobordism
class :
N� ___
M x [O, IJ
Figure 1 6. Framed submanifolds and a framed cobordism
First suppose that M is the euclidean space Rn+ • Consider
the mapping g : N X W -+ M, defined by
g(x i tl , . . . , tp) = x + tIVl (X) + . . . + tpvP(x) .
Clearly dg ex ; o , " " O ) is nonsingular; hence g maps some neighborhood
of (x, 0) E N X RP diffeomorphically onto an open set .
We will prove that g is one-one on the entire neighborhood N X U,
of N X 0, providing that E > 0 is sufficiently small ; where U, denotes
the E-neighborhood of 0 in RP• For otherwise there would exist pairs
(x, u) � (x', u') in N X RP with I l ul l and I lu' l l arbitrarily small and with
g(x, u) = g(x ' , u
The PontTyagin construction
Now choose a smooth map <p : RP --7 SP which maps every x with
I l x l l ;?: 1 into a base point So, and maps the open unit ball in RP diffeomor
phically* onto SP - so. Define
f(x) = <p (7r (x)) for x (: V
f(x) = So for x ¢ V.
Clearly f i s smooth, and the point <p (0) i s a regular value o f f. Since
the corresponding Pontryagin manifold
r1(<p (0)) = 7r-1 (0)
is precisely equal to the framed manifold N, this completes the proof
of Theorem C.
In order to prove Theorem B we must first show that the Pontryagin
manifold of a map determines its homotopy class . Let f, g : M --7 SP
be smooth maps with a common regular value y.
Lemma 4. If the framed manifold (f- l (y) , f*\.J) is equal to (g - l (y) , g*\.J) ,
then f is smoothly homotopic to g.
PROOF. It will be convenient to set N = r 1 (y) . The hypothesis
that f* \.J = g*\.J means that dfx = dgx for all x (: N.
First suppose that f actually coincides with g throughout an entire
neighborhood V of N. Let h : SP - y --7 R" be stereo graphic proj ection .
Then the homotopy
F(x , t) = f(x) for x € V
F(x , t) = h- 1 [t · h(f (x) ) + ( 1 - t) · h(g(x)) ] for x (: M - N
proves that f is smoothly homotopic to g.
Thus is suffices to deform f so that it coincides with g in some small
neighborhood of N, being careful not to map any new points into y
during the deformation. Choose a product representation
N X RP --7 VC M
for a neighborhood V of N, where V is small enough so that f ( V ) and
and with
dF ex , o) = dGex ,o) = (proj ection to RP)
for all x 1: N .
We will first find a constant c so that
for x 1: N and 0 < I l u l l < c. That is, the points F(x , u ) and G (x, u )
belong to the same open half-space in RP• So the homotopy
(1 - t) F(x , u) + tG(x , u)
between F and G will not map any new points into 0, at least for I l u l l < c ·
By Taylor's theorem
I (F(x , u) - u) ' u l :::; c , I l u W
F(x , u) · u 2: I lu l l " - c, I l u l l " > °
for ° < I l u l l < Min (c;" 1 ) , with a similar inequality for G.
To avoid moving distant points we select a smooth map "A : RP � R
"A(u) = 1 for I l u I I :::; c /2
"A(u) = 0 for I l u l l 2: c ,
Now the homotopy
F , (x , u) = [1 - "A (u) t] F(x , u) + "A (u) tG(x , u)
deforms F = Fo into a mapping F, that ( 1 ) coincides with G in the
region I l u l l < c/2, (2) coincides with F for I l u l l 2: c, and (3 ) has no
new zeros , Making a corresponding deformation of the original mapping
f, this clearly completes the proof of Lemma 4 .
50 §7. Framed c obordism
F : M X [0 , 1 ] -? sp
whose Pontryagin manifold (F- l (y ) , F*v) is precisely equal to (X, In) .
Setting F, (x) F(x, t) , note that the maps Fo and f have exactly the
TM = { (x , v) c M X Rk I v c TMx }
is also a smooth manifold. Show that any smooth map t : M -? N
gives rise to a smooth map
df : TM -? TN
d (identity) = identity, d (g 0 f) = (dg) 0 (dt) .
PROBLEM 1 1 . Similarly show that the normal bundle space
E = { (x , v) c ivI X Rk I v ..1 TMx }
is a smooth manifold. If M is compact and boundaryless, show that
the correspondence
(x , v) f-+ :1: +v
from E to Rk maps the t-neighborhood of M X 0 in E diffeomorphically
onto the t-neighborhood N, of M in Rk. (Compare the Product Neighbor
hood Theorem in §7. )
as in §5; hence the linking number l (r ' (y) , r ' (z) ) is defined .
a) Prove that this linking number is locally constant as a function
of y.
b) If y and z are regular values of g also, where
WE WILL prove the following result, which has been assumed in the
text. A brief discussion of the classification problem for higher dimen
sional manifolds will also be given .
a -
8 -
y _ __ -.L.�
a b c d
* See Markov [19J ; and also a forthcoming paper by Boone, Haken, and Po€maru
in Pundamenta Mathematicae.
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t*\), 43 TJIx, 2-5
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