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Indian Languages: Class X

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Papers will be set in the following languages: 4. Grammar: This will consist of tests in the use of
language vocabulary, syntax and idioms, synthesis
Ao-Naga, Assamese, Bengali, Dzongkha, Garo, in sentence construction, formation of sentences in
Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Khasi, Lepcha, Malayalam, the language correctly embodying given words or
Manipuri, Marathi, Mizo, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, forms. The question will not require any
Sanskrit, Tamil, Tangkhul, Telugu, Urdu or any other knowledge of grammatical terms. (8 Marks)
language of an Indian community approved by the
There will be one paper of three hours duration
The question paper will consist of structured and short
carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of
20 marks. answer questions. Candidates will be required to
answer four questions from ONLY two of the
The paper will be divided into two sections, Section A prescribed text books. All questions will be set in the
and Section B. language and candidates will be required to answer in
Section A: Language (40 Marks) the language. The questions set will be designed to
Section B: Prescribed Texts (40 Marks) test the candidates’ understanding of the subject matter
of the prescribed books.
Candidates will be required to attempt all questions
from Section A. They must attempt four questions from Note: Reduction has been made in the list of
Section B from ONLY two of the prescribed textbooks. prescribed textbooks for Ao-Naga, Assamese,
Bengali, Garo, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Khasi,
SECTION A: LANGUAGE - 40 Marks Lepcha, Malayalam, Marathi, Mizo, Nepali, Odia,
This section will consist of four questions, all of which Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Tangkhul, Telugu & Urdu.
will be compulsory. For list of Prescribed Textbooks, refer to page
1. Composition: Candidates will be required to write numbers 6 to 13.
one composition, in the language, which may
The Class X – ICSE examination paper will be set on
include short explanations, directions,
descriptions or narratives. There will be a choice the entire syllabus prescribed for the subject.
of subjects, which will be varied and may be The Council has not prescribed bifurcation of the
suggested by language or other stimuli such as syllabus prescribed for this subject.
pictures and objects. (15 Marks)
Language and Literature:
2. Letter: Candidates will be required to write a
letter from a choice of two subjects. Suggestions Class X: Two or three assignments of reasonable
may be given. The layout of the letter with length/duration of which two should be written
address, introduction, conclusion, etc., will form assignments – one from the language and one from the
part of the assessment. (7 Marks) literature component of the syllabus.
3. Comprehension: An unseen passage of about
250 words will be given in the language.
Questions on the passage will be set for answers
in the language, designed to test the candidates'
understanding of the content of the passage.
(10 Marks)
Language: The assignments/project work are to be evaluated by
the subject teacher and by an External Examiner. (The
Class X: Oral: Prepared speech/ declamation;
External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the
impromptu speech/ debate/ discussion;
Head of the school, who could be from the faculty, but
report/interview; elocution; role-play/general
not teaching the subject in the section/class. For
conversation on selected topics. example, a teacher of the language of Class VIII may
Creative Writing: Students are to write be deputed to be an External Examiner for Class X
short compositions (approximately 300 to 400 words projects in the language.)
each), the stimuli being: The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner will
(i) a piece of recorded music; assess the assignments independently.
(ii) a recorded series of sounds; Award of Marks (20 Marks)
(iii) a picture/photograph;
(iv) an opening sentence or phrase; Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
(v) a newspaper/magazine clipping or report; External Examiner 10 marks
One piece of factual writing which should be The total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the
informative or argumentative; one piece of expressive Council by the Head of the school.
writing which is descriptive and imaginative;
preparation of film/book review. The Head of the school will be responsible for the
online entry of marks on the Council’s CAREERS
portal by the due date.
Literature (Prescribed Texts):
Class X
Assignments should be based on the prescribed
textbooks on the following lines:
(i) Character/thematic analysis.
(ii) Socio-economic, cultural, historical relevance /
(iii) Summary / paraphrase.

Grade Content/Analysis of Idea, Expression/ Effective Structure/ Organisation Vocabulary/ Use of Originality/ Marks
Thought/ Feeling. Expression of Idea of Material Words, Phrases Imaginative/
I The candidate analyses the ideas, The candidate expresses The work is very well The use of vocabulary The work is 4
feelings and experiences the ideas, thoughts and structured with a sense of exhibits a high level of imaginative,
effectively. feelings effectively. introduction, body, middle competence in handling interesting and
Reasoning is logical and and conclusion, language. engrossing.
effective. paragraphing and
appropriate sentence
II The candidate analyses the ideas, The candidate expresses The work is very well The vocabulary exhibits The candidate's 3
feelings and experiences with the ideas, thoughts and structured with some sense competence of word work is quite
well-defined explanations, feelings well and with of conclusion and of usage; correctness of interesting and
reasoning is logical and clarity. paragraph lengths. grammar and spelling. engrossing.

III The candidate analyses the ideas, The candidate expresses The work is fairly well The candidate uses The candidate 2
feelings and experiences with a the ideas, thoughts and structured; straightforward demonstrates the
fair degree of detail and feelings fairly well and candidate follows simple vocabulary and fairly ability to sustain the
explanation. Reasoning is fairly with a fair degree of paragraphing. good pattern of interest of the
logical and persuasive. clarity. spellings. reader.

IV The candidate attempts to analyze The candidate expresses The work shows some The candidate's The candidate is, to 1
ideas, feelings and experiences the ideas, thoughts and understanding of vocabulary is limited some extent, able to
with simple explanation and feelings intelligibly and paragraphing and structure. and the spelling, sustain the interest
detail. Reasoning and arguments in simple language. punctuation and of the reader.
are not very convincing. grammar is sometimes

V The candidate attempts a basic The candidate is unable The candidate does not There is consistent The candidate is 0
analysis of ideas, feelings and to expresses the ideas, display an understanding of weakness in spelling, unable to sustain
experiences with few simple thoughts and feelings, structure and paragraphing. punctuation and the interest of the
explanations and few details. Is uses simple language grammar. reader.
unable to present proper and the work is not very
arguments. intelligible.

Grade Fluency of Language Subject Matter Organization Vocabulary/ Understanding Gesture Marks
I Speaks with fluency and Matter is relevant, Content is well Uses appropriate While speaking, the Uses natural and 3
has full operational rich in content and sequenced and well vocabulary and candidate emphasizes spontaneous
command over the original. organized. pronounces words the important points. gestures that are
language. correctly. not out of place.

II The candidate speaks The subject matter The content is The candidate While speaking the Uses some natural 2
with fairly good fluency is mostly relevant, satisfactorily pronounces most candidate emphasizes gestures.
and has reasonable consisting of a sequenced and well words correctly and most important points.
operational command of few original ideas. organized. uses simple
the language. vocabulary.

III The candidate speaks The subject matter The subject content is The candidate While speaking, the Uses very few 1
with poor fluency and is irrelevant and very poor and lacks pronounces many candidate emphasizes natural gestures.
does not communicate lacks originality. organisational words incorrectly and some important
except for the most basic structure. uses inappropriate points.
information. vocabulary.

IV The candidate cannot The subject matter The subject content The candidate is While speaking, the Uses no natural 0
communicate even the is negligible. comprises of mere unable to correctly candidate is unable to gestures.
most basic information. words with no pronounce most words emphasize important
structured sentences. and has a limited points.

Grade Understanding of Text Examples from Text Understanding of Appreciation of Language, Critical Appreciation Marks
(Narrative) text- Interpretation Characterization -Personal Response
and Evaluation
I The candidate demonstrates The account is suitably The candidate The candidate appreciates and The candidate is able 4
expertise in giving an supported by relevant understands the text evaluates significant ways to effectively reflect
appropriate account of the examples from the text. with due emphasis on (structure, character, imagery) personal response
text, with well-chosen interpretation and in which writers have (critical appreciation)
reference to narrative and evaluation. achieved their effects. to the text.

II The candidate demonstrates a The account is The candidate The candidate appreciates and The candidate is able 3
high level of competence in supported by examples understands the text evaluates significant ways in to reflect a personal
giving an account of the text, from the text. with some emphasis on which writers have achieved response to the text.
with appropriate references to interpretation and their effects.
the narrative and situation. evaluation.

III The candidate demonstrates The candidate The candidate The candidate recognizes The candidate is able 2
competence in giving an understands the text recognizes some some of the significant ways in to communicate a
account of the text with some and shows a basic aspects of the text used which the writers have used personal response
reference to the narrative and recognition of the by authors to present the language. which shows
situation. theme and can support ideas. appreciation.
it by a very few

IV The candidate gives broad The candidate The candidate relates The candidate recognizes The candidate 1
account of the text with understands the basic the text to other texts differences in the way authors communicates straight
reference to the narrative and meaning of the text. studied. write. forward personal
situation. response to the text.

V The candidate is unable to The candidate is unable The candidate is unable The candidate is unable to The candidate is 0
demonstrate an understanding to understand the text or to relate to the other text recognize the differences in unable to give a
of the basic events in the text. support it with any studied. the way authors write. personal view of the
examples. text studied.



1. AO NAGA (42): The following will not be tested:

(Only two of the following books are to be offered) • Dhura hap
(i) Mejen O 2nd edition • Modhupur bohu dur
(An Anthology of Poems and Short Stories by • Ahat Daba
Contemporary Ao writers, JMS Publication). • Obuj Maya
The following will not be tested:
Prose: 3. BENGALI (03):
• Lanuwa Kutsui Ku dang Ashiba (Only two of the following books are to be offered)
Asurmetenla, P Renthy Jamir Sonkolita: A collection of ICSE Short Stories &
• Keyi Assai Aoba-1, Ben Wati Poems (Power Publishers, Kolkata)
Poetry: (i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
• Nokinketer Sangro – 1, Sademmeren 1. Ginni - Rabindranath Tagore
Longkumer 2. Laloo - Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
• 1985- Ngangshikokba Ao 3. Baama - Bibhutibhushan
(ii) Khristan Aeni Aoba 2nd edition. Banadyopadhyay
(A translation of John Bunyan’s ‘The 4. Canvassar - Banaphul
Pilgrim’s Progress’, ABAM Publication). 5. Asohojogee - Manik Bandyopadhyay
(iii) Akumlir Wadang by L. Imti Aier. 6. Neel Manusher Kahini - Sunil
2. ASSAMESE (02): 7. Gandhota Baro Sandehojanak -
(Only two of the following books are to be offered) Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay
(i) Karengar Ligiri (Drama): by Jyoti Prasad 8. Lokti - Humayun Ahmed
Agarwala, Pub: Bimal Kumar Hazarika,
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
Secretary, Publication Board Assam,
1. Bangabhumir prati - Madhusudan Dutta
Guwahati - 781021.
2. Shobhotar prati- Rabindranath Tagore
(ii) Saudor Puteke Naau Meli Jai (Novel): by 3. Kuli-Mojur - Najrul Islam
Homen Buragohain, Pub: Ajay Kumar Dutta, 4. Siri - Sukanta Bhattacharya
Students’ Stores, College Hostel Road, 5. Phul Futuk Na Futuk -Subhash
Guwahati – 781001. Mukhopadhay
(iii) Kabita Manjuri (a collection of poems), Pub: 6. Amalkanti - Nirendranath Chakraborty
Pratima Prakashan, Guwahati - 781022. 7. Babu Bolen - Shankha Ghosh
The following will not be tested: 8. Kho-Kho - Amitabha Dasgupta
• Xarat Bornona (iii) Novel: Chander Pahar - Bibhutibhushan
• Polash Bandyopadhyay
(iv) Asomiya Chuti Galpar Prabah(a collection of (iv) Drama: Jumbo - Mohit Chattopadhyay
short stories), Pub: Secretary, Publication
Department, Guwahati University, Guwahati -
4. DZONGKHA (26): 6. Cha.asia - B. S. Bangshall
Note: There is no change in the syllabus for this 7. Saljong Tasin Me chik - M. R. Sangma
language. 8. A.gilsak Dal.begipa Alda Nok -
M. Rongmuthu
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
(i) Gyalse Laglen – Prose (Reader VIII) (iii) Veniceni Badinggipa – (Late) Mackenson
(ii) Legshed Langdor Shenjed Proverbs
(iii) Biography of Ashi Nangse 6. GUJARATI (04):

5. GARO (40): (Only two of the following books are to be offered)

Sahitya Gurjar : A collection of ICSE Short
(ONLY two of the following books are to be
offered) Stories and Poems (Gurjar Granthratna
Karyalaya, Ahmedabad).
(i) Kadimgimin Seanirang Bak II: Compiled by
Lindrid D. Shira (i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
Only the following selection is to be studied: 1. Khari Maa – Ramanlal Desai
1. A Chikrangni Nokma Songa –Llwellyn R. 2. Parivartan – Gaurishankar Joshi
Marak (Dhumketu)
2. Nokpante – Brucellina G momin 3. Sad Vartyo – Zaverchand Meghani
3. Balpakram - Llwellyn R. Marak 4. Ladu nu Jaman – Pannalal Patel
4. David Livingstone – Tojing S Sangma 5. Annjalpani – Pitambar Patel
5. Sepoy Mutiny ong gniko Jumang Niksoa – 6. Sanskarni Shrimantai – Kundanika
Vinthon M. Momin Kapadia
6. Rev. Thangkan K. Sangma – Lindrid D. 7. Dadano Dallo – Ila Arab Mehta
Shira 8. Himmat maro dost – Mohammad Mankad
7. Changsao Dakgrikram A.bao Krismas (ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
Salo – Mackenson Rongmuthu 1. Vaishnavjan - Narsinh Mehta
8. Garo Hills Damgipin A.gisi – Rev. Gilbert 2. Pranam Mara –Ramnarayan Pathak
K Marak 3. Ae Nishal Ae Savar – Sundarji Betai
9. Ahaia Ba Medong Ra.ona – Aldrich Ch. 4. Chha Rutuo – Umashankar Joshi
Marak 5. Banavati Phoolone – Prahlad Parekh
10. Chengoni A chik Kattarang – Dewansing 6. Boliye na Kain – Rajendra Shah
Rongmuthu 7. Gram Mata – Sursingji Gohil “ Kalapi”
11. A song De.a – Aldrich Ch. Momin 8. Subhashito
12. Kangalni Dal Gipa Mande ong.ani –
Lindrid D. Shira (iii)Novel: Vansano Ankur - Dhiruben Patel

(ii) Poetry – Chason Gital A.Chik Poetryrang – (iv) Ekanki Gurjar: A collection of ICSE One
Compiled by Keneth M. Momin Act Plays (Gurjar Granthratna Karyalaya,
Only the following selection is to be studied: Ahmedabad).
1. Bidan Chimik - S. S. Marak 1. Vruksh – Labhshankar Thakar
2. A. Songtagna Sintea - S. S. Sangma 2. Karna Kunti - Manubhai Pancholi
3. Katta Pagitcham Niam Songittcham - 3. Raja Ladu Sinh – Dr Shiv Shankar Joshi
D. S. Rongmuthu 4. Lagnana Umedwar – Jyotindra Dave
4. Ka.saa - Keneth Momin 5. Deshbhakt Jagdusha – Raman Lal Soni
5. Ritimkari - B. S. Sangma
7. HINDI (05): 8. KANNADA (06):
Recommended for background work: (Only two of the following books are to be offered)
Saras Hindi Vyakaran (Evergreen Publications,
New Delhi) Sahitya Sangama: A collection of ICSE Short
Stories & Poems (Navakarnataka Publications,
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
Sahitya Sagar: A collection of ICSE Short Stories
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
& Poems (Evergreen Publications, New Delhi)
(Examination Year 2022 onwards.) 1. Shivabhutiya Kathe - Panchatantra
2. Deepavali Mahime - Janapada
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied) 3. Thalmege Olida Adrushta - N.
1. Baat Athanni Ki - Sudarshan Damodhara
2. Kaki - Siyaram Sharan Gupta 4. Tuchip, Tudand, Tubad -Ready -
3. Maha Yagya Ka Puruskar - Yashpal Chaduranga
4. Netaji Ka Chasma - Swayam Prakash
5. Garuadagambada Dasaiah – Govuru
5. Bade Ghar Ki Beti - Premchand
6. Kalavida - TA. RA. Subha Rao
6. Bheed me Khoya Aadmi - Leeladhar
7. Tollu Gatti - Kailasam
Sharma Parvatiya
7. Bhede Aur Bhediyen - Hari Shankar 8. Sevaashramada Linganna - Belagere
Parsai Krishna Shastri
8. Do Kalakar – Mannu Bhandari (ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied) 1. Vachanagalu - Basavanna &
1. Sakhi - Kabir Das Akkamahadevi
2. Girdhar Ki Kundaliyan - Girdhar Kavi 2. Baksurana Vadhe - Kumaravyasa
Rai 3. Tirukana Kanasu - Muppina Shadakshri
3. Swarg Bana Sakte Hai - Ramdhari Singh 4. Garathiya Hadugala - Janapada
Dinkar 5. Negila Yogi - Kuvempu
4. Wah Janmabhumi Meri - Sohanlal 6. Aru Hitavaru Ninage – Purandara Dasaru
Dwivedi 7. Keladi Arasara Kathe - Lavani
5. Megh Aaye - Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena 8. Mankuhimmana Kagga - D.V. Gundappa
6. Sur Ke Pad - Surdas (iii) Novel: Natya Mayuri - Shri Sa. Shi.
7. Vinay Ke Pad - Tulsidas Marulayya
8. Chalna Hamara Kam Hai - Shivmangal
Singh ‘Suman’ (iv) Drama: Hoovi - H.S. Venkatesh Murthy.
(iii) Novel: Naya Raasta - Sushma Agarwal
9. KHASI (07):
(iv) Ekanki Sanchay: A collection of ICSE One
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
Act Plays (Evergreen Publications, New Delhi)
(i) U Khain Bad Ka Bgen: by B.Chedrack Jyrwa
1. Sanskar Aur Bhavna - Vishu Prabhakar
(ii) Ka Ki Sngi U Syiem: by Dewi Singh
2. Bahu Ki Vida - Vinod Rastogi
3. Matri Bhoomi Ka Man - Hari Krishna
“Premi” Only the following selection is to be studied:
4. Sukhi Dali - Upendra Nath “Ashka” 1. U Phareng ha Lawkyntang
5. Deepdan - Ram Kumar Verma 2. U Ksew, Ka Miaw bad u Tuta
3. U Sier Laplang bad u Shken

4. Ka Syiem Skei bad ki Hynniew (i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
Mahadei studied)
5. Ki Nongap masi u Syiem ha Sor 1. Uthuppante Kinar- Karoor Neelakanta
Shillong Pillai
(iii) Na Mihngi Sepngi: by Rev. H. Elias 2. Neypayasam - Madhavikutty
3. Kattilekku Pokaruthe Kunje -
Only the following selection is to be studied:
Shehabudeen Poithumkadavu
1. Ka Thma Hidarpes
4. Prakasham Parathunna Penkutty-
2. U Mahajon Ka Benis
T. Padmanabhan
3. Ka Khein-Kur Khein-kha
5. Janmadinam - Vaikom Muhammad
4. I Mei
5. Ka Shong jong ka Jingphohsniew
6. Thahalseedarude Acha -Thakazhy
(iv) Sawdong Ka Lynwiar Dpei: by P. G. Gatphoh Sivasankara Pillai
Only the following selection is to be studied: 7. Kaliya Mardanam - Kakkanadan
8. Model - Ponkunnam Varkey
1. Ki Paro Ksiar
2. U Aadak bad la ki Lok (ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Puthen kalavum Arivaalum - Edassery
10. LEPCHA (20):
Govindan Nair
Recommended for background work: 2. Karnabhushanam (1- 110 lines) - Ulloor
A Lepcha Grammar and Composition for Classes S Parameswara Iyer
IX and X. 3. Karma Bhoomiyude Pinchukaal -
(Only two of the following books are to be offered) Vallathol
(i) Chhukpryom Pundor: Treasure of Prose, a 4. Bhoomikkoru Charama geetam- ON
Lepcha text book for Classes IX and X. V Kuruppu
5. Vinda Kaaladikal - P Bhaskaran
The following will not be tested:
6. Tachente Makal - Vijaya Lekshmi
• Arom Kaat 7. Priyathame Prabhatame - K Ayyappa
• Lom Pogat Panicker
• Sakchin
8. Manaswani – Chagampuzha
• Saktop
(ii) Chhukdong Pundor: Treasure of Poems, a (iii) Novel: Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil -
M Mukundan
Lepcha text book for Classes IX and X.
(iv) Drama: Saketham - C N Sreekantan Nair
The following will not be tested:
• Avet 12. MARATHI (09):
• Tokshet Manin Muro Are
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
• Go
• Mikrung (i) Kathakunj (Katha - Sankalan). Pub:
Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj, New
(iii) Sung Norzot: Treasure of Stories, a Lepcha Delhi 110 002.
Rapid Reader for Classes IX and X.
The following will not be tested:
11. MALAYALAM (08): • Anganatala popat - Divakar Krishna
(Only two of the following books are to be offered) • Saris phutate hassya unhache -
Shankar Vaidhya
Sahitya Surabhi: A collection of ICSE Short
• Doghi - Saniya
Stories & Poems (D.C. Books, Kottayam)
(ii) Kavyangan (Kavya – Sankalan). Pub: (ii) For Class X -
Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj, New 1. Mizo – 9 by MBSE (revised)
Delhi 110 002.
The following will not be tested: The following will not be tested:
• Mazya pathachya bahini - Padma Gole Prose:
• Zade lau - Anant Bhave. • Chapter 18 – Peihna by Sangzuala
• Chapter 19 – Nihna -
(iii) Karunastak (Kadambari). Pub: Saraswati
House Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj, New Delhi 110
• Chapter 20 – Mizote leh an nihna - B
(iv) Rangsparsh (Ekankika – Sankalan). Pub: • Chapter 22 – Tlemte ka chhiar a, ka pass
Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj, New tho - Zikpuii Pa
Delhi 110 002.
The following will not be tested: • Chapter 9 – Chhingkhual len mawii - P.S.
• Sakalacha abhayas - Ram Ganesh Chawngthu
• Chapter 10 – Hmangaihna - Vankhama
13. MANIPURI (18):
2. Khawnglung Run by R. Lalrewna (Rapid
Note: There is no change in the syllabus for this Reader)
(Only two of the following books are to be offered) 15. NEPALI (10):
(i) Lamjing Lairik (Meetei Mayek Primer Classes (Only two of the following books are to be offered)
IX & X). Sahitya Kunj: A collection of Short Stories &
(ii) Manipuri Sahitya Nachom (Meetei Mayek or Poems (Gamma Publication, Darjeeling)
Roman Script Classes IX & X) (i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
(iii) Manipuri Tengbang Sahitya (Meetei Mayek
1. Aunthi- Achha Rai Rashik
or Roman Script Classes IX & X)
(iv) Anouba Manipuri Grammar (Meetei Mayek 2. Chaprasi - Indrabhahadur Rai
or Roman Script Classes IX & X) 3. Taar Chudieko Saarangi - Jasyonzon
(All the above books are published by the Pyasi
Board of Secondary Education, Manipur) 4. Mrituko Mukhenji - Parsuram Roka

14. MIZO (17): 5. Sangat - Badrinarayan Pradhan

Recommended for background work. 6. Maachako Mol - Sivkumar Rai

Mizo Grammar & Composition Part II by F. 7. Jyotibinako Ujyalo - Sanu Lama
Lianhmingthanga and Lalthianghlima (Hauhlira 8. Gariman - Indra Sundas
Press, Saron Veng, Aizawl).
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
The following two books will be studied as per 1. Mritukamana Kehi Mera - Agamsing Giri
prescribed lessons:
2. Bolee - Tekdhoj Jimba
(i) For Class IX –
3. Laxya - Parashmani Pradhan
1. Mizo – 9 by MBSE (revised)
4. Karma - Balkrishna Sam
2. Irrawady Luikamah by James Dokhuma
(Rapid Reader) 5. Ram-Bharat Sambat - Bhanubhaktta

6. Kaal Mahimaa - Lekhnath Paudyal (iii) Novel: Aadoora Sakala -
7. Madan Bhotbat Pharkada -Laxmiprasad Prashant Mohanty
Deokota (iv) Ekakinka Chayan: A collection of ICSE One
8. Utsarga - Lakhi Devi Sundas Act Plays (Friends Publishers, Cuttack)
1. Petu - Pranabandhu Kar
(iii) Novel: Bhrammer - Rupnarayan Sinha
2. Rani Shuka Dei- Manoranjan Das
(iv) Ekanki Kunj: A collection of ICSE One Act 3. Bagha Sikara - Ranjit Pattnaik
Plays (Gamma Publication, Darjeeling) 4. Konarka - Bhanja Kishore Pattnayak
1. Biyog - Manbahadur Mukhia 5. Ahuti - Kartik Chandra Rath
2. Tika - Mohan - Pukar
3. Ma Bhat Khanna - Ramlal Adhikari 17. PUNJABI (12):
4. Maag - Leela Recommended grammar book in Punjabi
5. Saahinu - Sanu Bhai Sharma Shiromani Punjabi Vyakaran Ate Rachanawali
(Pub. Ved Prakash & Sons, Sai Hiran Gate,
16. ODIA (11):
Jalandhar City – 114 008)
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
Gyananjali: A collection of Short Stories &
Kav – Katha Samvedna: A collection of Short
Poems (Friends Publishers, Cuttack)
Stories & Poems (Evergreen Publications, New
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied) Delhi)
1. Dhulia Baba - Fakir Mohan Senapati
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
2. Bhadraloka - Prativa Ray
3. Shikar - . Bhagawati Charana Panigrahi 1. Pahuta Pandhi - Gurbax Singh
4. Krupana - Mr. Manoj Das 2. Bhatta - Sant Singh Sekhon
5. Mukhagni - Lakshmi Chand 3. Zeenat Appa - Kartar Singh Duggal
6. Dimiri Phula- Akhila Mohan Pattnayak 4. Dharti Hethla Balad - Kulwant Singh
7. Samantara Saralarekha- Bibhuti Virk
Pattanayak 5. Sanjhi Kandh - Santokh Singh Dheer
8. Anguthi - Sachidananda Routray 6. Rub Te Ruttan - Dr. Dalip Kaur Tiwana
7. Baki Sab Sukh Saand Hai - Mohan
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied) Bhandari
1. Gandharira Ashirbada -Kalandi Charana 8. Chandova - Kartar Singh Suri
Panigrahi (ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
2. Kali Jai - Pandit Godabarish Mishra
1. Sama - Bhai Veer Singh
3. Mahima - Swabhaba Kabi Gangadhara
2. Maa Da Dil - Firoz Din Sharaf
3. Mele Vich Jatt - Dhani Ram Chatrak
4. Banaphula Udyana Kusum - Utkala
4. Chhatto Di Beri - Prof. Mohan Singh
Bharati Kuntala Kumari Sabat
5. Aaj Akhan Waris Shah Nu - Amrita
5. Jagate Kebala- Kabisurya Baladeva
6. Jionde Bhagwan - Nand Lal Noorpuri
6. Grama Patha-Binod Chandra Nayak
7. Rukh - Shiv Kumar Batalvi
7. Mani Kanchana Yoga- Radhamohan
8. Mera Bachpan - Harbhajan Singh
(iii) Novel: Pataal De Githmuthiye - Jasbir Bhullar
8. Khadyotika - Bidyut Prava Devi

(iv) Manch Mehak: A collection of ICSE One Act (iii) Kathaka Tangkhul Tuitam (Classes IX and X
Plays (Evergreen Publications, New Delhi) published by Luitham Press, Ukhrul (2006).

The following will not be tested:

1. Suhag - I.C. Nanda
2. Dr. Palta - Balwant Gargi Chapter 2. Mirinwui thingrong so
- K. Muirangwo
3. Dushman - Gurcharan Singh Jasuja
4. Parat Auan Tak- Satish Verma Chapter 5. Chamtha eina Chamthei
18. SANSKRIT (19): The following books are to be - K. K. Hugh
studied: Chapter 9. Tangkhul ngashan
(i) Sanskrit Vani Book 4 (for Class IX) by H.D. - Chihanpam sareo
Vijayshri and Mrs. S. Bolar, Pub: Orient Chapter10. Shanaowui Mashun
Longman - John F
The following will not be tested: 21. TELUGU (14)
• Chaatra shikshanam
(Only two of the following books are to be
• Lokoktayah offered):
• Vyaakaranam
Padya, Gadya Kadambamu- A collection of ICSE
(ii) Sanskrit Vani Book 5 (for Class X) by H.D. Short Stories and Poems (S.R. Book Links,
Vijayshri and Mrs. S. Bolar, Pub: Orient Vijaywada)
(i) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
The following will not be tested:
1. Vidura Neethi- Tikkana Somayaji
• Suktayah 2. Sneha Dharmam - Bammera Pothana
• Samaasavrutih 3. Atidhi Sevanamu - Sri Krishna
19. TAMIL (13) Devarayalu
(Only two of the following books are to be offered) 4. Paarijatha Prasoonamu - Nandi
(i) Rajaraja Cholan (Drama) (by R.
5. Hithopadesamu - Atukuri Molla
Ramanathan – Pub. Prema Parasuram)
6. Sathaka Manjari - Narasima Sathakam by
(ii) Veerapandiya Kattabhomman (Novel) Seshappa Kavi (26, 38, 39, 54 poems) &
(by K. Jeeva Bharathi – Pub. Kumaran Sri Kalahasthiswara Sathakam by
Dhurjati (12,13,27,28 poems)
(iii) Charitra Sambavangal (Historical Essays) (by 7. Krushivaludu - Duvvuri Ramireddy
“Vaandumama” V. Krishnamoorthy, Pub. 8. Nenantanu - Dasarathi
Gangai Puthaka Nilayam) Krishnamacharyulu
The following will not be tested:
(ii) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
• Mallan Marappan
1. Indra Dyumuni Samudra Prayaanam -
20. TANGKHUL (47) Madhira Subbanna Deekshitulu
2. Seethaanveshana - Padala Ramarao
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
3. Taapi Mesthri - Shri Paada Subramanya
(i) Tangkhul Tuitam Kachiko, Class IX Sastri
published by Luitham Press, Ukhrul (2006). 4. Appudu Putti Vunte - Devulapalli Krishna
(ii) Tangkhul Tuitam Kathara, Class X published Sastry
by Luitham Press, Ukhrul (2006). 5. Oka Cheema Katha - Dr. Raavuri
6. Ugaduloo, Ushassuloo- Madhuranthakam 3. Manzoor - Saadat Hasan Manto
Rajara 4. Allah De Banda Le - Razia Sajjad
7. Riktha Hasthamulu - Vidya Zaheer
Prakasananda Giri Swamy 5. Aakhri Qadam - Dr. Zakir Hussain
8. Samskruti - Acharya Khandavalli Lakshmi 6. Khadar Ka Kafan - Khaja Amed Abbas
Ranjanam 7. Addu - Jeelani Bano
(iii) Novel: Ganapathi - Chilakamarthi Lakshmi 8. Ek Aur Shrawan Kumar - Salam Bin
Narasimham. Razzaq
(iv) Drama: Vishnu Sharma English Chaduvu - (ii) Poetry: Poems and Ghazals (All poems
C.S. Rao /ghazals to be studied).
1. Piya Baaj Piala Piya Jaye na (Ghazal) -
22. TENYIDIE (41):
Mohd Quli Qutub Shah
Note: There is no change in the syllabus for this 2. Faqeerana Ayee Sada Kar Chaley
language. (Ghazal) - Mir Taqi Mir
(Only two of the following books are to be offered) 3. Dard Minnat Kashey Dawa Na Huwa
(i) Neteya (Ghazal) - Mirza Ghalib
(ii) Noudo Dze: by Dino and Viswedel 4. Phir Chedi Raat Baat Phooloon Ki
(Ghazal) - Makhdoom Mohiuddin
(iii) Uca –53: by Shurhozelie
5. Justujoo Jis Ki Thi…(Ghazal) -
23. URDU (16) Sher e Yaar
6. Kaljugh (Poem) - Nazeer Akbar Aabadi
(Only two of the following books are to be offered)
7. Chand Aur Tare (Poem) - Sir Mohd Iqbal
Lazawal Muraqqe - A collection of ICSE Short 8. Aawo Ke Koyi Khawaab Bunien (Poem) -
Stories and Poems / Ghazals (Huda Publications, Sahil Ludhiyanvi
(iii) Novel: Taubat-Un-Nusuh (also known as
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied) Nusuh Ka Khawaab) - Nazeer Ahamed
1. Ibadat - Munshi Prem Chand
(iv) Drama: Darwaze Khol Do - Krishan Chander
2. Bhola - Rajendar Singh Bedi


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