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Diary Curriculum Map - AP8 - Updated Y 2019-2020

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SUBJECT: Araling Panlipunan

TEACHERS: Jemima V. Cailon
(Q1): Environment CONTENT The learners shall A1. Pre-test A1. Short Video World Map
and the World’s STANDARD: be able to: Multiple Choice Clip Viewing
Geographic The student shall Index Cards Makakalikasan:
Feature be able to show A1. Name the five A2. Peer Activity - demonstrate
understanding of themes of A2. Formative Test (Map it Out) REX Interactive understanding
 Five Themes the relationship of geography to Materials about natural and
of Geography the earth’s physical history, culture, and M1. Question and A3. MCC Chart geologic events.
 The Earth’s features (location, economy Answer MS PowerPoint
Features climate, natural Relationship (QAR) A4. Where Am I? Presentations
 Continental resources, natural A2. Explain the
Drift Theory boundaries, and relationship of the M2. Fishbowl A5: Labelling Schoology Makakalikasan:
 The Seven others) with the five themes of Recitation Account - demonstrate
Continents of development of geography to A6. Map Location understanding
the World early civilizations. history, culture, and Website Links: about natural and
 Countries economy A7. The Picture geologic events.
Around the PERFORMANCE Sounds Familiar
World and its STANDARD: A3. Enumerate the Makakalikasan:
Capital Cities The students will importance of A8. Research - demonstrate
be able to analyze geography to Work understanding
critically the history, economy, about natural and
relationship of the culture, M1. Short Video geologic events.
physical government, and Clip Viewing
environment society (Cornell Notes)
(location, climate, M3. Video
natural resources, A4. Describe how Analysis
natural the continents of
boundaries, and the Earth are M4. Documentary
others) in shaping formed Viewing Makabansa:
the world’s first - willing to
civilization. A5. Recite the T1. Essay-Writing contribute to
capital cities of each government efforts
country of each T2. Tourism in reducing
continent Flower Chart damages due to
geologic events
A6. Familiarize with T3. MCC Chart
the wonders,
famous landmarks, T4. MS
personalities, PowerPoint
culture and Presentation
tradition of each
continent of the T5. Group Makadiyos:
world Reporting - shows
appreciation to
M1. Assess the Performance God’s creation
importance of Task:
geography to Continental Makakalikasan
history, economy, Almanac - cares for the
culture, environment and
government, and  Scaffold 1: utilizes resources
society Proposal for the wisely, judiciously,
New 7 Natural and economically.
M2. Discuss the and Man-Made
relationship of the Wonders of the
environment to
human geography
 Scaffold 2:
M3. Reason about
Report about
the possibility of
the natural and
new continents to man-made
form in the future. wonders, born
M4. Reason about and the culture
the possibility of and tradition of
having existing the continents
continents to of the world
remodel or
completely vanish  Scaffold 3: One-
M5. Explain the Continental
similarities and Tourism Video
differences of each
continent of the
world using the five
themes of

M6. Discuss the

importance of being
aware of the
people, culture and
tradition of each of
the continent of the

M7. Assess the

interconnection of
the seven
continents of the

T1. Demonstrate
map locations using

T2. Analyze a
region’s climate and
lifestyle depending
on the location on
the map

T2. Devise a
campaign to
preserve and
protect the
different landforms
of the Earth

T3. Prepare a model

of the future Earth’s
formations after
100 years.

T4. Report about

the natural and
wonders, born
personalities, and
the culture and
tradition of the
continents of the

T5. Propose a new

set of natural and
man-made wonders
of the world

T4. Design an
almanac featuring
the continents of
the world

(Q2): The World’s CONTENT A1. Describe the

First Civilization STANDARD: different empires
The student shall that contributed to Performance
 Classical be able to show the greatness of Task:
Civilizations understanding of African civilization Diorama of an
in Africa the influence of the ancient
 Classical early civilizations A2. Familiarize with civilization
Civilizations that served as the all the flags of the
in Europe foundation of the world  Scaffold 1:
 Classical world’s Protection and
Civilizations civilizations. A3. Describe the Preservation
in America PERFORMANCE different empires Campaign for
STANDARD: that contributed to Historical Sites
The students will the greatness of and Landmarks
be able to make a European
deep analysis on civilization  Scaffold 2:
the influence of the Protection and
early civilizations A4. Describe the Preservation
to the development different empires Campaign for
of the world’s that contributed to Historical Sites
civilizations. the greatness of and Landmarks
American  Scaffold 3:
civilization Miniature
Model of a
A5. Read an article Historical Site
about the current or Landmark
state of historical
sites and landmarks

M1. Analyze the

strengths and
weaknesses of
Ancient Egypt

M2. Analyze the

strengths and
weaknesses of
Ancient Rome and
Ancient Greece

M3. Compare Egypt

then and now

M4. Compare Rome

and Greece then
and now

M5. Analyze the

significance of
Egyptian history
and their
to today’s world

M6. Analyze the

significance of
European history
and their
to today’s world
M7. Analyze the
strengths and
weaknesses of
Ancient America

M8. Compare
America then and

M9. Analyze the

significance of
American history
and their
to today’s world

T1. Create a
diorama showing
ancient Egyptian

T2. Create a
miniature model of
a famous historical
landmark of an
ancient civilization

T3. Devise a
campaign to protect
and preserve the
historical sites and
landmarks of the
ancient civilization
(Q3): Global CONTENT A1. Trace the rise of
Expansion and STANDARD: the Holy Roman
Transformation The student shall Empire
 The Growth understanding on A2. Characterize
of Europe the transformation Charlemagne
 Reformation of the world due to
and the spread of ideas A3. Describe the
Renaissance in science, politics, Church in the
 The Growth and economy at Middle Ages and its
of Nation- the start of the role in civilizing the
States 16th century. people
 The Scientific
Revolution PERFORMANCE A4. Describe
and the Age STANDARD: feudalism as a
of The students will political, economic,
Enlightenme be able to analyze military, and social
nt critically the unit
transformation of
the world because A5. Trace the
of the spread of growth of towns
ideas in science, and cities
economy, and
politics at the start A6. Familiarize with
of the 16th the currencies of
century. the countries of the
A7. Trace the
beginning of the

A8. Describe the

features of the
A9. Explain the
meaning of

A10. Characterize
the different
Behind the

A11. Explain the

meaning of

A12. Discuss the

contributions of the
personalities behind
the success of the

A13. Trace the

background of the
spread of the

A14. Discuss the

Catholic Church’s
response to the

A15. Define the

meaning of
bourgeoisie, and

A16. Discuss the

effects of
mercantilism to the
world economy

A17. Trace the

steps that led to the
creation of
monarchy in

A18. Explain the

new ideas in politics
and government
during the Age of

A19. Describe the

famous men and
women who
contributed to the
success of the Age
of Enlightenment

M1. Justify the

existence of the
different religious

M2. Defend the

move called the
Holy Crusades in
retaking the Holy

M3. Assess the

effects of the

M4. Assess the

effects of feudalism

M5. Evaluate the

condition of the
society that paved
the way for the
coming of the

M6. Discuss the

contributions of the
personalities behind
the success of the

M7. Label and

analyze the map of
Europe showing the
countries affected
by the Reformation

M8. Justify the

strong monarchy
that prevailed in
Assess the
consequence of the
separation of Spain
and Portugal as

M9. Analyze how

the scientific
revolution changed
the outlook in the

M10. Analyze the

factors that paved
the way for the
coming of the

M11. Justify why

England was the
birthplace of
T1. Prepare an
essay justifying
whether or not the
Holy Crusades were
necessary or not

T2. Simulate the

scenario between
the Catholic Church
and the

T3. Create a Venn

diagram showing
the similarities and
differences of
monarchy and

T4. Create a
timeline showing
the significant
inventions and
discoveries during
the scientific

(Q4): Towards Peace CONTENT A1. Discuss the

and STANDARD: significance of the
Development The student shall United States entry
be able to exhibit to World War I and
 Conflict of understanding on II
Interest the significance of A2. Describe the
 Different interdependence as peace settlements
Ideologies, a foundation of signed to end World
Neocolonialis global peace and War I
m, and the progress.
Cold War A3. Discuss the
 Challenges PERFORMANCE results of World
Toward STANDARD: War I and II to the
Contemporary The students will world’s economy,
Issues and be able to value politics, society, and
Problems cooperation and culture
interdependence as
an instrument A4. Trace the
towards global different conquests
peace and made by Hitler that
progress. threatened the
peace and security
of the world

A5. Describe the

Blitzkrieg used by

A6. Trace the

different battle
used in World War I
and II using the map
of the world

A7. Discuss the role

of the United
Nations as an
instrument to peace
and security of the

M1. Analyze the

causes of World
War I and II

M2. Compare and

Contrast the
weapons used in
World War I and II

M3. Analyze the

aftermaths of
World War I and II

T1. Devise a peace

plan that could
have prevented
World War I and II
from being
destructive and

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