W1: Assess 1 On Philosophers
W1: Assess 1 On Philosophers
W1: Assess 1 On Philosophers
Instructions: Identify the philosopher who proposed the particular view of self presented in the first column. Then, examine your personal view about
the nature of self and indicate whether you believe or not in that philosophical view of self. If you believe in that stated philosophy, recall an important
experience you have had which relates to it. If you do not believe, explain your disbelief. How do you think your experiences or disbelief affects your
Believe It or
Philosophical Views Philosopher Not: Related Life Experiences Reasons Why I Do Effects on My Selfhood
of Self (Write B if you Not Believe
believe; N if
you do not
The day that I decided to Having a goal and
study Medical Technology knowledge of my
An unexamined life Socrates B in Cebu Doctor’s purpose in life is a step
Is not worth living. University to pursue my in making a life worth
dreams. living than those who
Base on my observation, As a citizen of this
If human beings do like in Politics, some of country who now have
not live, in accordance them don’t perform their the power to vote during
to their nature/ Plato B duties/ functions well, elections, I must be
function, the result which results to corruption vigilant and choose the
will be injustice. and using people’s money future leaders of the
for their own good or country wisely, those
selfish reasons. who really has the heart
for its people.
Self-realization is
attained by fulfilling Nobody is perfect, we do I am able to categorize
man’s threefold Aristotle B commit mistakes but we or recognize what is
nature: vegetative, also do realize on it. When right and what is wrong.
sentient and rational. we done something good
or bad we will still ended
up to realization.
Believe It or
Philosophical Views Philosopher Not: Related Life Experiences Reasons Why I Do Effects on My Selfhood
of Self (Write B if you Not Believe
believe; N if
you do not
Every time I feel that I am I truly believe that
lost in the darkness, where everything happens for a
I really can’t find myself reason, so keep the faith.
The self seeks to be and there’s no one to talk With God, nothing could
united with God St. Augustine B to, I always find refuge in go wrong. So I will stay
through faith and God. And with him, I positive and always be
reason. could gain courage and grateful still.
strength to get up and fight
in life once again.
For me, self and It has the same effect
body goes together when my body is tired,
for a person is then my thinking thing
The self is a thinking Rene Descartes N identified through (mind) can’t also
thing, distinct from their body as well as function properly since
the body. self is a persons’ overall, I’m exhausted
identity. The self and and wanted get some
body are one, rest. When I’m already
because our body in good condition, with
contains the self both enough sleep, only then I
act the information could now do my tasks
that our brain thinks. effectively.