Package of Practices On Cauliflower
Package of Practices On Cauliflower
Package of Practices On Cauliflower
1. Introduction:
Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is one of the most important vegetable crops of India.
The edible part of cauliflower is known as curd, which consists of a shoot system with short
internodes, branches apices and bracts. The edible portion of this vegetable is approximately
45 per cent of the vegetable as purchased. It has high quality of proteins and peculiar in
stability of vitamin C after cooking. It is rich in minerals such as potassium, sodium, iron,
phosphorus, calcium, magnesium etc. Some of the states that produce large quantities of
cauliflower are Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar,
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Odisha and Karnataka.
Bring the soil to fine tilth and pits should be taken at a spacing of 45 cm either way in hills.
Form ridges and furrows at 60 cm in plains. The planting distance may vary according to the
variety, climate and soil. Normally, the seedlings of early varieties are planted to 60 cm row
to row and 30-45 cm plant to plant distance. The main season and late varieties are planted at
spacing of 60-75 cm between rows and 45-60 cm between plants.
The Protrays of 98 cells are ideal for cauliflower seedling production. Around
115 protrays are required for of 11,333 seedlings required for one hectare at
spacing of 60 x 45 x 45 cm in three rows planting.
5. Water Management
First irrigation is given just after transplanting. Further irrigation will depend upon
weather, soil type and variety. However, regular maintenance of optimum moisture supply is
essential during both growth and curd development stage. For early and mid season crop,
usually, lesser number of irrigation is needed because of rains. In areas having rainfall, the
planting is done on ridges, furrow irrigation should be given.
The requirement of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium vary with the soil type, its
nutrient status, variety, cropping pattern and sources of nutrients. It is reported that proper
soil fertility management in cauliflower, alone accounts for 20.7% of all the factors
contributing yield. Generally 20-30 tonnes of FYM is recommended for cauliflower
FYM Speaciality fertilizers
Basal (tons) DAP 10:26:26 Ammoni DNP- PH-50 Amino-G Micronutrients
Dose um G(Bags) Grade II
10-20 3bags 2bags 1bags 3-4bags 2 buckets 2 buckets -
@ 30 - 2bags 1bag 1bag 3bags 2 buckets 2 buckets 10kg
Damping off: It is common problem in seedlings in the nursery beds due to fungus pythium
spp. The base of young seedlings above the soil level attacked by the fungus which become
water soaked and collapse rapidly causing seedling to topple and die.
Correction measure: drench soil with 25ml to 30 ml/ lit formaldehyde and cover the nursery
about 56 hours or drancing with captan @2-3 g/l of water @5 liter/m2.seed treatment with
captan and apron 35 @ 2gm/kg seed.
Downey mildew: This disease cause serious damage in all stage of plant growth. It
is caused by the fungus pernospora parasitica.the disease is caracterised by
appearance of purpulish brown spots on under surface of leaves.
Correction measure: Sprey ridomil MZ 72 @0.5g/lit of water at 10-15 days interval.or with
dithane M 45 @ 15-2 g/lit of water
Alternaria leaf and pod spot: Cause due to Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicola.
Which affect mostly the seed crop. The leaf spot by Alternaria brassicae appear as a
small dark coloured circuler lesion upto one centimeter diameater.the enlargement of
spot may be in the concentric circles. The spots caused by Alternaria brassicae is
similer to A. Brassicola Except that they remain small and lite couloured.
Correction measure: HOT WATER treatment for 30 min at 5o`c temprature followed by
30 minute dip in 100 ppm streptocycline. Antibiotic like agrimycin,streptocycline also found
c. Leafiness: This disorder is commonly seen by formation of small thin leaves from the
curd which reduces quality of curd. Extremely small green leaves appear in between
the curd segment due to inheritable or non-heritable factors. Prevalence of high
temperatures during curding phase aggravates leafiness. Certain varieties are more
sensitive to leafiness or bracketing than other.
It can be controlled by selection of varieties according to their adaptability.
7. Intercultural operations:
The intercultural operations should be done regularly to keep the crop free from
weeds and aeration of the root system. Hoeing should not be deep to avoid injury to the roots.
Usually, in medium heavy and clay soils, there are crust penetration in root system are
hindered, which affect plant growth.
During rainy season, the roots of plants in ridge planting maybe exposed, which
requires adequate earthing. When earthing or ridging is done, the side dressing of nitrogenous
fertilizer should also be done for healthy growth of the crop. In commercial weed control,
basalin @ 2-3 kg a.i/ha + 1.2 hand weeding or tenoran 50 WP @ 1 kg a.i. /ha can be used.
In cauliflower, for getting quality curd, blanching is an important operation to protect the
curds from yellowing due to direct exposure to sum. The curds may also loose some of their
flavour, because of this exposure. This problem generally occurs in such varieties of early
and mid-season maturity group, which have spreading and open plant type.
In some varieties, the curd remains naturally protected and surrounded by inner
whorls of leaves. These are called self-blanching types. Drawing and tying the tips of leaves
when curds are fully developed may do the blanching. The other way to place a leaf a
cauliflower over the curd 4-5 days prior to harvest.
7.1 Use of plant growth regulators
PGR Method of application Attributes affected
IBA@ 10ppm Seedling treatment Increase in yield
GA@ 100ppm +NAA@ Foliar spray Increase in yield
120ppm+Mo@ 2%
GA@ 50ppm +Urea @1% Foliar spray Increase in yield
GA3 @50ppm Foliar spray Increase in yield
NAA 10ppm Seedling treatment Plant stand in the field and
vegetative growth.
Cauliflower can be stored successfully at 0oC and 90-95 percent RH for 2-4 weeks.