Dorr Customclarifier ML

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Custom Clarifiers
Efficient Clarification and Sedimentation of Wastewater
EIMCO® Clarifiers... Customized Designs to Match Unique Specifications

Most standard or special sedimentation/clarification

requirements can be accommodated by our experts.
Mechanisms to achieve desired results can be easily
adapted from designs of specialized treatments units
at existing installations. A custom clarifier can be
designed with elements drawn from existing clarifiers
to suit current unique application requirements.
Experience gained through 50 years of service, testing,
research, and thousands of installations, enables us to
design efficient and reliable mechanisms tailored to
your needs. An experienced service organization is
available to provide the support you require, including
complete field and laboratory testing to assure proper
component selection, and structural and process
Options to various basic configurations allow flexibility
to match most treatment needs. Experience and
expertise in designing for unique requirements has
equipped us with the knowledge to produce units
tailored to special situations. Laboratory testing and
years of empirical experience enable our engineers to
design the "one-of-a-kind" units often needed when
an unusual circumstance occurs. Some of the innovative
clarifier designs we have produced over the years are
shown in this brochure. Basic configurations include:
square basins with special corner-sweep rake arms;
special suction sludge return; special drive adaptation;
and special skimming designs.

Clarifiers provide
continuous separation
and removal of
suspended solids
from wastewater at
minimal cost.

Center Column Mounted Customized Clarifiers

EIMCO® Custom Clarifier Types

EIMCO® clarifiers are easily adaptable to special
designs. In addition to standard optional features, our
engineers will design and develop new features
necessary to satisfy special application requirements.
This may necessitate concepts never before incorporated
in a clarifier, or may combine features in a new
configuration. Whatever the special requirement of the
installation, we will provide a design to suit user needs.

EIMCO® Type C3 and C3S Units

EIMCO® Type C3 units can be used on either primary
or secondary clarification, while Type C3S units are
normally used only in secondary activated sludge
treatment applications. Both units are identical except
the Type C3S units have sludge withdrawal pipes to
recycle activated sludge to the aeration basins.

Type C mechanisms are supported by a center column Sludge removal rake arms with blades and squeegees
which carries the full operating load of the clarifier. A are attached to a center cage supported from the rotating
stationary walkway extends from the side of the basin to main gear of the drive.
the platform over the center column for access to the
Sludge withdrawal pipes provide a controlled high-
drive unit.
volume, continuous removal of activated sludge to
Influent can be introduced to the center feedwell through aeration basins. Sludge is collected just above the
a pipeline beneath the basin and up through the hollow clarifier tank floor. Optimum sludge return rate is easily
center column, or supported from underneath the walkway. controlled from the operating platform.

This table defines

options available for the
basic Type C clarifiers.
All of these can be
further modified to
produce unique designs
of a specialized nature.
EIMCO Custom Clarifiers - Corner Sweep and Flocculator Types

Corner Sweep Clarifiers for Square Basins

Types C3C and C3SC Description
Reduced plant construction costs are often realized
from economies obtained by using square basins.
EIMCO Types C3C and C3SC clarifiers utilize the
same drive unit and component design as the basic
EIMCO Type C3 clarifier, except they are fitted to
a square basin. Either cross flow or center feed with
peripheral overflow can be employed.
To provide complete sludge removal from all parts
of the basin, the sludge-raking arms have pivoted
pantograph-action extensions attached to their outer
ends. Corrosion-resistant wheels mounted on the
extension arms ride against steel plates embedded
in the sidewalls and guide the outer scraper blades.
Corrosion resistant torsion springs in the pivoting
extension arms keep them in contact with the wall
at all times. Counter-weights, cables, sheaves and
other mechanical devices which would require
periodic maintenance are eliminated.

Flocculator Clarifiers...For Improved Settling

Types C3F and C3SF Description clockwise-rotating turbine paddles to create mixing eddys in
By oversizing the feedwell and adding flocculators, the flocculation well to promote complete energy distribution
influent can be gently agitated to promote without high localized shear. These units are particularly well
flocculation and more efficient settling. Feedwells suited for bio-flocculation and for light to medium strength
are sized to provide influent detention for enhancing floc. Bridge-supported, dual-drive flocculating clarifiers and
the formation of the flocculated particles. diffused air flocculating clarifiers are also available.
Flocculating clarifier feedwells are generally
designed for the maximum depth allowed by the
rotating mechanisms and are supported from either
the walking platform or center cage. Variable speed
flocculator drives permit adjustment to optimize
operation over the range of expected influent volume.

Type CF Description
Stacked concentric dual drives allow vertical
flocculating paddles to counter-rotate in the feedwell,
resulting in thorough but gentle mixing of feed
stream. The slow speed clockwise-moving paddles
attached to the rake arms pass between the counter-
Large Diameter Feedwell Clarifiers... For Improved Performance

Types C3LF and C3SLF Description

Removal of suspended solids can be improved by
as much as 20% with the addition of a large diameter
feedwell to the basic EIMCO clarifier. Short-
circuiting in the basin is reduced and volumetric
efficiency improved by increasing the diameter of
the feedwell to half the diameter of the basin.
After pioneering the use of large diameter feedwells,
we now have extensive experience in their
application. Feedwells are generally supported from
the basin wall. Radial launders are often employed
to decrease the weir overflow rate.
Flow enters the feedwell at a controlled low velocity,
providing effective dissipation of the influent energy
and greatly reducing surface turbulence. Scum
removal is performed within the feedwell using an
efficient skimming device.

We will design to most special requirements. Our team has

installed many one-of-a-kind clarifiers. Experience with
thousands of customized units in operation can be referenced
for design consideration. Custom Clarifiers can usually be
tailored for a new application with slight modifications to
existing designs.

Special Designs... For Unique Applications

Our company has supplied clarifiers in excess of 200 feet in diameter

We Have the Solution

to Your Problems
Our capabilities extend beyond adding standard
modifications to produce customized units. On many
occasions, unique situations require innovative ideas
for "one-of-a-kind" customization. Our process and
equipment engineers possess the technological
expertise and design experience to develop features
never before incorporated into clarifiers. Examples
of a few of the innovative concepts put into practical
application are shown in the photographs on these
and the following pages. Contact your local
representative for all your clarification needs.

Hydraulic differential clarifier with surface trough for sludge removal

Large diameter feedwell with radial effluent launders

and feedwell skimming

Special collector mechanism designed for 1,000,000 foot

pounds torque with energy-dissipating feedwell

Special Designs... For Unique Applications

Suction return clarifier with sludge header and manifold

Our engineers meet

design challenges
with thoroughness
Mechanism in peripheral feed unit with four rake arms
and suction return pipes
and expertise

Extensive experience in the design of customized mining applications, assures optimum performance
clarifiers for liquid/solids separation have made EIMCO with minimum attention to maintenance. Heavy-duty
mechanisms the best combination of rugged gears and bearings are incorporated into all
dependability and economy available. In addition to machines for highest dependability and life. All
advanced features, EIMCO clarifiers are designed to components are designed to carry the full torque
make field assembly quick and easy. Drives, developed rating, and each unit is carefully constructed to
to also be suitable for extreme industrial service and provide years of trouble-free service.

Skimming Mechanisms... For Use on EIMCO Clarifiers

Floating solids can be removed by either of
two EIMCO skimming mechanisms;
adaptable to the basic EIMCO clarifiers. The
first design consists of a rotating collector
mechanism which moves floating scum into
a fixed box mounted at the tank wall.

The second skimming design consists of a

radically fixed scum pipe with a scum receiver
opening the length of the pipe. By rotating
the pipe with either a manual or automatic
operator, the opening is dropped below the
surface of the liquid. A skimmer blade
attached to the rotating collector mechanism
moves the floating scum to this stationary
pipe where the scum is drawn into the
opening. When the skimmer blade contacts
the pipe, it “ducks” below the surface of the
liquid and returns to its to its upright position
after traveling under the pipe. Scum from the
feedwell to the tank wall is therefore removed
with each revolution (or operator selected/
programmed revolutions) of the rotating
collector mechanism.

EIMCO ClariThickener

Description EIMCO® ClariThickener™ clarifier-sludge thickeners

In many wastewater treatment plants it is desirable to provide provide an economical solution to this dilemma.
both clarification and sludge thickening. There is no question Although slightly higher in initial cost than either a
as to the advantages of sludge thickening prior to digestion, clarifier or a sludge thickener, the ClariThickener is
filtration, incineration, or other methods of sludge disposal. MUCH less expensive to install and operate than the
But the costs associated with installing two separate units, two separate units. The efficient single-basin design
and the additional space required, tend to offset the costs about 25% to 40% less to install, requires less
advantages and pose a question as to whether both should labor and power to operate, and takes only about half
be included in a flowsheet. the space of the two separate units.

EIMCO ClariThickeners Clarifier versus
Conventional Clarifier and Sludge Thickener
· Consumes less space
· Lowers installation cost
· Lowers operating costs
· Creates simplified flow pattern
· Requires less operating labor
· Prevents septic conditions and odors

...Sludge Thickening and Clarification in a Single Basin

Operating Principle Thixo posts in the sludge thickening well gently stir
the sludge to facilitate release and upflow of gases
Wastewater enters the ClariThickener center feedwell
and liquids. The volume of the sludge thickening well
as in a conventional clarifier. Settleable solids are
is adequate to hold settled sludge from 12 to 24 hours,
deposited directly in the sludge thickening well and
depending on process requirements. During this sludge
outer tank bottom. An oxidative liquor inlet diffuser,
retention period, the oxidative liquor diffuser maintains
mounted on the center column just above the thickening
semi-aerobic conditions over the thickening well.
zone, provides septicity control.
Clarified effluent, floating solids, and scum are
removed from the surface by conventional methods.

EIMCO Clarifier Driveheads... Designed for Maximum Duty Service
We have over 60 years' experience in gear design
and manufacture, combining municipal
technology with heavy-duty industrial
performance requirements. Knowledge gained
from thousands of minerals processing and other
high-demand applications enable us to produce
reliable and economical driveheads for superior
performance in water and wastewater treatment
Information on file in our technology center
from this experience and extensive laboratory
analysis, enables us to size drives for each
specific set of process requirements. Drives are
designed for long, trouble-free life, dependable
service, and economical operation. Drive Type Specifications
We build superior drives. When specifying a drive, it should be
recognized that the critical requirement is NOT the internal
configuration but the STRENGTH of WEAR RATINGS of the
drive. The engineers' specification should require detailed drive
calculations (AGMA standards) and field torque tests. Drive
specifications should be confirmed by submittal calculations and
by field torque compliance tests under supervision of the consulting
engineer to verify the structural integrity of the mechanism.
We have built thousands of sedimentation drives for over 60 years
in a variety of types, sizes, and styles. Many improvements have
Light duty, single pinion drive
been made in EIMCO drives over this period of time. EIMCO drives
often exceed other suppliers' rating for similar sized units. It cannot
be overemphasized that strength and wear rating, with an appropriate
service life (years or cycles), be specified rather than component
dimensions and internal materials of construction. Superior EIMCO
drives, incorporating advanced technology, will probably exceed
torque and other performance criteria in a smaller configuration
than might be available in larger competing drives. Our experience
in drive design assures that the specified torque rating and quality
Heavy duty, dual pinion drive will be equal to the task to be performed.

Features of EIMCO® Drives

· Optimum output torque range to accommodate loads
· Maximum service life without component failures
· Supports mechanism and operating loads
· High reserve strength
· Optimum rotation speed for service requirement
Torque overload drive protection device · Reliable overload protection

EIMCO® Custom Clarifiers

In addition to providing a complete line of

process equipment, Dorr-Oliver Eimco is
your source for everything necessary to
meet the total needs of a project from
inception to start-up and beyond.
Flowsheet Capabilities
Dorr-Oliver Eimco engineers can help you
with the design of your total flowsheet,
ensuring that all your equipment will work
together for optimal performance and ease
of operation.
Tankage and Erection
Dorr-Oliver Eimco can take the stress out
of coordinating an independent contractor
who may not be familiar with all the details
necessary to install your thickener or
clarifier. Our experienced tankage and
erection crews can save you money and
stress by doing all your field work and
turning over to you a trouble-free machine.
Upgrades and Retrofits
Clarification and sedimentation technology
is constantly advancing. Let us show you
how you can incorporate state-of-the-art
design improvements into your existing
clarifier or thickener. Many upgrades can
pay for themselves in a matter of months
and help increase capacity as well as
improve performance.
Dorr-Oliver Eimco is here to help you with all your solid/liquid
Service separation needs. Please call us to find out more about how Dorr-
Our staff of skilled mechanical and process Oliver Eimco technology can improve your productivity. In the U.S.,
engineers can keep your Dorr-Oliver Eimco please call 1.801.526.2000 and in Canada, call 1.705.325.6181. For
equipment in top condition and help you a complete listing of our worldwide locations and regional phone
avoid costly unscheduled interruptions. numbers, visit

U.S. 1.801.526.2000 • Canada 1.705.325.6181
© Copyright 2004 GL&V. DOE 3195 AC. Printed in U.S.A.

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