2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference
2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference
2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference
Objective: In 1991, the American College of Chest Physicians and symptoms of sepsis, cell markers, cytokines, microbiologic
(ACCP) and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) convened a data, and coagulation parameters. The subgroups corresponded
“Consensus Conference,” the goals of which were “to provide a electronically before the conference and met in person during the
conceptual and a practical framework to define the systemic inflam- conference. A spokesperson for each group presented the delib-
matory response to infection, which is a progressive injurious pro- eration of each group to all conference participants during a
cess that falls under the generalized term ‘sepsis’ and includes plenary session. A writing committee was formed at the confer-
sepsis-associated organ dysfunction as well.” The general defini- ence and developed the current article based on executive sum-
tions introduced as a result of that conference have been widely used mary documents generated by each group and the plenary group
in practice and have served as the foundation for inclusion criteria for presentations. The present article serves as the final report of the
numerous clinical trials of therapeutic interventions. Nevertheless, 2001 International Sepsis Definitions Conference.
there has been an impetus from experts in the field to modify these Conclusion: This document reflects a process whereby a group
definitions to reflect our current understanding of the pathophysiol- of experts and opinion leaders revisited the 1992 sepsis guide-
ogy of these syndromes. lines and found that apart from expanding the list of signs and
Design: Several North American and European intensive care symptoms of sepsis to reflect clinical bedside experience, no
societies agreed to revisit the definitions for sepsis and related evidence exists to support a change to the definitions. This lack
conditions. This conference was sponsored by the SCCM, The of evidence serves to underscore the challenge still present in
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), The Amer- diagnosing sepsis in 2003 for clinicians and researchers and also
ican College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), the American Thoracic provides the basis for introducing PIRO as a hypothesis-generat-
Society (ATS), and the Surgical Infection Society (SIS). ing model for future research. (Crit Care Med 2003; 31:1250 –1256)
Methods: The conference was attended by 29 participants KEY WORDS: sepsis; severe sepsis; septic shock; systemic in-
from Europe and North America. In advance of the conference, flammatory response syndrome; PIRO
five subgroups were formed to evaluate the following areas: signs
n 1991, the American College of sepsis-associated organ dysfunction as The 1992 statement from the ACCP/
Chest Physicians (ACCP) and the well” (1). Conference participants, under SCCM Consensus Conference introduced
Society of Critical Care Medicine the chairmanship of Roger C. Bone, MD, into common parlance the Systemic In-
(SCCM) convened a “Consensus sought to provide a broad series of defi- flammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS).
Conference” in an attempt “to provide a nitions that might ultimately improve The acronym provided a reference for the
conceptual and a practical framework to our collective ability to diagnose, moni- complex findings that result from a sys-
define the systemic inflammatory re- tor, and treat sepsis. Bone et al. also temic activation of the innate immune re-
sponse to infection, which is a progres- addressed the need for a formal sepsis sponse, regardless of cause. The statement
sive injurious process that falls under the research agenda to include the “standard- hypothesized that SIRS is triggered by lo-
generalized term ‘sepsis’ and includes ization of research protocols.” calized or generalized infection, trauma,
From Brown Medical School/Rhode Island Hospital, ment of Intensive Care, Erasme University Hospital, Brus- Malangoni, MD; John C. Marshall, MD; George Matus-
Medical Intensive Care Unit, Providence, RI (MML); Uni- sels, Belgium (J-LV); Department of Surgery, University chak, MD, FCCP; Steven M. Opal, MD; Joseph E. Parrillo,
versity of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Division of Critical Hospital, Maastricht, The Netherlands (GR). MD, FCCM, FCCP; Konrad Reinhart, MD; William J. Sib-
Care Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA (MPF, DA); Toronto General Conference participants: Mitchell M. Levy, MD, bald, MD, FCCM, FCCP; Charles L. Sprung, MD, JD,
Hospital, Division of Cellular and Molecular Biology, To- FCCM, FCCP (Co-Chair); Graham Ramsay, MD (Co-Chair); FCCM, FCCP; Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD, FCCM, FCCP;
ronto, Ontario, Canada (JCM); University of Colorado, Edward Abraham, MD, FCCM; Derek Angus, MD, FCCP; Max H. Weil, MD, PhD, FCCM, FCCP.
Health Science Center, Denver, CO (EA); McMaster Uni- Robert Balk, MD, FCCP; Gordon Bernard, MD, FCCP; Address requests for reprints to: Mitchell M. Levy,
versity/St. Joseph’s Hospital, Division of Critical Care Julian Bion, MD; Joseph Carcillo, MD; Jean M. Carlet, MD, Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University School of
Medicine, Ontario, Canada (DC); Division of Investigative MD; Jonathan Cohen, MD; Deborah Cook, MD, FCCP; Medicine, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903.
Sciences, Imperial College of Medicine, London, UK (JC); Jean-François Dhainaut, MD; Tim Evans, MD, FRCP, Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Brown Medical School/Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, FCCP; Mitchell P. Fink, MD, FCCM, FCCP; Donald E. Fry, DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000050454.01978.3B
Infectious Disease Division, Providence, RI (SMO); Depart- MD; Herwig Gerlach, MD, PhD; Steve Lowry, MD; Mark A.
Predisposition Premorbid illness with reduced Genetic polymorphisms in components In the present, premorbid factors impact on
probability of short term of inflammatory response (e.g., TIR, the potential attributable morbidity and
survival. Cultural or TNF, IL-1, CD14); enhanced mortality of an acute insult; deleterious
religious beliefs, age, sex. understanding of specific interactions consequences of insult heavily dependent
between pathogens and host diseases. on genetic predisposition (future).
Insult infection Culture and sensitivity of Assay of microbial products (LPS, Specific therapies directed against inciting
infecting pathogens; mannan, bacterial DNA); gene insult require demonstration and
detection of disease transcript profiles. characterization of that insult.
amenable to source control.
Response SIRS, other signs of sepsis, Nonspecific markers of activated Both mortality risk and potential to respond
shock, CRP. inflammation (e.g., PCT or IL-6) or to therapy vary with nonspecific measures
impaired host responsiveness (e.g., of disease severity (e.g., shock); specific
HLA-DR); specific detection of target mediator-targeted therapy is predicated on
of therapy (e.g., protein C, TNF, PAF). presence and activity of mediator.
Organ dysfunction Organ dysfunction as number Dynamic measures of cellular response Response to preemptive therapy (e.g.,
of failing organs or to insult—apoptosis, cytopathic targeting microorganism or early mediator)
composite score (e.g., hypoxia, cell stress. not possible if damage already present;
MODS, SOFA, LODS, therapies targeting the injurious cellular
PEMOD, PELOD). process require that it be present.
TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; IL, interleukin; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome; CRP,
C-reactive protein; PCT, procalcitonin; HLA-DR, human leukocyte antigen-DR; PAF, platelet-activating factor; MODS, multiple organ dysfunction
syndrome; SOFA, sepsis-related organ failure assessment; LODS, logistic organ dysfunction system; PEMOD, pediatric multiple organ dysfunction; PELOD,
pediatric logistic organ dysfunction.
the patient, the reversibility of concomi- characterize. Putative biologic markers of
tant diseases, and a host of religious and response severity include circulating lev- his document re-
cultural forces that shape the approach els of procalcitonin (16, 33), IL-6 (34, 35),
flects a process
toward therapy. It is also important to and many others. When a new mediator
appreciate that these multiple predispos- is identified, epidemiologic studies will be whereby a group
ing factors could influence both the inci- required to determine whether measure-
dence and the outcome in similar or con- ments of the compound can be useful for of experts and opinion lead-
flicting ways. They could also pose staging patients. Furthermore, the opti-
separate or different risks for each of the mal set of biologic markers for staging ers revisited the 1992 sepsis
different stages of infection, response, sepsis may depend on the nature of the guidelines and found that
and organ dysfunction. For example, im- therapeutic decision to be made. For ex-
munosuppression may increase a per- ample, an indicator of dysregulation of apart from expanding the
son’s risk of infection, decrease the mag- the coagulation system might be more
nitude of that person’s inflammatory valuable for making a decision about list of signs and symptoms of
response, and have no direct influence on whether to institute therapy with dro-
organ dysfunction. Similarly, a genetic trecogin alfa (activated) (36), whereas a
sepsis to reflect clinical bed-
polymorphism such as the TNF2 allele marker of adrenal dysfunction might be side experience, no evidence
may result in a more aggressive inflam- more useful for determining whether to
matory response to an invading organ- institute therapy with hydrocortisone exists to support a change to
ism. This might decrease a person’s risk (37).
of infection but increase that person’s Organ Dysfunction. By analogy with the definitions.
risk of an overly exuberant, and poten- the TNM system, the presence of organ
tially harmful, inflammatory response dysfunction in sepsis is similar to the
should that patient become infected. We presence of metastatic disease in cancer.
encourage researchers to explore further Certainly, the severity of organ dysfunc- tory of sepsis to define those variables
the complex interaction of the multiple tion is an important determinant of prog- that predict not only an adverse outcome
factors that predispose to the onset, nosis in sepsis (19, 38). Whether the se- but also the potential to respond to ther-
stages of progression, and outcome of verity of organ dysfunction can aid in apy. The parameters selected may well
sepsis. therapeutic stratification is less clear. vary depending on the aspect of sepsis
Infection. The site, type, and extent of Nevertheless, there is some evidence that being studied, being different, for exam-
the infection have a significant impact on neutralization of TNF, an early mediator ple, if the focus is the antibiotic treat-
prognosis. A bilateral bronchopneumonia in the inflammatory cascade, is more ef- ment of pneumonia, the evaluation of a
is a more extensive process than a local- fective in patients without significant or- novel inhibitor of tyrosine kinases, or the
ized pneumonia, and a generalized fecal gan dysfunction (39), whereas drotreco- optimizing of microcirculatory flow in
peritonitis is a more extensive process gin alpha (activated) may provide more sepsis. The methodologic challenge is at
than an appendicitis. By studying mortal- benefit to patients with greater as com- least as great as that faced by oncologists,
ity rates among patients randomized to pared with lesser disease burden (40). and the TNM system continues to evolve
receive placebo in recent randomized The modern organ failure scores can be more than half a century after its intro-
clinical trials of new agents for the adju- used to quantitatively describe the degree duction.
vant treatment of sepsis, it is apparent of organ dysfunction developing over the
that pneumonia and intra-abdominal in- course of critical illness (41). CONCLUSIONS
fections are associated with a higher risk The potential utility of the proposed
of mortality than are urinary tract infec- PIRO model lies in being able to discrim- The 2001 conference participants con-
tions. Patients with secondary nosoco- inate morbidity arising from infection vened with the belief that the body of
mial bacteremia experience a higher and morbidity arising from the response bench work since the 1991 sepsis defini-
mortality than those with catheter- to infection. Interventions that modulate tions conference may lead to a major
related or primary bacteremia (28). Sim- the response may impact adversely on the change in the definition of sepsis based
ilarly, there is evidence that the endoge- ability to contain an infection; con- on biomarkers. After a process of evi-
nous host response to Gram-positive versely, interventions that target the in- denced-based review and considerable de-
organisms differs from that evoked by fection are unlikely to be beneficial if the bate, the participants determined that the
Gram-negative organisms (29). Early morbidity impact is being driven by the use of biomarkers for diagnosing sepsis is
studies with antibodies directed against host response. Premorbid conditions es- premature. Given the length and focus of
endotoxin, for example, suggested that tablish a baseline risk, independent of the this article, we did not expand on how the
benefit was greatest in patients with infectious process, while acquired organ problem of defining sepsis has hampered
Gram-negative infection (30) or endotox- dysfunction is an outcome to be pre- progress. We realize that this issue has
emia (31) but that treatment might be vented. long been debated in the medical com-
harmful to patients with Gram-positive The PIRO system is proposed as a tem- munity, and we choose not to elaborate
infection (32). plate for future investigation and is a here.
Response. In general, current thera- work in progress, rather than a model to The primary issue debated was the im-
pies for sepsis target the host response, be adopted. Its elaboration will require portance of an accurate diagnosis of sep-
rather than the infecting organism. The extensive evaluation of the natural his- sis at the bedside when weighed against