Unit 9 International Markets
Unit 9 International Markets
Unit 9 International Markets
Starting up
to go through customs
free trade noun international trade in which companies can import and export each
other's goods without the usual taxes, limits, etc.:
Business groups and advocates of free trade have pushed for even more coope
ration among the three nations.
+ to sell goods so cheaply in another country that companies in
that country cannot compete fairly:
The producers of the goods are claiming that foreign manufacturers are
dumping on the market.
strategic industry noun an industry that a government considers to be very important for the
country's economy or safety:
Opposition parties expressed grave concerns about a strategic industry being sold to
a foreign power.
power noun electricity, especially when considering its use or production:
You should disconnect the power before attempting to repair electrical equipment.
developed country noun a country with a lot of industrial activity and
where people generally have high incomes:
Our sample came from a broad cross-section of
the populations of developed countries.
negotiator noun /nɪˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪ.tər/ a person who has formal discussions with someone else in
order to reach an agreement, or a person whose job is to do this:
Some very skilful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.
case study noun + a detailed study of a person, group, or thing, especially in order to
show general principles:
+ customization noun /ˌkʌstəmaɪˈzeɪʃən/
We can advise on the customization of your software.
+ customized adjective /ˈkʌstəmaɪzd/
The company offers a customized version of
the classic model for disabled drivers.
gap noun /ɡæp/ + a difference between two numbers, amounts, or levels:
It is an especially versatile insecticide known to control a range of insects.
conflict noun /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ a serious disagreement between people, organizations,
or countries with opposing opinions:
spectrum noun /ˈspektrəm/ a range of similar things:
A methodology will have to
be developed to gradually cover the entire spectrum of technologies.
This is a new release of an older product that has been repackaged
to suit this particular market.
bargaining noun /ˈbɑːɡɪnɪŋ/ discussions between people in order to reach agreement on
something such as prices, wages, working conditions, etc.:
admit verb /ədˈmɪt/ to say that you have done something dishonest or have not succeeded in
doing something:
price-conscious consumers/shoppers
The Harvard presidency is perhaps the
most prestigious job in higher education.
a top-of-the-range Mercedes
draft legislation/regulations