Fan Data Line III: Power Monitoring Tool Cherat Cement Company Limited, Line III Process Engnieer
Fan Data Line III: Power Monitoring Tool Cherat Cement Company Limited, Line III Process Engnieer
Fan Data Line III: Power Monitoring Tool Cherat Cement Company Limited, Line III Process Engnieer
Cooler's EP Fan 318FA02 6300 69.9 630 740 630000 2250 38 740 398
Kiln ID Fan 313FA07 6300 273 2600 994 1000000 6800 215 994 2252
Booster Fan 613FA34 400 330.3 185 980 155000 2500 174 980 0.96 116
Coal Mill Exhaust Fan 613FA18 6300 74 710 1485 165000 ---- 61 1485 639
Raw Press System Fan 216FA65 6300 242.6 2240 980 805000 7000 200 980 2095
Main Bag House Fan 314FA03 6300 127.8 1120 740 1000000 2800 90 740 943
Total Kw 6443
Motor list line CRUSHER (kw) Raw Press KILN Coal Mill Cement Mill Packing Utilities
Bag House Cooler EP kiln feed
Main motor #01 Main motor #02 Toatl Kw Main drive # 01 Main Drive# 02 Raw Fan Seperator Total KW ID Fan main motor cooler fans Pfister elevator Total Kw Main Motor Separator Booster fan Exhaust Fan Toatl Kw Main Motors Separator Exhaust Fan Total Kw
Fan fan elevator
Total Plant Kw
280 KW
Rated Power 800KW (each) 2240 KW (VFD) 2240 (VFD) 1120 2800 KW (VFD) 1000 KW (VFD) 630 800KW 185 (VFD) 710 (VFD) 1950KW (each) 916KW(VFD) 3150KW(VFD)
Rated Amp 242.6 242.6 127.8 273 961.8 69.9 81.6 330.3 74
Rated Voltage 6300 6300 6300 6300 690 6300 6300 400 6300 690 6300 6300
411 308 720 1990 2032 2095 77 943 7138 2252 599 398 1611 48 233 5141 608 47 116 639 1410 6600 278 3084 9962 421 512 25302
Production TPH 1200 550 296.39 55 365 120
Kwh/ton of each unit 0.60 12.98 17.34 25.63 27.29 3.51 1.73
kwh/ton cement by M1 21.54 17.34 2.94 27.29
kwh/ton cement by M2 .
kwh/ton cement by M3 .
kwh/ton cement by M4
Kiln Audit 216 Raw press Area Motor List M1 is 1st method of calclation kwh/ton cement. According to this method , after finding kwh/ton of each
kwh/ton individual unit we convert it to the kwh/ton clinker by using clinker factor and then add this to kwh/ton of
cement by M1 kiln unit which is already kwh/ton clinker. After this, we devide this by % at which clinker is to be used in
cement mill and then again divide by clinker to cement factor to have a final kwh/ton cement.
Identification Number Euipment Volts Ampere Power factor Power Kwh No Motor Tag Description Power (Kw) Volts (V) AMP (A) RPM Current Amps Operating power
22 216BC33MT01 Belt Conveyor 55 400 98.7 1479 63 41.90
M1 is 1st method of calclation kwh/ton cement. According to this method , after finding kwh/ton of each
kwh/ton cement individual
Kiln 23 216BC10MT01 Belt Conveyor 45 400 81.1 1479 50 33.26 unit we convert it to the kwh/ton clinker by using clinker factor and then add this to kwh/ton of kiln
by M2 (without
316DRO01MTO1 Kiln main drive 690 522 0.960 599 dividing by 0.9) unit which is already kwh/ton clinker. After this divide by clinker to cement factor to have a final kwh/ton
24 216BE41MT01 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 202 134.35 cement.
25 216BE41MT02 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 184 122.38
Cooler Fans 26 216BE41MT03 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0 0.00
317FA05 400 161 0.96 107 27 216BE41MT04 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0 0.00
317FA06 400 158 0.96 105 M2 is 2nd method. According to this method, kwh or mwh consumption of all units are added upto kiln and
28 216BE53MT01 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 220 146.32 kwh/ton cement
by M3 then divide it by product of clinker production and % at which it is to be used in cement mill. Then add this
317FA07 400 150 0.96 100 29 216BE53MT02 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 196 130.36 kwh/ton clinker to cement mill kwh/ton to have a final kwh/ton of cement
317FA08 400 190 0.96 126 30 216BE53MT03 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0 0.00
317FA09 400 232 0.96 154 31 216BE53MT04 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0 0.00
Cooler Fans kwh/ton cement M2 is 2nd method. According to this method, kwh or mwh consumption of all units are added upto kiln and
317FA10 400 344 0.96 229 32 216DR47MT01 Main Drive Raw press 2240 6300 242.6 989 190 1990.33 by M4 (without then divide it by clinker production. Then add this kwh/ton clinker to cement mill kwh/ton to have a final
317FA11 400 390 0.96 259 33 216DR48MT01 Main Drive Raw press 2240 6300 242.6 989 194 2032.24 diving by 0.9) kwh/ton of cement
317FA12 400 266 0.96 177 34 216FA65MT01 Raw press Fan 2240 6300 242.6 989 185 1937.96
Kiln Feed 475.0 TPH Reactive Heat
Kiln Factor 1.62 Losses
Clinker Production 293.2 TPH SHC Kcal/kg clinker
Coal Consumption 35.20 TPH Rs in Millions
Specifica Coal cons 0.120
Coal NCV 6239.672
Reference Temperature 25c
power factor 0.960
Components limestone slate laterite Raw Mix Clinker without ash Ash Analysis
SiO2 10.21 43.83 42.63 13.39 21.69 54.00
Al2O3 2.48 7.82 12.71 3.06 4.95 20.00
Fe2O3 1.43 4.15 20.56 1.93 3.12 13.00
CaO 43.00 15.79 6.79 40.28 65.26 3.00
MgO 0.77 1.12 1.13 0.80 1.30 0.70
Type of Coal TM (ARB) IM (ADB) GCV (ADB) Ash (ARB) Sulphur VM (ARB) H2 (Calc)
PC Main
Ratio of Usage 70% 30%
Qty Used per day (ton) 548 235
Coal Feed Rate (tph) expected 25 10
Coal Feeder Limit (tph) at NCV of 6000 kcal/kg 30 30
SA Indonesia Afghan
Mix Ratios 10.00% 25.00% 25.00%
Coal required for Clinker to be Produced (tons per day)) 78 196 196
Value of Coal for Clinker (Rs) 1,487,532 3,523,102 3,797,121
Gross Coal Requirement (tons per Day) 83 208 208
Value of Gross Coal Required (Rs) 1,576,784 3,752,103 4,043,933
Coal Average Rate per ton (Rs) 1,900 4,500 4,850
Available Stocks (Tons) 24,687 15,846 19,501
Numbers of Days 297 76 94
Feed Target
LSF 0.95
SM 2.69
AM 1.20
x1 1.48
final values
Rs saved
Mixture Heat Price
(Rs/1000 Kcal) Rs in Millions against saved
Kcal/kg clinker
Kiln Feed 475.00 TPh
Kiln Factor 1.62
Clinker Production 293.21 TPh
Moisture In feed 0.30 %
Reference Temperature 25.00 C
Kiln (tph) Pc Tph
Coal Consumption 35.20
Coal Calorific Value 6239.67 Kcal/kg
Heat In
Mc Hc
Heat from the combustion
of coal 0.12 6239.67
kg/kg clinker kcal/kg.f
Mc Cc Tc
Sensible Heat from the
0.12 0.29 70.00
kg/kg clinker kcal/kg.K C
Mf Cf Tf
Sensible heat from the 1.62 0.21 70.00
raw meal feed
kg/kg clinker kcal/kg.K C
Mw Cw Tw
Sensible heat from 0.00486 1.48 70.00
moisture in feed
kg/kg clinker kcal/kg.K C
Density Flow rate Ma
Sensible heat from cooler 1.08 2.59
Air 707492.14
kg/m3 m3/hr kg/kg clinker
Density Flow rate Ma
Sensible heat from 1.07 260.00 0.0009
Primary Air
kg/m3 m3/hr kg/kg clinker
Density Flow rate Ma
Sensible heat from coal 0.95 0.02
conveyor Air 5308.50
kg/m3 m3/hr kg/kg clinker
Wall Losses
Radiation Losses in Cooler
Average Surface Temperature 150
Ambient Temperature
Alpha Emisivity Boltzmann Constant
1 0.9 5.67E-08
Length 26 m
Width 4.8 m
Height 4.1 m
Temp C Temp K
AT PH exit
286.00 559.00
Temp C Temp K
AT Stack
105.00 378.00
Tertiary Air
Secondry Air
m T2
Hot Clinker mCp(T2-
T1) 1.00 1450.00
kg/kg clnkr C
Flow Desnity
Coling Air mCp (T2- 707492.14 1.29
m3/hr kg/Nm3
m T2
Cold Clinker mCp 1.00 95.00
kg/kg clnkr C
Flow Desnity
AQC Air mCp (T2-
Cooler calculation T1) 712000.00 1.29
m3/hr kg/Nm3
755890.00 1.29
m3/hr kg/Nm3
Flow Desnity
Secondry Air mCp
(T2-T1) 395808.00 1.29
m3/hr kg/Nm3
Heat (Kcal/Kg)
Total in 772.73
Total Out 679.39
Heat Out
Q = Mc * Hc
Heat of Clinker
749.08 Reaction
kcal/kg clinker
Back xt
Normal Den kg/Nm3 Desired Dens Kg/m3 Inlet Nozzle Dia m Area suction mbar
1.289 0.59048210 4.50 15.90 0.75
Normal Den kg/Nm3 Desired Dens Kg/m3 Inlet Nozzle Dia m Area suction mbar
1.29 0.87 4.60 16.61 0.52
Hot Clinker
Cooling Air
T2 T1 T2-T1
m C k kg/m3 Nm3/hr
T2 T1 T2-T1
Kcal/kg clk
Kcal/kg clk
Kcal/kg clk
Density Calculation Temperature
m3/hr Nm3/hr Desired Dens
785184.57 359687.69
Back Next
A B C D Cp (kcal/kg.K)
A+ BT + C(T)^2
+ D(T^3)
0.17 0.00014 0.00000013 0.00000000005 0.26
Flow m Cp at 25C T1
760562.76 2.59 1.01 0.00 273.00
A B C D Cp (kj/kg.K)
A+ BT + C(T)^2
+ D(T^3) 0.17 0.00014 0.00000013 0.00000000005 0.18
Flow m Cp at 380C T1
378404.33 1.29 0.24 25.00 298.00
Kg/hr kg/kg Clnkr kcal/kg.k C K
211920.44 0.72 1.16 25.00 298.00
Kg/hr kg/kg Clnkr kj/kg.k C K Kj/ kg clinker
Flow m Cp at 380C T1
100578.30 0.34 1.20 25.00 298.00
Kg/hr kg/kg Clnkr kj/kg.k C K Kj/ kg clinker
Kcal/kg clk
Kcal/kg clk
510.00 m
381.00 k
0.87 kg/m3
Heat Heat Total IN
374.88 374.88
Kcal/kg Kcal/kg
Heat Heat
91.24 21.81
Heat Heat
102.34 102.34
Kcal/kg Kcal/kg 404.07
740.31 176.93
Kj/ kg clinker Kcal/kg
Heat Heat
414 98.87
Kj/ kg clinker Kcal/kg