EC OEC Schemesyllabus Min

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1 Dr. S. Mohan, Professor, IIT Madras, Chennai

2 Principal, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam

3 Principal, Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, Sasthamcotta, Kollam

4 Principal, College of Engineering, Karunagapally, Kollam

5 Principal, College of Engineering, Perumon, Kollam

6 Principal, Pinnacle School of Engineering and Technology, Anchal, Kollam

7 Principal, Shahul Hameed Memorial Engineering College, Kadakkal, Kollam

8 Principal, TKM Institute of Technology, Ezhukone, Kollam

9 Principal, Travancore Engineering College, Parippally, Kollam

10 Principal, Younus College of Engineering and Technology, Pallimukku, Kollam

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This is to certify that

1. The scheme and syllabi are prepared in accordance with the regulations and
guidelines issued by the KTU from time to time and also as per the decisions made in
the CGPC meetings.

2. The suggestions/modifications suggested while presenting the scheme and syllabi

before CGPC on 8.6.2015 have been incorporated.

3. There is no discrepancy among the soft copy in MS word format, PDF and hard copy
of the syllabi submitted to the CGPC.

4. The document has been verified by all the constituent colleges

Coordinator in charge of syllabus revision of the programme

Ms. Sunaina N
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of ECE
TKM Institute of Technology
Karuvelil, Kollam

Dr. David K Daniel

TKM Institute of Technology
Karuvelil, Kollam

Principals of the colleges in which the programme is offered

No Name of the college Principal’s Name Signature
1 TKM Institute of Technology Dr. David K Daniel
Karuvelil ,Kollam

Date: Dr S. Mohan,

Place: Professor, IIT, Madras


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Programme Educational Objective
I To provide graduates with a first-rate education in the basic principles of optics and
physics needed to understand the behavior of optical systems.

II To provide graduates with the design and operating principles of modern optical
communication systems and networks

III To provide graduates with experience in applying optical principles to engineering

problems and in developing the laboratory and computer skills needed for a career in
optical engineering.

IV To develop graduates skills in effective communication and responsible teamwork, and

to foster professional and ethical attitudes and a sense of social responsibility

Programme outcome

I Graduates learn appropriate models for describing the behavior of complex

semiconductor optoelectronic devices, and employ them to solve problems related to
device/system behavior.

II Graduates learn about optical communications technology, receive some exposure to

optical communication systems and perform minimal design

III Apply their understanding of physics and mathematics to solve technical and
engineering problems, especially those related to optics

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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Optoelectronics and Communication Systems
SEMESTER 1 (Credits 23)

Internal End Semester Exam

Exam Course No: Name L- T - P Credits
Slot Marks Marks Duration

A 02EC 6311 Digital and Optical 3-1-0 40 60 3 4

Signal Processing

B 02EC 6321 Fiber optics Technology 3-1-0 40 60 3 4

C 02EC 6331 Optoelectronic 4-0-0 40 60 3 4


D 02EC 6341 Laser Technology 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

E 02EC 6351 Elective I 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

02CA 6001 Research Methodology 1-1-0 100 0 0 2

02EC 6371 Seminar 0-0-2 100 0 0 2

02EC 6381 OEC Lab I 0-0-2 100 0 0 1

L-Lecture T -Tutorial P-Practical

02EC6351.1 Digital communication
02EC6351.2 Radiation sources and detectors
02EC6351.3 Communication Networks
02EC6351.4 Materials for Optical Devices

Note: 8 hours/week is meant for departmental assistance by students.

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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Optoelectronics and communication Systems
SEMESTER 2 (Credits 19)

Internal End Semester Exam

Course No: Name L- T - P Credits
Slot Marks Duration

A 02EC 6312 Biophotonics 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

B 02EC 6322 Communication 3-1-0 40 60 3 4

C 02EC 6332 LASER Applications 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

D 02EC 6342 Elective II 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

E 02EC 6352 Elective III 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

02EC 6362 Mini Project 0-0-4 100 0 0 2

02EC 6372 OEC lab II 0-0-2 100 0 0 1

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical

02EC6342.1 Advanced Optical Communication
02EC6342.2 Holography and speckle Interferometry
02EC6342.3 Integrated Optics
02EC6342.4 Modern optics
02EC6352.1 Digital Image Processing and Holography
02EC6352.2 Nonlinear optics
02EC6352.3 Optical Instrumentation
02EC6352.4 Optical network and Photonic switching

Note: 8 hours / week is meant for departmental assistance by students.

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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Optoelectronics and communication Systems

SEMESTER 3 (Credits 14)

Internal End Semester Exam

Exam Course No: Name L- T - P Credits
Slot Marks Duration

A 02EC 7311 Elective IV 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

B 02EC 7321 Elective V 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

02EC 7331 Seminar 0-0-2 100 0 0 2

02EC 7341 Project Phase I 0-0-12 50 0 0 6

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical

02EC7311.1 Optical sensor Technology
02EC7311.2 Microwave Photonics
02EC7311.3 Geometrical and Applied Optics
02EC7311.4 Laser spectroscopy
02EC7321.1 Nanophotonics
02EC7321.2 Laser Remote sensing
02EC7321.3 Cellular Mobile communication
02EC7321.4 Electromagnetic interference and compatability

Note: 8 hours/week is meant for departmental assistance by students.

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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Optoelectronics and communication Systems

SEMESTER 4 (Credits 12)

End Semester
Internal Exam
Course code Name L- T - P Credits
Slot Marks Duration

02EC 7312 Project Phase II 0-0-21 70 30 0 12

L-Lecture T-Tutorial P-Practical

Note: 8 hours/week is meant for departmental assistance by students.

Total credits for all semesters: 68

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Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits
02EC6311 2015

Course Objectives
• To study and analyze various transform analysis of LTI systems and the design techniques of IIR
and FIR filters
• Introduction to OSP and to learn the transform domain approach in Optics
• Acquire knowledge about Spectrum analysis, various Light modulators

• Get an overall picture about Optical Neural network

Discrete time signals: properties, various Transforms. Digital filters: IIR and FIR filters-
Design,Realization,application.OSP-Introduction,Transforms,Fourier transform Property of lens, Optical
Spectrum analysis, SLMs, Optical Numerical processing, Optical Neural networks

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will

• Understand basic concepts of Discrete signal processing, Transforms Techniques in frequency

domain and the design techniques for filters and their conversion between domains

• Ability to develop optical filters, modulators for various applications of light processing


1. Digital Signal Processing – Alan V Oppenheim & Ronald W Schafer, (Pearson Education)
2. Signal Processing using Optics- B G Boone (Oxford University Press)

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3. Optical Signal Processing Fundamentals – Das (Springer – Verlag, 1991)
4. Digital Signal Processing A computer based Approach – Sanjit K Mitra, (TMH, 2nd Ed)
5. Optical Signal Processing - Anthony Vander Lugt,: John Wiley & Sons. 2005
6. Optical Computing - DG Feitelson (MIT Press, 1988)
7. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Application - Proakis,( Pearson
Education, 4th Ed 2007


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %

Discrete time signals: properties of discrete time 4

system, difference equation representation,
sampling and digitization
I 5
Z transform, inverse Z transform, two dimensional
Z-transform ,discrete FT and its propertiesFFT, 15
decimation in time and frequency

Digital filters: IIR and FIR filters, design of IIR 5

filters -Bilinear method, Impulse invariant method
4 15
Realization of IIR Filter, Application of IIR filters


Digital filters: IIR and FIR filters, design of IIR

filters -Bilinear method, Impulse invariant method
Realization of IIR Filter, Application of IIR 15
filters 4

Optical signal processing: Fundamentals and Need

for OSP, Linear Superposition, two dimensional

IV convolutions, correlation 4
Fourier transform and its properties, mathematical
transforms in OSP, Effect of lens on wave front, 5

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FT property of lens, OTF and PSF


Optical Spectrum Analysis, Time and Space

integrating Architecture, SLMs AO, MO, EO and
LC based SLMs
V optical numerical processing, simple arithmetic,
evaluation of polynomials, optical implementation 20
of matrix vector multiplication, differentiation, 4
integration, partial differential equations

Optical neural network, characterization of ANN,

supervised and unsupervised learning, neuron as
nonlinear element, associative memory using pattern
VI matching by vector matrix multiplication, double and
multilayer NN, Hopfield net, optical implementation 20
of neural networks


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6321 Fiber Optics Technology 3-1-0-4 2015

Course Objectives
• Concept of optical fiber as transmission medium using ray theory approach and
electromagnetic theory applied on optic fiber
• Properties and characteristic of single mode fiber and different types of fiber in optical
fiber communication
• Different techniques to provide optical fiber connections, fiber to fiber joints, fiber branching
• A general treatment of major measurements which may be undertaken in the optical fiber in
laboratory and the field
• Development of integrated optics devices technology, optoelectronic integrated devices

Optical laws, fiber specifications and Impairments, Optical waveguides: TE and TM modes, LP
modes fiber joints and alignment-splices, connectors, couplers, transmission characteristics-Attenuation,
dispersion, fiber measurements, OTDR, integrated optics

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will

• Understand the development of fiber optic communication in the communication field,

application and types of fiber in the transmission media
• Understand the idea of degradation of light signals arising attenuation and distortion


• Get an Idea about the integrated optics and devices.

1. Fiber Optics –Ghatak & Thyagarajan, (Cambridge University Press, 1998)
2. Optical Fiber Communications - JM Senior (Pearson, 3rd Ed, 2006)
3. Fiber Optic Communication -D C Agarwal (S. Chand)
4. Optical Fiber Communication Systems – J Gowar (PHI, 2nd Ed, 1996)

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5. Fiber Optics Communication – Joseph C Palais (PHI, 5th Ed, 2005)
6. Fundamentals of Fiber Optics in Telecommunication -B P Pal (Wiley Eastern, 1993)
7. Integrated Optics- RG Husperger (Springer Verlag, 1991
8. Fundamentals of Fibre Optics- BP Pal (New Age International)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Introduction to optical fibers: Basic optical laws- ray
theory of transmission, acceptance angle,
Classification of fibers: based on refractive index
profiles, modes guided, applications and materials.

Fiber specifications: Numerical aperture of SI and GI

fibers, Fractional refractive index difference, V-
I parameter, Cut off wavelength, Dispersion parameter, 3 15
bandwidth, rise time and Non linearity coefficient.

Impairments in fibers: Group velocity dispersion

(GVD), Wave guide and modal dispersions. 3
Polarization mode dispersion (PMD), Birefringence-
linear and circular.

Optical wave guides: Ray theory of propagation.

Electromagnetic theory of wave propagation. 4
Characteristics of planar wave guides, TE and TM
modes in planar wave guide.

Number of guidedmodes. Characteristics of optical

II fibre. Mode analysis. Weakly guiding fibre

LP modes. Single mode fibre, cut- offwave lengths, 15

spot size. Mode coupling. Phase shift with total 3
internal reflection and the evanescent field, Goos –
Haenchen shift


Fiber alignment and joint loss: Multimode fiber joints, 4

Single-mode fiber joints, Fiber splices Fusion splices,
III Mechanical splices, Multiple splices

Fiber connectors, Cylindrical ferrule connectors, 15

Duplex and multiple-fiber connectors, Fiber

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connector-type summary, Expanded beam connector,
GRIN-rod lenses, 3
Fiber couplers, Three- and four-port couplers , Star
couplers, Wavelength division multiplexing couplers
Optical isolators and circulators

Transmission characteristics of optical fibres: 4

Attenuation, absorption losses, linear scattering
losses, nonlinear scattering losses, Stimulated Raman
and stimulated Brillouin scattering. Fibre bend losses.

IV Dispersion: Phase and group velocities. Material

dispersion, intramodal dispersion and wave guide
dispersion. 15
Overall fibre dispersion. Dispersion modified fibres.
Polarization maintaining fibres.


Fiber measurements: Attenuation measurement –

cut back method. Measurement of dispersion 3
differential group delay
Refractive index profile measurement. Numerical
aperture (NA) measurement, Diameter 4
V measurement, Mode Field Diameter (MFD)
measurement, V- parameter, cut off wavelength
splicing and insertion losses. OTDR- working
principle and applications. OSA- basic block 3
schematic and applications in measurements.
Integrated optics: Fabrication of channel waveguides 2

electro optic waveguides, i/p o/p couplers, EO and 2

VI MO modulators.
Applications of integrated optics, Grating lenses,
optical components, spectrum analyzers, ADC. 2


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Course No. Course Name Year of Introduction

02EC6331 Optoelectronic Devices 4-0-0-4 2015

Course Objectives
• To know the basics of solid state physics, different methods of luminescence, display devices
and laser types and their applications.
• To learn the principle of optical detection mechanism in different detection devices
• To understand different light modulation techniques and the concepts and applications of
optical switching.
• To study the integration process and application of optoelectronic integrated circuits in
transmitters and receivers

Semiconductor and properties, band gap semiconductors, LED and its performance
characteristics, LASER and Modulators, Display devices and photo detectors

Course Outcome
• The student get an understanding about basics of solid state physics
• They will be able to understand the working of Optical Transmitters, Modulators and detectors
• They can analyze the performance of various Display devices

1. Optoelectronics- An introduction- J Wilson and J F B Hawkes. (Prentice Hall, 3edition, 1998)

2. Optoelectronics & Photonics: Principles and Practices- Safa Kasap O, (PHI, 2001)

3. Optical Electronics- Ghatak & Thyagarajan, (Cambridge Press, 1989)

4. Solid State Electronic devices- Ben G Streetman (6th Ed, 2006)

5. Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices- Pallab Bhattacharya (2nd Edn, 2003)

5. Optical fiber communication- J M Senior (Pearson, 2009)

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6. Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics- R P Khare (Oxford University Press, 2004)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Semiconductors, Classifications, Optoelectronic
materials, direct and indirect band gap, electronic
properties of semiconductors 4

Fermi level and quasi-Fermi levels, density of states,

I life time and mobility of carriers, diffusion and 15
invariance of Fermi level at equilibrium. continuity
equation, excess carriers, , optical properties, theory
of recombination, radiative and non- radiative

PN junction, injection efficiency, heterojunction, 5

internal quantum efficiency, double heterojunction,
quantum well and super lattices
II 4 15
LED-Materials, Power and efficiency, double hetero
structure LED LED performance characteristics.


Laser: Basic concepts, Optical emission from

semiconductors- Hetero junction lasers. 5
Semiconductor Injection Lasers – Stripe Geometry,
Laser modes.
III 15
Injection laser structures- gain guided lasers, index
guided lasers, Distributed Feedback Lasers. Laser
diode arrays. Semiconductor optical amplifiers 5
(SOA), SOA characteristics and their applications.

Basic principles, Polarization, birefringence, Electro

optic Modulators-electro optic effect, EO materials. 4
IV Kerr modulators, scanning and switching, Magneto
Optic Modulators-Faraday effect, Acousto Optic 5 15


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Display devices: Photo-luminescence, cathodo- 5
luminescence, cathode ray tube (CRT) 20
V Electroluminescence, Injection luminescence and
LED- drive circuitry Plasma panel display, LCD 4
displays- liquid crystals, properties, Numeric displays

Photodetectors , -performance criteria of a photo 5

dectetor, expressions for quantum efficiency,
VI Junction Photo diodes- PIN and Heterojunction 5
diodes, Avalanche Photodiodes, Phototransistor,
CCDs, Solar cells, efficiency, recent developments in
solar cells, noises in photodetectors


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6341 Laser Technology 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To understand light matter interaction and different broadening mechanisms
associated with laser.
• Explain quantitatively the conditions for producing laser action and rate equations
of different level laser system.
• Describe quantitatively the characteristics of laser light from pulsed and continuous
wave lasers.
• To introduce various type of lasers used in research and industry

Light matter interaction, Einstein coefficients, emission broadening mechanisms, conditions for laser
action, threshold requirements of laser, laser rate equations, pumping mechanisms, laser cavity modes,
Q-switching and mode locking, laser systems general description, structure and applications

Course Outcome
Students will be able to

• Understand the working mechanism of laser Systems.

• Understand properties of CW and pulsed lasers.
• Familiarity with various different lasers used in research and industry.


1. Laser Fundamentals - Willaim T Selfvast (Cambridge University press, 2004)

2. Lasers theory and application - Ghatak&Thyagarajan (Mcmillan,India,2003)
3. Laser Electronics - J T Vardeyan (Prentice Hall India, 1995)
4. Optical electronics - AmnonYariv( Oxford University Press 6th Ed, 2006)
5. Principles of Laser - Svelto, (Plenum Press New York,5thEdn 2010)
6. Solid State Laser Engineering - Koechonar (Springer Verlag,5th Ed,1999)

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Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Interaction of Radiation with Matter, radiative decay
of excited states of atoms, spontaneous emission, and
collision depopulation in atomic and molecular gases, 4
Absorption and stimulated emission.
Einstein A and B coefficients emission broadening, 15
line width of laser homogeneous and inhomogeneous

Conditions for producing laser action, absorption and

gain of a Homogeneously broadened radiative
transition, gain coefficient and stimulated emission
cross section for homogeneous and inhomogeneous 5
Necessary and sufficient condition for laser action
Population inversion and Saturation intensity),growth
of gain medium with homogeneous and
inhomogeneous broadening


Threshold requirements for a laser with and

without cavity, Principle of laser amplifiers,
Requirement to obtain population inversion.
III Rate equation for three and four level system.
Pumping threshold requirements, pumping
parameters associated with optical and particle
Laser cavity modes: FB cavity modes, longitudinal
and transverse modes, mode characteristics, spectral 3
and spatial hole burning

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Stability of laser resonator, stability diagram, 3 15
optimization of output coupling, unstable resonators,
ring cavity.


Q switching ,general theory, active and passive Q

switching techniques
Mode locking, general theory, active and passive 20
mode locking, mode locking by pulse shortening.
Laser systems, General description, laser structure,
excitation mechanism and applications of following
VI lasers. He-Ne, Argon ion, CO2, excimer,
nitrogen,dye, Nd: Yag, Nd: Glass, Alexandrite and 8 20
Ti: Sapphire lasers, diode pumped solid state laser.

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6351 .1 Digital Communication 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives

• Understand the idea of random variables, probability and random processes.

• Develop an in-depth knowledge on sampling, reconstruction and multiplexing techniques.
• Provide the idea of various digital modulation techniques, matched filtering, binary PSK,QPSK,
FSK, QAM & M-Ary modulation techniques and their representation.
• Understand the concept of information theory and coding

Random variables and random process, Gram Schmitt Orthogonalization Procedure, Probability
of Error, Sampling Process, Multiplexing, Digital Modulation techniques, Matched filter, Intersymbol
interference, Information theory & Coding, Information capacity theorem, Linear Prediction,
Rayleigh and Rican distributions

Course Outcome
• Introduces the students to probability and random processes.
• Provide the idea of signal representation ,sampling ,quantization and coding techniques
• Various modulation schemes, matched filtering ,intersymbol interference etc

1. Digital Communication -Simon Haykin, (John Wiley& Sons, 2005)
2. Communication Systems -Simon Haykin, (John Wiley& Sons , 2004)
3. Principles of Communication Systems - Taub& Schilling, (TMH, 1991 )
4. Modern Digital and analog Communication Systems - B.P.Lathi, (Oxford University Press, 3rd
Ed., 2005)
5. Digital Communications Fundamentals and applications - Bernard Sklar, (Pearson 2006)
6. Analog and Digital Communications - Hwei Hsu, Schaum’s Outline, (McGraw Hill,2003)
7. Principles of Instrumental Analysis - Douglas A. Skoog, F James Holler and Timothy A Nieman, ,
5thEdn, Hartcourt Image Publishers, 1998

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8. Fundamentals of Optical Engineering - Donald F. Jacob, , Mc Grew Hill, 1943


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %

Random variable and random process. Review of

probability theory , random variable, conditional
probability ,discrete and continuous random variable
cumulative distribution function, probability density 2
function , conditional PDF, expected value and
variance of random variables, joint random variables

Random process: stationary process and wide sense

stationary process ,mean , coorelation and co variance 3
II 15
Ergodic process, transmission of random process
through LTI filter ,power spectral density , Gaussian 3
process , Rayleigh process & Rican distribution


Signal space analysis: geometric representation of

signals, Gram Schmitt orthogonalization Procedure ,
conversion of continuous AWGN channel into a
vector channel, likelihood detection, coherent
III detection of signals in noise 15

Probability of error, minimum energy signals, bit Vs

symbol error probabilities, union bound on the 2
probability of error

Sampling process: quantization , sampling theorem,

IV interpolation formula, Quadrature sampling of band 4
pass signals, reconstruction of message from its

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sample, signal distortion in sampling , practical 15

PAM, PPM, PWM (Generation & reconstruction 5

block level treatment only). Multiplexing: TDM.
FDM. Waveform coding techniques:PCM, Channel
noise & error probability, Quantization noise &
signal to noise ratio, robust quantization , DPCM,
Delta modulation. ADPCM, linear prediction


Digital Modulation techniques: Digital modulation

formats, Coherent binary modulation techniques PSK,
FSK, QPSK, MSK. Noncoherent binary modulation
techniques DPSK. Comparison of binary &
quaternary modulation techniques. Mary Mod
techniques PSK, QAM, FSK( Block level treatment
V only)
Base band data transmission: Discrete PAM signals,
Power spectra of discrete PAM signals, Matched 5

filter, Intersymbol interference, Nyquist's criterion for

distortion less base band binary transmission, Eye
pattern, Optimum linear receiver Adaptive
Information theory & Coding: Information theory :
Information ,entropy, Information Rate,
Channel capacity, Mutual information ,Channel
coding theorem, Capacity of Gaussian channel, S/N
VI Bandwidth tradeoff, 20
Information capacity theorem, Information capacity of
colored noise channels, Error control codes: discrete
memory less channels, Linear block codes, cyclic
codes , convolution codes

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L-T-P- Year of
Course No. Course Name
Credits Introduction

02EC6351.2 Radiation Sources and Detectors 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To understand the fundamentals of both the sources and the detectors and their performance in
the radiation detecting systems
• To get a basic insight into the evolving radiation detection techniques and their applications

Sources Of Radiation and units, Spectroscopy And Optical Devices, IR, VIS, UV radiation,
Different types of filters and their applications, Detector Characteristics, Noise in radiation detectors,
Conventional Detectors, Modern Detectors, Photographic and thermoplastic materials

Course Outcome
At the end of the course, the students will be able

• To understand the different radiation sources and their origin on the basis of the quantum concept
• To understand the different radiation detecting processes and the characteristics of the detectors
• To acquire knowledge of the principle and working of conventional and modern detectors and
their applications

1. Optical and Infrared Detectors -R.J.Kayes , Topics in Applied Physics, Springer
2. Introduction to Classical and Modern Optics -Jurgen R .Meyer- Edition VI Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., 1994
3. Introduction of Atomic Spectra - White H.E., McGraw Hill, International Students Edition, 1985.
4. Molecular Spectroscopy - Barrow G.M., McGraw Hill, Kugakusha, New Delhi, 1982.
5. Optical Materials - Roger M. Wood, The Institute of Materials, London, UK, 1993.
6. Optical Radiation Detectors - Dereniak E.L. and Crowe D.G., John Wiley, New York, 1984.
7. Optoelectronics - Endel UIGA, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey, 1995.

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Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Sources Of Radiation: Basic radiative transfer - 3
Radiance and radiometric quantities – The angular
range – Radiometric Photometric units and their

geometrical radiation transfer - Radiant intensity and

2 15
I their profiles Lambertian – point – exponent profiles
– Optical transfer function

Numerical aperture – Sources – Natural and

luminescent sources of radiation, blackbody radiation
- Infrared, Ultraviolet, Visible radiation sources -
radiometric measurements and calibration.

Spectroscopy And Optical Devices: Electromagnetic 3

spectrum – Wave and quantum aspects
Atomic, molecular and vibrational spectroscopy - 4
Electronic, vibrational and rotational transitions


Selection rules – IR, VIS, UV radiation - Absorption 3

& Emission Spectroscopy

III Devices – Materials for reflection and transmission 2 15

Reflective losses and their reduction

Different types of filters and their applications. 2

Detector Characteristics: Basic detector mechanisms -

radiometric instruments and detector interfaces - 4
IV Photon detection process – Photon effects – Thermal
effect – wave interaction effect

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Noise in radiation detectors Figure of merit - Spectral
response – Responsivity – Noise equivalent power –
Detectivity Frequency response – Response time –
Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) - Optical receivers


Conventional Detectors: Photomultipliers,

microchannel analyzer, photoresistors, photodiodes, 4
nonselective detectors Thermal and photoemissive
detectors, Photoconductive and photovoltaic
V Detectors, performance limits.

Photographic, thermoplastic materials - Sensitivity,
time and frequency response - eye and vision,
photographic film - Camera tubes.

Modern Detectors: Hybrid photodetectors - Imaging

detectors - solid-state arrays, video, Detector
detector interfacing Different CCD cameras Digital
VI 4
camera Optical Multichannel Analyzer –
Monochromator – Photo transistors – Photo thyristors
– Triac - Box-carAverager – Integrating Sphere –
Streak Camera


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Communication Networks 3-0-0-3

02EC6351.3 2015

Course Objectives
• To build an understanding of the fundamental concepts of networking and different layers of
optical networking.
• To understand the concepts of queuing theory applicable to networks.
• To study about different broadband services and QOS issues and multiple access

• To familiarize with the basic protocols of optical networks and how they can be used to assist
in network design

Internet Architecture, OSI layered model, layering in the internet, basics. Data link layer: Peer-
to-Peer Protocols, ARQ Protocols and Reliable Data Transfer Service. Multiple access
communications, Broadband services and QOS issues, Queuing theory applicable to computer
networks, Optical fiber networks.

Course Outcome
• Introduces the students to advanced networking concepts, prepares the student for advanced
courses in computer networking.
• This course will give the highly sought-after skills needed to design, implement, configure,
maintain and manage the state-of-the-art networks.

1. Communication Networking - An Analytical Approach-Anurag Kumar, D.Manjunath And Joy
Kuri, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2004
2. Computer Networks: A System Approach -Peterson L.L. & Davie B.S, Morgan Kaufman
Publishers, Elsevier 2007.
3. Optical Fiber Communications - Principles And Practice: John M. Senior,3rd Edition, Pearson
Publications, 2009

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4. Computer Networks, A top down approach featuring the Internet - James. F. Kurose and Keith.
W. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2001
5. Data Networks - Bertsekas and R. Gallager, PHI, 2000.
6. An Engineering approach to computer networking - S. Keshav (Addison Wesley 1st Ed, 1997)
7. Introduction to Optical fiber communication - Suematsu and IgaJohnWiley, 1982
8. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols and Architecture - Douglas E Comer, 6th
Edition, and PHI – 2014.


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Internet Architecture: Architectural concepts in
ISO’s OSI layered model, layering in the internet. 3
TCP/IP protocol stacks. Transport layer TCP and
I UDP. 15

Network layer IP, routing, internetworking, data 3

link layer ARQ schemes, LANs

Data Link Layer: Peer-to-Peer Protocols, ARQ

Protocols and Reliable Data Transfer Service,
Derivation of Efficiency of ARQ Protocols.
Data Link Controls, Framing, Point-to-Point
Protocol, HDLC Data Link Control, Link Sharing 15
Using Packet Multiplexers.


Multiple access communications: Local Area 2

Networks (LAN) structure, the medium access
control sub layer, the logical link control layer,

III random access, ALOHA, slotted ALOHA, CSMA,


Scheduling approaches to medium access control,

reservation systems, polling, token passing rings,

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comparison of random access and scheduling
medium access controls. IEEE LAN standards.

Broadband services and QOS issues: Quality of

Service issues in networks Integrated service
Queuing Disciplines: Weighted Fair queuing
IV 15
Random Early Detection Differentiated Services
Protocols for QOS support ,Resource reservation –
RSVP, Multi protocol label Switching real Time 5

transport protocol.


Introduction to Queuing theory: Markov chain

Discrete time and continuous time Markov chains,
Poisson process

V Queuing models for data gram networks, Little’s

theorem ,M/M/1 queuing systems ,M/ M/m/m 20
queuing models, M/G/1 queue Mean value 6

Optical fiber network: Data buses, LAN systems,

network configurations, FDDI network, ATM, 4
SONET and SDH network
ISDN and BISDN, high speed networks, industrial 20
network, public network applications


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Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits

02EC6351.4 Materials For Optical Devices 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To introduce various materials used for semiconductor device fabrication and developments.
• Study various optical materials used in industry and research

Materials for optical processes, characteristics of semiconductors, laser crystals, Optics of
anisotropic crystals, photonic band gap materials, Optics of thin films and Material Growth and Device

Course Outcome
• Students will be able to understand various optical materials used in fabrication, developments,
industry, research, data storage etc.

1. Semiconductor optoelectronic devices - P. Bhattacharya, Prentice-Hall India, (2003).
2. Fundamentals of photonics - B.E.A. Saleh and M.C. Teich., New York (2 edition 2007).
3. Solid state laser engineering - W. Kochner, Springer New York (6 edition,2006).
4. Quantum electronics - A.Yariv, John Wiley & Sons, New York ( edition,1989)


Contact Sem.
Module Contents
Hours Exam
Marks %
Refractive index and dispersion, transmission, reflection and
absorption of light, glass and amorphous materials, optical
I material for UV and IR.
Semiconductors: electron- hole pair formation and 4

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recombination, absorption in semiconductors, radiation in
semiconductors, Augur recombination, photoluminescence,
electro luminescent process, choice of LED materials.

Spectroscopy of laser crystals, laser crystal for high gain,

II crystal growth and characterization, Recent advances in Laser 6 15



Biaxial, uniaxial crystals, double refraction ,index ellipsoid 3

optical activitynonlinear optical crystals, 15
liquid crystals photorefractive materials, theory of photo 4
refractivity Application of photorefractive materials.
Band gap modification by alloying optical properties of 4
quantum well, quantum wire and quantum dot structures. 15
photonic band gap (PBG) materials ,growth of PBG materials,
light transmission in PBG materials.


Optics of thin films: Reflection, transmission and absorption in

thin films. Anti reflection (AR) coating: single layer AR
coating, double layer AR coatings, multilayer AR coatings, 3
inhomogeneous AR coatings. 20
Reflection coatings: metal reflectors, all dielectric reflectors. 4
Interference filters: edge filters, band pass filters, Fabry-Perot
filters, multicavity filters, thin film polarizers, beam splitters,
thin film optical integrated structures and devices.
Thermodynamics of materials growth, Fundamentals of MBE,
CVD, and MOCVD, Material characterization techniques 4
VI (XRD, PL, FTIR, Hall, etc.) 20
Device processing techniques (photolithography, wet chemical 3
etching, dry etching, thin film deposition, RTA, etc.)

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02CA6001 1-1-0-2
Methodology 2015

Course Objectives
• The objective of this course is to help the student to understand the fundamental ideas and logic
of research. This course will also to help students to plan design, execute, evaluate and report
research within the specified time.

Introduction to Research, Research Problem, Research Design, Data Collection and Analysis,
Research Reporting, Research Application and Ethics

Course Outcome
At the end of this course, the students should be able to
• Understand the basic concepts of research and its methodologies.
• Identify appropriate research topics.
• Select and define an appropriate research problem.
• Organize and conduct scientific research.
• Prepare and defend a research thesis.

1. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques - C. R. Kothari, 2004, 2nd Edn., New Age
2. Research Methods - Donad H. McBurney and Theresa L White, 2009, 8th Edn., Wadsworth
Cengage Learning Inc.
3. Business Research Methods - Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler, 2013, , 12thEdn., Tata
4. Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists: A Computer based Approach -J.W Barnes,
1994, McGraw Hill.
5. Research Methodology - Panneerselvam, 2012, Prentice Hall of India.

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6. Practical Research: Planning and Design - Leedy, P.D. and Ormirod, J.E., 2012, 10th Edn.,
Prentice Hall.
7. Research Methodology: An Introduction for Science & Engineering Students - Stuart Melville
and Wayne Goddard, 1996, Juta and Company Ltd.
8. A Manual for writers of term papers, theses and Dissertation - Turabian, K.L Revised by
Grossman, J. and Bennert, A., 1996, , 6th Edn., University of Chicago Press.


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Introduction to Research

Meaning and definition of research-Motivation and

objectives of research-Types of research-
I Fundamental-Applied – Descriptive – Analytical –
Qualitative – Quantitative – Conceptual – Empirical – 5
Research and Scientific methods– Research process-
Criteria for good research

Research Problem

Sources of research problems-Characteristics of a

research problem-Problem defining techniques-
Sources of literature-Review of literature-Issues and
gap areas identification-Purpose of study-Exploratory
and descriptive-Qualities of good hypothesis-Null and 4 15
alternative hypothesis-Importance of hypothesis


Research Design

Features of good design-Different research designs-

Laboratory and field experiments-Measurement
concepts-Scales and levels-Measurement of variables- 15
Factors affecting validation-Internal and external 5
validation-Reliability-Stability methods-Development

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of experimental and sample designs

Data Collection and Analysis

Methods of data collection-Data sources-Surveys and

questionnaires-Methods of data collection and their
utility-Concepts of statistical population-Sampling
IV techniques-Probabilistic and non-probabilistic
samples-Sample size determination issues-Primary 4
and secondary data analysis-Use of computers,
internet and library-Data analysis with statistical
packages-Preparation of data for analysis


Research Reporting
Purpose of written reports-Concept of audience-
Types of reports-Structure and components of
reports-Technical reports and thesis-Features of a
V good thesis-Layout and language of reports-
5 20
Intellectual contents of the thesis-Making oral
presentations-Effective communications-Publishing
research findings-Defending the thesis
Research Application and Ethics

Application of results of research outcome-

Environmental impacts-Professional ethics-Ethical
issues and committees-Copyright-Royalty-
Intellectual property rights-Patent laws and Patenting-
5 20
Reproduction of published material-Plagiarism-
Citation and acknowledgement-Reproducibility and
accountability-Developing research proposals


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6361 Seminar 0-0-2-2 2015

Course Objectives
• The objective of the seminar is to impart training to the students in collecting materials on a
specific topic from books, journals and other sources, compressing and organizing them in a
logical sequence, and presenting the matter effectively both orally and as a technical report.
• The basic thrust is to get acquainted with technical presentation and technical report writing

The student is expected to present a seminar in one of the current topics in Optoelectronics/
Optical Communication systems. Submit one page Abstract of the selected topic along with copies
of minimum two journal references and get the topic approved by one of the members of staff in
charge of the seminar. There shall be a minimum of two journal references of recent time related
to the topic. Presentation of topic based on mere website data is not allowed.

Each student shall present a seminar in the First semester on a topic relevant to Advancement
in his/her field for about 30 minutes. The topic shall be finally approved by the Seminar
Evaluation Committee of the Department. The committee shall evaluate the presentation of
students. A seminar report in the prescribed form shall be submitted to the department after the
approval from the committee. A student is supposed to meet his/her faculty supervisor and get
some guidance about how he/she should prepare the seminar. It is advisable that the students get
their presentation slides corrected by their supervisors

Course Outcome
• It also gives the students a broad knowledge about some of the research topics by listening to the
talks of his fellow scholars

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

OEC Lab I 2015

02EC6371 0-0-2-1

Course Objectives
• To verify the concepts, learned in the theory of digital signal and optical signal
processing, with the help of simulations and or on real time systems.
• Experiments on characterization of optical fibers, Optoelectronic devices, sources etc.

All the students are expected to do laboratory experiments based on a minimum three
courses that they have undergone in that semester. It should cover fundamental concepts, design,
and implementation of simple applications based on the theory papers the students have undergone
during that semesters.


MATLAB Experiments on digital signal



Filter Design

MATLAB Experiments on optical signal Processing

2D convolution

2D Fourier Transforms


Fiber Optics Based Experiments

Identification of fibre

Numerical Aperture

Bending Losses

Total Internal Reflection

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Optoelectronic Device




Solar cell

Laser beam characterization

Course Outcome
• It also gives the students a broad knowledge about some of the research topics by listening to the
talks of his fellow scholars

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6312 Biophotonics 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives

• To provide an Idea about the interaction of light with cells ,tissues or any biological Specimen

• Applications of various optical imaging and sensing techniques in biomedicine

• The various technological advances in Therapeutic applications of laser in PDT, LASIK, PRK,
Dermatology etc

• To study about laser micro dissection tools and its applications.

Photobiology, photo process, photo excitation, bioimaging and its applications, optical
biosensors, Flow cytometry, Light activated therapy, laser micro dissection tools and application

Course Outcome
The student gets an idea about light and biological matter interaction, Various bioimaging
techniques, Optical Biosensor working principles & Applications of Laser light in various surgeries

1. Introduction to BioPhotonics - V N Prasad (Wiley Interscience April 2004)

2. Biomedical Photonics: A Handbook - TuVoDinh (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 2003)

3. A Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics - SPIE press monograph vol pm107

4. Biomedical Optics Principles and Imaging – Lihong V and HsinIWU, Wiley Interscience 1st ed,
5. Optical Coherence Tomography Principles and Applications – Mark E. Brezinski, (Academic
Press 1st ed, 2006)

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6. Biophysics – An Introduction – Rodney Cotterill , (John Wiley Student edition)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Photobiology: Interaction of light with cells and
tissues, photo processes in Biopolymers, human eye
and vision, photosynthesis
Photo excitation: free space propagation, optical fiber
delivery system, articulated arm delivery, hollow tube 15

Optical coherence tomography, spectral and time

resolved imaging 2
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer , FRET 15
imaging , non linear optical imaging 3


Bioimaging: Transmission microscopy, Kohler

illumination ,microscopy based on phase contrast,
Dark field and differential interference contract
microscopy, fluorescence, confocal and multiphoton
III microscopy

Applications of bioimaging: Bioimaging probes and

fluorophores, imaging of microbes, cellular imaging
and tissue imaging
Optical biosensors: Fluorescence and energy transfer
sensing, molecular beacons and optical geometries 3
of biosensing

biosensors based on fiber optics, planar waveguides,

IV evanescent waves, interferometric and surface 3 15
Plasmon resonance

Flow cytometry: Basics, fluorochromes for flow

cytometry, DNA analysis 3


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Laser activated therapy: Photodynamic therapy,
photosensitizes for photodynamic therapy,
applications of photo dynamic therapy, two photon
V photodynamic therapies

Tissue engineering using light: Contouring and

restructuring of tissues using laser, laser tissue
regeneration, femto second laser surgery
Laser tweezers and laser scissors, design of laser
tweezers and laser scissors, optical trapping using 3
non Gaussian optical beam

VI manipulation of single DNA molecules, molecular

motors, lasers for genomics and proteomics,
semiconductor quantum dots for bio imaging,
metallic nanoparticles and nano rods for biosensing
Photonics and biomaterials: Bacteria as 4
biosynthesizer for photonic polymers

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Optical Communication
02EC6322 3-1-0-4 2015

Course Objectives

• To know the basics of a communication link, relevance of optical fiber in a communication

system& how light propagates in Fiber.
• A Review of various Sources and Detectors used in optical communication Systems
• To develop knowledge about various constraints in setting up a communication link
• Study the working and characteristics of various optical components like amplifiers, couplers etc


Guided and Unguided Optical communication, Optical fiber material, fabrication, characteristics,
source, detector characteristics, optical communication Link design, Optical components solitons in

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will

• Students gets familiarized with the need of Fibers in communication systems and the
advancements of solitons in communication

• They can analyze and design optical components and can set up communication links that satisfy
a required constraint

1. Optical Fiber Communication - G Keiser (4th Ed, TMH,2008)
2. Optical Fiber Communications -J M Senior (Pearson, 3rd 2010 )
3. Introduction to Optical Fibre Communication - Suematsu and Iga, (John Wiley ,1982)
4. Fiber Optic Communication – Joseph C Palais, (PHI, 5th Ed, 2005)
5. Optical Communication Components and Systems – J H Franz, V K Jain (Narosa Publishing
House 2005)
6. Optical Fiber Communication Systems - J Gowar (Prentice Hall India, 2nd Ed 1996)

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7. Fiber Optic Communication Systems - D C Agarwal (S Chand).
8. An Introduction to Fiber Optic Systems – John Powers(McGraw Hill Irwin, 1996)
9. Fiber optic Communications Technology –Djafar K Mynbaev& Lowell L Scheiner,
(Pearson Education, 2001)
10. Optical solitons: Theoretical and Experimental Challenges - K.Porsezian, V C Kuriakose
(Springer, 2002)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Introduction to Guided optical communication system
: Review of unguided optical communication systems
Guided optical communication, Elements of optical
I fiber transmission systems

Optical fiber types, materials, fabrication techniques. 15

Signal degradation, attenuation , signal distortion
Sources of communication: Review of LED-
modulation circuits: analog and digital
II LASER diode structure, modulation analog and digita
circuits. Opto mechanical switches, photonic and
digital switches 5 15


Detectors for communication : Noise in PIN diodes,

Noise sources, principle noise’s- thermal noise, dark 6 15
current noise, quantum noise, receiver noise, noise
in APD receivers
Receiver configuration: receiver noise. Preamplifier-
low impedance, high impedance , trans impedance

System design consideration : multiplexing , OTDM,

IV WDM, digital systems: Regenerative repeaters , point 5 15
to point links, link power budget analysis, rise time

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budget analysis

Line coding: NRZ codes, RZ codes, block codes,

analog systems: sub carrier multiplexing. Coherent
systems, homodyne and hetero dyne detection 5

Optical fiber cables, fiber connectors, joints, splices, 4


V Fiber amplifier types semiconductor LASER 20

amplifier, Erbium doped fiber amplifier, raman 5
amplifier, brillouin fiber amplifier

Solitons: group velocity dispersion , self phase 4

modulation , generation and transmission of solitons

VI Solitons types: Dispersion managed soltions , soliton 20

in PCF, application of soltions in communication 5


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6332 Laser Applications 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• Introduce various material processing and medical applications of lasers.
• To learn Holography, speckle interferometry and their applications.
• To understand different industrial applications of Lasers.

Industrial applications of laser including drilling, welding, cutting etc., Laser applications in
medicines. Speckle interferometry, Laser Doppler Velocimetry, Lasers in chemistry and other laser
application including Fusion, cooling, trapping etc.

Course Outcome
• Students can synthesize a variety of relevant theoretical elements in order to Solve practical
problems in laser system design at the application level.
• They can examine techniques for characterization, measurement and control of laser output.

1. Industrial Applications of Laser – John F Ready (Academic Press, 2nd Ed1997)
2. Optical Interferometry -P Hariharan (Academic Press; 2nd Ed,2007).
3. Laser processing and analysis of materials - W W Duley ( Springer, 1st Ed, 1983)
4. Biomedical Photonics Handbook - Tuan Vo Dinh ( Edtor in chief CRC Press 1st Ed 2003 )
5. Fundamentals of Photonics - B E A Saleh and M C Teich, Wiley Interscience, 2nd edn,2007


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Absorption of laser radiation by metals, semi
I conductors and insulators, laser drilling, welding,

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cutting and surface cleaning.
Optical fibre splicing, laser deposition of thin
films, generation of fiber grating.

Photodynamic therapy, Laser angioplasty, Lasers in

surgery, Laser tissue welding, Low power Laser 4
Surface Enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for 15
biomedical diagnostics.


Theory of hologram recording and reconstruction,

thin and thick film hologram, application of
III holography to character recognition and NDT.
Theory and applications of speckle interferometry.
Principle of operation, velocity meter as
interferometer, Performance parameters : scale factor
relative error, accuracy of Doppler frequency, size of

IV sensing region, Alignment and positioning errors,

direction discrimination, particle seeding, Electronic 15
processing of the Doppler signal (Time domain &
frequency domain)


Schemes of laser isotope separation, laser induced 4

V chemical reactions
Infrared photo chemistry, ultra-fast processes 2 20
Laser pollution monitoring, laser plasma
VI interaction, laser induced fusion, CD ROM, laser
cooling and trapping, laser computing-logic gates. 20

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Advanced Optical
02EC6342.1 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• Understand the evolution of optical networks, first and second generation and
various developments over the years, and various optical networking components.

• To study WDM concepts and Understand the bottlenecks in network design and
wavelength assignment

• Study various high capacity optical networks and TDM techniques in optical domain.

• To understand various access and PON networks.

Passive and active optical components, optical amplifiers, photonic switching, mutiplexers and
filters, first generation optical networks, SONET/SDH, second generation optical networks, modulation
schemes, WDM/WRN, OFDM, access and PON networks.

Course Outcome
• Students will be able to understand various optical components, frame formats and modulation
• Students will be able to understand multiplexing such as WDM and OTDM.
• Familiarity with various access and PON networks.

1. Optical networks – A practical perspective – Rajiv Ramaswami N Sivarajan, (Morgan
Kaufmann, 3rd Ed 2010)
2. Integrated Optics – Theory and technology –R G Hunsperger (Springer series in optical
sciences”, 5th edition 2002)
3. Optical Fiber Communications – G Keiser (TMH , 5th Edn,2013)
4. Optical Communication System – John Gowar, (PHI , 2nd Ed 1996)

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5. Optical Fiber Communications Principles and practice – John M Senior (3rd Edn, 2010)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Introduction to optical components , coupler, isolator ,
circulators, terminators, attenuatorsOptical amplifiers-
SOA, EDFA, Raman amplifiers.
Photonic switching-optical cross connect, wavelength 15
convertors, multiplexer, demultiplexer-filters-tunable 4

First generation optical networks SONET/SDH - 4

multiplexing, elements of a SONET/SDH
infrastructure- SONET/SDH physical layer.

II Computer interconnects- ESCON, Fiber channel, 3 15

HIPPI. Metropolitan area networks-FDDI, ATM.
Layered architecture-SONET/SDH layers-second
generation optical network layers.


Modulation Schemes: Multilevel modulation 4

schemes - multi-dimensional hybrid modulation
OFDM for optical communications - MIMO optical 15
communications. 3
WDM technology :introduction ,WDM optical
networking evolution ,enabling technologies for 6 15
IV WDM Networks, WDM optical network architecture-
DWDM Specifications, issues in WRN


OTDM Technology Bit interleaving and Packet

interleaving , important issues in OTDM- 4
V Synchronization
Optical solitons Generation, applications of solitons. 3
soliton effect compressor.

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Access Network: Classification proposed
architectures and issues of fiber to home (FTH) 4
Passive optical networks (PON), Classifications of
PON network -Free space optical communication. 20

Introduction to all optical networks (AON) and its 3

applications .Introduction to Radio over fiber
(ROF) technology.

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Holography And
02EC6342.2 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To study and analyze the principle of holography, recording and reconstruction of holograms.
• To study the various classification of holograms and their recording methods.
• Acquire knowledge about Holographic interferometry and non destructive testing.

• To provide idea about different applications of holography in various fields.

Optical Holography, recording and reconstruction of hologram, Holographic interferometry,
Speckle Metrology, Theory of fringe formation, Holographic nondestructive testing, out of plane and
in plane measurements, digital holography, holographic photo elasticity.

Course Outcome
• To give idea about the basic concepts of holography, how to record and reconstruct a
• An understanding about the concept of non-destructive testing, interferometry etc.
• To familiarize speckle patterns, classification and speckle techniques.

1. Holographic Interferometry - Vest.C.M., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1979

2. Optical Holography - Hariharan, Academic Press, 1983

3. Speckle Metrology - Sirohi R.S., (Ed), Mercel Dekker, 1993

4. Holographic Non-destructive Testing - Robert K Erf, Academic Press, 1974

5. Interferometry in Speckle Light: Theory and Applications - Pierre Jacquot& Jean-

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Marc Fournier,(Eds) Springer-Verlag, 2000

6. Laser Speckle and Related Phenomena - J. C. Dainty ed., Springer-Verlag, 1984.

7. Handbook of Optical Holography - H. J. Caulfield , Academic Press. 1979

8. Practical Volume Holography - Graham Saxby , 3rdEdn, Marcal Dekker, 1994

9. Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry and Related Techniques - Promod K Rastogi (Ed), ,John
Wiley & Sons, 2001


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Optical Holography: basic principle, recording and
reconstruction, the wave front reconstruction process:
Inline hologram, off axis hologram, Fourier hologram,
lens less Fourier hologram, image hologram.
I 15
reconstructed image: Image of a point, image
magnification, orthoscopic and pseudoscopic images, 3
effect of source size and spectral bandwidth

Classification of holograms: Thin hologram, volume

hologram, volume transmission hologram and volume
refraction holograms. 3

II Loading methods, holographic contouring/shape 15

measurement, dual wavelength method, dual
refractive index method, digital holography,
holographic photoelasticity


Materials for recording holograms, holograms for 4

displays, colour holography, holographic optical

III elements. 15

holographic scanners, other applications of

holography: pattern recognition, information storage,

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applications in medical field, security etc

Holographic interferometry : theory of fringe

formation and measurement of displacement vector,
Holographic nondestructive testing,
IV 15
Different Techniques: double exposure, real time,
time average, sandwich, acoustic, comparative and
TV holography


Speckle Metrology: speckle phenomena, statistics of

speckle pattern, classification, objective speckle
pattern, subjective speckle pattern, 4
V 20
speckle techniques: speckle photography, speckle
interferometry, speckle shear interferometry, 4
electronic speckle pattern interferometry

Theory of fringe formation and measurement of

displacement vector, out of plane and in plane 4
VI measurements, surface roughness measurement, 20
vibration measurement, detection of defects


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6342.3 Integrated Optics 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• The main focus is on important optoelectronic components such as waveguides, lasers,
detectors and other photonic components.
• Included is the state-of-the-art technology for monolithic integration of
optical/optoelectronic components for optical communication.
• To develop an understanding on materials and fabrication technology for OIC.

Basics of optical integrated circuits, strip and channel waveguides, waveguide fabrication
techniques, modulators and integrated optical detectors, applications of OIC.

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will

• To explain how the various optoelectronic devices of an integrated optic system operate and how
they are assembled into a system.
• To explain how integrated optic devices are fabricated

1. Integrated optics - Theory &Technology R. G. Hunsperger (Springer Verlag, 6" Ed ,2009)
2. Electro optic Hand book (McGraw Hill, 2 edition , 2000)
3. Elements of opto electronics and Fibre optics (ch 7) Chin-Lin Chen (Irwin, 1996)
4. Handbook of Optics Vol. II Third Ed (McGraw Hill, 2010)
5. Guided wave opto electronics (ch 6) T Tamir (Ed) (Springer Verlag 1995)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %

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Advantages of Integrated optics- comparison of
optical integrated circuits (IC) with electronic
integrated circuits , substrate materials for OIC
Modes of planar waveguide structure , channel 4
waveguide , strip loaded wace guides 15

Wave guide fabrication techniques 2

Electro optic waveguide, losses in optical
II waveguides, measurements of waveguide losses ,
waveguide input/ output couplers, coupling between


Electro optic & acousto optic modulators, direct 3

modulation of semiconductor lasers 15
III Integrated optical detectors. depletion layer 4
photodiodes ,APD, PIN and MSM photodiodes,
modification of spectral response of detectors

Quantum well modulators, Quantum well detectors ,

IV SEED, application of integrated optics – RF 6 15
spectrum analyzer, ADC


I/O optical disk, temperature and voltage sensors,

opto electronic transmitter and receiver 4
Devices and systems for telecommunication , opto 20
microwave applications 3

Non linear integrated optics, opto electronic integrated

circuits; silicon based photonic integrated circuits, 7 20
nano photonic structures, micro opto electro
mechanical systems, bio photonic application.More
recent developments in PICS


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6342.4 Modern Optics 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To provide the knowledge of electromagnetic wave propagation
• To provide revision of elementary geometric optics
• To present enough understanding of Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction theories
• To introduce Fourier methods for diffraction analysis
• To give the idea of advanced matrix methods for various optical analysis
• To familiarize the concepts of coherence and its various consequences

Electromagnetic theory, Polarization, Matrix representation of polarization, Coherence,
interferometer, Theory of Partial coherence: Spatial and temporal coherence, spectroscopy, Ray
propagation, diffraction, Elements of Fourier optics, Elements of Adaptive optics

Course Outcome
After finishing this courses the student will

• Acquire enough idea of light diffraction and its application

• Develop a physical and a mathematical understanding of the Fourier transforms through

diffraction problems
• Achieve enough background in electromagnetic wave propagation in various media

• Bring in matrix methods to ease the optical analysis

• Gain knowledge about various coherence and their application

1. Optics - E Hecht (Addison Wesley; 4 edition)
2. Modern optics - RD Guenther (John Wiley 1990)

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3. Quantum Electronics - AmnonYariv (John Wiley, 3rd Ed)
4. Wave optics and its Applications - RS Sirohi (Orient Longman 1993)
5. Principles of optics - Bornand Wolf (Cambridge University Press 6th ed)
6. Optics and Lasers - M Young (Springer Verlag 2nd Ed.)
7. Introduction to Modern Optics - Grant R Fowles (Dover Publications, 2nd ed, 1989)
8. Fundamentals of Photonics - Saleh and Teich Wiley Intsc (2007)
9. Adaptive optics in Astronomy - Francois Roddier (Ed). Cambridge Univ (1999)


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Electromagnetic theory: Maxwell's equations, Energy
density and momentum of the electromagnetic field,
Poynting's theorem

Boundary conditions on an interface. Reflection, 3

refraction and total internal reflection. Reflection and
I refraction of polarized waves on an interface. 15
Electromagnetic waves in a conducting medium.

Polarization: Polarization ellipse, Different

polarization states, Stokes parameters and their 3
measurements. Matrix representation of polarization -
Jone's vectors and matrices, Jones calculus

Coherence: Young's double slit, double slit with an

extended source, Michelson's interferometer, Mach- 3
Zehnder interferometer, Multiple beam interference

II Fabry- Perot interferometer, Resolving power, Free 15

spectral range and Finesse of Fabry- Perot
interferometer. Interference filters. Sagnac effect,
Sagnac interferometer.


Theory of Partial coherence: Spatial and temporal 4

coherence. Coherence length and coherence time.
III Degree of coherence 15

Fourier transform spectroscopy, speckle

phenomenena, auto correlation function and

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coherence, Intensity interferometry, Hanbury Brown 3
Twiss interferometer.

Ray propagation: Rays in a medium. Matrix methods

in ray propagation. Ray path in an inhomogeneous
medium. Ray vector and ray matrices. 3
IV 15
Lens wave guide. Rays in a lens-like medium.
Propagation of beams, Gaussian beam propagation.
ABCD law. Focussing of Gaussian beams. 3


Theory of Diffraction: Kirchoff's theorem. Fresnel-

Kirchoff integral formula and its application to 2
diffraction problems.

Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Fraunhofer

V 3 15
diffraction by single slit, double slit , multiple slits,
diffraction grating, circular aperture.

Fresnel diffraction, Fresnel zones, Fresnel integrals 2

Spatial filters.

Elements of Fourier optics: Concept of spatial 3

frequencies, Effect of lens on a wave front, Lens as a
Fourier transform element. Theory of Imaging.

VI Elements of Adaptive optics: Principles of Adaptive 15

optics, Wave front distortion, wave front sensors, 4
wave front reconstruction (qualitative treatment only)


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6352.1 PROCESSING AND 2015

Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to:

• Cover the fundamental theory of digital image and imaging geometry

• learn the concepts of transforms, spatial filtering and basic enhancement techniques
• understand the basics of restoration, segmentation and color image processing
• study the underlying mechanisms of image compression and compression standards
• impart knowledge on fundamental theory and concepts of digital holography and hologram
reconstruction techniques

Digital Image fundamentals; Unitary Transforms for Image processing; Image Enhancement;
Image restoration; Image Segmentation; Image Compression; Digital holography

Course Outcome
Students should be able to :

• understand ,analyze and develop new image processing problems and algorithms

• design hologram reconstruction algorithms

• develop the skill to further explore the advanced topics of digital image processing

1. Digital Image Processing- Gonzalez and Woods, Pearson education, 2008.

2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing – A K Jain, Pearson education, 2003.

3. Digital holography and digital image processing-Yaroslavsky, Leonid,2004

4. Digital Image Processing- W K Pratt, John Wiley, 2004

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5. Digital Signal and Image Processing- Tamal Bose, John Wiley publishers,2003

6. Two dimensional signal and Image Processing- J S Lim, Prentice Hall.,1989


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Digital Image fundamentals: representation,
elements of visual perception, simple image formation
model, image sampling and quantization, basic
I relationship between pixels, imaging geometry.
Unitary Transforms for Image processing: General
Unitary Transforms ,DCT, Haar Transform,DWT

Image Enhancement: Spatial Domain Methods:

point processing - intensity transformations, 4
histogram processing, image subtraction, image
Spatial filtering- smoothing filters, sharpening filters,
Frequency Domain methods- low pass filtering, high
pass filtering, homomorphic filtering


Image restoration: Degradation model, Algebraic

III approaches- Inverse filtering, Wiener filtering,
Constrained Least Squares restoration, Interactive 15
restoration, Geometric transformations. 5

Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities-

point, line, edge and combined detection, edge
linking, Hough Transform, Thresholding
Region oriented segmentation – basic formulation, 15
region growing by pixel aggregation, region splitting
and merging

Image Compression: Fundamentals, redundancy:

V coding, interpixel, psychovisual, fidelity criteria, 4

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Error free compression - variable length, bit plane,

lossless predictive, lossy compression- lossy 5 20
predictive, transform coding, Fundamentals of JPEG
image compression

Digital holography: Hologram recording and

reconstruction, holographic/ interferometric
VI microscopy, Point spread function of reconstruction
of holograms recorded in far diffraction zone, 6 20
reconstruction by convolution approach.

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Nonlinear Optics
02EC6352.2 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To analyze various types of nonlinearities in optics and its application
• To understand Nonlinear optics principle and origin of optical nonlinearities

Interaction of light with matter, nonlinearity, Steady state response functions and susceptibility
tensors and their quantum mechanical expressions, Harmonic generation, Generation of second
harmonic self-focusing, self phase modulation, nonlinear spectroscopy methods and their applications,
optical Kerr Effect ,Four wave frequency mixing , Third order optical nonlinearities, growth and
characterization of nonlinear optical materials, Stimulated Raman and Brillouin Scattering as loss ,
soliton propagation in optical fibers, Photonic crystal fiber

Course Outcome
• The students will get the idea of the nonlinearities in optical fiber and their effect in the
communication field
• Get the idea of the different types of the nonlinearities

1. Quantum Electronics - Ammon Yariv, 3rd Edn, John Wiley, New York, 1989
2. Nonlinear Fiber Optics - Govind P. Agrawal, 3rd Edn, Academic Press, New Delhi, 2001.
3. Introduction to Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics - PochiYeh, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
4. Nonlinear Optics - R.W. Boyd, third edition, Academic, (2008).
5. Nonlinear Optics - N. Bloembergen, 4th edition, World Scientific (1996).
6. Nonlinear Fiber Optics - G. P. Agarwal, 4th edition, Academic (2007).
7. Handbook of Nonlinear Optics - R. L. Sutherland, 2nd edition, Marcel Dekker (2003).
8. Principles of Nonlinear Optics - Y. R.Shen, Wiley (1984).

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9. Extreme nonlinear optics - M.Wegner, Springer (2005).
10. Elements and Devices - Rampal V.V, Photonics, Wheeler, Allahabad, 1992
11. Optical Phase Conjugation - Fischer R.A (Ed), Academic Press, San Diego, 1983
12. Growth and characterization of Nonlinear Optical Materials - Singh N.B Pergamon, 1990


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Interaction of light with matter, optical wave
propagation in material media, effects of nonlinearity
coupling of waves, qualitative description of intensity
dependent refraction and absorption.
revision of main ideas in linear optics especially 3
anisotropic media and dispersion effects on 15
propagation of a wave packet

Steady state response functions and susceptibility

tensors and their quantum mechanical expressions, 2

Harmonic generation, Nonlinear optical 2 15

susceptibility tensor, physical origins of the
nonlinear optical coefficients, electromagnetic
II formulation of nonlinear interactions
optical second harmonic generation experimental set
up, Parametric generation of light, Basic equations of
parametric amplification, parametric oscillation,
parametric frequency tuning, experimental
arrangement, frequency up and down conversion


Generation of second harmonic and sum and

difference frequency, phase matching, Maker fringes, 3
quasi-phase matching and periodically poled
III crystals, 15
Intensity dependent refraction and absorption, self-
focusing, beam coupling and phase conjugation by

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photorefractive effect self-induced transparency,
self-phase modulation.
Four wave frequency mixing processes including 2
degenerate four wave mixing and optical phase
IV Optical Kerr Effect and its applications in ultra-short
pulse generation and characterization
nonlinear spectroscopy methods and their 2 15


Third order optical nonlinearities, Stimulated Raman 3

Scattering, anti- stokes Raman scattering, stimulated
Brilliouin scattering
self-focusing of optical beams, Nonlinear optica l 2
V materials, growth and characterization of nonlinear
optical materials

optical bi-stability, absorptive and dispersive, simple

model, optical bistable devices.

Stimulated Raman and Brillouin Scattering as loss,

soliton propagation in optical fibers, super continuum 3
generation and its applications
Non linear effects in Photonic crystal fiber (PCF)
Applications of nonlinear optics.


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC6352.3 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To study the basic concepts of optics , various optical components its fabrication and

• To study the various optical instruments such as telescopes, microscopes, spectroscopes,

interferometers etc.

• To provide the concept of biological optical instrument, defects and correction methods of it.

Optical components, Image intensifiers and Night vision devices, Optomedical instruments,
optical coherence tomography, Infrared instrumentation;IR telescopes; Morie self imaging and speckle
metrology, Photographic systems,Space optics, Adaptive optics, Spectroscopes and interferometers,
Abbe and Kohler Illuminations, Laser Gyroscopes, Photometry

Course Outcome
• Introduces the students to the principle of various optical instruments , prepares the student for
understanding phenomena in optical devices.

• This course will give idea about photometry, laws of photometry and applications.

• The course also provides idea about biomedical instruments and applications.

1. Introduction to Modern Optics. - Fowles G.R., 2nd Edition, Holt, Rienhart and Winston, 1975.
2. Optical Engineering Fundamentals - Bruce H &Walkar, PHI, 2003

3. Biomedical instrumentation- technology and applications - R. Khandpur, Biomedical

instrumentation- technology and applications, McGraw Hill,2005

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4. Electro-Optical Instrumentation - ,Silvano Donati, , Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.

5. Applied Optics and Optical Engineering - Rudolf Kingslake, Vol: I-V, Academic Press, 1985

6. Handbook of Optical Design - Daniel Malacara& Zacaria Malacara, , Marcel Dekker, 2004

7. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques - Albert T Helfrack & William
D Cooper, PHI, 1990

8. Laser electronics - Joseph T Verdeyen, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., second edition, -1993

9. Fundamentals of Opticals Engineering - Donald F. Jacob, , Mc Grew Hill, 1943


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Critical angle, linear and angular magnifications,
cardinal points, optical aberrations-corrections.
Optical materials, Optical components, polarizing 4
I 15
Basics of optical design, Ray tracing, Fabrication and 3
testing of optical components. Image intensifiers and
Night vision devices.

Telescopes and microscopes- reflecting and

refracting telescopes, eyepieces, microscope- 5
objectives, binocular, stereoscopic, phase contrast,
polarizing and atomic force microscopes – Airy’s
II disc, resolving power of a telescope and microscope
and brightness

Optomedical instruments, optical coherence

tomography, Infrared instrumentation; IR telescopes; 3
Morie self-imaging and speckle metrology

Stops and Photographic systems-theory of stops –

aperture stop – entrance and exit pupils, telecentric
stop and applications, requirements for photographic 3
III objectives –
Eye as an optical instrument, defects of eye and
correction methods, Space optics, Adaptive optics, 3
Large space structures.

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Spectroscopes and interferometers- gratings and its
application in spectroscopes. Double beam and
multiple beam interferometry – 2
Fabry-Perot Interferometer –Michelson and Twyman
IV and Green 15
Interferometers – Mach Zehnder, Jamin and Sagnac 4
Interferometers – applications –optical spectrum


Photometry, projection Systems and Refractometers -

different sources for optical experiments – lasers –
basic laws of photometry, Abbe and Kohler
Illuminations – episcope –epi-dioscope,
V 20
Slide and overhead projectors – computer based
projection systems –polarizing instruments.
Ellipsometry and applications in material research. 3

Laser Gyroscopes: Sagnac effect, Basic gyro

configurations. Ring Laser Gyros (RLG): Dithered
RLG, Ring Zeeman laser gyro, performance of RLG.
Fiber Optics Gyros (FOG): Open loop FOG,
VI 20
Requirements on FOG components, technology to 4
implement FOG, Closed loop FOG, the resonant
FOG, MEMS gyro, Piezoelectric gyro. Biomedical
application :Laser instruments for surgery


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Optical Networking

02EC6352.4 and Photonic 3-0-0-3 2015


Course Objectives
• Understand the evolution of optical networks, first and second generation and various
developments over the years, and various optical networking components
• Develop an in-depth knowledge on TDM signals, Layers, Framing, Transport overhead, Alarms,
Multiplexing, Network elements, Topologies, Protection architectures and Network Management
• Understand the bottlenecks in network design and wavelength assignment

Introduction To Optical Networks And Fiber Characteristics: Multiplexing Techniques Network
Components: Optical Networks : SONET/ SDH, Architecture of Optical transport networks (OTNs)
Network Management: Network Architecture Overview ,Photonic Packet Switching, Optical switching
technologies MEMS and thermo-optic switches.

Course Outcome
• Have a good knowledge on first- and second generation optical networks. Learn the Operation of
couplers, isolators, circulators, multiplexers and filters and optical amplifiers.
• Understand various optical switching mechanisms and wavelength converters.
• Solve various networking problems and to understand the concept of network management.

1. Optical Networks–A practical perspective,.Rajiv Ramaswamy, Kumar N. Sivaranjan and Galen H.
Sasaki, 3rd edition, Elsevier, 2010.
2. Optical Networks – Third generation transport systems - Uyless Black, Optical Networks – Third
generation transport systems, 1st edition, Pearson, 2002.
3. Optical Fiber Communications –Principles and Practice ,John M. Senior, Pearson Education,2009
4. Optical Communication Networks - Biswanath Mukherjee,”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
5. Guided wave optical components and devices - Bishnu P Pal, , 1 st edition.

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Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Introduction to Optical Networks And Fiber
Characteristics: Multiplexing Techniques - First and
second generation optical networks–Transmission
basics - Network evolution.
Propagation of light energy in optical fibers: Loss and 15
Bandwidth windows – Intermodal dispersion –
Chromatic dispersion - non linear effects.

Network Components: Couplers, Isolators and

Circulators, Multiplexers and Filters: Fiber gratings –
Fabry Perot Filters – MZ interferometers – Arrayed 5
waveguide grating – 15
optical amplifiers: SOA, EDFA and Raman
Amplifier– switches and wavelength converters–
Add/Drop Multiplexer – optical cross connect.


Optical Networks :SONET/ SDH, Architecture of

Optical transport networks (OTNs) – Network 5 15
III topologies and protection Schemes in SONET/SDH
WDM – DWDM– relationship of SONET/SDH – 3
LTD and RWA problems.
Network Management: Network Management
functions – Optical Layer services and Interfacing – 4 15
Performance and fault management -optical safety;

Access networks – Network Architecture Overview

– HFC - FTTC. 5 10

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Photonic Packet Switching :OTDM –
Synchronization – Header Processing – Buffering –
VI -burst switching-Optical routers – Optical 5 15
switching technologies – MEMS and thermo-optic

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Mini Project 2015

02EC6362 0-0-4-2

Course Objectives
• To enlighten the student’s skills on developing new ideas and enable them to design Simulate and
• Projects should be socially relevant and research oriented ones.

The student has to do a mini project in the second semester based on the theoretical and the
practical knowledge they acquire through the various subjects in the curriculum. They have to do regular
work during semester with weekly coordination meetings of about 1 hour duration with the faculty
supervisor and an end-semester demonstration to Project Evaluation Committee. Marks to be decided on
the basis of a mid-term and an end-semester presentation following the demonstration of the approved
work plan. The topic should be of advanced standard requiring use of knowledge from program core
courses and be preferably hardware oriented. Topic will have to be different from the major project. The
student have to submit a report based on their work.

Course Outcome
• The student shall be capable of identifying a problem related to the program of study and carry
out wholesome research on it leading to findings which will facilitate development of a
new/improved product, process for the benefit of the society.

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

OEC Lab II 2015

02EC6372 0-0-2-1

Course Objectives
• To become familiar with basics of optical communication and optical links
• To develop an in depth knowledge on various optical communication techniques and their
performance analysis

All the students are expected to do laboratory experiments based on a minimum three courses that
they have undergone in that semester. The PG course coordinator, in consultation with the faculty who
are offering the various subjects, and the faculty in-charge of the PG laboratory should frame syllabus
with a minimum of Ten experiments covering fundamental concepts, design, and implementation of
simple applications based on the theory papers the students have undergone during that semesters.

List of Experiments

Optical communication Based Experiments

-Analog Signal Transmission
 Intensity modulation
 Frequency modulation
 Pulse width modulation
-Digital Signal Transmission

 Intensity modulation
 Frequency modulation
 Pulse width modulation
- Analog Voice link

 Intensity modulation
 Frequency modulation
 Pulse width modulation

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- Digital Voice link

 Intensity modulation
 Frequency modulation
 Pulse width modulation
-Losses in Various Optical components: isolator, attenuator, circulator etc

-Interference based Experiments: Michelson, Machzender, Sagnac

-Diffraction Based experiments: Pinhole, Particle Size, Metre scale, CD groove Spacing,
Single wire, Cross Wire, Single Slit, Double Slit.

-V-I Characteristic: Photodiode, Phototransistor, Optocoupler.

Course Outcomes
• It also gives the students a broad knowledge about some of the research topics by listening to the
talks of his fellow scholars

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Optical Sensor
02EC7311.1 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge to the students about the principle, types of fibers and concepts of various
fibers optic sensors.

• To explore the functioning and applications of fiber optics sensors in various fields

• Provides the essential principles and methods of optical testing

Light beam as a sensing tool- simple optical sensors, Optical sensor types, Optical fibre sensors:
simple fiber based sensors for displacement, temperature and pressure measurements , polarization
modulated sensors, fiber Bragg grating based sensors , optical bend sensors, Interferometry for
precision measurements, heterodyne interferometer, super heterodyne interferometry. electron speckle
pattern , Moire technique. Fabry-Perot fiber optic sensor, Sagnac interferometers for rotation sensing
Biomedical sensors, sensors for physical parameters, pressure, temperature, optical time domain
reflectometry based Raman scattering – optical time domain reflectometry based Brillouin scattering –
optical frequency domain reflectometry– quasi-distributed fiber optic sensor.

Course Outcome
• At the end of the course the student will get knowledge in different types of fibers and fiber
sensors and their applications

1. Fundamentals of Fibre Optics in Telecommunications and Sensor Systems – Edited by B.P. Pal (
New age international 1992)
2. Optical Measurement Techniques and Applications , PK Rastogi , Artech House,1997)
3. Fiber Optic Sensors - Francis T.S Yu, Shizhuo Yin (2 e), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2002
4. Optical fiber sensors - Dakin J and Culshow B., (Ed), Vol I,II, III, Artech House, 1998

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Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Light beam as a sensing tool- simple optical sensors-
single and double optic sensors, MM and SM fibers 2
for sensing, Lasers & LEDs suitable for sensing,

PIN & APDs for fiber optic sensing. Principles of

I 2 15
electro optic modulators ,bulk & integrated optic
modulators. Optical sensor types,

Advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic sensors, 3

Sensor system performance: basic specifications.

Optical fibre sensors:, intrinsic and extrinsic sensors,

intensity sensors, shutter based multimode OFS,
simple fibre based sensors for displacement,
temperature and pressure measurements, reflective
II 15
FOS and applications 2
Intensity modulated sensors, reflective concept,
micro-bend concept, evanescent fiber sensors,
polarization modulated sensors. 3


In-fiber Bragg grating based sensors – sensing

principles –temperature and strain sensing, integration
techniques, cross sensitivity, 3

III FBG multiplexing techniques. Long period fiber 15

grating sensors- temperature and strain sensing, 4
refractive index sensing, optical load sensors and
optical bend sensor

Interferometry for precision measurements, two-beam 2

interferometry, Michelson interferometer,

IV fringe displacement and fringe counting, heterodyne 15

interferometer, super heterodyne interferometry.
electron speckle pattern interferometry photoelastic
measurements. Moire techniques 5


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Interferometric sensors, Mach-Zehnder & Michelson
interferometric sensors, Theory-expressionfor fringe
visibility, Fabry-Perot fiber optic sensor – theory and
configurations, optical integration methods and 3
multiplication techniques, applications – temperature,
pressure and strain measurements, encoded sensors

V Sagnac interferometers for rotation sensing Fiber 20

gyroscope sensors – Sagnac effect – open loop biasing
scheme – Closed loop signal processing scheme –
fundamental limit – performance accuracy and 4
parasitic effects – phase-type bias error –. Faraday
effect sensors. Magnetostriction sensors. Lorentz
force sensors.

Biomedical sensors, sensors for physical parameters,

pressure, temperature, blood flow, humidity and
radiation loss, sensors for chemical parameters. pH, 3
oxygen, carbon dioxide, spectral sensors.

Distributed fiber optic sensors – intrinsic distributed

VI fiber optic sensor – optical time domain reflectometry 20
based Rayleigh scattering – optical time domain
reflectometry based Raman scattering – optical time
domain reflectometry based Brillouin scattering – 4
optical frequency domain reflectometry – quasi-
disrtibuted fiber optic sensor.


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Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits
02EC7311.2 2015

Course Objectives
• The study of high-speed photonic devices operating at microwave or millimeter wave frequencies
and their use in microwave or photonic systems.
• Study of interface between microwave techniques, ultra fast electronics and photonic technologies,
typical investigations include, high-speed and microwave signal generation, processing and
conversion as well as the distribution and transmission of microwave signals via broadband
optical links.

Linear and nonlinear analysis of RF and Microwave circuits ,Guided structures Analysis, design
and simulation of passive circuits and active circuits, Fast lasers sources , High speed photo detection ,
High speed optical modulators, Characterization of microwave photonics components , Microwave
Fiber optic Link Analysis and design of fiber optic link for wideband, Photonic microwave signal
generation and processing, Optical switching of microwave circuits ,Optically based very high dynamic
range microwave receivers, Terahertz Generation and Detection, Optoelectronic microwave oscillator

Course Outcome
• Get the idea of photonic devices operating at microwave frequencies and their application to
microwave and optical systems
• Get the idea of fundamental elements of a microwave photonic link and devices that offer signal
modulation, or control, or detection at very high frequencies

1. Microwave Photonics – Devices and Applications- Stavros Iezekiel, Wiley 2009.
2. Optical Control of Microwave Devices - Rainee Simons, Artech House 1990.
3. Coplanar waveguides, circuit, components and systems- E J Simons, Wiley(2001)
4. Integrated optics, circuits-EJ Murphy., Marcel Dekker Inc.(1999)

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Contact Sem.
Module Contents
Hours Exam
Marks; %
Linear and nonlinear analysis of RF and Microwave
circuits, Guided structures (transmission lines,
waveguides) 3
Analysis, design and simulation of passive circuits 15
(couplers, hybrids, filters) ,active circuits (mixers, 4
modulators, amplifiers)

Photonics: Fast lasers sources (Basics, Modulation,

Noise)High speed photo detection (Basics, Noise, PIN,
Traveling wave and Uni-traveling carrier photodiodes,
High speed optical modulators (Mach Zehnder, Electro
absorption, Microdisk, Polymer, Crystalline and 15
Semiconductor based), Optical amplifiers (Basics) 3


Characterization of microwave photonics components –

S parameter like approach to characterize mixed
optical/electrical components .Microwave Fiber optic 3
Link Analysis and design of fiber optic link for
III wideband (microwave rate) data transmission 15

Photonic microwave signal generation and processing,

Photonic assisted wireless networks and systems, RF 4
sub-carrier links
Optical switching of microwave circuits-Advantages 4
and applications of optical switching of microwave
3 15
Optical control of microwave oscillators: Switching,
modulation, tuning, injection locking


Optically based very high dynamic range microwave 3

V receivers, Photonic phased array antennas,
Optoelectronic microwave oscillator, Photonic A/D

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conversion ,Monolithic integration of microwaves and 4 20

Terahertz Generation and Detection: Electronic methods

(frequency multiplication, Vacuum Tubes), THz 3
lasers, Cascade lasers,
VI 20
Optical down conversion, Photo mixing in a fast photo
detector, sensing techniques and applications, imaging
techniques and applications 4


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Geometrical and
02EC7311.3 3-0-0-3 2015
Applied optics

Course Objectives
• To master the typical theoretical foundation for geometrical optics
• To understand the fundamental thoughts of aberration theory
• To have a detailed discussion on light properties like diffraction, polarization etc

Photometry-Radiomertic and Photometric units ,Refraction and Reflection by spherical
surfaces, Laws of reflection and refraction form Fermat's Principle, Aberrations-Spherical
aberration, astigmatism, distortion, chromatic aberration , Diffraction-Fresnel's assumptions,
Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit, Polarization , Experimental observation, Geometry of
calcite crystals

Course Outcome
• Student can relate theoretical concepts to real-world applications and experiments.
• To master fundamental theories and design methods for typical optical systems

1. Textbook of Optics —Ajoy Ghatak, Tata McGraw Hill, , (2005 Publication)
2. Text book of Optics — N Subrahmanian and Brijlal, S Chand and Company, ,(2001) .
3. Introduction to Classical and Modern Optics —Jurgen R Meyer Arendt , Prentice Hall India
4. Fundamentals of Physics - Resnik, Halliday, Krane, John Wiley and Sons, 5 th Edition, (2002)
5. Fundamentals of Optics - Jenkins and White, McGraw Hill Int. editio


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %

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Nature of light, Light as waves, rays and photons,
Refractive index, velocity of light. Photometry-
Radiomertic and Photometric units, inverse square
law, Lambert's Law, Fermat's principle, Laws of
I reflection and refraction form Fermat's Principle
Total internal Reflection, Prism, Minimum deviation,
achromatism in prisms, dispersion without deviation, 15
normal and anomalous dispersion, Wood's experiment 4

Refraction and Reflection by spherical surfaces, Thin

lens, converging, diverging and cylindrical lenses,
Lens equations, aplanatic points 5
II Combination of lenses, F number of a lens, Power of a
lens. Aberrations-Spherical aberration, astigmatism, 15
distortion, chromatic aberration. 3


Coherent sources, spatial and temporal coherence,

Interference of two monochromatic waves, .Theory
of interference and bandwidth, Interference by
division of wavefront, Young's double slit
experiment, Fresnel's bi-prism, Llyod's minors.
Interference by division of amplitude, two beam
III interference, parallel sided plates, colour of thin
films, wedge shaped film,

Newton's rings - reflected and transmitted systems, 15

Radius of ring and expression for wavelength,
Michelson interferometer, Determination of
wavelength separation and standarization of meter.
Diffraction-Fresnel's assumptions, Rectilinear
propagation of light and Fresnel's theory, Frednel's 3 15
zones, theory of zone plate and its comparison with
convex lens,

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Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffractions- Fresnel's 3
diffraction at straight edge, Cornu's spiral —
application to diffraction phenomena.


Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit, Double slit and

multiple slits, missing orders in double slit diffraction
pattern , theory of plain transmission grating- oblique 4
and normal incidence, absence spectra,
determination of wavelength of light using grating,
dispersion and resolving power, Blazed gratings 2
Polarization , Experimental observation, Polarization
by reflection and refraction, Brewster angle, Pile of
plates, Biot's polariscope., Malus laws, Double
refraction - Optic axis, Uniaxial and biaxial crystals,
VI Geometry of calcite crystals
Nicol prism, Nicol as analyzer and polarizer. 20
Huygen's explanation of double refraction, Quarter
wave and Half wave plates, Production and detection
of plane, elliptical and circular polarization of light.

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC7311.4 2015

Course Objectives
• To acquire Knowledge about the applications of laser in Spectroscopy and photonics
• To gain insight in the working principles and application possibilities of a selection of
advanced laser spectroscopic methodologies.
• describe the most important laser spectroscopic methods and their applications in
photochemistry and photo physics

Spectroscopic techniques, Laser Raman spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, High
resolution spectroscopy’s, Photo ionization ,photoaccoustic spectroscopy, OG spectroscopy

Course Outcome
• The student will be able to perform measurements with advanced spectrometers within the field
of laser induced fluorescence, laser Raman spectroscopy, and to analyze fluorescence spectra
• The student will Be familiar with applications of laser spectroscopy in Science and Technology,
industry and in cutting edge research

1. Laser Spectroscopy : W Demtroder , Springer Verlag 3rd ed, 2003
2. Laser spectroscopy and its Applications- Leon J Radzemski, Marcel Deklar Pub.IncNY
3. Photoacoustic spectroscopy — Rosencwaig, Wiley,(1981)
4. Thermo optic spectroscopy- J Sell, Academic press,(1992) Lumincence in Solids —D R Vij ,
Plenum Press NY, (1998)
5. .Lasers and Nonlinear optics — B B Laud, New Age International 2nd Edition, (2003)
6. Dye lasers —F P Schafer, Springer Verlag 2 nd Revised Ed (1977) (2006)
7. Laser Photoionization Spectroscopy _ Vladin S Letokhov, Accademic Press Inc (1987)

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Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Spectroscopy technique, Conventional spectroscope
recording in UV-Vis-NIR region using dispersing
spectrographs, Comparison between Spectrometers
and interferometers.
I 15
Laser Raman Techniques- Hyper Raman effect,
SRS,CARS, PARS, Experimental schemes , General 3

applications of Laser Raman Spectroscopy

Fluorescence spectroscopy; Rare earth- ions-

Absorption and fluorescence spectra.- Energy levels
of rare earth ions in fluoride and sulphide crystals
II 15
Phosphorescence, color centers Fluorescence of Dyes
structure and properties of organic laser Dyes-
Quantum efficiency 3


High Resolution spectroscopy-Doppler free

III spectroscopy. Two photon absorption spectroscopy, 15

Saturation absorption spectroscopy 5

Laser photo ionization spectroscopy-photoionization

of excited atoms-Rydberg atomic states 3 15

Correlation spectroscopy of scattered light, photon

assisted collisional energy transfer, single molecule
detection, spectroscopic characterization of BE


Photoacoustic Spectroscopy- PA effect in gases,


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liquids, and solids- Design of PA spectrometer 20

Application of PAS —Evaluation of optical and

thermal parameters-Thermal diffusivity- Depth

OG Spectroscopy-theory , experimental Set up —

applications of OGS 4
VI Thermal lens spectroscopy- Focal length of thermal
lens — single and double beam techniques -
applications of TLS


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC7321.1 NANOPHOTONICS 3-0-0-3 2015

Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge on the interaction of light with nanostructures.
• To introduce the concepts of Graphene photonics & plasmonics
• To get an idea of various nanophotonic materials, devices & its fabrication techniques.
• To deal with the fundamentals of photonic crystals & nanobiophotonics

Introduction to nanoscale interaction of photons and electrons, surface plasmon resonance (SPR),
Graphene photonics, Introduction to plasmonics&metamaterials, materials for nanophotonics, light
generation by nanostructures, light propagation in nanostructures, nanophotonic devices, nanophotonic
fabrication, fundamentals of Photonic Crystal, fundamentals of Nano-Biophotonics and applications.

Course Outcome
• The course will enable the students to gain preliminary knowledge in basic concepts of
• Students will be able to explain the light generation and propagation through nanostructures

• Students will be able to understand the concepts of plasmonics and graphene photonics.

• They will be able to illustrate the types and properties of materials used for nanophotonics

• Students will be exposed to the nanophotonic fabrication techniques.

• Students will be able to discuss about the significance and application of nanobiophotonics

1. Nanophotonics- P.N. Prasad, (Wiley, 2004).
2. Photonic Crystals- John D. Joannopoulos, Robert D. Meade, Joshua N. Winn, (second edition,
Princeton University Press, 2008).
3. Principles of Nanophotonics- MotoichiOhtsu, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tadashi Kawazoe, Takashi
Yatsui and Makoto Naruse, (New York, USA: CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2008).

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4. Principles of Nano-Optics- Lukas Novotny and Bert Hecht, (22 nd Edition, November 2012).
5. Nanophotonics- HerveRigneault, Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Claude Delalande, Juan Ariel
6. Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics- Mark L. Brongersma, Pieter G. Kik, (Springer).
7. Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology- M. Di Ventra et al., (Springer 2004).
8. Introduction to Nanophotonics- Sergey V. Gaponenko, (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
9. Progress in Nanophotonics- MotoichiOhtsu, (Springer, 2011).


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Modern optical science and technology and the
diffraction limit – Breaking through the diffraction
limit – Nanophotonics and its true nature. Introduction
to nanoscale interaction of photons and electrons-
I internal reflection and evanescent waves- plasmons
5 15
and surface plasmon resonance (SPR)- Attenuated
total reflection- Grating SPR coupling- Optical
waveguide SPR coupling- SPR dependencies and
materials, Introduction to plasmonics & metamaterials
- plasmonics and nanoparticles, Graphene photonics
Materials for nanophotonics- quantum confined
materials- inorganic semiconductors- quantum wells,
wires, dots and rings- quantum confinement- super
lattices- organic quantum confined structures. Light 15
II generation by nanostructures (semiconductor quantum 6
wells, wires, dots, nanocrystals, nanowires), Light
propagation in nanostructures (nanowires, nano-


Electroluminescent Organic materials- Laser diodes-

Quantum well lasers- Quantum cascade lasers- 15
Cascade surface-emitting photonic crystal laser-
III Quantum dot lasers- Quantum wire lasers- White
LEDs – LEDs based on nanowires, nanotubes &
nanorods- High efficiency materials for OLEDs- 10
Quantum well infrared photodetectors- nanophotonic
gates- Principles of operations of nanophotonic

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devices using optical near fields - Aperture near-field
optics- Apertureless near-field optics- Near-field
scanning optical microscopy (NSOM or SNOM)

Principles of nanofabrication using optical near-fields,

Top-down & bottom-up approach-Thermal Nano
Imprint Lithography, Ion Beam Induced Deposition
IV (IBID) and nanostructuring. Epitaxial techniques
(MOCVD, MBE, ALD)- Sputtering- PECVD- 6
Evaporation (thermal or electronic)- Chemical 15
synthesis- Self ordering of nanoparticles


Fundamentals of Photonic Crystal- Crystal Structure

and Reciprocal Vector - Photonic Band Structure-
One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal- Band structure-
V 7 20
Origin of band gap- Method to determine the position
and width of photonic band gap- 2D Photonic Crystal
- Photonic Crystals in the Natural World

Nanobiophotonics: Nanotechnology for Biophotonics-

Ultra-fast, ultra-intensive, ultra-sensitive optical
imaging- Quantum dots in biosensing, bioimaging,
8 20
VI and drug delivery; Photonics and Biomolecules -
Tissue Optics, Photonic Detection and Bio-Imaging
Techniques, Optical Biopsy, Intervention and
Treatment Techniques


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC7321.2 2015

Course Objectives
• To understand Earth’s atmosphere and effects of atmospheric pollution.

• Acquire the basics of Remote sensing, study about lasers, principles and application of Laser
Remote sensing.

• To study about lidar systems and its applications.

Earth’s atmosphere; Fundamentals of remote sensing; Basics of Laser Remote Sensing; Lidar

systems; Lidars in Space; Applications of Laser systems

Course Outcome
• Can study the structure and composition of Earth’s atmosphere and the effect of pollution on

• Understand the basics of remote sensing and the use of lasers in remote sensing applications

• Will study about lidar systems and its applications in space.

1. Laser Monitoring of Atmosphere, E.D.Hinkley (Editor), Springer London, Limited,

2. Remote sensing and Image interpretation ,Lillesand T. M. and Keifer R. W.. John Wiley
and Sons, 6th edition.

3. Laser Remote Sensing: Fundamentals and Applications ,Raymond.M.Measures, John

Wiley & Sons,1984

4. Optical and Laser Remote Sensing ,D.K. Killinger, A. Mooradian (Editors), Springer
Verlag 1983

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5. Laser Remote Chemical Analysis ,Raymond.M.Measures, ,John Wiley & Sons,1988

6. Industrial Applications of Laser Remote Sensing ,Tetsuo Fukuchi, Tatsuo Shiina, , June
28, 2005 by CRC Press


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
Earth’s Atmosphere: Basics of different regions of
atmosphere, composition, structure and dynamics of
atmosphere. Aerosols-optical properties and their role 5 15
in Earth’s climate. Clouds: different types of clouds,
I properties and its influence on weather and climate.

Atmospheric pollution-types of pollutants and the

sources, conventional methods of measurements and 2


Fundamentals of remote sensing: Definitions,

Process and Characteristics of Remote Sensing
System, Advantages and limitations. EMR Spectrum 3 15
and its properties, EMR wavelength regions and their
applications, Atmospheric windows,
Interaction of EMR with matter, Spectral signatures.
Sources of Energy, Radiation laws: Stefan Boltzman
law, Wien’s law etc. Remote sensing of atmosphere-
Passive and Active methods


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Basics of Laser Remote Sensing: Basic principles of
laser, properties of laser light, Types of laser relevant 4
to atmospheric remote sensing, laser scanning, Laser
remote sensing methods. 15
Scattering methods and absorption methods. Rayleigh,
Raman and Mie lidar configurations. Advantages of
laser remote sensing

Lidar systems: Relation of lasers and lidars.Lidar

equations, types of Lidars. Lidar System components 15
and design. . Lidar equation, lidar inversion methods 7
IV and application of lidar for atmospheric
measurements. Lidar systems for measurement of
aerosols, clouds


Lidars in Space: Airborne and space borne (satellite)

lidar systems: Basic design, technology and 7 20

V requirements. Lidar altimetry for terrain mapping.

Mars orbiting laser altimetry system-CALIPSO and
Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) system

Applications of Laser systems: Brief description on

lidar systems for Oceanic applications and vegetation
studies. Lidar systems for measuring forest attributes, 7 20
VI marine environment monitoring. Laser remote sensing
for industrial applications like leak gas detection and
pollutant detection


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Cellular Mobile
02EC7321.3 2015

Course Objectives
• To know the history of mobile systems and trends in wireless systems

• To study the mobile cellular concepts and various multiple access schemes

• Acquire the basics of radio wave propagation, models and antenna systems

• Study the modulation and coding techniques

Mobile radio systems and wireless systems; Cellular concept; Radio wave propagation
and its models; Analog and digital modulation techniques; Multiple access techniques

Course Outcome
• Can study about mobile, wireless and satellite systems
• Will understand the mobile cellular concepts, interferences and multiple access techniques.
• Understand the radio wave propagation, propagation models, modulation and coding techniques


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
History and Evolution of Mobile Radio Systems –
Types of Mobile Wireless Services/Systems –
Cellular – WLL – Paging – Satellite Systems – 7 15
Standards – Future trends in Personal Wireless

Cellular concept and Frequency Reuse – Multiple

II Access Schemes – Channel Assignment and Handoff
– Interference and System Capacity – Trunking and 7 15

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Erlang Capacity Calculations


Radio Wave Propagation – Issues in personal wireless

systems – Propagation models- Multipath Fading and

III Base Band Impulse Response models – Parameters of 7 15

Mobile Multipath Channels –Antenna Systems in
mobile radio

Analog and Digital modulation Techniques –

Performance of various Modulation Techniques – 15
Spectral Efficiency – Error–rate – Power 7
IV Amplification – Equalization Rate Receiver Concepts
– Diversity and Space–Time Processing – Speech
Coding and Channel Coding


Multiple Access Techniques – FDMA – TDMA and

CDMA Systems – Operational Systems – Wireless 7 20
V Networking – Design issues in Personal Wireless

Cellular Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Principles: Introduction, Wide Band Mobile
Channel, The Cellular CDMA System, Single User 7 20
Receiver in a Multi User Channel, CDMA System
VI Capacity, Multi-User Detection in CDMA Cellular
Radio: Optimal Multi-User Detection, Linear
Suboptimal Detectors, Interference Combat
Detection Schemes, Interference Cancellation

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC7321.4 Interference and 2015

Course Objectives
• To provide an overview of electromagnetic interference and compatibility.

• To learn the different noise coupling mechanisms

• To have an idea about EMI standards and specification.

• To learn about the different EMI control techniques

• To familiarize with EMC design of PCB

EMI-EMC Radiated EMI Emission and Susceptibility EMI coupling principles EMI
specifications, EMI measurements, EMI test shielded chamber and shielded ferrite lined
anechoic chamber, EMI control technique EMC design of PCB TEM cell, power distribution

Course Outcome
• Should be able to assess the effects of electromagnetic interference
• Understand the EMI standards and specification
• Should be able to do EMC design PCB
• Understand circuit board layout and mechanical packaging considerations for
EMI/EMC complaint designs

1. Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility - Bernhard Keiser, ArTech house, 3Edn2001.
2. Noise reduction Techniques in Electronics Systems - Henry W. Ott, John Wiley
3. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility - Paul, C.R., , Wiley Interscience.2010
4. Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility - Kodali, V.P.,: Principles, Measurement and

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Technologies ,IEEE Press.2001
5. Electromagnetic Compatibility - David A Weston, Marcel Decar, 2001


Contact Sem. Exam

Module Contents
Hours Marks; %
EMI-EMC definitions and Units of parameters; 4
Sources and victim of EMI; Conducted and Radiated
I 4
EMI Emission and Susceptibility; Transient EMI, 15
ESD; Radiation Hazards

EMI coupling principles-Conducted, Radiated and

Transient Coupling, Common Impedance Ground
Coupling, Radiated Common Mode and Ground
II Loop Coupling, 15
Radiated Differential Mode Coupling, Near field
cable to cable coupling. Power mains and power
supply coupling


EMI specifications: standards, limits - units of

specifications, Civilian and Military standards EMI

III measurements
EMI test instruments, systems, EMI test, EMI
shielded chamber, Open area test site, TEM cell;

EMI test shielded chamber and shielded ferrite lined

anechoic chamber; Tx /Rx Antennas, Sensors, 4
IV Injectors / Couplers, and coupling factors; EMI Rx
and spectrum analyzer; Military test methods and 15

procedures, calibration procedure 4


EMI control techniques – shielding, filtering,

grounding, bonding, transient suppressors, Isolation

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transformer, Cable routing, signal control, 5 20
component selection and mounting
EMC design of PCB – PCB traces cross talk,
impedance control, power distribution decoupling,
zoning, motherboard designs 5 20


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

02EC7331 Seminar 0-0-2-2 2015

Course Objectives
• The objective of the seminar is to impart training to the students in collecting materials on a
specific topic from books, journals and other sources, compressing and organizing them in a
logical sequence, and presenting the matter effectively both orally and as a technical report.
• The basic thrust is to get acquainted with technical presentation and technical report writing

The student is expected to present a seminar in one of the current topics in Optoelectronics /
Optical Communication systems. Submit one page Abstract of the selected topic along with copies of
minimum two journal references and get the topic approved by one of the members of staff in charge of
the seminar. There shall be a minimum of two journal references of recent time related to the topic.
Presentation of topic based on mere website data is not allowed.
Each student shall present a seminar in the First semester on a topic relevant to Advancement in his/her
field for about 30 minutes. The topic shall be finally approved by the Seminar Evaluation Committee of
the Department. The committee shall evaluate the presentation of students. A seminar report in the
prescribed form shall be submitted to the department after the approval from the committee. A student is
supposed to meet his/her faculty supervisor and get some guidance about how he/she should prepare the
seminar. It is advisable that the students get their presentation slides corrected by their supervisors

Course Outcome
• It also gives the students a broad knowledge about some of the research topics by listening to the
talks of his fellow scholars

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Project (Phase 1) 2015

02EC7341 0-0-12- 6

Course Objectives
• To develop the student’s skills and enable innovation in design, simulation, implementation and
fabrication work from the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired from the previous
• To apply and enhance the knowledge acquired in the related field and to make the students come
up with new ideas in their area of interest.

A project is a task that requires a lot of time and effort. During the Project phase I, the
students should choose the area of interest for their project work and collect as many references
or literatures as possible related to it and come up with a novel Idea/Problem .There should be a
systematic identification and prioritization of problems and it should be addressed through the
development of the project. Based on the literature survey, a system/method should be proposed
by the student as a solution to the problem identified. One third of the design should be
completed during the phase-I.
Every project work will be guided by a faculty member of the institution. Eight hours per
week will be allotted in the time table and this time should be utilized by the students to receive
the directions from the guide, on library reading, laboratory work, computer analysis or field
work as assigned by the guide and also to present in periodical reviews and reports on the
progress made in the project.
Each report must contain student's own analysis or design presented in the approved
Sessional marks will include
(a) Evaluation of the student's progress,
(b) Degree of involvement and participation,
(c) Merit of the project

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A student will have to defend his/her project design work and credit will be given on the
merits of presentation and viva-voce examination

Course Outcome
• Appreciate various aspects of the curriculum which support students in increasing their
• Get an idea and develop confidence in designing, analyzing and executing the project

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introduction

Project ( Phase II) 2015

02EC7312 0-0-21-12

Course Objectives
• To develop the student’s skills and enable innovation in design ,Simulation,
Implementation and fabrication work from the theoretical and practical knowledge
acquired from the previous semesters
• Apply and enhance the knowledge acquired in the related field, Make the students come
up with new ideas in their area of interest.

The student has to continue the project work done in third semester. There would be
qualifying exercises/Reviews for the students. At least one technical paper is to be prepared for
possible publication in Journals/Conferences.
Twenty one hours per week will be allotted in the time table and this time should be
utilized by the students to receive the directions from the guide, on library reading, laboratory
work, computer analysis or field work as assigned by the guide. At the end of project work, a
project report must be submitted.
Each report must contain student's own analysis and/or results presented in an
approved format.
Sessional marks will include
(a) Evaluation of the student's progress,
(b) Degree of involvement and participation,
(c) Merit of the project
A student will have to defend his/her project work and credit will be given on the
merits of presentation and viva-voce examination

Course Outcome
• Appreciate various aspects of the curriculum which support students in increasing their
• Get an idea and develop confidence in designing, analyzing and executing the project
• It helps the student to develop a skill of entrepreneurship

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