Cyber Knight

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3. Hypnosis: 0 1 -50% chance of calling forth a specific personality. pression on the wilderness people in the West and Midwest.

d Midwest. One of the

If the roll fails, roll to see who takes random control. There is a 0 1 -80% Defilers, a tall, dark haired warrior known as Lord Coake, stayed be­
chance of bringing the dominant personality back into control when us­ hind, at the people's request, to train others in the way of the Knights.
ing hypnosis. Casual use of Hypnotic Suggestion to manipulate the It is said that Lord Coake, too, would leave one day, but not before cre­
Crazy has a 0 1 -3 0% chance of randomly releasing one of the other per­ ating the lasting legacy that is the Cyber-Knights.
sonalities. Today, being a Cyber-Knight is both a profession and a way of life
4. Telepath ic Probe: 0 1 -65% chance of pulling out a specific per­ based on an ideology and code of ethics. The Knights are not a formal
sonality. If the roll fails, a random personality surfaces to take control. organization, although they do sometimes work in pairs and small
Once the personality is aware that a psionic probe is being used to sup­ groups, and gather and train at secret locations in the New West. One
press him and bring out a different personality, he gets a +4 to save vs becomes a Cyber-Knight only if he or she is accepted as an apprentice
psionic attack, and is likely to attack the psychic out to undermine his by one who is already a Cyber-Knight. The apprentice is instructed in
control. If he fails to make the saving throw vs psionic attack, there is a the ways of life and knighthood by an accomplished master. After years
0 1 -80% chance of pulling forth the specific personality desired the sec­ of tutelage and training, the dedicated apprentice may achieve Cyber­
ond time it is tried. Knight status and develop the powers that come with it. Each new
5. Possession: The Crazy with multiple personalities inside his head Cyber-Knight, in turn, teaches others, and the tradition continues. Ru­
already, gets an additional +4 to save vs possession, but the attempt is mor and legend had told of the existence of a monastery that taught the
likely to randomly unleash one of the other personalities. way of the Cyber-Knights and that Lord Coake, himself, was its spiri­
6. Mind Wipe (psionic): Whenever a Mind Wipe is being used, the tual teacher, but few believed it was true. However, new rumors com­
current, dominant personality will retreat into the subconscious, auto­ ing from the Tolkeen war-front tell of Cyber-Knights coming to rescue
matically breaking the effect of the Mind Wipe and bringing out a new refugees and leading them into the West. Supposedly, Lord Coake is
personality, typically an aggressive one. among these saviors. (See Coalition Wars® Book 4: Cyber­
KnightsTM for more details on Cyber-Knights, Fallen Knights, and
their involvement with Tolkeen. ) But if this monastery exists, the Co­
Determining Random Control
alition has yet to find it, nor does anyone else seem to know its loca­
Determining which personality takes random control is easy. If tion .
there are two personalities, 1 -3 represents the dominant personality, The Cyber-Knights are living legends. Champions of the underdog.
4-6 the other, secondary, personality. Th ree personalities: 1 -2 is the The great heroes of North America who wander the land and fight for
dominant, 3 -4 a secondary personality, 5-6 the other. Four personali­ the little guy - those people whose voices are too small and too soft to
ties: 1 -3 represents the dominant, 4, 5 and 6 each represent one of the be heard on their own, or who lack the muscle to stand against inj ustice
other personalities. Five personalities : 1 -2 the dominant, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and evil alone. Wi lderness folk adore these noble men and women, and
each represent one of the others. Six personalities: I is the dominant, provide them with free room and board, help, medical aid and support
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 each represent one of the others. Assign a numerical
any way they can. Although the Cyber-Knights are often elevated by
designation to each personality and roll a six-sided die ( l D6) to deter­
the people to hero status, the Knights themselves (generally speaking),
mine which one is in control.
never see themselves as better than anybody else. They see the simple,
hardworking farmer, laborer, huntsman and ditch digger as equally as
valuable as the next man - or Knight. The Knights also believe that
Cyber-Knight O.C.C. D-Bees, humans and all sentient life have the same rights and should be
accepted as equals.
A Cyber-Knight answers to no authority other than the callings of
"It 's all about hope and dreams and living well. Everyone has
his own heart and the Code of Chivalry. It is the code of the Knight­
value, but I think people forget that one common truth. Life is hard, and
hood that keeps the champions on the true path of honor, nobility, and
it makes some people callous, dispassionate and cruel. I hope we can
goodness. They are obsessed with the protection of innocent life, both
change that and remind people of their own strength and goodness. "
human and nonhuman, and bringing freedom to the oppressed. They do
not go looking for trouble, but in the endless struggle for survival in the
Nobody knows exactly where they came from, how they came to be rugged lands of Rifts Earth, trouble never seems far away.
or why, but about 80 years before the end of the Dark Age, the Cyber­ The warriors rarely travel together in groups larger than a pair. A
Knight emerged to battle monsters and tyrants. However, most edu­ troop of five or more Cyber-Knights can only mean that some terrible
cated and civilized people did not acknowledge the Knights even really crisis or horrible danger is coming. Instead, they disperse, each roam­
existed until 1 8 P.A. This has led some D-Bees to believe the Cyber­ ing the land on horseback or vehicle, seeking and righting inj ustice
Knights came into being to oppose the ever-growing and corrupt Coali­ wherever it is found. They oppose inj ustice and evil in all its forms,
tion States. Others say that they came to fight inj ustice in all its forms from demon or dragon to the Coalition or a fellow Cyber-Knight gone
and to combat the hordes of supernatural beings that terrorize the land. bad. Like self-appointed sheriffs in a wild land, they deal out j ustice as
The truth is that they are the champions of all people, human and inhu­ j udge, j ury, and executioner. Although their methods are extreme, these
man, who are oppressed, suffer from inj ustice or are tormented by evil, are extreme and unusual times. It is this autonomy of action, their leg­
regardless of who or what may be the cause. endary hero status, and phenomenal combat skills, that make them a
The Cyber-Knights' origin is lost to myth and legend. According to threat to despot kings and would-be tyrants.
the stories, a group of great and noble warriors, who called themselves The Coalition States have always taken a keen interest in Cyber­
the Defilers, came to the land. Their group was composed of all manner Knight activities. Officially, the CS has had little to say about these
of men and monsters, yet they treated each other as brothers, comrades folk heroes, seldom even acknowledging their existence let alone paint­
in arms, and equals in all regards. This strange gathering of heroes led ing a negative or positive picture. However, the powers that be have al­
by example and showed courage, honor, and nobility in everything they ways regarded Cyber-Knights as a potential threat and secretly
did. They told how all people were equal and deserved to live free, and eliminate them whenever the opportunity avails itself. The CS regards
how, on their own world, entire races and cultures perished when one Cyber-Knights as powerful and dangerous "enemies of the States."
tried to dominate the other. They spoke too of standing against inj ustice That having been said, even many Coalition soldiers see Cyber-Knights
and evil and striving to do what is right even when the price to pay is a as noble and heroic figures, and as a result, few CS soldiers actively
high one. When the group left, years later, they had made a great im- seek to destroy them. In the field of combat, away from Chi-Town and
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military authorities, many will accept a Cyber-Knight' s word of honor Never attack from behind.
and allow them to pass unmolested. A court-martialable offense, yet Avoid cheating.
many do so out of respect, and others out of fear. Avoid torture.
3. Nobility
Cyber-Knight Training Exhibit self-control.
Show respect to authority.
Being a Cyber-Knight is a way o f life, based o n strength o f spirit, Obey the laws if they do not supersede the rights of life.
focus, ideology and the Code of Chivalry as much as physical prowess
Administer j ustice.
and keen fighting skills. After years of tutelage and training, the dedi­
cated apprentice, or "squire," achieves the status of Cyber-Knight Administer mercy .
shortly after he is able to call forth his own Psi-Sword. By then, the Protect the innocent.
young Cyber-Knight has already learned the precepts of the Code of Respect women.
Chivalry, awakened his inner strength and heroic spirit, and has proba­ 4. Valor
bly accompanied his master on at least a few adventures. For while Exhibit courage in word and deed.
Cyber-Knights seldom gather together, they are often accompanied by
Defend the weak and innocent.
an entourage of 1 -3 apprentices, aides, and warriors and adventurers of
other O.C.C.s. Fight for an ideal, like freedom.
The training of a Cyber-Knight is fastidious and strenuous. It builds Fight with honor.
both the mind and body, becoming a way of life, not j ust a simple phi­ Avenge the wronged.
losophy. In that respect, it is similar to the ancient martial arts of Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
pre-Rifts Earth. Although not a hard and fast requirement, most Cyber­ S. Honor
Knights possess some degree of psychic abilities. Mental disciplines in­ Always keep one ' s word of honor.
clude learning to use whatever psionic powers they may have, medita­
Always maintain one ' s principles.
tion, literacy, the pursuit of truth and knowledge, mastery over one ' s
emotions and living b y the Code. The hero is taught t o understand and Never betray a confidence or comrade.
control himself, before he can try to understand others. To recognize Avoid deception.
and acknowledge his emotions, to feel them without losing control and Respect life.
being overcome by them. To maintain his composure and continue to Honor all life.
think coolly and logically even in the heat of combat. Take, for exam­ Respect all views of life.
ple, this Cyber-Knight proverb :
6. Cou rtesy
"It is easy to lose yourself to fear and hate, and therefore destroy
Exhibit manners.
that which you fear or loathe. But striking out at darkness does not
eliminate it. Destruction out of anger, without reason or purpose, is Be polite and attentive.
simply destruction. You must learn to control fear and anger and love, Be respectful of host, women, and honor.
for they can blind you to the truth. You must rechannel emotion, and 7. Loyalty
learn to see in the dark. Become a builder, not a destroyer. Yet remem­ To one ' s principles and heart.
ber, you must tear down that which has become infested with rot in or­ To one ' s friends and those who lay their trust in thee.
der to build anew."
To the Code of Chivalry.
Other areas of training include an understanding and appreciation
for all life forms, an openness and tolerance to all ideas and philoso­
phies, an appreciation of art and beauty, and an openness to magic and Special O.C.C. Training & Bonuses :
the unknown. Cyber-Knights are also taught to use their imaginations
and to recognize magic as a tool. As a tool, magic is neither inherently eyber-Knight Bonuses
good or evil, j ust another resource that can be tapped and used for good • + I D4 to M.A., M.E., P.S., P.P., P.E., and Spd attributes. This is in
or evil by men. This open-mindedness makes them one of the few addition to bonuses gained from any Physical skills.
non-magic O.C.C.s which can intuitively understand and use magic
• + I D4x l O S . D . C . , in addition to bonuses from Physical skills.
items and Techno-Wizard devices.
• Combat Bonuses: +l attack/action per melee, +3 to initiative, +3 to
Physical training involves all manner of combat exercises, body
Perception Rolls, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm. + 1 to save vs
hardening/body building, hand-eye coordination, martial arts, practice
Horror Factor at levels 2, 5, 8, 12 and 1 5 . These are in addition to
with numerous weapons, paired weapons, gymnastics, and horseman­
other attribute or skill bonuses. Also see Psionic Powers, Cyber-Ar­
ship. The purpose is to fuse mind and body into one. To create a "think­
mor, and Zen Combat.
ing and controlled" fighting machine with lightning reflexes and dead­
eye responses.
Psionic Powers, Inner Strength & Spirit
The Cyber-Knight' s training is such that ALL Knights can call upon
The Code of Chivalry their Inner Strength and Spirit (ancient, pre-Rifts Oriental masters
1 . To Live might have called this "chi") to perform superhuman feats as follows.
Live one ' s life so that it is worthy of respect and honor. Inner Strength: P.P.E. : 6D6. The permanent P.P.E. base for the
Knights is higher than the typical human or D-Bee and is part of what
Live for freedom, j ustice, and all that is good.
gives them their special abilities. (This number is in addition to what a
2. Fair Play
D-Bee might normally get. ) This inner spirit also makes the Cyber­
Never attack an unarmed foe. Knight O . C . C . one of the few non-magic O.C.C.s which can intuitively
Never use a Psi-Sword on an opponent not equal to the attack. understand and use magic items and Techno-Wizard devices. All
Never charge an unhorsed opponent. Cyber-Knights, even those without natural psionic ability, can perform
the following three abilities.
Cyber-Knight Psionics Common to All : It is important to note that the Cyber-Knight' s Psi-Sword is quite
Create Psi-Sword (no I . S . P . cost); different from the Mind Melter' s Super Psi-Sword. First, the Cyber­
Create Psi-Shield ( 1 5 I . S .P., which is half the normal I. S.P. cost); Knight can create the weapon in an instant; in many respects it is a liv­
ing part of the hero. Second, there is no expenditure of I . S .P. in the
Meditation (to relax, restore I . S.P. and heal more quickly).
conventional game sense, the Cyber-Knight ' s will and conviction is the
Inner Spirit: Somewhere around 70% of all Cyber-Knights possess
driving power behind the blade. Third, there is no limit as to how long
limited psychic powers. These candidates are selected, in part, for their
the sword remains in effect nor any limit as to how many times a day
innate psychic abilities and (usually) high Mental Endurance (M.E.).
the weapon can be created. If there is any downside, it is that the
The player (or the G . M . ) can either decide that his Cyber-Knight char­
Cyber-Knight' s Psi-Sword is not quite as powerful as the Mind
acter is a natural psychic and make the selections accordingly, or he
Melter's, but it is still a weapon to be feared.
may roll percentile dice for random determination:
Psi-Sword Mega-Dam age: I D6 M.D. at first level, plus an addi­
0 1 -40% Minor Psychic: I . S.P. Base: 3D6 + M.E. attribute number
tional l D6 M.D. is gained at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 1 5 .
+ I D6 I . S .P. per level of experience. As a Minor Psychic, the Knight
Shape: At first level, the sword appears as a shimmering shaft of
needs a 12 or higher to save vs psionic attacks. Select three additional
light and energy that resembles a glowing sword. By second or third
psi-powers from the following list. These are in addition to the three
level however, the sword ' s appearance can be shaped by its maker and
powers known to all Cyber-Knights.
generally reflects its creator. A Cyber-Knight who is impressed by
Alter Aura (2)
strength and power will create a huge claymore or flamberge-Iike
Empathy (4) weapon. A character who prides himself on speed and agility is l ikely
Mind B lock (4) to create a rapier or saber type blade, while a hero who enj oys cunning
Object Read (6) and subterfuge may create a short sword. Each is equally powerful re­
Resist Fatigue (4) gardless of its form and size. Once a shape has been decided, that is
how the sword will usually appear. When a Knight in training can cre­
See the Invisible (4)
ate a Psi-Sword, he or she is ready to become a full Knight-errant.
Sense Evil (2)
With experience and age, the Cyber-Knight learns that he can create
Sense Magic (3)
a Psi-weapon in shapes other than a simple shaft of light. The Cyber­
S ixth Sense (2) Knight can create virtually any single piece Psi-weapon (no proj ectile
Speed Reading (2) weapons or weapons with moving parts, such as ball and chain, bow
Summon Inner Strength (4) and arrow, gun, etc . ; and Psi-weapons can not be thrown). Thus, a
Total Recall (2) Psi-weapon may depart from the traditional sword shape to appear in
4 1 -60% Maj o r Psychic: I. S.P. Base: 6D6 + M.E. attribute number
the form of a large or small axe, tomahawk, knife, pick-axe, hammer,
+ l D6 I . S.P. per level of experience. As a Maj or Psychic, the Knight club, pole, mace, morning star, etc., as well as any type of sword imag­
needs a 1 2 or higher to save vs psionic attacks. Select a total of six ad­ inable, from rapier to broad sword to scimitar, and so on.
ditional psychic powers from any of the three psionic categories: Cyber-Knights tend to favor swords and similar "blade" configura­
tions because they are the most versatile in close combat and are part of
Healing, Sensitive, and Physical. These are in addition to those three
powers known to all Cyber-Knights. the tradition and image of knights. Fewer than 1 3% use a Psi-weapon
6 1 -70% Master Psychic: I . S . P . Base: 6D6+ 1 0 + M.E. attribute other than some type of sword. (Note: All Psi-weapons are energy
number +2D4 I. S.P. per level of experience. As a Master Psychic, the based, summoned and shaped by each particular Cyber-Knight. As en­
Cyber-Knight needs a 1 0 or higher to save vs psionic attacks. Select a ergy weapons, even those with a "blunt" weapon shape like maces,
total of 8 additional psychic powers from the categories Healing, Sensi­ morning stars, clubs and poles inflict the same damage as the tradi­
tive, and Physical. The Cyber-Knight also gains ONE Super-Psionic tional Psi-Sword. ) Likewise, the Cyber-Knight is so skilled and precise
power at levels 2, 6 and 1 0, and does an additional + l D6 M.D. with his that he can make the glowing energy weapon look almost as tightly cast
Psi-Sword at levels 2, 5, 9 and 1 3 . These are in addition to the three and shaped as if he were wielding a real one made of cold steel.
psionic powers known to all Cyber-Knights. The ability to manipulate the shape of a Psi-Sword/weapon also
7 1 -00% Non-Psychic Cyber-Kn ight: I . S . P . Base: M.E. attribute means the experienced Cyber-Knight can change the appearance, size
number + I D4 I . S.P. per level of experience, and possesses the three ba­ and shape of his weapon at will (counts as two melee actions; taking
sic psionic abilities: Create Psi-Sword, Create Psi-Shield and Medita­ 4-6 seconds to reshape). Thus, the character can tum a Psi-Axe into a
tion, plus a bonus of +2 to Perception Rolls. Regarded as a Minor Psi-Short Sword or Long-Sword, or Sickle or other weapon, and back
Psychic and needs a 12 or higher to save vs psionic attacks. The again as he desires or needs. This may be done to frighten inexperi­
non-psychic Cyber-Knight has no additional psionic powers to draw enced opponents or to adj ust to a combat situation. Since Cyber­
upon and must rely on his wits. This is applicable only to characters Knights are firm upholders of fair play, one might, for example, change
who are not psychic to begin with (see Character Creation in the Rules his big Psi-Axe or large sword into a short sword, dagger or hand axe
Section). to more fairly match his opponent. This is especially true when in­
volved in one-on-one duels and contests.
The color of energy used to make the Psi-Sword is typically a light,
Sum mon Psi-Sword electric blue or blue-white, similar to the natural color of magic energy.
However, Cyber-Knights can make their Psi-Swords range in color and
A Psi-Sword is a Mega-Damage energy weapon that the Cyber­ intensity from shades of blue-white to yellows, oranges, and the more
Knight can mentally will into existence ! Presumably the Knight creates rare and exotic tints of shimmering purple, violet, red, dark blue and
it using both his inner strength and inner spirit (an unusual combination green. Metallic colors, black, and earth tones are NOT possible as the
of P.P.E. and I. S.P.). The creation of this weapon becomes so second weapon is always made of crackling energy and light.
nature to the Cyber-Knight that it effectively requires the expenditure The simpler the shape and more basic the color, the quicker and eas­
of no I. S.P. Cyber-Knights insist the energy weapon is a manifestation ier it is to make. A single shaft of blue-white energy, like the traditional
of the human will and fighting spirit that becomes an extension of its Psi-Sword, can be created in a heartbeat with little or no thought or
maker. The creation of the Psi-Sword is a very personal thing and re­ concentration. Years of training makes it so that its creation doesn't
quires years of training, study, and conviction. even count as a melee action ! Psi-weapons shaped as something other

than a sword (axe, mace, pick, etc . ) use up one melee action to create. Cyber-Knights wear exterior suits of M. D. armor. Cyber-Armor is in­
Adding an unusual color (dark blue, red, violet, green, etc.) uses up an­ tended only to provide additional protection and give the Knight an ex­
other melee action (counts as two melee actions to create a non-sword). tra edge in combat.
However, this loss of melee actions only counts for the first round in M.D.C. by Location:
which the weapon is generated . Maintaining its creation into subse­ Shoulders (2) - 8 each
quent melee rounds is automatic and effortless for the Cyber-Knight.
Back/Shoulder Blades (2) - 1 5 each
Unique colors typically reflect the Cyber-Knight' s personal tastes,
Forearms (2) - 10 each
desire to be theatrical or frightening, and sometimes reflect the charac­
ter ' s alignment. The intensity of color or brightness of the weapon may Thighs/Upper Legs (2) - 1 5 each
vary with the mood of the Knight, reflecting his emotions. Chest Plate (main body) - 50 M.D.C.
A brilliant, pure white Psi-Sword (all colors mashed together) is Level Fou r: Living Armor: Unknown even to most friends and al­
super-rare, but possible. It is very difficult to create and uses up a lies of the Knights, at 4th level, the armor becomes a living part of the
whopping five melee actions, virtually an entire melee round ( 1 5 sec­ Cyber-Knight and can repair itself, regenerating I D6 M.D.C. per hour
onds)! Furthermore, it is the only color that continues to burn up one until back to full M.D.C. and appearance. Furthermore, starting at
melee action every round to maintain it and inflicts the additional pen­ fourth level, the Cyber-Armor grows stronger: + I D6 M.D. to the chest
alty of - 1 0% on the performance of all skills while the sword is up. It is per level of experience starting at level four, and + 1 M.D. to all other
not surprising then that few Cyber-Knights opt for a pure white areas of Cyber-Armor, per level, starting at level four.
Psi-weapon. Level Eight: Increase A.R. to 1 7.
Note: A true Knight will never use a Psi-Sword against a foe who is Level Twelve: Increase A.R. to 1 8.
unarmed or not equipped with an equivalent weapon, or who is not a Note: When the Cyber-Knight dies, the armor quickly degenerates
supernatural creature or dragon. and cannot be reused, not even as scrap metal nor grafted on to anyone
Creating Two Psi-Weapons: Only one energy blade can be created else. Within I D4 months it turns into rusted, crumbling j unk.
until third level, at which point the Cyber-Knight can create a second
Psi-Sword - one for each hand. The second Psi-Sword can be identical
to the first, smaller, larger or completely different (axe, sickle, knife, Cyber-Knight Zen Combat
etc.). Part of the Knight ' s combat training includes Paired Weapons
Cyber-Knights possess a little known advantage against weapons of
(gained at level two), so he is immediately adept at using them, or a
technology. An advantage that makes them aware of the weapons being
used against them, even if they can 't actually see them, and puts them a
step or two ahead of their opponents.
Level One: The Basics. All the basics have been learned and the
character has all the O.c.c. and skill bonuses afforded by his training.
With time and experience, however, the Cyber-Knight fine tunes his
skills and abilities to such a point that he gains additional bonuses and
superhuman awareness as detailed as follows.
Level Two : Paired Weapons: The Cyber-Knight can use a shield
in concert with a weapon held in the other hand, or a pair of weapons,
with equal skill. May use a man-made shield or Psi-Shield. Gets the
W.P. Shield skill which provides a bonus of + 1 to parry at levels 1 , 3 ,
6, 9, 1 2, and 1 5 . + 1 t o strike with a shield at level 4, 8, and 1 2 .
Level Three: Com bat Acrobatics : Ability t o fight and strike even
when moving and off balance. No penalty to strike when moving!
Level Four: Basic Com bat Awareness. Initially, the Cyber-Knight
can only focus and be aware of one opponent and all the weapons and
weapon systems of that one, primary opponent.
The Knight is aware of and able to react to all mechanical devices
and weapons used by that particular opponent, including guns, Vibro­
Blades, Neural Mace, environmental body armor, power armor, cyber­
netics/bionic weapons and systems, computers, optic systems, sensors,
robots, vehicles and other devices. Basically any machine w ith moving
parts or that uses electricity or has a computer chip (which is virtually
all CS and other advanced people ' s entire armory) !
This awareness lets the Cyber-Knight know the very instant a tar­
geting computer or radar locks on, the moment he falls into the
crosshairs of a gun, when a trigger is about to be squeezed, when an en­
ergy cell charges to fire, or a cybernetic muscle tenses or a turret begins
Cyber-Arm or to turn. More than that though, the Knight can actually feel the weap­
Level One: Cyber-Knight Armor. When a Cyber-Knight has com­ ons and war machines as they come on-line or are drawn to be used
pleted his years of martial arts training, body hardening exercises, and against him. It's as if he can see them as clearly as the weapon being
spiritual awakening (marked and symbolized by the ability to create a pointed in his face.
Psi-Sword), he becomes a first level Cyber-Knight. The warrior is also Bonuses & Abilities Against Weapons and Technology:
given special "Cyber-Armor" that is fused to his body. • Negates any bonuses provided by the weapon/machine.
Armor Rating: 1 6. Any attacker's roll to strike that falls at 1 6 or less • The Cyber-Knight knows what his opponent is doing the same in­
hits the Cyber-Armor. However, any roll of 1 7 or higher bypasses the stant his opponent does it, enabling the Knight to react a split sec­
armor and hits the Knight ' s body, doing full damage. This is why all ond faster: +3 on initiative against attacks from modern guns and

machines (bionics, robots, etc.), and +6 against artificial intelli­ Levels Ten: Improved A uto-Dodge against tech . The Cyber­
gences and computers like Skelebots and automated defense sys­ Knight's auto-dodge increases to +6 against technology, and an amaz­
tems. Also, the Cyber-Knight is +3 to strike and parry. ing +8 against artificial intelligences and computers, like Skelebots and
• Meanwhile, the Cyber-Knight' s gun-toting or tech-laden opponent automated defense systems, as well as robot vehicles and power armor.
is -3 to dodge the Cyber-Knight ' s attacks and loses 2 melee attacks/ Levels Eleven to Fifteen : Nothing new.
actions due to time spent compensating for the Cyber-Knight' s
amazing agility, combat skills and awareness.
Level Five: +4 to Autom atic Dodge against tech. The Cyber­
Knight can twist, tum, duck, somersault, and otherwise dodge attacks
from "guns" and advanced weapon systems (i.e. mechanical weapons)
without using up a melee action (otherwise dodge as normal). The
Knight is so fast, mobile and "aware" that he or she can attempt a
dodge against most weapon fire. This does not apply to spells or
psionics unless they are generated and cast through or with a mechani­
cal device. The automatic dodge applies to all attacks from a single,
primary opponent at level five, two at level 9 and three at level 1 3 .
Level Six: Cloud Sensors. The Cyber-Knight can cause sensors
and weapon systems to either blink on and off, provide its user with
mixed readings or faltering signals, or to not "see" the Knight for a mo­
ment. (The Cyber-Knight pops in and out. Now you see him, now you
don't! ) This makes the use of sensors unreliable, impossible to pinpoint
a Cyber-Knight or to identifY the exact number of Cyber-Knight tar­
gets, through artificial means. H igh-tech soldiers not used to "eyeball­
ing" their opponents are put at a great disadvantage as the penalties and
modifier that follow indicate. Cyber-Knight O.C.C. Stats
Inexperienced sensor operators ( 1 -3rd level) can not read or use the Alignm ent: Theoretically any, but most true Cyber-Knights are Princi­
sensors at all and they lose two melee actions every time they try to fig­ pled (3 6%), Scrupulous (34%) or Unprincipled (22%), with a hand­
ure out what they are or aren't seeing. ful of Anarchist (4%), Aberrant (2%) or some other alignment.
Even experienced operators are uncertain, hesitate and lose one me­ Attribute Req uirements: Minimum P.E. of 1 1 , with an L Q . , P.S ., and
lee action while they try to evaluate and respond to the data with a ski ll P.E. attributes of 10 or higher suggested, but not required.
penalty of -40%! What is required is a strong will (M.E. 1 1 +), a lust for life, and a
The types of sensors are limited to those used in robots, power ar­ good heart with a thirst for j ustice (as a rule, good alignments only,
mor, vehicles and by or with weapon systems, including radar, sonar, but Unprincipled, Aberrant and Anarchist are acceptable, and a
motion detectors, heat sensors, laser targeting, optical enhancements Knight may be corrupted and tum evil like anybody else).
and so on. Racial Req uirements: None, provided one can meet the Attribute Re­
Level Seve n : Nothing new. quirements (above) and has the discipline and temperament to be a
Level Eight: Advanced Com bat Awareness. Combat awareness Cyber-Knight.
(all opponents). Basically the same as level four, above, but the Cyber­ Many have dreams of becoming Cyber-Knights, but few can ac­
Knight's awareness extends to all combatants who direct an attack at tually stick it through to the end to become one. There is no disgrace
the Knight. However, because the area of awareness is expanded to in­ in falling short, and many ex-students who couldn't make the grade
clude several opponents, the overall bonuses are reduced. continue to live by many of the covenants of the Code of Chivalry
Bonuses & Abilities against Weapons and Technology: no matter what they become in life. Others who have failed become
Men at Arms, Scholars or Adventurers who continue to serve the
• Negates any bonuses provided by the weapon/machine.
Knighthood as warriors, companions, aides, and helpers - heroes in
• The Cyber-Knight knows what his opponent is doing the same ip­ their own right, although they are not actually Knights. Virtually
stant his opponent does it, enabling the Knight to react a split sec­ any O.C.C. or R.C.C. can become a friend and companion of a
ond faster: +2 on initiative against attacks from modem guns and Cyber-Knight.
machines (bionics, robots, etc . ) and +4 against artificial intelli­
O.c.c. Skills:
gences and computers like Skelebots and automated defense sys­
tems. Also the Cyber-Knight is +2 to strike and parry, and + I to Literacy in American (+20%).
dodge. Language : American and DragoneselElf at 96%.
• Meanwhile, the Cyber-Knight' s gun-toting or tech-laden opponent Language : Other: Two of choice (+3 0%).
is -2 to strike the Knight, -2 to dodge the Cyber-Knight's attacks, Anthropology (+ 1 5%)
and loses I melee attack/action due to time spent compensating for Body Building
the Cyber-Knight' s amazing agility, combat skills and awareness. Climbing (+ 1 0%)
Level Nine: Cloud targeting computers and other weapon sys- Gymnastics (+5%)
tems. Makes them off j ust enough to negate any built-in bonuses and to
Horsemanship: Cyber-Knight
make the shooter -2 to strike with any modem or advanced weaponry.
Note: Penalties apply to power armor, robots, combat vehicles, cyborg Land Navigation (+ 1 2%)
systems, all energy weapons, and any weapon utilizing sensors or optic Lore : Demon & Monster (+20%)
systems, as well as Techno-Wizard "guns" and other TW machines. Paramedic (+ 1 0%)
The penalty does not apply to hand-held melee weapons such as Vibro­ Swimming (+ 1 0%)
Blades, Neural Mace, and modem bow and arrows, nor Rune Weapons, W.P. Ancient Weapons: Two of choice.
or other M.D.C. weapons of a similar nature (swords, axes, pole arms,
W.P. Modem Weapons : Two of choice.
clubs, staves, etc.). Techno-Wizard swords and melee weapons (with
Hand to Hand : Martial Arts
possible magic bonuses) also suffer no penalties.
O.C.C. Related Skills : Select 1 2 other skills, but at least two must be
selected from the Physical category and another three must be Glitter BoyTM O.C.C.
W.P.s. Select two additional skills at level three, three additional
W.P.s at level five, two other skills at level s ix, two other skills at "It 's not about/arne, power or m oney. It 's about generations o/tra­
level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one dition and making a difference, helping people who need it. That 's our
proficiency. destiny. ..
Communications : Any.
Cowboy: Breaking Horses (+ 1 0%) and Trick Riding only. The Glitter Boy is both a relic of the past and symbol of power,
Domestic: Any. hope and courage.
Electrical : Basic only. Of all the Mega-Damage suits of power armor available on Rifts
Espionage: Any (+5%). Earth, only the Glitter Boy is known to have originated from before the
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals (+ 1 0%) only. Great Cataclysm and remains one of the most powerful, feared and re­
spected fighting machines on the planet.
Mechanical : Automotive and Basic only.
Powerful, because of its heavy armor and laser resistance.
Medical : None.
Feared, because of its Boom Gun and endurance.
Military : Any (+5%).
Respected, because Glitter Boy armor was the weapon of the great­
Physical : Any (+5% when applicable).
est heroes in North America throughout the Two Hundred Years Dark
Pilot: Any. Age.
Pilot Related: Any (+5%). Who created it and where the Glitter Boy armor originates is some­
Rogue: Any. thing of a mystery. Legend says the armor was created by a group of
Science : Any. powerful beings known as the Neemans. The Neemans were them­
Technical : Any (+5%). selves heroic supermen who fought to stem the tide of chaos and de­
W.P. : Any. struction during the Great Cataclysm and are reputed to have saved
millions of lives. Whether they were humans, D-Bees from another
Wilderness: Any (+5%).
world, sorcerers or demigods remains a matter of heated debate, and
Secondary Skills: Select six Secondary Skills from the list in the Skill how they are portrayed depends largely on the storyteller. Likewise,
Section, +2 additional at levels 5, 10 and 1 5 . These are additional whether the Glitter Boys were the armor of the Neemans or a gift cre­
areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than any pos­ ated by them and given to human champions to carry on in their foot­
sible bonus for having a high I . Q . All Secondary Skills start at the steps is also a mystery lost to myth and legend. Many a Dark Age tale
base skill level . tells of a worthy hero being given a Glitter Boy by a king or aging Glit­
Standard Equipm ent: A suit of personalized, heavy, Mega-Damage ter Boy champion, as well as stories of bands of worthy heroes occa­
body armor, including Coalition body armor; typically has a classic sionally finding a treasure trove of Glitter Boys they could man to
"knight" design with I D4x l 0+55 M.D.C. Only about 1 5% are envi­ battle evil. Such tales have convinced many scholars that Glitter Boys
ronmental battle suits. The Knight also has a suit of light M.D. body were a gift left behind by the godlike Neemans to be found by worthy
armor (3 0-40 M . D . C . ), a set of dress clothing, and a set of black heroes of later generations. All that is known with any certainty, is that
clothing for covert operations. Also a gas mask and air filter, tinted tales of Glitter Boys go back to the Neemans and the days of the Great
goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, knife (or two), 2D4 wooden Cataclysm, and continue throughout the Dark Ages to the present day.
stakes, a hand-held wooden or silver cross, ancient weapon of During the first hundred years of the Two Hundred Years Dark Age,
choice, modem handgun and rifle (probably energy weapons) and humans had fallen from greatness to barbarism. It was as if man had
three extra ammo-clipslE-Clips, first-aid kit with extra bandages been thrown naked out of the Garden of Eden and into the stony wil­
and antiseptic, suture thread and painkiller, tent, knapsack, back­ derness for a second time. Within a few short years, people were re­
pack, saddlebags, two canteens, emergency food rations (two week duced to hunting with spears and their bare hands. They lived day to
supply), Geiger counter, and some personal items. day, scrounging the ruins of their toppled cities, living hand to mouth,
The Knight' s mode of transportation can be j ust about anything, and survived by sheer force of will and pure luck. In a matter of a few
but they lean toward real horses, robot horses, bionic horses, hover years, the Long Winter (estimated to have lasted 1 0-50 years depending
cycles, and modified motorcycles. They are also known to use on the scholar one asks) rained not only snow, but ash, rock and debris,
magic devices. Rarely use power armor or robot vehicles. burying much of what had survived. Worse, humans had been knocked
Money: The character starts off with 2D6x 1 00 in credits, and has a to the bottom of the food chain and were hunted, captured, enslaved
black market item that will garner another 2D6x l ,000 credits. As al­ and eaten by countless numbers of alien beings, demons, and monsters.
ways, money can be spent immediately on additional equipment or Likewise, humans now had to compete with D-Bees: humanoids tom
saved. Most Cyber-Knights tend to share their wealth with com­ from alien worlds and deposited on Rifts Earth. Without any way of re­
rades and those in need. What money they spend on themselves usu­ turning to their home world, these dimensional castaways had no
ally goes toward their weapons, armor, equipment, quests and choice but to adapt or die; millions perished.
crusades. The return of magic also brought a return of dragons, gods, demons
Cybernetics: Only m inor and basic items and prosthetics, never as and creatures of magic - some were beings from Earth ' s mythic past,
much as partial or full bionic conversion. The Cyber-Knight is not others from alien worlds and dimensions who sought to use the Earth
necessarily opposed to cybernetic augmentation, but starts out with and its seething magic energies and portals to countless other worlds
only one, cyber-armor (see above). Further enhancement interferes for their own purposes. The magic energy also created human mutants,
with the channeling of their inner strength and spirit. empowered humans and D-Bees with magical powers and stimulated
Related O.C.C.s: There are no other variations of the Cyber-Knight, psychic abilities. From the Rifts came dimensional energies that
but Rifts® Coalition Wars: Siege on Tolkeen 4: Cyber­ warped the environment and changed the face of the planet. Not to
KnightsTM has more background and information on the Cyber­ mention the fact that the Rifts were, themselves, doorways to countless
Knights, their Dream Visions, Paths and Squires & Mentoring, as alien worlds, dimensions and alternate realities that often clashed with
well as all manner of Cyber-Knight lore and legends. our own. Through it all, there was one force that could dare challenge


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