Microstrip Patch Antennas: Kai Fong Lee and Kin-Fai Tong
Microstrip Patch Antennas: Kai Fong Lee and Kin-Fai Tong
Microstrip Patch Antennas: Kai Fong Lee and Kin-Fai Tong
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788
Modeling Techniques and Basic Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791
Brief Description of Modeling Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791
Basic Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792
Broadbanding Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
General Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799
Stacked Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
Aperture-Coupled Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803
The Wideband U-Slot Patch Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804
The Wideband L-Probe Coupled Patch Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
Dual- and Multiband Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
Introductory Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
The Use of U-Slot Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
Methods of Reducing the Patch Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
General Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
The Use of Shorting Wall: Quarter-Wave Patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
Partially Shorted Patch and Planar Inverted-F Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
The Use of Shorting Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
Wideband U-Slot Patch Antenna with Shorting Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
Discussion on Finite Ground Plane Size Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
Designs for Circular Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
Basic Principles of Circularly Polarized Patch Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
Broadbanding of Single-Feed Circularly Polarized Patch Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
The basic geometry of a microstrip patch antenna (MPA) consists of a metallic
patch which is either printed on a grounded substrate or suspended above a
ground plane. The antenna is usually fed either by a coaxial probe or a stripline.
In the coaxial case, the center conductor is directly connected to the patch and the
outer conductor to the ground. In the stripline case, energy is coupled to the patch
in several ways: by direct connection, by proximity coupling, and by aperture
coupling. The patch antenna idea appeared to be originated in the early 1950s, but
there was little activity for almost two decades, mainly due to its inherent narrow
bandwidth. It began to attract the serious attention of the antenna community in
the 1970s, as antenna designers began to appreciate the advantages offered by this
type of antennas, which include low profile, conformability to a shaped surface,
ease of fabrication, and compatibility with integrated circuit technology. In the
last three decades, extensive studies have been devoted to improving the band-
width and other performance characteristics. This chapter begins with a brief
description of the modeling techniques and basic characteristics of the MPA.
Methods for broadbanding are then discussed, followed by dual- and multiband
designs, size reduction techniques, circularly polarized patch antennas, and
frequency-agile and polarization-agile designs. The chapter ends with some
concluding remarks.
Microstrip antennas • Wideband patch antennas • Patch antennas for circular
polarization • Small-size patch antennas • Dual- and multiband patch antennas
The idea of microstrip patch antennas arose from utilizing printed circuit technology
not only for the circuit components and transmission lines but also for the radiating
elements of an electronic system. The basic geometries are shown in Fig. 1. It
consists of a metallic patch which is either printed on a grounded substrate or
suspended above a ground plane and fed against the ground at an appropriate
location. The patch shape can in principle be arbitrary. In practice, the rectangle,
the circle, the equitriangle, and the annular ring are common shapes. Feeding is
usually by a coaxial probe or a stripline. The latter can be directly connected to the
patch, or proximity coupled to the patch, or coupled through an aperture. These are
Microstrip Patch Antennas 789
illustrated in Fig. 2 for the rectangular patch. Electromagnetic energy is first guided
or coupled to the region under the patch, which acts like a resonant cavity with open
circuits on the sides. Some of the energy leaks out of the cavity and radiates into
space, resulting in an antenna.
The advantages and disadvantages of the four feeding methods are listed in
Table 1. Of the four, the coaxial feed and the direct stripline feed are the most
790 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Table 1 The comparisons between the four common feeding methods for microstrip patch antenna
Advantages Disadvantages
Coaxial feed Easy to match Large inductance for thick
Low spurious radiation substrate
Soldering required
Microstrip line Monolithic Spurious radiation from feed line,
Easy to fabricate especially for thick substrate when
Easy to match by controlling insert line width is significant
Proximity coupled No direct contact between feed and Multilayer fabrication required
Can have large effective thickness
for patch substrate and much thinner
feed substrate
Aperture coupled Use of two substrates avoids Multilayer fabrication required
deleterious effect of a high dielectric Higher back lobe radiation
constant substrate on the bandwidth
and efficiency
No direct contact between feed and
patch avoiding large probe
reactance or wide microstrip line
No radiation from the feed and
active devices since a ground plane
separates them from the radiating
The patch antenna idea appeared to be proposed by Deschamps in the early 1950s
(Deschamps and Sichak 1953), but there was little activity for some two decades. It
was not until the late 1970s that this type of antenna attracted serious attention of the
antenna community, due to the recognition of the many advantages it offered. These
include low profile, conformability to a shaped surface, ease of fabrication, and
compatibility with integrated circuit technology, since active and passive circuit
elements can be etched on the same substrate. Its main drawback is narrow band-
width, typically less than 5 %. Research in the last several decades has resulted not
only in patch antennas with double digit bandwidths but a host of techniques for
designing dual- and multiband, dual- and circular polarization characteristics, size
reduction, and reconfigurable designs. The MPA has found extensive applications in
the wireless industry, both commercial and military, and it is probably not an
exaggeration to say that this type of antennas has become the favorite of antenna
designers. The literature on MPAs is vast, comprising thousands of research articles
in archival journals. There were also several review articles, handbook chapters, and
more than a dozen books, a partial list of which are given in the references [Bahl and
Bhartia (1980); Chen and Chia (2005); Debatosh and Antar (2010); Garg (2000);
Huang (2008); James and Hall (1981, 1989); Kumar and Ray (2003); Lee and Tong
(2012); Lee and Chen (1997); Richards et al. (1981); Pozar (1992); Shafai (2007);
Wong (2002); Zurcher and Gardiol (1995)].
Microstrip Patch Antennas 791
In this chapter, a brief description of the modeling techniques and basic charac-
teristics of the MPA is given in section “Modeling Techniques and Basic Charac-
teristics.” Section “Broadbanding Techniques” presents four major broadbanding
techniques. Dual- and triple-band designs are discussed in section “Dual- and
Multiband Designs.” Methods for size reduction and circular polarization are the
topics of sections “Methods of Reducing the Patch Size” and “Designs for Circular
Polarization,” respectively. Section “Frequency-Agile and Polarization-Agile Patch
Antennas” presents examples of frequency-agile and polarization-agile patch anten-
nas. Concluding remarks are given in section “Conclusion.” To keep the chapter
within the allotted length, dual-polarization designs and the subject of microstrip
antenna array are not addressed in this chapter.
with the patch shape amenable to the method of separation of variables. The full-
wave methods have the advantages of being able to handle thick substrates, various
feeding methods, and thick complicated structures such as multilayers, multiple
patches with or without parasitic elements, shorting walls, and shorting pins, as
well as slots cut in patches. However, they require extensive computation time and
provide little physical insight.
In the last two decades, many commercial simulation software based on full-wave
methods are available. These software have played a key role in the rapid advance-
ment of microstrip antenna research. They have become indispensable tools in the
design of these antennas. Some of these are listed in Table 2. Many of the results to
be presented in this chapter were based on IE3D and HFSS. Some were obtained
using moment method and FDTD codes developed in-house.
Basic Characteristics
Fig. 3 Geometry of a
rectangular patch antenna
shapes of the patch. These are delineated below for the rectangular patch shown in
Fig. 3. The rectangular patch is probably the most commonly used microstrip patch
(A) The fields under the cavity are transverse magnetic, with the electric field in the
z direction and independent of z. There are an infinite number of modes, each
characterized by a pair of integers (m, n):
mπx nπy
Ez ¼ E0 cos cos m, n ¼ integers (1)
a b
(B) For the cavity bounded by electric walls on the top and a magnetic wall on the
side, the resonant frequency of each mode is governed by the dimensions of the
patch and the relative permittivity of the substrate er. It is given by
kmn c
f mn ¼ pffiffiffiffi (2)
2π er
mπ 2 nπ 2
kmn ¼ þ (3)
a b
For the rectangular patch, with a > b, a commonly used formula for the
fundamental mode, accurate to within 3 % of measured values, is
fr ¼ pffiffiffiffi (4)
2ð a þ t Þ e e
ð e r þ 1Þ ð e r 1Þ 10t 2
ee ¼ þ 1þ (5)
2 2 b
mπx mπx
Ms ¼ n E ¼ þy z E0 cos ¼ þxE0 : (6)
a a
Along the wall AC,
nπy nπy
Ms ¼ n E ¼ x z E0 cos mπ cos ¼ þyE0 cos mπ cos : (7)
b b
Along the wall CB,
mπx mπx
Ms ¼ n E ¼ y z E0 cos cos nπ ¼ xE0 cos cos nπ: (8)
a a
Along the wall BO,
nπy nπy
Ms ¼ n E ¼ þx z E0 cos ¼ yE0 cos : (9)
b b
The effect of the infinite ground plane is to double the strength of each Ms
source. The electric field and magnetic surface current distributions on the side
walls for the TM01 and TM10 modes are illustrated in Fig. 5. For the TM10
Microstrip Patch Antennas 795
Fig. 5 Illustrations of the magnetic current density distribution on the side walls
mode, the magnetic currents along b are constant and in phase, while those
along a vary sinusoidally and are out of phase. For this reason, the b edge is
known as the radiating edge since it contributes predominately to the radiation.
The a edge is known as the non-radiating edge. Similarly, for the TM01 mode,
the magnetic currents are constant and in phase along a and are out of phase
and vary sinusoidally along b. The a edge is thus the radiating edge for the
TM01 mode.
(E) To satisfy the boundary condition imposed by the feed, the fields under the
patch are expressed as a summation of the various modes. The amplitudes and
phases of these modes are determined by the excitation. The mode with
resonant frequency equal to the excitation frequency will be at resonance and
has the largest amplitude.
(F) Each resonant mode has its own characteristic radiation pattern. For the
rectangular patch, the commonly used modes are TM10 and TM01. However,
the TM03 mode has also received some attention. These three modes all have
broadside radiation patterns. The computed patterns for a = 1.5b and two
values of er are shown in Fig. 6. In the principal planes, the TM01 and TM03
796 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
modes have similar linear polarizations, while that of the TM10 mode is
orthogonal to the other two. The patterns do not appear to be sensitive to a/b
or t. However, they change appreciably with er. Typical half-power beamwidths
of the TM10 and TM01 modes are of the order of 100 and the gains are typically
5 dBi. The patterns of most of the other modes have maxima off broadside. For
example, those of the TM11 mode are illustrated in Fig. 6g.
Figure 7 shows the computed and measured radiation patterns of the TM10 and
TM01 modes obtained by Lo et al. (1979) for a rectangular patch with
a = 11.43 cm, b = 7.6 cm, er ¼ 2:62 ,and t = 0.159 cm. Both Eθ and Eϕ
were measured in each of the two cuts, ϕ = 0 and ϕ = 90 . It was found in
their experiment that, in each case, one component polarization was negligible
when compared to the other and is not shown. The dominant component is
called the co-polarization, and the component orthogonal to the dominant
component is called the cross polarization. For thin substrates, cross-
polarization fields are mainly due to the excitation of higher-order modes. A
study of the dependence of the cross-polarized fields on aspect ratio (a/b), feed
position, and relative permittivity can be found in Huynh et al. (1988).
For each mode, there are two orthogonal planes in the far-field region – one
designated as E-plane and the other designated as H-plane. The far-zone
electric field lies in the E-plane and the far-zone magnetic field lies in the
H-plane. The patterns in these planes are referred to as the E- and H-plane
patterns, respectively. For the TM01 mode, the contributions to the far fields are
from the magnetic surface current densities on the side walls containing the
radiating edges. Referring to Figs. 3 and 5, one can show from the directions of
these magnetic currents that the E-plane is the y-z plane (ϕ = 90o) and the
H-plane is the x-z plane (ϕ = 0o).
For the TM10 mode, again referring to Figs. 3 and 5, one can show that the
E-plane is the x-z plane (ϕ = 0o) and the H-plane is the y-z plane (ϕ = 90o).
With appropriate design, circular polarization can be achieved by utilizing
two modes. This will be discussed in detail in section “Designs for Circular
(G) At resonance, the input reactance is small for thin substrates, while the input
resistance is largest when the feed is near the edge of the patch and decreases as
the feed moves inside the edge. The decrease follows the square of a cosine
function for the TM10 and TM01 modes of a coaxial-fed rectangular patch.
Figure 8 shows the theoretical and measured values of the resonant resistances
of the first two modes of a coaxial-fed rectangular patch.
(H) By choosing the feed location properly, the resonant resistance can be matched
to the feed line resistance, while the use of thin substrates (thickness t 0.03
λ0) will minimize the feed inductance at resonance, resulting in a very near
unity voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR or SWR). As the frequency deviates
from resonance, VSWR increases. For linear polarization, a common defini-
tion of impedance bandwidth is the range of frequencies for which VSWR is
less than or equal to two, corresponding to 10 dB return loss or 10 dB for the
Microstrip Patch Antennas 797
Fig. 6 Relative field patterns for a rectangular patch with a/b = 1.5, fnm = 1 GHz, and
(i) er = 2.32, t = 0.318, 0.159, 0.0795 cm; (ii) er = 9.8, t = 0.127, 0.0635, 0.0254 cm. (a)
TM10, ϕ = 0 . (b) TM10, ϕ = 90 . (c) TM01, ϕ = 90 . (d) TM01, ϕ = 0 . (e) TM03, ϕ = 90 .
(f) TM03, ϕ = 0 . (g) TM11, er = 2.32
a c
φ = 90° Eφ φ = 90° Eθ
b d
φ = 0° Eθ φ = 0° Eφ
Fig. 7 Theoretical (x) and measured (solid or dashed line) radiation patterns in ϕ = 0 and
ϕ = 90 planes of a rectangular patch antenna with a = 11.43 cm, b = 7.6 cm, er = 2.62,
t = 0.159 cm. (a) and (b) at resonant frequency 804 MHz of (1, 0) mode; (c) and (d) at resonant
frequency 1,187 MHz of (0, 1) mode (From Lo et al. (1979). # 1979 I.E. Reprinted with
(I) The losses in the patch antenna comprise radiation, copper, dielectric, and
surface-wave losses. For thin substrates, surface wave can be neglected.
According to Wood (1981), it is required that t/λo < 0.07 for er = 2.3 and
t/λo < 0.023 for er = 9.8, if the antenna is to launch no more than 25 % of the
total radiated power as surface waves. The quality factor Q of a particular mode
is determined by the ratio of the stored to loss energy and determines the
impedance bandwidth of the antenna.
(J) In general, the impedance bandwidth is found to increase with substrate thick-
ness t and inversely proportional to √er. However, the use of low-permittivity
substrates can lead to high levels of radiation from the feed lines, while for higher
permittivities, an increase in substrate thickness can lead to decrease in efficiency
Microstrip Patch Antennas 799
resonant resistance (Ω)
400 theory
(1,0) mode
(0,1) mode
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
y’/b for x’ = 5.33 cm (0,1) mode
x’/b for y’ = 3.81 cm (1,0) mode
(x’,y’) is location of feed point
usihng 1/16*
rexolite 2200
feed for (0,1)
mode varies
along this line
Fig. 8 Variation of resonant resistance with feed position of the TM10 and TM01 mode in a
rectangular patch antenna with a = 11.43 cm, b = 7.62 cm, er ¼ 2:62 , t = 0.159 cm (From
Richards et al. (1981). # 1981 I.E. Reprinted with permission)
Broadbanding Techniques
General Remarks
While the bandwidths of several systems (e.g., GPS) are quite narrow, five of the
systems shown in Table 3 require bandwidths in excess of 8 %. As discussed
previously, the microstrip patch antenna in the basic form of a conducting patch in
a grounded substrate is inherently narrow band and is not able to meet the require-
ments of these systems. While bandwidth can be increased by using lossy substrates,
this is usually not desirable as efficiency will be reduced. In the last three decades, a
number of techniques have been developed to broaden the bandwidths of microstrip
patch antennas, without compromising efficiency. The various designs provide
bandwidths in the range of 10–60 %. Note that a 20 % bandwidth will be able to
cover the first two applications in Table 3, while a 30 % bandwidth will cover the
third, fourth, and fifth applications combined.
The methods developed for efficient wideband patch antenna design are based on
one or more of the following principles:
Microstrip Patch Antennas 801
Several wideband designs based on the above principles will now be presented.
Stacked Patches
A popular method for increasing the bandwidth of microstrip patch antennas is to use
parasitic elements to create dual or multiple resonances. If these resonances are
suitably arranged, the resulting overall frequency response can be significantly
broader than the case when only a single resonance is present. This is similar to
the situation in coupled tuned circuits. There are two arrangements: the stacked
geometry in which the fed and parasitic patches are on separate layers (Sabban 1983;
Lee et al. 1987, 1995; Barlately et al. 1990) and the coplanar geometry in which all
patches are on the same layer (Kumar and Gupta 1984). Thin substrates are used.
The coplanar geometry increases the lateral area occupied by the patches and is not
as popular as the stacked geometry and will not be discussed further.
One of the first journal papers on two-layer stacked patches is that by Lee
et al. (1987), who studied the configuration shown in Fig. 9.
The substrate has relative permittivities, er = 2.17 and thickness t = 0.254 mm.
They are separated by a distance s by means of spacers. The dimensions of the
patches are identical, with a = 1.5 cm and b = 1.0 cm. It is found that when the
patches are excited at the TM01 mode, with resonant frequency approximately
10 GHz, the impedance bandwidth is about 13 % when the spacing is around
0.0508 cm (0.017 λ0). This is almost an order of magnitude larger than the case
when there is no parasitic patch.
Subsequently, Lee et al. (1995) developed a full-wave moment method analysis
and a computer program for multilayer microstrip antennas. Using this program,
representative design guides for the configuration of Fig. 10, operating at the center
frequency of 5 GHz, are shown in Table 4. In Table 4, design 1 gives the parameters
which achieve a bandwidth of 12 % for the case when there is no superstrate
Fig. 9 Geometry of
electromagnetically coupled
stacked patch antenna
802 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Fig. 10 Geometry of the stacked electromagnetically coupled microstrip antenna with superstrate
Aperture-Coupled Patches
Fig. 11 Aperture-coupled
patch antenna studied in the
paper by Croq and Papiernik
(1990). (a) Feed: erf = 2.2;
tgδ = 0.001; Hf = 0.762 mm;
Wf = 2.32 mm; Ls = 2.85
mm. (b) Slot: Aw = 0.8 mm;
AL = 15.4 mm. (c) Square
patch: Wp = 17 mm;
Hp = 5.5 mm; erp = 1. (d)
Radome: Hs = 1.6 mm;
ers = 2.2; tgδ = 0.001
The stacked patch geometry with one fed patch and one parasitic patch can provide
up to about 20 % bandwidth, while the aperture-coupled patch utilizing a resonant
slot can yield up to about 25 % bandwidth. The former involves more than one layer
and more than one patch, while the latter also involves more than one layer, as well
as a more complicated feeding arrangement and strong back lobe radiation. A
wideband design which is single layer and single patch is the U-slot patch antenna
shown in Fig. 12, first introduced in 1995 by Huynh and Lee (1995). A number of
studies by Lee and coworkers, as well as by others, followed (Lee et al. 1997, 2010;
Tong et al. 2000; Clenet and Shafai 1999; Weigand et al. 2003). It was firmly
established that the U-slot patch antenna can provide impedance bandwidths in
excess of 30 % for an air substrate of thickness about 0.08 λ0 and in excess of
20 % for material substrates of similar thickness.
Air Substrate
In the original study of Huynh and Lee (1995), the wide-bandwidth characteristics of
the antenna were demonstrated experimentally. It was pointed out in their paper that
the factors contributing to the wideband behavior were (1) the air substrate; (2) a
relative thick substrate (about 0.08 λ0); (3) the capacitance introduced by the U-slot,
which countered the feed inductance; and (4) the additional resonance introduced by
the U-slot, which combined with the patch resonance to produce a broadband
Microstrip Patch Antennas 805
3.5 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.5
frequency, GHz
Fig. 13 VSWR of the U-slot patch antenna with dimensions: W = 36 mm, L = 26 mm, F = 13
mm, Ws = 12 mm, Ls = 20 mm, a = 2 mm, b = 4 mm, cx = cy = 2 mm, and h = 5
mm. ( measured, — computed) (From Lee et al. (1997). # 1997 IET, Reprinted with permission)
Table 6 Simulated and measured impedance matching bandwidths of probe-fed U-slot patch
antenna with different air-substrate thickness. The dimensions of the antennas are slightly different
for the different thicknesses. In all cases, the inner radius of the coaxial feed is 0.4 mm (From Lee
et al. (2010). # 2010 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
Simulation Measurement
h Thickness in lambda Matching freq % BW Matching freq % BW
(mm) (GHz) (GHz)
1 0.018 5.13–5.41 5.31
2 0.033 4.73–5.23 10.04 4.44–5.01 12.1
3 0.048 4.45–5.2 15.54 4.19–4.95 16.6
4 0.063 4.2–5.28 22.78 4.05–5.1 23.0
5 0.078 3.98–5.32 28.81 3.8–4.94 26.1
6 0.089 3.8–5.14 29.97 3.74–4.98 28.4
bandwidths cannot be realized by the traditional patch antenna (Lee and Luk 2010),
it has been demonstrated that these can be realized by a U-slot patch antenna only
0.033 λ0 thick, which has a 12 % bandwidth. The dimensions of the antenna used in
this study are shown in Table 5, and the results are summarized in Table 6.
Microstrip Patch Antennas 807
Material Substrate
Although the first series of investigations of the U-slot patch antenna used an air or
foam substrate, subsequent investigations have confirmed that this wideband design
can also be implemented with material substrates. As expected, the bandwidth of an
antenna on a material substrate is smaller than an antenna on an air or foam substrate.
Tong et al. (2000) presented both experimental study and FDTD analyses of two
antennas on a substrate with relative permittivity er = 2.33. The dimensions of one
of these antennas are shown in Table 7. The operating frequencies and bandwidths of
this antenna are shown in Table 8. The 3-dB gain bandwidths were about the same as
the impedance bandwidths, and the average gains of the antennas were about 7 dBi
across the matching band.
Shortly after the publication of the first paper on the wideband U-slot patch antenna,
another wideband single-layer single-patch antenna was introduced. This design
achieves wideband operation using an L-shaped probe feeding method. The
808 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
L-probe feed was first used by Nakano in the electromagnetically coupled curl
antenna (Nakano et al. 1997). Its use in patch antennas was due to Luk
et al. (1998a). The geometry is shown in Fig. 15. This design uses
low-permittivity substrate (air or foam) of thickness about 0.1 free-space wave-
length. The feed is a modified version of the coaxial probe. Instead of the center
conductor extending vertically to the patch and connected to it, a portion of it is bent
in the horizontal direction. The horizontal arm of the probe is approximately a
quarter of a wavelength long. It provides a capacitance to counteract the inductance
due to the vertical part. In the experiment of Luk et al. (1998a), the rectangular patch
had a width Wx = 30 mm and a length Wy = 25 mm. The L-shaped probe,
connected to the inner conductor of a 50 Ω SMA launcher, had a parallel arm
Microstrip Patch Antennas 809
10 7
5 5
0 3
–5 1
3 4 5 6
frequency, GHz
Fig. 16 Measured gain and SWR against frequency (From Luk et al. (1998a). # 1998 IET,
Reprinted with permission)
Fig. 17 Measured radiation pattern at 4.53 GHz (From Luk et al. (1998a). # 1998 IET, Reprinted
with permission)
Lh = 10.5 mm and a perpendicular arm Lv = 4.95 mm. It was excited in the TM01
mode of the patch antenna. The patch was supported by a foam layer of thickness
H = 6.6 mm with a dielectric constant close to unity. Within the matching band, this
thickness corresponded to 0.08–0.12 λ0. The distance between the lower edge of the
patch and the perpendicular arm of the L-probe was D = 2 mm. The probe radius
R = 0.5 mm. The measured VSWR and gain as a function of frequency are shown in
Fig. 16. The bandwidth (VSWR < 2) was 36 % and the average gain was 7.5 dBi.
The measured radiation patterns at 4.53 GHz are shown in Fig. 17. It is seen that the
co-polarization patterns were symmetrical with respect to the broadside direction.
The cross polarization was negligible in the E-plane (y-z plane). It was quite high in
810 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
the H-plane (x-z plane) in the direction around θ = 30 . Simulation results of this
antenna using the software IE3D were in good agreement with experimental results.
Subsequent related studies included the use of twin L-probes to increase gain and
reduce cross polarization (Mak et al. 2005) and the T-probe-fed patch antennas (Mak
et al. 2000).
Introductory Remarks
There are many applications in wireless communications that involve two or more
distinct frequency bands. It is sometimes possible that a broadband microstrip
antenna can cover the frequencies of interest. However, the disadvantage of using
a broadband antenna is that it also receives non-desired frequencies unless some kind
of filtering network is introduced to reject such frequencies. On the other hand, the
advantage of a dual- or multiband design is that it focuses only on frequencies of
interest and is thus more desirable. The frequency bands can be relatively close or
relatively far apart. A variety of designs have been developed to provide the desired
characteristics: by providing multi-resonances, by using multi-modes, or by intro-
ducing band notches in a broadband antenna. Long and Walton (1979) and Dahele
et al. (1987) used stacked circular and stacked annular-ring patches for dual-band
designs. This technique was extended to multibands by Anguera et al. (2003). Dual-
or triple-band characteristics can also be realized by loading a rectangular patch with
one or two stubs (Deshmukh and Ray 2010), by utilizing the TM01 and TM03 modes
of a rectangular patch (Zhong and Lo 1983) or the TM10, TM20, and TM11 modes of
the equilateral-triangular patch (Lee et al. 1988). Recently, it was found that the
U-slot patch geometry, originally introduced for broadband operation, can be suit-
ably modified for dual- and multiband operations (Lee et al. 2008, 2011). This
method is discussed in detail in the next section.
Most of the studies of the U-slot patch antenna were concerned with its broadband
capabilities. However, recent studies have shown that it can be also used for dual- or
multiband designs. There are two approaches, depending on whether the frequency
ratios are larger than or less than about 1.5. The two cases will be referred to as large
frequency ratio and small frequency ratio, respectively.
2.0 GHz and another band centered at 4.8 GHz. The patch dimension L (54 mm)
determines the lower resonance, while the upper resonance is governed by the
dimensions of the U-slot. The simulated reflection coefficient (S11) versus frequency
is shown in Fig. 19. The impedance bandwidths at the lower and upper bands are
3.5 % and 18.2 %, respectively. The radiation patterns are similar to those of the
broadband U-slot patch antenna.
To achieve triple-band operation, two slots are necessary. While it is possible to
use two U-slots, it was found that the second slot in the form of an H-slot offers
better flexibility. Figure 20 shows a U-slot in combination with an H-slot to produce
resonances at 1.94, 4.16, and 5.44 GHz. Figure 21 shows the reflection coefficient
(S11) response curve. The impedance bandwidths at the three bands are 2.6 % for the
lower band, 9.8 % for the middle band, and 10.4 % for the upper band. The radiation
patterns at the three bands are shown in Fig. 22. The co-polarization patterns are
stable. The cross-polarization levels are 20 dB below the co-polarization at the lower
band. At the center frequency of the middle band (4.2 GHz) and high band (5.4
GHz), it becomes very high at oblique angles, as the antenna is electrically thick
(>0.08 λo) and radiation from the vertical coaxial feed becomes significant.
812 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
a 0 b 0
330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
270 90 270 90
–40 –30 –20 –10 –40 –30 –20 –10
c 330 30
300 60
270 90
–40 –30 –20 –10
Fig. 22 Simulated radiation pattern of the tri-band U-slot antenna at (a) 1.94 GHz, (b) 4.16 GHz,
and (c) 5.44 GHz (( H-Co, H-x, E-Co)) (From Lee et al. (2010). # 2010 IEEE,
Reprinted with permission)
Rather than cutting a second slot in the patch, a triple-band antenna can also be
realized by placing an open circuit stub on the radiating edge of a dual-band U-slot
rectangular patch antenna. Quadruple-band response results if two stubs are used. An
example is shown in Fig. 23a (ground plane not shown). The substrate is glass epoxy
(er = 4.3, h = 0.159 cm, and tanδ = 0.02). The measured VSWR of the triple-band
antenna is shown in Fig. 24. The measured resonant frequencies agree well with the
simulated values of 770, 952, and 1,100 MHz and corresponding bandwidths 16, 18,
814 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Fig. 23 Geometries of the stub-loaded U-slot patch antenna. (a) Triple band; (b) quadruple band
(From Deshmukh and Ray (2010). # 2010 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
0.333 0.333
6000 Frequency (MHz) 1200
Fig. 24 VSWR response of the triple-band antenna in Fig. 23a (From Deshmukh and Ray (2010).
# 2010 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
Fig. 25 Geometry of three antennas: (a) broadband, (b) dual band, and (c) triple band
Table 9 Dimensions of the proposed antennas (unit: mm) (From Lee et al. (2008). # 2008 IEEE,
Reprinted with permission)
Antenna W L H HL LL Ua1 Ud1 Ux1 Uy1 Ua2 Ud2 Ux2 Uy2
a 22 18 5 3.5 8.5
b 22 18 5 3.5 8.5 0.8 2 7.5 10.8
c 22 18 5 3.5 8.5 0.8 2 7.5 10.8 0.8 3.5 4.5 10.8
In Lee et al. (2008), these antennas with the dimensions shown in Table 9 were
fabricated. Air substrate was used. Simulation results, using IE3D software, were
obtained, as well as measured results. The simulated and measured return losses are
shown in Fig. 26, and the impedance bandwidths (S11 < 10 dB) are summarized in
Table 10. Reasonable agreement was obtained between the simulated and measured
results. The discrepancies between the results were due to the fabrication tolerance of
the fabricated antenna prototypes. Figures 27, 28, and 29 show the measured
radiation patterns for the three antennas. The patterns are broadside and the polar-
ization is linear.
For antenna b, the U-slot introduced a notch at around 5.5 GHz. The relationship
between the band notch frequency and the total U-slot length is shown in Table 11.
The total length of the slot is approximately half wavelength for the two proposed
U-slot(s) antennas. The resulting dual-band antenna has a frequency ratio f2/f1 = 1.30,
where f2 and f1 are the center frequencies of the upper and lower bands, respectively.
For antenna c, the two U-slots introduced a notch at around 5.5 GHz and another notch
at around 6.2 GHz. The resulting triple-band antenna has frequency ratios f3/f1 = 1.34
and f2/f1 = 1.16, where f3, f2, and f1 are the center frequencies of the upper, middle,
and lower frequencies. It should be noted that the frequency ratios are determined by
the bandwidth of antenna a, which was 30 % for this case. If one starts with an antenna
with broader bandwidth, e.g., 40 %, the frequency ratios of the dual- and triple-band
antenna will be larger.
A patch antenna with quadruple-band characteristics can be realized by cutting
three half-wavelength long U-slots on the patch. Another method is to use stacked
patches in multiple layers (Anguera et al. 2003).
816 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Fig. 26 Simulated and measured reflection coefficient (S11) of the three antennas: (a) broadband,
(b) dual band, and (c) triple band
Table 10 Simulated and measured impedance bandwidths (From Lee et al. (2008) # 2008 IEEE,
Reprinted with permission)
Antenna Simulation (GHz) Measurement (GHz)
a 5.26–7.25 (31.8 %) 5.00–6.80 (30.5 %)
b 4.97–5.22 (4.9 %), 5.94–7.26 (20 %) 4.80–5.18 (7.6 %), 5.80–6.80(15.9 %)
c 4.95–5.20 (4.9 %), 5.74–6.00 (4.4 %), 4.80–5.18 (7.6 %), 5.63–5.95 (5.5 %),
6.41–7.24 (12.2 %) 6.25–6.83 (8.9 %)
General Remarks
330 30
300 60
270 90
–40 –30 –20 –10
240 120
210 150
Fig. 27 Measured radiation patterns of the broadband antenna of Table 9a at 5.9 GHz
(( H-Co, H-x, E-Co, E-x)) (From Lee et al. (2008). # 2008 IEEE,
Reprinted with permission)
0 0
330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
270 90 270 90
–40 –30 –20 –10 –40 –30 –20 –10
Fig. 28 Measured radiation patterns of the dual-band antenna of Table 9b: (a) 5.0 GHz and (b)
6.3 GHz (( H-Co, H-x, E-Co, E-x )) (From Lee et al. (2008). # 2008
IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
By placing a shorting wall along the null in the electric field across the center of
the patch, the resonant length can be reduced by a factor of two (Pinhas and
Shtrikman 1988; Chair et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2000). The area occupied by the
patch will be reduced by a factor of four, if the aspect ratio is kept the same. Another
technique to reduce the resonant length is to add a shorting pin in close proximity to
818 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
a 0 b 0
330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
300 60
240 120
210 150
Fig. 29 Measured radiation patterns of the triple-band antenna of Table 9c: (a) 5.0 GHz, (b) 5.8
GHz, and (c) 6.55 GHz (( H-Co, H-x, E-Co, E-x)) (From Lee
et al. (2008). # 2008 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
Table 11 Relationship between the band notch frequency and the total U-slot length (From Lee
et al. (2010). # 2010 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
Antenna Freq. of band notch Total U-slot length
b 5.5 GHz 27.5 mm (0.504 λo)
c 5.5 GHz 6.2 GHz 27.5 mm (0.504 λo) 24.5 mm (0.506 λo)
the feed (Waterhouse et al. 1998). The shorting pin is capacitively coupled to the
resonant circuit of the patch, effectively increasing the permittivity of the substrate. It
has been shown that a suitably placed shorting pin can reduce the resonant length of
a circular patch by a factor of three and the area of the patch by a factor of nine.
Broadbanding techniques such as stacked patches, U-slot patch, and L-probe feed
Microstrip Patch Antennas 819
Fig. 30 Geometry of the shorted patch. (a) Top view; (b) side view
Chair et al. (1999) presented experimental results of the quarter-wave patch shown in
Fig. 30. The substrate between the patch and the ground plane is foam, with
thickness h and relative permittivity 1.08. The sides of the patch are
a = b = 3.06 cm long, with one side shorted. The patch is fed by a coaxial probe,
with the feed point at x = 0 and y = d, where d is the distance between the feed
point and the open edge and is adjusted for best match.
Resonant frequency, pattern, and bandwidth (VSWR < 2) measurements were
performed for several thicknesses h, from 2 to 7 mm. Resonant frequencies ranged
from 2.19 to 2.46 GHz, while the bandwidths ranged from 3.59 % for h = 2 mm
(0.017 λo) to 17.66 % for h = 7 mm (0.058 λo). The corresponding bandwidths for a
half-wave regular patch on the same thickness and the same width but double in
length were 1.57 % and 5.55 %, respectively. These results were confirmed quali-
tatively by simulation software. That the quarter-wave shorted patch has a wider
bandwidth than the half-wave patch is due to its smaller volume and therefore less
stored energy, leading to a smaller Q and larger bandwidth. This conclusion was
found to hold only for air/foam substrate and not for material substrate which
supports surface waves. In Lee et al. (2000), it was found that shorted patches on
substrates with er = 2.32 and er = 4.0 had smaller bandwidths than their half-wave
counterparts. This was attributed to the fact that the surface-wave loss was consid-
erably more in a half-wave patch than a quarter-wave patch, leading to a larger
bandwidth for the former.
820 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Fig. 31 Geometry of
partially shorted patch
The measured patterns by Chair et al. (1999) showed large cross polarization in
the E-plane. They also showed that, depending on the thickness, the maximum
radiation could occur off broadside. The measured gains for h = 3, 5, and 7 mm
at the resonant frequencies in the broadside direction as well as in the maximum
direction are summarized in Table 12. It is seen that typical values of the maximum
gain were in the range 2–3.5 dBi. This is about half that of the regular half-wave
Maximum gain direction is measured from the perpendicular direction in the
E-plane (perpendicular to the shorting plane).
Figure 31 shows the geometry in which the shorting wall, instead of extending fully
across the width of the patch a, has a width s, where s a.
It was shown in Hirasawa and Haneishi (1992) that the use of a partially shorted
wall had the effect of reducing the resonant frequency of the antenna. Lee
et al. (2000) showed that this was accomplished at the expense of bandwidth.
Their calculated results using IE3D simulation software for an antenna with
a = 3.8 cm, b = 2.5 cm, h = 3.2 cm, and er = 1.0 showed that as s/a decreased
from 1.0 to 0.1, the resonant frequency decreased from 2.69 to 1.61 GHz,
representing a 60 % reduction in frequency or size. However, the bandwidth was
reduced from 7.4 % for s/a = 1.0 to 3.7 % for s/a = 0.1.
The partially shorted patch in the form shown in Fig. 32 is known as the planar
inverted-F antenna (PIFA), because the side view looks like an inverted F. The width
of the shorting wall w is approximately 0.2 L1, while the dimensions of L1 and L2 are
on the order of 1/8 λo.
Microstrip Patch Antennas 821
a y b y
(xps1, yps1)
x x
W Top view
(xp, yp) (xp, yp)
(xps1, yps1)
Shorting pin
er d Side view
Fig. 33 Circular (a) and rectangular (b) patches with shorting pin
Another technique for reducing the patch size, very similar to the inverted-F method,
is to use a shorting pin (Waterhouse et al. 1998). This is illustrated in Fig. 33.
The shorting pin causes the fields underneath the patch to bounce back and forth. The
field starts to radiate once the bouncing distance reaches half wavelength. As a result of
the multiple bounces, the physical size of the patch is reduced. Since the bounces are
non-unidirectional, the fields can radiate out from almost all edges of the patch, resulting
in high cross polarization. However, for certain applications such as cellular phone
communication in a multipath environment, high cross-polarized fields are not a concern.
822 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
S11 (dB)
1 pin
−30 2 pins
3 pins
1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 34 Simulated return loss of the miniature patch antenna with different numbers of
shorting pins
300 60
270 90
Eφ (φ = 0°) Eφ (φ = 90°) Eφ (φ = 90°)
If the shorting pin is close to the feed, the resonant circuit of the patch is
capacitively coupled to the pin. This is equivalent to increasing the permittivity of
the substrate, which further contributes to reduction in frequency or size of the patch
(measured in wavelength).
The solid curve of Fig. 34 shows the simulation results for return loss for the
circular patch shown in Fig. 34a with xp = 6.2 mm, xps = 8.3 mm, and yp = yps = 0,
on a foam substrate with er = 1.07 and t = 10 mm. IE3D simulation software was
used. The radius of the patch is reduced by a factor of 3 and the area by a factor of
9 when compared to the case of no shorting pin. The thickness of the foam substrate
is 0.06 λo, and the impedance bandwidth is about 6.3 %. The simulated radiation
patterns at 1.9 GHz are shown in Fig. 35. As noted earlier, the cross polarization of
this type of antenna is very high. The simulation results are consistent with the
experiments reported in Waterhouse et al. (1998).
Microstrip Patch Antennas 823
a y
b (xps1, yps1)
(xps1, yps1)
(xps2, yps2) R
R x x
(xp,yp) (xp,yp)
(xps2, yps2)
(xps3, yps3)
Fig. 36 Circular patch with (a) 2 and (b) 3 shorting pins (units in mm and not to scale) (a)
R = 13.2, xp = 4.95, xps1 = xps2 = 11.08, yps1 = 1.95, yps2 = 1.95; (b) R = 15.4, xp = 2.35,
xps1 = 13.3, xps2 = xps3 = 14.1, yps1 = 0, yps2 = 5.13, yps3 = 5.13
The bandwidth can be slightly improved by using multiple shorting pins. A circular
patch with two and three shorting pins is shown in Fig. 36. The reflection coefficient
(S11) for these cases is shown in the broken curves of Fig. 34. The impedance
bandwidths are 7.9 % for the patch with two pins and 10 % for the patch with three pins.
The shorting pin technique can be applied to the wideband U-slot patch discussed in
section “Aperture-Coupled Patches.” An example of the U-slot patch with shorting
pin is shown in Fig. 37a (Shackelford et al. 2001). The U-slot patch has a length
L = 70 mm (0.2 λo) and a width W = 84 mm (0.24 λo) where λo is the free-space
wavelength at the center frequency 0.86 GHz of the U-slot patch. The patch is
supported by the shorting pin and the probe wire in air. The radii of the shorting pin
and the probe feed are 4.65 and 2 mm, respectively. The shorting pin and the probe
feed are located at the non-radiating edge of the U-slot patch, which is placed on a
1 1 λo ground plane. Figure 38 shows the measured and simulated SWR of this
antenna. The matching frequency range is from 0.75 to 0.97 GHz with an impedance
bandwidth of 25.6 %. The area of the U-slot patch is only 0.055 λo. Figure 39 shows
the simulated x-z and y-z plane radiation patterns at 0.85 GHz.
Studies of the U-slot patch with shorting pin on material substrates have been
reported in Shackelford et al. (2003). It was also possible to further reduce the size of
the patch by removing half of the structure along the plane of symmetry (Chair
et al. 2005). Such an antenna is shown in Fig. 38b and its VSWR response is also
shown in Fig. 39. The corresponding bandwidth is 20 %.
The papers from which the above examples were drawn, as well as most of the
papers in the literature on patch size reduction techniques, did not address the ground
824 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Fig. 37 (a) U-slot patch with shorting pin; (b) half U-slot patch with shorting pin
plane size effects. Based on the recent study for the shorted patch on foam substrate
using CST Microwave Studio simulation software, it was found that, when com-
pared to the infinite ground case, the center resonant frequency, bandwidth, and gain
will deviate less than 5 % and 10 % and 1.5 dB, respectively, until the ground plane
is reduced to smaller than 0.5 0.5 λo (Tong et al. 2011).
In general, the ground plane size effects have to be considered with care, as they
are dependent on the particular antenna and the locations of the antenna and the feed
(Best 2009).
Microstrip Patch Antennas 825
5 5
4.5 4.5
4 4
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 38 Measured and simulated SWR of the U-slot patch antennas with shorting pin. Half
U-slot (measured). Half U-slot (simulated). Full U-slot (measured). Full U-slot
(simulated) (From Chair et al. (2005). # 2005 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
a xz-plane yz-plane
0 0
0 0
330 30 330 30
–10 –10
–30 –30
0 0
b 0 0
330 30 330 30
–10 –10
–30 –30
Fig. 39 Simulated radiation patterns of the U-slot patch antenna with shorting pin at 0.9 GHz
(10 dB/div). (a) Half U-slot. (b) Full U-slot E θ Eφ
826 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
The designs described in the previous sections are for linear polarization. There are
many circumstances, such as multipath/fading environments and in communication
with space vehicles above the earth’s ionosphere, in which it is more reliable to use
circular polarization. Circularly polarized patch antennas can be broadly classified
into three types – single feed, dual feed, and sequentially rotated feed. Figure 41
shows four single-feed designs.
Figure 40a and b shows an almost square patch and an almost circular (elliptical)
patch. Figure 40c and d shows a square patch with truncated corners and a circular
patch with indentations. Although coaxial feeds are shown in Fig. 40, the patches
can also be fed by a microstrip line or by coupling through an aperture.
At the appropriate frequency, all four configurations will generate two orthogonal
linearly polarized waves which are in phase quadrature in the broadside direction.
This design is simple, but suffers from very narrow axial ratio bandwidth for thin
substrates. By using the U-slot or L-probe for relatively thick substrates or the use of
stacked patch techniques, the axial ratio bandwidth can be increased to over 10 %.
The basic principle of the single-feed CP patch antenna is that a perturbation of the
dimensions be introduced such that, by feeding the patch at the appropriate location,
two modes with orthogonal polarizations are generated with resonant frequencies
which are slightly different. In the almost square patch and the almost circular patch,
the perturbation is in the form of one of the dimensions being slightly different from
the other. In the square patch with truncated corners and the circular patch with
indentations, the perturbation is in the form of two slightly different diagonal lengths.
In the broadside direction, the amplitudes and phases of the radiated electric fields
of the two orthogonal modes generated are illustrated in Fig. 41. The resonant
frequencies of these modes are fa and fb, respectively.
At the frequency fo, approximately midway between fa and fb, the amplitudes of the
two modes are equal and the phases differ by 90 , resulting in circular polarization. This
condition for perfect CP occurs only at fo and in the broadside direction. As the frequency
deviates from fo and/or the direction is off broadside, elliptical polarization results.
The antenna is only useful for the range of frequencies within which both the
return loss is less than 10 dB (Return Loss Bandwidth, RLBW) and the axial ratio is
less than 3 dB (Axial Ratio Bandwidth, ARBW). This overlapping region will be
referred to as the CP bandwidth.
As with the case of the RLBW, the ARBW is found to increase as the substrate
thickness increases. However, this thickness is very limited if the ARBW is to
overlap with the RLBW. For the single-feed patch antennas of Fig. 40, achievable
Microstrip Patch Antennas 827
Fig. 40 Single-feed circularly polarized patches. (a) Almost square patch. (b) Almost circular
(elliptical patch). (c) Square patch with truncated corners. (d) Circular patch with indentations
CP bandwidth is less than 1 %. For thicker substrates, the use of the U-slot patch, the
E-patch, stacked patches, as well as the L-probe feeding techniques is found to be
effective not only in increasing the RLBW and the ARBW but also to enable them to
overlap. The truncated square patch with U-slot, the CP modified U-slot patch, and
the CP modified E-patches will now be discussed in detail.
(ARBW) should be within the return loss bandwidth (RLBW) or, equivalently, the
impedance bandwidth. This overlapping bandwidth is very narrow for the square
patch with truncated corners. Typically, it is about 0.8 %, for an air-substrate
thickness of around 0.02 λo. Yang et al. (2008) have shown that, while increasing
the substrate thickness can increase axial ratio bandwidth and the impedance band-
width individually, this increase is very limited if the ARBW is to be within the
RLBW. On the other hand, by using a U-slot patch with truncated corners and using
substrates of thickness around 0.1 λo, the axial ratio bandwidth can be as wide as
6.1 % and still stay within the impedance bandwidth. The antenna geometry studied
by Yang et al. (2008) is shown in Fig. 42.
The patch has dimensions 28.6 mm (W) 28.6 mm (L) and the ground plane is
100 100 mm. It is fed by a coaxial probe and the substrate is air. Using the IE3D
simulation software, the RLBW and ARBW are studied for five thicknesses. For
each case, the truncation parameter a and the feed position d are adjusted for best
performance and are shown in Table 13. The simulation results are shown in
Table 14.
It is seen that, as the substrate thickness increases from 1 mm (0.016 λo) to 3 mm
(0.046 λo), the RLBW increases from 4.0 % to 7.4 % while the ARBW increases
from 0.82 % to 3.1 %. When the thickness increases further to 4 mm (0.06 λo), the
Microstrip Patch Antennas 829
x d a
x H
RLBW drops to 4.0 % while the ARBW continues to increase to 3.8 %. The
important point to note is that, beginning with case 2, the two frequency bands do
not overlap. Thus, only in case 1 the ARBW lies within the RLBW, and the useful
frequency band is determined by the ARBW, from 4.90 to 4.94 GHz, corresponding
to 0.82 %.
Figure 43 shows the geometry when a U-slot is added to the square patch with
truncated corners. Three thicknesses are studied. The dimensions of the antenna are
shown in Table 15, and the simulation and measurement results are shown in
Table 16.
830 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
L Uy
Ua d
x a
Table 15 Parameters of the antenna as shown in Fig. 44. Units for a, d, Ua, Ud, Ux, and Uy are
in mm
Case Substrate thickness (H) a d Ua Ud Ux Uy
6 4 mm 0.05 λo 5.7 12.6 1 9.8 12 14
7 6 mm 0.08 λo 7.7 9.6 1 9.8 12 14
8 7.5 mm 0.1 λo 8.2 5.6 1 9.8 11 14
1. When the U-slot is added on the patch, the resonant frequency is lowered
compared to the case without the U-slot.
2. By adjusting the dimensions of the U-slot, the RL and AR bandwidths can be
tuned to overlap.
3. The measured overlapping bandwidth is 5.23 % for H = 6 mm (0.08 λo). This is
to be compared to 0.82 % achievable for the case of no U-slot. This is achieved, of
course, at the expense of increasing the thickness of the antenna.
Microstrip Patch Antennas 831
a 0 10
−5 9
−10 8
−15 7
−25 5
−30 4
−35 RL (Meas.) 3
RL (Sim.)
−40 2
AR (Meas.)
−45 1
AR (Sim.)
−50 0
3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5
Frequency (GHz)
b 0
330 30
300 60 c
LHCP (Meas.)
LHCP (Sim.)
270 90
–40 –30 –20 –10 RHCP (Meas.)
RHCP (Sim.)
240 120
210 150
Fig. 44 Simulated and measured performance of case 7, radiation patterns are at 3.95 GHz
The simulation and measurement results for S11, axial ratio, and radiation patterns
at one frequency for the cases of H = 6 mm and H = 7.5 mm are shown in Figs. 44
and 45.
a 0 10
−5 9
−10 8
−15 7
−25 5
−30 4
−35 RL (Meas.) 3
−40 RL (Sim.) 2
AR (Meas.)
−45 1
AR (Sim.)
−50 0
3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5
Frequency (GHz)
b 330 30
300 60 c
LHCP (Meas.)
LHCP (Sim.)
270 90
–40 –30 –20 –10 RHCP (Meas.)
RHCP (Sim.)
240 120
210 150
Fig. 45 Simulated and measured performance of case 8, radiation patterns are at 4 GHz
In Khidre et al. (2010), a study was made of the three designs using both air
substrate and a substrate with er = 2.2.
The optimized dimensions of the designs to work at IEEE 802.1 lb/g band
(2.4–2.5 GHz) are tabulated in Tables 17, 18, and 19. The simulated S11 and axial
ratios of the three air-substrate antennas are shown in Figs. 48 and 49, respectively.
From the results, the modified E-patch exhibits 10.1 % impedance bandwidth
(2.35–2.6 GHz), while unequal arms U-slot has 9.25 % (2.37–2.6 GHz) and trun-
cated corner U-slot has 9.65 % (2.27–2.5 GHz). It is clear that all ARBW are aligned
with the corresponding RLBW, resulting in CP bandwidths of 6.5 % (2.38–2.54
GHz) for the modified E-patch, 4 % (2.39–2.49 GHz) for the unequal arms U-slot,
and 4.5 % (2.39–2.5 GHz) for the truncated corner U-slot.
Microstrip Patch Antennas 833
L gd
Lp Lul
L ur
Wu Lub
The simulated S11 and axial ratios of the material substrate antennas are shown in
Figs. 50 and 51, respectively. From the results, the modified E-patch exhibits 10.6 %
impedance bandwidth (2.39–2.66 GHz), while unequal arms U-slot has 6.9 %
(2.38–2.65 GHz) and truncated corner U-slot has 13.1 % (2.41–2.75 GHz). Again,
834 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Table 17 Dimensions of CP modified E-shaped patch in mm (From Khidre et al. (2010). # 2010
IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
εr H W L Ws Ls1 Ls2 P F
1 10 77 47.5 7 19 44.5 14 17
2.2 6.7 63 33.5 4 27 6 20 10
Table 18 Dimensions of CP modified U-slot patch in mm (From Khidre et al. (2010). # 2010
IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
εr H Lp Wp Lul Lur Lub Wu Ws Lf
1 10 43.7 43.7 27.3 19.8 10.3 16.9 2.3 12.5
2.2 6.7 32.7 32.7 20 13.5 8.9 11.4 1.5 12
Table 19 Dimensions of CP modified U-slot patch in mm (From Khidre et al. (2010). # 2010
IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
εr H L W a d Ua Ud Ux Uy
1 10 48.2 48.2 12.2 10 2.1 19.8 23 19
2.2 6.7 36 36 7.7 6.5 1.2 19.6 15.5 11.5
−25 Truncated commer U-slot
Unequal U-slot
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
all AR bandwidths are aligned with the corresponding S11 bandwidth, resulting in
CP bandwidths of 3.6 % (2.41–2.5 GHz) for the modified E-patch, 2.8 % (2.36–2.55
GHz) for the unequal arms U-slot, and 3.3 % (2.39–2.5 GHz) for the truncated corner
The CP characteristics of the three designs were verified experimentally in Yang
et al. (2008), Tong and Wong (2007), and Khidre et al. (2010).
Microstrip Patch Antennas 835
Axial Ratio(dB)
Reprinted with permission) 3
1 E-patch
Truncated corner U-slot
Unequal U-slot
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
Axial Ratio(dB)
permission) 3
E- patch
Truncated corner U-slot
1 Unequal U-slot
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
power divider
feed line transformer
appropriate phasing leads to the cancelation of the cross circularly polarized com-
ponents, resulting in improved axial ratio bandwidth (Hall and Dahele 1997).
As in the case of linear polarization, it is desirable in many situations to reduce the
size of CP patch antennas, and a number of methods have been developed. Because
of page limitations, they are not described here. The reader is referred to the article
on “Small Antennas in Wireless Communications” (Wong et al. 2012).
εr Varactor
f r (GHz)
1.5 4.65cm
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
bias voltage (v)
pins, adjustable air gap, patch antenna with switchable slots, and U-slot and
E-patches with switchable slots. Several of these will be described in this section.
Ir (GHz)
1.6 Posts
calculated S
1.5 a= 6.2cm
measured e = 2.55
t = 1.6mm
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
S11 (dB)
−15 s/a = 0.2
s/a = 0.4
s/a = 0.5
−20 s/a = 0.6
s/a = 0.8
s/a = 0.9
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 58 A capacitor
consisting of two dielectric
Δ ! 1, it follows that the resonant frequencies can be tuned by adjusting the air gap
with Δ. As a by-product, the bandwidth will also increase partly due to the increase
in the height of the dielectric medium and partly because the effective permittivity is
smaller. It is also to be noted that substrate and etching tolerances can be compen-
sated by adjusting Δ.
A heuristic derivation of the effective permittivity and the resonant frequency of
the two-layer cavity can be obtained by considering the capacitance of a capacitor
with two dielectric layers, as shown in Fig. 58.
The overall capacitance is the two capacitors in series:
e1 e2 A eeff A
C¼ ¼ (10)
e1 d 2 þ e2 d 1 d 1 þ d 2
840 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
e1 e2 ðd1 þ d2 Þ
eeff ¼ : (11)
e1 d 2 þ e2 d 1
Applying this result to the geometry of Fig. 58,
ee0 ðt þ ΔÞ eðt þ Δ Þ
eeff ¼ ¼ (12)
er e0 Δ þ e0 t ðt þ Δer Þ
Since er > 1,
eeff ¼ e when Δ ¼ 0
If the effective permittivity is used in the formula for the resonant frequency, we
obtain, for the TMnm mode,
f nm ðΔÞ ¼ f ð0Þ (13)
Compared to the methods of using varactor diodes, or shorting pins, or switchable slot
(Yang and Rahmat-Samii 2001b), the air gap method has the following advantages:
The disadvantage is that the air gap has to be changed mechanically. However, a
MEMS-based electrostatically tunable circular patch antenna has been developed
(Jackson and Ramadoss 2007).
Operation Principle
When an E-shaped patch antenna is loaded with two switches on the slots as shown
in Fig. 59, the antenna will have four possible states listed in Table 20. At state 1, the
resonant frequency of the original E-shaped patch would be fL and radiate linear
polarized (LP) fields (Yang et al. 2001a). At state 2, the two switches are ON which
allows the surface currents to pass through them, making the current path around the
Fig. 59 Switching states of the reconfigurable E-shaped patch antenna: (a) LP state 1; (b) LP state
2; (c) LHCP state 3; and (d) RHCP state 4
842 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
Fig. 60 Current distribution on the E-shaped patch antenna in state 3 during one-time cycle
T (From Khidre et al. (2013). # 2013 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
slots become shorter. Thus, the electrical length is smaller and the resonant fre-
quency fH would be higher ( fH > fL). Due to the symmetry of the antenna structure,
at state 2, the polarization would also be linear. Consequently, going from state 1 to
state 2 or vice versa is a frequency reconfigurable E-shaped patch antenna with linear
Recently, it has been shown that CP fields could be excited by E-shaped patch
antenna with a wide effective bandwidth (9.27 %) (Khidre et al. 2010). Letting one
of its slots shorter than the other would introduce asymmetry and perturb the field
beneath the patch, thus producing CP fields. Therefore, an E-shaped patch antenna at
state 3 effectively has the upper slot shorter than the lower one, and at an appropriate
switch position on the upper slot, LHCP could be attained at resonant frequency
f ( fL < f < fH). In a similar fashion, state 4 gives RHCP. According to the above
mechanism, wideband polarization reconfigurable E-shaped patch antenna is real-
ized. The current distribution of an E-shaped patch antenna in state 3 is shown in
Fig. 60, where the current rotates clockwise which implies LHCP.
Antenna Design
The reconfigurable E-shaped patch antenna geometry with labels is shown in
Fig. 61. It is printed on a thin sheet of RT/duroid 5880 dielectric substrate with
Microstrip Patch Antennas 843
Lst y
b t
er = 2.2 and thickness t = 0.787 mm. The substrate is mounted 10 mm above the
ground plane by a coaxial single-feed pin. Although the antenna is built over air
substrate for wide bandwidth, the thin dielectric substrate facilitates mounting the
microwave components. The dimensions of the antenna are obtained through the
procedure described in Khidre et al. (2010).
Two RF PIN diodes are inserted on the slots of the E-shaped patch antenna. A
narrow slit of width s = 0.5 mm is incorporated on the E-shaped patch surface to
avoid DC short across the diodes’ terminals. Therefore, the E-shaped patch is
divided into two parts: inner and outer one. Three DC block capacitors are inserted
on the narrow slit to maintain RF continuity. The outer part of the E-shaped patch is
DC grounded through a narrow shorted λ/4 transmission line, and the short circuit is
realized by a vertical via as shown in Fig. 62b. This ensures high impedance at the
edge of the E-shaped patch and hence keeps the RF current unperturbed on the
E-shaped patch surface. The ground plane is common for both the DC and the RF
844 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
HFSS state 3,4
−40 measured state 3
measured state 4
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
f (GHz)
signals. Its size is 200 100 mm. The RF and DC control signals are supplied to the
antenna via the coaxial pin feed and are superimposed together through a tee bias for
RF/DC isolation. Thus, the D2 diode would be ON and the D1 diode would be OFF
when the inner part of the E-shaped patch is positively charged, resulting in RHCP.
For LHCP, the terminals of the DC source have to be reversed; hence, the D1 diode
would be ON and the D2 diode would be OFF.
Antenna Performance
The simulated versus measured results of S11 and axial ratio in both switching states
3 and 4 are shown in Figs. 62 and 63, respectively. Good agreement between
simulated and measured results is observed. Due to the structure symmetry, S11
Microstrip Patch Antennas 845
Table 21 Antenna bandwidth simulated versus measured results at states 3 and 4 (From Khidre
et al. (2013). # 2013 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
Parameter Simulation Measured
S11 (<–10 dB) 2.39–2.6 GHz (8.4 %) 2.4–2.575 GHz (7 %)
Axial ratio(<3 dB) 2.4–2.6 GHz (8 %) 2.38–2.6 GHz (8.8 %)
Fig. 64 Simulated and measured radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at 2.45 GHz: (a) x-z
plane at state 3; (b) y-z plane at state 3; (c) x-z plane at state 4; and (d) y-z plane at state 4 (From
Khidre et al. (2013). # 2013 IEEE, Reprinted with permission)
and axial ratio are maintained along switching between the two states, which is an
advantage of this design. This can be observed from Fig. 62, where S11 in state 3 is
almost the same as in state 4. Similarly, in Fig. 63 the axial ratio is kept the same in
both switching states. The achieved impedance and axial ratio bandwidths calculated
from simulation in comparison to measurements are tabulated in Table 21. From
Table 21, the measured effective overlapped bandwidth (10 dB S11 and 3 dB axial
ratio) is 7 % (2.4–2.575 GHz), which is wideband for single-feed polarization-agile
microstrip antenna designs.
Antenna radiation pattern at 2.45 GHz is shown in Fig. 64, where good agreement
between the simulated and measured results is observed. The radiation pattern in y-z
plane remains the same after switching, whereas in x-z plane, the radiation pattern is
mirrored due to the symmetry of the structure. Experimental results along with the
simulated one for the antenna gain versus frequency are shown in Fig. 65. Again,
because of the symmetry, the broadside gain is the same in both modes of the
846 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
gain (dB)
−1 measured
2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
f (GHz)
antenna. To avoid redundancy, only RHCP mode is shown. Maximum realized gain
is 8.7 dBi at 2.45 GHz according to both simulation and measurement, whereas the
3 dB gain bandwidth is 2.31–2.63 GHz (13 %) from measurement which covers the
S11 and axial ratio bandwidths shown in Table 21.
This chapter began with descriptions of the basic geometry of the microstrip patch
antenna, feeding methods, operation principles, and performance characteristics.
The chapter then proceeded to present its development into a sophisticated and
versatile antenna which is used in numerous military, space, commercial, and
medical applications.
While the advances of the last three decades have been impressive, a number of
challenges remain. For example, in size reduction, most of the methods developed
focused on reducing the patch size, while useful guidelines on the effects of ground
plane size on antenna characteristics have not been adequately developed. In
broadbanding, the efficient methods developed all result in increased volume,
which somewhat mitigate the low-profile advantage of microstrip patch antennas.
The search for wideband, efficient, and low-profile patch antennas remains an area of
active research.
Other than the basic geometry, there is a lack of design guides for most of the
structures discussed in this chapter, such as the wideband U-slot patch, the L-probe-
fed patch, or the patch with shorting pin. Antenna designers have to rely on trial and
error using a simulation software. It will be very helpful to develop useful formulas/
guidelines/procedures which enable the designer to arrive at the first cut parameters,
without relying on trial and error.
Microstrip Patch Antennas 847
Fig. 66 The picture of a shuttle imaging radar antenna consisting of an array of microstrip patch
antennas, (a) in the laboratory and (b) during flight (Courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA)
Fig. 67 An array of
microstrip antennas are made
conformal to a wing shape
surface (Courtesy of Air Force
Research Lab./Antenna
Technology Branch, Hanscom
It is instructive to end this chapter by showing the photos and a sketch of several
microstrip patch antennas used in space, military, commercial, and medical
Figure 66 shows an imaging radar antenna used in the Space Shuttle, consisting of
an array of microstrip patch antennas, in the laboratory (a) and during flight (b).
Figure 67 is a picture of an array of microstrip antennas which are made conformal to
a wing shape surface such as the fuselage of an airplane or rocket. Figure 68 shows a
848 K.F. Lee and K.-F. Tong
a 150 mm
phantom model Y
of human tissue
Water applicator
Fig. 71 (a) Flexible microstrip patch mounted on a curved surface for hyperthermia medical
application (From Kobayashi et al. (1989). # 1989 IEEE, Reprinted with permission). (b) The
applicator for the hyperthermia system positioned on a human thigh (From Ichinoseki-Sekine
et al. (2007). # 2007, British Journal of Sports Medicine, Reprinted with Permission)
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