12 Senses Joke

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A scientist named Rudolf Steiner was the first one to propose that there are 12 senses in a human
body both innate and outside. He founded a spiritual movement called Anthroposophy, which is
based on the idea that a child’s moral, spiritual and creative sides need as much attention as the
He described the senses which relate to the perception of: the body (touch, of life, of movement, of
balance) the external world (smell, taste, sight, warmth) and the immaterial, spiritual world (hearing,
speech, thought, ego). It is significant that a youngster creates and utilizes as many as their senses as
possible and in order to learn and develop children must use their senses extensively and frequently.
Every child in this world is born with innate senses and how does he/she make sense of the world?
Through the 12 senses. Each sense helps us to connect with different phases and experiences of our
life. It develops us in every possible way.

The senses are categorized into 3 parts.

These are the sensation senses that are the physical senses which gives us a certain consciousness of
our body. These are the senses which keeps us connected with our body.
Sense of touch: the child uses this sense from the birth itself by touch and feeling things around
him/her. This is a inner sense,it tells us about the sense of boundary and sense of objects around us.
By defining borders of our body we experience ourselves in the world.

Sense of life: this sense tells us about what we are feeling at the moment, how is our health, because
of this sense we have control over our body. For example we sense when we are about to fall ill so
that we can take precautions. Through life's sense we keep ourselves alive, but we also learn to
control our instincts. Even if we are hungry we are able to share food with different person using our
will. These common experiences helps us to over obstacles and difficulties.

Sense of movement: this sense begin even before the birth as the mother moves around, the child
knows and also the movement of child inside the womb like kicking. Also the movements in our
thoughts, we can travel the world with our thoughts. Before raising our hand, we already realize it in
our mind.

Sense of balance: this sense gives an orientation and is the ability to go upright and be balanced. It is
innate and begins before birth and form through some critical activities like crawling, rolling,
struggling to walk, coordination etc. An equilibrium and balanced state of movement in life.

These are the perception senses- the soul senses which give us the experience of the world around us.
These senses form our feeling and mental health.
Sense of smell: this sense helps us to find the quality of things and our relationship with it. Because
we breathe we smell and we cannot avoid it unless we close our nose. Through smell we can identify
what is well and what is unpleasant. It is also called the middle sense as it the boundary between
inner and outer.

Sense of taste: this sense teach us what is good for us. It helps in distinguish between different
qualities of food. The real sensation from Taste is whether something is healthy or unhealthy.

Sense of vision: this sense helps us to experience light, darkness and colour, without this sense we
cannot distinguish between colour etc. Colour also affects our mood. Through vision we can see
wonders of this world.

Sense of warmth: this is different from touch, warmth is a feeling of cold and hot. We feel
temperatures at different levels differently.
These are the spiritual or social senses. These senses give us access to communicating our thoughts
and feelings to others. These are the most inner senses.

Sense of hearing: the sense of hearing allows us to hear different sounds. By carefully listening we
develop a sense of empathy and we learn to listen to others.

Sense of language: this sense helps us to develop the 4 skills of language that are listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Allow us to grasp sense of other languages as well, helps us to communicate. It
develops in the first few years of life.

Sense of thoughts: this sense gives us the ability to understand, comprehend our thoughts and others
thoughts as well.

Sense of ego: this sense gives us the capacity to be sensitive to someone’s personality. Developing
this sense helps us make decisions with whom we want to be with in some stages of life.

All these senses have a relationship between each other. They are connected with our mind, soul and
body. Our senses together creates a unity. As a teacher It is important for us to understand each
sense so that we can understand our children more and also make them understand about different
senses through experience.

Reference: 1. Movement of childhood.

2. https://www.arc.cz/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/cultivati

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