Product Bulletin: Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks

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Caterpillar Product Information

Product Bulletin
July 2007

Cat® 777D
Off-Highway Trucks

For Dealer Sales Personnel

This document supplements information in the Specalog. Marketing
content will be available only on secured dealer extranets and by
accessing the PDF in the Electronic Sales Library.
Table of Contents

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
777D Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Gross Machine Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Power Train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Additional Machine Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Truck Body Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Operator’s Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Attachments/Custom Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007


777D Strategy

The 777D provides customers with the only “true” 100 ton (91 tonne) truck on the market. Only the
777D allows this payload, even when equipped with liners, and remains within its Gross Machine
Weight. Unlike many competitors, the 777D features more than a spec sheet change – there is iron to
back it up.

Caterpillar has already proven itself the leader in the off-highway truck market. In 1992, Caterpillar
introduced the first truck with electronically integrated power train control functions using the Cat data
link – significantly improving component life and fuel efficiency to lower cost per ton.

The changes to the earlier models have proven extremely successful:

• Longer transmission life – Control Throttle Shifting, Directional Shift Management and material

• Improved engine life – no power growth from governor wear, two-piece piston, auto derate, operator
alerts, and improved fuel efficiency

Building on this success, power train integration has been incorporated in all of the Cat® trucks, from
the 769D to the 793D trucks, the 777D represents another step in the evolution of the Cat® Construction,
Mining and Quarry Trucks.

The 777D is the first Caterpillar® machine using a B-Series 3500 engine for improved reliability, improved fuel
efficiency, reduced emissions and increased horsepower. The 777D also provides increased capacity
and performance over the earlier models. With a 163,360 kg (360,143 lb) GMW rating, the 777D can
haul 90.4 tonnes (100 tons) even when equipped with all options.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 3


The 777D provides a means to lower the cost per ton in this size class by allowing a larger payload
along with a more reliable and durable power train.

Additionally, the 777D cab has been designed to greatly improve operator comfort while maintaining
a high level of functionality and durability. The improved ergonomics and additional design features
make this the cab of choice for operators who play an increasing role in some buying decisions.


• 3508B with Electronic Unit Injection (EUI) fuel system

– 746 kW (1,000 hp) gross and 699 kW (938 hp) net power

– Decreased NOx and particulate emissions

– Improved fuel efficiency

• Electronic Technician (ET) support

– Improved diagnostic capability

• Industry Standard Operator’s Environment

– Larger cabin width

– Automotive style look and feel

– Ergonomic layout

– Redesigned transmission console with backlit display

– Repositioned heater and air conditioner controls

– Caterpillar Electronic Monitoring System display

– Improved steering wheel

– Improved hoist lever

– Increased storage space

– Standard Caterpillar Air Suspension Seat

– New dawn gray color

4 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007


• Improved Power Train Components

– Larger Rear Wheel Spindle

– Larger Wheel Bearings

– Increased number of brake discs and plates

• Increased Performance

– Larger payload capacity

– Increased horsepower

• Body Design

– Dual slope design with 18 degree ducktail slope for better retention of loads on steep grades

– 60.1 m3 (78.6 yd3) to suite varying applications

– Improved canopy coverage

– Excellent tire coverage

• Automatic Retarder Control (ARC) option

• Traction Control System (TCS) option

• Integrated Brake control (IBC) option

• HVAC option

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 5


The long list of new features on the 777D Truck, along with its increased performance and reliability,
make it the best 100 ton hauler on the market. The new 3508B engine will provide very substantial benefits
to customers through greater horsepower, improved specific fuel consumption and decreased smoke and
emissions. The larger load capacity, increased performance, other power train improvements and the new
cab combine to provide a new standard for comfort and the lowest cost per ton in this size class.

Gross Machine Weight

Maximum Gross Machine Weight (GMW) is 163 360 kg (360,143 lb). This allows the 777D to carry
95.8 tonne (106 ton) in base configuration or 90.4 tonne (100 ton) payload with liners. Refer to the
Weight/Payload Calculation chart for an example of calculating the target payload for the 777D.


The 777D is designed to perform better than the earlier models when compared at their respective gross
machine weights, and field tests have confirmed this. If the 777D is loaded to the same GMW as the
earlier models, overall performance will be improved due to the greater horsepower.

777D Gross Machine Weight

Net HP 938
(Rated GMW) – kg/net HP 174
(Empty) – kg/net HP 72

6 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Power Train

Power Train. The Cat® 3508B engine is built for power, reliability and efficiency for superior
performance in the toughest applications.

• Decreased emissions

• Streamlined intake and exhaust system

• Better reliability through heavier components

and improved diagnostics

• Improved access to the engine compartment

Air System.

• Air Cleaners. The air cleaners are located on

the top deck to provide a cleaner environment
for longer service life and better accessibility for
Cat 3508B Engine. Several improvements have
been made to the Cat 3508B EUI engine to enhance • Intake and Exhaust. Well laid air induction and
performance and durability. To improve hauling exhaust system improves airflow. This decreases
performance, the 777D is rated at 746 kW (1,000 hp) pumping losses and allows more air to enter the
gross power. A new air induction system and combustion chamber, resulting in lower exhaust
aftercooler design help improve airflow to temperatures.
the engine, improving combustion and lowering
smoke and emission levels.

The engine provides several major improvements:

• 746 kW (1,000 hp) gross power/

699 kW (938 hp) net power

• Improved fuel efficiency

• Decreased smoke levels

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 7

Power Train

Combustion Efficiency. • Deep Crater Piston. The 3508B continues to use

a two-piece piston with a forged steel crown and
• Decreased Emissions. The NOx levels for the aluminum skirt. The piston has been changed,
3508B are decreased dramatically by combustion however, to provide a cleaner, more efficient
system improvements. combustion by utilizing a deep crater and low
crevice volume to optimize combustion.
• Improved Fuel Consumption. BSFC has
improved approximately three percent over the Electronic Engine Controls. The 3508B engine is
previous 3508 engine. designed for electronic control. The electronic unit
injectors, sensors and Electronic Control Module
• Soot Reduction. The 3508B has demonstrated a (ECM) operate the engine. The ECM consists of
30-40 percent reduction in crankcase oil sooting two components: the control computer and the
rate. The decrease in soot level should provide control software. The control software contains
improved oil condition throughout the change the operating maps which define the horsepower,
interval – possibly extending the interval in some torque curves, air/fuel ratio and transmission
circumstances. shift strategies. The ECM controls the injectors
using feedback from the various engine sensors.
• Higher Injection Pressure. Injection pressure Based on these inputs, the ECM determines which
has increased from 124,010 kPa (18,000 psi) timing and air/fuel ratio map to use for optimum
to 151,685 kPa (22,000 psi) for increased performance.
combustion efficiency.
Fuel injection timing depends on engine speed,
• Injection Duration. With the 3500B-Series, load and other sensor inputs. The ECM knows
injection duration has been reduced 10-20 percent. where each cylinder’s top dead center is by the
This allows more fuel to be burned near the signal provided by the speed/timing sensor.
optimum part of the injection cycle.
The sensor decides when injection should occur
Iron Changes. relative to top dead center and provides the signal
to each injector at the appropriate time. The ECM
• Larger Camshaft. The width of the camshaft sends a signal to the solenoid to begin injection.
lobes has increased along with the diameter of the By controlling the timing and duration of the
camshaft 98 mm (3.85") versus 92 mm (3.62") signal, the ECM can control injection timing and
to accommodate the higher injection pressure, the amount of fuel injected. The ECM sets limits
yet maintain reliability and durability. The steel on the amount of fuel that can be injected based
forged rocker arms, camshaft followers and push on the air/fuel ratio.
rods have also been strengthened.

• Rear Gear Train. The rear gear train has also

seen changes to maintain durability. The width
of the carburized and hardened steel rear gears
has been increased and the gear tooth size is
also larger.

8 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Power Train

The 3508B engine also has the ability to diagnose • Acceleration Delay on Startup. To reduce wear
itself. When a problem is detected, a diagnostic on lubricated components, engine acceleration is
code is generated and stored in the memory. disabled for two seconds after low idle has been
Current diagnostic codes (“Active”) indicate attained (on startup only). This allows time for
that a problem currently exists. A non-active all machine lubrication and cooling systems to
problem may have been either intermittent or achieve pressure and flow before operating at
may have been repaired since it was logged. higher speeds.
Logged events and diagnostic codes will be
recorded with this information: event description, • Elevated Low Idle. In cold weather conditions,
number of occurrences, ECM hour of first and last low idle is elevated to between 1,000 and 1,300 rpm
occurrence and total ECM hours. to allow the engine to achieve operating temperature
more quickly and/or maintain temperature.
Logged diagnostic codes can be helpful in The transmission must be in neutral, the parking
troubleshooting. The codes are accessed either brake must be set and engine coolant temperature
via the Electronic Technician (ET) service tool must be less than 70° C (158° F). Standard low
or through the Caterpillar Electronic Monitoring idle is 700 rpm.
System display in the operator’s compartment.
• Cold Mode Start Capability. Starting and
Cat Data Link. The ECM is part of a larger electronic performance are improved in cold weather
network known as the Cat Data Link. This data by retarding timing when the engine is below
link allows many of the machine’s computer systems operating temperature. Retarded timing reduces
to communicate with each other and allows easier peak cylinder pressure and cylinder pressure rate
troubleshooting of electrical problems. On the 777D, of rise. The engine operates in “cold mode” when
the ECM engine controller, Transmission/Chassis engine coolant temperature is below 60° C (140° F).
ECM (TCC), the ARC retarder controller, Traction
Control System (TCS) and the Caterpillar • Air Filter Restriction. The air intake system is
Electronic Monitoring System are all connected monitored. When the inlet restriction indicator
via the Cat Data Link. The data link can be accessed point is reached, the system will activate a
using the Electronic Technician service tool. The warning and record the event in system memory.
electronic engine control and datalink provide The system will automatically derate as air intake
many benefits that add value to the machine: restriction increases beyond the indicator point.
When restriction reaches 660 mm (26 in) of H2O,
• Engine Overspeed Control Integrated in Data Link. fuel is limited one percent. For higher restriction,
If the engine reaches 2,100 rpm, a warning horn fuel is limited two percent per 101 mm (4 in)
and check engine light will activate. At 2,300 rpm, of H2O (up to a maximum of 20 percent).
the transmission will automatically upshift
one gear, regardless of cane position. If the • Altitude Compensation. The system automatically
transmission is in top gear, the torque converter derates power by limiting fuel to prevent excessive
lock up will disengage. An overspeed upshift exhaust gas temperatures and related damage.
event will be logged in the memory. On machines The 3508B begins derating at 3050 m (10,000 ft)
equipped with the Automatic Retarder Control and derates at three percent per 305 m (1,000 ft)
option, the ARC computer will automatically to a maximum of 24 percent at 5485 m (18,000 ft).
activate in an overspeed condition to control
engine speed from 2,075 to 2,100 rpm.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 9

Power Train

• Diagnostics. The ECM is compatible with 920 Horsepower Option. The 777D has the
the Cat Electronic Technician tool (ET), and capability to run at a 686 kW (920 hp) power
interfaces with the TCC transmission control and using the ET. The 920 horsepower option can
the Automatic Retarder Control (ARC) via the Cat benefit operation in two scenarios:
Data Link. The ET plugs into a connector located
on the fuse panel behind the operator’s seat. • If the loading match does not effectively
allow the full use of the additional payload
The ET can retrieve and display boost pressure, capacity, the 686 kW (920 hp) power setting
fuel flow rate, engine rpm, diagnostics, logged would allow the 777D to run evenly with
events, overspeed events, air filter restriction, oil former models of the 777.
pressure, over heating, low oil pressure and any
other sensor output on the ECM, TCC or ARC • If the operation is limited with the crusher or
controllers. loading tool creating a wait time, the lower
horsepower setting would increase cycle
The ET also provides numerous service features: times without affecting production to possibly
individual cylinder cut out, crank without injection, decrease fuel consumption.
timing calibration and injector solenoid test.
Transmission. Power train integration of the
• Fuel Use Record. Provides a cumulative record engine and transmission was first introduced
of fuel consumed. This record is accessible via the in the earlier models and has proven extremely
Electronic Technician. successful. The electronic engine control and the
Cat Data Link allow the transmission and the
• Multi-Point Pressure Sensing (MPPS). The engine engine to communicate using the transmission
oil pressure alarm will be activated by monitoring controller (TCC) and the ECM engine controller.
oil pressure as a function of engine speed. This will Allowing these two key power train components
allow the Caterpillar Electronic Monitoring System to communicate has provided some major
alarm to activate with less pressure drop at higher improvements in component life and operator
engine speeds, decreasing the risk of engine damage. comfort.

• Throttle Backup. In case of throttle signal failure,

a backup switch is available for “limp home.”

10 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Power Train

Control Throttle Shifting Directional Shift Management

Transmission Output Torque (N-M)

Shift without CTS

HP/sq. in.

Shift with CTS

Clutch Power (HP/Square Inch)

Shift without CTS

Shift with CTS


Reductions in transmission output torque and clutch power through Controlled Throttle Shifting. Neutral>1 Neutral>Reverse 1>Reverse Reverse>1 Automatic Shift

Control Throttle Shifting. Transmission life is a

No Control Control Enabled

function of two items: the number of shifts and

the level of stress on the transmission during each Directional Shift Management. The objective of
shift. The Control Throttle Shift feature reduces Directional Shift Management is to reduce drive
considerably the stress on the power train and the line torque spikes and transmission clutch energy
clutch energy and wear by electronically controlling spikes. If shifts are made from reverse to forward,
engine speed during shifting. This provides smoother or if shifts are made from neutral to reverse or
shifts, reduces operator fatigue and improves power forward at high engine speed, high torque spikes
train component life. can be generated. These spikes can result in
accelerated transmission wear and/or premature
• The TCC sends a signal to the ECM, letting final drive or differential failures.
it know the transmission is preparing
to change gears. Directional Shift Management electronically
prevents these high torque levels, reducing
• During an upshift, the ECM reduces engine the potential for abuse and related drive line
throttle for a fraction of a second. This reduces component failures. In operation, whenever
the torque created by the engine and allows the shift cane passes through neutral and the
the transmission and lockup clutches to engine speed is above 1,350 rpm, the transmission
engage smoothly. sends a signal to the ECM to momentarily reduce
the engine throttle while the transmission shifts.
• During a downshift, the opposite strategy This prevents the operator from abusing the
is used to increase the engine throttle for machine and leads to improved component life.
a fraction of a second. This speeds up the
engine and allows the transmission speed to
synchronize for a smoother shift.

• The benefits of Control Throttle Shifting extend

beyond the transmission. The reduced torque
levels also lead to improved life of the driveshaft,
differential, axles and final drives. This means
lower maintenance costs and, therefore,
decreased cost per ton.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 11

Power Train

Neutral Coast Inhibiting. When the transmission is • Lock-up clutch counter. Log a maximum of
in gear and the shift lever is placed in NEUTRAL, 1.2 million counts for each transmission gear
the machine will remain in gear until the machine position. To log an additional count, the transmission
travel speed has been reduced from the lL to gear switch position must change and hold the new
lC shift point (Lockup to Converter drive) position for 0.5 seconds. It also logs a maximum
[(approximately 8 km/h (5 mph)]. of 12 million counts for the torque converter lockup
clutch counter.
At approximately 8 km/h (5 mph), the
Transmission/Chassis ECM will shift the • Machine overspeed. If the operator positions
transmission to NEUTRAL. Keeping the the shift lever in the maximum gear available
transmission in gear above 8 km/h (5 mph) will position, an action lamp will illuminate and an
discourage high-speed coasting in NEUTRAL. alarm will sound at 2,100 rpm. If engine speed
High-speed coasting in NEUTRAL can reduce exceeds 2,300 rpm, the Transmission/Chassis
transmission life. This function does not prevent ECM will unlock the torque converter to protect
coasting in NEUTRAL, but makes it more the engine. After the torque converter is unlocked,
difficult. if engine speed again exceeds 2,300 rpm, an event
will be logged by the Transmission/Chassis ECM
The operator CAN COAST in NEUTRAL if he as a “Machine Overspeed” event.
starts down a hill in NEUTRAL and travel speed
is below 8 km/h (5 mph). If the operator does coast • Transmission overspeed. Records when the
in NEUTRAL, at speeds above 19.3 km/h (12 mph), machine travels faster than 16 km/h (10 mph)
engine speed will increase to 1,300 rpm and an while in neutral.
event will be logged by the Transmission/Chassis
ECM as “Coasting In Neutral.” This information • Body up counter. Records the number of times
can be reviewed using the ET Service Tool. the body has been raised.

Shifts to REVERSE from a Forward Gear are Power Train Intelligence. Many other electronic
inhibited until travel speed is below 4.8 km/h power train features are used in the 777D Truck:
(3 mph).
• Reverse Shift Inhibitor. Prevents shifts into reverse
Event Memory. The TCC records machine when forward ground speeds are in excess of
management data, which can be accessed using 4.8 kph (3 mph). This protects the transmission
the ET service tool. The information retrieved from high shock loads created by abusive
can be useful in identifying operator abuse and directional shifts.
planning haul road design. The information
recorded includes: • Body Raise Interlock. Automatically shifts the
transmission into neutral if the truck body is
• Shift Histograms. Record the number of shifts in being raised and the transmission is in reverse.
and out of every gear – up to one million for each The transmission will remain in neutral until the
upshift/downshift. shift lever has been cycled in and out of neutral.
Forward travel is not affected.
• Operator induced events. Record attempts to
coast in neutral and engine overspeed.

12 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Power Train

• Rapid Downshift Function (Shift Hunting • Body Up-Shift Limiter. Prevents the transmission
Prevention). During normal shifting, the ECM from shifting above a programmed gear without
does not allow a turnaround shift for 2.3 seconds the body fully lowered. This allows the machine
after a shift occurs. A turnaround shift is an opposite to move forward, but limits speed to prevent
shift from the previous shift. For example, a downshift excessive frame racking. It also serves as a
is prevented for 2.3 seconds after an upshift and reminder to the operator that the body is up to
an upshift is prevented for 2.3 seconds after help prevent unsafe operation of high speed
a downshift. This turnaround time delay allows travel with the body raised. The shift limiter is
conditions to stabilize before an opposite shift. shipped with first gear programmed, but can be
The delay prevents hunting between gears. programmed up to third gear. An indicator light on
the dash notifies the operator when the body is up.
The ECM overrides the turnaround time
delay when the operator applies the brakes. Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). The Cat ET
Downshifts now occur immediately as a result is a Microsoft Windows™ based software program,
of the decreasing transmission output speed. which provides the capability to access the ECM
This function is provided in case the operator is and Transmission/Chassis control ECM. Some of
required to make a sudden stop. the diagnostic and programming functions that the
service tools can perform are:
• Engine Overspeed Protection. The transmission
will upshift one gear beyond the selected gear to • Display the real time status of the input and
avoid engine overspeed. If the top gear is selected, output parameters.
the lockup clutch will disengage. An engine overspeed
event will be logged and can be retrieved with • Display the internal clock hour reading.
the ET tool. • Display the number of occurrences and the
hour reading of the first and last occurrence
• Top Gear Limit. Field programmable from for each logged diagnostic code and event.
fourth to seventh by use of the ET service tool.
The Transmission/Chassis ECM comes from • Display the definition for each logged
the factory set to the maximum gear available diagnostic code and event.
(seventh gear). The transmission will never shift
to a gear above the programmed top gear. • Display the supply and control solenoid
engagement counter.
• Hoist SNUB position. A fifth position of the hoist
• Program the ARC control speed.
valve is called the SNUB position. The operator
does not have control over the SNUB position. • Perform ARC diagnostic tests.
The body up switch controls the SNUB position
of the hoist valve. When the body is lowered, • Upload new Flash files.
just before the body contacts the frame, the
Transmission/Chassis ECM signals the hoist
solenoids to move the hoist valve spool to the
SNUB position. In the SNUB position, the body
float speed is reduced to prevent hard contact of
the body with the frame.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 13

Additional Machine Features

Brake Design. Cat oil-cooled disc brakes are

designed with large discs and plates for reliable,
adjustment-free operation and performance.
Brakes are completely enclosed and sealed to
prevent contamination and reduce maintenance.

Long Life. An oil film prevents direct contact

between the discs. This design absorbs the braking
forces by shearing the oil molecules and carrying
heat away to extend brake life.

Dry Front Caliper Disc Brakes. Disc brakes fitted

on front wheels as standard fitment.

Pistons. The Caterpillar two-piston design combines

the service, secondary, parking brake and retarding
functions in the same system. The primary piston
hydraulically actuates both service and retarding
Wheel Groups. functions. The secondary piston is spring-applied
and held in the disengaged position by hydraulic
Spindle and Bearings. With the laser hardened pressure. If hydraulic system pressure drops below
spindle and improved bearings, the wheel bearing a specified level, the spring-applied secondary
adjustment and oil change can be carried out at piston automatically applies the brakes.
4,000 hours interval with FDAO oil.
Parking Brake. Oil-cooled, spring applied,
Brakes. Reliable braking with superior control hydraulically released parking brake is applied to
gives the operator the confidence to focus on rear wheels for superior parking capability on all
productivity. grades up to 15 percent.

Integrated Braking System. The Cat oil-cooled Hours of Operation Before Refuel
braking system delivers reliable performance and Entire Tank 10% Reserve
control in the most extreme haul road conditions. 30% Load Factor 22.2 20
The integrated system combines the service, 40% Load Factor 16.6 15
secondary, parking brake and retarding functions
in the same robust system for optimum braking Fuel Tank. The fuel tank capacity is 1137 liters
efficiency. (300 gal) with an optional tank of 1325 liters
(350 gal) providing sufficient operating time
Rear Oil-Cooled Multiple Disc Brakes. Caterpillar at the required horsepower.
rear-wheel, forced oil-cooled, multiple disc service
brakes are continuously cooled by water-to-oil Hydraulic System Hoist Pressure. Hoist Pressure
heat exchangers for exceptional, nonfade braking has been increased to 18,962 kPa (2,750 psi). This
and retarding performance. increase accommodates the higher load capability
of the 777D.

14 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Additional Machine Features

Tires. The standard 27.00R49 radial tires on

the 777D provide the capacity for a 163 360 kg
(360,143 lb) GMW. Bias ply 27.00-49 tires can
still be used, but the GMW must be adjusted to
meet the tire load carrying capability — consult
the tire manufacturer for load capabilities. Bias or
radial 24.00-49 tires will not be available on the 777D.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 15

Truck Body Systems

Truck Body Systems. Cat designed and built for rugged performance and reliability in the toughest
hauling applications.

Body Design. Cat truck bodies are designed

for optimal strength, capacity and durability.
Wear surfaces are equipped to handle even the
toughest impact and abrasion over the long haul
without diminishing capacity.

• Five-Sided Beams join the sidewall and floor

junctions for increased body rigidity and

• Wide Ribs in body floor provide increased

durability and impact support.

• Full-Length Stringers create strength and

rigidity throughout the bed.

• Box Section Beams offer increased durability

in the floor, sidewall, top rail, corner, and cab
canopy areas.
Body/Chassis Integration. Caterpillar truck bodies
are designed and matched with the integrated • Wide Body Design provides complete coverage
chassis system for optimum structural reliability, of tires, eliminating the need for rock deflectors.
durability and long life.

Electronic Hoist Control. Provides the operator with

better control of the load when dumping, including
over-center load control and modulated control
throughout the operating range. The automatic
body snubbing feature reduces impact on the frame,
hoist cylinders and operator.

Fast Hoist Cycle Times. Two-stage hoist cylinders

provide fast dump cycle times of 15 seconds for
raise and 13 seconds for lower.

Body Capacity. Body capacity is capable of

accommodating the GMW and corresponding
payload capability. The body has an SAE 2.1
capacity of 60.1 m3 (78.6 yd3). The body design
allows the 992G to effectively load the 777D.
The body is designed to provide a 100 ton
(91 tonne) payload based on 1720 kg/BCM
material at an 87 percent fill factor.

16 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Truck Body Systems

Body Liners. Liner options are available to

save weight and help extend the system’s life.
Liner material is a 400 BHN through hardened
9140 kg/cm2 (130,000 psi) yield strength steel,
which provides excellent impact and wear resistance.

Canopy. The canopy, along with Arm guard,

has excellent coverage to protect the cowlings
and cabin.

Dual Slope Body. The advanced dual-slope

body design with V-shaped floor increases load
retention, maintains a low center of gravity,
reduces shock loading, and maintains optimum
load distribution on steep inclines and in
challenging haul road conditions.

• Reinforced, rolled steel top rail increases body

strength and protects the body from damage
caused by the loading tool or falling material

• 8 degree “V” reduces shock loading and centers

the load.

• 10 degree forward body slope and 18 degree

ducktail slope helps retain loads on steep grades.

• Maintains a load height of 4380 mm (14 ft 3 in)

for faster, more confident loading.

• 60.1 m\dS3\dnS (78.6 yd\dS3\dnS) capacity

allows operators to achieve rated payload in
2,900 lb/BCY material.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 17

Operator’s Station

Operator’s Station. Ergonomically designed for operator comfort, superior control and high productivity.

Operator and Trainer Seats. The 777D is equipped

with the standard Caterpillar Air Suspended seat,
which provides increased operator comfort and
increased durability. The seat offers 76 mm (3 inch)
height adjustment with 176 mm (7 inch) total
travel and an additional right side arm rest.
The comfortable trainer’s seat provides ample
space between the transmission console and
the door to the trainer. The wide seat, has a
retractable seat belt and is Polyester type fabric
covered. The seat cushion tilts forward for access
to the storage compartment below.

Center Console. The transmission gear lever

provides a better grip and feel for the operator.
The gear numbers are backlit for improved
visibility in low light operation and the console
cover provide a good view of gear selection.
Ergonomic Layout. Caterpillar has been the
industry leader in cab design using a four The console cover has been designed for easy
post Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) modification to mount a CB or two way radio.
structure which provides superior protection A cup holder is mounted on the right side of the
compared to other designs. With the new 777D transmission console.
cab, Caterpillar sets another industry standard
for cab design – this time for ergonomics and Doors and Instrument Panel. The ABS plastic dash
operator comfort. The cab body has been widened board and door panels provide a more modern look
160 mm (6.3 inches), providing for a 14 percent and make cleaning easier. The instrument panel
increase in overall spaciousness (+15 ft3) and is designed to provide outstanding ergonomics.
ten percent more glass area. The interior has The controls are now all located within easy reach
been changed to the dawn gray color scheme for of the operator. Controls are clearly labeled and
improved aesthetics and to enhance the feeling lighted for nighttime operation.
of spaciousness. The controls and layout provide
Steering Column. A three-spoke “Sport,” padded
greater operator comfort and convenience with a
steering wheel provides a comfortable grip.
more automotive feel, yet maintain Caterpillar’s
The adjustable steering column is treated with
high standards for function and durability.
a non-metallic cover.

Ventilation System. The cab features improved

ducting and a four-speed fan, which creates
greater airflow control for operator comfort.
A total of nine vents are used to direct airflow
throughout the cab.

18 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Operator’s Station

HVAC System (Optional). The air conditioner • A 24 volt cigarette lighter is located on the
is conveniently located at the front of the cab. dash to the left of the steering wheel and there
This provides improved serviceability and increased also is an ashtray.
cab storage space. The automotive style heating
and air conditioning controls are located on the • The hoist lever is designed for easier operator
dash panel within easy reach of the operator. reach.

• The air valves and numerous electrical

Storage Space. Large storage space is provided components in the rear of cab are assembled
in the cab making it convenient to store a parts on removable panels for ease of assembly and
and service manual, lunch box, thermos and other maintenance.
personal items. A tie down strap is also included.
A storage “pocket” is located in the right side • Paddle-type door handles on the outside of the
door and more storage is located below the cab doors are mounted flush with the cab door.
EMS display.
• The removable center console cover allows
Radio Ready Roof and Headliner. The roof and easier “reworking” to accommodate a
headliner are designed to accommodate a radio. communications radio.
Wiring and speakers are standard and installation
of the radio is the only requirement. The headliner Caterpillar Electronic Monitoring System (EMS).
provides mounting for the TPMS display (if The 777D will incorporate the new Caterpillar
equipped). The dome light is located toward the Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) that
center of the cab to provide better lighting for the continuously watches machine systems. The system
operator. is a flexible, modular monitoring system, which
includes a message center module, a speedometer/
Body-Up and Reverse Gear Indicators. An indicator tachometer module, a four gauge module, various
light on the dash notifies the operator when the body switches and sensors, an action lamp and an
is up. There also is a light to notify the operator action alarm.
when the transmission is in reverse.
The message center module is the heart of the EMS
Instrumentation. The Caterpillar Electronic system because it receives information from the
Monitoring System (EMS) is standard equipment. switches, sensors and other electronic controls on
See the EMS section for further details. the machine via the Cat Data Link. The message
center module processes all of this information
Other. and activates various outputs. These outputs could
be in the display portion of the message center
• A 12 volt/5 amp power port is located behind module, gauge cluster module, speedometer/
the operator’s seat next to the fuse panel. tachometer module, action lamp and/or action
The port provides a power supply for a laptop alarm. The display components show the operator
computer. This port is a handy feature when the condition of the systems and each system’s
using the laptop for the Electronic Technician diagnostic information.
(ET) or downloading information from
the TPMS.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 19

Operator’s Station

Message Center Module Display. The outputs in • Primary steering flow

the message center module display are alert indicators
and the message area. The alert indicators notify • Check engine indicator
the operator of abnormal machine conditions. • Parking brake
The message center module uses the status of the
switch inputs, sender inputs and/or sensor inputs • Service engine
to determine when an abnormal condition is
present. Then the message center module flashes • Engine coolant flow
the appropriate alert indicator. The pictograph
• Torque converter oil temperature
symbol of the flashing alert indicator identifies
the responsible machine system. When an alert • Inlet air restriction
indicator flashes, an abnormal condition exists.
The system has three alert levels: • Transmission oil filter restriction

• Level one alerts the operator to an abnormal Message Area. The message area contains a row
machine condition by a gauge in the red zone of six digits, a decimal point between certain
and/or a flashing alert indicator. digits, six text symbols (units of measure),
an “x10” (times 10) symbol and a service
• Level two will cause the master alert indicator meter symbol that are used to show machine
to light in addition to the message center alert system conditions and other service and setup
indicator. A level two warning indicates that information. The type of information shown
immediate operator action is necessary. on the screen depends on the message center
• Level three adds an alert buzzer, indicating operating mode.
that immediate machine shutdown is necessary.
There are seven different EMS modes of

Normal Mode. The default (Normal Mode) is

accessible to the operator on the dash display.
The Normal Mode has five different functions
available through a dashboard-mounted rocker

• Service Meter. The message module keeps track

of the total number of hours the machine has

Ten Alert Indicator Lights.

• Engine oil pressure

• Battery charging system

20 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Operator’s Station

• Odometer. This mode will display on the six- Log Mode. When in Log Mode, each of the gauges
digit readout the total distance the machine has in the four-gauge cluster will display the highest
traveled. The units indicator will show MILES or lowest recorded condition and the speedometer
or KM depending on the units of measure. and tachometer will display the highest recorded
values. Alert indicators will light when an
• Digital Tachometer. This displays the engine abnormal condition exists.
speed in RPM on the six digit display.
Units Mode. This is used to toggle between U.S.
• Load Counter. This displays the number of loads and Metric units of measure.
since last reset by the operator. The system counts
the number of times the body has been raised and Permanent Load Counter. This mode displays
is resettable. the total number of times the body is raised.
Unlike the Load Counter in Normal Mode,
• Digital Scrolling. Service personnel or the this can not be reset.
operator can view the faults that the message
center has detected. Faults from other machine
systems (ECM, TCC, etc.) that are attached to the
Cat Data Link are shown in this mode. The faults
remain stored for future reference.

Other modes. The other modes are used primarily

for servicing and are accessed through toggle
switches to the right rear of the operator seat.

The other modes include:

• Harness Code Mode. This displays the

recognized machine model.

Numeric Readout Mode. This mode provides

a numerical display to supplement the gauge Gauge Cluster Module. The four gauges show
indicator (i.e. actual temperature will be displayed system air pressure, fuel level, engine coolant
compared to an indicator position on the gauge). temperature and brake oil temperature.

Service Mode. This allows service personnel to

see and to troubleshoot the faults that the message
center has detected. Faults can be placed on hold
or cleared in this mode.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 21

Operator’s Station

Speedometer/Tachometer Module. The speed is

displayed in the three digit display area. The gear
readout consists of two digits, which show the
actual transmission gear engaged. The left digit
shows the actual gear, such as 1, 2, etc. The right
digit shows the direction selected: F, N, or R.
The Tachometer shows engine speed in rpm.

22 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Attachments/Custom Products

The ARC system has been updated to include

automatic engine speed protection, ET service
tool communication capability and improved
communication with the TCC. The automatic
engine overspeed feature will activate even if
the operator has his foot on the accelerator or
the system turned “off”. If engine rpm exceeds
a pre-set limit above the normal control range
Truck Production Management System (TPMS) of the ARC system, ARC will automatically
(Optional). The Caterpillar Truck Production activate, reducing the possibility of an engine
Management System (TPMS) is available on overspeed condition occurring.
777D as an optional attachment. This system is
a site management tool that measures, displays See Feature Module AEDK0075 for more
and records load, dump, haul and idle times, information.
haul and return distances, and machine payloads.
Up to 1,400 cycles can be downloaded into a Traction Control System (TCS). The Traction Control
spreadsheet format. System (TCS) uses the rear parking/secondary
brakes (spring engaged and hydraulically released)
The payload information is available to the to decrease the revolutions of a spinning wheel.
truck operator via a display located in the cab. The TCS allows the tire with better underfoot
In addition, the loader operator is signaled via a conditions to receive an increased amount of torque.
lighting system mounted on the left and right sides The system is controlled by the Brake ECM.
of the machine. This system signals the operator
when one more pass is required. Operation The Brake ECM monitors the drive wheels
management can download all information with through three input signals: one at each drive axle,
a personal computer using a serial port located and one at the transmission output shaft. When a
behind the operator’s seat. spinning drive wheel is detected, the Brake ECM
sends a signal to the selector and proportional
Automatic Retarder Control (ARC). Sensors valves which ENGAGE the brake of the affected
measure engine speed and an electronic control wheel. When the condition has improved and the
modulates the braking system to maintain ratio between the right and left axles returns to
engine speed at a predetermined engine rpm. 1:1, the Brake ECM sends a signal to RELEASE
ARC provides more uniform brake application the brake.
and faster average downhill speeds compared
to manual retarding. While ARC modulates the Integrated Brake Control. IBC is a combination
brakes, the operator may also apply additional of TCS and ARC.
braking force using either the manual retarder or
the service brake pedal. When the operator applies Serial Number. The Serial number prefix for the
the throttle, ARC is overridden. An auto resume new 777D Truck is FKR.
feature reactivates the control.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 23

Technical Specifications

Engine Transmission
Engine Model Cat® 3508B EUI Forward 1 10.5 km/h 6.5 mph
Gross Power – SAE J1995 746 kW 1,000 hp Forward 2 14.3 km/h 8.9 mph
Net Power – SAE J1349 699 kW 938 hp Forward 3 19.3 km/h 12 mph
Net Power – Cat 699 kW 938 hp Forward 4 26 km/h 16.2 mph
Flywheel Power 699 kW 938 hp Forward 5 34.9 km/h 21.9 mph
Net Power – ISO 9249 699 kW 938 hp Forward 6 46.6 km/h 29.4 mph
Net Power – 80/1269/EEC 699 kW 938 hp Forward 7 60.4 km/h 39.9 mph
Peak Torque 4713 N·m 3,476 lb ft Reverse 11.9 km/h 7.4 mph
Torque Rise 23%
• Maximum travel speeds with standard 27.00-R49 tires.
Bore 170 mm 6.7 in
Stroke 190 mm 7.5 in
Displacement 34.5 L 2,105 in3 Final Drives
• Net power advertised is the power available at rated Differential Ratio 2.74:1
speed of 1,750 rpm, measured at the flywheel when the Planetary Ratio 7.00:1
engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler and
Total Reduction Ratio 19.16:1
• Ratings based on standard air conditions of 25° C (77° F) • Planetary, full-floating.
and 99 kPa (29.32 Hg) dry barometer. Power based on
fuel having API gravity of 35 at 16° C (60° F) and an LHV
of 42,780 kJ/kg (18,390 BTU/lb) when engine used at Brakes
30° C (86° F).
• No engine derating required up to 2288 m (7,500 ft) Brake Surface – Front 2787 cm2 432 in2
altitude. Brake Surface – Rear 102 116 cm2 15,828 in2
• Meets U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tier I
emissions standards.
• Meets ISO 3450:1996 standards up to 163 293 kg
(360,000 lb) gross operating weight.

Weights – Approximate
Body Hoists
Target Gross Machine 163 360 kg 360,143 lb
Operating Weight Pump Flow – High Idle 498 L/min 131.5 gal/min
Operating Weight – empty 64 670 kg 142,573 lb Relief Valve Setting – Raise 18 962 kPa 2,750 psi
Relief Valve Setting – Lower 18 950 kPa 3,450 psi
Body Raise Time – High Idle 15 Seconds
Operating Specifications Body Lower Time – Float 13 Seconds
Body Power Down – High Idle 13 Seconds
Nominal Payload Capacity 90.4 tonnes 100 tons
Body Capacity – Struck 42.1 m3 55.06 yd3
Body Capacity – SAE 2:1 60.1 m3 78.6 yd3 Capacity – Dual Slope – 100% fill factor
• Refer to the Caterpillar 10/10/20 Payload Guidelines. Struck 42.1 m3 55 yd3
Heaped 2:1 (SAE) 60.1 m3 78.6 yd3

24 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Technical Specifications

Weight Distributions – Approximate ROPS

Front Axle – Empty 47% ROPS/FOPS Standards SAE J1040 MAY94,
Front Axle – Loaded 33% ISO 3471:1997
Rear Axle – Empty 53%
• ROPS (Rollover Protective Structure) for cab offered by
Rear Axle – Loaded 67% Caterpillar meets SAE J1040 MAY94 and ISO 3471:1997
Level II ROPS criteria.

Effective Cylinder Stroke 318 mm 12.5 in
– Front Sound Standards ANSI/SAE J1166 MAY90,
Effective Cylinder Stroke 165 mm 6.5 in
– Rear • The operator sound exposure Leq (equivalent sound
Rear Axle Oscillation 5.4 Degrees pressure level) measured according to work cycle
procedures specified in ANSI/SAE J1166 MAY90 is
78 dB(A) for cab offered by Caterpillar, when properly
Approximate Weights – Dual Slope installed and maintained and tested with doors and
windows closed.
Empty vehicle 64 670 kg 142,573 lb • The exterior sound pressure level for the standard
Chassis 46 600 kg 107,144 lb machine measured at a distance of 15 m (49 ft) according
Body 16 070 kg 35,428 lb to the test procedures specified in SAE J88 JUN86, mid-
gear moving operation is 90 dB(A).
• Hearing protection may be needed when operating with
an open operator station and cab (when not properly
Service Refill Capacities maintained or doors/windows open) for extended
periods or in a noisy environment.
Fuel Tank 1137 L 300 gal
Cooling System 268 L 71 gal
Crankcase 125 L 33 gal Steering
Differentials and Final Drives 306 L 81 gal
Steering Standards SAE J1511 OCT90,
Steering Tank 40 L 11 gal
ISO 5010:1992 (E)
Torque Converter/Brake/ 220 L 58 gal
Hoist Hydraulic Tank • Turning diameter on front wheel track with standard
Torque Converter/ 81 L 21.5 gal tires: 25.3 m (83 ft).
Transmission System • Machine clearance turning circle: 28.4 m (93 ft 2 in).
• Steering angle, left or right: 30.5 degrees.
• Separate hydraulic system prevents cross
Tires contamination.

Standard Tire 27.00-R49 (E4) Tire

• Productive capabilities of the 777D truck are such that,

under certain job conditions, TKPH (TMPH) capabilities
of standard or optional tires could be exceeded and,
therefore, limit production.
• Caterpillar recommends the customer evaluate all job
conditions and consult the tire manufacturer for proper
tire selection.

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 25

All dimensions are approximate. (Shown with dual slope body)


9 14

8 16

5 6




Dual Slope Dual Slope

1 Height to Top of ROPS – Full 4472 mm 14 ft 8 in 11 Operating Width 6105 mm 20 ft
1 Height to Top of ROPS – Empty 4567 mm 15 ft 12 Centerline Front Tire Width 4173 mm 13 ft 8 in
2 Overall Body Length 9525 mm 31 ft 3 in 13 Overall Front Tire Width 4961 mm 16 ft 3 in
3 Inside Body Length 7234 mm 23 ft 9 in 14 Engine Guard Clearance – Empty 700 mm 2 ft 4 in
4 Overall Length 9780 mm 32 ft 1 in 15 Overall Canopy Width 6048 mm 19 ft 10 in
5 Wheelbase 4570 mm 15 ft 16 Outside Body Width 5524 mm 18 ft 2 in
6 Rear Axle to Tail 3020 mm 9 ft 11 in 17 Inside Body Width 5200 mm 17 ft 1 in
7 Dump Clearance – Empty 1164 mm 3 ft 10 in 18 Front Canopy Height – Empty 5147 mm 16 ft 10 in
7 Dump Clearance – Loaded 1062 mm 3 ft 6 in 18 Front Canopy Height – Loaded 5045 mm 16 ft 6 in
8 Loading Height – Empty 4380 mm 14 ft 4 in 19 Rear Axle Clearance – Empty 750 mm 2 ft 6 in
9 Inside Body Depth – Max 1898 mm 6 ft 3 in 20 Centerline Rear Dual Tire Width 3576 mm 11 ft 9 in
10 Overall Height – Body Raised 10 059 mm 33 ft 21 Overall Rear Dual Tire Width 5262 mm 17 ft 3 in

26 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007


To determine gradeability performance: Read from gross horizontally to the curve with the highest obtainable gear, then
weight down to the percent of total resistance. Total resistance down to maximum speed. Usable rimpull will depend upon
equals actual percent grade plus 1% for each 10 kg/t (20 lb/ton) traction available and weight on drive wheels.
of rolling resistance. From this weight-resistance point, read

Typical Field Empty Weight

163 360 kg (360,143 lb) Load
Gross Weight
20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 kg x 1000

50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 lb x 1000

kg x lb x
1000 1000
50 120
100 1st Gear E L
40 30% 20%
30 70
1st Gear 15%
20 50 12%
2nd Gear 10%


30 3rd Gear 8%
4th Gear 6%
5th Gear 4%

5 6th Gear
7th Gear 2%


0.30 Torque Converter Drive
Direct Drive
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 km/h

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 27

Retarding Performance

Gross Weight
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 lb x 1000

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 kg x 1000




1st Gear 15%
2nd Gear

3rd Gear 10%

4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear 7th Gear 5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance — 450 m (1500 ft.)

Gross Weight
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 lb x 1000

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 kg x 1000



1st Gear 15%

2nd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear
7th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance — 600 m (2000 ft.)

28 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Retarding Performance

Gross Weight
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 lb x 1000

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 kg x 1000




1st Gear 15%

2nd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear 7th Gear 5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance — 900 m (3000 ft.)

Gross Weight
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 lb x 1000

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 kg x 1000



1st Gear
2nd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear 5%
7th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Grade Distance — 1500 m (5000 ft.)

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 29

Retarding Performance

To determine retarding performance: Add lengths of all cooling capacity. The following charts are based on these
downhill segments and, using this total, refer to proper conditions: 32° C (90° F) ambient temperature, at sea level,
retarding chart. Read from gross weight down to the percent with 27.00-R49 tires.
effective grade. Effective grade equals actual % grade minus NOTE: Select the proper gear to maintain engine rpm at the highest
1% for each 10 kg/t (20 lb/ton) of rolling resistance. From this possible level, without overspeeding the engine. If cooling oil
weight-effective grade point, read horizontally to the curve overheats, reduce ground speed to allow transmission to shift to
with the highest obtainable gear, then down to maximum the next lower speed range.
descent speed brakes can properly handle without exceeding

Typical Field Empty Weight

Gross Machine Operating Weight
163 360 kg (360,143 lb)

Gross Weight
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 lb x 1000

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 kg x 1000




1st Gear

2nd Gear
3rd Gear

4th Gear

5th Gear 5%
6th Gear 7th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph
Continuous Grade Length

30 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007

Standard Equipment
Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.

Air Line Dryer Gauges

Alternator (100-amp) Actual Gear Indicator
Alarm, Back-up Air Cleaner Service Indicator
Batteries, 190-amp hour, 12-volt (4) Air Pressure
Battery Disconnect Switch, ground level Body Down Indicator
Body Mounting Group Brake Oil Temperature
Body Safety Pins Coolant Temperature
Body Up Reverse Inhibitor Engine Overspeed Indicator
Braking System Fuel Level
Brake Disconnect Switch, front Hour Meter
Brake Heat Exchanger Load Counter, automatic
Brake Release Motor for Towing Odometer
Oil-Cooled Multiple Disc Brakes (rear) Speedometer
Parking Brake Tachometer
Retarder Lighting System
Secondary Brake Auxiliary Jump Start Receptacle
Cab, ROPS Back-up Lights
Coat Hook Directional Signals and Hazard Warning, LED
Diagnostic Connector Port, 24-volt Dome/Courtesy Light
Electronic Monitoring System III Headlights, Halogen, with dimmer
Hoist Lever, finger tip-actuated Stop and Tail Lights, LED
Horn, air Mirrors, right/left
Insulated and Sound-Suppressed Reservoirs (separate)
Power Port, 24-volt Brake/Converter/Hoist
Product Link Ready Steering
Radio Ready, 5-amp converter, speakers, antenna, wiring Transmission/Torque Converter
Seat, Caterpillar Comfort, full air suspension Rims, 19.5 2 49
Seat Belts, 75 mm (3 in) wide retractable Rock Ejectors
Seat, Passenger Service Platform, bolt-on
Steering Wheel, tilt, padded, telescopic Supplemental Steering, automatic
Storage Compartment Tires, 27.00-R49, radial
Sun Visor Tow Hooks, front
Tinted Glass Tow Pin, rear
Window, electric (operator) Transmission
Coolant, Extended Life, –35° C (–30° F) 7-Speed Automatic Power Shift, electronic control
Crankcase Guard Body-up Shift Limiter
Drive line Guard Controlled Throttle Shifting
Electrical System, 24-volt Directional Shift Management
Engine Downshift/Reverse Shift Inhibitor
Cat 3508B Electronic Unit Injection Economy Shift Mode
8-Cylinder Diesel Engine Overspeed Protection
Turbocharged Reverse Neutralizer During Dumping
Aftercooled Neutral Coast Inhibitor
Air Cleaner with Precleaner (2) Neutral Start Switch
Automatic Cold Mode Idle Control Programmable Top Gear Selection
Electric Start Vandalism Protection Locks
Engine Shutdown Switch, ground level Windshield Wipers and Washer, electric intermittent
Starting Aid, Ether
Filters, Spin-on

July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 31

Optional Equipment
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.

Air Conditioning Lubrication Group – Automatic

Automatic Retarder Control (ARC), dry Muffler
Body Tail End Liner Muffler/Exhaust Diverter
Dual Slope Wiggins Service Center
Fuel Fast Fill Adapter
Fuel Tank
Integrated Braking Control (IBC), dry
Combines Traction Control System (TCS) and Automatic
Retarder Control (ARC) into one system.

Weight/Payload Calculation*

Dual Slope Dual Slope w/Liner

CHASSIS kg lb kg lb
Empty Chassis Weight + 10% fuel 48 600 107,144 48 600 107,144
Fuel Correction (90% × 300 × 7.1 lb/gal) 870 1,918 870 1,918
Optional Attachments Weight Debris Allowance
(4% of chassis weight) +1944 +4,286 +1944 +4,286
Total Chassis Weight 51 414 113,347 51 414 113,347
Body Weight 16 070 35,428 16 070 35,428
Body Attachment Weights 5 432 11,975
Total Body Weight +16 070 +35,428 +21 502 +47,403

Total Empty Operating Weight 67 484 148,775 72 916 160,751

Target Payload +95 876 +211,368 +90 444 +199,393

Gross Machine Operating Weight 163 360 360,143 163 360 360,143

* Refer to Caterpillar’s 10/10/20 Payload Policy for Quarry and Construction Trucks.

32 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007


July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 33


34 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks July 2007


July 2007 Cat 777D Off-Highway Trucks 35

For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us
on the web at

TEJB9288 (07-2007)
© 2007 Caterpillar Inc.
All rights reserved
Printed in the U.S.A.

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in may
include additional equipment. See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.
CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the POWER EDGE trade
dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and
may not be used without permission.

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