Reinforced Concrete Design

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Reinforced Concrete Design

Slabs are classified as being one-way or two-
way. Slabs that primarily deflect in one direction are
referred to as one-way slab. When slabs are supported
by columns arranged generally in rows so that the slabs
can deflect in two directions, that are usually referred to
as two-way slab.
Two-way slabs may be strengthened by the
addition of beams between the columns, by thickening
the slabs around the columns (drop panels) and by
flaring the columns under the slabs (column capitals).
Flat Plates are solid concrete slabs of uniform
depths that transfer loads directly to the supporting
columns without the aid of beam or capitals or drop
panels. This can be quickly constructed due to their
simple formwork and reinforcing bar arrangements.
They need the smallest overall story heights to provide
specified headroom requirements, and they also give the
most flexibility in the arrangement of columns and
partitions. They also provide little obstruction to light
and have high fire resistance because there are few
sharp corners where spalling of the corners might occur.
For flat plates there may be a problem in
transferring the shear at the perimeter of the columns.
In other words, there is a danger that the columns may To design a slab any procedure that satisfies
punch through the slabs. As a result, it is frequently both equilibrium and geometric compatibility, provided
necessary to increase column sizes or slab thickness or that every section has a strength at least equal to the
to use shearheads. Shearheads consists of steel I or required strength and that serviceability conditions are
channel shapes places in the slab over the columns. satisfied. Two procedures for flexural analysis and
design of two-way floor systems are used, these are the
Flat Slabs include two-way reinforced concrete
Direct-Design Method and the Equivalent-Frame
slabs with capitals, drop panels, or both. These slabs are
Design Method.
very satisfactory for heavy loads and long spans.
Although the formwork is more expensive that for flat
In Direct-Design Method, the calculation of
moments is based on the total statical moment, the slab
Two-way Slab with Beams is usually used is considered panel by panel, and is used to compute the
where its costs are less than the costs of flat plates or total moment in each panel and in each direction. The
flat slabs. In other words, when the loads or spans or statical moment then is divided between positive and
both become quite large, the slab thickness and column negative moments, and these are further divided
size required for flat plates or flat slabs are of such between middle strips and column strips.
magnitude that it is more economical to use two-way
slabs with beams, despite of the higher formwork costs. In Equivalent-Frame Design Method, the slab
is divided into a series of two-dimensional frames (in
each direction), and the positive and negative moments
are known, they are divided between middle strips and
column strips in exactly the same way as in the direct-
design method.
Reinforced Concrete Design
ONE-WAY SLAB expression in Table 407.3.1.1 shall be multiplied by the
greater of (a) and (b):
Reinforce concrete slabs are large flat plates that are
supported at its sides by reinforced concrete beams, a. 1.65 – 0.0003wc
walls, columns, steel beams, or by the ground. If a slab b. 1.09
is supported on two opposite sides only, they are
For non-prestressed composite slabs made of a
referred to a one-way slab since the bending occurs in
combination of lightweight and normal weight concrete
one direction only. If the slab is supported on all four
that are shored during construction, where the
sides, it is called two-way slab since the bending occurs
lightweight concrete is in compression, the modifier of
in both direction.
Section 407. shall apply.
If a rectangular slab is supported in all four sides but the
The thickness of a concrete floor finish shall be
long side is two or more times than the shorter side, the
slab will act as a one-way slab, with bending occur in permitted to be included in ℎ if it is placed
the short direction. monolithically with the floor slab, or if the floor finish
is designed to be composite with the floor slab in
A one-way slab is considered as a wide, shallow, accordance with Section 416.4.
rectangular beam. The reinforcing steel is usually
spaced uniformly over its width. One-way slabs are Calculated Deflection Limits (Section 407.3.2)
analyzed by considering one-meter strip, which is
For non-prestressed slabs not satisfying Section 407.3.1
assumed independent of the adjacent strips.
and for prestressed slabs, immediate and time-
dependent deflections shall be calculated in accordance
with Section 424.2 and shall not exceed the limits in
DESIGN CODES Section 424.2.2.

Minimum Slab Thickness For non-prestressed composite concrete slabs satisfying

Section 407.3.1, deflection occurring after the member
For sol,lid non-prestressed slabs not supporting or becomes composite need not be calculated. Deflections
attached to partitions or other construction likely to be occurring before the member becomes composite shall
damaged by large deflection, overall slab thickness, h, be investigated, unless the pre-composite thickness also
shall not be less than the limits in Table 407.3.1.1, satisfies Section 407.3.1.
unless the calculated deflection limits of Section
407.3.2 are satisfied. Design Strength (Section 407.5)

Table 407.3.1.1 For each applicable factored load combination design

Minimum Thickness of Solid Non-Prestressed One- strength at all sections shall satisfy ∅𝑆 ≥ 𝑈 including
way Slabs (a) and (b):

Support Condition Minimum, h[1] a. ∅𝑀 ≥ 𝑀

Simply Supported l / 20 b. ∅𝑉 ≥ 𝑉
One End Continuous l / 24
Both Ends Continuous l / 28 Interaction between load effects shall be considered.
Cantilever l / 10
Expression applicable for normal weight and 𝑓 = 420 MPa. For 𝑀 shall be calculated in accordance with Section
other cases, minimum h shall be modified in accordance with 422.3.
Section 407. through 407.1.1.3, as appropriate.
𝑉 shall be calculated in accordance with Section
For 𝑓 other than 420 MPa, the expressions in Table
407.3.1.1 shall be multiplied by (0.4 + ). Reinforcement Limits (Section 407.6)

For non-prestressed slabs made of lightweight concrete A minimum area of flexural reinforcement 𝐴 , shall
having wc in the range of 1440 to 1840 kg/m3, the be provided in accordance with Table 407.6.1.1.

Reinforced Concrete Design
Table 407.6.1.1 Reinforcement Detailing (Section 407.7)
𝐴, for Non-Prestressed One-Way Slabs
Concrete cover for reinforcement shall be in accordance
Reinforcement 𝒇𝒚 , with Section 420.6.1
Type MPa
Deformed bars < 420 0.0020𝐴 Development length of deformed and prestressed
Deformed bars 0.0018 × 420 reinforcement shall be in accordance with Section
Greater 𝐴
or welded wire ≥ 420 of:
𝑓 425.4.
reinforcement 0.0014𝐴
Splices of deformed reinforcement shall be in
Minimum Shear Reinforcement (Section 407.6.3) accordance with Section 425.5.

A minimum area of shear reinforcement, 𝐴 , shall Bundled bars shall be in accordance with Section 425.6.
be provided in all regions where 𝑉 > ∅𝑉 . For precast
prestressed hollow-core slabs with untopped ℎ > 315 Reinforcement Spacing (Section 407.7.2)
mm, 𝐴 , shall be provided in all regions where 𝑉 >
Minimum spacing s shall be in accordance with Section
0.5∅𝑉 . If shear reinforcement is required, 𝐴 ,
shall be in accordance with Section 409.6.3.3.
Maximum spacing s of deformed reinforcement shall be
Minimum Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement
the lesser of 3h and 450 mm.
(Section 407.6.4)
Spacing of reinforcement required by Section 407.5.2.3
Reinforcement shall be provided to resist shrinkage and shall not exceed the lesser of 5h and 450 mm.
temperature stresses in accordance with Section 424.4

Reinforcement to resist shrinkage and temperature

stresses shall be provided in one-way slabs in the DESIGN OF ONE-WAY SLAB
direction perpendicular to the flexural reinforcement in
accordance with: Steps in the Design of One-way Slabs

a. Deformed reinforcement to resist shrinkage and 1. Identify the uniform floor pressure (Pa) to be carried
temperature stresses shall conform to Table by the slab. This load may consist of:
420.2.2.4(a) and shall be in accordance with a. Live load pressure
Sections 424.4.3.2 through 424.4.3.5 b. Dead load pressure
b. The ratio of deformed shrinkage and c. Ceiling load and other attachments below the
temperature reinforcement area to gross slab
concrete area shall satisfy the limits in Table 2. Determine the minimum slab thickness h. If necessary
424.4.3.2 adjust this value depending to your judgment.
3. Compute the weight of slab (Pa)
Table 424.4.3.2 4. Calculate the factored moment (Mu) to be carried by
Minimum Ratios of Deformed Shrinkage and the slab.
Temperature Reinforcement Area to Gross Concrete Uniform load, wu = Factored pressure x 1m
Area 5. Compute the effective depth, d:
Reinforcement 𝑓, Minimum d = h – concrete cover – ½ (main bar dia.)
Type MPa Reinforcement Ratio 6. Compute the required steel ratio ρ:
Deformed bars < 420 0.0020 Solve for ω from Mu = ϕ𝑓′ 𝑏𝑑 𝜔(1 − 0.59𝜔)

Deformed bars
0.0018 × 420 Solve for 𝜌 from 𝜌 =
Greater 𝑓
or welded wire ≥ 420 And Solve for 𝜌 and 𝜌
reinforcement 0.0014 If 𝜌 is less than 𝜌 and greater than 𝜌 ,
use 𝜌.
The spacing of deformed shrinkage and temperature If 𝜌 is greater than 𝜌 , increase the depth
reinforcement shall not exceed the lesser of 5h and 450 of slab to ensure ductile failure.
Reinforced Concrete Design
If 𝜌 is less than 𝜌 , use 𝜌 = 𝜌 . accordance with Section 408.5.2.2, shall satisfy (a) and
7. Compute the required main bar spacing:
𝐴 = 𝜌𝑏𝑑 = 𝜌(1000)𝑑 a. The drop panel shall project below the slab at
Check for minimum steel area, 𝐴 , least ¼ of the adjacent slab thickness;
b. The drop panel shall extend in each direction
Spacing, 𝑆 = × 1000
from the centerline of support a distance not
Use the smallest of the following for the main bar less than 1/6 the span length measured from
spacing: center-to-center of supports in that direction.
a. 𝑆
b. 3 × ℎ A shear cap, where used to increase the critical section
c. 450 mm for shear at a slab-column joint, shall project below the
8. Temperature bars: slab soffit and extend horizontally from the face of the
𝐴 = 𝜌 𝑏ℎ column a distance at least equal to the thickness of the
𝑆 = × 1000 projection below the slab soffit.
Check for minimum steel area Minimum Slab Thickness (Section 408.3.1)
Use the smallest of the following for the
temperature bar spacing: For non-prestressed slabs without interior beams
a. 𝑆 spanning between supports on all sides, having a
b. 5 × ℎ maximum ratio of long-to-short span of 2, overall slab
c. 450 m thickness ℎ shall not be less than value in (a) or (b),
unless the calculated deflection limits on Section
408.3.2 are satisfied:
a. Slabs without drop panels as given in Section
Two-way slabs bend under load into dish- 408.2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 mm
shaped surfaces, so there is bending in both principal b. Slabs drop panels as given in Section 408.2.4 .
directions. As a result, they must be reinforced in both . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 mm
directions by layers of bars that are perpendicular to
each other. A theoretical elastic analysis for such slabs
is a very complex problem due to their highly
indeterminate nature. Table 408.3.1.1
Minimum Thickness of Non-Prestressed Two-way
DESIGN CODES Slabs without Interior Beams (mm)[1]

A slab system shall be permitted to be designed by any Without drop panels With drop panels
procedure satisfying equilibrium and geometric Int. Int.
Exterior panels Exterior Panels
compatibility, provided that design strength at every 𝑓 Panel Panel
section is at least equal to required strength, and all MPa W/out With W/out With
serviceability requirements are satisfied. The direct edge edge Edge Edge
design method of Section 408.10 or the equivalent beams beams Beams Beams
280 𝑙 /33 𝑙 /36 𝑙 /36 𝑙 /36 𝑙 /40 𝑙 /40
frame method of Section 408.11 is permitted for design
420 𝑙 /30 𝑙 /33 𝑙 /33 𝑙 /33 𝑙 /36 𝑙 /36
where applicable.
520 𝑙 /28 𝑙 /31 𝑙 /31 𝑙 /31 𝑙 /34 𝑙 /34
The effects of concentrated loads and openings shall be
For non-prestressed slabs with beams spanning between
considered in design. Slabs prestressed with an average
supports on all sides, overall slab thickness ℎ shall
effective compressive stress less than 0.9 MPa shall be
satisfy the limits of Section 408.3.2 are satisfied
designed as non-prestressed slabs.

A drop panel in a non-prestressed slab, where used to

reduce the minimum required thickness in accordance
with Section 408.3.1.1 or the quantity of deformed
negative moment reinforcement at a support in
Reinforced Concrete Design
Table 408.3.1.2 DESIGN STRENGTH (Section 408.5.1)
Minimum Thickness of Non-Prestressed Two-way
Slabs with Beams Spanning between Supports on All For each applicable factored load combination, design
Sides strength shall satisfy ∅𝑆 ≥ 𝑈, including (a) through
(d). Interaction between load effects shall be
𝛼 [1] Minimum 𝒉, mm considered.
Section 408.3.1.1 applies (a)
≤ 0.2 a. ∅𝑀 ≥ 𝑀 at all sections along the span in
𝑓 each direction;
0.22 𝑙 0.8 1400
Greater (b)[2][3] b. ∅𝑀 ≥ 𝛾 𝑀 within 𝑏 as defined in
of: 36 + 5𝛽 𝛼 − 0.2 Section 408.;
≤ 2.0
125 (c) c. ∅𝑉 ≥ 𝑉 at all sections along the span in each
𝑓 direction for one-way shear;
𝑙 0.8 1400
𝛼 Greater (d)[2][3] d. ∅𝑣 ≥ 𝑣 at the critical sections defined in
> 2.0 of: 36 + 9𝛽 Section 408.4.4.1 for two-way shear.
90 (e)
𝛼 is the average of 𝛼 for all beams on edges of a panel and 𝛼 ∅ shall be in accordance with Section 421.2.
shall be calculated in accordance with Section 408.10.2.7
[2] 𝑙 is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of
If shear heads are provided, Section 422.6.9 and
beams (mm)
𝛽 is the ratio of clear spans in long to short directions of slabs. 408.5.1.1 (a) shall be satisfied in the vicinity of the
column. Beyond each arm of the shear head, Section
408.5.1.1 (a) through (d) shall apply.
At discontinuous edges of slabs conforming to Section
408.3.1.2, an edge beam with 𝛼 ≥ 0.80 shall be Mn shall be calculated in accordance with Section 422.3.
provided, or the minimum thickness required by (b) or To calculate Mn for non-prestressed slabs with a drop
(d) of Table 408.3.1.2 shall be increased by at least 10 panel, the thickness of the drop panel below the slab
percent in the panel with a discontinuous edge. shall not be assumed to be greater than ¼ the distance
from the edge of drop panel to the face of column or
A column strip is a design strip with a width on each column spiral.
side of a column centerline equal to the lesser of 0.25𝑙
and 0.25𝑙 . A column strip shall include beams within Design shear strength of slabs in the vicinity of
the strip, if present. columns, concentrated loads, or reaction areas shall be
the more severe of Section 408. and 408.
A middle strip is a design strip bounded by two column
strips. For one-way shear, where each critical section to be
investigated extends in a plane across the entire slab
A panel is bounded by column, beam, or wall width, Vn shall be calculated in accordance with Section
centerlines on all sides. 422.5.

Calculated Deflection Limits (Section 408.3.2) For two-way shear, vn shall be calculated accordance
with Section 422.6.
Immediate and time-dependent deflections shall be
calculated in accordance with Section 424.2 and shall
not exceed the limits in Section 424.2. for two-way
slabs given in (a) through (c): REINFORCEMENT LIMITS (Section 408.6)

a. Non-prestressed slabs not satisfying Section A minimum area of flexural reinforcement, Asmin shall
408.3.1; be provided near the tension face in the direction of the
b. Non-prestressed slabs without interior beams span under consideration in accordance with Table
spanning between the supports on all sides and 408.6.1.1
having a ratio of long-to-short span exceeding
c. Prestressed slabs.

Reinforced Concrete Design
TABLE 408.6.1.1 DIRECT DESIGN METHOD (Section 408.10)
As,min for Non-Prestressed Two-Way Slabs
Two-way slabs satisfying the limits in Section 408.10.2
Reinforcement Fy, As,min shall be permitted to be designed in accordance with this
Type (MPA) (mm2) section. Circular or regular polygon-shaped supports
Deformed bars < 420 0.0020 Ag shall be treated as square supports with the same areas.
0.0018 × 420
Deformed bars 𝐴
Greater 𝑓
or welded wire ≥ 420 Limitations for Use of Direct Design Method (Section
reinforcement 0.0014𝐴 408.10.2)

There shall be at least three continuous spans in each

(Section 408.7.2) Successive span lengths measured center-to-center of
supports in each direction shall not differ by more than
Minimum spacing s shall be in accordance with Section one-third the longer span.
Panels shall be rectangular, with the ratio of longer to
For non-prestressed solid slabs, maximum spacing s of shorter panel dimensions, measured center-to-center of
deformed longitudinal reinforcement shall be the lesser supports, not to exceed 2.
of 2h and 450 mm at critical sections, and the lesser of
3h and 450 mm at other sections. Column offset shall not exceed 10 percent of the span
in direction of offset from either axis between
centerlines of successive columns.

SHEAR REINFORCEMENT – STIRRUPS (Section All loads shall be due to gravity only and uniformly over
408.7.6) an entire panel.

Single-leg, simple-U, multiple-U and closed stirrups Unfactored live load shall not exceed two times the
shall be permitted as shear reinforcement. Stirrup unfactored dead load.
anchorage and geometry shall be in accordance with
Section 425.7.1. If stirrups are provided, location and For a panel with beams between supports on all sides,
spacing shall be in accordance with Table 408.7.6.3 shall be satisfied for beams in the two perpendicular
Table 408.7.6.3
First Stirrup Location and Spacing Limits 𝛼 𝑙
0.2 ≤ ≤ 5.0
𝛼 𝑙
Direction of Description Maximum
Measurement of Distance or
Measurement Spacing, mm Where 𝛼 and 𝛼 are calculated by
Distance from
column face 𝑑/2 𝐸 𝐼
Perpendicular 𝛼 =
to first stirrup 𝐸 𝐼
to column
between 𝑑/2
stirrups SPAN (Section 408.10.3)
Parallel to between Total factored static moment, Mo, for a span shall be
column face vertical legs calculated for a strip bounded laterally by the panel
of stirrups centerline on each side of the centerline of supports.

𝑞 𝑙 𝑙
𝑀 =

Reinforced Concrete Design
𝑙 is the clear span length the direction that moments Table 408.10.5.2
are considered, shall extend from face to face of Portion of Exterior Negative Moment in Column Strip
columns, capitals, brackets, or walls, and shall be at
𝛼 𝑙 𝑙 /𝑙
least 0.65𝑙 . If the traverse span of panels on either side 𝛽
of the centerline of supports varies, 𝑙 shall be taken as 𝑙 0.5 1.0 2.0
the average of adjacent transverse spans. 0 1.0 1.0 1.0
≥2.5 0.75 0.75 0.75
≥ 1.0
STATIC MOMENT (Section 408.10.4) ≥2.5 0.90 0.75 0.45
Note: Linear interpolations shall be made between values
shown, 𝛽 is calculated using the equation below where 𝐶 is
In an interior span, 𝑀 shall be distributed as follows:
calculated using the equation below.
0.65𝑀 to negative moment and 0.35𝑀 to positive
moment. In an end span, 𝑀 shall be distributed in 𝐸 𝐶
accordance with Table 408.10.4.2 𝛽 =
2𝐸 𝐼
Table 408.10.4.2 𝑥 𝑥 𝑦
Distribution Coefficients for End Spans 𝐶= 1 − 0.63
𝑦 3
Slab W/out
Beams The column strip shall resist the portion of positive
Between Exterior
Exterior Beams
Interior Edge fully
moment in accordance with Table 408.10.5.5
Edge Un- B/w
Supports Un-
restrained all
W/out With restrained Table 408.10.5.5
Edge Edge Portion of Positive Moment in Column Strip
Beam Beam
Interior 0.75 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.65 𝛼 𝑙 𝑙 /𝑙
Negative 𝑙 0.5 1.0 2.0
Positive 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.50 0.35 0 0.60 0.60 0.60
Exterior 0 0.16 0.26 0.30 0.65 ≥1.0 0.90 0.75 0.45

Modification of negative and positive factored moments

by up to 10 percent shall be permitted if the total FACTORED MOMENTS IN BEAMS (Section
factored moment for a panel, 𝑀 , in the direction 408.10.5.7)
considered is at least that calculated. Moment
redistribution in accordance with Section 406.6.5 is not Beams between supports shall resist the portion of
permitted. column strip 𝑀 in accordance with Table 408.

Table 408.
Portion of Column Strip 𝑀 in Beams
(Section 408.10.5) 𝛼 𝑙 Distribution
𝑙 Coefficient
The column strip shall resist the portion of interior 0 0
negative moment in accordance with Table 408.10.5.1 ≥ 1.0 0.85


Portion of Interior Negative Moment in Column Strip (Section 408.10.6)
𝛼 𝑙 𝑙 /𝑙 That portion of negative and positive factored moments
𝑙 0.5 1.0 2.0 not resisted by column strips shall be proportionately
0 0.75 0.75 0.75 assigned to corresponding half middle strips. Each
≥1.0 0.90 0.75 0.45 middle strip shall resist the sum of the moments
assigned to its two half middle strips. A middle strip
The column strip shall resist the portion of exterior adjacent and parallel to a wall supported edge shall
negative moment in accordance with Table 408.10.5.2
Reinforced Concrete Design
resist twice the moment assigned to the half middle strip Table 408.10.8.1
corresponding to the first row of interior supports. Portion of Shear Resisted by Beam

𝜶𝒇𝟏 𝒍𝟐 /𝒍𝟏 Distribution Coefficient

0 0
WALLS (Section 408.10.7)

Columns and walls built integrally with a slab system

shall resist moments caused by factored loads on the
slab system. At an interior support, columns or walls
above and below the slab shall resist the factored
moment in direct proportion to their stiffnesses unless a
general analysis is made.

𝑀 = 0.07 (𝑞 + 0.5𝑞 )𝑙 𝑙 −𝑞 ′𝑙 ′(𝑙 )

Where 𝑞 ′, 𝑙 ′, and 𝑙 ′, refer to the shorter span.

The gravity load moment to be transferred between slab

and edge column in accordance with Section 408.4.2.3
shall not less than 0.3𝑀 .

Factored Shear in Slab Systems with Beams (Section

In addition to shears calculated according to Section
Beams between supports shall resist the portion of shear 408.10.8.1, beams shall resist shears caused by factored
in accordance with Table 408.10.8.1 caused by factored loads applied directly to the beams, including the weight
loads on tributary areas in accordance with Figure of the beam stem above and below the slab.


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