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The Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1


Background of the study

In School Year 2012-2013, K to 12 was implemented to the curriculum in the

Philippines. In 2013, K to 12 was enacted into the law known as Republic Act 10533.
Senior High School (SHS) was added to the curriculum in the school year 2015-2016.
One of the strands included in Senior High School is Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) wherein in this strand, mathematics is seen in almost every
subject provided by the curriculum.

Mathematics plays a huge role in STEM strand, much is gained when teaching
and learning mathematics as it is connected with science, engineering, and technology.
In addition, General Physics, General Chemistry, Pre-Calculus, and Basic Calculus are
found in STEM strand wherein Mathematics have a huge part. However, STEM
students’ proficiency in Mathematics is not guarantee, some have to create a coping
mechanism to pass the said subject.

Coping Mechanism are strategies that people use when facing stress to a
particular situation, this can help people adjust to unmanageable events to help them
maintain their emotional well-being.

Less mathematics proficient students or students who do not excel in

mathematics still choose STEM as their strand despite Mathematics taking a huge part
on it. As stated by Dawes, Les, Long, Simone, Whiteford, Chrystal, & Richardson,
Katherine (2015) Why are students choosing STEM and when do they make their
choice? Students choose STEM due to the influence of secondary school students’
selection of STEM-related career choices at universities, because of courses in college
such as medicine related courses, students tend to choose STEM strand because of
offers provided by it. In addition, there are other reasons when taking STEM Strand,
according to Agamata D.R, Mabasa R.A, Puguon M.N, Gulingay M.A, Pivera J.L, and
Para J.R (2018) in Advantages of Taking up STEM Senior High School: Preparation for
College students choose STEM because of its popularity, peer pressure, and other
subjects in STEM that they have interests in. Moreover, STEM strand also offers
benefits such as training for college through solving world problems, critical thinking,
and enough knowledge for preparation in college.

The purpose of the study is to determine how less mathematics proficient STEM
Students of Caloocan City Science High School cope with their strand despite not
excelling on Mathematics subject. Ways on how to teach mathematics effectively were
already studied, however, coping with the subject by less mathematics proficient STEM
students were not stated, hence this study was conducted. Some students fear taking
STEM as their strand in Senior High School because of mathematics, so this study is to
find methods and strategies on how to cope up with the strand despite not being good
at mathematics.

Conceptual Framework

It was stated by Gafoor K.A and Kurukkan A. (2015) Mathematics is considered to

be the hardest subject to learn by students, during a survey, 88% choose mathematics
as the most hated subject whilst only 6% liked the said subject. Reason of disliking
Mathematics is because of its difficulty in understanding wherein 20% rated it as very
difficult, 54% reported medium difficult and only 10% of easy. Moreover, other factors
are instructional and teacher factors.

Juadinez A.S (2019) says that when teaching Mathematics in Senior High School, it
focuses toward learner-centered, relevant curriculum, and contextualized. Deficit along
with mathematical and technology tools, teaching strategies, training, and performance-
based activities have made educators become resourceful and flexible when teaching
mathematics effectively.

Different methods and strategies were found by educators in order to teach

Mathematics effectively to their students. However, in this study, the coping
mechanisms of less mathematics proficient Grade 11 STEM Students of Caloocan City
Science High School and their coping strategies of learning Mathematics are sought.

Paradigm of the Study

Determine the profile of
the respondents in terms The respondents profile
of sex and grade level. together with their
reason for choosing
STEM as their strand
Determine the reasons for
Questionnaire sent despite the difficulty in
the respondent to take through Google Forms Mathematics, their level
STEM strand? will be used when of difficulty when
conducting the study. learning mathematics,
The respondents will be their coping strategies
Describe the difficulty of
less Mathematics when studying
Mathematics when being proficient Grade 11 Mathematics will be
learned by less STEM Students of known. The study will be
Caloocan City Science published and will be
mathematics proficient given to Caloocan City
High School.
STEM students. Science High School
Library wherein the
beneficiaries may see
Determine the coping and may formulate ideas
strategies of the when learning
respondents when Mathematics and/or
learning Mathematics in teaching Mathematics to
STEM? Less Mathematics
proficient students.
Determine the most
common coping strategy
used by the respondents
when coping with difficulty
in Mathematics?
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the coping mechanism of less mathematics

proficient Grade 11 STEM students of Caloocan City Science High School into their
strand. In addition, through these questions the researchers will be able to find answers
to the said study.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Grade level

2. What are the reasons for the respondent to take STEM strand?

3. Describe the difficulty of Mathematics when being learned by less Mathematics

proficient STEM students.

4. What are the coping strategies of the respondents when studying Mathematics?

5. What is the most common coping strategy used by the respondents when coping with
difficulty in Mathematics?


1. There are significant reasons for the respondent to take STEM strand.

2. The are significant level of difficulty of Mathematics when being learned by less
Mathematics proficient STEM students.

3. There are significant coping strategies of respondents use when studying


4. There is a significant most common coping mechanism used by the respondents

when coping with the difficulty of Mathematics.
Definition of terms

Coping Strategy. It is a strategy people use in order to adjust in stressful events while
still maintaining their emotional well-being.

Less Mathematics Proficient. A person who is not conversant with the complexities of
mathematical reasoning.

Mathematics. The abstract science of number, quantity, and space.

Method. A procedure for approaching and accomplishing something.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). It is an educational

program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college and
graduate study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Strategies. Plan of action or policy to an overall or major aim

Significance of the Study

Community. This study will provide enough knowledge regarding the coping
mechanisms of non-mathematician STEM students to mathematics.

Department of Education (DepEd). Through this study, DepEd can come up with an
idea regarding teaching Mathematics to students wherein students who excel in
mathematics and students who do not can comprehend to.

Future Researchers. This study will help them formulate ideas when thinking of a new
research topic.

Junior High School Students. This study will help them by easing their mind
whenever they feel anxious choosing STEM as their strand because of mathematics.

Caloocan City Science High School This study will make them widen their knowledge
regarding the coping strategies of less mathematics proficient students to Mathematics.
Less Mathematics Proficient STEM Students. Through this study, they will be aware
about strategies on coping with Mathematics.

Researchers. This study will also make them widen their knowledge regarding the
coping strategies of Less Mathematics proficient STEM Students to Mathematics
wherein they can use this research for future purposes.

Teachers. They will be aware about the coping mechanisms of Less Mathematics
proficient STEM students to Mathematics; hence, they can formulate ideas regarding
teaching them.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This is to determine how Less Mathematics proficient Grade 11 STEM Students

of Caloocan City Science High School cope with their strand despite having
Mathematics as a huge part of the curriculum. Coping strategies with Mathematics will
be determined. The study will revolve around less mathematics proficient grade 11
STEM students of Caloocan City Science High School/ The researchers will conduct a
survey to the said respondents to find answers for the study.

Review of Related Literature

Gyateng E.O (2017) stated in “A count of coping strategies: A longitudinal study

investigating an alternative method to understanding coping and adjustment” that an
individual’s ability to change and modify coping strategies or also knows as coping
flexibility still depends on the situation an individual is experiencing, this study proves
that there are different strategies for an individual to cope up with a situation.

In addition, Shaikh B.T, Kahloon A., Kazmi M., Khalid H., Nawaz K., Khan N.A.,
and Khan S. (2004) says in Students, Stress and Coping Strategies: A Case of
Pakistani Medical School that factors of stress for students are helplessness, inability to
cope, increased psychological pressure, mental tension, and undesirable amount of
workloads, exams and academics also cause a lot of stress for students. Stress affects
academic performances, hence, students’ comes up with coping mechanism for stress,
these are 1. playing music and sports, 2. sleeping, going to insolation, and 3. hanging
out with friends. This study shows various coping mechanisms of students when
experiencing stress to academic related situations.

It was stated in the study conducted by Yazon A.D., Manaig K.A., and Tesoro J.F
(2017) in Coping Mechanism and Academic Performance Among Filipino
Undergraduate Students that one coping mechanism of a students is by asking advice
from relatives or someone they look up to. They also accept understanding and
sympathy from other people, they talk to someone about their feelings and seek
concrete solutions for their problems.

Moreover, a study conducted by Bausa N.C., Quilas D.C., and Inao R.J (2019)
regarding the Coping Strategies of selected grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics Students of Lagro High School towards General Physics II stated that
listening to music, watching movies, eating, spending time with family and(or) friends,
taking a walk, surfing internet, and playing online game are their coping mechanisms
when spending hard time in studying General Physics.

On a side note, as stated by Hadanovaca J. and Nocar D. (2016) Mathematics is

important and gives support on personal development. Mathematics influences
students’ education on mathematical knowledge and moral education. Mathematical
application is also found in architecture, building industry, banking sector, cartography,
nature, technology, etc. basically, mathematics can be found anywhere. Moreover,
mathematics is a topic that impacts us and our decision constantly. (Henshaw 2019)
However, according to Chard D.J, Clarke B., Baker S., Braun D., and Katz R.
(2005) mathematics can be difficult. a person’s difficulties in reading are the same with
the person who have difficulties in mathematics, through a process, a students’ level of
difficulty to mathematics can be determined.

In addition, Mulligan J. (2011) have come up with an idea about the origins of
student’s difficulties when learning mathematics which states that some students fail to
comprehend mathematical concepts such as patterns and structures that leads to
mathematical competency. With this studies, it proves that there are students whom
have difficulties when understanding mathematics, wherein it can be called less
mathematics proficient students.

In a study conducted by Grehan M., O’Shea A., and Bhaid C.M (2010) Students
who have the same mathematical background with other students still fails
mathematics, it was said that both groups have similar difficulties and problems when it
comes to the said subject, however students who passed mathematics needs coping
mechanism and strategies in order to get through mathematics, although, its coping
mechanisms and strategies were not clearly stated.

Moreover, according to Abramovich S., Grishpan A., and Miligan D. (2019) in

Teaching Mathematics through Concept motivation and Action Learning, one way of
teaching mathematics students is through problem solving which are followed by a
reflection. In addition, by repeatedly utilizing action learning and concept motivation in
mathematics, students' success has potential in terms of improving. Hence, in this
study, ways on teaching mathematics were focused.

When teaching mathematics, it must focus on relevant curriculum, learner-

centered, and contextualize. Along with mathematical and technology tools, strategies
in teaching, training, and performance based activities may help educators teach
mathematics successfully to students. (Juadinez 2019) which proves that there are
ways for less mathematics proficient students to learn mathematics, although, this study
focuses on the educator’s perspective when teaching mathematics and not the
student’s perspective wherein this study does not show how less mathematics proficient
students comprehend with the strategies of the educator when teaching.

The cited articles are relevant for the study conducted due to the reason that the
topics in the article are related to coping strategies, difficulties in mathematics, and
teaching strategies in mathematics which have given ideas for the researchers to add to
their study. Some are different and some are the same types of coping strategies when
dealing with different situations were found in different study which can be helpful for the
researchers when finding the most common coping strategy of an individual.

Research Methodology

Research Design

The study will be a non-experimental research, specifically, a descriptive-survey

research. The researchers will determine different coping strategies of the respondents.
The researchers used the entire population of the Grade 11 STEM Students of
Caloocan City Science High School. In performing surveys, the researchers will be
using google forms.

Participants of the study

The respondents for the study being conducted are the grade 11 STEM Students
of Caloocan City Science High School who are less proficient in Mathematics. The
whole population of the Grade 11 STEM students will be utilized in this study which is
comprised of 165 individuals.


The research tool that will be used for the study is survey questionnaire which
shows the purpose of the study followed by five more parts.

For the first part, the profile of the respondents will be asked, these are their sex and
grade level.

Second part states their reason for choosing STEM as their strand.

Third part will ask their difficulty level in Mathematics, linear scale will be use for this
part, and their hours of studying Mathematics.

Lastly, fourth part will be asking their coping strategies in learning Mathematics.

Through this survey, the researchers will determine the respondents’ coping
mechanisms and their methods and strategies when learning Mathematics, this will also
help the respondents determine which coping mechanism is most used by the

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers searched for related studies to coping strategies and difficulty in
mathematics which helped them widen their knowledge in the topics.

The researchers came up with a questionnaire that will be answered by their

respondent, the researchers will seek consultation to their adviser for the improvement
of the questionnaires. The questionnaire made will lead to answers for the formulated
questions of the study.

The test will be conducted online, the questionnaires will be sent to the
respondents through google forms.

With the help of the respondents, the researchers will determine their coping
strategies when learning Mathematics. All answered questionnaires will be combined for
analyzing of data.

Data Analysis

The researchers will be collecting data through a survey which will be sent
through online. Some parts of the questionnaire are through ordinal scale whilst there is
also part wherein the question does not require any scale.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will seek consent and permission to the respondents when
conducting their test. The researchers will also document the process of their study for
validation purposes.


In this chapter, respondents’ response for the survey will be seen. The
researchers will then be interpreting the data gathered for them to reach the results.

I. Respondents’ profile.

Table 1

Frequency and percentage distribution of the grade 11 STEM students of Caloocan City
Science High School according to their sexuality

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 93 56.4%

Female 72 43.6%

Total 165 100%

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution according to sex. Out
of 165 respondents, 93 are males which is 56.4% of the whole population percentage
while females have a percentage of 43.6% which is 72 out of the 165 whole enumerated
population. The data reveals that majority of the respondents who struggle in
Mathematics are female.

According to Ganley C. (2018), in a specific group, students who tend to perform

better in Mathematics are male, in a recent analysis conducted, it was found that male
tends to outperform female in more complex areas of mathematics. Moreover, in a
study conducted by Casinillo L.F, May A.E., Casinillo E.L., and Batidor P.G. (2020)
Mathematics causes anxiety and negative effect for students, especially for females,
females tend to be more anxious when studying mathematics due to various reasons.
However, it was stated by Ghasemi E. and Burley H. (2019) in the study of gender,
affect, and math: a cross-national meta-analysis of trends in international mathematics
and science study 2015 outcomes that an intelligence of a sex in terms of Mathematics
still depends on the environment the sex has grew in, and there is no gender
differences found in terms of mathematical skills.

II. Reasons for taking STEM strand.

Table 2

Frequency and percentage distribution of the grades 11 STEM students of Caloocan

City Science High School according to their reason of choosing STEM strand.

Frequency Percentage

1. My preferred course
143 86.7%
for college is in STEM.

2. Peer pressure 2 1.2%

3. My friends are in
7 4.2%

4. Others 13 7.9%

Total 165 100%

Table 2 determines the frequency and percentage distribution according to

choosing STEM as their strand. The table shows that majority of the students (86.7%)
chose STEM due to their preferred course relating to STEM. This shows that students
will still choose STEM strand despite the difficulty because of the course they will be
choosing in the future.

In a study conducted by Kaleva S., Pursianen J., Hakola M., Rusanen J., and
Muukkonen H. (2019) students tend to choose STEM strand due to it being helpful for
future purposes, the way the strand will impact them in the future is considered before
choosing any. Perceived need in their career plans and future study is the most
important factor when choosing a strand.
III. Difficulty of Mathematics when being learned by less Mathematics proficient
STEM students.

Table 4

Scale to determine the difficulty of Mathematics. (1 served as less likely of me and 5 as

very likely of me)

1 2 3 4 5
f % f % f % f % f %

1. Are you having a hard

time when learning 3 15% 7 35% 8 40% 2 10%

2. How often do you find

Mathematics hard to 4 20% 5 25% 9 45% 2 10%

3. How do you rate the

difficulty of mathematics? 46.1 31.5
9 5.5% 28 17% 76 52
(1 being very easy and 5 % %
being very hard)

4. Do you do something to
26.1 27.3
improve your grade in 5 3% 11 6.7% 43 61 37% 45
% %

5. Do you have a coping

1.2 13.3 75 33.9 35.8 15.8
strategy when learning 2 22 59 26
% % 6 % % %

Table 3 determine the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

in terms of level of difficulty they experienced when learning Mathematics. Data shows
that almost all the students experience hard time when learning mathematics however
they come up with coping strategies to help them with the difficulty.

According to a study by Skaalvik E.M (2018) in Mathematics anxiety and coping

strategies among middle school students: relations with students’ achievement goal
orientation and level performance is that coping strategies are used to help lessen the
anxiety Mathematics gives.

IV. Coping strategies of less Mathematics proficient STEM students.

Table 4

Frequency and percentage distribution of the grade 11 STEM students of Caloocan City
Science High School according to the length of time they spent studying Mathematics

Frequency Percentage

30 minutes - 1 hour 85 51.5%

1 hour - 2 hours 66 40%

I do not study at all 10 6.1%

Other 4 2.4%

Total 165 100%

Table 4 indicates the frequency and percentage distribution of the length of time
respondents spent studying Mathematics. It shows that that out of all the 20
respondents, students who study at 30 minutes to 1 hour dominates. Data reveals that
students who only study for short hours only help them a little when learning
Mathematics, however, those who study from 1 hour to 2 hours help them a lot in terms
of learning Mathematics.

It was stated by Ukpong D.E. and George I.N. (2013) in Length of Study-Time
Behaviour and Academic Achievement of Social Studies Education Students in the
University of Uyo that there is a significant difference between studying in long and
short hours, students who study for long hours tend to have better performance in
academic that student who study in short hours.

Table 5

Frequency and percentage distribution of the grade 11 STEM students of Caloocan City
Science High School according to the coping strategy they use when learning

Frequency Percentage

Ask a friend to help me with

37 22.4%

Search the topic online 83 50.3%

I study alone and tries hard to

39 23.6%
understand the topic in Mathematics

Other 6 3.6%

Total 165 100%

Table 5 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of coping strategies

used when learning mathematics. Among the coping strategies, searching the topic
online was the most used coping strategies in order to understand mathematics, this
shows that internet is the students’ strategy to help them understand the topic they are

In a study conducted by Kissane B. (2008) states that internet offers a huge role
when learning mathematics as it is one of the education resources, it gives offers that
will help them in learn mathematics i.e. available websites to learn the topic, materials
for reading, reference material, and easy communication and access to sources.

The results of the evaluation says that:

1. Male students of Caloocan City Science High School tend to experience difficulty on
mathematics than male.

2. Students of Caloocan City Science High School chose Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) as their strand due to their course being aligned
at the said strand.

3. STEM students of Caloocan City Science High School find Mathematics hard to
learn hence they came up of coping strategies to lessen the difficulty.

4. STEM students of Caloocan City Science High School study mathematics for 30
minutes to 1 hour, and uses internet as their coping strategy.

Therefore, coping strategy are made by the students of Caloocan City Science
High School to provide help for less Mathematics proficient students

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the


The study was conducted to determine the coping strategies of the less
Mathematics proficient students of Caloocan City Science High School. It is well known
that Mathematics are the most difficult subject to learn (Singh, 2018) hence the
researchers’ objectives for the research are as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Grade level

2. What are the reasons for the respondent to take STEM strand?

3. Describe the difficulty of Mathematics when being learned by less Mathematics

proficient STEM students.

4. What are the coping strategies of the respondents when studying Mathematics?

5. What is the most common coping strategy used by the respondents when coping with
difficulty in Mathematics?

Moreover, the literature were done in chapter 1, teaching strategy of a teacher

when teaching Mathematics was included to determine the teacher’s perspective in
terms of Mathematics and their ways to help the students lessen the difficulty
Mathematics brings. Studies about coping strategies were also included.

The researchers used quantitative research, specifically descriptive-survey for

the study and used grade 11 STEM students of Caloocan City Science High School
who are less proficient in Mathematics as their respondents, the number of the
respondents who took part for the study is 165 and used google form as their media for
their questionnaire.

The researchers then found that the students of Caloocan City Science High
School do came up with coping strategy to help them study Mathematics better, this
particular coping strategy that is most use by the students is using the internet and
searching the topic online.

Based on the analysis of the researchers regarding the response of the

respondents, they found out that 1. Males students of Caloocan City Science High
School have difficulty learning Mathematics than male student. 2. Students of Caloocan
City Science High School chose STEM as their strand due to the course that are
aligned of the said strand 3. Students of Nan Sing School Cauayan City, Inc. Describe
mathematics as hard to learn. 4. Using the internet and asking a friend regarding
learning mathematics are the coping strategies students of Caloocan City Science High
School use. 6. Using the internet to find topics that will help them with Mathematics is
the most use coping strategy of Caloocan City Science High School when dealing with
the said subject. In addition, the hypothesis made by the researchers are all accepted.


The researchers proved that students of Caloocan City Science High School who
are less proficient in Mathematics indeed use coping strategy to understand the said
subject. However, the researchers recommend the following to further improve the

Community. They should have a more positive outlook about mathematics. This will
help learners with difficulty in the subject to be more motivated in learning the subject
since many people will view it as a challenge instead of a burden. Mathematics is an
indispensable subject in the curriculum and is important in daily living as well as in the
study of other subjects. However, according to Gafoor 2015, there is a common belief
that majority of the students dislike mathematics, owing to an array of factors related to
instruction and learners’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor attributes, subject matter
and the learning environment. This notion should be eradicated in the community if we
want our learners to improve their skills in mathematics. Though is not the sole factor, it
surely is of great help in improving the mathematical skills of our learners.

Department of Education (DepEd). Propose a plan that will suit both the teaching and
learning process while using the coping strategies as their guide.
Future Researchers. Use this research as their basis when conducting their own
research, if they decide to further improve this research, they should focus on a bigger
population and might as well conduct a study on various subjects aside from

Senior High School Students. Come up with their own coping strategy or decide to
use their most preferred coping strategy stated in the conducted research.

Caloocan City Science High School. Provide a concrete plan that considers this
research as well as the coping strategies stated to further teach their students

Less Mathematics Proficient STEM Students. Provide additional coping strategies to

further reach the improvement of the conducted research.

Researchers. Further improve the research upon reaching college and come up with
advocacy relating to the conducted research.

Teachers. Use the conducted research as their basis to improve their teaching
strategies wherein both proficient and less proficient students may understand the topic
they are teaching.


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