Digit Magazine - May 2017
Digit Magazine - May 2017
Digit Magazine - May 2017
120dB 120dB
Rear Panel Audio Front Panel Audio
Product features may vary by models. The above photos are for reference only.
Web 3 point no
ver a decade ago, there was one Talking about attention-seeking babies,
buzzword that everyone and their that’s pretty much social media in a nutshell.
uncle were throwing around. Web Of course it’s great to catch up with old
2.0 was the next big thing, and we all slob- friends and keep in touch, and even using it
bered and waited for it, whatever “it” was. to find interesting links and videos. However,
It was called the “social web” or “interactive social networking basically gave 2 billion
web”, and honestly, no one understood it, people a microphone and said, “Here, have a
but everyone wanted to opine about it. shout!”, which I don’t think was a good idea
So what did change from 1.0? For starters, for society in general. The character flaws of
the web stopped being simple and static people, coupled with all our weird beliefs,
HTML pages, and to many coders I knew at amplified by our massive egos results in the
the time thought PHP was Web 2.0. I’m not cacophony that is online life today.
saying they were right, just saying it was a My own role as a creator of content has Robert Sovereign-Smith
confused time. Social media is called Web 2.0 suffered a lot in the past because of this. Executive Editor
by almost everyone though, so that’s some- There’s a clear rush to be first which is in robert@digit.in
thing we all agree on. direct conflict (very often) with the need to be
I’m not a big fan of what’s happened with accurate. Personally, I find it better to steer
Web 2.0, or rather I think Web 2.0 ruined the clear of the mad rush, and prefer to be accu- “Social networking
world. Don’t get me wrong, I love many of the rate, any day – as all geeks should. basically gave 2
things that came out of it – Wikipedia, You- So what will Web 3.0 bring? Soon the
billion people a
Tube, Facebook, etc. However I also hate a number of internet users will be larger
lot of things that came out of it – Wikipedia, than the unconnected. Currently about 49.6
microphone and
YouTube, Facebook, etc. percent of the world’s 7.5 billion people use said, “Here, have
Let me explain. the internet – as per www.internetworldstats. a shout!”, which
As a way of getting basic information and com numbers. The Internet of Things will I don’t think was
spreading knowledge, there’s nothing better add on a huge number of connected devices,
a good idea for
than Wikipedia. If you’re clueless about digital assistants (Siri, Cortana and the like)
something, reading about it on Wikipedia is will start taking away a lot of the work (and
society in general.”
the way to go, right? However, the problems thinking) we normally do on our own – AI
arise when students start using it as an research will assist that. AI will also play
authoritative reference on subjects more a large role in the semantic web – getting
complicated than high-school science. That’s machines to understand data the way
when Wikipedia starts getting things wrong. humans would. And of course, there’s VR,
Problem is, no expert in the field checks which aims to finally disconnect us from the
Wikipedia, and this often results in either “real world”.
outdated information staying on pages, or Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of VR,
just plain incorrect information because a especially for gaming and entertainment,
contributor misunderstood a source. Then but I can see it all coming together to make
there are the trolls... us dumber – slobbering idiots just swiping
What about YouTube? It’s awesome away our credit cards and remaining discon-
for useful stuff, such as finding out how nected from reality. Given that reality sucks
to open a gadget up to repair it, or even for most of the world, this is even under-
watching documentaries, or music videos standable, sadly.
for entertainment, etc. However, it’s also I’m worried though, because our track
created an entire culture of attention- record thus far online hasn’t been all that
seeking babies who cannot live without an great. It’s what makes me dread Web 3.0 and
audience. The things people will do to get call it Web 3 point (hell) no. Maybe I’m wrong.
views is getting ridiculous. Do a Google I desperately hope I am. What do you think?
search for the “DaddyoFive controversy”
and you will see how some parents actually
bullied their own child just to get views, Liked or hated this column? Let me
know at:
and that’s not even remotely the worst robert@digit.in | @raaabo
thing people have done... facebook.com/raaabo
12 DGT
Origins - Digital
Feature - Right to
Space Age
From the Labs
Tips n Tricks
Comparison Test
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Beautifully crafted, openbacked, Gaming on a good budget AMP! EXTREME
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Published and printed by Kanak Ghosh for and
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giveaways? I guess everyone would The paper quality is to differentiate idea to establish a new “Trinity Brother-
love to receive gifts from the #1 tech SKOAR as a separate section from the hood” as you put it. (Just don’t tell him I
magazine of the WORLD, especially rest of the magazine. We've been getting said so. Shhh.)
me. Finally, a Prey or Outlast 2 poster conflicting reactions to the paper quality. A blowout GPU comparison test is
would be highly appreciated. Thank If you read ahead in this section a fellow something we’ve been planning for a
you for enlightening readers like me reader is appreciating the low reflective while too. The only thing keeping us
and also for delivering such great glare on those pages. from doing it is our wait for AMD’s VEGA
content every month. Keep up the good About the app, yes piracy could be a cards. Once they're out, we’ll be coming
work team :) concern, except the app doesn't host PDFs up with a comparison test covering not
–Sarang Devsaha at all (which is why the reading experi- only the mid-range but all the catego-
ence, we hope, is much better). As for ries. So stay tuned for that.
Phew, you weren’t kidding when you past issue PDFs, we anyway give them out The ideas for future phranchise, and
said it’s going to be long one. But these twice a year on the special issue DVDs. dmystify are spot on. Though we did PC
detailed letters are the ones we appre- There seems to be a lot of demand to Building in September 2013. It might be
ciate the most. And hopefully my reply have Mithun’s column moved up! Since time for a refresh but the basic principles
will be equally detailed and long. Excel- Mithun is always knee deep in compo- still remain the same. Do dig into your
lent suggestions Sarang, and we’re glad nents, it just felt natural for his column PDF archives and look up that issue.
you liked the AI issue. Let me answer to be where all the hardware is – the Happy reading!
your queries one by one. Tried & Tested section. But it’s a great –Siddharth
) Hi, I've been an on-off reader of Digit for what seems like the same colour. They barely reflect anything.
eons. There are a lot of positive things, but I have a feeling 5. In most cases I find the magazine content quite noob
this is going to be a rather long mail, and think the nega- friendly, and understand that it's a fine balance to
tives need to be addressed first. So here's my two satoshis: maintain. I have some mixed feelings about one aspect
1. I open the familiar two page Inbox section that lists the of the AI stories. The turing test is mentioned in quite
praises and woes by users. A quick scan and not a few places and is integral to the topic of AI. However
getting what I came for, begin to flip backwards. nothing was mentioned about what it was really. The
Finding out where to write to you guys was an jargon was thrown around like it was a technical
elusive piece of information to find! A simple test and a casual reader who is reading about
blurb somewhere on same page along the AI for the first time is going to think it's some
lines of "write to x to let us know" would've "computer thingy" that programmers do.
done wonders in streamlining the process 6. Officially a fan of Sahil Dawka after that
without having the reader to hunt it down. refreshing 2040 short story. Looking for-
2. Whats up with the Tips & Tricks page ward to more such creative stuff. :)
format? In this era who actually cuts and -Sony Sasankan
"files" them. I understand it made sense when
internet was a challenge and those dual DVDs were Yikes! I had no idea finding out how to reach us
a gift from the gods. It's time to update that column was so difficult. Feedback noted Sony, you'll find
I think. Give it page numbers and "normalise" it. a big blub in this section itself going forward.
3. Readability. Oh god! the ever fighting battle of designers! We've toyed with the idea of normalising the section too.
While I'm pleased to say that it's kept a great design But every now and then we get a stray mail from readers like
throughout, in spite of the overwhelming content, yourself who crib to us when we don't start the secton on a
some sore spots remain. Take the AI story last month right hand page (like this time) because they want to cut those
– the circuit pattern underneath is still hugely dis- pages and not disrupt whatever might be printed behind. But
tracting and often comes in the way of the text. yes point noted. We'll add this to our next reader survey.
4. Readability again (hides under a blanket). The whole Yup that's on us. I don't know how we missed
Sci-fi TRAPPIST story on Page 53. You see on glossy that. We hope the readibility in this issue is better.
pages when printed with black ink as the back- Indeed, we should definitely put in "for those who
ground, pretty much every light source is a messy came in late" explainers in our stories. Point noted.
reflection of white thou-shalt-not-read blinding Keep sharing such feedback with us
spell. This is fine on non glossy paper (like the Sony. It helps us improve a lot.
SKOAR story on page 84) which are printed using –Siddharth
For those who just want more If you’re wondering what to do
than should be humanly with yourself or how to spend
allowed, we have enough to some time getting cultured,
satisfy your hunger... this section is for you...
Solar-Powered Water
VR Face T his sponge-like device
is capable of sucking
water out from water
Mask vapour in the air, even in
MindMaze has come up low humidity conditions. It
with a mask that’s capable can produce about three
of somewhat accurately litres of water a day for
reading your expressions. every sponge-like absorber
The mask consists of a ring it contains, and researchers
of electrodes which you say that it can only get more
can install into the face efficient in the future. In
foam of any VR headset. the past, researchers have
When you put the mask on, been able to acquire water frameworks, or MOFs. These Wang from MIT and together
it detects which sensors from the atmosphere but MOFs’ properties can be they came up with the
your skin is touching, never like this. Previous altered by chemists, dictating water-harvesting device. The
matching it to patterns of methods needed either too which gases bound them and device works by soaking up
facial expressions. It’s not much electricity or areas the strength of their bond. In water vapour from the air at
100 percent accurate, but of very high humidity. The 2014, they synthesised a MOF night, and using heat from
it helps read expressions team of researchers from that was adept at absorbing the sun to condense the
when your face is otherwise the University of California, water, even in low-humidity. vapour to liquid during the
hidden by a VR headset. Berkeley, led by Omar Yaghi, After synthesizing the new day. This could be a huge
found a way to use crystalline MOF (dubbed MOF-801), breakthrough for places that
powders called metal organic Yaghi reached out to Evelyn suffer from drought.
Here is where we keep an eye on crowdfunded
projects that will make you go ‘Shut up and
take my money!’
T here could be several reasons someone might prefer a larger
screen. Some might prefer a larger space to work with, and
some might simply just want a larger screen to watch stuff on.
Now, some might argue that there’s tablets for that. True, but
you can’t carry a tablet around as easily as a smartphone – they
don’t really fit into pockets. This is where Superscreen comes
in. Superscreen is a 10.1-inch HD display for your phone. It lets
you wirelessly transmit your mobile device to it, scaling it to
its much larger display. Once you’ve transmitted your device
to Superscreen, you can use it just as you would the device.
On top of that it doesn’t use any data of its own, so there’s no
subscription fee either. It boasts full multi-touch, orientation
control and stylus support as well. They also promise perfect
scalability, so no stretching and zooming. And all of that for just
$119 (`7700 approx.) on their Kickstarter page.
www.digit.in| |April
www.digit.in 2017| |Digit
May2017 Digit| |13
ZeTime Travis
Z eTime claims to be the world’s first hybrid smartwatch
which uses mechanical hands and a full round color
touchscreen. What we have here is something quite unique – a
H ere’s a handy gadget that
every frequent traveller would
love to have. Travis is a personal
watch that blends the classic watch design with the features voice translator that’s capable of
of a modern smartwatch. ZeTime’s front has four layers to it translating and communicating in
– at the base you have the TFT colour display. The mechanical over 80 languages! There are over
hands (the second layer) are placed after this, followed by the 6,500 languages on this planet (half
touch panel. And lastly, of them are probably from here), yet a
you have the resilient surprisingly high number of us speak
Gorilla glass layer. Unlike only one or two languages.
regular watches where Woops, we’re digressing! Back to
the hands are controlled Travis. Travis is a pocket-sized AI device. It’s able to instantly
by gears running in the recognise up to 80 languages and offer instant translations,
background, ZeTime’s in just two seconds! If you don’t have any connectivity, it can
hands are controlled voice translate 20 languages. If you happen to have earphones
by the watch’s CPU. It or headphones with Bluetooth, you can pair it with Travis
also moves the hands (there’s no jack unfortunately). There’s a lot of phone apps out
to maximise visibility on there that offer similar services but Travis is built specifically
the screen as necessary depending on what you’re doing. In for face-to-face interactions and you’re less likely to fumble
addition to having all the features of a regular smartwatch, this when all you need is one touch. You can get your own Travis for
Swiss-made watch also has its classic look going for it. The $139 (`9000 approx.) on Indiegogo.
best part? At just $139 (`9000 approx.), it’s not too expensive
either. Find ZeTime on Kickstarter.
K udrone is a palm-sized drone that can record in 4k, comes
with GPS auto-follow and is capable of shooting panoramic
3280 x 2464 px photos. This mini drone is easy to use, so you
won’t be needing any prior drone-handling expertise. Kudrone
comes with interchangeable, rechargeable batteries with the
option to purchase a charging dock as an add-on. The dock
can charge up to three batteries at once and the add-on itself
comes with three additional batteries. Some of the other specs
in this little drone include an accelerometer gyro, magnetic
compass, SONAR hovering assistance, and a vision positioning iSpin
sensor. For a $129 (`8,300 approx.) drone, those features are
almost too good to be true. Kudrone can also automatically
sync its photos and videos to your iPhone or Android phones’
storage. Interested in getting your own mini-drone? Find
F idget gadgets seem to be all the rage right now.
Ironically, fidgeting used to be considered a bad
habit. Now, it’s being considered therapeutic. To that
Kudrone on Indiegogo. end, here’s another bauble for you to fidget around with
– the iSpin spinner. What makes iSpin different from
other fidget spinners out there? The folks who made the
iSpin wanted to create a high quality fidget spinner, but
at an affordable cost. So they did, using Brass, which
is better than the cheap plastic ones out there. iSpin is
made out of ten CNC brass parts and one stainless steel
R188 bearing and can be fully dismantled. This allows
you to mess around with the balance by removing and
adding the brass parts. Since it can be fully dismantled,
you can replace the parts as needed if you happen to
break or misplace them. Head to their Indiegogo page if
you want an iSpin spinner of your own.
Tapzo is an app that integrates
all of it – cabs, food, bills, news
– under one app. We don’t need
to tell you how useful that could
be, right? Especially when phones
are running out of storage space
Stylish, glamorous and interesting as rapidly as the blink of an eye, if
you could actually save space by
smartphones are always on the horizon. We
installing one app instead of say,
take a closer look at what’s hot in this space...
7 or 8, that immediately makes
the app a must-have. For now,
Tapzo has partnered with Uber,
Ola (the two cab biggies), Swiggy, Zomato (the two
food biggies), BillDesk, MySmartPrice, Airtel Money,
Redbus, Cleartrip, Bookmyshow, Freecharge, Mobikwik
and more. Needless to say, this covers a really broad
Onkyo Granbeat
spectrum of services from reliable service providers all
under the roof of one single app.
Your one stop destination for a monthly
dose of all your automobile launches
and desires.
Four cars, also get electrically operated seats with great body support.
All of this is topped by the drive characteristics. Despite
the rather limited 115hp of power, the MINI Cooper D’s engine
four flavours: is tuned very well, and the heavy steering wheel offers great,
precise feedback. Switch to Sport and you immediately feel
Here’s what
the surge of well-optimised power – which sums up the entire
range of emotions and class of this premium hatch.
we drove last
Volkswagen Beetle: The iconic look
If there’s any car that can really make heads turn wherever
it goes, it is the Volkswagen Beetle. Dating way back to the
WWII era, the Beetle has stood the test of time to maintain
The multifunction steering wheel also integrates all of the good ground stability, and you can really feel the car’s weight
infotainment services into the MID, which makes operations impacting its stability positively.
even easier. Additionally, you get body-coloured inserts and a The BMW X3 xDrive 30d M Sport offers good, enjoyable
premium, all-leather black upholstery, with spacious, electri- driving dynamics. The steering wheel is weighed slightly lesser
cally operated front seats (that are also heated – no cooling). than our choice, but many would enjoy the zippy maneuver-
The rear seats are spacious enough to accommodate two ability despite the car’s size. Hit the highway and switch to
adults for short journeys in reasonable comfort. The dual-zone Sport, and this is where you get to know the real DNA of
AC, while being powerful enough, is a tad noisy, breaking the BMW’s mid-sized luxury beast, the X3 xDrive 30d M Sport.
momentum of seamless comfort.
The Beetle is an easy car to drive, and more enthusiastic Skoda Superb: Backseat comforts
drivers will be left wanting for more. The light steering wheel is Of the four cars we drove this month, the MINI Cooper D is all
easy to maneuver, and the soft suspension sits the car squat on about beautiful, ambient lighting and excellent handling, while
the ground. It does get slightly unsettled by large bumps, but the VW Beetle is about ease of driving and iconic styling. The
most drivers of the Beetle will enjoy the easy-flowing driving BMW X3, meanwhile, is about a mean riding stance and great
nature of the car. highway power. Amid all of these, the all-new Skoda Superb
The Beetle is not about sporty drives, and neither does it holds its own by being literally superb itself.
aim to be. It is all about arriving somewhere in ample style and
comfort, and the VW Beetle aces both its objectives with class.
well on its way to becoming the company’s most suc-
cessful launch. Meaning a lot of people are going to be having
an S8. Well, for those of you that want to stand out, UK luxury
customising brand Truly Exquisite have gone ahead and made
Get your drool on and behold some the world’s first custom, luxury plated, Samsung Galaxy S8
of the fanciest, ostentatious and drop
dead gorgeous things money can buy.
Samsung Cinema
W ould you rather go to the movie theatre and watch
projected movies or would you rather watch movies
on a massive super-sharp 4K UHD TV at home? The latter,
right? Samsung thinks so too. They’re calling it the world’s
first HDR LED theater display and it vows to improve your
movie-going quality tenfold. The Samsung Cinema Screen is
massive, measuring a whopping 34 feet diagonally. It boasts
of a peak brightness 10 times greater than that of standard
cinema projectors according to Samsung. They haven’t
announced any pricing for the Cinema Screen as of yet, but
we’re going to go out on a limb and guess it’s going to cost as
much as its size.
Some very cool products come to the
Digit Test Centre which don’t really fit into
the standard product categories that we
review in the Bazaar section. We write
about them here mostly to make you turn
green with envy.
OSIM uCaress 3D
Y ou can call it a 3D back massager or you can call it a
back pulveriser because that’s what it did to us. Unable
to get over the loss of the previous foot massager to grace
our test labs, we were ridiculously giddy to give the OSIM uCaress 3D, a little too much, to be truthful. The device warns
uCaress 3D a try. It’s got a beige-brown colour palette you against overusing it but we went ahead and tried everything
which goes with everything and there’s even a velcro strap in one go, from getting lathi-charged thanks to the kneading
to tie it up with the backrest. The magical massaging is massage to falling asleep thanks to the relaxing multi-action
brought on by these two rollers that knead your back so full-back massage. And should you need something extra
well that even your chromosomes will get untangled. (no pun intended) then turn on the heat and you should be in
It’s got multiple modes which not only switch between the heaven. What we can say is that while it isn’t the same as a
different kneading patterns but also mix things up with focused comfy sofa massager, it is pretty much the same in efficacy.
massages. Maybe you’ve spent a little too much time slouched
over your phone and pulled a neck muscle. Worry not, pick Weight: 6 kg | Dimensions: 75 x 16 x 42 cms |
the ‘Neck & Shoulders’ preset and wail away in agony as the Massage presets: 4 | Power: 120-240 V AC mains.
massager sets you right. We spent quite a lot of time on the Price: `22,000/-
Zebronics Zeb-Fit500
A fter the Zebfit-100 launched last
year in October 2016, Zebronics
recently launched an upgraded
quite a few false steps and you might
find your daily goal completed way
sooner than you thought it would. The
version of its basic tracker with the heart rate sensor is a good addition,
Zebfit 500. The new activity tracker and it works on an always-on mode.
contains a lot of standard features The sleep detection could use some
that were already there in the Zebfit work as in a couple of occasions, it
100, like a 1.24cm OLED display, could not detect interrupted sleep
seven day data storage, 15 days and ignored the hours before the
and above standby time, caller ID, interruption altogether. The wrist-
notifications, remote camera shutter, activation feature worked every
with almost identical dimensions and single time we tried, so that’s a plus.
weight. In addition to that, the new The Zebfit delivers on what it Overall, at `4,000 the Zebfit 500
tracker also contains a heart rate promises – except with the actual does carry little more than what its
monitor and a touch sensitive button. step tracking. The tracker detects competitors carry at half the price.
W e’ve been testing out many air purifiers and the ones
offering Wi-Fi connectivity along with a companion app
have always been appreciated. The Blueair Classic 280i is
Chrome and Firefox Phishing attack
A phishing attack occurs when an attacker sends you
an email or message containing a link to a website that
meant for room sizes of 280 sq. ft. It’s capable of filtering looks trustworthy. Clicking the link may infect your
out smoke, dust and pollen from the air inside your house. system or fool you into logging into the website.
The smart panel on the top displays a lot of functions such This particular
as Wi-Fi connectivity, fan speed status, filter status and the type of phishing
air quality of the room for PM2.5 and VOC levels. The most attack is using
unicode to register
interesting feature in the ‘i’ models is the presence of an air
domains that look identical to the actual domain.
quality sensor that speeds up the fans whenever it detects
The prefix being used is what is known as an ‘ASCII
a drop in the air quality in the room. We tested this out by compatible encoding’ prefix. This lets the browser
blowing smoke near the purifier and it switched to the auto know that the domain is using ‘punycode’ encoding to
mode until it brought back the air quality to normal. represent the Unicode characters.
The purifier takes in air from the back and blows out clean The attack only seems to affect Chrome and Firefox
and purified air from the top. It’s necessary to place the users, and should be patched by the time you read this.
purifier away from any kind of hindrance to the air flow. You
can either set the purifier in the automatic mode or switch
Google Play Flashlight Trojan
between the three fan speeds. The Blueair Friend app will
ESET researchers recently discovered a banking trojan
let you control all the modes remotely without touching the on Google Play disguised as a flashlight widget. The
purifier, and it’s available on both Android and iOS. You can malware was found masquerading as a flashlight app
also monitor the air quality of your room in real-time and on Google Play. After being downloaded and installed,
accordingly set the fan speed. The app also connects to a it would ask for admin rights, hide its icon, and appear
database that gives you the air quality of over 150 countries, on the phone only as a
possibly including your city. When the filter wears out over widget. It could then
time, the Filter indicator will let you know that it’s time to display fake screens
replace the filter. With all the features mentioned above, the and mimic legit apps,
Blueair 280i does justify its price of `55,000 considering app
lock devices to prevent
detection, and intercept
connectivity and the presence of the air quality sensor.
SMSes and display fake
notifications. It was
SPECIFICATIONS targeted at primarily
Room size: 280 sq. ft. (room size is based on 8’ ceiling) | banking apps.
CADR (Smoke): 180 ft3 per minute | CADR (Dust): 200
It was detected
ft3 per minute | CADR (Pollen): 200 ft3 per minute | Air
changes per hour: 5 | Dimensions (H x W x D): 533 x 432 by ESET as Trojan.
x 209 mm (21 x 17 x 9 in) | Product weight: 11 kg (35 lb) Android/Charger.B and
was pulled from the store on April 10. If you haven’t
downloaded any flashlight apps of late you should be
fine. If you did download something that displayed
similar characteristics as the one above – and are
infected – the only way to uninstall it will be to boot the
device in safe mode and then do so.
10 Watt/2.1 Amp | Universal USB 2.0 Port | Compatible with
most devices | Price: `999/-
In this section, we put stuff through the
grinder and closely examine what comes
out; everything except gadgets, because
there’s more to life than just that
Born a Crime
f there is one problem simple missing person and
with quite a few sci- a missing freighter case, the
ence fiction shows and show quickly takes unex-
the poverty, the struggle, the movies – it is the major pected turns to dive deep into
camaraderie of children, the disregard towards anything interplanetary dynamics.
hatred of adults – it’s a first actually following the rules of What makes the show more
hand glimpse into the history science. Based on the highly interesting is the drama
of a country that was until not acclaimed novel series by and conflict shown between
too long ago mired in institu- James S.A. Corey, Expanse Earth, Mars and ‘Belters’,
tionalised racial segregation. makes it quite clear at the which gives it a similar vibe to
This is a story of early ‘90s start that it takes its science Game of Thrones.
South Africa told from the seriously. Be it gravity serums And if anything is
point of view of a child who for space travellers, or the being compared to Game of
was, technically, brought into impossibility of high-risk Thrones, how can it not have
the world as the result of a maneuvers in space, all of it an amazing cast? Everyone
crime. By law his white father makes sense if you’re reason- from Shohreh Aghdashloo
and black mother were not ably up to date with the world to Thomas Jane have done a
allowed to have relations. of scientific research. brilliant job in portraying a
orn a Crime is the The stories range from The show is based in a human race that is used to an
kind of book that lighthearted incidents full future where we have succes- interplanetary life, but isn’t
will take you on a of colloquial hilarity to gut fully overpopulated Earth, quite at the best terms with it.
rollercoaster ride wrenching accounts of colonised the Moon, have Sounds familiar, eh?
of emotions from the first racism. Strangely some anec- begun terraforming Mars It only seems fair to say
few pages. The now famous dotes are relatable to any 90s in glass biomes and have that Expanse will initially
Late Show host stunningly born middle-class Indian kid managed to push the lower take its time, but once you
captures in visceral detail, – a trip down memory lane is stratas of the society to the are hooked, you’ll need a
what it was like growing unavoidable. asteriod belt in our system. hyperdrive to let go.
up in post-apartheid South Rating: So yeah, future – but not Star Rating:
Africa. The discrimination, Siddharth Parwatay Trek yet. Starting off as a Arnab Mukherjee
well, as long as people needed stuff of digital transactions. According to a
e it due to demonetisation that other people had. Quite obviously, BCG report, in 2016, the total value of
or sheer tech savviness, a time came in every market system digital transactions was roughly 411
we’ve started using digital where the people involved collectively trillion USD, which is roughly equiva-
payments a lot more off late. realised that the mutual need required lent to every person on the planet
Even offline payments – where you for barter was a hindrance to trade. In ordering a vadapav every 90 seconds
complete otherwise offline transactions came the concept of money – some- for the entire year. Kind of takes care of
via digital means – have picked up thing that everyone would be willing to the hunger problem, doesn’t it?
pace. If you were to visit the Digit test accept in exchange. Explains why salt
labs you’d hardly see any physical bills and cocoa beans were accepted as valid Well Carded
lying around. We have innovations on tender at one point of time. The concept of using thin, plastic cards
the payments front to thank for that. Over time, as technology progressed for payments at almost every store was
Overall, it is obvious that digital pay- to a point where things were becoming
Plate. It was very similar to a dog tag Online and roughly 1 in 4 closed auction
with customer information embossed Internet arrived on the scene early listings were transacted using the pay-
onto it. This was fed into an imprinter in the 1990s. Almost every sector ment service.
to record a transaction. Soon after, benefited from the connectivity, Between its establishment and the
American Airlines introduced an Air including digital payments. Some of eBay acquisition, PayPal had imple-
Travel Card that would let you ‘buy the most significant online payment mented a lot of innovative features
systems started operations around online payment – like HTML
in the early 90s. In 1994, the payment buttons, sending payments
Stanford Federal Credit Union using email addresses, launching the
was established. This was the reverse Turing test to reduce fraud and
first financial institution to offer more. On the other hand, eBay’s own
online internet banking services response to these innovations was the
to all members. However, these creation of Billpoint, which was essen-
systems weren’t even remotely tially a PayPal clone. On top of that,
user-friendly and required eBay took several measures to push
highly specialized knowledge people to use Billpoint, like offering
in areas like encryption or free listing days for using Billpoint, cut-
A Charga Plate case. data transfer protocol. Addi- ting fees, mandating use of Billpoint for
tionally, the systems weren’t its Stores sites, rolling out a checkout
now and pay later’. Within the next 15 flexible enough to adapt to the rapidly button at the top of every listing that
years, the Air Travel Card became the changing volume of users and the defaulted to Billpoint and more. And it
first internationally valid charge card. nature of their transactions. wasn’t just eBay – even banks were up
But most cards then were still lim- Initially, the main players in the in arms against PayPal, pursuing litiga-
ited to a particular vendor. You would e-payments arena were Millicent tion to get PayPal classified as a bank
need to carry one card for each vendor, (founded in 1995), and ECash or or an unsecure service. It was sheer
or at least carry cash for anything CyberCoin (both in 1996). The majority customer loyalty and popularity that
beyond. The first roughly general of the first online services were using pulled PayPal through this, which was
purpose card was the Diners Club micropayment systems and almost followed by the acquisition.
in 1950, which was soon followed by all of them were trying to implement In the subsequent years, PayPal
Carte Blanche and American Express. electronic cash alternatives (such as made a lot of progress in terms of
Over the next 20 years, Visa (initially e-money, digital cash or tokens). More- integration and adoption on eBay. But
BankAmericard) and MasterCard (then over, in 1994, Amazon was founded most of this progress was with the aim
Mastercharge) would come to be. But and Pizza Hut started accepting online of improving the shopping experience
all of this was still not computerised food ordering. Pizza Hut’s online food on eBay. The core customers of the
and a credit card transaction involved delivery system was one step ahead of global payments ecosystem itself were
the following steps: all it’s competitors.
• Customer presents card.
• Merchant calls bank with card Getting pally
details. with your
• Bank calls credit card company with payments
card details In 1999, PayPal began as a
• Credit card company gets employee wireless payment service
to manually check details provider for the Palm
• Transaction gets approved Pilot. Back then it was
Although computerisation did launched by Confinity,
speed up the process to under one a security software pro-
minute, it still took a while (the advent vider, which later merged PayPal is quite popular for global payments
of the 21st century to be precise) for with X.com, an online
always connected payment terminals banking company founded by Elon largely ignored. In 2014, Carl Icahn,
to become ubiquitous. Meanwhile, the Musk. Eventually, PayPal established an activist shareholder in PayPal,
magnetic strip was standardised for a strong customer base on eBay, which made a public statement asking eBay
all cards – the same strip that you see prompted an eventual acquisition by to spin-off PayPal as an independent
today behind your card – around 1979. eBay for 1.5 billion USD in 2002. At company. Quoting Elon Musk, he said,
The first selfie
This was also the year when PoS termi- the time of the deal, 70% of all eBay “It doesn’t make sense that a global
nals began to emerge across the U.S. auctions accepted PayPal payments, payment system is a subsidiary of an
auction website… It’s as if Target owned users are rewarded for helping with larity of Paytm was the demonetisation
Visa….[PayPal] will get cut to pieces by the transaction verification against the of `500 and `1000 notes in India on
Amazon Payments, or by others such blockchain (a network ledger). Other Nov 9, 2016. App downloads soared
as Apple and by startups if it continues factors affecting bitcoin’s success are and so did transaction volumes. The
to be part of eBay.” online access, reduced chance of iden- Prime Minister himself was featured
tity theft, protection from fraud, and on a promotional ad for Paytm (which
Bit by bit lower fees. is currently under dispute).
A mere three weeks after the launch of
Apple Pay, eBay announced the separa- The great wall(et) of
tion of PayPal as an independent entity Near Fields
on September 30, 2014. Ironically, Two technologies transformed the
Apple Pay had originally approached way we look at digital payments in
PayPal as a partner, but eBay CEO John the 21st century – digital wallets
Donahoe reportedly forced PayPal to go and contactless payments. NFC, as
with Samsung’s payment services plan. a technology, was being worked on
Apple Pay is being rolled out globally
But by then, a lot had happened in the since the dawn of the 21st century. and currently is available in 16 countries
world of digital payments. But it was the introduction of Apple with several leading retailers as part of
For starters, bitcoin had been Pay in 2014 that pushed NFC to the their platform.
invented. In 2008, a paper was released mainstream. Just scanning a credit card
online under the name Satoshi Naka- added it as a payment option to Apple The sound of money
moto titled ‘bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Pay. It also added a layer of biometric While India is still behind the global
Electronic Cash System’. This paper authentication to it with the fingerprint market in terms of newer payment
detailed a peer-to-peer network for scanner. This second authentication technologies like NFC, it is definitely
money transfer that did not rely on factor has in fact helped it cross one of the biggest digital payment
trust. Within one year, bitcoins were transaction limits applied to one-factor economies in the world in terms of
officially being issued and by 2011 ser- transactions in several countries, like number of users. Simple features such
vices had started accepting payments the U.K. The service is compatible with as payment to a mobile number or scan-
via bitcoin. Bitcoin, as a mode of digital the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, 6S ning in-store QR codes for payment are
payment, never looked back from that Plus, 7, 7 Plus, iPhone SE, iPad Air 2, gradually picking up pace and have
iPad Pro and the Apple become quite popular since November
Watch. Users with an 2016. Innovative startups like Tonetag,
iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 which provides payment solutions with
Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 the help of sound, are constantly rede-
Plus and iPhone SE fining what digital payments can do.
can use the service The future of digital payments lies in
through an Apple novel and seamless payment methods
Watch, though it lacks like paying via wearables, biometric
Touch ID security. payments and mass implementation of
While much of the technology like blockchain.
global digital payment Currently, digital payments
wallets are split among account for a mere 6% of total retail
key players, India has transactions worldwide. But with
Bitcoin has seen a tremendous rise in value a clear leader – Paytm. digital payments increasing everyday
While Apple Pay was in volume and scope, trends indicate
point and on March 2, 2017, the price of launched in September 2014, Paytm a much different scenario roughly
one bitcoin crossed the spot price of one wallet in India was launched almost 8-10 years down the line. With key
ounce of gold. one year earlier in 2013. And since then merchants participating, proper IoT
Why did bitcoin succeed? For a lot of other mobile wallets have also implementations and strong security
starters, the internet loves something emerged in India, namely Freecharge, in place, overall share could go up to
that is for and by peers, instead of cor- Mobikwik, Citrus and more. While 26% with 13% of that being proximity
porations. A typical bitcoin transaction their services are differentiated mainly based payments, according to a BCG
is verified by six computers, hence it by the charges they levy on transac- report. The day that happens, there
is absolutely secure. This verification tions and bank transfers, Paytm is will still be a few things that money
process, carried out by network com- currently the market leader in this seg- can’t buy. But for everything else, there
puters, is called bitcoin mining, where ment. A big factor in the current popu- will be your biometrics.
Arnab Mukherjee list – combined. Some of these coun- That’s one for every 12 days. Now, don’t
arnab@digit.in tries are under the lashes of long wars for a second assume that these block-
on terror and some have strict auto- ages are nationwide – nothing even close
he conversation around cratic regimes that aren’t exactly big to that has been done. However, these
digital rights has gained on freedom of expression. And talking are region-based blanket blockages
a lot of momentum in about lashes, we’re actually higher than which essentially disable internet access
recent times. It was only Saudi Arabia on the list. from the network end. You can check
last year that the entire furore over Now, it wouldn’t be fair to portray this out a very useful tracker at http://dgit.in/
net neutrality in India took place. as an equal comparison. We do enjoy NetShtdwn. A place like Kashmir had its
And over this one year alone, we have more freedom of expression online than, internet access blocked for months. In
seen issues around censorship and say, a Saudi Arabian citizen can. But to 2017, the count has already reached 10
freedom of expression in our online be honest, should that even be a justi- and we just entered the second quarter.
lives in India. Even if we might have fication for being denied access to the What makes it worse are the kind
advanced on some of these, a pretty internet? On the other hand, the internet of reasons for which the access has
interesting statistic has brought to our is also a source of a large amount of been blocked on some occasions. For
attention another online issue in our misinformation – some of which can be instance, mobile internet services were
country – the access to internet itself. pretty dangerous for the uninformed. So suspended for four hours across Gujarat
According to a survey by Brookings what exactly does the internet mean to on 28th February, 2016 to prevent
Institution, India had more internet you – a law abiding citizen of the largest cheating on the Revenue Accountants
blockages between July 2015 and June democracy in the world? Recruitment Exam. To be honest, most
2016, than any other country in the of the cases that account for such high
world – at par with Iraq at 22 block- How bad is iT? numbers happened due to situations
ages. That’s more than Syria (non-ISIS), India has had 31 internet blockages of unrest in said states – mostly due
Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh and in 2016, according to research by the to communal clashes. But there are
Brazil – the next five countries in the Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC). situations where the normalisation of
Chronicling the journey of the Cassini-Huygens
mission across the outer solar system.
ASA’s Cassini mission is near-
ing its end. The decade-old 2004, they separated
spacecraft is preparing for and Huygens landed on Titan on
its final dive into Saturn. The January 14, 2005. two particular
unmanned spacecraft will carry out its The Cassini-Huygens mission was a moons have drawn the
ultimate mission of studying more about joint space mission between NASA, the interest of astronomers and scientists –
Saturn while analysing the gap between European Space Agency, and the Italian Titan and Enceladus.
the planet’s upper atmosphere and the Space Agency. The mission, which is
innermost ring. Plunging the spacecraft still ongoing, has a lot of achievements Life on Titan in the future
to its death was always being consid- to its name that we will be talking about As already mentioned, the primary mis-
ered and as the spacecraft has almost in detail. Out of the 62 moons of Saturn, sion of the European Space Agency’s
depleted its fuel resources, the motiva- Huygens probe was to study Saturn up
tion to carry out the final study makes close and land on Titan. This landing
more sense now. Cassini will begin the marked the first ever successful mission
final spiral towards the ringed-planet on of landing on a moon in the outer solar
April 22. By September 15, or in about system. On touchdown, the surface of
four months from now, there won’t be Saturn’s biggest moon was found to be
much of the spacecraft left, as it will get an icy terrain with surface temperatures
Credit: NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Caltech / Bob Brown
Saturn’s atmosphere like never before. two or more bodies collide in space to
Essentially, every spiral around Saturn form moons or even planets.
will generate some amount of scientific Saturn’s magnetic and gravitational
data that can be relayed back to Earth. fields can be closely studied, giving us
The orbiter has been doing rounds of the an idea of what lies beneath the gaseous
ringed gas giant since its arrival to con- atmosphere. Due to its close proximity,
duct research with a safer approach of we’ll receive detailed data for the first
Enceladus: Possible Hydrothermal avoiding ring debris. Because the probe time on the composition of the gase-
Activity (Artist’s Concept) has nearly emptied its fuel, it’s worth the ous clouds in its atmosphere, using the
risk to get even closer to the planet. onboard mass spectrometer. Another
crust, the moon consists of a giant Travelling at a staggering speed of mystery that has riddled astronomers
global ocean of water. This essentially 122,000 kph (76,000 mph), the space- and scientists for several years is the
means that there’s a layer of water craft will complete 22 orbits around hexagonal cloud on the planet’s north
between the icy crust and rocky core. Saturn, covering the inner gap of 1,930 pole, something we might be able to
It gets interesting since this layer is kilometres (1,200 miles). Since it’s cur- demystify after this mission.
made of salt water, something which rently on a different trajectory, Cassini The final dive also poses a fatal risk.
is similar to what we have on Earth. will use Titan’s gravity to slingshot itself While travelling at such high speeds,
In October 2015, Cassini did a close into Saturn’s orbit through a gap in the impacts from even small particles might
flyby through the plumes to analyse the rings. Until the Cassini mission, there blow up the entire spacecraft. Cassini’s
accurate chemical composition of the has been a lot of mystery surrounding ring-plane crossings will be oriented to
gases. With the help of the on-board Saturn’s rings. Believed to be a static shield off the vulnerable instruments
Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer, it system of boulders circling the planet, it behind the high-gain antenna. The team
was able to detect molecular hydrogen, was discovered that it’s quite a volatile behind this mission are certain that the
leading to a possibility of hydrothermal and active system of collisions. Further probability of experiencing a deadly
reactions occurring between the ocean research will enable us to study more impact is “less than 1 percent”.
and rocky core. A similar water-rock The final dive is going to be an
interaction is also found on Earth in the emotional moment for the team that has
Credit: NASA / NASA/JPL-Caltech/
molecular hydrogen could be an energy solar system. The mission was launched
source for microbes who consume more than 19 years ago and the monu-
hydrogen to give out methane. Now that mental journey is now getting closer to
we know about the presence of hydro- an end. Will we find life in any form other
gen, we need to determine whether the Saturn, Approaching Northern Summer than Earth? The search continues...
Ronak Gupta carry on beyond fourteen days, widely entists have been unable to put a tab on
feedback@digit.in recognised as the time in which an intricate cellular interactions, primarily
embryo develops a semblance of indi- because it’s such a difficult system to
t is often a source of wonder viduality with the start of a head-tail get results out of. Growing embryo’s in
when a technology once deemed axis. Back then, people who formu- a petri dish and gaining the ability to
as ‘wishful’ thinking, the stuff of lated this law probably also believed culture the embryo artificially beyond
legends or part of science fiction that technology might never advance implantation is something that was
lore is actually realised. Think self- to a point to which we can produce a possible only for simpler organisms
lacing shoes that Nike recently unveiled fully functional human baby without like mice until very recently. Last year,
or how we now have the Roomba, a natural womb support – the rule will however, two independent research
robotic vacuum cleaner! But, the pos- never have to be amended or chal- groups reported successful culture of
sibilities and realisations aren’t always lenged even. Despite rapid advances human embryo’s for thirteen days. By
half as harmless or cute. in medicine, biology and engineering, providing the nascent embryo with a
raising a foetus in a lab specific cocktail of growth supporting
environment, ectogenesis, nutrients, the researchers found that
has remained a pipe dream. the embryos were able to self organise.
In this feature we give you a Their results provide irrefutable
lowdown on why. evidence that a human embryo can
develop beyond the implantation
The Intricacies stage without maternal input of any
Let’s start with how incred- sorts, in-vitro - in completely artificial
ibly sophisticated and conditions. Besides being a foundation
complicated the develop- setting study it has paved the way for
mental process of a human a large number of offshoot research to
Is this how life ought to begin? We say why not. foetus is. At the very onset study birth defects, disease and fun-
of the above developmental damentals of developmental biology.
A rule, now popularly known process is a stage called implantation. Another important point to note here
as the “fourteen-day rule” was first Post implantation is when there is self is that the embryo culture continued
proposed in 1979 and has since then organization and the embryo becomes for only thirteen days because the
been incorporated into the law books a collection of cells. This stage is critical researchers had to pull the plug in
and guidelines of numerous countries. because it is during this time, when adherence to the fourteen day rule.
Unlike building computing devices, many of the developmental disorders However, ethical and legal issues aside,
holograms or robots, growing human set in. The week around implanta- we are now in a position to culture
embryos in-vitro has deep moral and tion - when the foetus is essentially embryos artificially for a minimum of
ethical implications. Keeping that in attached to the mother’s uterus, is one two weeks. The next step - ensuring
mind, the fourteen day rule forbids of the most important and yet poorly survival of the embryo once it begins to
experiments on human embryos to understood phases of pregnancy. Sci- form structures.
sually our cover stories are filled with stuff that and they will eat for a lifetime.” However, sometimes,
makes you think. We try and whet your appetite people just want some bread, with no gyaan and no fuss.
and encourage you to go out and find more That’s this month’s cover story in a nutshell. No fuss,
information on your own. We kind of follow no nonsense, just plain and simple geek knowledge that
the philosophy: “Give someone bread and they will show you how to do some geeky stuff. Now enough
will feed for a day, but teach them to farm and bake with this intro, let’s get to the point straight away.
In this section we’ve got tricks that will help you
become a true PC geek – from Windows hacks to soft-
ware that will geek up your PC, it’s all here
couple of tricks up its sleeve though, SUPERSIZE YOUR CLIPBOARD
You can’t be a geek and actually like and giving you more context menus For power users, the Win-
windows the way it is. You have to is one of them. Just right click on the dows default copy function
change it and improve it, don’t you? Dexpot icon in the system tray, go to just doesn’t cut it (pun intended). With
Here are 10 ways to do just that: Settings > Controls > Title Ditto (http://dgit.in/DittoCBM) everything
Bars and choose the area in which you copy to the clipboard (text, images,
ENABLE GOD MODE! you want the context menu to appear, code, whatever) you can manage better
Name a folder “GodMode. which button triggers it and modifiers or past selectively. Just use the hotkey
{ED7BA470-8E54-465E- (if any), target (active window) and ([Ctrl] + [`]) to get further control over
825C-99712043E01C}” (without the action (stay on top). It also has more what goes where.
double quotes) to make a one click features to fiddle with.
solution for almost all of the settings DISABLE ‘FEATURES’
available in Windows. Open the folder, MAKE EXPLORER GREAT Windows may be better, but
and use the search bar to find a setting. AGAIN it’s still filled with boatware.
You can rename the folder to whatever Windows Explorer now Here’s what you should turn off.
you want once it’s created. opens to Quick Access which is good 1. P2P Windows Update Sharing:
for n00bs, but us geeks just want to Windows uses your PC to send
GEEK TASK MANAGER get straight to business. Just show us windows update files to other com-
The task manager is boring our files already Explorer! Open up puters on the internet. This reduces
and for noobs. Real geeks use a new Explorer Window, go to File your upload speeds and could be
Process Hacker (http://dgit.in/PrcsHckr). > Change folder and search costing you bandwidth. Go to Win-
You get granular access to all processes, options. Change the Open File dows Settings > Update and
which are all color coded for easier Explorer to option to This PC. If Security > Advanced Options
analysis, and also better graphs to show you’re concerned about your privacy, > Choose how updates are
resource usage. It also offers an easy uncheck the two boxes titled: Show delivered and turn it off.
search for process details, can replace recently used files in Quick 2. Disable the lock screen: You can’t
the default task manager and of course, Access and Show frequently used disable this for when you boot into
the icing on the cake is that it looks awe- folders in Quick Access. Now Windows, you can do it for wake
somely geeks, making you want to show Quick Access will work like the old ups from Sleep or manual Win-
it off to friends. Favourites list. dows locks. Go to C:\Windows\
SystemApps and look for a folder
03 05
Dexpot (http://dgit.in/Dex- You’ve probably set your PC cw5n1h2txyewy. Just add a “.bak”
potDe) used to be for people to its sleep settings after a lot to the end of the file name and voila!
who wanted virtual desktops, but of trial and error. Yet there are times No more lock screen.
then Windows built it in. It still has a you need to change that for a specific 3. Remove Old Windows files: You’re
task, such as when downloading, or not seriously going to go back to
rendering, doing something important Windows 8 or 7 are you? If you
in the background, or just because you upgraded to Windows 10, you will
want it to stay awake. Get Caffeinated have the old OS files on your PC,
from http://dgit.in/Caffeintd and once and with SSDs, every GB comes at a
installed you will get a coffee pot placed premium. Run Disk Cleanup (search
in your system tray. Want to keep your for it in your taskbar), hit ‘Clean
PC awake and bypass your power set- up system files’ and wait for it to
tings? Click the coffee pot and it will fill calculate. Locate “Previous Windows
up. Want to return the PC to normal? Installations” in that list and click
Use Dexpot to control how various Click the pot again and it empties of okay. You might free up to 25 GB of
windows are arranged coffee. Simple. space like this!
08 01
COPY EFFICIENTLY EXPLORER++ You can edit source files, it’s got tabs,
What Ditto does for the There are many Windows and of course also highlights the text
clipboard, Teracopy does Explorer replacements, but according to the language it uses. Get it
for copying of files – that is, it makes most of them paid, or else so feature at http://dgit.in/NPadPlus.
it a heck of a lot easier. Copying large rich that they’re bloated, and no geek
queues of files is a pain with normal will ever tolerate bloat! (Except maybe IRFANVIEW
Windows Explorer, but not with This is hardly new, or
Teracopy (http://dgit.in/TeraCopyWin). It unknown, but it’s so good
also offers file verification, queues up that we have to mention it. Windows
transfers smartly, and can skip past Photos is just a simple app. Irfanview
errors and finish the list instead of offers much more functionality and
dying midway. It replaces the default options, and even has plugin support.
Windows copier, which means no extra You get easy text and watermark insert
keys to remember or use. options, more detailed photo informa-
from Adobe, because we have to). tion, precise cropping and much
SCRIPT LIKE A PRO Explorer++ has just the right amount more, without you having to use a
Using AutoHotKey (http:// of features – a fairly minimalistic UI, separate photo manipulation program,
dgit.in/AHKey) you can script a ‘details’ bar at the bottom, and even a definite plus for people who need
just about anything. And we do mean, full support for browser-like tabs. Get it to work with images often. Get it at
pretty much anything! For example, from http://dgit.in/ExplrrPls. http://dgit.in/IrfnView.
if you spend a lot of time filling in
02 06
forms online, all you have to do is SHAREX FOOBAR2000
script using AutoHotKey and you Windows Snipping Tool is Another default Windows
can automatically fill in your email a severely underrated and app that does the job but is
address in any field using a chosen actually, pretty unknown tool. Being sorely lacking is Groove. Foobar2000
shortcut. Hate that stupid caps lock able to screenshot selective parts of is the go to ‘audiophile’ music player
key? Change it to do something else. your screen is a lifesaver in a lot of situ- for windows, offering native support
You can also set up mouse gestures for FLAC (among other formats), built
to launch specific programs, and best in file convertor, great customisation
of all, you don’t even need to know options – both visual and audio. Mess
how to script, because of the large around with it until you get a sound you
community that uses it, chances are like). Add on a clean interface and you
the scripts you want have already get a crowd favorite. Get it from http://
been published online. Just download dgit.in/foobr2k.
and enjoy!
ations. ShareX does this even better. CYGWIN
ANALYZE DISK USAGE You can instantly saves your screen- Cygwin is a POSIX (Portable
Windows 10 has a decent shot, copy it to your clipboard, or even Operating System Interface)
Storage Monitor (Windows upload to Imgur, all automatically. It’s that offers most of the functionality
Settings > System > Storage), even got a GIF maker inbuilt. Get it at that cmd can, and also a host of other
but it doesn’t show where the space is http://dgit.in/ShareXSC. useful features. It adds on a distinctive
being taken up. Get Windirstat (http:// Linux feel to a Windows computer –
dgit.in/WinStat) and put an end to that PAINT.NET which makes it geek-cool. So if you’re a
today. You get a nice colour-coded tree Paint.net is the best compro- command-line junkie, get it from http://
diagram of what exactly is taking up mise for people who want a dgit.in/CygwinPOSIX.
your space, and shows you previews of wee bit more power than regular Paint,
the worst culprits. If you’re find your- but don’t want to jump to something AUDACITY
self managing your disks often, this is a as advanced as GIMP or Photoshop. It Windows Sound Recorder is
tool you cannot live without. has layer support, easy blurring and too basic. You have probably
tons of more functionality with a lots of heard of Audacity if you are used to
GEEK SOFTWARE 101 plugins. Get it at http://dgit.in/PaintdtNET recording stuff, and with good reason.
Although Windows has improved a lot and start editing immediately. Audacity also lets you record sound
since the days of Windows 98 and XP, from applications, make your own audi-
there’s still a lot left to be desired with NOTEPAD++ obooks, use it as a voice activated memo
the way it handles some things. This is Notepad++ is a Notepad recorder, and so much more. Even the
where essential software comes in. As replacement. While the audio editing features on it are amazing.
soon as you install Windows, you have latter is merely meant to edit plain text, and actually enough for even advanced
to install these 10 apps. Notepad++ does that and a ton more. use. Get it from http://dgit.in/AudaRec.
While Windows Movies is • Use double quotes (“”) to search for a
great for watching movies phrase exactly.
when running your laptop on battery, • Using “Site:” in front of a query will
it’s boring in every other aspect. Most give you better results than the site’s
people use VLC by default, but Media own search functionality. Always.
Player Classic – Home Cinema (MPC- • Exclude a word from your search by
HC) is just better. Download the madVR adding a minus sign (“-”) before it
plugin to upscale 480p or 720p into without a space. For example, “Linux
decent 1080p (GPU needed). Get it from Distributions -ubuntu” will display
http://dgit.in/MPCHC. all results for “Linux distributions”
that don’t contain the word “Ubuntu”
SUMATRA on the page.
Edge has a pretty decent PDF • Use “Filetype:” when you specifically
reader built in, but reading to set up an HTTP or FTP/ETP server want to find, say a PDF, or an EPUB
PDFs on a browser is akin to slicing for your local network. file. Example: “filetype:pdf global
vegetables with a Swiss Army knife. Get Everything from http://dgit. warming” will give you PDF files
You can, but why would you want to? in/2oF3n0n and install it. It will take a related to global warming
Sumatra looks terrible (rainbow on a while to index your drives, but then • User the Tools button to further
yellow background? What were they search becomes lightening fast. Eve- enhance your search to narrow
thinking?), but it’s very light, very, rything supports ‘regex’ or “regular results down. This will allow you to
very fast and opens pretty much any expressions” so you can type things like choose results from a certain time or
“.jpg|.png” (minus the quotes) and it’ll only from your country.
show you files with those two exten-
sions. You will need to manually toggle BROWSER CUSTOMISATIONS
regex by hitting [Ctrl] + [R] or • If you liked Firefox’s Awesome Bar,
using the Search dropdown menu. It which searches through history,
also has many other cool features, and bookmarks and open tabs all at once,
one of the best is the ability to find and you can get the same for Chrome.
manage duplicate files. Just download Fauxbar (http://dgit.in/
Everything can also be used to set FauxBr) and it will replace your Start
up an HTTP server. Go to Tools > and New Tab pages with it’s own
Options > HTTP Server. Enable it, screen, and will become the default
document files, even epub and cbz. It’s set authentication details (if required) search bar.
basically a geek-made reader, and this is and the folder you want to share and • Let’s say you normally use Yandex to
exactly why you have to have it. It does hit Apply. To access this server, you’ll find torrents, DuckDuckGo for an ad-
have one major drawback – it converts need to know your local IP address. And free experience, Bing for additional
files to bitmap in order to print, which there’s a pretty easy way to do that. Type research, and Google for everything
makes it terribly slow to print. Get it ipconfig into a commandline window else. Get Search Bar (http://dgit.in/
from http://dgit.in/SumPDF. to find your IP. An FTP/ETP server can SrchBar) and you will be able to
also be set up, but HTTP should suffice switch searches with ease.
GEEK UP YOUR SEARCH for most needs. • If you’d rather display search results
We’ve all been teeth-gnashingly frus- from different engines all in one
trated when trying to find a file at some LISTARY place, Dogpile (http://dgit.in/Dgpile) is
point. No more. We’ve found two great If you don’t need the file sharing bits your solution. It compiles the best
replacements for Windows Search, and of Everything, then Listary is a good results from various engines, and
each has their own strengths. replacement. It’s got a better looking also discards duplicates.
interface and has more features such as • Start.me can give you a highly cus-
EVERYTHING inbuilt hotkey activation. tomizable start page. You can get an
Everything is a small but extremely You still get near instant searches, RSS reader, email, videos and a realy
speedy search engine that promises but you also get the ability to search the cool bookmarking feature. Just take
near instantaneous results . It achieves web for basic stuff, such as currency some time to set it up.
this by archiving, err, everything! What conversion. All you need to do is press • If you need to track an image’s
it does is display a list of every file and [Ctrl] twice and up pops up Listary. source, use Tineye (http://dgit.in/
folder on a drive, and as you start typing There are also many hotkeys built in TinEyeRIS) to do so. Apart from
your query, it shortens the list based on that can streamline your whole com- tracking down sources accurately, it
filename. It’s very light, and can run in puting experience. Get it for yourself at also helps you find higher resolution
the background. It’s also the easiest way http://dgit.in/2q7BOx9 files of the same image.
GET A SEXY DESKTOP allows you to create a tile that links to aesthetic you are going for. We’ve
Used to be a time we geeks would use any application for much faster access. included an example. On any icon
classic mode to eke every last drop of You need to download two things for this in the dock, Right click > Icon
performance out of our systems, but to work: The direct proxy file (http://dgit. Settings > “+” and then pick
those days are long gone. With good con- in/TilePrxy) and the app from the Win- individual icons for each shortcut on
figurations becoming very affordable, we dows App Store (http://dgit.in/TileCreator). the dock. Download this: http://dgit.
think it’s perfectly fine to waste a little If you use Steam to play games, you can in/2pX56iJ
CPU and memory on a sexy-looking also install Steam Tile from (http://dgit.in/ 4. Download custom icon images from
desktop. Don’t you? SteamTile) to get something better than DeviantArt for the things you want,
a static and boring icon. And who really and change the icon in the file’s prop-
RAINMETER likes those anyways? erties. Move all non-essential things
Rainmeter (http://dgit.in/RMeterCustom) to a folder to make it look better.
is the king when it comes to adding GO FULL MAC Delete all names of the items on the
widgets to your desktop, plus loads of If you yearn for more ‘Mac’ in your life desktop by using the blank character
functionality and monitoring tools as and a Dock like RocketDock (http://dgit. ([Alt] + [255]) as the name.
well. There are thousands of themes in/RcktDock) is not enough, and installing 5. Next, start Rainmeter and find a ‘Mac
you can choose from (check Rainmeter Hackintosh seems like too much trouble, Bar’ / ‘Rain Bar’ skin that you like on
forums and Deviantart), and you can there are a couple of ways to make Win- Deviantart or the forums and set it
just cherry pick the best elements to dows to look like a Mac. up. Some icons won’t give you func-
make your own masterpiece (the source As always, there’s an easy way and a tionality but here is one that is pretty
code is incredibly easy to edit). You could hard way. The easy way is to just down- good: http://dgit.in/2ooEMB4
also just blatantly copy someone else’s load Rainmeter and run a Mac theme And voila! that’s it, you have your
sick setup (/r/Rainmeter anyone?) and like this one (http://dgit.in/MacSierraDsktp). very own MacOS Sierra look!
call it day. One thing is for sure, your eye- Now for the fun way (which non-
candy needs will be sorted with this one. geeks would call the hard way). This can RETRO LOOK
end up better looking and more polished Want to go retro? Use Classic Shell
FENCES than the readymade themes, but only if (http://dgit.in/2pYntXx). You can make
Many of us have desktops that look like you are ready to take some pain upon Windows 10 look like Windows 2000/
our rooms – cluttered and untidy. Adn yourselves willingly. XP/7 without all of the security holes.
that can seriously get in the way of pro- 1. First you need a high-res wallpaper,a Download it, install it and choose the
ductivity or become a source of embar- nd the default MacOS Sierra one is window and start menu feel that inter-
assment when your desktop has to been ideal: http://dgit.in/2pedpZt ests you. You can also choose to disable
by someone else. This is where Fences 2. Download Rocket Dock if you haven’t breadcrumbs to make pathfinding easier,
from Stardock comes in. Make ‘fenced already and set it up. Next, download and of course, our favourite, change the
in’ translucent or transparent areas for a MacOS themed skin and paste it way the start button looks – including
your folders to segregate and access them into C:\Program Files (x86)\ making your own button from scratch!
easily. These fences roll up to the title bar RocketDock\Skins and you can You have got to try that feature, because
to make your screen look incredibly neat then select the skin from the Dock it one of the few ways you can give your
and organized. Fences does most of the Settings. (See link below) PC your own unique charm. By the time
grunt work automatically. It isn’t free but 3. Download an icon pack for Rocket you’re done with it, we’re pretty sure that
you can try it out for 30 days to see if you Dock that fits in with the style and your PC wont look the same at all.
like it. Get it from http://dgit.in/FencesDck.
Although this has been abandoned and
is no longer being developed, it still
works. Download the 55 kB (yes, kilo-
byte!) installer from http://dgit.in/Glass2k
and install it. Use [Ctrl] + [Shift]
+ [0] to [9] to change the transpar-
ency of any window. Simple, yet effective
for those who like the sleek glass look.
he following rooting guide is batch backups. The paid Pro version CUSTOM RECOVERY
divided into three sections: unlocks a few more handy features Creating a manual backup for your
backing up, rooting, and then such as integrating app updates to phone is a good idea as well, if you’re
installing the ROM of your choice ROM, encryption, restoring individual sure about the recovery process. A
– which could include building your apps+data from non-root ADB, CWM custom recovery is essentially a third
own ROM. After all, that is the point of and TWRP backups and more. party recovery environment which
rooting in the first place – to customise
your phone to your specific needs.
Before you dive into the world of rooted
Android you have to backup every-
thing, just in case. It’s the smart move,
even though nothing will probably go
wrong if you follow this rooting guide
to the letter.
Android has a good inbuilt mechanism
to assist you in backing up anything
vital on your smartphone. Using cloud
services is probably the best way to
backup everything, and most of us are
probably already doing so. You can also
always copy your pictures, music, etc., to
your PC, but let Google handle all your
contacts and SMSes. That way you just
need to sign in with your account and
import everything back automatically.
AFTER ROOTING Use Titanium backup once you’ve rooted The TWRP recovery interface
It’s backing up your rooted phone that
really matters, really, and even though • Helium Backup replaces your stock recovery environ-
we haven’t even got there yet, we’re Helium backup is an app that will ment when flashed onto your device.
just lumping all the backing up guides let you backup apps and their data These third party alternatives offer a lot
together. The thing with custom ROMs even before rooting. You will need the of features like rooting as well custom
is that they’re addictive, and fiddling Helium desktop client installed. With backups. The two popular options for
with them often results in crashed OSes USB debugging enabled on your phone, custom recovery are Clockworkmod
that need to be reinstalled. No one said start the Helium Desktop app as well as Recovery (CWM) and Team Win
being a geek was easy! This is why you the Helium app on your phone. Then Recovery Project (TWRP)
need more powerful backup tools: connect your phone to the PC and wait • Clockworkmod Recovery (CWM):
for it to be detected. Once it does get This recovery can create and restore
• Titanium Backup detected, you can unplug the phone. NANDroid backups – backups of an
This app lets you backup apps, data Going to the Helium app will now Android device’s entire file system.
and market links. By backing up apps, show you the option of backing up your It also has other advanced features
we do mean all your installed apps apps to a location of your preference – that will be useful if you are install
along with the system apps on your internal memory, SD card or the cloud. and deal with custom ROMs.
phone and their data. The app also lets This backup can be restored by the • Team Win Recovery Project
you schedule backups and do one-click ‘Restore and Sync’ functionality. (TWRP): This is a touch-based
You need to have both USB Debug- • Click on Install 2 packages at the
ging and OEM Unlocking enabled on bottom right. Check Accept license
The Widget your device – both of which are avail-
able under Developer options. Now, just
and click Install.
will be able to find on the device manu- • Copy boot.img and place it into
facturer forums or the XDA forums. ADB folder.
• Connect your phone to your com-
NOW WHAT? puter, open command prompt and
If you’re done with the rooting process, enter these commands:
you’re not done entirely yet. Due to the adb reboot bootloader
experimental nature of this process, fastboot flash boot boot.img
it is best to verify that you’ve done fastboot reboot
everything correctly and you’ve still got Pro-Tip: There are a few other
a fully functional device with you. Root methods to unroot as well, like deleting
Checker is an application that will tell the files which grant the root in the
you immediately if you have Superuser first place, or unrooting with an OTA
permissions – which is a good indicator update, but these may not work for all
that your device is successfully rooted. devices. Flashing the stock firmware is
Also, a root manager like SuperSU will the most likely to succeed.
be really helpful to control permissions
in a rooted environment.
HookUpz’ main goal is to connect your
this section we will help you build
your own ambient lighting hack for
your TV, and also give you a few
pointers and links to some articles
we have done online, which will help
you stream media all over your house
and automate your home by turning
dumb devices into smart ones.
What we Need
• Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
• Sd Card 8GB Class 10
• Arduino Uno
• HDMI splitter
• HDMI Selector
• HDMI2AV Converter (1080p
• USb Grabber
• 5V 10A power supply
• HDMI Cables
The Arduino Uno will
control the lights
• Wires Arduino behind this setup
1. Open the Arduino Sketch
• Raspberry Pi 2 / 3 Disk Image and change the number of
• Arduino Sketch (http://dgit.in/ LEDCOUNT to match the total number 2. Put your SD card in the PC or card
ArduinoSketch) of LEDS we noted earlier. reader (make sure it is at least 8 GB
• Hypercon.jar
2. Also in the line: const char Class 10 )
• Arduino NeoPixel Library
• Win32 Disk imager prefix [] = {0x41,0x64,0x6 3. Install and Run the Win32DiskIm-
1,0x00,0x57,0x02}; we need to ager.exe as administrator, select
change the last two bytes. (0x57 and the image file to write to the SD
the wall behind your TV, matching 0x02) to match your setup. card,
the colours being displayed on 3. For this take the total number of LEDs 4. Click “Write” to write it to the card
the TV. Thus, if the majority of on your system and subtract 1. 5. Insert the card into your PI
the screen was red, then the light 4. Convert this number to HEX (use
emitted would be red, and so on. Google calculator or any online CONNECTING ALL THE EQUIPMENT
Over the years this has been decimal to hex converter) and replace 1. Plug the Arduino Pin 10 into the
refined to multiple colors, matching the first byte (0x57) to 0x?? to match LED astrip data line and Arduino
small parts of the screen, and the aim yours in the sketch. GND pin to V- of the power supply,
is to make the TV watching experi- 5. Now go to XOR converter (xor.pw) 2. Plug the USB of the Arduino into
ence even more immersive than it is and enter the following: port 1 of the Raspberry Pi.
already. It’s a feature that most people 6. In the first Line enter 55 3. Plug an HDMI cable from the
like, but some might not, but it never 7. In the second line enter the byte you HDMI splitter output 1 into your
fails to wow people the first time they calculated in the above step TV’s HDMI-in
see it. Tell them you built that your- (0x57 in our case ) 4. Plug the output of the HDMI
self, and they’re going to be even more 8. Click Calculate XOR Selector into the input of the HDMI
impressed! Of course you could also 9. Replace the last byte of your line splitter
just buy a Philips Ambilight TV, but by the Output you get. Make sure 5. Plug another HDMI cable from
what’s geek about that? to include “0X” before the number the HDMI splitter output2 into the
(0x02) as this is represented in HEX HDMI2 AV converter.
CONFIGURING THE LEDS format. 6. Plug all the Devices into HDMI
Start From the bottom left corner, place 10. Also note down the Baud rate – selector
the LEDs counterclockwise around the 500000 in our sketch . 7. Plug the video (yellow) cable to
border of the TV and connect them at 11. Now connect the D10 pin on the
the corners (except the first one, obvi- arduino to the Din of the LED – the
ously) with conductive wire – make third wire from the LED strip.
sure that you connect the corresponding
terminals on each LED correctly.
12. Download and include the Neopixel
library (see box Requirements) by going
to Tools > include Library Master Race
POWER SUPPLY > Add Zip file in the arduino
It is important to connect the GND software.
Real phone pros can use their
from the Power supply to the Arduino 13. Save the sketch and compile for any
phones as well as normal
The connection to the Arduino is: errors, and then upload to Arduino.
people use desktops. From
• LED Din to Arduino Pin (as config- adblockers to VPN here’s a list
ured in the Arduino Sketch) INSTALLING THE IMAGE ON THE of tweaks no “smart” phone
• Power Supply GND to Arduino RASPBERRY PI SD CARD, user should be without
GND 1. Unrar the OSMC_Pulse_setup_
Note: Count the number of Vertical all_working.rar provided with
LEDS and make a note of this. the link.
If you’re really going to want to geek out, you also need to
do that personally. Stay healthy, stay happy, stay geek!
hile it has been quite some Remember, quality and accuracy
time since technology has often depends on the brand as well as
spread into every aspect the price point in this category. Some of
of our lives, our day-to- the good ones that we’ve used recently
day health is not something we’ve are the Fastrack Reflex and the Mi Band
widely adopted technology for. This 2. Also, while a smartwatch can offer
is changing, and fast with the advent you a lot more, getting one mainly for
of wearables and the ubiquity of the purpose of activity tracking is not
smartphones. Here are a few easy to really worth it.
implement methods to customise your
health and lifestyle using technology MULTI-SPORT TRAINING TRACKERS
Slightly on the higher-end, these
TRACK ACTIVITY WITH WRIST-BASED trackers can track more activities than
TRACKERS OR SMARTWATCHES normal wrist-based trackers. The Fenix
Just in case we haven’t said this enough 3 HR from Garmin can track Altitude,
before – fitness trackers have arrived! Atmospheric pressure and even detect
You see them all around you, and a multitude of sports like swimming,
pretty much every electronics company hiking, rowing and more. Moreover,
is now getting into the activity tracking normal step tracking and heart rate
market with fitness bands being sold sensing is much more accurate.
from anywhere between `1,000 to Tracking your performance in these
`15,000. These entry-level devices offer sport-trackers can help you optimise
you some of the basic features such as your performance. Track all that you eat by calories as well
Step tracking, Sleep tracking, Heart rate as nutrients
sensors and more. With all this data,
you can customise the way you spend tion in the best Indian Apps on Google
your day. For instance, if you keep track Play for two years in a row. Consisting
of your steps along with calories burnt, of a database of more than 100,000
you can walk longer to increase that. Indian dishes, diligently entering what
In case you see that you’re not getting you ate into the app will not only help
enough deep sleep you can undertake There’s more to wearables than just you keep track of your calories, it will
steps to get better sleep. The sedentary fitness bands also provide you contextual feedback
alerts will ensure that you do not stay regarding the nutrient content in your
in one position for too long. WALK WITH SMART SOLES diet. And if you’re looking for some
Smart soles take tracking one step serious weight loss, you can even avail
further! Lechal’s smart soles not only the services of their health coaches.
let you track your steps, but they also
let you receive navigational directions THE FUTURE
as vibrations in your left or right foot Even if there aren’t too many truly
– depending on the turn ahead. You exciting ways in which you can cus-
can even create waypoints, set multiple tomise yourself now, there are many
destinations or go exploring on your right around the corner. From smart
own, adding notes all the while. You’ll tattoos to AR lenses, all of our basic
simply never walk the same way again. senses are about to be customised to
harness technology. And don’t even get
CUSTOMISE YOUR DIET us started on brain-computer interfaces
HealthifyMe is by no means just a cal- – no, really, don’t; we’ve been men-
orie tracker. Combining a personalised tioning them for a decade and they still
The Mi Band 2 packs a lot of workout service with an Indian calorie aren’t here! Still, self-customisation is
features for just `1,999 counter is what got HealthifyMe a posi- going to be very big, very soon.
DLL panic scriber of Kindle Unlimited. After down- recovery software that can recover from
Hello Digit, loading the Kindle app, as I'm trying to even volume corruption. But I want the
Whenever I start my computer, I get the register myself it says they don't have hard drive to be recognised on my PC.
following in an error windows: any account with that email ID. I've How can I repair my HDD mechani-
“MSVCP100.DLL missing” tried with all of my email IDs but the cally? Where can I take it to in Kolkata?
This annoys me a lot. Because of result was same. I'm afraid if I try to I don’t want data recovery services, I
this error, I’m not able to install the register a new account I might lose all want repairing. I can recover once it’s
EyeLeo software and Mailbird. Please my books and my Kindle Unlimited sub- recognised by a PC. Please help.
help me out. scription. Please help me get back my Regards.
– Gaurav Kumar books and my subscription as well. – Tirtha Chakraborty
Thanking you,
Hey Gaurav, – Chanchal Kumar Das.
We all know the pain of dll file errors.
There can be several reasons leading Hello Chanchal,
to the MSVCP100.DLL error. It could This is a really weird issue and none of
be a malware or virus, a Windows us have ever come across this problem.
registry error or rarely a hardware Your email ID on Amazon India
failure. The best solution would be to (Amazon.in) is the same for all their
run a virus scan and also a malware properties including their shopping
scan. Then you should download and website, Prime Video, Kindle store or
install all the latest Windows updates. Audible. So essentially, if you are able
Perform a registry clean up and then to log in onto any of these services with Hi Tirtha, this is surely a mechanical
reinstall the software you were trying one particular ID, the same ID should problem but you should try using a
to use. If the problem still persists then be functional on all of them seam- different SATA power and cables and
you should try a system restore if you lessly. If you had registered for Kindle also different SATA ports to verify the
have a restore point saved. Pro tip: it's Unlimited on Amazon.com, then your problem. Repairing a hard drive can be
always a great idea to have one saved. email ID will be different. You need quite expensive and we would recom-
Otherwise you can insert your Win- to verify which email is associated to mend you to contact Seagate service
dows installation DVD or USB drive account and then try logging in again. centre for official support. There are
and repair the system. If nothing works If nothing works out, then you should four service centres in Kolkata that you
at all, we’re afraid that you’ll have to contact Amazon support before you can contact.
install a fresh copy of Windows. register any new account. If you have
everything in email – your Amazon Android games with an
Failed Kindle login Kindle Unlimited subscription invoice Xbox 360 controller
Sir, I'm a regular subscriber of Digit – then you shouldn’t have any problem. Hello guys, I have a Redmi Note 3 (3GB
since a long time. I've a OnePlus One RAM, 32GB storage). I want to play
phone and I was going along with it Broken HDD games with my controller on my phone.
nicely. Recently, the screen got locked Hi Digit, my HDD (Seagate I have an Xbox 360 wireless controller,
accidentally and I couldn't open it and st2000dm001) suddenly stopped wireless receiver, and an OTG cable. But
I had to format it with someone’s help. working. It starts spinning, makes some it is not working. I have watched many
Since I had a Google backup I got back reading noise (actuator moves the head YouTube videos where they are playing
most of the data. My problem is I had back and forth) and stops spinning. I games with the controller. Please help
downloaded several books from the want to get it repaired so that I can me. You are my last hope.
Amazon Kindle store and I'm also a sub- recover its data, I have several data – Gagnesh Seth
using Signal, only if the other rypt (http://dgit.in/VeraCrt). It’s Administration and if you There are tons of options to
party has it installed. You can based on one of the stalwarts are sure that only a select choose from (read Agent 001’s
set it up to be your default SMS of the encryption business, few devices are going to be article on his hunt for a robust
app its encryption algorithms TrueCrypt. If you are a Win- connecting to your network, VPN). We recommend Bole-
automatically apply to your dows 10 Pro user, you should disable Dynamic Host Con- hVPN (https://www.bolehvpn.
texts to other people without also take advantage of Win- trol Protocol or DHCP (you’ll net) that even has a free trial
you having to do anything. dow’s built in encryption tool, have to manually assign an IP you could try out. And add
iPhone users have nothing to BitLocker to do a standard full to each of your devices from in another layer of security
worry about as iMessage has drive encryption as well for your router’s DHCP range). by downloading Tor Browser
encryption built in. Moving more security. As a last step, change your (https://www.torproject.org). It
onto IMs, most major appli- router’s internal IP to some- is essentially a browser that
cations like Whatsapp, Tel- Your WLAN thing more obscure than obfuscates your browsing data
egram (secret chats are more Log on to 192.168.xxx.xxx. by using other TOR nodes so
secure than regular chats), (or if that doesn’t that no one can essentially pin-
Signal and BBM, all have end work) and refer your rout- Your email point to your data.
er’s manual for If you use your
the authentication browser as your mail client, Your files
details (or just use all your mails are automati- If other alternatives
a wired connection) cally encrypted by your such as encrypting a drive
and navigate to the email host (mostly), and aren’t feasible you consider
security settings have an HTTPS layer on top. Axcrypt (https://www.axcrypt.
page. If it’s just a But continuing in our pur- net) that offers 128-bit AES
confusing jumble of suit for better security, you encryption for the free ver-
This small unassuming message is
words, here’s a gen- should consider switching sion and integrated shell sup-
actually one of the biggest milestones
in digital privacy eral rule of thumb: to a standalone mail clients port for Windows so that it is
WEP, WPA, TKIP like Outlook or Thunder- extremely easy to use.
to end encryption baked in. are all outdated and aren’t as bird. Do note that the other
You can also set autodestruct secure as WPA2-AES. Also, person needs to have your Your
messages on platforms like use a six letter password at the digital signature to decrypt documents
Facebook Messenger, Tel- minimum. For added security, your messages, so look up You can encrypt your docu-
egram and Signal to achieve you can also make the SSID your client’s documentation ments right from your word
even more privacy, if required. not broadcast which means to find out the specifics. processor. In the Microsoft
you have to manually enter Office Suite, go to File >
Your hard in the SSID and password Your internet Info > Protect Document
drive on mobile devices (search traffic > Encrypt with pass-
If you have sensitive informa- for an add network option), VPNs are really helpful to word to encrypt your pres-
tion of any sort on your hard while Windows shows the hide who you are and where entations, datasheets and docs
drive, you should really take network as Hidden Network. you are from literally eve- with a password. In Open
the time to encrypt it. We Disable WPS, disable Guest ryone, making your browsing Office, go to File > Save
highly recommend Verac- Networks, disable Remote more secure and private. as and search for Save With
Password in the box near the
bottom of the dialog.
Your .zip
Alternatively, you can add
your files, documents, pic-
tures to a zip file and encrypt
it using your archiving man-
ager. If you have 7-zip, right
click on a file and click Add
to Archive. Set up your secu-
rity options (AES-256 is the
most robust) and set your
password. You can then add
further files to this particular
archive and it’ll be automati-
Please do remember that there’s a tiny magic ‘I messed up button’ on the back of your router cally secured.
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Page 58
31 to 50 Strictly OK.
Not recommended Page 63
Bose QuietComfort 35
51 to 70 Decent product.
Page 65
Go for it, but there may be better products out there.
Galaxy S8/S8+
71 to 90 Very good product.
Highly recommended.
Ground-breaking product.
91 to 100
We’ve never seen anything like it before. PLUS
A definite must buy!
58 | iBall CompBook i360
60 | Moto G5
62 | Oppo F3 Plus
63 | MuveAcoustics Drive
64 | TP-Link WA-820RE Wi-Fi Range Extender
64 | Gionee A1
& MORE...
HE560 is a beauti-
fully crafted, open-
backed, planar mag-
netic headphone, designed
Price99 for reference use. Unlike
regular dynamic drivers
wherein the diaphragm is
pushed by the moving coil
behind it, planar magnetic
diaphragms are encased headband give them a
within opposing magnets sophisticated look. Though
and the entire wafer thin I wish HIFIMAN had paid a
ith this device, instance you have to manu- diaphragm itself is electri- little more attention towards
iBall is trying ally kill the keyboard using cally charged with conduc- the finishing and build.
to raise the bar a switch before flipping to tive material to make it move. The cushioned earpads are
by offering a tablet mode. This should’ve This makes them durable very comfortable while the
convertible option at such been automatic. Moving on to (less movement), more sensi- headband provides adequate
an affordable price point. Its ergonomics and performance, tive, and – to apply a display support. The clamping pres-
screen rotates all the way the keyboard is not very com- tech term – their refresh sure is a little on the tighter
transforming the laptop into fortable to type on because of rate is very fast. This makes side but not uncomfortable.
a 11.6-inch touchscreen tablet. its proximity to the touchpad. planar magnetics super accu- The HIFIMAN HE560 is a
It’s a decent device with a Accidental touches were rate and more responsive. delightfully detailed aural
few minor annoyances. For common. There’s no ethernet The HE560s are very experience. Apart from the
port, which is normal for easy on the eyes. The wood regular test tracks, I wanted
laptops in this segment. How- finish ear cups, the smooth to literally put every piece
ever, we would have appre- metal frame and pleather of music I owned through
ciated an ethernet-to-USB these cans just to see what
adapter with the laptop. The new detail I will be able
iBall i360 runs on an Intel to discover, or what little
Atom x5-Z8300 SoC which previously missed nuance
Features ....................................55
scored 1285, 1384, and 1142 would rise to the surface. The
Value ..........................................90
respectively on the PCMark 24bit/96kHz fully uncom-
Design: .......................................55 Performance...........................92
Home accelerated, Creative pressed nuforce test samples
accelerated and Work acceler- Features .................................. 80 I’ve had with me for the past
Specifications Build & Design ........................78 five years never sounded this
Processor: Intel Atom Processor ated benchmarks – adequate
Z8300 @ 1.84 GHz; Display: 11.6- for a device such as the i360 Value .........................................70 good. I don’t want to gush
inch capacitive touch; Resolution: which should ideally be used but the dynamic range on the
1366x768; Storage: 32GB primarily for light tasks like Specifications HE560 is phenomenal. Their
In-built, expandable up to 64GB browsing and Office. If you’re Frequency Response: 15Hz- sound signature is very close
via microSD; Ram: 2 GB DDR3 50KHz; Sensitivity: 90dB;
RAM; Battery: 10,000 mAh Li- looking for a economical Impedance: 45 Ohms; Weight: to neutral with supremely
Polymer battery; Weight: 1.35 kg; laptop just for basic needs you 375g; Cable Length: 2m; Plug: tight bass. If you can afford
Dimensions: 29.7 x 20.2 x 1.7 cm might have other options, but 6.35mm; Style: Open Back; Driver them, and if you have a
if it’s a budget 2-in-1 you want Type: Planar Magnetic sufficiently high end source
Contact and you just need to have that to pair them with, there is
iBall India Contact
Phone: 022 - 30815100 touch interface, then the iBall ProAudioHome absolutely no reason why
Email: NA isn’t too bad. Phone: (022) 65611833 you shouldn’t go for them.
Website: www.iball.co.in Manish Rajesh Website: proaudiohome.com Siddharth Parwatay
eing members of the #PCMasterRace,
we don’t generally approve of gaming
laptops and it certainly gets on our nerves
when folks ask for a gaming laptop under
`30K(such a thing doesn’t exist). But if you want
to game on a laptop and wish to have a good time
while you’re at it, then the GTX 1050 is the bare
minimum you should be looking at. The ASUS Price90
GL553 has two variants out in the market at the 94,9
moment, the GL553VD and GL553VE, we’ve had
the pleasure of trying out both and we prefer the
one with the 1050 Ti (the E variant).
The GL553VD is not overly heavy and at the to tweak various
same time doesn’t compromise on the hardware aspects such as the fan
it packs in. The keypad has chiclet keys with speed profiles, keyboard illumination patterns
ample amount of spacing between individual keys and performance profiles. ASUS Gaming Center
making it easy to use compared to the average has a pretty easy to understand UI and we spent
laptop keyboard and there’s a different texture to quite a bit of time playing around with the dif-
the touchpad as well. But who uses the touchpad ferent patterns. Aside from that, we didn’t find
for gaming? The keyboard supports 30-key anything that stood out about the GL553.
rollover which is more than sufficient for any The display panel on the GL553 is pretty
gamer. Even a StarCraft player with insane APM good for a laptop. For starters, it scored 100%
wouldn’t feel bottlenecked on this system. Another in the sRGB colour gamut but the maximum
neat thing about the keyboard is the fact that the brightness level only hit up 273 lux which isn’t
arrow keys jut out a little. So it’s easier to get your particularly bad, however, it’s lower than some
bearing without looking down. The spacebar, too, of the competing units from MSI which gener-
has a little protrusion towards the bottom. ally score around 290.
The CPU and GPU use the same heatpipes
Features .......................86
which isn’t something we like. However, they’ve Performance Build ............................. 80
kept the right edge of the laptop devoid of any Performance wise you’ll be scoring above 30
vents which is a good thing as while gaming your FPS in most games while running at Very High Specifications
hand isn’t bearing the brunt of hot air blasting settings. Just don’t switch to a ridiculous level of Processor: Intel Core
through them. We’ve seen certain high-end anti-aliasing, FXAA and you should be just fine. i7 7700HQ; Platform:
gaming laptops make this silly mistake of placing Unigine Valley scored around 45 FPS average HM175; RAM: 8 GB
cooling vents on the right side. Ideally, we prefer across the benchmark and FireStrike scored 2400 MHz; Screen Size
- 15.6-inches; Screen
exhaust vents on the rear and intake vents on 5523. If we were to switch out the GTX 1050 for Resolution: 1920x1080;
the bottom. A good thing about the ports on the a 1050 Ti then the FireStrike score would jump GPU: 1050 4 GB; SSD:
GL553 is their placement. They’re placed on the to approximately 7900. In games, Doom scored 128 GB;
sides alright, but more towards the user. The USB about 42 FPS on max while Overwatch hit 54 HDD: 1 TB 7200 RPM;
Type-C and headphone jack, especially, benefit FPS on ultra settings. So you’ll have to tone Battery: 4-Cell 48 Whr;
AC Adapter: 120 W;
the most since most cables are either no more than things down a little to hit 60 FPS. Overall, the Weight: 2.5 Kg
three feet in length so you don’t have to slouch over new GTX 10 series of graphics cards have really
the laptop which you’d otherwise have to do had given gaming laptops a much needed shot in the Contact
the audio jack been towards the rear. arm. The GL553 competes with the likes of the ASUS Technology Pvt.
MSI GP and GE series and they’re competitive Ltd.
Phone: +18002090365
Features in terms of features. It’s just the price that makes Email: reachus@asus.
As with most gaming laptops these days, the ROG the competition seem all the more appealing. com
GL553VD comes with software that allows you Mithun Mohandas Website: www.asus.in
AMP! Extreme
he Moto G5 is
a good overall
To ‘Ti’de you over till Volta smartphone, and
has something
comes along Price99 to offer for everyone. It
(+ isn’t the most well-built
smartphone, but is
definitely one of
the most ergo- Price99
nomic. It doesn’t 11,9
have the most
vibrant display
to consume content,
but isn’t bad either. The
display is visible in the
ou might be miffed to switch between profiles sun, and everyday perfor-
at seeing two using a separate software, mance is acceptable. The
NVIDIA flagships ZOTAC has gone ahead and buit-in speaker isn’t loud
coming out back to dropped multiple profiles. So and if you want to watch
back but the GTX 1080 Ti you get the best performing content, we suggest using
sure is a beast. The ZOTAC profile out of the box. headphones. The 16GB camera clicks good photos
GeForce GTX 1080 sports Coming to the build storage is a downer too. We producing decent colours
the highest clocks that we’ve quality, the card is protected do not recommend anyone and overall details. Having
seen on any 1080 Tis that from all fronts thanks to to buy a phone with 16GB said that, there are times
have graced our Test Centre the protective backplate storage, unless all you need when the colour accuracy
with a base clock of 1645 that extends over the sides. is calling, basic messaging is off, with warm colours
MHz and boost clock of ZOTAC’s Spectra lighting apps and internet access. looking undersaturated.
1759 MHz. And unlike the has improved since we last Heavy games showed some If extra long battery
current trend of forcing you checked it out and now sup- framerate issues, but the life is a priority, you can
ports the full RGB spectrum. games were still playable. consider the Xiaomi Redmi
But we’re still not fans (see For well lit situations, the Note 4 or even the Redmi
what we did there?) of the 3s. If a good camera is
80 2.5 slot thickness. We also what you are looking for,
noticed the FireStorm soft- the Honor 6X is your pick,
ware acting up during testing while the Redmi Note 4
Performance............................90 but were assured that a fix is the one for those who
Build ...........................................75 would have been released demand performance. The
Features ....................................66
Value for Money ......................75 soon. Performance wise, it Moto G5, meanwhile, is for
Design ........................................78
has been the fastest with most those looking for an ergo-
Specifications games running at greater nomic smartphone that is
CUDA Cores: 3584; Texture Value ..........................................60
than 60 FPS in our test suite. dependable on everyday
Units: 224; ROPs: 88; Core Clock:
And the overclock helps out basis. It’s compact, has
1645 MHz; Boost Clock: 1759 Mhz; Specifications
Memory Clock: 11.2 GHz; Memory since we did clock 8 extra FPS Display: 5.0-inch FHD; decent battery stamina,
Bus Width: 352-bit; VRAM: 11 GB; in Rise of the Tomb Raider Platform: Qualcomm MSM8937 offers stock-like Android
TDP: 320 W; Warranty: 5 Years. over the reference GTX 1080 Snapdragon 430; RAM: 3GB; interface and has an aura
Ti. It is a little pricier than the ROM: 16GB; Battery: 2800mAh; of assurance. It isn’t the
Contact competition but you get five Camera: 13MP
best smartphone at around
Aditya Infotech Ltd.
Phone: +120-4555666 years warranty which is also Contact 10k, but is one that you can
Email: sales@adityagroup.com greater than the competition. Phone: 1-800-419-6686 depend on as per need.
Website: www.zotac.com Mithun Mohandas Website: https://goo.gl/odfJJx Sameer Mitha
he Sony Xperia XZs is gaming a great experience. Touch
the company’s latest response is smooth and fluid,
flagship smartphone in and the updated Xperia UI with
India, and is the first to Android Nougat retains all the
unveil staggering slow motion goodness and the finesse of glass
videos at 960fps. It uses the new effects along with a few optimisa-
sensor with 19-megapixel effective tions. The UI allows you to adjust
resolution at 4:3 pillarboxing, the display’s colours manually
along with an f/2.0 G lens and with an RGB toggle, and override
a faster BIONZ X image pro- presets by choosing to use the
cessor. The slow motion videos X-Reality Mobile display engine.
produced by the Xperia XZs, Other UI optimisations include
however, are erratic. With ample Xperia Actions - a deep-inte-
light in natural environments, the grated assistant that works in the
Sony Xperia XZs shoots stun- background and suggests predic-
ning slow motion videos with no tive actions for tasks that you
interpolation and stutters, and is usually do at a certain time, every
a significant visual upgrade over day. It is non-intrusive and acts
the 120fps and 240fps slow mo smoothly, and can be controlled
videos produced by phones so far. manually any time.
However, the algorithms e Powered by an underclocked
Pric 90
struggle with shutter speed adjustment 4 9 , 9 Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC at
under fluorescent light due to flicker rate, 1.6GHz, 4GB RAM and 64GB native
and produce too much noise in low light. storage, the Sony Xperia XZs provides
This limits places where you can use this mode. smooth overall performance despite running
The regular camera performance is signifi- on a year-old processor. Most everyday apps like
cantly improved, with the predictive shooting WhatsApp, Instagram, Gmail, Facebook and
coming into play when you are shooting in Chrome load without any delay at first, although
motion. Autofocus speed is also significantly with more than five apps open you get slight
faster, and all of these features make use of the delays that are noticeable enough for discerning
higher DRAM in the stacked CMOS sensor to users. Gameplay is smooth and seamless, and
give a fast, smooth main camera. Colours are although the device does heat up a bit, the Features .......................57
vibrant, offer high contrast and are well-detailed, interior heat pipes ensure device temperature Performance............... 81
and high dynamic range helps deeper range of remains with 41 degrees even after 30 minutes Design ........................... 91
colours and more details even in shadows. How- of gaming. The 2900mAh battery on the Sony Value .............................77
ever, the slight strains of oversaturation cannot Xperia XZs is supported by Qualcomm Quick-
be ignored. Low light shooting, however, tends to Charge 3.0 for fast charging and Qnovo Adaptive Specifications
Processor: Qualcomm
produce more noise in Auto mode than optimum, Charging to protect longevity. This programs Snapdragon 820; RAM:
which is the only loose end here. the device to charge fast up to 90 percent in 45 4GB; Storage: 64GB,
The Sony Xperia XZs retains the same design minutes, after which it cuts off power supply to expandable; Primary
as previous Xperia smartphones, which is a maintain battery health. The device lasts for 13 camera: 19MP with
good thing. The 5.2-inch smartphone is light and hours of average real time usage with intensive 960fps slow motion;
Front camera: 13MP;
ergonomic to hold. Button placement is also well- tasks, and a daily charge is necessary. Display: 5.2-inch, Full
thought out and makes the phone easy to use. Despite being a fine smartphone with few HD; Battery: 2900mAh,
The sharp corners, however, will get chipped in flaws, the Sony Xperia XZs now runs on a pro- Qualcomm QuickCharge
mild drops, and the smooth metal surface along cessor that has already lived a year of its life cycle. 3.0
with rounded edges do not aid grip. The phone still offers sublime end-user experi-
The display is crisp and bright, producing ence, but with new flagships being launched, it Phone: 1800-103-7799
705 lux of luminance, which is appreciable. becomes hard to recommend at `49,990. Website: https://www.
The vibrant colours make video streaming and Souvik Das sonymobile.com/in/
t’s not just made much bigger most details. The colour
the branding than before. Except, saturation is decent and
that’s new with the one on the front actu- reasonably consistent across
the GIGABYTE ally makes a difference. This varied light situations. Image
AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 card too takes up 2.5 slots quality of the 8MP groupfie
Ti 11G, they’ve made some which is a bummer. This camera is as expected lower
interesting changes with unit has GIGABYTE’s VR than the 16MP sensor, but it is
the cooler design as well. link feature which puts an still good.
For starters, they’ve added HDMI port on the front of The smartphone’s pho- tions. Images taken by the
a copper block right behind the card but the box does not tography strengths extend to rear camera look sharp, with
the GPU which is supposed contain the 3.5-inch drive the rear camera as well. The well-balanced colours and
to help with the cooling. bay dock for making use 16MP Sony IMX398 sensor at some visible noise.
Then there’s the copper base of the VR Link feature. So the back has the capability to The design is nothing new
plate for the main cooling that’s an additional purchase shoot some really nice images and the F3 Plus looks way
assembly which has been you’ll have to make to use in almost all lighting condi- too similar to most devices
the feature. As for the VRM out there in the same price
circuitry, it has a 12+2 power category. The build quality
Bose QuietComfort 35
Quaint, comfortable
he Bose QuietComfort 35 is a pair best bit, being well-measured, and
of premium active noise cancel- well-detailed. The overall warmth
lation headphones that are in audio enables comfortable
83 aimed at the higher ranges of
mainstream premium personal audio
listening, and the sweet timbre
adds to the plush audio here.
gear. True to its name, the audio Good soundstaging here is further
Performance...............93 delivery is not particularly enthusi- combined with smooth active noise
Features .......................88 astic or peppy, but is smooth, warm cancellation to ensure that you get
Design .......................... 80 and comfortable. The headphones an expansive field of listening, and
Value ............................ 60 maintain great consistency and does not induce claustrophobia.
composure of audio delivery across The noise cancellation is cali-
Specifications most genres, with well-calibrated brated to add comfort to the listener
Operating principle:
low frequency performance, sharp and not isolate the person, which is
Closed system, Weight:
235 grams, Range: 10m, and clear mids, and slightly conserva- a good element here. The headphones
Battery Life: 12 hours, tive highs. Price63 are heavier than its predecessor, but are
Cables included: 3.5mm The bass produced is well-defined, 29,3 fairly robust. Good connectivity range of
aux, microUSB charging but is not overpowering. The mids are over 40 feet and nearly 11 hours of play-
reasonably sharp, but needed a little more back time sum up the Bose QC35. Overall, it
Phone: 1800-102-2673 emphasis to be pitch perfect. It sounds good makes for the most optimally balanced pre-
Website: https://www. across octaves and vocal ranges, but is a tad mium headphones to buy in India.
boseindia.com subdued on overall terms. The highs are the Souvik Das
MuveAcoustics Drive
Decent sound, but tips are bad
he Virat Kohli fronted brand MuveA- because of the tips. The in-line remote and
coustics makes audio gear aimed at the microphone work well enough. The sound
youth. To start off, the Drive in-ear is signature on the Drive is bright and sparkly. On
available in Black, Blue and White. The some of the bass heavy tracks you quickly notice 62
blue unit that we received definitely looks nice the low end is lacking. But that could also be
although they don’t really inspire too much con- because finding a good seal with those paper-
fidence in terms of build – being extremely light like tips is so difficult. The passive isolation is Features ...................... 48
– but they are definitely not flimsy. pretty bad too because the tips are Performance.............. 66
An interesting thing about the drive unable to create a good seal. On Build ..............................65
was the elaborate box that they came Chris Rea’s Call On Me the vocals Value .............................77
in. If some of that effort and money seemed recessed. The Muve Acous-
would have been put into bundling a tics Drive (MA-1000SB) isn’t a bad Specifications
Driver size: 8 mm;
hardcase, it would’ve helped. sounding in-ear headphone by any
Frequency Response: 20
The flat tangle free cords are a measure. It isn’t particularly great Hz-20 kHz; Impedance: 16
plus. The translucent silicon tips either. In fact a few critical flaws ohm; Weight: 15.3 g
go with the design but hamper the like the low flexibility silicon tips
performance. The material lacks and non-inclusion of a hardcase Contact
the flexibility and the springiness take away major points. We recom-
Phone: +91-22-6736-8877
needed to create a good seal. It’s quite mend you spend another `200 and go
179 Twitter: @MuveAcoustics
thin too. Since getting a good seal is for the E10C or Twinwoofers M 2.0. Website: http://www.
difficult, the bass performance suffers Arnab Mukherjee muveacoustics.com
he current crop of phone. The prime
wireless extenders selling point with the A1 is
are quite bulky to the 16MP front-facing
begin with but the camera and it does
TP-Link WA-820RE has 1,37 produce good
that problem solved. How? It images. Although, 19,9
runs off USB power and that skin tones are still
too it’s designed for a power softened to make
envelope not exceeding faces look brighter, and
2.5W so you can use it with sharp edges and coarse tex-
USB 2.0 ports as well. The tures also produce softness
installation is pretty easy standing of networking but to smoothen out blemishes.
and there’s even an app with the app, it’s easy. The The rear 13MP camera
available should you feel the unit is lightweight and has on the Gionee A1 is a fairly
need to migrate to a different vents on the sides to help competent package as well.
network or kick unwanted cool off but the LED can be It uses a Sony IMX258
leechers. After all, anyone a bit distracting with the sensor, which produces as oversaturated as most
who has physical access can lights out. Thankfully, the vibrant colours and good AMOLED panels. In addi-
make their way onto the app has an option to turn dynamic range, along with tion, Gionee’s Amigo OS pro-
network using WPS. And that off as well. fairly accurate white bal- vides you with a colourful
extenders aren’t so easy to We weren’t expecting ance in daylight conditions. interface and bright icons as
access post configuration that good of a performance The 5.5-inch AMOLED well as the iOS-like settings
so kicking unwanted users with the WA-820RE since display adds to the pros of menu, which is fairly intui-
required a decent under- it was built to run off of the device. Colours look tive to use. The Gionee A1
USB power but we were fairly natural, and are not is powered by a MediaTek
pleasantly surprised to see Helio P10 SoC. The octa-core
it work at par with those SoC is clocked at 2GHz and
rom the Note Edge to the Galaxy S8,
Samsung seems to have settled on a func-
tionality for its curved screen - to make
its phones look good despite obvious Price00
repercussions. The company’s tryst with glass (Sa
y S8)
continues this year in its best design so far.
The first thing you notice about the Galaxy
S8 and S8+ is obviously their design. The curved
edges (front and back) and glass on both sides Price00
reeks premiumness. But more importantly, 67m,9sung
(Sa 8 Plus)
there’s much more finesse in terms of UI design. Galax
Touchwiz is now called the Samsung Experi-
ence and it feels lighter and is tastefully done.
Icons and notifications look stylish and Sam-
sung has fixed some issues too.
For example, notification icons appear just
before where the screen curves, while the game
tools icon is integrated into the on-screen keys,
instead of a floating bubble. As you probably didn’t happen on the S8. Also, you may see a Samsung Galaxy S8
know already, there’s a pressure sensitive home slight rainbow effect where the screen curves, Features ...................... 60
button below the screen, and you get used to it but that’ll disappear if you turn off Edge Lighting Design .......................... 94
very easily. from Settings. Performance...............87
The Galaxy S8 is all about ergonomics. It’s Univisium aspect ratio on phones is new, Value ............................. 81
5.8-inch Univisium display is tall and narrow, so you’ll have to contend with black bars when
making the phone itself more ergonomic. Even watching content, at least for now, since videos
smaller hands would be able to reach across and movies don’t follow this aspect ratio just
the screen, making it decent for single-handed yet. Samsung has added a button on the recents
usage. However, you still have to get used to the menu to stretch apps to full screen, which works
slippery glass back on both of these phones. most of the time but makes some apps tough to
Samsung Galaxy S8
That’s even more important on the Galaxy S8+, use. That’s probably why the company didn’t
which is far less ergonomic than the S8. It’s forcefully fit all apps to the new display.
Features ....................... 61
compact for a 6.2-inch device, but really not Amongst other things that Samsung has
Design ...........................92
something we’d call ergonomic. put on these devices, the Exynos 8895 is as fast
Performance.............. 90
Speaking of ergonomics, that fingerprint as you’d expect from a flagship SoC. The 10nm
Value .............................72
sensor was destined for disaster. It’s easier chipset runs four of Samsung’s Mongoose cores
to get used to on the Galaxy S8, but we found and four Cortex A53 cores. Benchmark scores
ourselves using the pin very often on the bigger are amongst the highest we’ve ever seen, but
Galaxy S8/S8 Plus
device. Why use the pin? Because the Iris really, there’s not much that dazzles in terms of Display: 5.8-inch QHD/
Scanner and Face Unlock feature aren’t depend- performance. The Galaxy S8 phones are as fast 6.2-inch QHD; RAM: 4GB;
able enough to be used all the time. Both take a as flagships should be, and incrementally faster Storage: 64 GB; SoC:
second too long to be called seamless and often than their predecessors. 2.5 GHz Exynos 8895
do not work in lower light. We couldn’t even Both phones will give you just about a work octa-core; Battery:
3000 mAh/3500 mAh;
register our iris on the S8+. day’s worth of battery life. The PC Mark test Operating System:
The best feature of the Galaxy S8, as with puts the bigger phone at over 11 hours, while Android 7.0; Camera:
many Samsung phones, is its display. QHD the S8 comes out to 8 hours. Samsung made no 12MP, f/1.7, dual-pixel
resolution on both the devices makes them change to the camera, so that remains pretty
sharp. More importantly, Samsung has toned much what it was last time. Overall, the two Contact
Samsung India
down colour oversaturation and touch perfor- phones are great and meant for those looking for Phone: 1800-40-7267864
mance is excellent. We found a reddish tint on a flagship worth showing off. Website: samsung.com
the Galaxy S8+ from some angles, but the same Prasid Banerjee Email: Web form
Abhijit Dey the next subsection, we’ve doesn’t matter whether man- ever, there’s no debate on
abhijit@digit.in tried to declutter all the jargon ufacturers call it a gaming the durability of mechanical
and focus on the most essen- keyboard or not. However, keyboards. They will last
ur previous compar- tial ones. keyboards christened with you longer than membrane
ison test of gaming Given the absence of high- the ‘gaming’ tag do offer addi- and even the recent hybrid
peripherals in the Jan quality equipment necessary tional features that you won’t solutions. Catering to subjec-
2017 issue took care of to evaluate keyboards objec- find on a generic keyboard. tive preferences of gamers,
the mouse. The comparison tively, the comparison test is Features such as extra keys mechanical switches are
explored gaming mice under more focused on the features for macros, N-key rollover, available in different fla-
`6k, giving us a more detailed and build quality. The perfor- anti-ghosting, Windows key vours or “feel”. The most
perspective on the perfor- mance of the keyboard was lock, backlighting, extra tex- basic variants include tactile,
mance that can be achieved given more of a subjective tured/coloured keycaps, pro- clicky, and linear, while dif-
at different prices. We were assessment. For a detailed grammable keys using soft- fering in actuation points,
able to provide an objective description about the testing ware, etc., will give gamers an actuation force and travel
as well as a subjective ver- process, you can refer to the extra edge in competitive and distance (Agent 001 had
dict on the various mice that “How we tested” section. productive scenarios. already covered the techni-
calities of these keyboards
esting rig and setup: Earlier, pro- Features evaluation: The keyboards edges of the keycaps. If the keycap is made
cessors weren’t powerful enough to covered in this comparison test have a of ABS, the coating or upper paint dissolves
keep up with the load of multiple input wide gamut of features. We made an effort and gets smudged. For evaluation, we scored
devices pushing instructions down its throat throughout the test process to ensure all the usage of ABS and not how good the
while it was already busy processing other the features that are currently offered in ABS material was on the keycap. Cherry
instructions from the OS. Considering today’s keyboards were included in the scoring. MX switches have been the gold standard
hardware, your processor won’t bottleneck Subsequently, the most important or nec- of mechanical switches and we also have
even if you attach multiple keyboards or essary features for a gaming keyboard was a few knock-off switches competing in this
mice to it. However, to distance ourselves given more weightage than those features test. We rated them based on their specifi-
from any form of bottlenecking, we tested which can be termed as luxury. For example, cations since we don’t have the necessary
all the keyboards on the following rig: maximum n-key rollover was given more equipment to determine their durability over
• Motherboard: AsRock Z77 Extreme4 weightage than the number of lighting extended periods of wear.
• CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K modes possible in the keyboard. Hardware Verdict: In our comparison tests, we
• GPU: MSI Gaming X Radeon RX470 features including the presence of USB and give out three awards based on the final
• RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR3 16GB audio passthrough, Windows-key lock, mul- scores obtained after evaluating the features
• Monitor: Dell Professional P2312H timedia buttons, etc., were covered to name and build quality. Since we can’t objectively
• Mouse: Zowie FK2 a few. Keyboards that had software support determine the performance of the keyboard,
Since we didn’t want any inconsistencies were also given extra scores distributed over the Best Performer award is a weighted sum
between different test runs we didn’t fiddle a set of features such as changing the polling of the features and build quality scores. This
with the power or BIOS settings. Everything rate, lighting modes, recording macros, etc. award will be given to the keyboard that
was set to default. The latest firmware was Accessories such as a keycap puller, extra obtains the highest score, revealing which
updated on every keyboard before testing. keycaps, palm rest, carry pouches, etc., have keyboard is best in an overall aspect. The
This involved either downloading it directly also been scored. second award of Best Buy is given to the
from the official website or through the soft- Build quality: As all the keyboards are product with the highest score/rupee ratio.
ware (if there was software support), and mechanical, most of them are sturdy. We This award will help us determine which
then upgrading. The keyboard was placed made sure that every part and component keyboard balances itself by offering good
on a white hard plastic desk to test the anti- of the keyboard was evaluated in terms of features and build quality at a proper price
slip capability of the rubber or plastic feet build quality. Here we didn’t test how good point. The Editor’s Pick award is completely
on the bottom. Keyboards were connected a particular component was and instead, subjective and dependent on the experience
to a USB 2.0 port to avoid any compatibility we scored based on the type of material of the reviewer. There can be several pos-
issues during the basic testing. Apart from it used. For example, keycaps are usually sibilities here and it might also be possible
that, the keyboards were also operated made from ABS or PBT plastic. To determine that one product wins Editor’s Pick even
using USB 3.0 to verify whether there were the material, we dipped a cotton swab in though they might have won one of the two
any issues. diluted Acetone and smudged it at the lower previously mentioned awards.
for keyboards and since tile and clicky, and Brown underneath will survive Coming over to the fea-
their patent ended, several – tactile. Red switches are longer. Clearly, durability tures that distinguish a
knock-offs have flooded the directed towards gaming, and a wide range of options gaming keyboard from a
market. These knock-offs are Blues are for typing whereas in switch types in mechanical generic one, the level of n-key
comparatively cheaper and Brown stands at the sweet keyboards become a strong rollover is the most crucial.
have drastically dropped the spot for both gamers and typ- parameter for a gaming key- N-key rollover is used to
prices of mechanical key- ists. Apart from preferences, board. Analog and optical denote how many keys can
boards. The basic “feel” of Cherry switches are highly technology for keyboard be registered simultane-
these switches are standard durable offering up to 50 mil- switches are also being con- ously by the keyboard. The
(denoted by colour) with lion keystrokes that should sidered. Both of them are ‘N’ is replaced by a number,
every manufacturer (except last for a couple of decades. based on the same mechan- usually 3, 6, 10 or just N. ‘3’
Razer), certainly a good thing Yes, decades! One thing to ical technology, but the way denotes that a maximum of
to avoid confusion. Although, note is that the durability is input is registered by the key- three keys will be registered
with enough experience you only for the key switches and board is different. Going into simultaneously which goes
will be able to observe the not for the entire keyboard. detail will require its own for any number replacing N.
little nuances between them. Your keyboard’s chassis or in-depth story, but it’s inter- If N-key rollover or NKRO
The most common switches keycaps will start wearing esting to see new technolo- (sometimes full N-key roll-
are Red – linear, Blue – tac- off early but the switches gies coming up. over) is mentioned by the
manufacturer, then the key- We are currently in an age lighting, switching polling it by two. Being a tenkeyless
board will register every where even mousepads have rates, etc., right on the key- variant, it had the smallest
single key on the keyboard RGB lighting. Whether RGB board without any software. footprint or volume, even
simultaneously. To avoid or non-RGB, backlighting on Additional features such compared to the tenkeyless
confusion, we’ll be referring a gaming keyboard is impor- as USB passthrough ports, Corsair K63. This makes it the
it to as full N-key rollover. tant because you’ll be gaming audio ports, mouse cable most portable keyboard from
This is an important feature in a dark environment most holders, detachable cables, the bunch. Although it has
for games that will require of the time (if you’re like us). and grooves for cable man- an included carrying pouch,
multiple simultaneous key The brightness level is also agement are useful but more we would have appreciated
presses. You should be fine important and having dif- of a luxury. In summary, here if it was of a greater quality
with 6 or 10-key rollover in ferent levels (turning it off are the essential features for a compared to the ones we see
most of the games. Earlier, as well) is a welcome feature. gaming keyboard: in the HyperX Alloy FPS
full N-key rollover was lim- Lighting modes are simply a • Mechanical switch or Gigabyte XK700. Sadly,
ited to only PS/2 connectors gimmick and offer no func- • 6-key rollover or more there’s no software support
while USB ports supported a tional advantage, just aes- • 100% anti-ghosting for the keyboard but that
maximum of 6-key rollover thetics. RGB lighting can be • Backlight support doesn’t restrict the necessary
(including six alphabet keys useful if your PC build fol- Any keyboard that ful- features expected on a gaming
and the four modifier keys). lows a certain colour scheme filled the above criteria was keyboard. Several functions
This is not the case anymore. and you want your keyboard considered a gaming key- on the keyboard can be used
We are yet to arrive at a situ- to match that. Functionally, board and included in this with modifier keys including
ation where we actually you might imagine assigning comparison test. macro recording, setting up
needed more than 6-key roll- different colours to different profiles and shifting between
over in our daily gaming and keys for games can be useful, THE COMPETITION lighting modes. The same
typing routine, hence this but most of the time you Cooler Master MasterKeys level of customisation isn’t
was chosen as a minimum. wouldn’t be even looking Pro S White LEDs possible on other keyboards
In certain game genres down at your keyboard. After having used 15-20 dif- without software support.
such as MOBAs, extra keys Certain gaming key- ferent mechanical keyboards, At this price, you get all the
with macro capability to boards ship extra inter- we can say that their bright- advantages of portability, cus-
assign abilities and item changeable keycaps for ness levels have been almost tomisation and also genuine
buys make a huge difference WASD and 1234 keys. These the same. A white backplate Cherry MX Blue switches
in competitive gameplay. are essentially for FPS games on the bottom, as seen on the packed inside. A detachable
Mapping the entire process and you will also find inter- Corsair STRAFE RGB and cable only makes the key-
of buying a particular item to changeable keycaps for Razer BlackWidow Chroma board more portable friendly.
a single key is also favoured. QWERDF for MOBAs. They
In FPS games, binds can also are either coloured, textured
be assigned to a single key or both, where the textured
to save the pain of conven- option is always better.
tionally going through two The ability to reprogram
or more steps. Not really and reassign key functions
an essential feature, but it’s using a software is great for
always great to have. productivity and gaming.
Most of the keyboards, The software bundled with
even generic ones have a keyboard includes these
anti-ghosting capabilities features with more customi- Cooler Master MasterKeys Pro S White LEDs
nowadays, and we’ve rarely sations. You can record com-
come across this error in plex macros, remap key func- V1, made them look brighter Corsair K63
high-end keyboards. tions, tweak the backlight, and vibrant. However, the The Corsair K63 is the only
Referred to as “Game etc., and all of these settings LEDs on the MasterKeys Pro other tenkeyless variant in
Mode” by some, the toggle can be saved to the keyboard S White LED variant is miles this comparison. Speaking
switch to disable the Win- (if supported by hardware) in ahead. The brightness on this of the footprint, the K63 is a
dows key(s) is a welcome fea- different profiles. Although keyboard was so high that we little broader because of the
ture. Gamers hate unwanted it isn’t an important feature, had to keep it on one lower dedicated multimedia, bright-
Windows key triggers with a few keyboards include some step than the brightest level ness level and Windows lock
passion that they don’t even functions such as recording while in a well lit room but keys. You do get software sup-
reserve for game bosses. macros, changing the back- in a dark room, we lowered port but in order to save all the
settings, you’ll always have to of the other tiny differences, storage of hardware macros. the different preset lighting
keep the software running in the logo on the top has been You can switch between these modes based on different game
the background, as they can’t replaced with the old one three saved profiles using the genres. The different lighting
be loaded onto the keyboard. (users really hated the new dedicated profile switch on the modes can also be cycled using
There are slots at the bottom Corsair Gaming logo), extra top left. Other than that, the the modifiers. There aren’t
of the keyboard what looks double-shot moulded keycaps RGB lighting is amazing and any accessories included in
like slots for a palm rest. But for FPS and MOBA games, with the added LED strip on the box, and at this price we
the company doesn’t pack and a textured spacebar. Only the top, it looks gor- expected a keycap
one in the box, nor does the Corsair has been providing geous. The keyboard puller to be included.
palm rest from the K70 series extra double-shot moulded MAY 2017
of the KM780, providing control keys and on the fly the KM780, the RGB LEDs frames. With a budget of
the almost the same level macro recording. Although weren’t as bright even in the around `10K, you can surely
of software customisation the keyboard has two USB full brightness level. Because consider this board as it ships
for both lighting effects connectors, it was surprising of the plastic body, the KM570 with Cherry MX switches if
and macro recording. You that it didn’t have a USB RGB flexes compared to the you don’t like TTC switches
still get dedicated volume pass-through. Compared to other keyboards with metal on the Gigabyte XK700.
G.SKILL Ripjaws KM780 RGB exterior with pipes going The keyboard has a knurled allowing you to record macros
When the Ripjaws KM780 around the chassis. Along volume dial on the top right on the fly. The extra keycaps
RGB entered our test labs, it with giving the keyboard similar to the ones we saw on the KM780 RGB have steep
seemed intimidating because structural support, it also on the K70 and K95 line-up. contouring, sometimes which
of the exhaustive list of its fea- holds the keycap box, mouse There are dedicated keys felt a little too much. To store
tures. It has a tough design cable holder and the palm rest. for multimedia and macros, those keycaps, G.SKILL ships
mend you to experience them the Best Buy award. But the
before buying. Gigabyte XK700 held quite a
number of features and acces-
BEST PERFORMER sories to clinch this title away
The fight for the best per- from them. This keyboard has
former seemed clear between all the basic features required
two goliaths in this test. It along with providing several
would have either been the accessories including a metal
G.SKILL Ripjaws KM780 keycap puller, extra keycaps
Razer BlackWidow Chroma V1 RGB or the Corsair K95 RGB and a carry pouch. It also has
Platinum. While the K95 software support and has
keyboard. It has software Speaking of typing, it took us RGB Platinum did manage RGB lighting. Built in a tough
support and it does have a a comparatively longer time to sweep away the highest plastic and metal frame, the
lot of features to enhance the to get used to these keys but score in build quality, the XK700 offers the best value
RGB lighting, adding macros we weren’t able to achieve the KM780 RGB offered so much for money out of the lot.
as a modifier key, etc. It’s a same typing speeds recorded in terms of features, that it
standard keyboard with addi- on other mechanical switches. took the glory of winning EDITOR’S PICK
tional keys for volume control, The feedback won’t be satis- the “Best Performer” award. Although features are equally
with the satisfying minimalist fying enough if you’re moving Both the keyboards nearly important, several features
design. Compared to all the from a mechanical keyboard balanced out each other in are merely luxuries and can
keyboards with exposed to this one. Nonetheless, it’s
key switch design, the back- completely subjective. The
lighting looks impressive key switch design places the
on this one, especially in the RGB LED right at the centre
default rainbow wave and of the switch, resulting in the
cycle lighting mode. keycaps shining brighter and
smoother. In terms of bright-
SteelSeries Apex M800 ness, the QS1 switches are
By design, almost all the still dimmer than the white
mechanical key switches LEDs on the MasterKeys Pro
in the other keyboards are S. The SteelSeries Engine 3 SteelSeries Apex M800
the same. The SteelSeries software doesn’t offer much
QS1 switches is a relatively customisation options other features and build quality be set aside. A keyboard’s
new design for mechanical than lighting and macros. One but G.SKILL won by a sliver. build quality is something of
switches, exclusive to Steel- interesting aspect of the soft- The KM780 RGB is one of great value, placing the Cor-
Series. They feel more like ware is GameSense that lights the best designed keyboards sair K95 RGB Platinum as the
a membrane keyboard but up keys on your keyboard to we received with well thought Editor’s Pick. The moment
because of the short travel display your in-game stats out features that will only we unboxed the keyboard,
distance, it doesn’t have the such as health and ammo. act as an added advantage we were looking at a new
same mushy feeling. Initially, This brings in a functional to gamers. benchmark for higher quality
you would be bottoming out use for RGB lighting in the components. Right from the
the keys and once you get used keyboard other than pure aes- BEST BUY brushed Aluminium surface
to the short actuation distance thetics we’re used to seeing. We were sceptical at first to the heavy-duty dual-sided
of just 1.5mm, you’ll be able to The switches are great for because we had included two palm rest, it offered almost
achieve a higher typing speed. gaming but we highly recom- ten-key-less variants in this everything you would want
comparison where the com- in a gaming keyboard. The
petition was against mostly RGB lighting was mesmer-
standard sized keyboards. ising, and with the help of
Hence, we didn’t include any the software you can actu-
parameter that favoured the ally create your own custom
size of the keyboard, whether lighting effects to any level.
standard or tenkeyless. With With only a few qualms on
the tenkeyless variants having the software side, using the
the lowest prices, we thought K95 RGB Platinum was an
Roccat Suora FX one of them would take away absolute treat.
ew age poppycock sells. Doesn’t You could blame Apple for coming up
matter how asinine a product, with this proprietary nonsense but the truth
service or even idea in its conceptual is that it has existed long before Steve Jobs
stage be, lathering on a generous amount pulled his disruptive miracle. Printer inks
of marketing bullshit will help you sell the have been riding the whole proprietary ink
product. Heck, if you’re good at it and happen cartridge business model for ages. And I get
to be cashing in on a trend, then venture that, printers are complex machines and you
capitalists will throw a cool $120 million at don’t have a choice. You can use refilled car-
you. Yes, this is Juicero I’m talking about. A tridges but printer manufacturers have built
startup that sells juice, except it sells it in a in kill switches and even failsafe kill switches
proprietary pack which needs a proprietary to ensure you stick to the original stuff. I’d
machine to squeeze the juice out of the pack. say even the stone age man sold an obsidian
Classic case of baiting the hipsters. In a way, knife to his fellow man and later sold him a
I don’t mind hipsters being targeted for such handle for a premium so that he didn’t cut his
Mithun Mohandas products. For all I care, they deserve to be own hand. Coming back to Juicero, let’s take
Asst. Technical Editor taken for a ride. a look at the kind of mumbo jumbo they’re
Juicero is a machine, a $400 machine, if spinning around the product. Firstly, they’re
you buy it now (used to be $700). And if you calling it the the first of its kind. No falsehood
“You could blame happen to be a business, then it’s $1200. It’s over there, it truly is the epitome of redun-
Apple for coming up like a vertical chappati maker, except you dancy. It’s USP lies in the fact that 1. It can be
with this proprietary don’t have to physically apply force. It does remotely disabled should it detect a product
nonsense but that on your behalf, with 4 tonnes of pressure. recall for a batch of juice packs. 2. “Consistent
the truth is that Apparently, that’s enough to lift two Tesla pressing calibrated by flavour to deliver the
it has existed automobiles and enough to squeeze every best combination of taste and nutrition”. 3. A
long before Steve nutrient droplet out of their proprietary juice very tight supply chain so that farm-to-table
Jobs pulled his pack. Venture capitalists were impressed with time is minimal. Points 1 and 3 are valid but
disruptive miracle” the whole proprietary aspect of the product, point 2 is just a huge pile of steaming crap.
you need to buy an expensive squeezer to get So if all you need to sell a product is to ride a
eight ounces or 237 ml of juice, and the juice trend and spew bullshit then …
pack costs anywhere between $5-$8. Cold-
pressing has been marketed as being really
good for you but the truth is that nobody has
ever proven that it is indeed better than the
age old method of using a mechanical juicer.
Let me know your thoughts on this So people are paying an insane amount of
column at: @mithun_mohandas money for complete poppycock.
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The Internet is a scary place and we
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Agent 001 your browser enters the geographical you were assigned and which IP you
agent001@digit.in boundary of the USA, it falls under used to connect to an end-point are
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VPN is the veritable jack of whatever ISP is carrying that data good as not using a VPN since what-
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privacy and provide you with a level bility that your browsing habits will be built in VPN in Opera browser keep
of security, VPNs are also useful in sold by said US ISP to the ad platform. traffic logs. In fact, the VPN service
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access to geo-restricted content and first step would be to contemplate from your traffic, bandwidth, DNS
sometimes even routing your internet if you even care about your privacy. requests, timestamps and even IP
connection through a faster set of hubs If at the end of your contemplation, addresses. There’s zero privacy should
getting you better connectivity to cer- your answer to the question happens any governmental entity ask Opera to
tain portions of the internet. With the to be ‘f##k it’. Then by all means, go reveal your data. On the other hand,
recent FCC rulings in the US, a lot of about your life and don’t even bother. IVPN, NordVPN and BolehVPN keep
our private information is about to be However, VPNs are still important for no logs at all (at the time of writing
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the ruling happened in the US, doesn’t sometime in the future, here’s what you
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internet operates in mysterious ways Not keeping logs is a great facet of a
and US laws are very ambiguous to Do they keep logs? VPN only if coupled with good encryp-
begin with. If at all, at any point during If at any point, data regarding which tion. Poor encryption would ensure
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Agent 001 80 ear monitors, and push your budget to 30k for
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YouPorn are moving from HTTP to the more
secure HTTPS. http://dgit.in/PornSecure
middle attack and then listen in on your any of these nations then it’s up for thing you should worry about are the
traffic. So what should you be looking grabs for any of the other nations in different protocols such as P2P pro-
for? When you connect to a VPN, there the program. We know that the US tocols, Torrents(also P2P), Multihop,
first occurs a handshake wherein infor- and the UK are really bad with data SSH Tunneling, etc., which all of us
mation about you is passed onto the privacy. Then there are well known tend to use sometime or the other. It’s
VPN’s server and authentication details programs such as the Five Eyes, Nine not just the protocols, but even select
from the VPN are passed onto you. This Eyes and Fourteen Eyes, all of which ports are blocked by certain VPNs,
handshake must be secure. The highest involve sharing data between them. So sometimes for the sake of security, and
level of encryption any VPN offers for figure out where the VPN’s servers or sometimes to prevent malicious DDOS
this is RSA-4096. Then comes your HQ is located and make sure that it’s attacks. The VPN service’s website
traffic as it travels through the VPN, this not situated in the following coun- will usually have an FAQ section out-
again should be encrypted by a form of tries: US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, lining all the different measures they
encryption. The highest encryption that Australia, Denmark, France, Holland, undertake to safeguard user privacy,
you get for your data is AES-265 which Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy, you’ll find these details over there.
is what we’d consider to be the bare Sweden and Spain. Any product or service with a lot
minimum for data encryption. features tends to be expensive so if
Speed and protocols you’ve shortlisted the very best VPNs
Server location One of the issues that plague VPNs that suit your needs, then price is what
We’ve spoken about how location is speed. Since a slow network will you need to check next. And this is
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have pooled together to share intel- that your VPN have high bandwidth dwell upon this any longer. In case you
ligence data and some of these nations within their network. You can easily feel like all of this is a really daunting
have international programs which test this out by subscribing to a trial task, then fret not, one dude took it
require data logs from one nation to be program that most VPNs offer, then upon himself to test out multiple VPN
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gram. So should your browsing data out your experience with your most You can check out his findings on
enter the geographical boundaries of frequently used websites. The second https://thatoneprivacysite.net
Wireless casual gaming I’ve bought almost every component because I’ve enough space inside.
I was looking for a gaming mouse but except the GPU. I’ve been saving a lot Please suggest me the best GTX 1080
I don’t really have a huge budget. I since a long time to build my dream Ti that I can buy right now. Along with
don’t plan on gaming heavily, just casual ultra-high-end gaming rig and the GPU that, recommend a robust PSU that I
gaming. I’m looking for something under has kept me wondering. I was going for can get to last me for several years.
`2,500. Oh, and I compulsorily need a the GTX 1080 but then the GTX 1080 – Mohnish
wireless mouse. Ti was launched. I’m glad I didn’t rush
– Harshit Nanda into buying but now I’m confused which Hey Mohnish, we’re glad that you’re
one should I buy. I’m assembling my finally ascending in the PC Master
Hey Harshit, rig inside a Corsair Obsidian 900D, so Race. We have tested a few GTX 1080
If you’re looking for only casual gaming there’s no restriction in the card size Ti GPUs lately and out of them, the
then you can go for any generic mouse ZOTAC GTX 1080 Ti AMP! Extreme
out there since most of them perform the Edition performed the best. With this
same. We would recommend the Lenovo GPU, you can throw any game at it and
500 or Logitech M185 but it might not have them run smoothly at even 4K
be comfortable for long gaming sessions. ultra settings. You can get it for around
At a lower budget, it’s difficult to find `70,999. For the PSU, it will be better to
good wireless mice for gaming. If you’re go for modular one. Our recommenda-
ready to spend extra money, go for the tion is the Seasonic M12II-750 EVO
Logitech G602 or the Razer Mamba. that you can get under `10,000.
The best GPU The ZOTAC GTX 1080 Ti AMP! Extreme Budget i5 laptop
Hi guys, Edition is the most powerful GPU we’ve Hi, I want a laptop in the range of
I’m trying to build a rig for myself and ever tested in our labs `30,000-40,000. It should have 4 to
8GB of RAM, 2 to 4GB memory in the more performance then you can go for Core-i3 or i5. Please suggest one with
graphics card and 1TB of storage. I also the Lenovo Z2 but do note, the camera these specifications.
need an Intel Core i5 processor. Please quality on this is lower than the Cool 1. – Aravind
suggest the best one that I can get in
this range. Durable earphone Hello Aravind,
– Vasi Hey guys, which one among the two is There are many options in this range
better? Sennheiser CX180 or Brainwavz that perform well. We would recom-
Hey Vasi, you should look into the Omega? I was looking for something mend two among them, either the
ASUS R558 series of laptops. Go under `1,000. I just want something in
through the specifications of the lineup, good quality and durability.
make you choice and check whether – Febin
that particular SKU is selling in India.
Hi Febin, the Brainwavz Omega
Beats under 10k reproduces better audio quality,
Hey, I wanted to buy a portable speaker balance and has passive noise cancella-
under `10,000 and an earphone under tion to an extent. The bass response
`3,000. Please suggest me something. reproduced on the Omega is much
– Savan better than the CX180. The build The ASUS A555LF series has some
quality on the Omega is also superior. amazing colour varaints available
In this range, you can try out the Altec
Lansing MZX147 which comes in Lenovo IdeaPad 100s or the ASUS
second in this range. A555LF. Later, you can upgrade the
storage with an SSD and also expand
the memory modules.
Basic rig = 29,563 Entry-level gaming = 51,424 Mid-range gaming = 75,708 High-End Gaming = 1,11,939 Ultra high-end gaming = 3,12,225 Digit test rig= 4,87,524
Brand Model Price (in `) Brand Model Price (in `)
Portronics Sublime 2 2,090 Corsair K95 RGB Platinum 16,999
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Brand Model Price (in `) Brand Model Price (in `)
Canon EOS 1DX Mark II 4,51,900 Apple iPhone 7 Plus 61,990
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Brand Model Price (in `) Brand Model Price (in `)
Zotac GTX 1080 Ti Amp! Extreme 70,999 Garmin Fenix 3 HR 52,990
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Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti Founder’s Edition 62,999 Samsung Gear Fit 9,990
Brand Model Price (in `) Brand Model Price (in `)
Apple Watch Series 2 32,900 Amazon Kindle Oasis 23,999
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ASUS Zenwatch 3 17,599 Illumina Icarus Android E-Reader 9,999
Brand Model Price (in `) Brand Model Price (in `)
Microsoft Surface Pro 4 96,890 Creative Sound Blaster Z 11,308
Apple iPad Pro 65,900 ASUS Xonar Essence STX 11,100
Apple iPad 28,990 ASUS Xonar DX 5,550
Thinking of getting a new phone? Push your budget to 30k and pick
one from the list below. How about you upgrade your earphones along
with that? Check out the list of the best in-ear monitors under 5k.
[The Atlantic Corner]
The linear his- This story is part Earth Amazon
survey conducted amongst really do not get to the point where they about 1GB or less space left on it. Over
over 1500 respondents has become unusable. As a rule of thumb, time, you will block up some of the RAM,
led Counterpoint Research there’s only one real reason to “upgrade” which will reduce performance. The
to believe that Indian con- your smartphone, that is if it stops more apps you load, the more the pro-
sumers want to switch to a new phone working entirely. Let us explain why. cessor load. But absolutely none of it will
within 12 months. The report says fea- Let’s assume you purchased a Xiaomi make your phone unusable. The Redmi
tures like 4G VoLTE, better battery and Redmi Note 4 a few months ago. Here’s Note 4 and most of its compatriots run
memory are reasons for consumers what your phone is missing right now: on able and up-to-date hardware.
wanting to switch. “As per the survey, two There’s another big reason to not
in three users plan to upgrade to a new upgrade your smartphone. Almost all
mobile phone in the next 12 months. This numbers today point towards growing
is a departure from an average of 24-30 demand in the sub-15K range. In this
months to under 20 months upgrade range, there are phones that are good,
cycle,” says the report. some that are better and some that are
Further, Counterpoint’s report says downright bad. However, none of these
that one of the factors for users to look devices can be considered an “upgrade”
for 4G LTE smartphones is Reliance Jio’s to their counterparts. In fact, stagnation
VoLTE only network. Also, with smart- Sony Xperia XA dual in the smartphone market has made
phones becoming a big part of people’s the term “upgrade” obsolete. Like we
lives, better memory, storage and battery Android Nougat. It’s indeed a big miss, said above, buying a VoLTE enabled
have become important requirements. but alternatives aren’t much better any phone after a 3G phone is an upgrade,
way. You have a reasonable camera to but buying a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 or
Should you be upgrading work with, 4GB of RAM, 64GB of storage any other “budget beast” just offers
within 12 months? and a balanced Snapdragon 625 SoC. It’s you incremental updates instead of
In a word, the answer is no. Having more than what most users need right real upgrades.
tested most smartphones today, we can now. Xiaomi announced an Android The above is true for every best
attest to the fact that most users do not Nougat beta at launch, so chances are selling phone out there right now. Few
need to upgrade within 12 months. that you’ll be getting an update soon smartphones today warrant an upgrade
If you have a 3G/2G phone, then an enough. If you’ve purchased a Motorola within 12 months, so if you are planning
upgrade is warranted. However, if you device, you probably are on the latest an upgrade, you should make sure your
happen to have bought a phone within software already. phone is simply refusing to turn on. If
the last 12 months, hold on to it. Android Phone’s normally start lagging and not, stick with it, at least for 18 months.
phones do slow down over time, but they become harder to use once you have http://dgit.in/IndianPH
he organisation that comes up ment and introduce support for the new
with standards for the micro- memory standards on their components.
electronics industry, JEDEC Hence, it’s fair to say that we will see
Solid State Technology Asso- motherboards coming out with support
ciation, has announced new develop- for DDR5 memory at the end of 2018 or
ments in the DDR5 standard. The devel- directly in 2019 when a new chipset with
opment of DDR5 or Double Data Rate 5 DDR5 support arrives.
and NVDIMM-P design standards have
already been in the works for some time. Do you need to upgrade
The final DDR5 specifications will be rati- Servers will be the first to receive DDR5 from DDR4 or DDR3?
fied by the end of 2018. memory modules Upgrading from DDR4 to DDR5 should
improve your system performance based
Harder, Better, Faster, Who gets it first? on the proposed specifications. But we
Stronger? Hold onto your horses, fellow brethren can’t confirm objectively since we have no
We aren’t sure about DDR5 being harder or of the glorious PC Master Race, for you idea about its implementation yet. Intel’s
stronger since there hasn’t been any rapid won’t be enjoying DDR5 memory on Optane (3D XPoint) is a new non-volatile
development or changes in PCB material. your system anytime soon. Convention- memory technology that retains data even
What we are sure about is that the new ally, whenever a new memory standard after the computer is shut down. Using
memory is definitely going to be better and hits the market, they make their way to Optane M.2 cache drives drastically drops
faster. DDR5 will offer better performance servers first. The reason is simple, they boot times and the time taken for applica-
and deliver higher power efficiency com- are expensive at launch. If you’re one tions to start up (on the second time after
pared to previous generations. This will be of those gamers who use two thousand caching happens). They aren’t expensive
achieved by offering twice the bandwidth rupee notes for kindling then by all either, as the 16GB variant is priced at
compared to DDR4, doubling the speed means, go right ahead. Once the server $44 (`2,800/- approx), whereas the 32GB
in DDR5. Along with the bandwidth, the memory market has been touched, they variant is priced at $77 (`5000/- approx).
density is also expected to double. This will slowly make their way to high-end Another thing to remember is that Optane
will result in higher capacity memory gaming PCs and eventually scale down to is only supported on Intel Kaby Lake pro-
chips that can be either embedded or made low-power SKUs for laptops. Later, they cessors and it isn’t backward compatible.
into DIMMs. With twice the bandwidth will scale down to lower SKUs for mobile JEDEC talked about a hybrid DIMM
and density, DDR5 will deliver improved devices as LPDDR5. technology called NVDIMM-P. Techni-
channel efficiency as well. Imagine the per- cally, it isn’t the same as Optane, but it will
formance you get on existing quad-channel When can I buy? be interesting to find out how both these
DDR4 memory kits, and now multiply The release of the specifications of DDR5 forms of volatile and nonvolatile memo-
that by a factor of two (almost). That’s what is slated for 2018. Generally, it takes ries are going to perform. Read more here:
DDR5 is going to be. around a year for manufacturers to imple- http://dgit.in/DDR4or5
Samsung’s new flagship AMD launched four new The HyperX Cloud Revolver
Galaxy S8 and S8+ packs Ryzen 5 series CPUs. The S gaming headset from
4GB RAM with 64GB internal new mainstream processors Kingston supports Dolby
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128GB Internal memory processors with 8 Threads or features a 50mm driver
Trace Dominguez digs
respectively. They come with 12 Threads, respectively. and a noise cancelling
above and beyond the earphones from AKG. Price: `12,199/- `13,799/- microphone.
usual scope to deliver Price: `57,900/- `15,799/- `18,199/- Price: `12,999/-
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Top 3 Picks Make sure your bosses don’t catch you goofing off
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ncryption has become a hot Many industry titans have started
topic of discussion these days. encouraging the use of TLS as well. Let’s
Governmental agencies and say you’ve decided to build your own web-
hackers hate it, and technology site, if you have any page that needs a user
evangelists recommend it. Security is abso- to submit personal information or even
lutely important, no matter which aspect sign into a page, then it’s better to have that
of your online presence is being discussed. page secured with an SSL certificate. Or
On the web, you have multiple forms of better yet, your entire site. Google started
encryption and that too, present at dif- giving websites with HTTPS a little boost
ferent stages. You should be familiar with in their search rankings back in 2014.
the HTTPS lock symbol which pops up They’d stated that they’ll promote HTTPS
right at the beginning of the address bar when you visit popular further to encourage website owners to shift from HTTP to
websites like Google, Facebook, Github, etc. It’s now mandatory HTTPS. So if all you need to do in order to get a little bit of
for implementing certain services or modules which involves Google-search-love is implement HTTPS then you can turn
transmission of personally identifiable information. There will to one of the many Certificate Authorities (CA) which issue
be no online payment page without HTTPS, no gateway’s API HTTPS certificates.
will even allow you to perform a transaction if that page isn’t There are several types of SSL certificates and they’re clas-
secured with TLS/SSL. sified either by Validation Level or by Secured Domains. Let’s
*Coding Matters
The first step is to install the Let’s Encrypt client i.e. Certbot.
Start off by updating the package indexes by typing the fol-
lowing command.
$sudo apt-get update
And once that’s done, you need to install Certbot by typing in.
ment for someone starting out their own website. And that’s $sudo apt-get install python-letsencrypt-apache
with 50% discount, you’ll be paying `13,000 upon renewal. So
SSL certificates are expensive but they go a long way towards If your hosting provider can’t find the Certbot client then
ensuring a better internet. This is where Let’s Encrypt comes you’ll need to add their repository before using the apt-get
into the picture. They are a Certificate Authority that provide install command.
free certificates and make the entire process of implementing
TLS for your domain really simple. It was founded by the Installing SSL certificate
Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mozilla Foundation and the After the Certbot client has finished the installation process, you
University of Michigan with the aim of eliminating payment and can proceed to setting up the SSL certificate. Use the following
reducing the complexity of setting up and maintaining HTTPS. command to get that done.
The only catch is that you need to renew the certificate every sudo letsencrypt --apache -d yourdomainname.com
90 days as that’s how long Let’s Encrypt certificates are valid
for. However, this is a pretty easy barrier to get across as you It should be pretty self explanatory as to what arguments are
can set up a simple cron job to perform renewal every 89 days. being passed here but we’ll go ahead and spell it out any ways.
HTTPS is the future of the web, there’s no denying that. It pro-
tects the integrity of your website and ensures the privacy and
security of visitors coming to your site. When we’ve entered
an era of needless mass surveillance, the web has started to
become less free and subject to censorship. The latter has
been used by governments to suppress their people and is still
being used to do the same in many regions across the world.
HTTPS may not be the one true solution to this problem but it
sure does go a long way towards alleviating the privacy issue
plaguing the internet.
You should now save and exit crontab. We’ve also set a log U
file to be created for each instance of the cron job to be saved at
Secure | https://www.yoursite.com
Let’s Encrypt, through its service has made the process of
The alternate way obtaining SSL certificates ridiculously easy, to the point the even
Sometimes, if your domain is behind a firewall or if you have absolute beginners can implement HTTPS on their domains.
a CDN setup, then the usual method will not work. This is Moreover, it’s free. So what’s holding you back from getting
because the Let’s Encrypt authentication server needs to per- your own SSL certificate?
*Nodes of Interest
Arnab Mukherjee in an already ‘overcrowded’ market. able payment system. Banks operate
arnab@digit.in Are we getting it right so far? their ATM and payment networks in
Take a look at last year’s attacks, such a way that any network bank’s
nformation security is not a new which ranged from the Dyn DDoS cards will work with any bank’s
topic – it is something that com- attack that brought down half the machine. Hence, when Yes Bank’s ATM
panies and individuals alike have internet or the multiple data breaches network was compromised due to a
been well aware of for ages. Be it announced by Yahoo. But like many malware injection into the payment
the fight against viruses or ransom- others last year and the years before gateway of Hitachi network systems,
ware, the threats and the defences them, all of these are routine far off the effect gradually spread to mul-
have evolved side-by-side. What events that haven’t really boiled down tiple banks and their account holders.
hasn’t changed is the steadily growing to actual consequences in your life, Interestingly, the breaches happened
need for security. It wouldn’t be your right? Unless…. somewhere between May and July,
fault if you assumed that there isn’t yet it was not until two months later
any exceptional need for security It’s happening – now and here in September that it was even iden-
professionals in the industry right In October 2016, Indian banks suf- tified. Hitachi wasn’t even able to
now. Everything is hunky-dory and fered their worst data breach yet identify the amount of data breached.
nobody is going to need even more when almost 3.2 million debit cards And that’s a banking network.
people to keep their data (and assets) were compromised. Quite a few major Many of you might have heard of the
safe. So people might as well leave banks like Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, Cloudflare data breach – infamously
everything to the firewalls, VPNs SBI, ICICI and Yes Bank were some titled Cloudbleed due to the data
and anitiviruses of the world, and of the worst affected. The effect was leaking behaviour in the breach. Quite
you most certainly don’t want to be industry wide because of the target a few popular websites, even India
another information security analyst chosen by the attackers - the interoper- based, were using Cloudflare as their
The 2016 Breach Level Index from Gemalto paints a scary picture of what’s to come.
ment but actual security levels are far stored at server level. And in the case of By nature, the IoT market is
below what is indicated by this share. smartphones, a small margin of users fragmented in terms of design and
“Clients want to know if what they are actually check the permissions asked security. What does that mean? It
spending on information security is for by each app they install – thus the means that there is no single security
equivalent to others in their industry, others grant access to their data even approach that applies to the entire
geography, and size of business in if it is not relevant to their use case. connected devices market. Because of
order to evaluate whether they are On the other hand, newer data that reason, there is a high demand for
practicing due diligence in security and endpoints are emerging everyday. cybersecurity professionals who can
related programs,” said Rob McMillan, According to Gartner, Smart machines analyse and deal with cases specific to
research director at Gartner. “But gen- will enter mainstream adoption by a certain company. And as the expend-
eral comparisons to generic industry 2021, with 30 percent adoption by iture areas in the previous section
averages don’t tell you much about your large companies. These are machines showed, there is active effort to reduce
state of security. You could be spending that will make many decisions for the level of human error and system
at the same level as your peer group, but
you could be spending on the wrong
things and be extremely vulnerable.
Alternatively, you may be spending
appropriately but have a different risk
appetite from your peers,” he said. And
because of these incorrect assumptions,
increased security budgets haven’t
resulted in greater security levels – a
situation that has prompted many com-
panies to sit up and take stock of their
information security infrastructure.
This perception is gradually
changing. Some clearly defined factors
are emerging in the industry that have
shown direct cost and effect benefits
towards security: Wearables are a new and unsecured entry point for attackers
• Establishing a workforce trained in
the latest vulnerabilities and new themselves mostly while connected to glitches possible, making CyberSe-
threat avenues. networks. Even if they are not entirely curity a lucrative career opportunity
• Ensuring company-wide usage autonomous, security for these has to right now.
of encryption on each and every be implemented differently.
platform. Last year, the Mirai botnet attack What can you do
• Forming an incident response team demonstrated the potential of IoT secu- It is true that cybersecurity, as a
that is well prepared to deal with a rity breaches. IoT indeed is something career choice, has always had a steady
live breach. that has been discussed a lot from a demand - till now. In the coming few
• Cooperative participation in threat security standpoint, but then again, it years, as factors above indicate, the
sharing with other companies. is the Internet of ‘things’ – anything demand is not only going to grow - it
new that is connected to the internet is going to widen as well. According to
New entry points falls under IoT. And anything con- Glassdoor, an entry level Information
It has been a long standing practice nected to the internet is vulnerable. Security Analyst can make upto 8lpa,
to secure a computer with an anti- Cars have been hacked, a popular U.S. and it only goes higher from there.
virus and a firewall. That practice smart home alarm system was hacked, Building expertise in new and
has trickled down to a small portion implantable medical devices like emerging platforms, which have their
of the smartphone community, with pacemakers have been hacked, plane own vulnerabilities, is a good first
similar awareness regarding threats. systems have been hacked, critical step towards a career in this growing
Now, if you think that an individual infrastructures like a power grid and market. Also, developing practical
smartphone is at risk, you couldn’t be a dam were hacked, mobile banking experience alongside that can never be
further from the truth. That level of apps have been hacked, smart city a bad thing. For anything beyond that,
targeting is quite rare and is mostly technology has been hacked, and even stay tuned to this space for a detailed
left to espionage novels and movies. a traffic management system has been article on building a career in cyber-
What attackers do go after is your data, hacked in Washington, D.C. security next month.
prepping two new Kaby Lake SKUs
to compete with certain Ryzen SKUs
which begs the question if AMD has
anything hidden up their sleeves to
has Ryzen
one-up Intel? Will we see a Ryzen 7
1900X two months down the line?
Unfortunately, we are not able to speak
to future products over and above what
we have already announced. That said,
we have already indicated that Zen 2
and Zen 3 products are in development
We have a quick chat with AMD’s David Bennet and will continue to improve both per-
formance and efficiency along with pro-
about Ryzen’s share in the market and how the viding our customers great value in the
company plans to continue competing. coming years. The recently launched
Ryzen 5 CPUs will help us address a
Mithun Mohandas broader part of the market with Ryzen.
mithun@digit.in Long story short, we are ready and still
have some surprises up our sleeves.
There have been quite a few devel-
opments around Instinct and Naples. The Polaris graphics cards went a
However, we hardly get to hear much long way towards increasing AMD’s
about compute related AMD hardware share in the overall GPU market. How
in India. Why is that so? big an impact do you think Ryzen
Whilst compute news has been limited will have on AMD’s share in the CPU
in the past, with the introduction of market, both globally and in the Indian
both Naples and Instinct in 2017, we sub-continent?
will see increased communication According to the latest market data,
around this as AMD re-enters the data- AMD Radeon has enjoyed six straight
center in a big way. Following the suc- Spokesperson: David Bennet, Corporate quarters of growth. We believe the
cess of Ryzen, we are excited to be able Vice President & General Manager, opportunity is even greater in the CPU
Commercial & Enterprise Business, AMD
to launch Naples in Q2 2017, so stand by segment. For almost a decade, the high-
for more to be released in the very near performance PC market has only had
future. Server and enterprise markets People like choice and not everyone one choice when building a system. We
are other spaces that are starved for has an unlimited budget. Our goal is to have now brought back real competition
competition and the early press and create an ecosystem that allows users to this space and believe this excitement
feedback show what we already know – to upgrade as little or as often as they clearly has an opportunity to reinvig-
Ryzen was designed with high perfor- want without having to spend as much orate and excite the market as a whole.
mance compute in mind and is perfect money as you would with the competi- More importantly, AMD believes in
for enterprise workloads with excellent tion. More performance for less cost. open source and providing maximum
scalability and performance per watt. With Ryzen, our current 7th compute power to maximum people.
Generation APUs and upcoming Zen Just like we did with the Radeon RX
AMD’s known for supporting a plat- based Raven Ridge APUs all being on 480, we have introduced our Ryzen
form for long periods. AM3+ has been the AM4 platform – we believe that the processors at an incredible price gap
around for more than six years now. longevity of AM4 is great news for our versus our competition. We provide
How long can we expect the new AM4 customers and partners. This stability better performance than our competi-
to be supported by AMD? gives them upgradability for years tion at each price point, and by a con-
We have stated that our plan for AM4 to come and a platform with all the siderable amount. I certainly believe
is to support this platform until 2020. modern features they need such as M.2, this will allow us to capture share from
We are committed to long lifetimes USB Type-C and NVMe to work with our competition in the Indian sub-con-
for our sockets as seen in the past. for the next four years. tinent and around the world. In fact, we
This allows for our customers to have are already seeing this happen.
multiple upgrades available to them Claiming the lead in CPU perfor-
with the launch of subsequent products mance has always been a cat and For the full interview, visit the following
based on our upcoming architectures. mouse game. Intel seems to be link: http://dgit.in/AMDRDB67.
Car lashes Thomas the tank en-dragon?! For your nose picking urges
What was the first thing that popped Thomas the dragon (formerly tank This smartphone case comes with
into your mind when you saw these? engine) has become something of a a nose on it. No, it’s not because it
Was it “why would you want your car symbol when it comes to modding comes with an app that can actu-
to have headlight lashes?” or “Wow! and Skyrim. Sure it doesn’t make any ally smell stuff. The only purpose
Those look pretty!”? The former right? sense and isn’t immersive or lore- of this case is for you to pick it (up).
There’s absolutely no point to them. friendly at all, but it’s still pretty Get it? ‘Pick it’ up? Yep, it’s a smart-
And it’s definitely not going to make darn funny. Watch as he aggressively phone case based on nose-picking.
your car feel any prettier. If you thought choo-choos and breathes steam in Be honest, did you ever think you’d
the latter... erm, we don’t judge? this incongruous setting! see the day?
Still better than a Mac Who needs cabinet fans The Galaxy Note 7 in GTA V
This is the latest product from Overheating is an issue a lot of us face, Ah, the GTA V exploding Note 7 mod.
Apple’s labs and boasts better func- especially around this time. Why waste Because flinging explosive Note 7s
tionality than the best PCs in the money on tiny cabinet fans when you at people is pretty funny. But, for
market! Also it’s red, just like the can get the job done with one much obvious reasons, Samsung did not
recent iPhone Red. Which means bigger fan. Strap on this bad boy and find it funny. So they did the “sen-
it’s obviously more superior to its you’re good to go. You risk losing sible” thing and tried to have videos
non-red brethren. It’s really that some small parts but you can prob- featuring the mod taken off of You-
good, trust us. We’ve reviewed it ably replace them with the money you Tube citing copyright. Lol.
ourselves. made from not buying fans.
Community Creations
Trying to escape the grind the
Monday-Friday routine, long time
Digit readers, Tanay and Abhilash
decided to put their extra time in
developing small mobile games.
PC, Laptop
Working as engineers in Bengaluru,
they named themselves Mast
Studios and developed Puzzle2.
You’d imagine Puzzle2 came after
Tablet, Mobile
Puzzle1 or just Puzzle, but in fact,
they never managed to finish Puzzle. Apparently, both of
them are overwhelmed with ideas and are easily distracted
with new projects. Now, the team is focusing on building
Puzzle3 while trying to finish the first one, confusing them
whether to call it Puzzle1 or Puzzle3 on release.
Download it here: http://dgit.in/Puzzle2And
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