Micro Greens

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University of Kentucky

CCD Home CCD Crop Profiles College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Microgreens are young, tender, edible crops that
are harvested as seedlings. These tiny plants are
grown to the first true leaf stage. They should not
be confused with sprouts, which are germinated
seeds lacking true leaves. Microgreens are sold
as a raw product for use in salads, on sandwiches,
and as a garnish.

Microgreens production requires a protected While microgreens have also gained interest
environment, such as a greenhouse or high among health conscious consumers, the primary
tunnel. The short turnaround time and potentially market is still fine dining establishments. Some
high value of microgreens can seem attractive to specialty grocers and health-food stores are
producers; however, production is very labor- interested in supplying microgreens to consumers,
intensive. but the highly perishable nature of the crop
can create substantial marketing challenges,
Marketing particularly for inexperienced growers.
Although interest in microgreens has expanded
since their introduction into high-end culinary The most likely successful marketing strategy
establishments in the late 1990s, the main market for producers interested in growing microgreens
continues to be restaurant chefs. Other direct is to work directly with a restaurant or chef,
market opportunities could include upscale or growing and delivering microgreens at the
gourmet grocery stores, as well as health food requests and preferences of the restaurateur.
stores. Microgreens are typically purchased and used
by restaurants in small amounts, and the quick
Market Outlook growing and harvest time may make this a more
Microgreens, also known as vegetable confetti, attractive crop for very small growers interested
are one of the latest culinary trends growing in developing nearby, high-end specialty markets
in popularity. Promoted as a highly nutritious for fresh produce.
food product, the demand for microgreens has
increased since being identified as a national Production Considerations
trend in haute cuisine around Crop selection
2006. Many white tablecloth A large number of vegetable,
restaurants now incorporate herb, and agronomic crops
microgreens as garnishes or and crop varieties can be used
flavoring. for microgreen production.
Agriculture & Natural Resources • Family & Consumer Sciences • 4-H/Youth Development • Community & Economic Development

Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
Lettuces may be too delicate, and are often not densely over the media. Treated seeds may have
considered good candidates for microgreens. elevated levels of chemical residue in the small
Refer to Table 1, below, for a partial listing of seedlings and are discouraged. The optimum
potential crops. seed density is one that maximizes production
space while avoiding stands so thick that stems
Table 1. Potential Microgreen Crops become elongated and/or disease issues develop.
Amaranth Fennel Depending on the crop and production system,
Arugula Kale a light layer of growing media may be spread
Asian greens Kohlrabi over the seeds. It is best to seed only one type
Basil Lemongrass or cultivar per flat; however, if more than one
Beet Mizuna species will be seeded in the same flat, the crops
Broccoli Mustard should have similar germination rates so the
Buckwheat Nasturtium
whole flat can be harvested at the same time.
Irrigation with overhead mist or an ebb and flow
Cabbage Onion
bench system is common. Well or county water
Carrot Parsley
should be used for irrigation as surface water
Celery Popcorn
sources, such as ponds, pose a disease risk.
Chives Radish
Collards Spinach
Pest management
Cress Sweet pea
The microgreen high density cropping
Dill Swiss chard system provides the ideal environment for
the development of seedling diseases. These
Crop selection is often based on seedling color, young tender plants are particularly vulnerable
texture, flavor, and market demand. How to Pythium and Phytophthora damping-off;
quickly and easily the seed germinates should however, Sclerotinia and Rhizoctonia diseases
be another consideration for the producer. may pose a problem on some hosts. Sanitation,
Growers may need to evaluate a number of crops proper plant spacing, and good cultural practices
before selecting the ones most suitable to their will be necessary to prevent these diseases from
production system and market. gaining a foothold. In addition, the use of a sterile
soilless media, which is required for success,
Production site and planting should reduce any potential disease problems.
The delicate nature of microgreens requires Potential insect problems include aphids and
that they be protected from rainfall and other thrips.
environmental stresses; thus, they need to be
grown in a greenhouse, high tunnel, shade Harvest and storage
structure, or indoors. These crops may be The time from seed to harvest varies between
grown in conventional bench-top production or crop species; however, many seedlings will be
hydroponically. ready for harvest in 7 to 14 days. Microgreens
are harvested at the first true-leaf stage; seedlings
Plastic flats with drainage holes at the bottom will be approximately 1½ to 2 inches tall. Only
are generally used for microgreen production. the stems with leaves attached are harvested;
The trays are either lined with a sterile fiber- roots are left behind. Plants grown in soilless
like seeding mat or partially filled with a peat- media are cut by hand just above the soil line
based soilless germinating media. Hydroponic using scissors. An electric knife or trimmer can
producers may utilize aggregate culture with be used to harvest microgreens grown on seeding
rockwool as the inert growing medium. Pesticide- mats. Mats are held vertically while the crop is
free seeds of the desired crop are broadcast “shaved” from the mat into a clean container.
Microgreens are highly perishable and need to Harvest labor for microgreens will be greater
be washed and cooled as soon after harvest as than leaf lettuces grown under shelter due to
possible. Food safety good handling practices more intensive harvest operations.
should be followed. Microgreens are packaged
into plastic clamshell containers for grocers. Because of the significant variations between
Often the entire tray is sent intact to a restaurant microgreen market prices and production systems,
where the chef harvests the microgreens as a producer should establish their own production
needed. However, only those microgreens budget estimates based on their individual
grown in a rockwool slab or growing mat situation. Production budget templates for
(or something similar) could be marketed to lettuce may be modified to individual microgreen
restaurants in this manner since any sort of loose production situations. Template budgets for high
growing media would not be permitted in the tunnel and greenhouse production are listed in
food preparation area. the resources, below.

Labor requirements Producers able to produce high-quality

Microgreen production is a highly labor-intensive microgreens at market prices of $25 to $50 per
endeavor. Labor will be needed for preparing pound are likely to generate positive economic
growing trays, seeding, and harvest. Because returns from this crop under both high tunnel and
of the short crop turnaround and necessity of a greenhouse production systems.
continuous succession of plantings, labor needs
will also be continuous. Labor requirements Selected Resources
will vary considerably between production scale • High Tunnel Sample Budgets and
and systems. Harvest and handling are the most Spreadsheets (Cornell University)
labor-intensive parts of microgreen production. http://www.hort.cornell.edu/hightunnel/
Economic Considerations • Hydroponic Crop Program Budgets (Ohio
Initial investments include greenhouse or high State University)
tunnel construction, installation of an irrigation http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/hydroponics/
system, plus equipment purchases. Additional t01_pageview2/Economic_Budgets.htm
start-up costs include purchase of seed, flats, • Microgreens (2 videos) (University of
growing media, and other inputs. Seed purchase Florida, 2010)
costs may be significant for this enterprise. http://virtualfieldday.ifas.ufl.edu/
Establishing a high tunnel can cost around $1.50 microgreens/index.shtml
per square foot, plus labor costs. Greenhouse • Microgreens: A New Specialty Crop
establishment can range from $8 to $30 per (University of Florida, 2010)
square foot. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1164

Reviewed by Tim Coolong, Extension Specialist (Issued 2012)

Photo courtesy of USDA October 2012

For additional information, contact your local County Extension agent

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