3 Uml

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Raj Singh
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general purpose modeling language designed
to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.

Created and developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh at Rational
Software during 1994–95 with further development led by them through 1996.

In 1997 it was adopted as a standard by the Object Management Group (OMG)

In 2000 UML was also accepted by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO)
as an approved ISO standard.

Used to help
communicate some
Most common use of
aspect of a system
and to better
understand it

Used for both forward

Strives to be informal
engineering and
and dynamic
reverse engineering

Only emphasizes More concerned with

those classes, selective
attributes, operations, communication than
and relationships that complete
are of interest specification

Goal is completeness

It is more definitive, while the sketch approach is more explorative

Used to describe a detailed design for a programmer to follow in writing source code

Notation should be sufficiently complete so that a software engineer can follow it

It can be used by a designer to develop blueprint-level models that show interfaces of subsystems or classes

As a reversed engineered product, diagrams convey detailed information about the source code that is easier for
software engineers to understand

Specifies the complete system in UML so that code
can be automatically generated

Looks at UML from a software perspective rather

than a conceptual perspective

Diagrams are compiled directly into executable

code so that the UML becomes the source code

Challenge is making it more productive to use

UML rather than some another programming

Another concern is how to Done with interaction

diagrams, state diagrams,
model behavioral logic and activity diagrams

UML sketches are useful with both forward and
reverse engineering and in both conceptual and
software perspectives

Detailed forward
engineering blueprints are Actual implementation of
interfaces will reveal the needs
difficult to do well and slow for changes
down the development effort

The value of reversed A dynamic browser would be

engineered blueprints very helpful; a thick document
wastes time and resources
depends on the CASE tool

Graphical forms have not

UML as a programming shown to be more productive
language will probably in writing code than textual
code for most programming
never see significant usage tasks


Activity Models procedural and parallel behavior

Class Models classes, attributes, operations and relationships

Communication Models interaction between objects

Component Models structure and connection of components

Composite Structure Models runtime decomposition of a class

Deployment Models deployment of artifacts to nodes

Interaction overview Mixes the sequence and activity diagram


Object Models example configurations of instances

Package Models compile-time hierarchical structure

Sequence Models sequence interaction between objects

State Machine Models how events change an object over its life

Timing Models timing interaction between objects

Use Case Models how users interact with a system

Structure Composite
Diagram Structure Diagram
UML Diagram Diagram

Use Case
Behavior Communication
Diagram Diagram
Interaction Overview
Diagram Diagram
State Machine Timing
Diagram Diagram

Use case / scenario defines how a user uses a
system to accomplish a particular goal.

A modeling technique that defines the features

to be implemented and the resolution of any
errors that may be encountered.

A methodology used in system analysis to

identify, clarify, and organize system

A set of possible sequences of interactions

between systems and users in a particular
environment and related to a particular goal.

What are the main tasks or functions that are
performed by the actor?

What system information will the the actor

acquire, produce or change?

Will the actor have to inform the system about

changes in the external environment?

What information does the actor desire from the


Does the actor wish to be informed about

unexpected changes?

Make automated menu
selections Expert Menu

Order food and drink

Notify customer that
food and drink are ready

Pay for food and drink Payment


Describe situations that may cause the system to exhibit unusual

Brainstorm to derive a reasonably complete set of exceptions for each

use case

Are there cases where a validation function occurs for the use case?

Handling exceptions may require the creation of additional use cases

enter password
and user ID

Supplements the use case by valid passwor ds/ID invalid passwor ds/ID

providing a graphical select major function prompt for reentry

other f unctions
may also be
input tr ies r emain
select surveillance
no input
tr ies remain

thumbnail views select a specif ic camer a

The flow of interaction between select specific

camera - thumbnails
select camera icon

actor and the system within a

specific scenario view camera output
in labelled window

prompt for
another view

exit this f unction see another camer a

homeowner c a m e ra i n t e rf a c e

enter password
and user ID

Allows the modeler to represent the

valid p asswo r d s/ID
in valid
p asswo r d s/ID
select major function

flow of activities described by the o th er f u n ctio n s

may also b e
prompt for reentry

use-case selected

select surveillance
in p u t tries
r emain

n o in p u t
tr ies r emain

th u mb n ail views select a sp ecif ic camer a

Indicates which actor or analysis class select specific

camera - thumbnails
select camera icon

has responsibility for the action

described by an activity rectangle generate video

view camera output prompt for

in labelled window another view

exit th is
fu n ctio n

an o th er
cam er a

Class-based modeling The elements of a class-based
represents model include
objects that the system will manipulate classes and objects
operations (also called methods or services) attributes and operations
relationships between the objects collaboration diagrams and packages
collaborations that occur between the classes

Classes are determined by underlining each noun or noun
phrase and entering it into a simple table

If the class is required to implement a solution, then it is

part of the solution space;

If a class is necessary only to describe a solution, it is part

of the problem space.

External entities
• (e.g. other systems, devices, people) that produce or consume information

• (e.g. reports, displays, letters, signals) that are part of the information domain for
the problem
Occurrences or events
• (e.g. completion of actions) that occur within the context of system operation

• (e.g. manager, engineer, salesperson) played by people who interact with the
Organizational units
• (e.g. division, group, team) that are relevant to an application

• (e.g. manufacturing floor) that establish the context of the problem and the
overall function
• (e.g. sensors, computers) that define a class of objects or related classes of

Attributes describe a class that has been Attributes describe the structure
selected for inclusion in the analysis and value of an instance of a class.

An operation is a method or Operations define the Operations can perform
function that can be behavior of a class, what a computation, take an action,
performed by a class. class can do. call another method, etc.

Entity classes Boundary classes Controller classes
also called model or business are used to create the manage a “unit of work” from
classes, are extracted directly interface that the user sees start to finish
from the statement of the and interacts with the
problem software

System intelligence should be distributed across
classes to best address the needs of the problem

Each responsibility should be stated as generally

as possible

Information and the behavior related to it should

reside within the same class

Information about one thing should be localized

with a single class, not distributed across multiple

Responsibilities should be shared among related

classes, when appropriate.

a class can use its own operations to fulfill a
Classes fulfill their responsibilities particular responsibility
in one of two ways: a class can collaborate with other classes

Collaborations identify relationships between classes

Collaborations are identified by determining whether a class can fulfill

each responsibility itself

Association is a (*a*) Aggregation, a special Composition can be Aggregation is a special
relationship between two type of an association, is recognized as a special kind of an association
classes, where one class the (*the*) relationship type of an aggregation. and composition is a
use another between two classes. special kind of an
Association is non-directional, Association àAggregation
aggregation insists a direction. àComposition


PlayerHead PlayerBody PlayerArms PlayerLegs


1 1 1

is used to build is used to build

1..* 0..* is used to build 0..*

WallSegm ent Window Door

DisplayWindow Camera



A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the

definition of one element (i.e., the source or supplier) may
cause changes to the other element (i.e., the client)

The behavioral model indicates how software will
respond to external events.

Evaluate all use-cases to fully understand the sequence

of interaction within the system.

Identify events that drive the interaction sequence and

understand how these events relate to specific objects.

Create a sequence for each use-case.

Build a state diagram for the system.

Review the behavioral model to verify accuracy and


In the context of
behavioral modeling, two • the state of each class as the system performs its function and
different characterizations • the state of the system as observed from the outside as the
of states must be system performs its function

• A passive state is simply the current status of all of an object’s

The state of a class takes attributes.
on both passive and active • The active state of an object indicates the current status of
characteristics: the object as it undergoes a continuing transformation or

State State transition Event Action
a set of observable the movement from an occurrence that process that occurs as
circum-stances that one state to another causes the system to a consequence of
characterizes the exhibit some making a transition
behavior of a system predictable form of
at a given time behavior

timer < lockedTime

timer > lockedTime locked

password = incorrect
& numberOfTries < maxTries

reading comparing numberOfTries > maxTries

key hit
entered do: validatePassword
password = correct


activation successful

homeowner control panel system sensors

system reading
password entered

request lookup


password = correct
num berOfTries > m axTries request activation

timer > lockedTime



activation successful activation successful

Figure 8.27 Sequence diagram (partial) for SafeHome security function

initialize totalCost

no components remain onBoMList components remain onBoMList

invoke get price and

calcShippingCost quantity

A flowchart to represent the returns:


flow from one activity to invoke

lineCost =
price x quantity

another activity.
returns: discount add lineCost to

totalCost - discount

discount <= 0

The activity can be described

as an operation of the system. taxTotal=
totalCost x taxrate

priceTotal =
totalCost + taxTotal
+ shippingCost

Figure 18.7 Activity diagram for c ompu t e P r i (c)e op e r a t i on 34

A data-flow diagram is a way of
representing a flow of a data of a
process or a system.

The DFD also provides information

about the output and input of each
entity and the process itself.

A data-flow diagram has no control

flow, there are no decision rules
and no loops.
Represents a snapshot of the objects in a
system at a point in time

Shows instances rather than classes, therefore

it is sometimes called an instance diagram

To show examples of objects

connected together based on a
When to use object specific multiplicity number
diagrams To show instances with values
for their attributes

Used to take any construct in UML and group its
elements together into higher-level units

Used most often to group classes DispatcherInterface

Corresponds to the package concept in Java

Notification IncidentManagement
Represented by a tabbed folder, where the tab
contains the package name

Can show dependencies between packages

Shows the physical architecture of the
hardware and software of the deployed

Typically contain components or


Physical relationships among software

and hardware in a delivered systems

Explains how a system interacts with

the external environment
A use case diagram helps describe how people interact with
the system

An activity diagram shows the context for use cases and also
the details of how a complicated use case works

A class diagram drawn from the It also shows the attributes and
conceptual perspective is a good operations of interest in
domain classes and the
way of building up a rigorous relationships among the
vocabulary of the domain classes

A state diagram shows the various states of a domain class

and events that change that state

A class diagram drawn from the software perspective
can show design classes, their attributes and operations,
and their relationships with the domain classes

A sequence diagram helps to combine use cases in

order to see what happens in the software

A package diagram shows the large-scale organization

of the software

A state diagram shows the various states of a design

object and events that change that state

A deployment diagram shows the physical layout of the


Complements the written documentation and in some
instances can replace it

Captures the outcome of the requirements analysis and

design activities in a graphical format

Supplies a software maintainer with an overall

understanding of a system

Provides a good logical roadmap of the system layout

Describes the various states in which a system may exist

Details complex algorithms in a more understandable form

Shows how multiple objects collaborate in the system

Review class notes. Additional reading: Start a discussion on Google
Examples of UML diagrams Groups to clarify your doubts.


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