Respirology Case Reports: Paradoxical Bronchospasm: A Rare Adverse Effect of Fenoterol Use
Respirology Case Reports: Paradoxical Bronchospasm: A Rare Adverse Effect of Fenoterol Use
Respirology Case Reports: Paradoxical Bronchospasm: A Rare Adverse Effect of Fenoterol Use
Keywords Abstract
Asthma, beta-agonist inhalers, paradoxical
bronchospasm. Paradoxical bronchospasm refers to the constriction of the airways after
treatment with a sympathomimetic bronchodilator. Theoretically, broncho-
Correspondence dilators, such as beta-agonist inhalers, act to ease asthma symptoms by
Xin-Min Liao, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, relaxing the muscles surrounding the walls of the bronchial tubes, which
Department of Internal Medicine, National Cheng relieve bronchial constriction. However, in rare instances, some patients
Kung University Hospital, No. 138, Sheng-Li Rd., Tainan
develop respiratory distress or even respiratory failure after inhaled bron-
704, Taiwan. E-mail:
chodilator use, although the exact mechanism for this adverse effect is
Received: 15 July 2020; Revised: 19 October 2020; unknown. We report a male, with a known asthma history diagnosed for
Accepted: 22 November 2020; Associate Editor: more than one decade, receiving fenoterol (Berotec®) for wheezing control
Tow Keang Lim. and the worsening of his clinical condition immediately after bronchodila-
tor administration.
Respirology Case Reports, 9 (4), 2021, e00698
doi: 10.1002/rcr2.698
Introduction which had been diagnosed for over one decade. Drug allergy
to penicillin was also documented in his previous medical
Paradoxical bronchospasm means a constriction of the air-
records. In mid-June of 2013, he had one common cold
ways after treatment with a sympathomimetic bronchodila-
event took one puff of fenoterol (Berotec) due to dyspnoea.
tor. Selective beta 2-agonist inhalers are the most potent
However, his dyspnoea worsened, and his wheezing sound
bronchodilators currently approved for clinical use in
became more prominent after fenoterol (Berotec) inhala-
asthma and obstructive lung disease. Theoretically, bron-
tion. He was sent to the emergency department of a
chodilators act to ease symptoms by relaxing the muscles
regional hospital in Kaohsiung for treatment. The symp-
surrounding the walls of the bronchial tubes, which relieve toms were relieved after ipratropium and terbutaline inhala-
bronchial constriction [1–3]. However, in rare cases, some tion, and he was discharged via the emergency room on the
patients develop aggravating ordinary respiratory discom- same day. One week later in late June, he suffered another
forts, even respiratory distress or acute respiratory failure wheezing attack and had one puff of fenoterol (Berotec)
events, after bronchodilator use. Be that as it may, the exact inhalation for symptoms relief at home; however, his dys-
mechanism for this adverse effect remains unclear. Here, we pnoea worsened. He was sent to the hospital again, and
report a man, with a known asthma history diagnosed for this time, received intubation due to acute respiratory
over one decade, receiving fenoterol (Berotec®, Boehringer- failure. The patient was extubated and discharged in early
ingelheim, Taiwan) for wheezing control and the worsening July after a good recovery. A similar event also happened
of his clinical condition, including being intubated twice due once in early August, but he did not receive invasive
to acute respiratory failure, which occurred less than 5 min mechanical ventilation therapy because it presented as a
immediately after one puff of fenoterol (Berotec) inhalation. milder clinical condition. The patient reported that he
had had one puff of fenoterol (Berotec) inhalation before
wheezing worsened.
Case Report
He was admitted to one regional hospital in Kaohsiung
The 50-year-old gentlemen had a previous history of type in early September 2013 due to acute respiratory failure.
2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and bronchial asthma, both of Common cold-associated symptoms, such as productive
© 2021 The Authors. Respirology Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2021 | Vol. 9 | Iss. 4 | e00698
on behalf of The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Page 1
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Paradoxical bronchospasm in fenoterol C.-H. Lai & X.-M. Liao
cough and dyspnoea, were noted for one week before he at a regional hospital in Kaohsiung. However, there is no
was sent to the hospital. On the same day, he was admitted known asthma history for any of his family members.
to the hospital, and dyspnoea with a wheezing breathing Fluticasone/salmeterol has been prescribed as the control-
sound developed in the morning. He received one puff ler since the asthma was diagnosed and it was well toler-
inhalation of fenoterol (Berotec) at home, yet dyspnoea ated. The asthma was under good control since hardly did
was aggravated instead of being relieved. He was sent to he have acute exacerbation, as he reported. Although
the hospital by ambulance, and intubation was performed fenoterol (Berotec) had been prescribed for wheezing con-
immediately after his arrival at the emergency room due to trol in the prior decade, not until the June 2013 event did
his poor respiratory pattern. After 30 min of intubation, he he receive inhaled fenoterol (Berotec) therapy for a wheez-
was extubated as his clinical condition improved. Upon ing attack.
going to our pulmonology outpatient department for fur- Considering his clinical presentations, paradoxical bron-
ther evaluation, the chest X-ray showed no obvious lung chospasm was suspected. We reported this case and made
lesion. The blood eosinophil count was 354/μL and the IgE bronchodilator adjustments at our pulmonology clinic
level was 564 IU/mL. We noticed he had a prior intubation later. After discussing with the patient, bronchodilator
episode mentioned above due to acute respiratory failure (fenoterol) test was performed in mid-September of 2013
in late June 2013. Coincidentally, one puff of fenoterol under close monitoring and informed consent, which
(Berotec) was inhaled by the gentleman before each intu- reported negative impact on both forced expiratory volume
bation episode, according to his statements. in 1 sec (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) (Fig. 1).
Tracing back his medical records, his occupation was an He previously had fluticasone/salmeterol (Seretide®
office worker in a factory (screw manufacturer) and was Accuhaler, GSK, Taiwan) as the controller for asthma treat-
rarely exposed to the raw materials. He had been diag- ment. The controller was switched to fluticasone/vilanterol
nosed as having DM for more than two decades and was (Relvar 92/22®, GSK, Taiwan), and umeclidinium (Incruse®,
under regular follow-ups at the outpatient department of GSK, Taiwan) was added consecutively. Symbicort®,
family medicine at National Cheng Kung University Hos- Astrazeneca, Taiwan, as the reliever, was administered once
pital (NCKUH). He took metformin, vildagliptin, and and no paradoxical bronchospasm event developed. He is
glimepiride for DM control. As for his asthma history, he now under regular outpatient department follow-up at
was diagnosed as having asthma when he was 40 years old NCKUH.
2 © 2021 The Authors. Respirology Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
on behalf of The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
C.-H. Lai & X.-M. Liao Paradoxical bronchospasm in fenoterol
Number of cases/
Age and Sex
Reference or details Diagnosis Medication Possible aetiology Final medication
Magee and Pittman, 1/25 M Asthma Albuterol Excipient Ipratropium
2018 [10]
George et al., 1/17 F Asthma Albuterol BAC Levabuterol/
2017 [8] BAC free
Zhong et al., 2014 [11] 1/68 F Asthma Salbutamol Enantiomer Not mentioned
Broski and Amundson, 1/36 M Asthma Levalbuterol At least not HFA Salmeterol and
2008 [12] fluticasone
Spooner and Olin, 1/92 M COPD Albuterol Not mentioned Not mentioned
2005 [13]
Mutlu et al., 2000 [9] 1/22 F Asthma Albuterol/ EDTA ICS, theophylline
Facchini et al., 1/age not Asthma Not mentioned Soya-derived Not mentioned
1996 [18] reported F excipients
Jorup et al., 2014 [4] 5/3 COPD and COPD/healthy LAMA AZD9164 Not mentioned Not mentioned
2 healthy FEV1#
O’Callaghan et al., 17/Infants Wheezing/ Salbutamol High osmolality Not mentioned
1986 [7] asthma and acidity
BAC, benzalkonium chloride; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; FEV1, forced expiratory vol-
ume in 1 sec; HFA, hydrofluoroalkane; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonist.
© 2021 The Authors. Respirology Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 3
on behalf of The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Paradoxical bronchospasm in fenoterol C.-H. Lai & X.-M. Liao
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4 © 2021 The Authors. Respirology Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
on behalf of The Asian Pacific Society of Respirology