Cyber Law Final Assignment
Cyber Law Final Assignment
Cyber Law Final Assignment
Due to the rapid growth of the development and the usage of internet and becomes
inextricably integrated into the society, the stakes are getting higher for ensuring
the continuity for the internet in its current form. However, the force against it are
attempting to split it and fragment it into pieces. In current state, there are two
main issues that make solving international conflict getting more difficult. The
first, there is an anonymity on the internet and identities may be deceived.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have drastically increased
the porosity between national borders1
Which may mean that people can hide behind the anonymity and commit crimes
and many other dangerous activities without revealing themselves to others. The
second is issue is no less harmful to the society, the issue is that the internet
transcends national boundaries whereas the laws are applicable within national
boundaries and internet is able to cross nations boundaries, it makes enforcement
of laws very difficult to exercised. To what the writer has written before, the
stakes are very high, countries are also jockeying to gain leverage on the internet,
both for politically through treaties and as through surveillance and intelligence
gathering purposes.
Rosenau, J.N., 1995. Security in a turbulent world. Current History 94 (592),
In this context, where we’ll discuss on the scope of cybercrime, it started like any
other crimes which aim by the perpetrators for many, but with the tools of cyber
apparatus, that’s what cybercrime is sort of a unique business 2. Its uniqueness
came from its vary of motives and behaviour that carried out by the perpetrators,
it makes us unable to pin-point the perpetrators behaviour. In order to make it
easier for us to differ between types of perpetrators in the cyberspace, we may
divide it into two types, first is the old-school perpetrators, these are the computer
programmer who primarily interested into coding and others, it also may be
considered as the white hat perpetrator, there is no malicious intent or criminal
activity which may affected negatively to the society or in a simpler
understanding it may also have described as an ethical computer hacker, or a
computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing and other testing
methodologies that ensure the security of an organization's information systems.
Then the other type is a perpetrator who act a professional crime, they are able to
break into systems to steal the information in order to sell it. The flourishing
synergy between organized crimes and the Internet has thus increased the
insecurity of the digital world.3
The description above may tell that there are diverse set of perpetrators that has
different underlying motivation. Pursuant to the Black’s Law dictionary, which
define a crime in a cyberspace as a computer crime stated that ‘A crime involving
the use of computer, such as sabotaging or stealing electronically stored data’, it
also can be determined as a cybercrime. Hacking cases generally aim to retrieve
certain data belonging to the target. In accordance to a prominent cyber security
service provider named Kaspersky, types of cybercrime divided into plenty which
Kshetri, Nir ,2005, ―Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A Conceptual
Framework, ‖ Journal of International Management, 11(4), 541-562.
Williams, P. 2001. Organized crime and cybercrime: synergies, trends, and
responses, 13 August, Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State,
- Email and internet fraud.
- Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used).
- Theft of financial or card payment data.
- Theft and sale of corporate data.
- Cyber extortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack).
- Ransomware attacks (a type of cyber extortion).4
But there are also hacks that aim to destroy certain data or systems so that they
have an impact such as digital damage. With the high development of information
and the rapid flow of cyber media, there are at least two crucial problems that can
be seen in this regard. If we analysed further, the term cybercrime is a criminal act
committed on internet technology through the process of attacking public facilities
in cyber space as well as personal data that is important or confidential. It is like
thunder that destroys the symmetrical force in the truth of a data or information.
The crime model above can be divided into off-line crime, semi-on-line, and
cybercrime. Each of these actions has its own unique characteristics. These crimes
are often committed for intellectual and economic motives, intellectual motives,
namely crimes committed for their own satisfaction and also to prove their
expertise has been able to manipulate and implement the knowledge they have
learned. On economic motives, where these crimes are used to seek personal gain
and certain groups that harm others economically.
‘’,( Kaspersky, 2021)
Examples of Cyber Crime including the piracy of works or infringements,
plagiarism, spreads of downloading, such as software or films, illegal content:
contradictory content, pornography, hoax content, controversy, sexual harassment,
sales of illegal goods (prostitution, drugs). According to Jonathan Roseno in
Cyber law, the law of the internet reminds of the scope of the violation of law in
networks, among others:
● Copyright.
● Trademark.
● Defamation.
● Issues of Procedural
Cyber law is a generic term, which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of
Internet and World Wide. Anything concerned with or related to or emanating
from any legal aspects or issues concerning any activity of netizens and others, in
Cyberspace comes within the amity of cyber law. 6 While, the techopedia defined
cyber law or internet law as the area of law that deals with the Internet's
relationship to technological and electronic elements, including computers,
software, hardware and information systems.
Susan W. Brenner., (2001). Is There Such Thing as ‘Virtual Crime?’. California Criminal Law
Review, Vol. 4, No. 1
Pavan Dugal., (2002); ‘Cyber law The Indian Perspective’.
The instrument of the United Nations in the Tenth United Nations Congress on
the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders separate cybercriminal
law into two senses, which are:
While in our country, Indonesia, cybercrime also may be distinguished into two.
Firstly, criminal acts using facilities or with the help of electronic systems. That
means all conventional criminal acts in the Criminal Code as long as they use the
help or means of electronic systems such as murder, trafficking in persons,
transfer of funds, and money laundering is classified as cybercrime within the
broad point of view. On the other hand, in the narrow point of view cybercrime it
is regulated and set out in the Law number 11 of 2018 regarding information and
electronic transaction or usually called as “ITE Law”.
Along with myriad of explanations that define cyber law, there is similarity in all
between which is that cyber law is an effort to enter and or to use computer or
network facilities computer without permission and with against the law with or
without cause changes and or damage to computer facilities entered or to be used.
I. Analysis
Because of that Cyber Law is very much needed, in relation to efforts to prevent
criminal acts, as well as handling criminal acts. Cyber Law will be the legal basis
in the law enforcement process against crimes by electronic means and computers,
including money laundering and terrorism crimes. In other words, Cyber Law is
needed to tackle cybercrime. Cyber Law is very important to be enforced as law in
Indonesia, this is because of the development of the times that allow technology to
grows even more advance yet sophisticated while considering that the previous
and old laws are not able to anticipate fully and efficiently to the rapid
development of cyberspace in this modern day.
Cybercrime in Indonesia
Indonesia, a country with the fourth-largest growth in internet users in the world,
is facing both great opportunities as well as significant threats with the
development of digital technology and internet. Research suggest that digital
technology can increase the country’s annual economic growth by 2% as it
supports the growth of small to medium enterprises. Nonetheless, without solid
cybersecurity systems, 150 million internet users in Indonesia are at risk of being
caught up in tragic Black Mirror episodes, additionally in Indonesia, more than
200 million amount of cyber-attacks are speeded around the archipelago 8. To deal
with these attacks, the government has issued regulations and set up a number of
institutions in the Defence Ministry and National Police. Those measures are not
enough. Indonesia needs to arm itself with a stronger law and build its digital
security systems and industry.9 Just like in all around the world during the Covid-
19 pandemic usually most people tend to work, study, and do their other activities
online or through internet and sadly it turned out to have an impact on the increase
in the number of cyber-attack attempts. Based on data from the National Cyber
and Crypto Agency (BSSN), from January to August 2020, there were nearly 190
million cyber-attack attempts in Indonesia, an increase of more than four times
compared to the same period last year which was recorded at around 39 million.
The highest number was recorded in August 2020, where BSSN recorded the
number of cyber-attacks in the range of 63 million, much higher than August 2019
which was only about 5 million. The increase was none other than because of the
social distancing policy that forced people to work, study, and complete their
other activities from home by internet connection. The focal point of internet
usage has also moved from mainly in an office environment to be more in
residential or inhabited areas. The Directorate of Cyber Crime of the Criminal
Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police received 2,259 reports of
cybercrime cases from January to September 2020. It was recorded and
documented that the data and report regarding the blowout of provocative content
were the most commonly reported, with total of 1,048 cases, moreover this big
amount of cybercrime cases in Indonesia has caused a loss of 27.19 billion IDR.
previous year. The increase is the fourth-biggest in the world after India, China
and the United States.
There is a procedure that allows a criminal sue against an act of cybercrime, can
simply be explained as follows (Article 42 of the ITE Law in conjunction with
Article 43 of Law 19/2016 and Article 102 to Article 143 of Law Number 8 of
1981 concerning Criminal Procedural Law):
● An individual who felt that their rights have been violated through the
legal counsel, may come directly to make an incident report to the police
investigators at the Cybercrime unit or to PPNS investigators at the Sub-
Directorate of Investigation and Enforcement, of The Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology. In addition, investigators will
carry out an investigation that can be continued with the investigation process of
the case concerned with the Criminal Procedural law and the provisions of the
ITE Law.
● After the investigation process is completed, the case file carried out by
the investigator will be transferred to the public prosecutor for the process of a
prosecution before the court. If the person conducting the investigation is a PPNS,
the results of the investigation will be submitted to the public prosecutor through
the police investigators.
On one hand, the presence of the cyber police or virtual police is a true testament
of the Indonesian government’s existence in cyberspace. Thus in other
perspective, the arrival of cyber police may also endanger the freedom of speech
itself, because Indonesia is a democratic state which mean they respect the right of
the freedom speech of its people.
Cyber police in Indonesia under “polri” in which their formal name in Indonesian
language is “Direktorat Tindak Pidana Siber” abbreviated to “Dittipidsiber”.
Enforcing the law against cybercrime. Generally, Dittipidsiber handles two types
of crimes which are distinguished into computer crime and computer-related
crime. Computer crime is a type of cybercrime that use computers as the main
device. The methods of crime are hacking the electronic systems (hacking), illegal
interception, changing the appearance of websites (web defacement), system
interference, and manipulation of the data. While, the computer-related crime is
other type of a cybercrime that also uses a computer as the main device, such as
online pornography, online gambling, online defamation, online extortion, and
online fraud, hate speech, online threat, illegal access, data theft.12
cyber police), they would be accused of threatening the public’s civil rights.
While our take on this problem is that as the generation that uses social media and
internet more intensely we may found that we being “information limited” by the
authority, because unlike before we may seek information way harder and being
sorted by the cyber police. Additionally, I think that the existence of the cyber
police in Indonesia is violated the term of “democracy” itself, because from our
looks and the understatement of the democracy is that freedom speech is a product
of democracy in which it is fundamental to the ideology.
The public’s biggest fear of the threat against their freedom of speech is not a
baseless one. According to the data reported by The Indonesian Statistics, despite
the fact that Indonesia’s Democracy Index improved, civil freedom has been
declining. This aligns with the internal survey created by The National
Commission on Human Rights that involved 1.200 respondents across 34
provinces that 36.2% of Indonesian people be afraid of expressing their opinions
and critiques through the online platforms or social media. The presence of cyber
police among us Indonesian netizens increases the feeling of ‘being watched’ by
the government which directed to there are no more privacy and freedom of
In the context of cybercrime, then there are perpetrators who commit these crimes
in the form of individuals or also in groups. Perpetrators who commit cybercrimes
will face the existing law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement officials work
in accordance with existing norms professionally. This is where the actual role of
law enforcement is to maximize the investigation of crimes that occur in
cyberspace. In general, the process of investigating cybercrimes is the same as the
process of investigating other conventional crimes. The difference is only in terms
of the process of catching criminals and their coordination with certain parties. It
can be seen that the handling of cybercrimes is a bit complicated compared to
conventional crimes, because they must first coordinate with certain parties to get
certainty that it is really a criminal offense or not.
The existence of law enforcement is not only enough to work smartly, but also
must apply legal norms even when dealing with someone and even a community
group suspected of committing a crime.13
This can be seen through the legal provisions, namely Law No. 11 of 2008
regarding information and electronic transactions as has been paid by Law No. 19
of 2016 concerning amendments to the previous Law, it can be interpreted thus
that our legal basis to deal with cybercrime is the ITE Law which has been
described above.
Criminal liability for hacking as one of the crimes in cyber space is based on
Article 30 of the ITE Law, a person can be punished if he accesses the victim's
electronic system and also in this article determines that the method used is by any
means (including hacking) as long as it is done in a way without their rights. For
example, if a website is hacked by hackers, the web service provider cannot be
held criminally responsible. However, some scholars state that Indonesia does not
have a legal definition for cybercrime, Law Number 11 of 2008 as an amendment
to Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions is
an administrative law. However, legislators include several provisions regarding
criminal acts.14
Jurnalis J. Hius, Jummaidi Saputra, Anhar Nasution, Mengenal Dan
Mengantisipasi Kegiatan Cybercrime Pada Aktifitas Online Sehari-Hari Dalam
Pendidikan, Pemerintahan Dan Industri Dan Aspek Hukum Yang Berlaku,
Prosiding Snikom 2014
VIDYA PRAHASSACITTA., (2019), Konsep Kejahatan Siber Dalam Sistem Hukum
The definition of cybercrime can be deduced from the article about the crime. It
was also found that there are many obstacles faced by law enforcers in eradicating
cybercrime, these obstacles will affect law enforcement against cybercrime so that
they cannot be overcome optimally. The aspects that will become obstacles are:
- Investigative aspect
- Aspects of evidence
- Jurisdictional aspect
From the aspects mentioned above, the aspect that will be very helpful for law
enforcement is the aspect that will be discussed, related to the issue of cybercrime
accountability. Handling cybercrime will not succeed if the jurisdictional aspect is
ignored. Because the relationship that involves cybercrime is also inter-regional,
inter-regional, and inter-country. The determination of jurisdiction has been
regulated in article 2 which states that this law applies to everyone who commits a
legal act as regulated in this law, both within the jurisdiction of Indonesia and
outside the jurisdiction of Indonesia which has legal consequences in the territory
of Indonesia. Indonesian law and/or outside the jurisdiction of Indonesia and harm
the interests of Indonesia.15 There are also several examples of the provisions in
the Criminal Code in which it bears cybercrime issue which are:
● Article 362 of the Criminal Code which applies to carding cases where the
perpetrator takes other person credit card number even if not physically, because
only the card number is taken using card generator software on the Internet to
conduct transactions in e-commerce. After the transaction is made and the goods
are shipped, then the seller who wanted to withdraw his money at the bank turned
out to be rejected since the card owner is not the one who carry out the
● Article 378 of the Criminal Code can be imposed for fraud as if offer and
sell a product or goods by advertising on a website so that people are interested in
buying it and send money to advertisers. But, in fact, the item does not exist. This
R.I., Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi elektronik
is known after the money had been send and the ordered goods did not arrive thus
the buyer be deceived.
● Article 335 of the Criminal Code can be imposed for cases of threats and
extortion carried out through e-mail by the perpetrator to force the victim to do
something according to what to be wanted by the perpetrators and if not
implemented will have an impact which is dangerous.
● Article 311 of the Criminal Code may be imposed for defamation cases
using Internet media. Through a way by the perpetrator spreading an email to the
victim's friends about an incorrect story or sending an email to a mailing list so
that many people know the story people know the story.
● Article 303 of the Criminal
Cyber law regulation is very much needed in law enforcement efforts for crimes
that occur in the development of information technology. Because after all, it is a
crime or an act against the law, where the act is carried out using internet facilities
with advanced computer technology. Cybercrime or cybercrime is more likely to
use computers or internet networks, making it easier for people to commit crimes
even though they are very far away. Therefore, with the sophistication of
computer technology that is connected to the internet, cybercrime is not hindered
by space and time. From that, in law enforcement efforts, especially in the area of
criminal law, cyber law will be the legal basis in all law enforcement processes for
all information technology crimes. However, people must be able to live well and
away from actions that harm others.
The regulation regarding cybercrime is divided into two, namely formal and
material, generally it is all crimes that use electronic platforms as a medium for
these actions, therefore all criminal acts that have been regulated in the Criminal
Code (KUHP). the use and assistance of cyber media or means can be considered
as a cybercrime.
The anatomy of cybercrime under the ITE Law may be sorted into two groups,
The second group is regulated illegal contents that prohibited by the ITE law,
which are:
The defendant may be convicted if he fulfils the fundamental elements that stated
in the Article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law, in which the definition of
defamation refers to the articles regarding insults regulated in the Criminal Code.
In demonstrating whether there is an insult or defamation, the content and context
of an information is considered important to be studied and the assessment is
subjective because it can only be judged by the person concerned. That is, the
target of the content is the victim and only the victim can judge whether the
content contains elements of attack on his honor. Whereas in context, it can be
assessed objectively through the intent and purpose of the actors for the creation
and dissemination of the content.
For his statement, a group called the Coalition for the Defence of the Republic of
Indonesia reported Ahmad Dhani to the East Java Regional Police on August 30,
2018. The group thought that Dhani had committed defamation. Because of this
case, Ahmad Dhani was charged by the Article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law
referring to the Article 311 of the Criminal Code, which means that spreading
accusations of defamation is to accuse an act of not insulting.17
R.I., Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1946 tentang Peraturan Hukum Pidana.
Even though this case happen long way before the enactment of the ITE Law in
Indonesia, Petrus Sungkar and his three partner in crime may be violated the
Criminal Code, particularly the article 378 in which that this article described the
act of fraud (which include online scam at that time) as an action to gain benefit
for him or herself or others by way of against the law.
The internet may enlarge and opens the knowledge and information for the people
who responsible toward their action to it. Even more the younger generation may
be found very rare to study or gaining information physically, from the book for
instance because there is rather cheaper, easier, faster, and simpler alternative to
have it, and it called the internet. While on the other hand, the irresponsible person
may endanger themselves and others because of their irresponsibility towards the
internet, thus they may violate certain applicable law. This such action may be
known as “cybercrime”.
Cybercrime is a threat to the world that can cause a loss of life in an ever-
increasing attack, which can cause lot of losses. To prevent that, the government
around the world, especially in Indonesia may anticipate and prevent this new
kind of crime by generating the ITE Law which regulates all digital actions on the
internet or related to technology and information.
For instance, the Indonesian government formed such laws including The
Government Regulation number 82 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of
Electronic Systems and Transactions, Law number 19 of 2016 Amendment to Act
number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, The
Regulation of Communication and Information Technology Ministry number 10
of 2015 concerning Procedures for Registration of Electronic Systems in the State
Administration, and The Regulation of Communication and Information
Technology Ministry number 7 of 2018.
The Indonesian law enforcer and its enforcement against the cybercrime is rather
ineffective, which on reality it does not provide a better way to deal with
cybercrime cases, on the contrary somewhat it even violated the ideas of
democracy, which highly respected freedom of speech of the people. The people
may felt limited by such strict, yet unclear and rubbery regulations and because of
that numerous of social media activists, especially the young one proclaimed that
the citizen of Indonesia are being restricted by the government.
Kshetri, Nir .,2005, ―Pattern of Global Cyber War and Crime: A Conceptual
Framework,‖ Journal of International Management,
Website’,( Kaspersky, 2021)