Dorr Customclarifier ML
Dorr Customclarifier ML
Dorr Customclarifier ML
Custom Clarifiers
Efficient Clarification and Sedimentation of Wastewater
EIMCO® Clarifiers... Customized Designs to Match Unique Specifications
Clarifiers provide
continuous separation
and removal of
suspended solids
from wastewater at
minimal cost.
Center Column Mounted Customized Clarifiers
Type C mechanisms are supported by a center column Sludge removal rake arms with blades and squeegees
which carries the full operating load of the clarifier. A are attached to a center cage supported from the rotating
stationary walkway extends from the side of the basin to main gear of the drive.
the platform over the center column for access to the
Sludge withdrawal pipes provide a controlled high-
drive unit.
volume, continuous removal of activated sludge to
Influent can be introduced to the center feedwell through aeration basins. Sludge is collected just above the
a pipeline beneath the basin and up through the hollow clarifier tank floor. Optimum sludge return rate is easily
center column, or supported from underneath the walkway. controlled from the operating platform.
Type CF Description
Stacked concentric dual drives allow vertical
flocculating paddles to counter-rotate in the feedwell,
resulting in thorough but gentle mixing of feed
stream. The slow speed clockwise-moving paddles
attached to the rake arms pass between the counter-
Large Diameter Feedwell Clarifiers... For Improved Performance
Special Designs... For Unique Applications
Special Designs... For Unique Applications
Extensive experience in the design of customized mining applications, assures optimum performance
clarifiers for liquid/solids separation have made EIMCO with minimum attention to maintenance. Heavy-duty
mechanisms the best combination of rugged gears and bearings are incorporated into all
dependability and economy available. In addition to machines for highest dependability and life. All
advanced features, EIMCO clarifiers are designed to components are designed to carry the full torque
make field assembly quick and easy. Drives, developed rating, and each unit is carefully constructed to
to also be suitable for extreme industrial service and provide years of trouble-free service.
Skimming Mechanisms... For Use on EIMCO Clarifiers
Floating solids can be removed by either of
two EIMCO skimming mechanisms;
adaptable to the basic EIMCO clarifiers. The
first design consists of a rotating collector
mechanism which moves floating scum into
a fixed box mounted at the tank wall.
EIMCO ClariThickener
EIMCO ClariThickeners Clarifier versus
Conventional Clarifier and Sludge Thickener
· Consumes less space
· Lowers installation cost
· Lowers operating costs
· Creates simplified flow pattern
· Requires less operating labor
· Prevents septic conditions and odors
...Sludge Thickening and Clarification in a Single Basin
Operating Principle Thixo posts in the sludge thickening well gently stir
the sludge to facilitate release and upflow of gases
Wastewater enters the ClariThickener center feedwell
and liquids. The volume of the sludge thickening well
as in a conventional clarifier. Settleable solids are
is adequate to hold settled sludge from 12 to 24 hours,
deposited directly in the sludge thickening well and
depending on process requirements. During this sludge
outer tank bottom. An oxidative liquor inlet diffuser,
retention period, the oxidative liquor diffuser maintains
mounted on the center column just above the thickening
semi-aerobic conditions over the thickening well.
zone, provides septicity control.
Clarified effluent, floating solids, and scum are
removed from the surface by conventional methods.
EIMCO Clarifier Driveheads... Designed for Maximum Duty Service
We have over 60 years' experience in gear design
and manufacture, combining municipal
technology with heavy-duty industrial
performance requirements. Knowledge gained
from thousands of minerals processing and other
high-demand applications enable us to produce
reliable and economical driveheads for superior
performance in water and wastewater treatment
Information on file in our technology center
from this experience and extensive laboratory
analysis, enables us to size drives for each
specific set of process requirements. Drives are
designed for long, trouble-free life, dependable
service, and economical operation. Drive Type Specifications
We build superior drives. When specifying a drive, it should be
recognized that the critical requirement is NOT the internal
configuration but the STRENGTH of WEAR RATINGS of the
drive. The engineers' specification should require detailed drive
calculations (AGMA standards) and field torque tests. Drive
specifications should be confirmed by submittal calculations and
by field torque compliance tests under supervision of the consulting
engineer to verify the structural integrity of the mechanism.
We have built thousands of sedimentation drives for over 60 years
in a variety of types, sizes, and styles. Many improvements have
Light duty, single pinion drive
been made in EIMCO drives over this period of time. EIMCO drives
often exceed other suppliers' rating for similar sized units. It cannot
be overemphasized that strength and wear rating, with an appropriate
service life (years or cycles), be specified rather than component
dimensions and internal materials of construction. Superior EIMCO
drives, incorporating advanced technology, will probably exceed
torque and other performance criteria in a smaller configuration
than might be available in larger competing drives. Our experience
in drive design assures that the specified torque rating and quality
Heavy duty, dual pinion drive will be equal to the task to be performed.
EIMCO® Custom Clarifiers