Female Labor Force Participation

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George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Tzannatos

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W omen constitute half of any country's human endowment.
In most countries, however, women contribute less than
men toward the value of recorded production—both
quantitatively, in labor force participation, and qualitatively, in ed-
ucational achievement and skills. The underutilization of female
labor has obvious implications for economic welfare and growth.
Several factors, both economic and noneconomic, are responsible
for this. In particular, the participation of women in the labor force
appears to depend much more on the social environment than is the
case for men. This dependency blurs the observed relationship be-
tween female behavior in the labor market and such economic vari-
ables as wages and incomes. This article looks at the conceptual and
statistical limitations of the most widely used term of labor supply:
the labor force participation rate. It then reviews some theories of
women's involvement in paid production and examines the broad
levels, patterns, and trends of female participation rates in different

The labor force participation rate is, as the name suggests, the The Labor
ratio of two numbers. The numerator refers to the individuals who Force
are economically active—the labor force. This number includes those Participation
who are employed and those who are unemployed but seek work. Rate
The denominator consists of those who can work—those already in
the labor force plus the "inactive" population. The inactive popula-

© 1989 The International BankforReconstruction and Development /THE WORLD BANK lo/
tion excludes such "unemployable" persons as children, inmates of
institutions, the disabled, and the elderly.
Although easy to define, estimates of labor force participation
rates are controversial. In practice, the term "labor force" refers to
those engaged directly in paid employment. Thus important seg-
ments of the population contributing to the country's production
are excluded—such as those engaged in unpaid family work or
domestic activities. The problem becomes more important for
women whose activities fall by and large within these two catego-
ries. Although these activities are mostly economic, they are usually
excluded from the analysis either because they escape statistical
collections or because of cultural reluctance to admit them (El Shafei
1960, on the Middle East countries). In addition, national defini-

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tions about unpaid family work differ, and these differences make
cross-country comparisons difficult. For example, in a developing
country (Sri Lanka), all female unpaid family workers are deemed
to be economically active (Central Bank of Ceylon 1974), whereas
in an industrial country (Britain), such workers are at times included
and at times excluded (Bowers 1975).
Two further complications aggravate the problem. First, work is
a flow variable and has to be defined against a period of time. Here,
one has in mind moonlighting, casual, and seasonal work which,
though important, especially for women, often escape statistical
enumeration. Second, it is difficult to establish which unemployed
people are seeking work and which are not. The practice of check-
ing unemployment benefit rolls is an unsatisfactory solution. Some
countries do not have such benefits, and some exclude women from
There are similar shortcomings in the definition of the "poten-
tially employable" population—the denominator of the labor force
participation rate. For example, at what age does a person become
employable? The convention is to use the minimum school-leaving
age. In some countries, however, this requirement does not exist; in
others, it is not rigorously enforced, especially among girls. In the
past there has been practically no limit on child labor (Hobsbawm
1964, Mathias 1969), something also true in many developing
countries today. At the other end of the age spectrum, some coun-
tries' life expectancy exceeds eighty years, while in others it is hardly
more than forty-five years. In addition, unemployability may also
be prevalent during a worker's prime years. For example, in some
developing countries with shortages of food and medical services,
up to 40 percent of working days a year are lost owing to acute
illness or medical conditions (Correa 1963). In addition, childbear-
ing implies that estimates of female participation rates are more

188 Research Observer 4, no. 2 (July 1989)

affected by these considerations than are those of male participation
In conclusion, definitional and measurement problems of the la-
bor force participation rate are particularly pertinent for women.

The obvious interpretation of labor force participation is the per-
centage of the population that works or is willing to work. This is
appropriate for studies concerned with the utilization of labor in the
economy (Rees 1957). So, if a country's female labor force partici-
pation rate is 50 percent, half the female population is working, the
other half not. But this does not mean that half the individuals are
always in the labor force and the rest never. It probably means that

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the same individuals are sometimes in and sometimes out of the
labor force (Mincer 1962). This gives rise to an alternative interpre-
tation of the labor force participation rate—that of probability. In
this example, each person has a 50 percent chance of being in the
labor force at one point in time.
The interpretation of the labor force participation rate as a strict
quantitative measure has been questioned. Heckman and Willis
(1977) found that not being in the labor force at one point in time
is highly correlated with not being in the labor force at any point in
time; hence, the labor force participation rate can also be appropri-
ate as a proxy for permanent labor force participation. The quali-
tative aspect is also present when one refers to different countries.
A low value in the participation rate may simply indicate the ab-
sence of formal markets rather than the absence of individuals who
are willing to work. Obviously, agricultural economies based on
family production (that is, where there is little wage employment)
do not have a labor supply (participation rates) that would count in
the official statistics.
Despite these shortcomings in both measurement and interpreta-
tion, economists use labor force participation rates extensively in
analyzing labor markets, if only because these rates indicate, though
within broad margins, the most quantifiable aspect of labor force
supply—the proportion of people in the labor force.

Economists have tried to explain the labor force participation rate
by age, sex, race, and income groups and to describe trends over
time. According to the neoclassical school, individuals or household
members enter the labor market because they want more income,

George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Ttannatos

and they work as long as they think that the benefits from work
exceed those from household activities. Time is split between work
on the one hand and everything else lumped together on the other
hand (called, for brevity, leisure). Hence the name of the theory:
the income-leisure model.
The income-leisure model examines labor supply in relation to
wages and incomes. It ignores noneconomic considerations that
come into the analysis as "preferences" and that are assumed to be
determined exogenously (to the model). Thus the decision to work—
and, if so, for how long—depends on the remuneration from work
(wage rate), other (nonlabor) income, and tastes. The higher the
wage rate, the more attractive work becomes. This has two effects.
First, for those not already working, a higher wage may induce
them to join the labor force; thus higher wages unambiguously

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induce higher participation. Second, for those already working, a
higher wage makes work more attractive than leisure, but it also
makes additional work less desirable, since the same level of income
can be achieved with less work. Therefore the effect of higher wages
on the duration of work (and, indirectly, on participation rates) is
ambiguous and differs from case to case according to preferences
(that is, the value placed on more work relative to higher earnings).
However, the other economic variable in the model—nonlabor in-
come—always exerts a negative effect on labor supply. The higher
it is, the less pressure there is to work. The same considerations
apply to women either as individuals or as members of households.
Empirical evidence, however, lends support to a positive wage effect
on women's participation; all things being equal, more women are
drawn into the labor market as wages increase (for country surveys
see Layard and Mincer 1985; for theoretical issues see Cigno 1989).
The income-leisure model provides explanations of labor force
participation at one point in time. With respect to time trends, it is
necessary to look at the movement of aggregate labor supply and
demand (Long 1958). It is difficult to disentangle the two, as both
supply and demand determine the equilibrium levels of wages and
employment, and both change during the process of development.
A typical scenario can be illustrated as follows. A subsistence econ-
omy is centered around agriculture, is home based, and makes heavy
use of female labor. During the early stages of industrialization,
agriculture loses its significance as the main employer of women.
The expansion of industry is usually slower than the contraction of
agriculture. These opposite, but not necessarily offsetting, move-
ments usually result in an initial reduction of female employment.
When the service and government sectors expand, women are pulled
back into the labor force. Later, the economy may face labor short-
ages that lead to higher availability of part-time jobs and higher

190 Research Observer 4, no. 2 (July 1989)

wages for women. These conditions give rise to a U-shaped pattern
of female employment in the process of development, as shown

Because most men are permanently in the labor force, estimates The Evidence
of labor reserves and projections of labor supply have focused on
women. Standing (1981) notes that "any generalization about fe-
male labor force participation is liable to be misleading since level,
patterns and trends vary widely between and within countries." A
way out of this difficulty is to try to go beyond a blanket economic
approach by identifying groups of countries that share some com-
mon social characteristics. In addition to the standard economic
variables, such as education, experience, wages, and incomes, em-

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pirical studies have indicated that many noneconomic variables in-
fluence female labor supply functions. These include marital status
and fertility, urbanization, landownership and farm size, head of
household's status, and employment structure.
In the following sections we examine the behavior of female par-
ticipation rates by some key characteristics. These include income,
demographics, religion, and education.
The worldwide aggregate participation rate hides more informa-
tion than it reveals. During the past twenty years, the global female
participation rate has remained almost constant (table 1). Yet even
a crude disaggregation of countries into two groups—industrial and
developing—reveals that this almost constant rate has been a result
of two offsetting movements; the percentage of working women in
industrial countries increased 10 percent, while the corresponding
statistic for developing countries decreased 7 percent.
Figure 1 provides a better insight into the relation between female
participation and development (based on Sivard 1985). The vertical

Table 1. Female Labor Force Participation Rate,

1960 and 1980
rate (percent) Percentage
Country group 1960 1980 change
World 47 46 -2
Industrial 52 57 10
Developing 45 42 -7
Source: Sivard 1985, table II.

George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Tzannatos 191

axis measures the level of the participation rate in 136 countries
using a twenty-country moving average. The horizontal axis proxies
economic development by
Figure 1 the countries' per capita
Female 6 0
gross domestic product.
tion The data support a U-
rate 50- shaped relation between the
level of development and
female participation in the
labor force.
The U pattern can be
based on a number of con-
siderations. During the
early stages of industriali-

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zation, countries experience
a decline in the subsistence
sector, a prime employer of
300 1.000 4.000 16.000
Per capita Income, 1980 (US*)
women. This decline is usu-
ally faster than the expan-
sion of the industrial sector. Both factors are usually associated with
an increase in urbanization that further restricts opportunities for
unpaid female family work. At the same time, incomes are rising
and the pressure on women to work may become weaker. Develop-
ment is also associated with higher educational enrollments that
delay women's entry to the labor market. Later in the process of
economic development, a number of factors work toward greater
female participation. One is the greater significance of the industrial
and service sectors, which generate opportunities for additional la-
bor. When the economy moves toward full employment, labor re-
serves are called into duty by higher wages. Unused female labor is
the prime beneficiary of this shortage. Many studies on female par-
ticipation rates in the industrial countries have attributed the rise in
the number of female workers over time to a dominant substitution
effect away from work at home to work in the market due to higher
wages (Mincer 1962, Killingsworth and Heckman 1986). At the
same time, new opportunities for the employment of women, both
in terms of higher demand and composition of employment, have
been stressed (Oppenheimer 1970).
The appeal of the U-pattern hypothesis has been significant. In
the 1960s and 1970s, the International Labour Office used this
hypothesis to project the size of the labor force for the 1980s. A
number of scholars have also used this hypothesis, some correctly
(Weller 1968, Sinha 1967, Collver and Langlois 1962), and some
erroneously (Richards 1974, for example, applied the hypothesis to
the British case, a proposition that cannot be sustained; see Tzan-

192 Research Observer 4, no. 2 (July 1989)

natos 1982, Joshi, Layard, and Owen 1985). Not every country
followed a U pattern, however. The scale and amplitude of the U
varied between countries and periods of time. Of course, observed
behavior is the outcome of many interrelated factors that may mask
and even outweigh the economic effects of growth. Some factors
that can affect the female labor force participation rate are examined
in the following sections.

Age and Fertility

Because children and work make simultaneous demands, the more
time a woman spends on one, the less time is available for the other.
Consequently, women's participation during the age of bearing and
rearing children should be lower than that of women outside this

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age. In fact, this has been the broad pattern of age-specific female
participation rates in Western economies.
One would be wrong to generalize from these data and assume
the same rate for other countries, however. First, even among the
industrial countries there are some notable exceptions. For example,
in Sweden and Finland the female participation rate is exceptionally
high—comparable to that of men—and varies little across age
groups. In both countries the highest female participation rates are
in the 25-44 age group, and in both countries the marital cycle
starts relatively late. This should not be taken to deny the burden
that the family cycle places on women: the explanation should rather
be sought in the fact that the Scandinavian countries have well-
developed social legislation as well as provisions for paternal (not
only maternal) leave.
The influence of state provisions is also present in nonmarket
economies. In the Soviet Union, the German Democratic Republic,
and Poland, female participation is exceptionally high, and there is
no evidence that the participation rate for women of childbearing
age is lower than that of women forty years old or more.
Table 2 summarizes the age-specific participation rates of women
in low-, middle-, and high-income countries in the 1980s. The U-
pattern hypothesis is still supported: in each age group, the female
participation rate is lowest for the middle-income countries. One
should, however, bear in mind that the participation rate in high-
income countries appears artificially high because of the availability
of part-time employment in these countries. This kind of work is
almost exclusively performed by women (Sivard 1985, p. 15). In
contrast, the participation rate in low-income countries must be
understated for statistical reasons, given the prevalence of unre-
corded economic activities that are performed, by and large, by

George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Tzannatos 193

In addition, theoretical considerations point toward an ambigu-
ous relation between fertility and participation. First is the simulta-
neity of fertility and work. For example, more children mean more
work by women either directly (more farming to feed the children)
or indirectly (more paid work to support them). Second, in poorer
developing countries, the specialization of activities does not permit
a sharp distinction between work, leisure, and consumption. Fertil-
ity and consumption are intermingled with production, broadly de-
fined to include reproduction (children can be thought of as invest-
ment goods). Finally, a single child requires a considerable amount
of parental care. However, a second child, born a few years after
the first, reduces the demand for care because the older child can
look after the younger one and may even perform some household

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The foregoing analysis rests on economic aspects of female labor
supply, but noneconomic considerations may also be important.
One such consideration is religion. Countries with the lowest partic-
ipation rates are those with strong religious views about women in
society, in general, and in the economy, in particular.
Table 3 shows the level of female participation by the country's
major religion. Muslim and Roman Catholic countries have the
lowest female labor force participation rates. An earlier comparative
study by the authors of this
Figure 2
Female SO
article (Psacharopoulos and
participa- Tzannatos 1987) found
tion that a regression of the fe-
rate 40
(percent) male participation rate on
religion explains more than
a third of the difference in
the female participation
rates in ninety countries.
The regression coefficients
on the Muslim, Hindu, and
Catholic religions were neg-
ative and highly significant.
They implied that religion
537 745 1,585 2.172 3.048 8340 11.233 reduced the female labor
Per capita income byregion.1980 (US*) fQrce participation rate by
more than half in Muslim
countries, by 40 percent in Hindu countries, and by 30 percent in
Catholic countries. Grouping countries by income and region, which
can identify religion to some extent, produces a clearer picture of

194 Research Observer 4, no. 2 (July 1989)

Table 2. Female Labor Force Participation Rate
by Age and per Capita Income

Country Age group

group 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 3S-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64
Low income 40 48 50 50 51 50 49 47 44 38
Middle income 24 42 42 41 40 38 36 33 27 21
High income 39 70 65 61 63 64 60 55 41 24
Source: Psacharopoulos and Tzannatos 1987, table A-1.

how female labor force participation varies with economic develop-

ment (see figure 2). (The regions shown, in ascending order of per

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capita income in 1980 U.S. dollars, are Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia,
other Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Western Europe, and
North America.) The question remains, however, which of the two
variables (income or religion) is more dominant? One can say little
more in the absence of a dear understanding of the relations be-
tween values and economic development.

The effect of education on women's participation in the labor
force is ambiguous. Do women decide to work before or after they
decide to acquire education? The answer may be that they decide
somewhere in between. Education and participation in the work
force both depend on and affect a country's economic and general
development. The higher the participation rate and the educational
level of workers, the higher is the country's potential total product.

Table 3. Female Labor Force Participation Rate

and Religion
Country's dominant religion Mean female participation
Islam 23
Roman Catholicism 33
Hinduism 42
Buddhism 48
Confucianism 48
Christianity 49
No major religion 58
Note: A country is classified under a given religion if 30 percent or more of the population
follows that religion.
Source: Based on Psacharopoulos and Tzannatos 1987, table A-2.

George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Tzannatos 195

Education and participation affect (and are affected by) urbaniza-
tion and other demographic variables, as well as cultural and socio-
political factors. The issue is of immense complexity. Nevertheless,
let us assume that the causation runs from education to participation
and that feedbacks occur later to accommodate events which could
not be (or were not) foreseen earlier. Next, distinguish between the
decision to participate in the labor market and the decision of how
many years will be spent working in the course of a lifetime. Both
decisions affect the labor force participation rate. The latter can be
thought of as the product of the probability of being in the labor
force (the "how many" aspect of labor supply) times the average
length of participation (the "how much" aspect). The net effect of
education on the female participation rate depends on how educa-

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tion affects these two decisions.
With respect to the decision to participate in the labor market,
education has a positive effect. If education has been undertaken as
an investment, a woman has to work to recoup the cost of that
investment in human capital. Even if education was undertaken as
a kind of consumption, a woman will be more tempted than before
to enter the labor market because, owing to her higher earning
potential, the opportunity cost of not working (forgone earnings)
has increased. Consequently, education exercises a positive effect on
the decision to work.
With respect to "how much," the effea of education on how long
a woman works depends on the relative strength of two forces
working in opposite directions. On the one hand, education has a
positive effea on the duration of participation because education
raises earnings potential and increases the cost of not working. On
the other hand, the higher remuneration for educated labor allows
her to achieve her income target sooner; consequently, she may
allocate part of the higher income to consume leisure, which means
less work. Thus, the net effea of education will depend on which
force dominates. Since empirical studies have shown that female
labor supply is more responsive to wage considerations (substitution
effea) than to income, educated females may have a higher involve-
ment in the labor market than less educated or uneducated women.
Human behavior can very rarely be attributed to pure economic
considerations. The patterns of female labor force participation are
the complex outcome of a variety of economic and noneconomic
fattors. For example, marriages tend to involve people from the
same or similar background. Hence, an educated woman may work
less than an uneducated one since she benefits more from her hus-
band's endowments. Although it may be considered a sexist ques-
tion, one may ask: do women become educated to get a better job
or a better husband? Although this appears to be a degrading com-

196 Retearch Observer 4, no. 2 (July 1989)

ment, in some countries educated women go into seclusion when
they finish their education (Boserup 1970). Not so long ago in
industrial countries, working-class (that is, mostly uneducated)
women worked extensively, whereas their educated counterparts
conspicuously abstained from the labor market.
Table 4 summarizes the findings of various studies on the effects of
education on female labor force participation. Despite the fact that
the decision to work is dependent on a large number of factors,
evidence shows that education has a positive effect on women's par-
ticipation more often than not. Beyond the participation effect, sev-
eral studies have shown that investment in women's education can be
more profitable than in men's (Psacharopoulos 1985, table 5).

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This article began with some reservations about the statistics Conclusions
available on labor force participation and the notion that an eco-
nomic activity must produce a marketable product or service. Be-
cause the distinction between a marketable and a nonmarketable

Table 4. Relation between Schooling and Female Labor Force

Participation in Selected Countries
Country Date Observed relation Study
Chile 1960 Positive/none Da Vanzo 1972
Chile 1965 Positive Peek 1975
Costa Rica 1966-67 Positive Pedit 1978
Ghana 1970 Positive de Graft-Johnson 1975
Jamaica 1970 Positive Standing 1975
Jamaica 1974 Positive Standing 1975
Kenya 1974 Positive/none Anker/Knowles 1977
Mexico 1970 Positive Uthoff/ Gonzalez 1976
Nigeria 1973-74 Positive Standing/Sheehan 1976
Papua New Guinea 1970 Positive Sheehan 1976
Philippines 1968 Positive Harman 1970
Philippines 1968 Unclear Encarnadon 1974
Singapore 1973 Positive Pang 1974
Sri Lanka 1973 Positive Standing/Sheehan 1976
Sudan 1974 Positive Sheehan 1976
Thailand 1960 None/negative Maurer/Ratajczak/Schultz 1973
Thailand 1971 Positive Pecht 1978
Venezuela 1972 Positive Standing 1976
Yugoslavia 1971 None/ negative Rasevic 1975
World' 1980s Positive Psacharopoulos/Tzannatos

a. Data are for 136 countries.

Source: For individual countries see Standing 1981, pp. 154-59. For the world, see Psacharopoulos and Tzannatos

George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Tzannatos 197

good is unclear, a number of conventions, often arbitrary, are nec-
essary. In addition, national statistics on the size of the labor force
are not comparable either through time or across countries. Thus
few generalizations can be sustained.
Despite these qualifications, the economics of female labor force
participation may have something to offer. Factors that appear to
have no effect on male participation in the labor force do affect the
level, pattern, and trend of female employment—factors such as the
size and structure of the economy, education, fertility, religion, and
other demographic and sociopolitical characteristics. FemaJe em-
ployment is more dependent than male employment on the country's
stage of economic development and on the country's noneconomic
(cultural) characteristics. While the volume of research in this area

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should not be dismissed, it should be treated with care. The partic-
ipation rate takes us as far as one can go in quantifying labor
supply. Whether this is adequate depends on the purpose of the
study. The differences between women's and men's employment
patterns may be efficient in some social contexts. However, as the
locus of production gradually moves from home toward the market
and more specialization of labor, such differences in employment
patterns are likely to reduce economic efficiency. To the extent that
women are not allowed to compete with men, women's abilities—
half of the country's intelligence—are underutilized. Economic effi-
ciency losses, which are due to the overrepresentation of women in
poorly paid, low-status jobs, have been estimated at between 3
percent and 10 percent of gross national product (Pike 1982, Tzan-
natos 1989). Because the total number of women in the labor force
is still only a fraction of that of men, economic efficiency losses
could be even greater than these studies indicate.
Although the relation between female participation and a number
of economic variables appears to be ambiguous in theoretical terms
and vague in empirical estimates, one variable—education—stands
out. In theory, education has a positive effect on female participa-
tion and a negative effect on fertility. Of course, both labor force
participation and fertility depend on a number of other factors, such
as religion and demographics. The latter factors are, as a general
rule, difficult to change through deliberate policy, and perhaps ex-
pensive, i£ they can be changed at all. In conclusion, if greater
participation of women in the labor force is a desirable goal, edu-
cation for women may be the prime policy option.

198 Research Observer 4, no. 2 (JuJy 1989)

In most economies women are less attached than men to the labor force. This Abstract
has important implications for development. This article examines definitions and
theories of female labor supply and relates them to statistical evidence from 136
countries in the early 1980s. The findings support the view that, during the trans-
formation from an agrarian subsistence economy, the participation of women in
the labor force initially decreases and picks up later after a critical level of devel-
opment has been achieved. Education is seen as a potential booster of the officially
recorded female labor supply in developing countries.

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George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Ttannatos 199

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George Psacharopoulos and Zafiris Tzannatos • " •*•

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