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000 Revised Teachers Attitude 1

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Chapter 1


The Problem and Its Background

Teachers are the country’s solutions to it’s people

never ending-ignorance.They are the greatest builders of
knowledge and wisdom. Their vital role is to ensure literacy
for the present and future generetions and the fundamental
building block of a nation. A teacher has to be linient
enough to the students, learners’ has diverse learning
abilities and it’s up to the teacher on how he/she could be
sufficient in their needs of knowlegde.Teachers have to be
resourceful and skillful.
Teacher is a person working in educational organization
and it is the most important element in teaching and
education. It is determined by the educational system that
the teacher empower students to attain intellectual,
developmental and behavioral goals.(Silman 2007) The teacher that tries to understand
students feelings, in the same manner with fear,worry and interest, support and recognize
worth of students social activities, compliments them in their activities will make
students feel that they being are thought of love and help that the teacher is working for
their good to maintain the good relations and positive attitudes towards them.

Attitudes in teaching is important in the effective delivery

of instruction among teachers. Attitude defines as a
willingness to act in a positive or negative way regarding

persons ,things, events or ideas .(Degnew 2009) Attitudes
consist of principles or guidelines that allow individuals
to comprehend and understand the environment around him.
Individuals have a strong comprehension and appreciations of
the people and things with whom they have connections
particularly if they believe that they have the capacity to
influence their behavior. Teachers attitude is crucial
element in the academic performance as well as in the
learning development of a learners’.

The role of a teacher is to motivate and inspire their

students for the love of learning which is very crucial to
succeed.Teachers have the basic responsibility in molding
the future workforce for nation building so if we really
want to obtain national development ,we have to acknowledge
that education is the essential for sustainable nation
development.Hence, we also have to recognize the significant
responsibility of the teachers in the realization of that

When teachers display their best attitude and they

work well. They put in excellent performance but when they

take teaching for granted, the quality of their performance

is equally low. The demand for every teacher to perform well

and to increase their morale is embedded in the Philippine

Professional Standards for Teachers Domain 7 which

reiterates teachers personal Growth and Professional

Development. It emphasizes the philosophy of teaching

dignity of teaching as a profession, links with colleagues

professional reflection and learning to improve attitude in

teaching and professional development goals. Teachers are

the largest professional body in a school, have the most

contact with learners throughout the day, and influence the

environment of the school greatly. When teachers feel

positively about their position, feeling referred to as

teacher morale, they have tremendous positive influence on

the learners and school. The reverse is also true; when

teachers have negative feelings about the school, they

negatively influence the learners and the school.

Teachers use a variety of techniques and methods

to convey message and instruction to their students. As a

result, teachers need to focus on educational attitudes that

provide all learners with opportunity to grow and prosper in

the classroom. It is also believed that when a learner is

properly motivated, he will achieve better. A teacher then

must consider that every learner has a unique personality,

separate and distinct from the rest. A learner wants only to

learn what he is interested in. If he is not interested in

what he is learning, he will simply go through the wrong

path. The teacher therefore should be careful, creative, and

be able to be a good motivator. Good preparation made by

teachers in school, favorable and positive attitude of

parents to support the education of their children

contributes favorably to learner’s performance in school.

Subsequently,English is a language, it is consider as a

lingua franca it defines as a common language to those

individuals who have diverse language. The Philippine

government adopt English as a language of trade and business

due to the influence of English language to globalization.

Thus , the government adopted policies to ensure that

Filipino students develop competent proficiency in the

English language. The language Arts and Multiliteracies

Curriculum (LAMC) (also known as The K to 12 English

Curriculum) was established as a response to the low

performance of students in (NAT) beyond subjects. It is

founded on the belief that language, learning and thinking

are interconnected and the language is the basis of all

Homo sapiens relations. It’s fundamental goal is to

develop multiliterate and communicatively competent

learners who are competitive in the global economy.

(Department of Education 2016)

The curriculum aims to help learners understand that

English language is a dynamic social process which responds

to and reflects changing social conditions, and that English

is inevitably engage with values, beliefs and ways of

thinking about ourselves and the world we live in. Moreover,

The curriculum aims to help learners acquire highly

established literacy skills that enable them to understand

that English language is the most widely used medium of

communication in the Arts, Trade, Mathematics, Sciences and

in world economy. Through multi-literacy skills, learners

will be able to appreciate and be sensitive to sociocultural

differences and understand that the meaning of any method of

communication depends on the purpose context and listeners.

(DepEd 2016)

In the case of Philippine education’s performance on the

acquisition of skills in the English language, the

Philippines moved seven spots lower from 20th to 27th in the

2020 English Proficiency Index (Education First, 2020)

despite maintaining its overall "high proficiency" rating.

The EPI was based on the results of English tests

administered to 2.2 million adults from 100 countries and

territories. It is also observed that for the previous

years, the country has been declining in its English

Proficiency Index standing. Also, according to the 2018

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the

Philippines also ranked lowest in reading comprehension

among the 79 countries in the global survey. Moreover, the

Basic Education Exit Assessment (BEEA) on the Grade 12

students showed a low proficiency rating in the core areas

of learning, including languages (DepEd,2019). These figures

pose a significant attention in the decline of student

performance in the English subject area that must be

addressed in the basic education.

One of the greatest concerns of Philippine education is

the attainment of quality basic education for every Filipino

child. There is a need to improve the educational system to

cope up with the rapid changes made by the introduction of

modern technology. In addition, the country is in a stage

of transformation where the task of restructuring society is

the topmost priority. In this respect, the schools are

expected to cooperate and perform multiple roles and

expanding them. The goals, aims, objectives, and plans of

the educational system are the quest for quality education.

As there are schools that perform well while others do

not, there could be some factors that make the difference.

Variations on how teachers manifest attitudes can contribute

to managing learners, and consequently, influencing the

learning of the learners. Thus, the study envisions

exploring the need to evaluate how the teachers’ attitude

affects the performance level of learners in their academic

achievement particularly in English.

Statement of the Problem

This study will assess the teachers’ attitude in

teaching and their relationship to learners’ academic
achievement in English in Cataratan Integrated School.
Specifically, the following problems will be answered:

1. What is the profile of the selected respondents?

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Civil Status
d. Highest Educational Attainment
e. Plantilla Position
f. Number of Years in the Service
g. Trainings Attended
2. What is the assessment of the teachers on their
attitude in their delivery of instruction?
3. What is the academic achievement of the learners in
English based on their class general weighted
4. Is there a relationship between the academic
achievement of the learners and the attitude of
teaching of the respondents?
5. What recommendations can be drawn from the
respondents attitude in teaching to the learners’
academic achievement in English?


This study hypothesizes that there is no significant

relationship between the attitude of teaching of the
selected respondents to the academic achievement of the
learners in English.

Objectives of the Study

This study was anchored with the following objectives:

1. To identify the profile of the repondents in terms of

age, sex, Civil Status, highest educational attainment,
plantilla position, number of years in the service,
training attended.

2. To determine the respondents attitude in teaching with

regards to their delivery of instruction.

3. To assess the academic achievement in English of the

selected grade 7 students based on their class
general weighted average?

4. To understand the significant relationship between the

attitude of teaching of the selected respondents and to
the academic achievement of the learners’ in English.

5. To have recommendation to boost the academic

achievement in English of the selected grade 7 students
and to improve the attitude in teaching of the
selected respondents.

Theoretical Framework
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive theory

Research Paradigm

The research paradigm for the study is positivism.The
research will be based on the analysis of the Attitude of
teaching of the respondents to acquire knowledge about the
------by the grade 7 students in relation to academics
achievement in English base on their general weighted
average.Qualitative descriptive and Questionniare survey
will be use. copied

Figure 1.

Process Output
profile of the Effects in Academic
respondents in  Questionnaire Achievement of
terms of the learners’ in
 Discriptive English
 Age Qualitative
 Sex Survey
 Civil status
 Highest
 Statistic
 Plantilla
 Number of
years in the
 Training

Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the Assessment on the

Attitude in teaching among the selected Teachers of Cataratan Integrated
School:in relation to academic achievement of the Selected Learners in

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of the study. The Input

represent the arrangement of data and material into the
process which includes the demographic profile of the

teachers with regards to their study wherein the input is
consisting the following behaviour of the respondents.
On the other side, the process being used is through
questionnaire, descriptive survey and statistical treatment
such as percentage, frequency, mean.
The output is the effects of the attitude of teaching of the
respodents to the academic achievement of the selected
students in Cataratan Integral School in the school year
2020-2021. The reasearcher will investigate the effects of
the attitude of the respondents in teaching. The table shows how
the researcher researched, surveyed and solved the thesis statement

Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.

The conceptual framework of the study is to illustrate the
relationship of the variables as shown below:

Behavior of
the Selected
respondents Effects in the
Academic Recommendation
of the learners
in English

Conceptual framework of the study

Figure 1 describes The conceptual framework of the


Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

Curriculum Planner will be given baseline data to be
able to make plans for the enhancement of the program.
They are also given information on what part of the
program needs to be improved.
School Heads will be given a basis to look into
policies and guidelines governing the program in order
to suggest and formulate policies geared towards the
attainment of better performances.
Teachers will be provided information on how to
determine the strengths and weaknesses of learners in a
certain developmental domain. It will also provide
them opportunities to enhance the activities for the
improvement of the kindergarten program.

Learners will be benefited because their weaknesses
would be identified and improved and their strengths
will be enhanced.
Parents will be given information on the importance of
the program and be able to help guide their children
for a better higher learning grade level.
The community will be given the chance to know the best
practices of the teachers to whom their children were
Researchers will be given a basis to have a study
similar to this study using more variables and wider
English Language Planner=

Scope and Delimitation
What is the goal of the study
Add the population of the study
Delimit certain level

The study will be conducted from July 2021-October


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to have a

better understanding of this study.

Affiliative refer to the conditions wherein teachers

enjoying working together, supporting one another, and

feeling valued and included

Self-determination refers to the situation wherein

teachers remain to “teach in the school because they want to

be, working to improve their skills as true professionals”

Collaboration refers to the situation wherein teachers

meeting and working together to solve instructional,

organizational, and curricular issues

Performance refers to the achievement of the learners

as to class General Weighted Average.

Attitude refers to the written and unwritten rules

that shape and influence every aspect of how a teacher

functions, but the term also encompasses more concrete

issues such as the physical and emotional safety of

learners, the orderliness of classrooms and public spaces,

or the degree to which a school embraces and celebrates

racial, ethnic, linguistic or cultural diversity.” This

study refers to the three dimensions which include:

professional collaboration, affiliative and collegial

relationships, and efficacy or self-determination.

Practices refers to the activities of the teachers on

how they run the delivery of instruction.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This portion of the research, presents the literature

and studies conducted by different researchers both foreign

and local that have important bearing to the present


Attitude is considered as the mental state that comprise of feelings and belief, it’s
function is important in understanding behaviour (Dagnew,2009). Attitude and belief
are crucial approach in correlating with learning a second language. There is an inclusive
agreement about teaching success and it’s relationship with teachers attitude.

Particularly in teachers teaching success is significantly correlated with positive attitude
of a teacher. Students are also important to be studied in understanding of any
educational strategies like the one-to-five students' network.  The outcome of this study
are in line with past studies of the importance of the influencing functions of beliefs and
bilingual T&L. ( Howard (2012). In accordance with achievement, positive teachers
attitude in relation to mathematics can be linked to the top achievement of the students
in the subject.( Dagnew 2011)

Simultaneouslly, Attitude is defined as a mental state that include beliefs and feelings, it
is also acknowledge as an important concept to understand human behaviour. Which is
important in preparing somebody in and during the method of the language learning.
Positive attitude contributes towards the positive gathering of the language learnt.
(Latchanna 2009) The teachers positive attitude have positively motivated students live
achievement including their personality.(Ulug et al. 2011).The best education process
should be teacher-centered along with student – centered more on prior readiness and
educational planning. Numerous research have shown that teachers attitude have
significant effects on the students learning personality, attitude, performance and
behaviours .(Jones 2018) Positive attitude are beneficial to the healthy enhancement of
the students achievements and the curriculum .(Barack 2018)

General to Spicific



PHILIPPINES THEN insert brief background of the study


Chapter 3


The method that will be used in this study is outlined in

this section. It includes the research design, population
and respondents, instruments, data gathering procedure, and
Statistical treatment of Data

Research Design

This study will use a descriptive method of research,

employing the survey and correlational method. This study

will survey and describe the profile of teachers, the

prevalent teachers’ attitudes in terms of professional

collaboration, affiliative and collegial relationships, and

efficacy or self-determination. Similarly, the teachers’

best practices and the academic achievement of their

learners will be described.

The correlation component of the study involved the

determination of the presence or absence of a relationship

between and among the set of independent and dependent

variables. The relationship between the academic achievement

of the learners in English and the profile, practices, and

attitudes of the teachers will gauged.

Population and Sampling Procedure

Grade of students,
Your respondents probability and non probability

The respondents of this study are the English teachers

of Allacapan District with at least 1 year in the service.

Total enumeration of the teachers will be applied as a

sampling procedure; this means that all of them are taken as

respondents to come up with a more vivid result of the


Research Instruments

USE survey questionnaire (attitude in teaching) google form

Always site your sources

Data Gathering Procedures

The data gathering process consist of as follows:

1. After defending this thesis proposal, the researcher

will write a letter to the Schools Heads asking

permission to conduct this study. Upon receiving the

approval, this researcher will personally float the

questionnaire to the teachers to ensure 100% retrieval.

2. An informal interview will be made to validate the

answers given in the questionnaire.

3. The questionnaire distribution will took place with a

guideline and instructions for the participants of the


4. The questionnaires will be collected at the same day of

the distribution.

5. By the help of a statistician ,The result of the data

will study, organize classify, and will be tabulate.

Statistical treatment of Data

Descriptive stat
Technique frequency attitude and performance percentage

This study will use a descriptive and inferential

statistics to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics, can

measure different observations researchers want acquire

throughout the study. It's refers to finding group members

that fit the standard procedure of the research, observing

data about groups you're testing and the application of

statistics and graphs to conclude the findings from this

group. In other words, you're paring down the outcomes from

this group and decreasing them to a few leading points.

The frequency count and percentage will be used to

assess the profile of teachers including the academic

achievement of the learners.

The formula to be use

Percentage = _f_ x 100% Where: f = frequency

N N =No sample

The following arbitrary scale will be used to interpret the

weighted means for the assessed teachers’ practices and


Verbal Descriptions
Range Attitudes Practices
4.20 – 5.00 Always [SA] Strongly
3.40 – 4.19 Often [A] Agree
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes [U] Undecided
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely [D] Disagree
1.00 – 1.79 Never [SD] Strongly

This study will use the Pearson Product Moment

Correlation Formula for the test of the relationship.

Formula to be use: Using SPSS

The stated hypothesis of this study will be tested

under a 0.05 level of significance.




Part I. Profile
Name (Optional): ____________________________________
Age: _______
Sex: _______
Civil Status: _____________
Highest Educational Attainment: ___________________________

Plantilla Position: ______________

Number of Years in the Service: ______________

Trainings Attended (Please indicated the title):

Part II. Best Practices

Direction: Please indicate your response by checking the

space that corresponds to the extent by which you
agree or disagree with each statement. Thank you
very much. Below are the meanings of the numbers.
5 – [SA] Strongly Agree
4 – [A] Agree
3 – [U] Undecided
2 – [D] Disagree
1 – [SD] Strongly Disagree

Statement SA A U D SD
[5] [4] [3] [2] [1]
1. Provides effective
instruction and
intervention in primary and
in the secondary grades.

2. Teaches essential skills
and strategies.
3. Provides differentiated
instruction based on
assessment results.
4. Adapts instruction to meet
students’ needs.
5. Provides explicit and
systematic instruction with
lots of practice.
6. Provides opportunities to
apply skills and strategies
in real life.
7. Does not just “cover”
critical content; be sure
students learn it.
8. Uses reliable and valid
assessment to determine
students’ outcome.
9. Utilizes research‐based
strategies, programs, and
10. Undergoes intensive
professional development.
11. Collaborates with
other teachers and school
12. Looks into the needs
of 21st century learners.
13. Constructs and
reproduces IMs to improve
learner’s achievement.
14. Uses the MTB-MLE as a
medium of instruction.
15. Constructs and
properly delivers DLL

Part III – School Attitude

Directions: Kindly assess the prevailing culture that exists

in your school. Use the following scoring to complete the
survey by checking cell of the number that corresponds to
your own feeling.
5 – Always

4 – Often
3 – Sometimes
2 – Rarely
1 – Never
Professional Collaboration 5 4 3 2 1
1. Teacher and staff discuss instructional
strategies and curriculum issues.
2. Teachers and staff work together to
develop the school schedule.
3. Teachers and staff are involved in the
decision-making process with regard to
materials and resources.
4. The student behavior code is a result
of a collaboration and consensus among
5. The planning and organizational time
allotted to teachers and staffs is used
to plan as collective rather than as
separate individuals.

Affiliative Collegiality 5 4 3 2 1
1. Teachers and staff tell stories of
celebrations that support the school’s
2. Teachers and staff visit/talk/meet
outside of the school to enjoy each
other’s company.
3. Our school reflects a true “ sense” of
4. Our school schedule reflects frequent
communication opportunities for teacher
and staff.
5. Our school supports and appreciates the
sharing of new ideas by members of our
6. There is a rich and robust tradition of
rituals and celebrations including
holidays, special events and
recognition of goal attainment.

Self-Determination/ Efficacy 5 4 3 2 1
1. When something is not working in our
school, the faculty and staff predict
and prevent rather than react and
2. School members are interdependent and

value each other.
3. Members of our school community seek
alternatives to problems/issues rather
than repeating what we have always
4. Members of our school community seek to
define the problem/issue rather than
blame others.
5. The school and staff is empowered to
make instructional decisions rather
than waiting for supervisors to tell
them what to do.
6. People work here because they enjoy and
choose to be there.

Part IV. Learners’ Academic Achievement

Academic performance of the learners in English:



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